Transcripts For KTVU Ten OClock News 20150509 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KTVU Ten OClock News 20150509

coming down here. you can see the toll plazas all say closed so we don't have any cars going down the san mateo bridge at this point. now that the bridge is closed the work will continue nonstop and continue through early monday morning. at 7:00 tonight. the closure began starting with a single lane east and west over the span. but this project started long before today. >> we actually started this back in february. >> reporter: caltrans spokesperson william morris says the prep work began in february with limited lane closures, the resurfacing of the elevated span begins the entire bridge to be shut down. for the past six weeks, roadsides have been warning drivers. >> i live in hayward so it will affect my commute. >> reporter: dora crossing the bridge almost every day. a bridge in need of some work. >> some of the lanes are really shaky. so it does need some work. >> reporter: kind of a shaky road. >> a bumpy road home. >> reporter: dating back to 1967, it will take two weekends to rip it up and replace it. >> that's a long time to be exposed to the elements. the bridge itself is in good shape but this will make sure it stay that is way. >> reporter: workers will also redo the electrical system and replace street lights with energy efficient. >> mother's day weekend. how many families are going to try to cross this side of the bay over here on mother's day weekend. >> the plan is for the bridge to reopen early monday morning that's before the rush hour compute in the morning. and the bridge will also be closed over the memorial day holiday weekend and that's when this resurfacing project is expected to be wrapped up. >> ken i know they also build extra time into these closures is it possible the bridge could reopen earlier than 5:00 monday morning. >> reporter: you're right about that. we've seen that happen multiple times when we see these projects. caltrans is saying that they won't be open until the monday morning commute, but it wouldn't be surprising to see them open before that. >> you can look for our traffic maps on our news app. that airport connector will operate. b.a.r.t. says it will provide bus service between the closed stations but passenger should expect 30 to 60 minutes of additional time. there were more headaches for drivers today. a track switch stopped working at san leandro's station. crews had to move it manually then around 4:00 there was a power outage making delays even worse. a b.a.r.t. spokeswoman tells us the transit system 43-year-old infrastructure is wearing thin. >> it's a domino effect. when one small thing goes wrong coupled with the fact that we have so many people in the system and so many train cars out you really feel the impact. >> reporter: b.a.r.t. says it needs $4.6 billion just to take care of the current system. it's considering raising fares and putting a bond measure. san jose police made an arrest in a high profile case. two nights ago we were showing you surveillance video of man following a 13-year-old girl home from school then pushing his way into the school and attacking her right in the hall way. police say the suspect tried to change his appearance because he knew officers were after him. on the left there is a surveillance picture from an attack. >> reporter: san jose police say they received more than 100 tips and one of them led them to the suspects home here in san jose and they put him under surveillance. >> reporter: 31-year-old muhammad coleki lives here in this neighborhood within walking distance of a school and the two locations where he's accused of attacking a woman and a young girl. >> he lived here, it's scary. >> reporter: neighbor steel says coliki moved into this apartment complex. and this mug shop shows that he altered his appearance. that he looks more like the person at the site of the attack. >> he just made me feel strange. you know that feeling like you know something is not right. >> reporter: police arrested him without incident. investigators declined to say what coliki did to the women. >> the women can rest assured that the attacker is off the streets. >> reporter: a man is seen following a 13-year-old girl home from school and pushing his way into her home. coliki is also accused of attempting to sexually assault a 28-year-old woman in a restroom in a near by supermarket last month. the woman also fought him off. >> he is a sexual predator. in my opinion he's a monster. >> get him off the streets. they say that's scary you know especially when you start going into the middle school kids. i have two daughters of my own that are college aged. i don't want people like that any where near them. >> muhammad caliki now faces charges of burglary, attempted sexual assault and false imprisonment. we just checked in with them. no word on what his bail is. >> amber, thank you. now to new developments and a happy homecoming in the east bay for two young children rescued after a camping trip in the sierra. some family members flew across the country to welcome the children back home. ktvu's john sasaki spoke to one of them that said the best part of it was the helicopter on the way out. >> how do you feel right now? >> okay, i'm okay. >> reporter: acting like the typical goofy 5-year-old that he is, he spoke about their experience. >> reporter: what did you do? >> we tried to get out. >> reporter: for two days they were in the woods staying entertained by dad who also signaled for help. >> i think i would lose it maybe if i was in that