Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20160

Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20160812

closing its men's store in san francisco's union square. ktvu's amber lee is life in the city where amber, macy's said it is in negotiations right now to try to optimize the value of the real estate. >> reporter: that's right, heather. macy's union square has been here since the 1940s. later entered the men's store, the standalone large store across the street. now macy's plans to sell the men's store saying that the real estate is more valuable than the store. >> macy's flagship store is in the heart of union square. its iconic presence draws locals and visitors. >> we were admiring the number of floors. it's a big store. >> reporter: big enough to absorb the men's store from across the street. the officials are in negotiation to sell the men's store. as it moves to close 100 stores and grow profits. >> they are caught between a rock and a hard place. the rock is internet commerce. the amazons of this world and the hard place is discount retailers. >> reporter: professor harley shaken says closing stores is only a short-term solution. >> what's critical is macy's turning itself around with a vision that connects with consumers. >> reporter: that vision should include innovative products, new ways of selling and customer service with an emphasis on a knowledgeable sales staff. >> i must go online. or i have to go look for myself. you know what i'm saying? i think there's still a market for brick-and-mortar stores. >> reporter: they are loyal macy's shoppers. >> i like to try it on and different brands have different sizing. and you never know if you get the right size. i'm not one that wants to go and return it. >> reporter: the daughter says she spends more time online and less in the store. >> i like to shop online. because it's easier because now they have return policies where you can take back and they have the return label on their so it's easier to return and you don't have to go anywhere. >> reporter: macy's ceo said this involved doing things differently and making tough decisions. as we position ourselves to serve customers who have high expectations of their favorite stores, online sites and apps. >> i hate to see them close. people's jobs are at stake as well. >> reporter: the professors of macy's face some tough challenges ahead. but strong legacy and good reputation will help it evolve. heather? frank? >> amber lee live in san francisco union square, thank you. wall street like macy's move, the stock was up 17% today. the big three all moved higher, and established new record highs. the dow gained 117 points, the nasdaq added 23. the s&p was up 10. it is the first time since 1999 that all three indexes have closed at a record level on the same day. now to castro valley where a ranch hand was involved in a shootout this afternoon. alameda shout -- responded to reports of gunfire about 3:15 off eaton canyon road. the ranch hand says he spotted a trespasser on the property. the ranch and told deputies that he encountered a man who was dressed in camouflage, shooting at something on the property with a rifle. the ranch hand said he yelled at the trespasser who in turn fired several times in the direction of the rain chance. he also had a gun and the two men exchanged gunfire but were some distance apart so no one was hurt, the trespasser ended up getting away. investigators say he may have been trying to illegally poach on the land. the alameda county sheriff's department says it will pursue this as a case of attempted murder. authorities have identified the man found dead yesterday at the busy westfield shopping center. today we learned the man was a young chef, friends described 28-year-old frank alicea as an up and coming blind chef at the sons and daughters restaurant on bush street and powell. janitors found his body in a stairwell near a bloomingdale's entrance just after 10:00 yesterday. police are calling it a homicide but have not revealed how he was killed. the owners of sons and daughters closed the restaurant tonight and released this statement. we are shocked and devastated by frank's passing. we are a small team that operates like a close-knit family. he will be dearly missed. our thoughts and condolences are with frank's family and friends at this difficult time. the federal government drug enforcement agency took a controversial stand today by refusing refusing to reclassify marijuana. despite growing support around the country for legalizing marijuana, the d.e.a. decided that marijuana will remain a so-called schedule one drug alongside some of the most powerful and dangerous drugs out there. ktvu's paul chambers here now with the divergence if you will between federal law and state law. >> reporter: i tell you what, pot has been on the same list as heroin and lsd since the '70s. people hope that since so many states have legalized it, that the feds would change the classification but today the d.e.a. said not yet. the stigma of marijuana usage has changed. >> the public has always been ahead of the politicians. we've seen that with the 25 states