Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20160

Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20160819

with this heartbreaking homecoming. >> it really is. frank and julie, matthew porter was going to the olympics for the third time in rio. he is the one in the middle. he is responsible for repairing the fencing team's equipment. nothing could prepare him for what he saw today when he came home to limp -- lake county. >> reporter: there olympic dreams realized. >> all of the fencers did a wonderful job and it was an honor to be part of that. that was -- >> reporter: matthew porter played the part of armor. his job was maintaining and preparing their recruitment. helping them parry and thrust their way to the podium. >> we were hoping to get three medals. >> reporter: they ended up with four. two silver and two bronze. elated and excited, porter was ready to come home to his other dream. the house he and his wife karen had bought a few months before he left for rio in lower lake. karen e-mail sunday saying they had been spared from the wildfire but an hour later, the fire jumped the line. >> the yard was filled with smoke. the air was orange. i grabbed the dog and threw them into one career. through everything in the car and forgot my purse. >> reporter: porter searched fire footage online, hours of not knowing what happened to karen. >> it was horrible. i was not sure what was going on. >> reporter: the world of fencing faded in the face of what mattered most. >> the most important thing in my world. >> reporter: their world like so many of their neighbors now torched in ruins. matthew and karen had paid cash for their new home. >> the rush of getting in there and then the olympics coming up, not everything got done. one of the things we didn't get done was insurance. and so we are not insured. >> reporter: a los they plan to overcome. to return and rebuild. >> you don't give up. >> reporter: friends have set up a gofundme page to try and help matthew and his wife get back on their feet. it wasn't as their home that they lost. matthew also runs his business from the house and says he lost everything. tonight, they are staying with friends and figure out what to do next. jana katsuyama, ktvu fox 2 news. we have new information tonight about the arrest of the arson suspect charged with starting at lake county fire in as many as he 11 others, ktvu crime reporter henry lee has learned how investigator's tracked down 40-year-old damin pashilk. >> reporter: authorities say pashilk's car was spotted by video surveillance cameras near the scene of more than a dozen roadside fires in lake county going back to july 2015. the surveillance cameras, and cal fire investigator tailed him and also secretly put a gps tracker on his car. after his arrest at a traffic stop monday authorities say pashilk had no explanation for why his car was allegedly near the scene. authorities say he denied any involvement in the arson. >> he did not express any remorse. >> reporter: his alleged spree began in 2015 along highway 20. two of the fires set 20 minutes apart. he then set three fires in clearlake in august 2015. one was near a school. another case, a witness saw the driver of a car throwing something out of the window. where a fire later began. than last month, he is accused of starting three more fires in lake county. on august 9 investigators say they found a matchbook at the scene of a fire that put itself out. four days later, they say pashilk started the huge clayton fire. investigators don't believe he's responsible for last year's rocky fire caused by failed water heater near a marijuana grow. they also have not tied him to the valley fire which cal fire says was caused by a faulty hot tub. but the cause of the jerusalem fire and other smaller fires are still under investigation. >> we're looking at all fires and all instances. >> reporter: pashilk's attorney told me he is not convinced by the evidence so far. he told me the claims are real bear, when they say they saw him in lake county, i was in lake county. i don't know what that means. i don't know what they're claiming until i get more reports. pashilk will return to court in three weeks. he's being held in lieu of $5 million bail. henry lee, ktvu fox 2 news. tonight cal fire updated containment of the clayton fire to 60%. the number of structures burned is also increased to 300 including 190 homes. the soberanes fire burning near big sur is also 60% contained. that fire has been burning now for nearly four weeks in monterey county. about 400 people remain under evacuation orders. in san bernardino county crews are making progress on the massive blue cut fire. the strong winds that have been fueling that fire let up a bit today. making it easier for firefighters. so far 36,000 acres have burned but the fire is now 22% contained. that's up from 4% earlier today. more than 80,000 people remain under evacuation orders. some residents of the ski resort town of wrightwood which is about 50 miles north of san bernardino ignored those evacuation orders. waiting until the fire was almost at their doorstep before they left. >> we ended up leaving last night. we did evacuate. it