Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20160

Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20160516

right now warning people to avoid the area as that intersection is closed. approximately 40 to 50 firefighters are there on the scene. we're being told that there is concern that this building could collapse and we will continue to follow this story and question briony developments both here as well as on social media on facebook and on twitter. south bay thousands poured into the shark tank for stanley cup playoff action even though the sharks were 2,000 miles away. we'll guilty to the highlights but first we go to the shark tank and deborah v. >>reporter: they held a previewing party tonight. the last time the sharks did this was 2003 when they last got this far. that time fewer than 4,000 people came. tonight it was more than double that. the lights dimmed to fire up the crowd never mind the players were almost 2,000 miles away. >> i actually woke up put my alarm on. >>reporter: tickets were free. 16,000 made available and gone within hours. this setting not as intense as a live game, but kids certainly didn't care. beer was selling and about 8,000 fans actually used their tickets and showed up. >> this is awesome. it's so fun to share it with so many people who are cheering on the team. it's so much fun. >>reporter: even more fun when the sharks scored, although fans thought they would get more of that. >> stanley cup i guarantee it. >>reporter: this fan has been around from the start. decades of hope, pride and disappointment. >> hopefully this is the year 25th anniversary. that will be really good. >> i keep wanting to look at the ice but there's nobody there. >>reporter: for many fans at this watch party it was a chance to grab a prime seat center ice or in this case center screen. but the alternative. >> sitting at home watching with my roommate cheering loudly there. but it's more fun to watch here surrounded by other sharks fans. >>reporter: since the nhl wants people to watch on tv for the advertisers the sharks had to get special percentages to hold this event. they will have to ask again to repeat it. >> we weren't sure what to expect. the lines have been great food and bedroom has been great the energy and crowd has been great as well. >>reporter: fans left here tonight calling for a more aggressive shark attack in game 2. but just get to go the western conference finals season tickets for the sharks are selling like crazy. friday their biggest sales day yet people getting theirselves in place for next year. live in san jose ktvu fox 2 news. all right. deb live in san jose. joe here on the set tell us about the game joe they couldn't get it together tonight. >> they are hoping the next year thing they have to start thinking about that for a while. there is a saying in playoff hockey the goalie being able to stand on his head. it was the blues brian elliott who house did the sharks martin jones in that category. you grow your playoff beard you run the risk of it being a handle. the blues got on the board first against the sharks. that same david back us who was duging on joe thornton redirected shot st. louis in front one nothing on the power play goal. took the sharks exactly 4 seconds to get even. a crazy sequence at brent burns slapshot is redirected by joe pavelski and off the skate. thomas hurdle and into the net. slow it down you get a much better picture of the pin balling puck. haas burn jones would like to have back. burns will turn it over in the news central season. la terra puts the blues in front 2-1. battle of the goalie elliott made 31 stays 21 for jones. st. holds on for the 2-1 win. >> it wasn't an a plus game for us but i thought we got better takes game went on and we had some opportunities to score more than the one we got. we've got to catch in. this time of year you're not going to win games with one goal. i think the goals were there tonight we just didn't stick them in. >> game 2 of that series tuesday night again at st. louis at the sharks will try to earn a split before they come to san why for games 3 and 4. and the sharks are fining themselves behind in a sir's. >> you think the coach this a good point they need to score a few more goals. >> there was a lot of opportunities where it was just by that much. it was one that went off the pipe where the st. louis goalie made a quibbling kick save. 2-1 score. >> i thought they were going to. no such luck. thanks joe. >> as the sharks gear up for game # coming up later this week the defending champion golden state warriors will continue their run for repeat championship. steph curry and company will take on oklahoma city thunder in game 1 of the western conference finals. at 6:00 tomorrow night at oracle. the wolves were told they have been pretty good about curry's health after coming back from the sprained right knee. new developments in the strange story of killer bees in the east bay. residents in concord are breathe a