that have moved forward with medical cannabis. we've seen that with five states that moved forward with adult use. >> reporter: federal law is not in line with state laws. the d.e.a. says fda and health and human services reviewed hundreds of studies on medical marijuana. it concluded it had the high potential for abuse and no accepted medical use. >> we have thousands of physicians that have recommended cannabis once or more for patients in california. that's an accepted medical utility. >> states have decided's medical use. half of our states now have active medical cannabis programs. and others are considering it in this election. >> reporter: since official disagree, marijuana will remain a schedule one drug. putting it in the same category as the most dangerous drugs. pot supporters say if marijuana was held to the same standards as alcohol, the feds would see it differently. >> alcohol prohibition did not fall at the federal level until enough states decided they weren't going to follow the policy. then the feds decided they could no longer enforce it. >> reporter: opponents of prop 64 which would legalize marijuana for recreational usage are not happy with the federal decision. they released this statement. this decision is a stark contrast to the push by the big players in the marijuana industry who wrote prop 64 and are now spending millions of dollars rushing this flawed measure to the ballot in order to capture the california market but some who support legal pot say the d.e.a. has a conflict of interest. >> it is job protection, the same agency that enforces the laws. it should be independent. >> now although the d.e.a. will not classify marijuana it will make it easier for researchers to study benefits because the number of entities that can legally grow marijuana will increase. >> okay. so you talked with those who are in favor of prop 64. they don't feel like this is going to have any impact? >> that's right. they have so much momentum everyone believing that marijuana is fine, they believe it's no problem. they believe what so many other states have, california should go along with it. >> paul, thank you. city of san francisco looking for a permanent police chief that today ed lee expressed support for acting chief toney chaplin. here is what he told dave clark on facebook live. >> and you're feeling at this point strongly behind -- >> he is my chief. and while we are looking and searching, i'm going to do everything i can to support chief chaplains management of this police department. >> those comments came just before chief chaplin met with the city's influential interfaith counsel. the chief told the group officers are using new policies such as time and distance to de- escalate encounters and avoid the use of deadly force. he said officers are receiving biased training. a decision on a permanent chief in san francisco is expected sometime in the next couple months. a vigil was held on the peninsula to remember a young college student shot and killed in san francisco. while playing pokemon go. a crowd of friends and families gathered at saint gregory's to share memories of 20-year-old calvin riley. he was shot to death last weekend at a park in the city. his killer is still at large. those who the college student and baseball player say he was a friend to everyone and truly cared about his community. >> he was genuinely interested in talking to people about their lives. the best word was happy-go- lucky. every single time i saw him he was like smiling about something. he was just like definitely a goofball. >> service was filled with people who have come out to scare -- as well as celebrate calvin's life. a funeral service is planned at the same location tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. the owner of a bay area wine business pleaded guilty to federal fraud charges. he admitted that he cheated thousands of customers out of millions and millions of dollars. crime reporter henry lee tells us the judge in the case called it a ponzi scheme saying the wine store owner promised expensive bottles to paying customers and then never delivered. >> reporter: ktvu cameras were rolling as john fox turned himself into the u.s. marshals office. he wouldn't say why he and his company premier crew in berkeley stiffed thousands of wine lovers around the world. he is already facing half a dozen civil lawsuits from customers. and on thursday the 66-year-old pleaded guilty in federal court to wire fraud for bilking a customer from hong kong who says he bought nearly $1 million in french wine he never received. in his plea agreement fox admitted to using customers money to pay the mortgage on his alamo house. and pay for his daughter's color which tuition as well as memberships, ferraris, maserati and other cars. $900,000 for when he met online. cameras weren't allowed in court as fox entered his plea. 