was close enough that it gave us a bit of a scare. >> we still don't know how many homes have been destroyed. authorities say because the blue cut fire has been so erratic they haven't had a chance to properly assess the damage and provide an exact number of buildings lost. crews battling a new fire in santa barbara county. the ray fire started at 3:00 p.m. in the los padres national forest. quickly climbed to 600 acres. county fire spokesperson says the wind is pushing the fire away from the city of santa barbara which is about 20 miles away. some campgrounds in the area have been evacuated. firefighters were able to quickly control a small brush fire this afternoon near interstate 580. sky fox was over the scene at about near the isabelle offramp where the fire burned a couple of utility poles. pg&e says about 1300 customers in the area lost power for about three hours. the fire appeared to start along the roadside but there's no word on exactly what sparked it. the smoke from nearby wildfires is contributing to unhealthy air here in the bay area. air quality officials have declared another spare the air alert for tomorrow, following one today. that means you're encouraged to take mass transit or carpool to work. also to peel -- people who suffer from asthma and other ailments are advised to stay indoors. >> it is pretty hazy. not unusual for this time of day. usually fairly clear. >> i try to avoid using my car or staying inside during spare the air days. >> tomorrow spare the air alert is the 18th so far this season. a traffic stop in sonoma county has led to the seizure of half a million dollars worth of processed marijuana. and two people are now under arrest. new at 10:00, ktvu's debora villalon is in windsor where authorities expect to see more of these busts in the coming months. debora? >> reporter: yeah. especially with the fall harvest coming up in mendocino county. police agencies in this region know that marijuana and lots of it is always making its way from north to south. the 101 freeway through sonoma county continuous cars and calls. in his career, deputy brian car has stopped hundreds of vehicles with drugs in the. >> this would be the location i stop them right here on the shoulder. >> reporter: his intuition told him the sedan he spotted wednesday night might be one. there were two men in the rented toyota. he pulled over for speeding and tailgating. >> they told me that they had not been using or transporting marijuana. >> reporter: but his nose told him otherwise. and so did his partner. 4-year-old jack. he did it our news than what he did with the toyota. >> this is fun for him. he is trained in the odor of four different narcotics. >> reporter: this toy and some tug-of-war are his rewards when he alerts that he has found something. >> he would stop, he would stare at the location. he would look at the me. >> reporter: found in the trunk, duffel bags containing 108 pounds of processed marijuana. double wrapped, shrink sealed and wiped with air freshener to disguise the older. >> he couldn't have fit anything more. >> reporter: the driver is a 27- year-old staten island man. he lists his trade as construction. his passenger is 29. also from new york. and in construction. both have extensive criminal records. >> my belief that they intend to double their money. here, marijuana might go for 1000 to $2000 a pound. back on the east coast, from two to 5000 depending on the quality. >> reporter: the difference between a quarter million and a half million dollars. as big is this bust was, -- >> there are cops who make by far better arrest than this one. i myself last year got 303 pounds in one single stop. >> reporter: for jag, it was another day at work. >> he is going to get extra treats. he did, that night. >> reporter: the two suspects were booked on felonies, they bailed out, due in court next week. their plan apparently wasn't to drive the pot cross-country but to ship it or mail it home. judging by the flattened cardboard shipping boxes, that were also found in the car. >> good job by that of sir, great job by that dog. i hope he enjoys his treat. debora villalon, thank you. everybody was close to the husband. >> a community coming together after a pregnant woman is killed in a car crash. and doctors work to keep her baby alive. smoky weather entering the bay region, a spare the air day we told you again tomorrow, so you some pictures that show that smoke and where it could be the worst tomorrow. first, taxi robbery in rio? or cover-up story? two olympic swimmers are questioned as the new story emerges involving an altercation at a gas station. police in rio say four u.s. olympic swimmers made up a story about being robbed to cover up their own vandalism as a -- at a rio gas station. two of those swimmers are on their way home but police say two more including ryan lochte face a charge of filing a false report. steve harrigan shows us the surveillance video that casts doubt on their story. >> reporter: rios police chiefs -- police chief says the swimmers were never robbed and they owe the city an apology. the activity of four swimmers between 4:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. sunday