sigh of releft after the swarm of aggressive bees werer rad car indicated. a large swarm of bees was aggressively attacking people and animals. in fact two dogs died from the bee attack. bee experts from the beekeepers association put out a temporary hive with bait to attract the dislocated bees and destroy them so they will no longer be a threat. residents say that plan seems to have worked. >> today there are a few. like there's one right there. but there's not enough bees to bother anybody. nobody has been strung that i know of. this morning an officer returned to inspect the neighborhood as of right now most of the bees are gone just a few of them in the area. >> house five left the a home heavily damaged but the owners say a cocker spaniel survived. no one was home when the fire broke out. bouchard fay was left behind while a second dog was taken to the vet. firefighters arrived to see thick black smoke coming from all the windows of the home. when they broke through the front door that's when the dog ran out. there's a lot of damage to the kitchen and the dining room and a lot of smoke damage throughout that house. sheriff's deputies are investigate a homicide. market avenue fred jackson way in north richmond. the 26-year-old male victim was rushed to kaiser medical center in richmond where he later died. his difficult denyty as ha not been released. they have discussing installing cameras along highway highway 4. a half dozen vehicle to vehicle shootings in the past 11 minutes months. three have been fatal the most recent happened near wednesday near railroad avenue claimed life of is that meek way marie. she was a mother of four. city council familying to decide to spend $109,000 on cameras. hillary clinton and bernie sanders eye two more primary elections coming up this week. while republican donald trump shot back at the british prime minister. mikey manuel with trump's response to being called quote supped divisive and wrong regarding his views on muslims. >>reporter: it is crunch time for the democratic presidential candidates gearing up for a pair of primaries in oregon and kentucky on tuesday. >> for us to win the nomination. for us to win the number of pledged delegates we knee we're going to have to do very, very well in the remaining 8 states. after victories in indiana and west virginia for burn he d hillary is trying to stop his momentum. >> i voted to bail out the auto industry and he voted against it because i wanted to save those millions of jobs. i guess if you were to evaluate our positions i think i came out on the better side of that. >> clinton leads sanders by nearly 300 pledged delegates going into tuesday's primaries but the vermont senator says he's in the race until the july convention. >> in virtually every national poll and in every statewide poll we do much better against trump than does secretary clinton. >>reporter: as for presumptive presidential no knee donald trump he spent the evening attending his daughter's graduation. vice-president joe biden was also in attendance for his grand sought. earlier trump told british television hes is not stupid. >> number one i'm not stupid i can tell you that right now. just the's. number two in terms of divisive i'm a unifier unlike our president now. >>reporter: trump responding to comments made by british prime minister david cameron who called trump's ban on muslims entering the u.s. stupid and wrong. >> it looks like we're thought going to have a very good relationship it sounds like he's not willing to address the problem either. a win in one of the two states would give clinton momentum head into the major primaries in california and new jersey. sanders is likely to win oregon, but the clinton team thinks it is competitive here in kentucky. in hour heville mike e foxnews. >> megyn kelly sat down with donald trump with a one 0 on one interview. megan cell presents tuesday night at 8:00. trump's potential v p list normer candidate ben carson who is heading up trump's vice- presidential search committee gave the list to the washington post. those on it are mostly trump's former opponents including new jersey governor crist 'tis christie texas senator ted cruz ohio governor john kasich. florida senator marco rubio and former alaska governor sarah palin. carson says he's not interested in being vp. several states and school districts are thread engine to school the federal government on transgender students. to republicans are making threats in new rules. >>reporter: republican leaders across the country are telling the white house to gear up for a fight over its new guidance on trans agenda students. on friday the departments of just 'tis and education sent school districts across the country a letter stating trans generals students have full and equal access to both facilities and activities based on the gender they identify with. this includes bathrooms locker rooms and college dorms just to name a few. the administration also said failing to follow