situation. but nick like, put a blanket in a tree. >> reporter: they were finally rescued by a helicopter. nick said that was the best thing about the trip. >> riding the helicopter. >> reporter: what was that like? >> it was not scary. >> reporter: just like everything else, it is clear that their dad's camping preparation helped them get through a tough time. >> they had a 5-gallon container of water. they had food to eat. they had a tent but no place to put it up. so it was good. >> he's asleep. >> reporter: the kid's aunt flew to the bay area from new york and their uncle came to hawaii when they heard the family was missing. >> we're so blessed and happy. we want to thank our friends and family who prayed for us: we're so very blessed. >> reporter: this incident has a silver lining. everyone will be together this sunday for mother's day. we're hearing from the crew that rescued the children. they said it was a great feeling to return them to the family but it was a bit scary for the children at first. >> there were some bug bites on the kids. the kids were a little scary getting off the hoist as you might imagine. >> reporter: the crew spotted the family in a remote area. their stranded truck had gone down a steep ledge. the chopper lowered a hoist down and air lifted them out one at a time. the father managed to get his truck out of there today and was driving it home tonight. the cold spring storm produceed the kind of snowfall that we sure lack in january and february. look at this. it's winter again in the higher elevations of yosemite national park. the park service says that more than 20-inches fell. this area is the watershed for the water supply. and mammoth mountain pushed their plans to close. they will operate for at least another week, maybe a little longer. the warriors second round series shifts to memphis tomorrow. we were there as the team boarded its charter flight today. we saw bogut getting on the flight. once they landed in tennessee it was right back the work. the team posted their work. tip off for game three is set for 3:00 tomorrow. game six if necessary would be back in memphis with a game seven in oakland. a bicyclists from oakland won the first stage of the first ever women's amgen tour of california. hall was a member of the uc berkeley cycling team before turning pro. second stage of the woman's race is tomorrow also in lake tahoe. the men's race starts sunday in sacramento and stage three is tuesday here in san jose. temperatures on the increase and the showers have moved out of the area. now your weekend is here and temperatures are going to warm. we're going to see upper 70s and low 80s. we'll show you what day will be the warmest. he's run a successful political campaign. now a con sum -- consultant is facing federal charges. and the latest on a hotel's residents who are staying out of their homes. >> they only said we would be out four or five hours. hi. hi, we're here to look at a camry. we just came from a birthday party. ohh, let me get you a new one. camrys are so reliable. yeah... and you gotta love that bold new styling. here you go. whoa! wow. those balloon towers don't make themselves. during toyota time, get 0% apr financing for 60 months on a bold 2015 camry. offer ends june 1st. for great deals on other toyotas, visit thanks jan. thanks jan. now you both have camrys. yeah! toyota. let's go places. frustration is growing for tenants forced out of their apartment after contaminated water forced the city to red tag the building. this latest issue may be the worse. eric rasmussen returned to the hotel today to get some answers. >> it was not the welcome home curtis davis expected. the front door of the emperian towers red tagged. >> i'm shaken right now. >> reporter: out of town right now. >> it is not open. >> reporter: davis wasn't around for the chaotic scene when more than 50 residents were told they had to go. east bay mud identified coloform bacteria usually found in sewage water after people got sick. >> they said we would only be out for four to six hours. >> reporter: now the owners are paying for the residents to stay in a hotel. crews flushed the system and tested the water. off camera a city inspector told us stagnant water might be the problem. last month, the city of oakland sued the owners of the imperian towers, alleging the building is a nuisance. today the owner sent us a statement saying that management has been -- preliminary results of the hotel's samples came back negative. a final word on water quality isn't expected until saturday. residents including davis who depend on this hotel for basic shelter are fed up. >> this is a constant battle, people homeless. people sick. it's frustrating and ridiculous. >> reporter: in oakland, eric rasmussen. city campus has found a new home for their campus. it mainly housed adult and english as a second language programs. a college spokesperson says that city college has now found a five story building on market street near united nations plaza to serve as an interim campus. the six year lease will go before the college's special trustee on monday. also in san francisco, the arrest of a political consultant on child pornography charges has left people stunned at city hall. debora villalon is in the city where the suspect respects some high profile names, deborah. >> reporter: frank he's an attorney and political strategist working for none other than the mayor. and tonight major lee is cutting all ties. this is 41-year-old enrique pierce accused of possessing more than 600 images of children engaged in sex acts. pierce engineered the run ed