Transcripts For KTVU Ten OClock News 20140904 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KTVU Ten OClock News 20140904

why some say california lost out. >> reporter: julie, some say that california will still get a slight benefit with all of those batteries coming down i- 80, to the tesla plant here in fremont. but still there is a great deal of disappointment tonight that california couldn't get that giga factory. 0 to 65 has never sounded so, silent. >> the noise that there is is very futuristic sounding. >> reporter: one of the things david born loves about his tesla roadster. he gets a charge, just talking about the tech. >> the granularity of the throttle is so precease. the volume they want to do with the model 3, they are going to have to create additional supply of batteries themselves. >> reporter: some say the golden state lost a golden opportunity with tesla's decision. tesla's concept, is expected to bring 6500 jobs. >> a serious cost going on with tesla, even up until this morning. >> reporter: governor jerry brown and regulators shifted into high gear, trying to put california in with the finalists, but nevada has one advantage, with the only lithium mine in the united states, a plus tore tesla. plus, the state has no property or income taxes, and is expected to offer a generous package of incentives. ironically, california's environmental laws may have been a road block. >> a very aggressive timeline, certainly there was regulatory issues. the california environmental quality act. >> reporter: tesla reportedly hopes to have the factory up and running by 2017. that's when it's expected to roll out its model 3. they might be preparing a second site for a battery factory in the future. more details now. the so-called gigafactory is expected to make batteries for tesla's cars, and well as other electric vehicle cars. most homeowners who have solar panels still depend on utilities for some of their power. the storage units could enable them to go off the grid. tonight, the stage is set for california's only scheduled debate in the race for governor. a new ktvu field poll shows the incumbent with a sizable lead. the new poll shows governor jerry brown with a sizable lead of 15%. that gives him a 16 point advantage. 16% of the voters polled were undecided. ken pritchett reports from the senator hotel across from the capitol in sacramento. >> reporter: through a door, and into the small television studio. this is where governor brown and neel kashkari will square off. they will sit for 58 minutes, answering questions posed by three reporters. the rules, largely dictated by the debate organizers. >> there weren't a whole lot of, what if we do this differently, what if we do that differently? >> reporter: but the campaigns did dictate the timing of the debate. >> the audience is going to be fairly weak. there's not going to be a lot of viewership. >> reporter: two months out from an election, viewers aren't paying a lot of attention. >> they're going to be feeting with the nfl season opener. >> reporter: with brown enjoying every advantage, including a 16 point lead in the field poll, rig says brown has no strategic reason to debate kashkari, much less draw attention to this debate. but it is an opportunity for kashkari to get exposure. >> he has to be extremely aggressive. i'm sure his campaign folks are saying, you've got to really be aggressive, try to push the governor. try to get him to blow his top. >> stay with ktvu, we'll have a live report on tomorrow evening's debate right here on the 10:00 news. a developing stoby north of the bay area tonight, where a brush fire has destroyed at least one structure. it's called the saratoga fire, and it's burning on both sides of highway 20 at the north end of clear lake. the flames have burned 90 acres. this video shows the thick smoke on highway 20 this afternoon. it forced authorities to close the highway. officials say the fire is only 20% contained, and no word how that fire started. up near the oregon state line, a mandatory evacuation due to another wildfire has been lifted. some 270 families are still on alert though, for possible orders to move out, if the happy campfire advances. a fire weather watch is in effect tonight because of strong winds and low humidity. lightning started this fire back on august 12. so far, it has burned 71,000 acres, and is only 15% contained tonight. pg and e says it plans to appeal the $1.4 billion fine for the deadly san bruno pipe fire explosion. when that gas pipeline exploded back in 2010, eight people were killed. state regulators recommended the $1.4 billion penalty yesterday. today, the gas and electric company told the sec it will file its appeal within 30 days. a pg and e spokesperson says they want the sec to take into consideration the $2.7 billion it has already spent, or plans to spend on pipeline improving. $950million