these guidelines could result in federal lawsuits and the loss of millions of dollars in education funding. now a growing number of republican leaders are expressing their outrage over the new directive. officials in at least 12 states are vowing to fight it in court. saying it's the latest example of executive over reach by the obama administration. >> the entire policy is vague, it's also we believe unconstitutional. because they don't have statutory authority or constitutional authorities to change the statute. that was done by congress and it needs to be changed by congress. this needs to be a debate in congress not with the administration. just unilaterally changing the law. >>reporter: the white house is defending its actions saying this policy has been in the works for years and comes in response to a growing number of school administrators who were reaching out for guidance on how to handle the issue. >> the challenge here is no sir not to isolate anybody not to discriminate against anybody. not to make anybody unsafe it's actually to ensure our schools are as inclusive and suspect full and safe as they can possibly be. >> similar to north carolina this fight will likely end up and be decided in the courts. in washington foxnews. san jose city council is company experted to banning city travel and business with north carolina and miss his. this is in response to new laws in those two states which criticing say discriminates against people based on sexual or yen taking. supporters say the ban would sends a strong message discrimination of any kinds will not be tolerated. from points say the proposed travel and business ban would be difficult to enforcement the council i set to consider the measure on thursday. we continue to find out more about the breaking news in san jose. this fire at an auto repair shop. it's not interviews the flames flames are that causing problems for telephones. 7 -- thousands of people pour into san francisco for the wacky wet race around. 75,000 excited soccer fans evacuated from a stadium after a suspicious item was found. furniture out it was all a mistake. mistake. . lots of sunshine here in the bay area. satellite showing mostly cloudy skies we do have mostly cloudy skies in san francisco bay. coming up we have some warming temperatures to talk about in your monday forecast. ♪ what if there was a paint that made you look at paint differently question everything you know and what you don't know what if it's built with better ingredients given super powers and even a secret base to test those powers. since benjamin moore reinvented paint, it makes you wonder is it still paint? find benjamin moore paint, only at one of our authorized retailers near you. . the story of the titanic is still alive for people in new jersey who are in jersey city remembering a local hero. the titanic international society paid fire new polished black granite head stone at the grave of robert hawkins. he was a seaman on the titanic he was assigned to lifeboat 13 and saved the lives of 130 people. they were mostly women and children. he survived the ordeal as a hero but was buried in an unmarked grave in jersey city 73 years ago. >> we might show the care and concern in our lives that robert showed so heroic include that cold, freezing, clear night in april 14th when he helped save the lives of so many people. >> family members say he didn't talk much about the titanic disaster but they say they will be able to retell his story for generations. in minnesota hundreds of people gathered for a private memorial service for prince at the gentlemen hoe virginia's witness kingdom hall. the invitation only event was held in minnetonka a add and expected to draw a crowd up to .500 people. churches asked local police to help direct traffic. he died on may 21st. he was 57 years old. the cause of death is still under investigation. we're finding you can out today the lead singer for the red hot chilly pep percent was hospitalized because of intestinal flu. he was rushed to the hospital on friday and the band canceled the show in los angeles they also canceled a concert on the 17th in burr badge. concert responsible sir says he was experiencing severe stomach pain it's not clear if it will affect the bottle rocket concert. it has been around since 1912 and it continues to be one of san francisco's most popular annual events. of course i'm talking about the beta breakers. kiss tin was along the court with all 40,000 or so participants. >>reporter: racers were lining up showing off costumes and holding heated debate who is going to have the best time. >> we're running a race. >> is there a rebuttal superman? >> no comment. >> we showed you live on morning on 2 soon enough it was go time. go time. . >> runners made their way through the city up the grueling hayes street hill and finally to the finish line. >> not bad at all. beautiful day. awesome day. >> a lot of the runners say just because they are crossing the finish line