has become a headline for a troubled olympics and the cause of a diplomatic dispute between brazil and the united states. six-time gold medal winner ryan lochte first told nbc news that he and three teammates were robbed at gunpoint. >> the guy pulled out a gun, we -- he said, get down and i was like, i put my hands up. i was like, whatever. he took our money. he took my wallet. >> reporter: the details changed. the gun was not held to lochte's head but pointed in his direction he said. there taxi was not pulled over by gunmen but instead lochte now said they were robbed while stopped at a gas station. brazil police tell a different story entirely. they say there was not a robbery but a dispute. between four drunk americans who trashed a gas station bathroom and tried to leave without paying for the damages. the gas station surveillance video shows the four athletes into the bathroom, gas station employees come to the door, then the athletes exit the bathroom, get in a taxi and try to leave. instead they are ordered, possibly at gunpoint, to sit on the curb. >> at this exact moment, what the police can confirm is there was no robbery. in the way that it was reported by the athletes. they were not the victims of the criminal facts that they described. the police can already confirm this. >> reporter: ryan lochte left brazil before a judge ordered his passport seized. two of the swimmers in the taxi, gunnar bentz and jack conger, were seated on board a united airlines flight to houston wednesday night. federal police removed them from the plane and interrogated them for four hours and seized their passports. the police chief said there's no reason to hold the three americans in brazil any longer now that they've given their testimony. but he wouldn't rule out criminal charges in the future. in rio de janeiro, steve harrigan, fox news. a decision could come as soon as tomorrow on whether to move the sierra lamarr murder case out of santa clara county to find impartial jurors. garcia torres is accused of killing the 15-year-old from morgan hill four years ago. even though her body has never been found. a defense expert testified today more than 82% of prospective jurors in santa clara county and 100% of prospective jurors in the south county area know about the case. he recommended moving the trial out of the county, the court is now considering options including bringing in jurors from other areas. in vallejo, police have identified two people of interest in the deadly hit-and- run crash. they released pictures of 21-year-old taylor warren alexander galan and 25- year-old dominic carol smith. police want to talk to the men about a speeding car that hit and killed a 47-year-old man who was crossing sonoma boulevard last thursday. officers found the car abandoned, they initially arrested the owner of the car but now they say they don't think he was actually the driver. again the victim of the hit-and- run was matthew bennett of richmond. police in vallejo would like to hear from anyone with information. an infant saved from a horrific car crash in the south bay is in critical condition. his mother a pregnant teenager was killed in that crash. the doctors were able to save her unborn child. as katie views ann rubin tells us, the community is now rallying to support the young father. >> the other employees at this time was a talk about, the couple and pedro cortez had been like family. and so everyone had been eagerly hoping to plan for the wedding and baby to come. >> basically everybody was close to the husband. program early wednesday, all those plans were cut short. a relative had picked jose up from work and to work on their way to meet pedro. when there was an accident. the car went off the road on highway 101 near tully crashing into another car parked on the shoulder. the driver of the parked car was arrested on suspicion of dui. he later died -- she later died from her injuries. >> i can't imagine the pain pedro is going through. i know he has something to look forward to, his own. >> reporter: that son was successfully delivered at valley medical center. and remains there in critical condition. pedro cortez has been given leave from his job at taco bell to be by his side. in the meantime, his colleagues are joining together to help as best they can. >> we come together. we are coming together, a big family to support them. >> putting up donation boxes with the picture and story at six taco bell locations. the franchise owners plan to match any gifts. there's also a gofundme account set up to help pay for funeral expenses. though -- those that knew dulce describe her as someone who couldn't wait to be a wife and mother. >> they were two little lovebirds. they had their whole life ahead of them. they had so many plans. we are not the ones to decide. >> reporter: donation boxes will go up this evening and will stay up indefinitely. because of the crash is under investigation. in san jose, ann rubin, ktvu fox 2 news. now to louisiana where widespread flooding has created another emergency, a housing crisis. more than 40,000 homes are confirmed damaged as a result of all the flooding. that number is growing, so is the