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And smoke coming from the front door. They later determined it was intentionally set to deter officers. A resident snapped this photo showing the bottom part of the door burned. After officers forced himself and they found the suspect armed with an ax. He would not listen to officers commands, police used a taser and that did not work. It was not until that he started to advance at the officers with an act that the officer was given no other choice, then to discharge his firearm and defense. The suspect i to the hospital, besides an extensive rap sheet has previously been omitted to mental institutions. The complex is run by men pin housing, the organization provided this note to residents. We understand these types of incidents can cause uncertainty and frightening. We want to assure you this is an isolated incident. I heard a person think shoot me. This man lives on the sixth floor and says he heard the suspect yelling. He is digging of moving out giving the violence. Im devastated again, being one of the first tenants here, that the environment and atmosphere was going to be unique and calm and considering the traffic of the people that come through here i have to say im not surprised. Police took another man into custody, he was also inside the apartment. He was not injured. As for the officer he is been on the force for 2 years and received mandatory crisis intervention training, he is unpaid administered ratably. In san jose, fox 2 news. 2 people in san jose and 2 dogs were burnt the fire started around 430 this afternoon. Firefighters say it started near the entrance of the garage, and spread into the secondstory living area in the attic. At 1 point it caused a partial collapse. There was no injuries, the home was badly damaged. The causes under investigation. New at 11, authorities in east bay have called off the search for a boater who went missing. The coast guard said a man jumped from a boat into the water around 5 pm last night to get his hat. It had blown off, it happened near the antioch oakley peer. Other people in the boat try to reach them, but they lost sight of him. Coast guard said they were out until 11 00 looking for the man, coast guard helicopter looking again at first light this morning. They were not able to locate him. Officials at a south Bay High School are responding to 2 racist from puzzles prompt proposals. They reported the first incident of a male student reading a poster sign invitation with bright racist content containing the n word with a hangman news and a request to hang at the prom. The School Ministry we are issued a statement that says no community should about any school event should be denigrate any person or group for reason. We are aware of 2 proms proposals that are offensive and we will do what we can to make sure this does not occur. Darrell potts was on the shoreline when he saw a boat traveling at a high rate of speed, hit a personal watercraft that was caring 2 boys. I seen a boat, speeding. Without a care. It just smacked into the jet ski. Right out here, right along here. So clearly the guy should not have been seeing where he was. The 16yearold passenger on the watercraft was pronounced dead at the scene, the driver of the personal watercraft and the driver of the motor boat word injured were injured, theres no word if any in charges will be filed on that motorboat. Just after 6 30 at the pittsburgh base station, a bart bus operator was getting got punched in the face. The man that punched the other man was arrested, and with a hefty fine and possible jail time. Theres a lot of crazy people out there in the world, you just have to keep your eyes open. That may be true, but adding to the issues for bart, 9 am saturday Morning Police arrested a man for assaulting a woman at the Oakland Coliseum station. There a lot of families on board also, and a lot of elderly people and you dont want them to see all of that it is terrible. And the 9 pm wednesday, police say a woman was attacked on a train between the richmond and North Berkeley stations. That suspect is on the loose, leading some passengers concerned. I get on bart all the time, i have my son out to care for him, i put my phone on the seat anything. Now you have to be really really aware. Especially while writing night, i dont want to write anymore. Ive never had a problem before but after all these incidents i probably wont do it now. The incidents are isolated, bart is the fifth busiest in the country, and while the new police chief plans to address the issues writers they still have requests. I would like to see more cameras on bart, cameras definitely. Operates on hundred 12 miles of track linking 46 stations, with the police force of over 200, that is a lot of grout ground to cover. There doesnt seem to be any Police Officers around. And then having heard what had happened there seems like there would be a lot more around. From mirrors to cameras, security is here. With 50 trains leaving from any given moment at any given station those Police Officers cannot be everywhere. Theres a lot of things going on, they cannot be everywhere all the time. Im sure they try as best as i can. With limited resources art needs to fill at least 30 Police Officer positions, right now they rely on surveillance cameras, and also station agents and passengers to report signs of trouble. Ktvu fox 2 news. Just after nine day trip abroad President Trump launched a new twitter attack against leakers in the media. President tweeted quote whenever you see the words sources say in the fake news media, and they do not mean mention names it is very possible that those sources are made up by fake news writers. Fake news is the enemy. Mr. Trump appeared to be responding to recent stories about Jared Kushners ties to the Russian Ambassador. The white house is now downplaying any reports about that resident trump son inlaw Jared Kushners try to set up a back channel in between the president and moscow , the Washington Post broke the story on friday, kushner had asked Russian Ambassador serge kissel yak to create a secret link between the Trump Transition Team and moscow. The request reportedly came as a surprise to surging, sir j multiple ways to communicate back and forth, is a good thing with any country i think. And particularly