that doesn't mean the party's over. my knee ace a little bit hurt but it's fine. >> runners say are taking a day to party then getting ready for the 106th running of the beta breakers next year. in san francisco christian calf ton fox 232 news everyone as for the big winners of that 12k race isaac mccountry difficult of grand prairie texas finished first in the men's addition 35 minutes 23 seconds. jane kibbe of a been won the female division with a time of 40 minutes, 47 seconds. es, 47 seconds. lots of seniors here in the bay ear for today. temperatures warming up steadly over the past few days. the temperature rains when took upper 50s and 80s inland toward santa rhoda. a can 81. morgan hill 75. so a very nice day out there with lots of sunshine paying us a visit -p on the satellite you can't see a bigger perspective in the pacific. the oil still is moving out to the town. as a result we have much skies traced it had formal bend kicks up it minimizes the fog. a few patches regroups locally into the bay overnight. here's our live camera looking owl over toward the bay breeze. winds around 10 to 20 miles per hour. first thing tomorrow morning partly cloudy i, been in the school responsible in the every are san francisco, 52. in fact here is in the lab will n 76. appellate of fog increasing throughout the day 66 degrees san francisco easy yes the upper 60s most neighborhoods barrier wide will be warmer than today. maybe you can see pass tim flong cloud cover is till in the mask musclely sunshine werent pal entrance from the 06s coat side to the mid a also as rage thursday. to 84 degrees and we haven't even more on that at 10:35 and also a major cooling training tp-pbd? athank you mark. solano than you on their last day of makes in michigan why they are sporting a family treks. giants go for a supreme if an ha mo. are . get giants get a little revenge. >> i think so. talking a little bit of baseball. let's do it. 162 game baseball season than has a lot of faces little less an month ago giants were on the wrong end of a four game sweep at the hands of the arizona diamondbacks. when your starting pitcher between starts you have lots of time on your hands that's what jonny cueto does with his time off. trevor brown got a start. he made the most of his opportunities getting all but across edel war a pitch. it was 1 10:00 giants pate bats bathing him the 9:00. they have won five in a role overall after had 2-1 win. it wasn't on the list of promotional days for the tampa bay rays but it turned into dany valencia day -p at tropicana field. he gave the a's 1-0 lead first add bat in the first inning off matt moore. that one way gone. number three on the air for virginia lens gentleman. he also hit a two-run home near the 5th and another eights valencia did it again on the first pitch he saw from steven against. it promise a's to 7 i don't 6 winter. all five coming this weekend jason day started today's mother-in-law rout with a four stroke theirs championship that's the wait ended. they started the tournament with a 63 on thursday the rest of the field had to chase him for 3 days today bipartisan with an eagle at 16 they would settle for a birdie on a rants at any time. the only one tonant a charge against him. necessity they have led by 2 star all day. won by 4 over condition happy l former australia alternatively bleeding star jarryd hayne reis releasing he wants to join the fc17 runner seem in000r. starting within for 5-11 season. incredited the iter supporting and under thanks stang his pursue another isn't. l we will see you then. >> that arizona schwarzenegger against here will prone in percentage point. >> that -- >> you travel and you sweep them. >> that's crazy. to the giants credit on the road they beat zack greinke this one of those games you know. so yeah, you don't expect to get swept at home four game sweeps are pretty well to have it go the way the only ways and thanks joe. coming up in 2 minutes we'll have an update on breaking news that we follow in san from. rye now southeast an out of a gad. . how they were in the right place at the right time to save a family. >> a security scare at a packed soccer game. 75,000 fans suddenly evacuated it was owl a mistake. the real calling it a fee an cost. 