number of people who have died from the flooding. at least 13 people have now lost their lives in what's being called the worst natural disaster in the u.s. since superstorm sandy. >> my brother, t mike, i just had to hold him because he's thinking that he lost everything. i told him, dude, we've had harder -- more hardships than this going through our life. >> the garter -- nearly 1000 fema workers are now on the ground in louisiana with more on the way. more than 86,000 people have already filed for federal assistance. smoke entering the bay area, we noticed it this morning. you may notice it this evening, you see the red, high elevation smoke coming in from the soberanes fire. the wind shifted a little bit, fire not so completely out. smoke moving to the bay area. throughout the day, another picture from walnut creek. this is how it looked this afternoon, poor air quality, that's why the bay area air quality management district in san jose, same thing. for the second day in a row a spare the air day. ground-level ozone which will be up, that's from your cars most of it, and then you have this smoke particular matter coming in on the southerly wind from the soberanes fire which is way down here. some thunderstorms up around lake tahoe today but just kind of on and off expended again tomorrow. the fog already shooting across the bay. tomorrow a lot like today. spare the air day and everything. very similar. sixty-nine in concord, 69 in livermore, forecast highs tomorrow, just about maybe a little cooler than they were today. fog forecast, here come the highs, purple is 100, barely showing about by roseville, most of us tomorrow around the bay in the 70s, inland mid-80s and low 90s. a teenager writes a book to share his story. at 10:30 a young man's life lessons born from his family dynamics. a lot of runs scored at at&t park tonight. entertaining game between the giants and the mets. ♪ ♪ hey, is this our turn? honey...our turn? yeah, we go left right here. (woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we'll find them in our subaru outback. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. get zero percent on select subaru models during the subaru a lot to love event, now through august thirty-first. the rising population along the 680 corridor in the east bay tri-valley area is starting to cause some growing pains. especially now with school back in session. ktvu's rob roth reports that san ramon just opened a new school because others were getting too crowded. >> one person has solved this problem. >> reporter: here at bellavista elementary, this isn't just the first week of school. it's the first week of the school. >> 2209. does anybody agree or disagree? >> reporter: the san ramon valley school district open fell -- at bellavista as a pressure valve to relieve the growing population at the four other elementary schools in town. schools that were just getting too big and potentially overcrowded. >> pretty phenomenal. i mean, definitely is a destination district. people want to be here. >> reporter: to see what's happening look no further than outside the school's front door. that is still another housing development under construction. the population has tripled in the past 30 years to more than 70,000 people and is still on the rise. families continue flocking here to be near silicon valley and of course the schools. >> families are encouraged to come to a place where they know that their student will be supported and in a school environment. and that where the educational experience is very rich. >> reporter: this brand-new school figures to keep getting bigger as new homes in the area keep going up bellavista expects to see 300 more students within the next two years. >> as the population increases more we will open new classrooms, hire teachers, and billed to capacity. >> reporter: this growth spurt is not only happening in san ramon but throughout the tri- valley. at dublin high school the incoming freshman classes the past few years have far outnumbered the outgoing seniors. students are taking notice. >> only the fact it takes a little longer to get to classes. you have to wait a little longer to get up the staircases. >> reporter: district officials are looking to build two new schools including a second high school within the next few years. as the student population is expected to rise 50% by 2022. >> we are very full, being creative and thoughtful about how we are handling for the infusion of students but we've got a lot of kids coming in and we've got to find good places to put them all. >> reporter: officials say they can manage the growth and longtime residents can't believe how fast the tri-valley is growing. rob roth, ktvu fox 2 news. a shortage of police officers in san jose has prompted one city leader to suggest looking outside the department for help. the san jose police department now has about 800 officers down from a high of 1409 years ago. -- 1400 nine years ago. they want to contract with chp and sheriff department to help with patrols in san jose. >> simply the right time to ask for help. you're not going to rebuild the police department for a decade. residents shouldn't have to suffer