is currently earmarked for the state's general fund. police say they arrested two brothers from bay point in connection with a deadly hit- and-run near pittsburg. he is being held on $50,000 bail. pittsburg police say this video shows perez's pickup truck on willow pass road, then driving onto the sidewalk, where 50- year-old michelle braz was struck and killed. the suspect's brother was arrested for trying to hide the truck near bakersfield. in san francisco, police say they have now made an arrest in the stabbing death of a 14-year-old boy. it turns out the suspect is another juvenile. ktvu's paul chambers spoke to the young victim's family, and they say the suspect is no stranger. >> a small group gathered, leaving a row of flowers where 14-year-old lasean williams was growing up. >> a football player. you know, he has a full scholarship, because he's such a good student at sacred heart. it's just not fair. >> this is an innocent child. he was walking to the store with his two brothers. they had to witness this thing, so horrible. >> reporter: she said just before 7:00 yesterday evening, rashawn and his two brothers came in to get snacks and something to drink. someone stabbed him, and that's when they ran to tell their mother what happened. >> she tried to do cpr. she grabbed him, took him to the hospital, she did the best she could. they attended the same school from kindergarten until last year. she says school officials were aware of the problems, although school officials wouldn't comment. >> to have a record before he graduates. this kid was troubling him. made threats over the internet. he put up with this. didn't get in a fight or anything. >> reporter: he was a straight a student, on the football team. as word went out to fellow students, the principal says they're all ready to pitch in. >> i've gotten many emails saying, what can we do? how can we support? >> reporter: this video is of rashawn williams two years ago. in it, he's talking about president barack obama. although the 14-year-old is gone too soon, the family says everything is now in the hands of his creator. >> god will take care of him. it's okay. we don't wish no harm. >> reporter: school officials at sacred heart say they may hold a special memorial in rashawn's honor. police in richmond are looking for witnesses to an attempted kidnapping. a 15-year-old girl was walking home from school shortly before 4:00 p.m. on august 22. she told police she was the at the intersection of south 39th street and florida avenue, when a man tried to grab her, and pull her into a car. three days later, she and her family spotted the suspect. the man is 5'9", or 5'10", with a thin build. his car is described as an older, four door mercedes-benz. a federal appeal's court ruled today there is nothing wrong with yelp playing favorites with companies that pay for advertising. yelp denies giving paying clients more favorable views. but businesses said yelp told them, their ratings would depend on their decisions to buy ads. they went to court and lost. a baby left in a hot car. but this time, the story has a happy ending. >> our mission was to get that baby out. >> the quick thinking that saved his life, and what the child's mother told police. >> the timing on when the fog will clear out tomorrow, and the impact on temperatures at your house. >> an off-duty firefighter and his children confronted by police. >> my kids are crying. visibly shaking. >> the audio we've obtained, and why the firefighter says race was a factor. oakland police have taken the unusual step of providing ktvu news with audio, and video from an officer's body camera amid an internal affairs investigation involving allegations of racism. ktvu's mike mibach tells us the story involves a chance encounter between an officer and an off duty firefighter who is with his two kids. >> reporter: they're two young boys who loved their dad. >> i think it had to be racially motivated. >> reporter: a man says he's fuming about a recent encounter with a white oakland police officer. >> a hand on him the whole time. >> reporter: tonight, oakland police released body camera video. dark, but visible. oakland dispatch received the call from on-duty firefighters, asking police to check on the firehouse. >> fire station 101066 avenue, you left the doors open. >> reporter: because they left the bay doors open after rushing off for an emergency. he says he popped into the firehouse with his two sons after attending the raiders game. the police officer dispatched to the firehouse arrived just moments after jones and his sons. >> he approached my kid with his hand on his gun. that's the way he approached a 9-year-old, and 12-year-old kid, standing out in front of a fire station, waiting on their father to come out. >> put the bag down. put your hands up! put your hands up! turn around. >> i'm an oakland firefighter. i walked them to safety. i'm an oakland firefighter, that's my truck right there. >> reporter: ten seconds later, you can hear the boys crying. jones described having his hands up for about three minutes. at some point, more police arrived. 