run campaign in 2011 to persuade then interim mayor ed lee to go after the job for good. pierce is everyone working on the mayor's reelection campaign or was. no one is talking on camera in the mayor's office. but a statement declares lee has moved to terminate all ties with pierce permanently. the mayor calls the allegations serious and says he's shocked. >> we have reason to believe he had child pornography. >> reporter: police served a search warrant at pierce's mcallister apartments. charges include sexual sadism involving minors. >> this is something our investigators have been following up on. and they came to the conclusion that this is somebody that we need to put away. >> reporter: pierce left coast communications promises we want to win and has guided numerous campaigns for candidates and initiatives. its website everyone boasts work for barbara lee. one of his big wins, helping get san francisco supervisor kim elected in 2010 and again last year at her office too staff was silent on the scandal. then this statement from kim. i am shocked and appalled by the serious charges she says. words cannot express my disappointment. >> you know at the end of the day a crime is a crime regardless of who it can be. >> reporter: pierces prominence police say has no bearing on his case. >> whoever you are or your political ties are, you're going to be held accountable. >> reporter: here's a look at enrique pierce in better times. a couple of years ago walking with san francisco mayor ed lee. we are told that pierce is now out of jail and frank he'll have a court date next week. >> i am sure we will be there. debora villalon, thank you. hillary clinton returned to the bay area today to raise more money for her campaign. she attended a fundraiser at the home of e bay ceo. people paid $2,600 each to hear the candidates speak on a number of issues. in great britain tonight, the conservative party is celebrating a sweeping victory. david cameron's party won a clear majority defeating three main rivals. the polls had predicted a dead even race that would have meant a coalition government but now mr. cameron does not have to do that. by tradition, he went to buckingham palace to tell the queen that he has support. there's a sense that isis fighters or their followers could be planning some type of take. the security level was raised from alpha to bravo. this means more unplanned drills to test readiness. yesterday an fbi report warned that isis followers were urged to attack. one of the two gunmen that opened fire in north texas -- i saw a picture of it. you've seen pictures maybe perhaps as well and it's a lot. so there's a lot of snow in the sierra nevada. especially south of lake tahoe. temperatures right now are in the 50s. we have upper 40s. overnight lows will be in the upper 40s and low 50s just like last night. as we head into the bay area afternoon winds will pick up again. they've dropped down a little bit this afternoon or this evening. they were windier this afternoon. 8-mile an hour at san francisco airport. nine at hayward. the wind are bringing in that fog and low cloud which there's a lot of it. it's going to be in the county. it burns off pretty quick. paints everybody with fog and low cloud. it's a deep marine layer so it's going to get down into the napa valley and concord, livermore. most of it is burned off. 80s show up east out toward brentwood. maybe out in the antioch area. most of us tomorrow will be in the 70s and 60s with right along the coast. it just remains cool. sunday is a warmer day for mother's day. when we come back we'll dial in the mother's day forecast. and there's actually some out there. we'll see you back here. her son was killed one year ago near uc santa barbara. >> i can't, can't sleep in peace when i think nothing has been done. >> just ahead a mother's impassioned plea for better security near college campuses. >> and later, hundreds of protesters fill city hall. what they're demanding from mayor ed lee. authorities in the east bay are now investigating the disappearance of a girl who walked away from her home earlier this week. the contra costa county sheriff's department says 14- year-old cristina bruno was reported missing on tuesday. she apparently left her home monday night or tuesday morning. the sheriff's department says it looks like she left voluntarily but everyone so she's considered at risk because of her age. deputies say a white charger may be involved in the case. it has a california license plate 6mrn815. if you have any information you're asked to call the contra costa sheriff's department. the two sisters from rohnert park who were taken by their father on tuesday are safe and back home with their mom tonight. ktvu has learned that their father 41 yield everett reed is being held on $1 million bail. he's charged with two counts of child endangerment. he was recently released from jail for resisting arrest. his family says he had taken kaira and alyssa to see his father in washington state but they convinced him to return the girls to rohnert park. the bay area mother who lost their son last year near uc santa barbara is making a plea this mother's day. an open letter she wrote to all mothers calling to improve for security on campuses. >> reporter: for weeks now, kelly's mind has been on mother's day. her first without her son. >> i would do everything i could, and give my life 100 times if i could save my son. >> reporter: kelly wang turned her thoughts to saving others. >> i can't, can't sleep in peace when i think nothing has been done. >> reporter: so she wrote an open letter to all