from that. >> the most recent class of cadets only had eight graduates. four years ago voters in san jose passed measure b which reduced retirement benefits for officers. as a result many police officers left san jose for other departments. a robot that may be the future of retail. see how pepper is being used at one bay area store to welcome shoppers. meat 19-year-old michael of san jose. how he hopes his story will help others. a bay area teenager is sharing his story of growing up with a brother and sister both of whom have special needs. he says it wasn't easy. he readily admits there were times when he says he just wanted to live a normal life. now he has written a book with the hope that by sharing his life lessons it will help others. ktvu's amber lee is in the newsroom, this is so interesting because it's a perspective we almost never hear about. >> certainly is. the college student grew up in west san jose with two siblings, both with disabilities. now he has written a book to share his story with the world. >> just like the old days. >> reporter: 19-year-old michael deauville is living a life of adjustment and accommodations. he is the youngest of three siblings. his brother robert was born with a birth defect which caused the development of delays for as long as michael can remember. he has taken on the role of protector. >> the first thing you want to be is a warrior. you want to be the one to safeguard them from the negativity in our world. >> reporter: robert is older than michael by 11 years. but tells me his younger brother takes care of him. >> like the older brother. >> yeah. because he can drive. >> [ laughter ] good job. >> reporter: michael has spent more than one birthday in the hospital because of his sister katie's medical problem. she suffers from a genetic degenerative disease which affects muscle control. >> young child it's hard for you to understand why this is happening. >> reporter: michael says he experienced conflicting feelings. he was often forgotten because the attention was focused on his siblings. >> good job. you are jealous of the extra attention. >> reporter: but from the challenges he learned from katie, resiliency. never to give up hope. and from robert, who is an avid sports fan, he learned that it's important to have passion. michael put his lessons into words. he has written a book, a brother's love, finding his footprint. he says it was three years ago when he was 16 that he was ready to talk about his experience and life lessons. and hopefully help other families with disabled loved ones. >> it's hard to get there but in the last couple years i feel that wherever i've been in life and the love i felt and the peace of mind, i've been ready to share with everyone. that's been my driving force. >> you have to set -- accept people where they are. that's okay. >> reporter: mom tells me from an early age michael was mature, self sufficient and great with his siblings. his book was a revelation. >> it was very -- and i wish as a parent we had had some of these discussions before him so we could have identified those feelings. >> reporter: michael is grateful for the life that has chosen him. it's made him the person he is today. facing charges as part of life. >> you take your situation and you run with it. you going to try and make the best out of it and go and help others. >> reporter: his book will be available in mid-october. he starts his sophomore year in college at the university of mississippi. plans to come down his family as much as he can, grateful for the love of his family and lessons he has learned. >> this story puts a smile on your face. he is so mature and you can see the love that he has for his brother and his sister. yet it's fascinating to hear him say there were times when it was real hard and i wanted to be normal and more attention. >> what's remarkable was even though it was hard, he still managed to volunteer regularly at a program that helps other kids with disabilities. >> a remarkable young man. >> much patience. >> amber, thank you. after 14 years of operations, the bankrupt gossip site known as gawker will shut down next week. univision has but six websites owned by gawker. for the $135 million deal, it does not include nick denton said in a memo to staff he is relieved about the sale of the other sites that sadly he couldn't find a buyer for gawker. twitter says it is working to crack down on the use of its site by terror groups. over the past year the san francisco company says it has suspended 360,000 accounts promoting terrorism and extremism. daily suspensions are up 80% from last year. twitter has been criticized in the past for not doing enough to keep extremist groups such as isis from using the site to reach supporters. u.s. stock markets notched up a bit today as oil prices surged. the dow gained 23, nasdaq rose 11, as and be was up four. a judge in san francisco has rejected a proposed settlement between huber and drivers. edward chen ruled the $100 million settlement was not fair to uber drivers who say they should be entitled to employee rights and benefits. 