country like russia. So, it does not bother me. We need to get to the bottom of these allegations, i do think there ought to be a review of his security clearance, to find out whether he was truthful or candid. If not theres no way can maintain a kind of a clearance. There are other reports suggesting that kushner failed to disclose at least 2 phone calls with ambassador kissel yak that took place between april and november of last year. President trump continues to propose his travel ban. The future of the executive order is anything but certain. President trumps renewed travel ban facing an uncertain future after the Fourth Circuit court of appeals refuses to instate it. The second attempt to ban was over was to overcome the first band, notably excluding ever neat reference to a specific religion and giving green card access to the country. The latest version of the executive order has been blocked in several courts. Department of Homeland Security secretary john kelly appearing on Fox News Sunday made it clear the administration is not giving up. The fact is, in most countries, we have very little ability to actually verify the people that are coming out of those countries. Secretary kelly also set the laptop and that has many travelers grumbling is not going anywhere. The thing that they are obsessed with is the idea of knocking down an airplane in flight particularly if its a u. S. Carrier, or particularly full of u. S. Folks. We are going to raise the bar for generally speaking Aviation Security much higher than it is now. Legal experts say the question of constitutionality lays in the first of amendment of freedom of religion clause. He cannot issue an executive order that violates that establish establishment clause, it bases a question how far back in a court look to a candidate statement made on a Campaign Stop and try to attribute that to an order that would otherwise be viewed as constitutional. The administration is now waiting for ruling from the ninth Circuit Court of appeals, a court that ruled against his first order, the Justice Department had artie announced it will be appealing to the justice supreme court. More arrested in connection with that terrorist attack in england. It left 22 people dead. What we know about the suspect, now behind bars. Plus a string of killing in mississippis in mississippi leaves 8 people dead including 2 children and a deputy. What Officials Say prompted the rampage. And in weather, little bit warmer in parts of the bay area. The fog is coming back though. Coming up, ill let you know our full forecast. Manchester Police Arrested more suspects today in connection to the concert bombing. It killed 22 people. The 2 men is one is 25 years old and one is 19 were nabbed on suspicion on terrorist defensive they also rated 3 additional places that may be linked to that attack. Meantime people in manchester are trying to return to a normal life. A somber and respectful atmosphere here in state and square as is powerful memorial grows larger by the minute. People of the city coming here to pay their respects to lay flowers, and to reflect and wonder how all this couldve happened. One person said it is a reminder that isis is radicalizing young people. He was able to build a bomb in a backpack and detonated outside the arena on monday night. Police is are releasing new photos of the suspect before he blew himself up. Meanwhile manchester attempts to return back to normal. Starting with a moment of silence this marathon and amped up security. Saint annes and other houses of worships, bishops and ministers read the names of the lives lost. Of the 116 hurt, 54 still being treated at 8 area hospitals. 19 of them are in Critical Care with a long road of recovery ahead. In manchester england, fox news. Amanda mississippi is in custody today accused of killing 8 people. Including a deputy sheriff. Authorities say it started late last night near the town of brookhaven when this man 35 yearold Willie Corey Godbolt got into an argument with his estranged wife about their children. He went house to house killing family members. When asked by reporter what is next for him, Willie Corey Godbolt said it was his intention for god to kill him. Whats next for you . Willie Corey Godbolt said he did not intend for police to capture him alive, and he had wanted deputies to shoot him. The deputy that was killed was 36 years old and a father of an 11yearold son. University of california board has spent tens of thousands of dollars on parties. That includes a 70,000 banquet back in january, that was the night before the board voted to raise student tuition. According to the chronicle the office of uc president janet has reimbursed the more than 225,000 for parties since 2012. They say the dinners are paid for by private funds to the university. Some regents say those parties are not necessary. The lake merritt station will be closed until tuesday morning, while crews are rebuilding tracks. Shuttle buses will run between the 19th street in oakland fruitville. This is a timelapse view of what is underway. Crews are installing new tracks , they are replacing old wooden ones with concrete. The new tracks will be safer, and offer passengers a smoother ride. The bus bridge will cause 20 to 40 minute delays for passengers. This will continue on selected weekends through july. Theres a big crowd at Yosemite National park, and more people are expected tomorrow. About 100,000 people showed up to get a look at the amazing waterfalls created by the extremely wet winter we had. Visitors want to avoid a long wait at the entrance should arrive before 9 am. Or after 4 pm in the afternoon. Or they should take 1 of the two tour buses. Yesterday took more than three hours to find a place to park during memorial day weekend. That great weather in the sierra up as well. We had a few thunderstorms pop up but for the most part at least cloudy skies. Here in the bay area we have been warming up a little bit but no major heat in the forecast. The highs today ranging from 56 in pacifica, and matzoh 60s around the bay. Some low 80s out towards concord this afternoon. On the satellite we have a batch of high clouds working their way in from the pacific, the fog and high clouds will come closer. Is artie transported some below clouds closer to san jose. Their reporting mostly cloudy