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fire. still though officials are keeping a close eye on this building itself because it is in danger of collapsing. as we mentioned at the top of the hour they were also concerned about downtown power lines into to the fire. in facts our crew is being kept at a distance due to concerns. we're told firefighters are making progress but again what we mains an issue is downed power lines in that area. an embarrassing security blunder. police say bomb device looked real. it was left by accident after an early jerrell security we are size earlier exercise. a suspicious package was discovered inside the convenient. >> you there was a lot of people talking. >>reporter: it has a capacity of 75,000 was evacuated before half more spring 3:00 p.m. kick off. >> bomb experts and military person nell arrived quickly. bomb disposal you night carried out a controlled explosion. it was later determined to be a hoax. >> one of 10 taking place in the final day of the premier lying season. the other 9 matches went ahead as scheduled. >> it was a bit unnerving we didn't know what was happening. we made it out but sarcenet say it was vying foreman charges they are city and qualify for the champions league. it is in the united top four chances. premier will look to reschedule the match as fast as possible. will car, foxnews. while the league was worried about when the match would be played. the mayor described it is things as a fee an could and claiming investigation. is i change for deadly plant near bang. recognize he officials say that attack took place with two suicide car bombs at the gate. a half do's stormed the facility. at least 10 people were killed and more than 20 injured. last week is i set off bombs in crowded markets kill more than a hundred people in 24 hours. military analysts say the terror group has been losing ground in iraq and syria and that fewer people are joining its ranks. top u.s. cyber security experts will be among those participating in a sim lateed cyber attack in boston. boston college is hosting the event with experts from fire eye and sub said yan man dean. experts from the fbi and homeland security will also participate along way hundred representatives from other public private agencies and companies. discussion will take place after the mock incidents on the legal technical challenges in trying to stop and respond to an attack. light showers and cooler temperatures are helping firefighters battle an out of control wide fire in canada. more than 80,000 people have been forced to evacuate the city of forth mcmurray. albert take proper convenient shall government has released and app to allow residents to survey their property. viewing the satellite images might be traumatic. no deaths or injuries have been reports from the fire but two people died in a traffic accident while trying to evacuate. fairfield couple on vacation in another state ends up being heros. the two talked about the river rescue. the couple tells tuesday they were just in the right placety right time. it was denise and todd's last day in maine. they didn't think their trip would have such a memorable ending. this adventurous duo is back in their fairfield home. two days ago they were wrapping up their trip. todd buckley and his fiance' noticed this paddle bod both. >> we taxied up to them come to find out they were actually sinking. >>reporter: the seaplane couldn't fit any more passengers they asked another boat to help the man. >> the boat came back hooked up to them. that's when everything went terribly wrong. >>reporter: the weight of the paddle boat ripped off the second boat's engine. both boats capsized leaving a family of five and man with special needs in the river. >> it was so important that the people got out of the water as quickly as possible it was so cold. >>reporter: burn an came 911 but her fiance' couldn't wait for emergency crews to show up. >> things between bad very, very quickly. >>reporter: the couple says in one minute the boat went under buckley says he had no choice but to jump in the river. >> i used a float and i pushed that out to him. had him get on that i pulled him off on to the shore. >>reporter: it was the team effort with burr national and see plan private mate it out of the river. they said they are not heros but did what they had to do on that river. >> flynn in that situation would have done the same thing. emergency crews in from sara agencies came to the reese cue of a driver. it lunge 50 feet off a clip. it teams rushed into action and rescue the driver in just about 10 minutes. >> this is typically complicated operating. county sheriff were able toyshop down the proceeded way on get rope systems in quickly. the driver was the only inside the recognize. they are investigate go case and if drawings or alcohol played a role. training was talks to worked with the disabled in a most uncon very goodal place. pretty spectacular sunday if you like today's weather you're going to like the first parts of the weekend but then things will change. his forecast coming up next. . there's a special graduation for two dogs who spent months in jail. the dogs are trained by inmates at the north county detention facility and in return provide minimum security prisoners with companionship and more. >> a look at the sonoma county program that's being called a win, win for the inmates and the community. >>reporter: in a jail chow hall otis and neville practice their skills. >> otis tug. tug. get it. give. good boy. >>reporter: they open cabinets and doors, retrieve items, turn on lights. >> these dogs need to learn how to care for another person at some point. >>reporter: there are trainers inmates working