385,000 uber drivers from california and massachusetts filed the class session lawsuit seeking $850 million for gas and other expenses. uber maintains $100 million settlement is a fair one. supporters of gun rights have filed suit to allow californians to carry guns in public. the plaintiffs want to block a i-date a state law that prevents most open carry. they say the restriction when combined with the court ruling that denies most concealed weapons permit has compromised second amendment rights they claim that the supreme court has made it very clear that the right to bear arms cannot be completely foreclosed on. the mayor of stockton pleaded not guilty to charges that he allegedly played strip poker at a summer camp for underprivileged kids. 41-year-old anthony silva is accused of providing liquor to minors and recording the teens while he coerced them into playing strip poker with them. the district attorney's office says they have video and photo evidence. silva maintains his innocence and said everyone makes mistakes. >> unlike other politicians i say that i am human. i am far, far from perfect. but those things are a far, far cry from any sort of criminal activity. >> silva is running for reelection this year and called the timing of the allegations very suspicious. a statue of donald trump creating a stir on a bay area sidewalk. who is behind the naked statue and why it's about to disappear. we are talking about a spare the air day tomorrow, more smoke into the area as we head into or friday. we'll talk about the weekend as well. keeping the power lines clear,my job to protect public safety, while also protecting the environment. the natural world is a beautiful thing, the work that we do helps us protect it. public education is definitely a big part of our job, to teach our customers about the best type of trees to plant around the power lines. we want to keep the power on for our customers. we want to keep our community safe. this is our community, this is where we live. we need to make sure that we have a beautiful place for our children to live. together, we're building a better california. california's clean air laws we've cut toxic pollution. we're seeing fewing cases of asthma in kids. and the new clean energy economy has created more than half a million jobs. i'm tom steyer. just when we're making progress, the oil companies are trying to weaken our clean air laws. but we can stop them. send them a message. we're going to protect our kids - not their profits. ♪ new at ten, a lifelike robot greeting and interacting with customers when they enter a store. it may seem futuristic but it actually appears that the future is here. >> the robot is making its first public appearance in the united states at a store in downtown palo alto. ktvu's azenith smith shows us what makes this robot unique. >> my name is pepper. welcome. >> reporter: four feet tall, looks and acts like a human and moves and dances. >> just like you. and also play the air guitar. >> ♪ . >> reporter: mrs. pepper developed by softbank, designed to entertain customers and later on be programmed to answer questions including where to find products. first stop consumer electronic store beta in palo alto. >> people really gravitate towards paper because paper is really friendly. once you interact with pepper he makes you smile. >> reporter: powered by a 12 hour battery, it reacts to facial expressions. sensing when a customer is happy or sad. >> don't you think i'm cute? >> pretty intriguing. pretty interesting. seems fairly lifelike for a robot. it's got kind of a creepy side. i mean, it's this robot that you're talking to that is knowing how you feel. >> i just like the fact that she is basically a kid that can move and talk. >> ♪ . >> reporter: it's the latest in the evolution of robots to engage with people. this nutty robot bringing comfort to patients at a florida hospital and security robots at stanford shopping center. >> for us it wasn't about sort of replacing a human with a robot. it was about just bringing people into the store and sort of interacting with something that's super friendly. >> reporter: beta understands with robots comes concern of replacing salespeople. for now the ceo says it augments human workers. tonight is the last night for pepper to appear at beta. softbank plans to sell to soft -- businesses later this year. in palo alto, azenith smith, ktvu fox 2 news. the fbi would like help in identifying a bank robbery suspect nicknamed the audi bandit. agents say the suspect is connected to three robberies and one attempted robbery. they happened in livermore, burlingame and pleasanton. they say the suspect passed a note to the teller demanding money. he has been seen driving two different audis, late-model silver or gray audi a7, the other is a late-model silver all wrote. both of the cars had dealer plates. the suspect is described as latino in his mid-20s, about 5'7" or 5'8" with a skinny to medium build. some people are jeering, others cheering. up next the statue of a naked donald trump that suddenly appeared on a sidewalk in san francisco. and bill martin is tracking a cooling trend. san francisco's department of public works says it plans to remove a naked statue of donald trump that is drawing crowds to