's hands were shackled to his waist. as part of a plea deal fox is expected to be sentenced to 6.5 years in prison in what the judge called a wine ponzi scheme. >> he worked at this business for 30 years and he is truly sorry for what has happened. he's trying to make amends now by pleading guilty. >> reporter: many of the victims fear they won't be made hole. they say they expected to wait a little for wine futures or vintages still in the barrel. after waiting for years and never getting there bottles, they say fox left them with a bitter taste. now he owes at least $45 million to 9000 customers. that's on top of $6.5 million he owes creditors. earlier this year both premier crew and fox filed for bankruptcy. the woodpaneled warehouse on university avenue at berkeley is now closed. $70million in the hole. lawsuits filed over the fraud are now on hold. >> he will try to make restitution as best he can. because that's part of the judgment that's going to be against him. is he going to be able to pay $45 million? i have no idea. >> reporter: i spoke to one victim who thinks he knows the answer. but once we learned this was not just a case of being delayed and received and shipped out late, that it was a scheme to roll forward deliveries, and a ponzi scheme, i knew i was not going to receive a cent. >> reporter: john fox will remain in custody until sentencing in december. in san francisco, henry leigh, ktvu fox 2 news. shakes it so hard like it was a little, you know, just like a toy. >> a small dog attacked and killed by a shelter dog that had just been adopted. to new questions already under fire. and weather, typical summer day in the bay area. still tracking low clouds and fog. regrouping near the coast and near the bay. where that fog will be tomorrow morning and if we have warmer temperatures in the friday forecast. hillary clinton reveals her economic plan as donald trump faces more criticism from within his own party. i'm running for president to build an economy that works for everyone not just those at the top. and -- >> [ cheers and applause ] >> based on what we know from the trump campaign, he wants america to work for him and his friends at the expense of everyone else. he has offered no -- >> hillary clinton in michigan where she promised new spending on infrastructure, small business and clean energy. she's elected president, she also pledged new taxes on the wealthy and for companies that move overseas, rather than the tax breaks that donald trump proposed in his speech in detroit on monday. in the meantime, mr. trump stirred up more controversy for repeating his plan that president obama is the founder of isis. fox news correspondent carl cameron tells us this comes as some top republicans are trying to shift their fundraising efforts now to other candidates. >> reporter: donald trump gave a low-key off-the-cuff speech to the national homebuilders association in miami and continued his attack on president obama for the rise of isis. >> i call president obama and hillary clinton the founders of isis. they are the founders. in fact, i think we'll give hillary clinton -- if you are on a sports team, most valuable player. >> reporter: obama's withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq help isis grow, he claims. >> all i do is tell the truth. i'm a truth teller. all i do is tell the truth. and if at the end of 90 days i fall short because i'm somewhat politically correct, even though i'm supposed to be the smart one and even though i'm supposed to have a lot of good ideas, it's okay. i go back to a very good way of life. >> reporter: the national committee is under pressure to better rain in trump's rhetoric. both the gop house and senate campaign committees have been working with members about distancing themselves. fox news obtained a petition circulating among professional operatives demanding the rnc diapered its money and resources from trump to other candidates lest the party go down with him. so far that petition has 70 signatures. former members of congress and the rnc and staffers for the last eight campaigns. they plan to present it to the rnc next week. in kissimmee florida, carl cameron, fox news. a majority of latino voters are throwing their support behind hillary clinton. the fox news poll finds 66% back the democrat compared to 20% for donald trump. trump has made a border wall with mexico a cornerstone of his campaign. the council on is -- islamic relations is leading an effort to mobilize muslim voters all around the u.s. as the two cristina rendon reports election volunteers are already being trained right here in the bay area. >> reporter: armed with a suitcase of supplies, she is ready to register american muslims to vote. >> they believe that our voice isn't going to be heard. you know? people are against us kind of? and just kind of show that, you know, we are altogether. reporter: she's getting trained with other volunteers at the council for american islamic relations. >> this election is incredibly important. given that it is the presidential election. and that the stakes are high. we've seen a number of people who have been encouraged to become citizens because they wanted to vote in this election. >> reporter: citizens like her grandparents. >> they registered to vote after they became u.s. citizens a few months ago. and so i want to kind of reach out to the older committee. they are the ones most hesitant. >> reporter: some candidates have expressed anti-muslim sediments, voter engagement coordinators must stay neutral. >> we cannot tell people who to vote for. >> they will be passing out brochures and flyers hoping to get as many muslims as possible to fill their civic duty. >> publishing a voter guide in order to show how their elected officials have voted in the past on issues of importance to the muslim community. >> reporter: she is starting at home. >> i actually recently got my mom to register to vote. my dad, he kind of things like, you know it's all corrupt and you know, the whole like politics is a sham kind of, mentality still has but hopefully, you know, i'll bring into the light. >> volunteers will be hitting the streets tomorrow at various locations. more election training is scheduled in the coming weeks. in our newsroom, christina rendon, ktvu fox 2 news. a big temperature range in the bay area, typical summertime pattern out there with 60s shivering coast side out towards pacifica and san francisco but 90s to report inland, toward concord and livermore. san jose pretty warm, checking and 81 degrees this afternoon. live camera looking up toward the bay bridge, we had low clouds pushing in to the region, the fog trying to cap the towers of the bay bridge. that will be a big impact for the meteor shower for tonight. peaking early friday morning. the earth's orbit, encountering comments with tunnel, the debris and that is the proceeds meteor shower picking friday. realistically we could have -- possibly 60 per hour during the early morning hours of friday. but of course the big challenge we have, the fog and the city lights. so if you can get away from the city lights that will be your best chance. you have to wake up early tomorrow morning 2:00 a.m. for the best viewing. low clouds regrouping coast side here, near the coast and also towards sanford -- the class will be a factor and locally dense fog first thing tomorrow morning, 7:00 a.m. friday, keep that in mind, visibility driving the bay area bridge, possibly mist or drizzle as well. coming up at 10:45, a closer look at the forecast highs in your neighborhood and talk about your weekend forecast. >> thanks, mark. a children's swim class had a very unusual participant. take a look. you can see a little deer jumped into the pool. this happened during class at the king pool on hopkins street. two adults used flotation devices to scoop up -- you can see the one -- get it back on dry land where it ran off back into north berkeley. it's kind of like uber plus child care for your kids. coming up at 10:30 we put a san francisco startup to the test to see how the service can work for a busy bay area family. also a swimmer from stanford making history tonight at the rio olympics. jason avalon will tell us what she did. (jet engine reving up) you hear that? that's the sound of our summer sale firing up its engines with fares as low as 69 dollars one-way. so get ready to take off ... because sale prices as low as these don't happen every day! book your low fare now at low fares. nothing to hide. that's transfarency. (clap, clap, ding) new at 10 a county animal shelter under fire again, amid new concerns about the suitability of dogs leaving the shelter for adoption. we first raised questions about contra costa animal services at the beginning of the month. after a newly adopted dog attacked its owner. now we've learned a second dog from the shelter went on the attack killing another dog on the same day it was adopted. ktvu's debora villalon in pittsburgh where one couple is demanding answers. debora? >> reporter: yeah, frank it was last wednesday in front of this baskin-robbins, a six-pound pup was killed by a 70-pound pitbull. a dog that apparently had no behavioral testing before it was released. >> i was holding my dog on the leash. >> reporter: she was waiting while her husband bought ice cream when a dog bounded around the building and lunged for her her-year-old multi-steady, shaking him. >> i was fighting with the dog. i did like this, trying to save my dog. from the dog's mouth. >> reporter: jose jumped in trying to free teddy from the dog's jaws. >> down to the ground. put all my full weight on the dog. and start hitting it. i hit the pitbull like really hard. >> reporter: hard enough he needed x-rays on his swollen hand. into the fray came the dogs owner who had somehow lost control of its leash. the dog was calm by the time animal control arrived. >> a lady like that shouldn't have a dog that big and that strong. those dogs are all muscle. >> reporter: turns out she was a brand-new owner. adopted the 4-year-old pit bull named bridget that very day. from contra costa animal services in martinez. >> they are in a push to get the dogs out. >> reporter: the same shelter where this man got a german shepherd last month that mauled him the next day. a dog so aggressive staff hadn't been able to evaluate it. >> we want to do the right thing. the right thing is to save animals. >> reporter: the shelters had vet worries evaluations are not consistent especially when there's a big push like this month to find homes for as many dogs as possible. >> you