skies. Hayward and fremont sfo and oakland as well. A check in on some of the current numbers for the 11 clock hour. Livermore 56 degrees, wind speeds are bad of a breeze out toward fairfield southwesterly checking in at 25 miles per hour. More reports out towards sfo that is a wind gust at 24. Breezy out there for tonight, heres our life camera live camera and you can see that fog. We will have some low cloud issues as a factor in the morning tomorrow. For the most part a dry weather pattern, and it will remain in place for the rest of your weekend. With the exception we could have some drizzle first thing tomorrow morning especially in the coast, around the bay. Heres whats happening tomorrow, pretty good onshore wind in temperatures ranging from the 50s to around 60 degrees by the coast. Warmest it locations inland 70 degrees. And maybe a touch cooler to tomorrow opposed to today. San francisco, hayward and portions of the north bay as well. 6 00 in the morning you might all wake up to some drizzle. Then into the afternoon hours, by midafternoon we are expecting that the clouds pull back to the coastline and there will be patchy fog there. Lots of 60s there in the inland and up to 80 degrees. Winds pick up quickly surging to the golden gate. Pushing back into the bays well. Forecast high tomorrow is not a big chains change from today. 80 degrees. A sweater, jacket if youre heading toward the coast. 50 in pacifica, 60 in Half Moon Bay and san jose 72. Theres look ahead of your 5 date forecast. 5 day forecast. Memorial day just a little bit of a drop off of the numbers, and warmer temperatures will be coming in thursday and friday. The upcoming weekend will be beautiful as well. 60s, 70s all the way to the 80s. We will see what happened in june, it seems that the fog will never go away. We will see what happened in june. Look at some of those ceremonies that are going on if you have nothing to do tomorrow. Just misses the 10, scott dixon its right there. You know they will talk about the indy 500, and the giants. And the warriors. And the as. Weve a lot to talk about on sports representative today. Sports rap is one of the most colorful and culturally celebrations in severance go. Coming up whats next with the carnaval festival in the city. [ birds chirping ] [ inhales, exhales ] [ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when theyre smoked. [ rat squeaking ] theyre dangerous long after. Cigarette butts are toxic. They release chemicals that poison our water. And harm wildlife. And millions. Are polluting our environment. [ sniffing ] [ seagulls squawking ] an artist in Virginia Beach honoring the u. S. Military with a huge muriel mural covering several buildings. People are marveling at this effort that it took. It took only a month for local artist to complete this mural. Hes calling it quote Great America number one. Our fallen heroes. This mural is giving locals enter a something to talk about, and reflect on. Ive walked across 4 or 5 times and every time i walk by someone said how beautiful it is. My uncle was in the marines, my grandpa in army. I want to graduate High School Early to be a marine or in the air force. The mural replaces another one that also honor the military, but unfortunately it was peeling due to water damage. If you are the fans of the latest attraction of disneys animal world in florida. Pandora land of avatar opened to long lines and great expectations. Its created to look like the blockbuster movie, created by james cameron. He helped dedicate the new land earlier this week. When i was 19 years old i had a dream. Literally a dream of a fight by adolescent a bioluminescent forest, and now we are here years later literally a dream has come true. Pandora land of avatar is considered one of disneys biggest expansions in recent years. It is a tradition in san franciscos district the carnaval festival. Thousands showed up for todays dazzling display of cultural pride. Laughing and playing to the latin beats, parade dispense lined up to dance their way to the streets. They waited to take in the dancing, drumming, and all the things that were wonderful and the carnaval parade in the Mission District expect the best thing about carnaval is that it brings different cultures together. The position is procession is dedicated to let you know to the latino it was the hotbed of low riding in the beer area for a long time a low riding in the bay area for a long time. To 1951, chevys deluxe four door. You cannot have carnaval without low riders. The cultural customize card work cars were a crowd favorite. For some low riding was a family affair. A few cars had babies buckled up in the back fast asleep in the car seat. You people watching these events, and this is great for them. Many longtime residents. We got pushed out because of the high rents out here, but we are front san francisco. So its nice to see our old friends. I come back almost every day, or at least a few times week this is just my home pretty much. Even if i live out there, my heart will be right semper cisco. As much as a mission changes threat the years, this event always brings a back to home base. An event that has been going on in the mission for 39 years, a unique display of cultural pride to a diverse musical beat. Ktvu fox 2 news. Some those costumes are thin, it seems like every year for carnaval they might look a little chilly out there. I admire them for getting out there and getting to the parade. The cost of 50 degrees. Always so much spirit though. You have caribbean, latin american everything a little mix. That will do it for us tonight, sportswrap is coming up next. Thanks for joining us everyone. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for mornings, and find us online at ktvu. Com as well as the atv ktvu. Ktvu . 1st the giants channeling their holiday spirit. How they continue to feast on the cookie. No such luck for the as back east. How they are summarily judged in the bronx. And full throttle in the brickyard, why experience was not the deciding factor. Nothing but experience in nba finals, why round 3 promises to be an epic battle. Struck a major a major milestone on the green. Sportswrap providing a late night spark when you need it now. Fox 2 sportswrap starts now. Welcome to the show,

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