70 seconds into the encounter the officer asked for identification. 30 seconds after that, he says sorry to the boys. >> you work here? >> i work here, i'm in the oakland fire department. >> you can put your hands down. sorry kids. sorry about that. you can put your hands down too. >> reporter: oakland police say the officer remains on duty, spurring the internal affairs investigation. mike mibach, ktvu, channel 2 news. across the bay, the san francisco fire department's head of homeland security has been demoted. ktvu news confirms he has return today his previous position. police in sonoma say he rear ended another vehicle. instead of stopping, the fire department vehicle involved in the fender bender fled from the scene. he was trying to determine a sitting punishment. the department of homeland security is in charge of disaster planning for the city. this year, there's a new push to get school districts to reduce the number of suspensions. supporters of the initiative say school suspensions can be a pipeline to prison. amber lee, live in san francisco, with the campaign advocates hope will help change the culture of suspensions, and keep kids in class. >> reporter: an official policy to avoid suspending students whenever possible. >> how many of you have got suspended before? >> damn, that look like me. even the camera guy got suspended suspended. >> reporter: the answer is yes. a non-profit that runs after school programs. >> i was suspended in the 8th grade. >> in most cases these students say it was for disruptive, but nonviolent behavior. >> the first time was being disrespectful. >> reporter: posting the new documentary, solutions, not suspensions on youtube, to try to reach educators across the country. the message? suspensions lead to dropouts, and eventually prison time. >> people should be alarmed, and up in roar about this decision that is devastating. >> those decisions in life need to change. >> the school as an institution doesn't listen. when it comes to discipline, that means they only punish. >> reporter: advocates say it's about changing the climate, and culture in schools. it said the suspension rate has dropped in half over the past three years. this school year, a districtwide policy. >> we really put the flag on the ground and said except in the most extreme circumstances, we want to support our young people. >> that accounts for 80% of the suspensions and expulsions. this 13-year-old boy says he was suspended, and has to miss classes for six months. he had already missed school after being injured by a stray bullet. the absences caused him to fall behind. >> it gets me angry, because all my friends, they in one grade up. so i don't even get to be with them that much, because i'm in a lower grade. >> reporter: youth advocates are hoping to get other school districts to adopt a solutions not suspensions policy. amber lee, ktvu, channel 2 news. now to reno, where police say a science experiment gone wrong at a children's museum injured more than a dozen people today. they had gathered for a tornado demonstration at the discovery museum downtown shortly after 4:00 this afternoon. investigators say the boric acid and menthol dioxide were not mixed properly. four other people were treated at the scene. a minor earthquake hit the peninsula just a few hours ago. it was centered two miles southwest of stanford, and three miles south of menlo park. that's along the san andreas fault. the quake hit at 8:24 tonight at a depth of 2.5 miles. a 2.9 is considered minor, and there are no reports of any damage. temperatures today, a lot like yesterday. temperatures tomorrow, a little warmer than what we had today. so there's fogle all along the coast right now. we're seeing a strong onshore push. taking that increased marine layer, which is getting up over the hills. driving it out into brentwood. not that dissimilar from this morning. winds gusting to 30 miles per hour, in fairfield right now. this is kind of late for the strong winds. usually expect them earlier in the evening. winds are blowing out there. temperatures outside right now are mostly in the upper 50s, and low 60s. still 70s out in entiat. the forecast for tomorrow, will be for fog to reform at the coast. out into berkely, 68, 69 degrees. 