mothers on mother's day. in the hopes of spurring them to action. calling for law enforcement to be more vigilant on campus. for parents to be more aware of warning signs in their children. >> we have to. we cannot afford another larger and come out sunday and lose hundredsover children we cannot afford that. >> reporter: they say in the years since the killings little has changed. >> we shouldn't see this happen over and over again. >> reporter: she plans to speak to politicians, police and whoever else will listen. she thinks mothers can have a powerful voice if they come together. >> please, please do something. even a little. you may have prevented a new violent attack and saved lives. >> reporter: the family plans to travel to uc santa barbara later this month to mark the anniversary of the shooting. the bay area's water world opens this weekend at 10:45. the millions of dollars in modifications to try to keep water from being wasted. >> from fresh flower bouquets to dinner or brunch reservations, there's many ways people show their love on mother's day. we'll tell you free things businesses are doing for mom. (music) hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! (music) introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. mother's day is this this sunday, while a lot of moms say oh you don't have to get me anything, a lot of businesses are gearing up for mother's day. >> reporter: some businesses are already booked for sunday. flower shops are working around the clock and one museum is planning to offer free admission for mom, all to help people show their love. >> reporter: cooking from the heart. what kaylie laird likes to do for her mom as much as she can. but on sunday she will be cooking for lots of other moms and preparing mimosas. >> who doesn't like mimosas. >> reporter: mother's day weekend is one of their busiest times of year. >> from 7:00 a.m. our telephone starts ringing. >> reporter: he and his wife expect to work all night saturday. >> we're going to be closed on monday. and we're going to celebrate mother's day after that. >> reporter: for families -- >> this is for your mommy. >> flowers. >> yes, you look them. >> it's a small sign of their love. >> okay. >> reporter: mother's day spending is expected to reach $21 billion the highest in 21 years according to the regional federation. but there are ways people can show they care without spending a dime. >> beautiful flores de papel which is a traditional craft from oaxaca. >> it's a very special event. we have special activities just for that day. >> reporter: sharing an experience. spending the day together which some say is what means the most. >> it's a sharing of time. together. >> reporter: bottom line, it's the thought that counts. and for many people it's about showing their thanks. not just on one day but throughout the year. >> that's right. jana katsuyama, live in the city tonight. thank you. the labor department today issued a positive report on job growth for april. it said 223,000 new jobs were created. a sign that economic growth is back on track. wages are still lagging only slightly higher up .1%. the unemployment rate dropped a notch to 1.4%. that's the lowest since the middle of 2008. the job's report triggered a rally on wall street. the nasdaq gained 58 and the s & p500 was up 28. it was the best day for the markets in two months. hundreds of protesters filled san francisco city hall this afternoon. calling for an end to what they call a gentryification of the city's mission district and the eviction of long time residents. as rob roth reports. the demonstrators are hoping the mayor gets the message. >> reporter: hundreds of mission residents and housing advocates rally in this city hall returned this afternoon demanding a stop to evictions in the mission and to expensive condos and developments that have been going up. >> we're here because we want truly affordable housing now. >> reporter: the protesters went to lee's office but he was not there. >> it's hard breaking because you can't be where all your memories and feelings and love, everything. it's just really difficult. >> reporter: although gonzalez grew up in the mission she could not afford the climbing rents and had to leave san francisco. >> now i live in daly city because i cannot afford san francisco where i was born and lived. >> reporter: only some 200 units built in the mission since 2006 have been considered affordable according to another study. in a statement released today, mayor lee said four affordable housing projects are in the pipeline which will add 200 more homes but the protesters are demanding 2,500. this man was evicted two months ago and is now sleeping on a friend's couch. >> reporter: many protesters say lee needs to do much much more. in san francisco, rob roth, ktvu fox 2 news. silican valley ceo ellen paq is appealing a verdict against her employer. a special delivery today from the social security administration. a list of the most popular baby names of 2014. emma topped the list of female names followed by olivia. sofia came in number three after being number one for the past three yearless. for a second year in a row. noah topped the list of boy names. it's graduation night for dozens of new police officer, also. >> it's warming up around here just in time for the bay area weekend. temperatures could easily get into the upper 70s, i'll tell you when. >> plus a 9-year-old girl in need of a bone marrow transplant. the show of community support tonight to find a match. the new investigation of the baltimore police department as the six officers arrested make a request of a judge. loretta lynch announced today the investigation. this inquiry is separate from another investigation already on the way in the death of freddie gray who suffered a fatal spine injury while in the custody of baltimore police. >> if unconstitutional policies or practices are found, we will seek a court enforceable agreement to address those issues. the six police officers charged in connection with gray's death filed a motion asking a judge to dismiss the case. they say they are victims of quote overzelous prosecution. and a graduation ceremony was held today for the newest san francisco police officers. 