the intersection of market and castro. in decline is taking credit for the statue that appeared overnight. for other identical statutes also turned up in new york, los angeles, cleveland and seattle. officials in new york were quick to remove their naked trump, san francisco's vp -- dpw tells me they will be removing this one soon. there's no permit and people spilling into the streets, it is a potential safety hazard. there aren't many summer weekends left but if you want to make the most out of this weekend, you have a lot of options around the bay area. ktvu's rosemary orozco has some possibilities in tonight's weekend watch. >> the weekend is near and here are a few events happening around the bay. in san francisco the 98th annual italian festival will fill the streets of north beach on saturday from 11:00 till 7:00. vendors, live music, italian food, beer and wine, on stockton street between union and filbert. nsf, the noise block party on saturday, enjoy music and followed on 20th street between bryant and harrison. admission is free. sunday streets returns to the mission this sunday, festivities from 11:00 until 4:00. check out burlingame on the avenue in downtown. the festival will host unique artisans, food, beverages and provinces. the family event is saturday and sunday from 10:00 till 6:00 in east bay annual art and soul festival will fill downtown oakland with live music, food and fun. saturday and sunday from noon till six. or explore the greek festival in castro valley. through sunday at the resurrection greek orthodox church you will find food, music and dancing. in the north may get a taste of petaluma, explore the city's restaurants, shops, wineries and breweries in the downtown area, a taste of petaluma is saturday at 1130 -- 11:30 till 4:00. the 26th annual accordion festival, this musical extravaganza will be saturday and sunday. in sports, the giants and quakes at home, the a's and niners and raiders on the road. i'm rosemary orozco, that is your weekend watch. a little smoke out there, you may have noticed on the sunset we talked about it earlier, notice it more tomorrow, spare the air day for your bay area friday. most of the notable in the east bay out by livermore and over towards the stockton area in the central barry where they have alerts as well. there's your fog, marine layer up around 1400 feet. just like today, it will be tomorrow. very similar. last few days very similar. subtle changes in temperature, the difference tomorrow will be added smoke. and again the second spare the air day in a row. fog crossed into oakland and berkeley. what this morning is what you have tomorrow morning in terms of our coverage. this is good, we're not in any kind of amazing record heat, we are dealing with the high fire danger throughout the state and we've got a mild pattern to talk about with no big outstanding heat coming our way. temperatures a few degrees warmer than they were last night at this time. high-pressure there, see the load to the north? if that wasn't there it would be heating up a little more but that low has a tendency to cool and we can the high just enough so that inland temperatures tomorrow in our alley, upper 80s, low 90s. instead of mid-90s and upper 90s. so a little bit cooler, so let's look at the microclimates tomorrow, san francisco 65. over to berkeley 72. fremont up into the low 80s. you had in to the bay hills, out toward morgan hill and gilroy into the upper 80s, and low 90s. so cooler than it has been. air quality noticeable tomorrow, mostly for the smoke. the ground-level ozone which is usually what triggers the spare the air day it will be there but air quality district pulled the trigger based on the particulars coming from the soberanes fire. which makes sense. the fact we notice it so much tonight, tomorrow it will really be in. higher elevations but if you are sensitive to particulate or any ozone, you'll notice it tomorrow. 12:00 tomorrow, san francisco 62, they peek out in the city down by justin herman plaza at about 65 degrees. that's where they've been all week. san francisco 79, 93 in brentwood, one of the hotspots. not great air quality through the bay area, should get better on saturday and sunday. eighty-seven in morgan hill and then there's the five-day forecast. you see temperatures trend a little bit for the weekend. but this is good, what you like to see, getting more cool air in here so fire danger, it's bad but it could be way worse. so this is not a bad five-day set up for us. five-day forecast, we don't have any triple digit heat on there and it's august. every time we don't have to deal with that, that's a bonus. >> i love temperatures like this. >> i do too. almost perfect. >> thank you. mark ibanez is coming up next. honey, is the internet back yet? yes!! i need to let her know that i like this! i like, like, like, like... i haven't seen a movie based on a comic book in so long. i know. we're over here internet people! get high speed internet from at&t. with over 99% reliability. at an everyday price with no extra monthly fees. keep calm, you internet's on. mark is here with sports finally. >> yeah. >> i mean, the giants have so much talent on their