70s in the oakland hills. upper 70s towards the inland bay valleys. the warmer spots tomorrow, they're going to be touching on 90 degrees. temperatures slightly warmer tomorrow, and we're continuing into a warmer trend as we go into the next couple of days. when i come back, we'll talk about the forecast for increased temperature, also talk about that red flag warning that's in effect for more than california, and how that could affect us. we'll see you back here. still ahead tonight, the family of the american journalist, beheaded by extremists breaks its silence. >> we will not allow our enemy to hold us hostage. >> remembering steven soltoll, plus the president, and vice president make a vow. >> jim harbaugh takes questions on the arrest of defensive lineman, ray mcdonald. and one exchange got a little testy. >> first, a massive water main break that turned a southern california neighborhood into a lake. ♪ whoo! mmm! ♪ ♪ oh, yeah [ male announcer ] discover your new orleans. start exploring at in san diego, take a look at this. it briefly cut water service to a children's hospital. the 18-inch main burst just before 4:00 this afternoon. on san diego's east side. crews didn't shut off the water until about 6:20. water service was restored to the children's hospital, but homes in the neighborhood are expected to be without water until sometime tomorrow. there is no word yet on what caused that break. president obama and vice president biden both spoke out today about the two american journalists beheaded. both the president and vice president said the killers will be caught, no matter what. >> we will follow them to the gates of hell, until they are brought to justice. because hell is where they will reside! >> those who make the mistake of harmings americans will learn that we will not forget, and our reach is long and justice will be served. >> president obama is now in whales for a nato summit. he's expected to talk with leaders about forming a united front against isis, which has taken over parts of iraq, and syria, and is also trying to establish foot holes in jordan, and lebanon. a man dedicated to giving a voice to those living in war zones. it was also revealed today that sotloff was jewish, and held joint citizenship, but that was kept quiet. how the 31-year-old from florida is being remembered. >> reporter: steve had a gentle soul that this world will be without. >> reporter: friends and family mourning the loss of american journalist steven sotloff a day after the video release of his beheading at the hands of islamist militants. >> he always taught to help those who were less privileged them him. >> reporter: as intelligence agencies continue analyzing the video, there are lingering questions about whether his citizenship created an extra risk. >> i can see if there's more to convey on that. in terms of our level of concern, i think our level of concern was certainly already at a very high point. >> reporter: in israel, friends are remembering the man they got to know during his frequent visits to the middle east as a freelance reporter. many are saying his professional dedication makes his death even more tragic. >> they claim to be speaking for their people, yet, steven was there helping their people by getting their story out. getting a story out that the other journalists weren't covering. that's when i found the very sad irony of his death. >> reporter: isis is threatening to execute a british hostage next. they say it's in retaliation for u.s. air strikes in iraq. a federal judge today upheld louisiana's ban on same- sex marriage. it breaks a winning streak for same-sex marriage supporters. the u.s. district judge also upheld the state's refusal to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states. gay marriage is now legal in 19 states and the district of columbia. a child trapped in a hot car, getting hotter by the minute. the quick action of firefighters, caught on video. >> the question today about ray mcdonald that heated up head 49ers coach, jim harbaugh, as the big question, will mcdonald be allowed to play on sunday. 49ers head coach, jim harbaugh was on the defensive today over ray mcdonald. azimuth smith is live with harbaugh's response to repeated questions about whether mcdonald will play this sunday. >> reporter: it's a fine line whether mcdonald will play. we can tell you the starter practiced today with the team. whether he will make it to the field to play in dallas remains to be seen. 49ers coach jim harbaugh undoubtably would rather talk football. instead, reporters wasted no time in drilling him on mcdonald. >> reporter: coach harbaugh  dodged the question, who will make the final decision if mcdonald will play, amid allegations he hit his pregnant fiance. harbaugh repeatedly stated he needed more facts. he called it a legal matter. at one point, it got a little heated. >> it's in the constitution, it's well defined. >> it's not about whether he plays football or not. that's the difference. >> man or woman, is not to be punished before due process occurs. >> reporter: today, the santa clara district attorney's office issued a statement saying the case is still under investigation. final reports have not yet been submitted. detectives are still conducting their investigations. >> the