46 men and women received their badges today as family and friends cheered the accomplishment. the officers are the department's 243rd graduating class. they start their field training tomorrow. new at 10:00, it's called be the match. an event for a little girl who needs a bone marrow transplant. bella hunt was diagnosed with leukemia. we told you before about bella and another girl at the same elementary school in pacifica. incredibly they were both diagnosed with cancer just days apart. unfortunately bella's leukemia relapsed. bella's aunt says she only has about a month before she needs a bone marrow transplant. >> she's doing great. she has her very sad moments. she's cooped up in that little hospital room. she knows we're all out here trying to find her a match. if these people aren't a match for bella, they could still be a match for someone else. people in merced criticized the company's right to tap a near by spring. starbucks also says it's reducing their water use here in california. tim lincecum was looking like his own self-for a second start. mark ibanez runs it all down. >> with the bay area weather cooperate with your mother's day plan. >> and in two minutes, saving water in a setting surrounded by it. water world tells us what they're doing to minimize waste. never before has this kind of passion this kind of innovation, engineering, design and performance... been available... for this kind of price. the 2015 cla from mercedes-benz. the numbers are in and the south bay's vta says that getting people to and from the stadium is not cheap. it costs more than $300 million a year to service the event. vta says that's not reasonable. it will raise the fare. the mayor in santa clara said if vta can't maintain service the private sector may need to step in. the bay area's biggest water slide park says it's doing its part to try to deal with its part. >> reporter: it's a count down until the gates at water world california are unlocked. >> we're excited, we open tomorrow. >> reporter: with water running dry in this drought that meant big changes for a park that relies on water to run. >> reporter: at the end of last season we took a look at our operation and also since governor brown mentioned a water usage reduction, we took a look at how we could improve the water use in the park. >> these filters here are new state of the art filters. >> reporter: this is what $2 million worth of upgrades look like in the form of high tech water filters recently installed that should reduce water waste by 90%. >> it takes an initial 1 million-gallons to feel this entire park and only about 10,000-gallons to keep it replenished. when water is sucked up by evaporation, splash out and even soaked up by swimming suits. >> you can come out and know that you are being water conscious. and our guests won't notice any different on their experience. >> reporter: in concord, cristina rendon, ktvu channel 2 news. so after those light showers that we had yesterday. we got plenty of sunshine today and then temperatures warmed up a few degrees as we anticipated. these numbers could easily float into your bay area saturday. temperatures tomorrow will be just like these. there's a little bit of coastal fog out there now. the fog, the difference from what we've seen the last few days is the fog is really going to extend inland. fog is around when you wake up, then it clears off quickly in the afternoon. it's foggy out there right now. another live camera shot of san francisco. there's the bay bridge from san francisco looking back toward the east bay. you can't really tell it's not fog but but it's foggy at the coast. but fog isn't made it too far inland. we will take a look at the temperatures out there and you have 40s and 50s. the coolest spots overnight will be mid-40s. warm spots will be mid-50s. concord will get down to 52 or 53 degrees for the overnight low. 46 in fairfield, plenty of fog and low clouds. you're going to have a little warmer around the bay. a little warmer inland. a little further east you go the further it will go. which is typical for this time of year. mid-upper 70s in the warmest spots tomorrow. sunday is the warmest day on the bay area weekend with temperatures in these inland bay valleys. perhaps reaching into the low 80s that's on sunday. mother's day is going to work out great. except at the coast. point says, san mateo county, san francisco you're going to have -- point rays, san m ateo county and san francisco you're going to have fog, warm inland. 