team, but you expect them to do well. this is about as fed up as i've heard longtime passionate giants fans. but -- >> it's gone on for so long. is a starting to get in their minds? >> you settle yes last night. >> got to be. >> so the fans go out there and pay big money. expect to see what they saw tonight for the first time and it seems like weeks, energy, passion, clutch hitting, even casilla looking like a shutdown closer. victory that turns things back in the right erection. got to start somewhere, why not tonight? madison bumgarner on the mound, he was a better hitter tonight and he was a pitcher. fourth inning, justin ruggiano for the mets, deep with the bases loaded. that's a grand slam. yesterday the giants were ahead 4-0. didn't work. tonight they are behind 4-0. that work. that's baseball. bottom four, five runs of their own for the giants. eduardo nunez relative newcomer, four hits tonight, this is a two-run triple. the giants start believing they can come back. four-three right there, nunez four hits, not bad but here is "mad bum," his third home run of the season, told you he can hit. better than he can pitch tonight. i did get the win, up 5-4. first time i've seen both she smiled in a month. -- bruce bochy smile in a month. joe panik to the opposite field. down the line he left, two run double, 8-4 lead. giants win 10-7. seventeen hits tonight. the dodgers lot, so only a half game out of first place. long weekend of baseball with the mets had. exhibition football the score may mean nothing but the way they get to that score can mean a whole lot. that's where the raiders are at as much as everyone expects big things from them. silver and black find out at lambeau field, a whole lot of improving to do. get to lambeau, do it in august, first-hand experience. first time they have the ball, packers move it, eddie lacy looking healthy and svelte, rips off 20 yards, down into the red zone and the end zone, 74-yard drive, 7-0. kenny norton and the defense not happy with that. drinking gatorade. raiders first position, derek carr exit for amari cooper, a 20-yard gain to the 32. they settle for a jenna cousy field goal. 7-3. -- janikowski field goal. in arias randall, jack is not liking what he sees out of the offense. del rio not happy, looking for bright spots, brynden trawick blocking the pond. nate allen recovers it, that's a raider touchdown, too little too late, 20-12, at lambeau field, that pretty much sums it up. sound asleep. a similar task for the 49ers this weekend, they have to go into denver to take on the defending champs, a measuring stick that might make you wince when all is said and done. those guys are good. chip kelly really wants to see his squad and what they have to do to size up against the best, spending a few days up in colorado. scrimmaging against the broncos. they do get colin kaepernick back on the field through several -- he will not play saturday, could return full-time next week. a guy they signed to provide quarterback insurance is christian ponder. he seems to be fitting in pretty well in the san francisco offense at least so far. >> i like it. high tempo, fast tempo, get a lot of plays in the game and seems like a lot of opportunities to make big plays. seemed like the running game can be really good too. so exciting offense. for players and fans it will be fun to watch. >> we can only hope that he is even half right about that. tell me if i'm right, never has an athlete been more perfectly named then usain bolt. sounds fast. that he was again. 200-meter event, winning an unprecedented third straight gold in this event. now has participated in eight olympics and has eight gold medals to show for it. bold. >> he's an credible. >> just so big. >> he blew away the field. it wasn't even close. >> yeah. >> i love his smile all the time. >> team usa, you know, the whole squad, not just the best of our team, they go to 100 medals tonight. they've almost more than doubled china which is running number 2. >> thank you. see you later, everyone. ♪ ♪ award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded suv of the century. family fun meeting by the front door, stat! "stat" means right now! ugh. what is it? ignore her. she's been in a bad mood all day. and luke isn't home yet. oh. i'm right here. where were you? this house still holds its secrets. you're probably wondering why i called you all here. - nope. - well, stop your wondering... - we're not wondering. - and behold this wonder! - (haley) oh, my god! - (claire) wow. - (phil) ha ha! - aah! i sold a home to the one and only pete johnson. there's only one pete johnson? only one who's california's top r.v. dealer. there's 835 others. nightmare of a deal to paper. well, and this was his way of saying... - thank you. - of course. (lowered voice) he paid a commission, too, right? yes. and he told me i could take jolene out anytime. yeah, i named her! let's take this dirty girl for a spin up the coast! - (alex laughs) - (haley) yes! - (luke) awesome! - pretty sweet, huh? - yeah! - huh. (sighs) i can see where this is going. this summer-- you, me, the kids, - yellowstone national park. - mm.

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