truth will come out. >> reporter: that was mcdonald when he bailed out of jail sunday. he has not publicly spoken since. most fans we spoke to today want to see mcdonald play. >> i think they don't know anything, and i think he should play until they figure something out. >> reporter: one fan realizes the answer isn't so cut and dry. >> if they want the support of female fans, if they want to let the world know that they take this seriously, then they might decide that he's not going to play. >> reporter: two fans we spoke to today brought up 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick's situation in june, when a woman claimed she was sexually assaulted in a miami hotel room. the police investigation turned up nothing, and no charges were ever filed. live in santa clara, azimuth smith, ktvu, channel 2 news. roger goodell was asked about mcdonald today. he said i think the first thing we need to do is let the process play out. get the facts, and make sure you understand the circumstances. last week, he created a league policy that deals with domestic violence. the first offense is a 6 game suspension, the second offense could be a lifetime ban. at, we've posted much of the question and answer session today. look for it under hot topics. a financial deal to keep the a's and raiders in oakland. the plan includes giving the raiders the money to build a privately funded stadium. the a's would likely get money at the same location to build their own ballpark. the mayor's office says it may have something to report in a couple of weeks. skeptics include the sheriff of coliseum authority, and no word on where this would leave the warriors. firefighters in the south bay are credited for saving a 2- year-old left all alone in a hot car. the dramatic rescue was caught on camera. as ann reuben tells us, the child's mother could face charges. >> reporter: the rescue was caught on video, and posted to the ktvu facebook page. frantic bistanders watched, as san jose firefighters got to work. >> our mission was to get that baby out, as soon as possible. >> reporter: they popped the lock. you can see they stripped the 2- year-old down, and rushed him to a waiting ambulance. >> we had the air conditioner going on. we tried everything we can, just to bring the patient's temperature down. >> reporter: a matter of minutes can mean the difference between life or death. >> in the first 10 minutes, the temperature rises 19 degrees above whatever the outside temperature is. an 85, 90-degree day, you're into what could be a dead whether i level for a child. >> reporter: this graphic shows the temperature rise on an 80- degree day. it hits 99 inside a car in 10 minutes, and 109 degrees in 20 minutes. firefighters say the temperature monday afternoon hit 92 degrees where they were. meaning the temperature in the car may have been 121 degrees in 20 minutes. the mother apparently told detectives she and a second child just ran into the store for a minute. >> obviously, whatever the mother explained to the officers there at the scene, and to the detective, all that's going to play into what the da decides toot -- to do with this case. >> reporter: they say the mother could face neglect charges. it's never okay to leave a child in a hot car. >> who knows what could happen. >> reporter: nationwide, 26 children have died in hot cars this year. one of them today. firefighters hope by speaking out about what happens it can prevent other incidents like this in the future. state health officials say they are seeing more mosquitoes with west nile virus than ever before. that's reflected in a 181 cases of west nile in humans, reported in california so far this year. last year at this time, there were 101 cases. so far, 8 people have died, but none was in the bay area. vector control officials say it's important to remove standing water where mosquitoes can breed. a berkely company has filed a claim with the peace corps and is threatening to sue over the death of their son while he was overseas. documents show doctors for the peace corps quote missed red flags before nick castle's death. he was teaching english in china when he got very sick. his parents say their son's illness could have been prevented. >> arguing with the ambulance doctor and nurse about what the priorities should be. between the chaos and conflict that was going on between them, nobody was doing anything for nick. >> tomorrow at 5:00, 2 investigates reveals records from an internal investigation that show a series of medical missteps leading up to nick castle's death. also, how the peace corps is responding to the pending lawsuit, and calls for change. misspelled street names etched in stone. >> it will bug me every time i see it. >> why the city says getting the names right wasn't the top priority. >> warming up as we head towards the bay area weekend. low long it will take for