77 clear lake. 77 pittsburg. sunday is going to be the warmest day in the weekend. five day forecast and warm inland on sunday. that's the warmest day. there's no showers in the forecast and you have plenty of sunshine in the inland valleys next few days but that fog, this persistent cool pattern kind of a lower fire danger pattern is going to stick with us for the next few weeks. so fire danger relatively low and these mild temperatures, 70s, upper 70s. mid-70s will stay in the forecast for a bit. a new ordinance to ban chewing tobacco was signed into law today and that includes at that time park. that's part of a push for a campaign for tobacco free kids. san francisco is the first city to take tobacco out of baseball. the new law is supposed to impact baseball players but it may be hard to impose because of the players union. speaks of the giants, the guy who replaced pablo sandoval, boy he came through tonight. >> for giant's fans it was hard enough losing the ever popular pablo sandoval but to have his replacement stink it up for the first three months or so was like rubbing it in. but tonight, he whooped his old mates with one swing. bases loaded a grand slam. all is forgiven 4-0. he basically stole the spotlight from timmy lincecum. lincecum allows no runs. he went 6 innings, three hits, struck out eight that's his third win and his era is now 2.00. the giants have four shut out victories in their last six games. up in seattle the a's fit to be tied literally. but you didn't have a really good feeling about this. they were 0-8 in one run games. 0-4 in extra innings and yeah, you'll see what happens here. first of all, big shot here in the 5th inning. ticket to ride for josh redick. two run homer, 3-1 oakland. come the 11th inning, first pitch of the 11th inning we're tied 3-3. mariners logan morris and otero just moments ago, first walk off hit of his career and the a's lose another one run game, they're now 0-9 this year in the close one. can't continue to happen. the warriors are bound for elvis presley boulevard, and why they will face the hardest crowd down there in tennessee. sports part ii next. plus, get up to 36 months interest-free financing. sleep risk-free with sleep train's 100-day money back guarantee. and of course, free same-day delivery! are you next? announcer: make sleep train your ticket to tempur-pedic. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ (music) hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! (music) introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. all right, three days between games have bored fans on social media. not a good combination. it'll be the us against the world mentality for them because they're being vilified by memphis fans down south. one warrior in particular. that would be dremond green. because fans thinks he intentionally gets into foul contact. >> you don't play the game timid, if you're on the court, time to play. we don't play timid and score two points. why am i going to play timid with. >> best interview on the warriors tonight. three second, tied game. get it to derek rose he calls that bank shot right. it goes in, and derek rose good to see him healthy again he's a game winner as the bulls go up 2-1 on that buzzer beater on cleveland while the clippers also 2-1 up on houston. absolute blow up though. 124-99. jake riddic with 21 points. and a little extra buzz in their building. you have a potential game changer, first round draft pick and a chance to see the merchandise today at the facility. number 89 cooper past catcher. touchdown maker. the raiders are hoping any way. he talks about the transition from college football to the nfl. >> it's kind of hard you just have to study the play book. luckily for me it's similar to the alabama play book. the first day of practice, it went pretty good. i made a couple of plays. we looked good out there as a team. >> there you go. the crimson tide they don't raise losers. that's the sporting life for a friday night. we'll see how he does when he hits the big time. >> carter cooper or carter crabtree,. >> has a nice ring to it. >> sure does. >> if you missed any part of this newscast you can always catch the rebroadcast starting momentarily over on tv 36. and mornings on 2 begins tomorrow at 4:30 in the morning. have a good one everyone. >> good night. hi. looking for a prius, i bet. it's high-tech too with the latest safty features. and available entune app suite. and, i'm sorry... i don't mean to drone on. honey, stop messing with jan. during toyota time, get 0% apr financing for 60 months on a 2015 prius. offer ends june 1st. for great deals on other toyotas, visit enjoy your prius. thanks, jan. look out people, coming in hot. toyota. let's go places. [ whistle blows ] [ buzzer ] yeah! bravo! bravo! [ whistle blows ] [ buzzer ] [ applause ] bravo! bravo, manny bravo! well, when i heard manny wanted to fence, i was like, "sure. "uncoordinated kid lethal weapon -- how can this go wrong?" [ whistle blows, buzzer ] [ laughs ] yeah! gloria: and what do you think now? i'm proud of our little zorro. i mean i worked with him a little but the kid's got skills. it's in his blood. his father was a master swordsman. he was an artist with his sword. i me

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New York , United States , Mission District , California , Alabama , Brentwood , Sierra Nevada , Rohnert Park , Oakland , City College , Texas , Napa Valley , Buckingham Palace , Westminster , United Kingdom , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Daly City , Berkeley , Tennessee , Pacifica , Sacramento , Houston , San Mateo County , San Francisco City Hall , Hawaii , Britain , Barbara Lee , David Cameron , Pablo Sandoval , Curtis Davis , Frank Somerville , Manny Bravo , Logan Morris , Cristina Rendon , Santa Clara , Santa Barbara , Everett Reed , Loretta Lynch , Timmy Lincecum , Carter Crabtree , John Sasaki , Tim Lincecum , Eric Rasmussen , Cristina Bruno , Kelly Wang , Hillary Clinton , William Morris ,

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