behind barbed wire. >> it's something you can't find in the institution's walls. is it genuine love and care. this dog every day lovers us. >> get it. >>reporter: they will become companion animals for someone disabled. in its seconds year the program has brought jail morale up tensions down. >> you definitely see in the unit the dogs are housed in there's a lessening of tension is the best way to talk about it. people feel just more normal. >>reporter: it's a full time job. the dogs live here in dorm style units they sleep, eat, spend every minute with their handlers who have nothing but time to give them. there were some hurdles how to put a dog out when every door is locked. >> there were people skeptical of the program but once it started everyone fell in love with it very quickly. >> my responsibility learning things new. >>reporter: inmates apply and are screened for selection as handlers. >> i thought it was a good way to give back to the community and do something positive for once that's going to make me feel good about myself and make others feel good about me. >> turn. neville turn. >>reporter: these dogs require patience, something inmates may not have starting out. >> stay. >>reporter: but they are learning life skills too. >> i teach them about using positive reason fox. i've had them saying to me what you're telling me that would work for my kids too. >> it gives us an companion to be with you know. someone to love and someone that's going to love us. >> from that program there in sonoma county to another dog story a golden retreive in dork likes his doggie daycare so much he ran way from home. >> one sidewalk in the door and said shed there's a dog waiting to come? >> riley had just returned from daycare with his owner but he stuck out through a back yard gate and walked a mile back to his daycare he knew the way because list owners often walk him there. they are planning to take care of him more often. so can hang out with list busseys. weather today great day to be outside. lots of sunshine after some patchy fog this morning but today temperatures warming than yesterday and that trend will continue monday and tuesday. we have a weather system to our north and this is generated some showers near in the bay area northern california yesterday morning but all this activity all this action for the most part heading out of town with the exception over the past few hours you can see showers developing dismating into never today. trace inside the surface winds. you can see the winds move in from the north. typically the northerly win clears out the following but this will eventually win out over the next few days. we have the warming forecast. but right now still some patchy fog near parts of the shore line south of the golden gate bridge closer to half moon bay at least approaching sfo. looking at the bay bridge in the clear. for tonight partly cloudy ciscoes coastal fog. tomorrow will be warm and extended forecast we go the other direction and maybe a few sprinkles approach parts of the bay aerial later in the week. but in the short early tests cliffty turning up these number very quarrelment san jose 789 degrees con87 and san jose 73. warmest locations could be right around 90 degrees. here's a plan for tomorrow. near the cold front those readings in the 60s t. sensor showing you the micro climates teding to this time of year temperatures inland easy by back up to the 08s approaching mid 80s by where or 4:00 in the afternoon. big roller coast tore it looks like wednesday the host est day of the week inand a billing drop off with the drop off we could be talking at least the possibility of a few slight showers. but monday, tuesday and wednesday patchy morning fog mostly sunny skies. 70s and 80. tracking pretty potent cold front for this time of year definitely a sharp drop off in temperatures more clouds and maybe a few sprinkles thursday night into a family. so we'll keep an eye on that. not in the forecast just yet but something we'll be watching for later in the week. santa rosa 84 degrees. 07 in san francisco san jose will go 79. san mateo 72. an take cruz 70 degrees. here's a look ahead at your five days of the week that will be had you had then still some pretty warm temperatures close to 90 degrees and a then a sharp drop off of the numbers thursday and friday. maybe thursday night into friday we might be add a sprinkle to the forecast and. >> a sunday. a lot to talk about this week. it's mind of whenever you get one extreme going up you get the other extreme going down. we'll be stinging for shorts and sweaters. keefe the ward rope options available. >> the force has we awakened. >> stick around for sports wrap. joe and jason have a preview. >> the nhl western conference finals are underway they try to get a win outside ron with a warriors go to abuse. today they get potential good news on their injured sinner andrew bogut. an ace plate it's all tonight at 11:00 on sports wrap. (music plays from one way