temperatures to climb into the mid-90s. >> and for the first time, we're hearing from the american nurse who survived the ebola virus. how she describes the chilling moment when she first learned she contracted the disease. the daughter of comedienne joan rivers says she has been moved from intensive care of a hospital into a private room. she is quoting about kept comfortable. rivers suffered cardiac arrest while undergoing a throat procedure last thursday. an american missionary nurse is speaking out about what she calls her many dark days. nancy writebol said at first, she thought she it come down with malaria, and never imagined it would be ebola. then her husband told her that's what it was. >> david came towards me to give me a hug and to put his arms around me, and i knew how dangerous that was. and so i said no. just, no. >> she was treated with an experimental drug and has recovered, but there is no more of that drug for american dr. rick sakra, who was just diagnosed with ebola after working in liberia. he is from massachusetts. it's not clear how he was infected. drugstore chain cvs stopped selling tobacco products today, prompting prize from the white house. the obama administration says it hoped other drugstores would follow suit. the chain says it expects to lose $2 billion in sales each year, but said selling tobacco products was not consistent with its focus on thhealth of its customers. san francisco became the first city to ban tobacco sales at all drugstores. samsung unveiled what it says are new, and improved hand held devices. this comes one week before apple is expected to inveil its new iphone. samsung's feature a curved edge design and two separate touch genes. they also showed off a virtual head set, but did not say how much any of these devices would cost. sales fell $4 in change for apple. apple has set next tuesday, september 9 to unveil big news. it's another day of mixed results on wall street. a candidate for mayor for oakland has a proposal for the city's police department. city council member, rebecca kaplan says oakland should set a goal of having half of its police force live in the city. only 8% of oakland police are city residents. kaplan says the move could improve the level of trust between oakland residents and law enforcement. however, most don't like raising their families in the same neighborhoods where they're arresting bad guys. later in sports, how both teams did as the pennant race heats up. >> and in five minutes, chief meteorologist bill martin's forecast and when it heats up. >> the mistakes we found around san francisco and what it costs to get them fixed. inside each of us is a little bit of minion. the part of us that wants to play, wants to be mischievous, wants to run free, all you have to do is let it out. find your inner minion only at the despicable me minion mayhem ride at universal studios hollywood. a new problem in san francisco today. mistakes that are etched in concrete. >> as the city crews retrofit sidewalks and street ramps, more and more city names are being misspelled. >> reporter: some passengers never look down, but when they do, they may see this. howard street spelled backwards. just a few blocks away at third and harrison, someone left one of the r's out of harrison. it's become so common, there's a flicker page dedicated to finding the errors. >> some of them are whimsical. >> reporter: the city is in the process of retrofitting carbs to make them ada compliant. a job that's bid out to contractors. san francisco is one of the few cities with an ordinance requiring street names to be stamped on intersections. with an estimated 40,000 street corners, the focus is on getting the ramps right, not spelling. >> the engineering is correct. that there's a right slope. not going to be any bare areas that people in wheelchairs or walkers are going to trip over. probably spelling the street is not the highest priority. >> reporter: they can complain, and workers can come back and fix the error at a cost of $300. most say they won't complain, and say at worst, it's mildly irritating. >> it will bug me every time i see it. thanks. >> reporter: they will be asking engineers to double check with street signs to make sure those street stamps are spelled correctly. in san francisco, christian kaplan, ktvu, channel 2 news. there are also typos on at least two plaques that were just unveiled yesterday in the castro neighborhood. they're part of the walk of fame which honor members of the lgbt community. the plaque for oscar wild say he was known for his bidding wit, instead of his biting wit. on another plant, for transgender is spelled without an s. the highway patrol is getting the word out about a new state law that's aimed at keeping cyclists safe. starting september 16, drivers have to give at least three fight of distance before passing a cyclist. if they can't, drivers