would like to have a dog leave a shelter into a new home did this woman know what she was getting? not likely. during bridget's one month in the shelter, she never got a behavioral evaluation. which might have revealed dog on dog aggression. >> they were supposed to do some kind of exam. i don't know. some kind of psychology exam for dogs? i don't know. but you know, it's a pitbull. >> reporter: they are left with a letter from the vet where they rushed teddy, too mangled to x-ray, he died of a crushed chest and internal injuries. >> we loved our dog. really much. and it was part of our family. >> we get home and it's like nobody home. you know, nobody comes to the door when we open it. it's difficult. you know, just like our kid. >> reporter: it is not clear why bridget did not getting any temperament testing while she was at the shelter but the director has told us she is shorthanded on behaviorists and plans to hire more more. bridget was returned to the shelter and she was euthanized after that attack. live in pittsburgh debora villalon, ktvu fox 2 news. a new effort to try to get rid of daylight savings time and coming up a little bit later, a warning to dog and horse owners. our mission at clover is to highest quality dairy products. clover has relationships with 27 different family farms. the environment is who clover is. without it, we're nothing. pg&e's been a great partner. they're the energy experts, we're the milk guys. pg&e worked with clover on a number of energy efficiency projects to save energy every month. if you're part of the fabric of the community, you've got to ensure that you do things right, environment included. learn how you can save at together, we're building a better california. on segment 2 tonight, a car service for your kids. a bay area company is trying to meet the needs of busy families with services that go way beyond uber. they are not the first to try this, putting rides and childcare on a single app. >> but it hopes it's a mix of service, safety and technology, the right fit. claudine wong got to see it in action. >> oh, yeah. i remember seeing this. >> reporter: we adopt it -- we dropped in bright and early on a typical life is well, pretty crazy. >> we have two kids. we both work. >> reporter: getting everyone where they need to be is tough. >> pretty hard. we've got to get them dropped off at two different places and each of us have to get in the car and drive. >> that's where burgundy limb steps in. >> it's not like a lot of work. it's actually fun dealing with kids that are involved and are engaged with you. >> reporter: both women have a lot in common. both are moms, both work, both have hectic schedules. we laughed when they even shared a similar moment during separate interviews when i asked them the ages of their kids. the ages of their kids. know, two and eight. i'm sorry. >> i have three kids. my youngest is 12. actually 13 now. i keep on forgetting. [ laughter ] >> we all do. >> but it is just helping out. she works for a san francisco- based startup that offers rides , carpools and childcare for kids. >> we are all across the bay area with over 200 drivers now and counting. there's more onboarding every week. it's in the thousands of rides per month essentially. so growing at a good clip. 70% growth in the month of may at the end of the school year. and we cover pretty much most of the bay area counties. so we are as far south as san jose. >> is started in 2012 just as a forum for parents to try to connect with each other to make carpools but last year the company decided parents needed more help. now parents can get online or on the app and get their child a ride. the minimum charge is $16, average is $24. kango says every driver every driver is screened and it has a special license to carry unaccompanied minors and the service also offers childcare. >> literally have a ton of demand and keep up with the screening process which involves background checks, finger printing, in person interviews, reference checks, vehicle inspections, dmv record checks. so it's overwhelming. >> one person put it if this works this is a game changer. >> reporter: but the game is still developing. shuttle offered a similar service shut down because of funding problems while companies like zoom are working on expanding their reach. each company tried to define themselves in this new territory. >> we can service kids of any age which is unique to us. the same day booking is unique to us. the standalone center booking is also unique to us. parents try different services. >> reporter: what she likes about the service is the conversation with bernadine. >> they showed us how to do it -- >> very fun. a lot to talk about to her. but we just talk about random stuff. popping up in our heads. >> reporter: bernadine likes the chat and the income. >> does it feel like a carpools you happen to get paid for? >> yeah. it's a treat. it's bonus. >> reporter: kango says parents expect a little more. it's not uber. >> this is because. you mentioned what's different, it's not curbside to curbside. it's often going in and signing out someone, making sure they get in the door. making