or another )♪♪ ♪ i'm gonna find y♪ i'm gonna getcha ♪ ♪ getcha getcha getcha ♪ one way or another ♪ ♪ i'm gonna win ya ♪ i'm gonna getcha ♪ ♪ getcha getcha getcha ♪ one way or another ♪ ♪ i'm gonna see ya ♪ (inhales cigarette) . back to breaking news we've been following throughout this newscast. a fire in san jose at an auto repair shop. firefighters having a tough time because of down power lines. >>reporter: what we can tell you is there is a power outage right now. the fire is no longer a threat but power is out to full square block south of downed. almaden at willow. the shop owner and car owner were both there saw this happen, they managed to escape and called for help. but in a very short time this shop went up in flames when fire crews arrived. there were flames through the roof. it's an unreinforced masonry building crews could not go inside because of the structural danger of doing that. its there's a power pole right outside the shop. it was burning. a transformer had blown. lives were in jeopardy. there is very dangerous from an electrical standpoint as well. they called two alarms bring some ladder trucks out dump water on from above so they weren't putting any of their crews in immediate danger. then called pg&e to turn off the power. this auto shop looks pretty much gutted from where i'm standing. the power pole is leaning he precariously. pg&e will have to replace the pole and transform element it looks to be a long night for folks out here. they did evacuate one apartment building as a precaution. it was -- did not catch on fire but it was close enough they didn't want folks living this to be in any jeopardy. fortunately throughout all of this. >> thank you so much for letting us know what's the latest situation. but it appears as though that fire is now out. the concern of course is the downed power lines restoring power to that neighborhood. meantime we want to tell you about san francisco may not some lost out on the tar wars museum after all. george lucas is considering the city to be home for this hills new museum. plans to build it in chicago are not going well. he's reportedly looking at treasure island. the site has already been proved for development mayor ed lee is lobbying the creator to build list museum there. lee is in discussions with lucas plans toto consider a site on the island facing downtown san from. >> it's that time of year. we talk about graduation and commencement. >> when you hear someone looking for the good old days take it with a grain of salt. >> not all of his message was meant for the students. coming up next a who he took swipes out without ever mentioning a name. . president obama gave the commencement speech at rutgers university. he urged this year's graduates to pursue positive change. >> the president also took swipes at donald trump without ever mentioning the republican's name. kristin fisher with more on president obama's address to the class of 2016 class of 2016 . >>reporter: he started his speech by sailingth not much i'm afraid to take on in my final year of's. he went after donald trump all he stands for without ever mentioning him by name. one of the first things he let him on campaign slogan make america great again. he said the good old days weren't all that good. >> when you hear someone longing for the good old days take it with a grain of salt. >>reporter: he made his case why he believes his trump's eye solationist policies are bad for america. >> the world is more interconnected than ever before and it's becoming more connected every day. building walls won't change that. >>reporter: president obama saved his most scathing criticism directly attacking some of trump's favorite talking points he said the system is not rigged more people just plead to vote and he said experience does matter it did it matzs for doctors and pilots should matter for politicians too. >> it's not could no not know what you're talking about that not keeping it real or telling it like it is. that's not challenging political correctness that's just not knowing what you're talking about. >>reporter: president obama did stick up for another republican former secretary of state condoleeza rice she was ined to speak at rutgers two years bugs backed out because of student protests. ed said those protests are misguided it's bad for democracy when we're unwilling to listen to the other side. hundreds of people traveled to new york city to participate in a race to top of the -- they child 104 floors to get to the very top of the building. >> when it started getting hard today in the stairs wes after the 50th floor was hard to put one leg in front of the other i found strength through them they were the strength in my legs and wind in my lungs. >> that's a lost stairs. the tunnel to towers climb also raises money to build smart homes for military personnel injured during war. >> that's a great job. thanks for joining us. sports is next. good 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