sure they didn't forget their backpack. >> okay. sure. >> parents also want accountability. spot track their trip from the beginning to the minute they are dropped off. so yeah, i get a text message or -- from the app directly saying he has been picked up or dropped off. >> reporter: but when he is given the choice between mom and bernadine, sorry to tell you, mom but -- >> i like bernadine. >> [ laughter ] >> reporter: claudine wong, ktvu fox 2 news. >> you can catch more stories about bay area people each weekend, join claudine wong at 6:30 a.m. and then on sundays on ktvu plus at 9:00 a.m. lawmakers in sacramento are considering a bill offering 12 weeks of family leave for new parents regardless of where they work. parents who work for businesses with 50 employees or more already get 12 weeks of leave. the new law would include small businesses as well. but some small business owners say they are already struggling to cope with california's new minimum wage law. and provided three months of paid leave would be a job killer. supporters disagree, they say the time parents get to spend with their newborns is vital to their health and development. also up for consideration, a bill to get rid of daylight savings time. the state agreed to institute daylight saving time in 1949 but some lawmakers say the twice a year time change is an irritant and has no effect on safety. voters would have the final say but to get the measure on the ballot, the legislation would need to clear both houses and win the support of governor jerry brown. currently hawaii and arizona are the only states that don't observe daylight savings time. the bay area woman who founded the good vibrations store has died. joni blank opened the first store in san francisco's mission district in 1977. this is a photo from her facebook page. her goal was to provide a wholesome sex shop for women at a time when sex shops only cater to men. there are no seven good vibrations stores in the bay area and one in boston. the chain has changed hands several times but the vision continues. blank lived in oakland and was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. she died last saturday at the age of 79. new information about a deadly skydiving accident, what a trade group revealed about the instructor killed in the accident along with his student. and another round of low clouds and fog. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hush my darling... ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] ♪ hush my darling... [snoring.] ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. california's clean air laws we've cut toxic pollution. we're seeing fewing cases of asthma in kids. and the new clean energy economy has created more than half a million jobs. i'm tom steyer. just when we're making progress, the oil companies are trying to weaken our clean air laws. but we can stop them. send them a message. we're going to protect our kids - not their profits. ♪ park rangers warning about a deadly chemical found in the water at a santa clara county park. that chemical was found at santa teresa county park. employees say the chemical may be used to kill rodents but it's potent enough to kill animals and may be harmful to humans. the substance was found in a water trough in a pasture. horses, dogs, wildlife have access to the trust. santa clara county sheriff's office and department official -- department of fish and wildlife are investigating how the chemical got into the trough. >> the family of a 92-year-old is hoping someone knows where he is. jose sugar was last seen around 1:00 p.m. on a security camera near the terminal to entrance at sfo. 's plane had just arrived from lima peru. although he was spotted on camera officials say he never picked up his luggage for checked in with american airline staff members who were waiting at the gate with the wheelchair. authorities are hoping someone has seen him and will give them a call. a judge has set a date to begin the trial of the undocumented immigrant charged with shooting and killing kate steinle along a san francisco pier. juan francisco lopez sanchez appeared in court this morning. the judge set a date of december 2 december 2nd to assign a courtroom for jury selection. defense attorneys maintain the shooting was an accident. they say lopez sanchez found the gun and was aiming at sea lions when a bullet ricocheted and hit steinle. >> there's no case that's ever been prosecuted in san francisco based on a ricochet bullet hitting another surface that we're aware of. >> the public defender and da's office says actual testimony won't start until next year. because of pretrial motions and scheduling conflicts over the holidays. the steinle case prompted sharp criticism on century city policy and lack of cooperation with federal immigration policy. website the daily beast has apologized and taken down an article that some say could have outed gay athletes at the rio games. the website reporter who was a straight man used a gay dating app to connect with athletes in the olympic village. one openly gay olympian said there was enough detail in the article two out certain athletes from around the world or even put their lives in danger back home. the website has since apologized saying the article was in conflict with our values and what we aspire to as journalists. a skydiving instructor who was not certified. the revelation days after the deadly dive in the central valley. a meteorologist, our meteorologist, will show us his extended forecast for friday and the weekend. the skydiving instructor who was killed in a tandem jump in the central valley turns out he was not certified by the united states parachute association. instructor and tyler turner both died when their parachute failed to open saturday morning near lodi. the faa is investigating the case and has confirmed that quan was never certified or licensed to be a tandem skydiving instructor. turner's mom says she would have never let her son jump if she had known about that. >> i would have immediately absolutely stopped everything. >> united states parachute association says federal regulations require an instructor to be licensed with their organization as well as complete and faa approved tandem instructor course. from crash -- craft beer to music events there's a lot happening around the bay area. here is ktvu's rosemary orozco. >> reporter: the weekend is near and here are a few events happening around the bay. in san francisco, find fun for the whole family at the parade and festival, the beauty of filipino art, dance and music, admission is free, the parade starts on saturday at 11 in front of the civic center. festival runs both days. in east bay oakland beer fest is happening on saturday. from noon till five enjoy more than 25 breweries with more than 50 beers to choose from. along with live music and restaurants, find beer fest at ninth and washington. also in oakland 17th annual laurel street fair, that will fill the streets with live music, vendors, carnival and petting zoo. this is saturday from 11 till six at macarthur and 35th. in the north bay, how about old- fashioned fun at the 43rd annual apple fare? in sebastopol, then live music, food, craft beer, wine and other vendors and kids activities saturday and sunday at ranch park. in the south bay, get your groove on at jazz summerfest, more than 100 groups will perform over the course of the weekend. jazz fest takes center stage. in sports, giants and a's at home, quakes are on the road. i'm rosemary orozco and that is your weekend watch. temperatures warming up as we head into your bay area weekend. especially in the and was the fog to talk about. interesting, take a look at current numbers across the country, right now as you would expect, 92 in phoenix but tough to sleep out towards d.c. and new york city. humid weather right now, temperatures in the lower 80s. they are not expected to go below 80 degrees. for the overnight hours. we have the refreshing fog as you can see coast side and also hanging out near parts of the bay as well. we have the onshore winds transporting the fog basically covering a good portion of san francisco. and a few patches across the bay as well. toward richmond. so the fog will become locally dense first thing tomorrow morning and it will impact your visibility. current numbers out there, san francisco cool 57. san jose 64, lots of cities on the map for walnut creek. fairfield, santa rosa up in sonoma county, 54. are live camera looking out toward oakland, for tonight forecast headlines, coastal fog but clear skies inland, tomorrow will be warmer especially away from the coastline. weekend hot inland but definitely cooling off into friday. actually into sunday i should say. spare the air alert, day two, in place for the bay area, good chance that will kick up for saturday as well. the pattern suffers a bit and unhealthy for sensitive groups out toward east bay. a chance we could have some of the smoke from the soberanes fire approaching parts of the bay area down towards the south bay. overnight lows first thing tomorrow morning will be starting of the day in the 50s in san francisco, low clouds and dense fog. missed out there as well. coastal fog at 12:00 and then by 4:00, more sunshine downtown, but as you work your way close to the golden gate bridge, still some patchy fog out there. for tomorrow, no big changes. cool temperatures for the beaches, hot numbers inland, we are trending up into saturday, that will be the hottest day of the weekend. that will translate to some upper 90s inland. once again, heads up, dense fog first thing tomorrow morning out there near the coast and oakland, near the shoreline for the afternoon hours, the warmest locations inland, the red contour, more 90s out toward fairfield and vacaville. santa rosa 86. head inland, lots of 90s for livermore, antioch and brentwood. san jose 85. gilroy 91 and san francisco 68. pacifica 63. a look ahead, five-day forecast, temperatures the hottest day of the weekend will be saturday inland, then gradually cool things off for sunday and a little bit of a bump by monday, tuesday. >> good. >> but had outside and look for the meteors. >> that's right. >> already seeing a few. it's going to be overnight. >> i saw that on the deck upstairs. >> i was observing. >> thanks. jason appelbaum is up next with sports. history made in rio. made by someone from in the bay area. >> it was really fun to watch. this young lady overcome with emotion. simone manuel was brought to tears after becoming the first african-american woman to win an individual olympic medal in swimming. and it was a gold. manwell won the 100-meter freestyle with an american record time of 52.70. she wasn't alone. she tied the canadian swimmer, both touching the wall together, both earning gold in the race. afterwards manwell said about making history, it means a lot, i mean this medal is not just for me. it's for a whole bunch of people that came before me. and have been an inspiration to me. make it 4-4 for michael phelps, he wins his fourth gold in rio. blew away the competition. blew away his longtime rival ryan lochte who came in fifth in the individual medley. phelps now has 22 olympic golds. 26 medals overall. from the king of the pool to the queen of gymnastics, simone biles crushes the competition, she won gold in the all-around, now has two golds in rio and could win three more before it's all said and done, aly raisman comes in second to win the silver medal. onto the medal count, thanks to the domination in the pool, united states way out in front, 38 overall. take a look down the leaderboard here, if cal and stanford were countries, they would be tied for ninth. both with five golds and 11 overall. cal and stanford dominating in the pool in rio. the a's hosting the orioles looking for their first four- game sweep in two years. 16,000 at the coliseum this afternoon, hey dad, how about a little help over here? look at that chilling with his camera. >> poor mom. >> top five, 3-0, mark trumbo the grand slam off daniel colon, league-leading 32nd homer, lots of orioles fans at the coliseum, 7-0. but the a's don't go quietly. down six in the eighth, yonder alonso deep center, vote and valencia score, 9-5 orioles. and want to see a busy graphic? here is one. what it tells us is bases are loaded for danny valencia. he would be the winning run if he could hit his own grand slam but he grounds out to end the game, orioles win 9-6. the haze host seattle tomorrow. orioles will stay in town and cross the bridge to take on the san francisco giants tomorrow. 49ers open the preseason sunday at levi's stadium as the quarterback competition between blaine gabbert and colin kaepernick kicks into high gear. with the cancellation of the hall of fame game, the preseason officially kicked off tonight so our first taste of the nfl highlight of the day. falcons rookie j.d. mckissic. watch him take the ball one yard deep in the end zone, finds a seam. turns on the jets, he's done. 101 yards, style points at the end. right here. yeah. if you are scoring at home, atlanta beats washington, the final is 23-17. tomorrow, the rangers open the preseason in arizona against the cardinals, catch the game right here on ktvu fox 2 news, kick off at seven. derek carr and company, expect them to play a series or two in that game. lebron james is about to sign the richest per season deal in nba history. three years, $100 million. to stay in cleveland. the third year is a player option. the 33 million plus is slightly more than what michael jordan made with the bulls in 1997. on returning to the caps, lebron says quote, i can't be more excited than this opportunity to once again defend our ground. we'll see what the warriors can do about that, their schedule, 28 of their 82 games nationally televised. that's the maximum they allow. season opener in october, a couple months away. then you see the caps on christmas, oklahoma city in february. >> any other teams have as many games? >> the warriors are the biggest draw in the nba especially with kevin durant. >> of course. >> see you later, have a good night. california's clean air laws we've cut toxic pollution. we're seeing fewing cases of asthma in kids. and the new clean energy economy has created more than half a million jobs. i'm tom steyer. just when we're making progress, the oil companies are trying to weaken our clean air laws. but we can stop them. send them a message. we're going to protect our kids - not their profits. ♪ (jay) as great as it is bringing a baby home from the hospital, there's one sound you absolutely dread waking up to... (women laughing loudly and speaking spanish) relatives. i really never saw these wedding pictures, mamá. how handsome and young papá looks. ay, it makes me sad. ay, i know that you miss him. no. look at my ass. there are two things in that picture i don't have anymore. ay, mamá, qué loca. sonia, can i help you? no, no, she's fine. it keeps her busy. we need more corn. gloria, where is your garden? i will harvest some. they don't live that way, honey. gloria, give me the keys. we'll go to the market. hey, you're all awake. i didn't hear you. oh, look at my two handsome men. mi niño, my little fulgencio umberto. you know, about the name, we're not entirely sure... sonia, vámonos. good-bye, fulgencio. say good-bye to fulgencio. good-bye, fulgencio. (under breath) his name is joe.

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