must slow down. 153 bicyclists were killed on california roads, that's up 7% from the previous year. one bike safety instructor tells us the jaw will help drivers, a well as cyclist. >> the three foot law will help to guarantee, you've got a buffer space, and you're recognized as having a buffer space. >> it is the first time california has defined what is a safe distance between cars and bicyclists. tailgate theft is way up. this is video from youtube that shows just how fast someone can swipe a tailgate and drive off. california has the second most tailgate thefts in the country. overall, the number of tailgate thefts jumped 12% from 2012 to 2013. a nice day today. temperatures yesterday really plummeted. temperatures today were a lot like yesterday, so they were already cooled off quite a bit from what we saw over the weekend. these are the numbers we had. slightly cooler in some of the inland spots. but a day very similar to yesterday. tomorrows temperatures will come up a few degrees in the inland bay valleys. looking for the fog, and low clouds to push inland tonight. the strong wind gusts out there. gusts to 35 to 40 miles per hour. that's driving these cool, moist winds inland. we do have a red flag warning in northern california, not for us, but in northern california, as the winds kind of start to go a little northeast, and things start to warm up. a red flag warning in effect tomorrow through 5:00. i wouldn't be surprised if they pushed it into friday as well for these areas. something to be aware of. as we get into friday, we may see them drift a little further south. tomorrow, like today, except slightly warmer. so thursday morning fog. this high pressure strengthens just a little tomorrow. so temperatures come up a bit. on friday, it strengthens more, that's when the winds will come a little more northeast offshore, and temperatures will warm to their highest point on friday. so fog forecast for the morning hours, there it is. i think it will be in napa. i think the model is not putting it in there, but it will be in here. pretty much, if you had it this morning, you will have it tomorrow morning. plenty of fog in the morning. these are the highs for tomorrow. very similar to today, except a little bit warmer, the oranges have come this way a little bit. temperatures, are going to be on the warm up. 74 in richmond. 90 in pittsburgh, and 90 in livermore. air quality is going to take a little hit with this warmer air. or higher temperatures. 82 in san jose. along the coast, there's the fog. so what's tomorrow like? a lot like today. slightly warmer. your bay area weekend continues to warm into saturday. friday is the warmest. then saturday, temperatures from the warm side. fire danger the next 48 hours comes up. it's not extreme, but red flag warnings in northern california indicate that the conditions are becoming a little more right for that kind of thing. friday should be the warmest day of the week. joe's in for mark tonight. it's a good time of year for baseball. >> they call it stretch time. both bay area baseball teams are doing exactly what you want to do. every pitch, hit, and run counts. things didn't work out so well for either team today. posey singles off christian bergmann to score greger blanco. unfortunately for the giants, posey was the only player to drive in any runs today. the rockies were on their way. they got four before the inning was over. four more in the 6th, colorado goes on to win 9-2. thes giants stay within 2 games of the dodgers, who lost in 14 against the nationals. felix hernandez on the mound for the mariners, and he was a as billed. this one stays fair. dunn's second as an athletic. one of three hits for the mariners today. 1-1 game, number 22 for seager. up next, corey hart. and just like that the mariners had the lead. the mariners win 2-1. they stay 4.5 behind the division leading angels. beginning today, asked about matters other than football. the latest when this wednesday night sportscast continues. on a normal wednesday before an nfl season opener, the attention would be on the match ups between the teams playing, there was still nothing normal about this day for the 49ers. whether mcdonald will play in dallas this sunday, is yet to be announced. mcdonald was on the field today, but not in the early part of practice, which is open to the media. head coach jim harbaugh made his first public comments, echoing those of the general manager yesterday. >> one is we'll not tolerate domestic violence. and the second principal is the respect for due process. >> we're trying to stay focused on what we're trying to do. that's to win the super bowl. if everyone's eyes are set there, we'll be all right. >> when someone goes down, when someone isn't on the field, we have people to step in and play well. the u.s. basketball team today in the world cup against the dominican republic. steph curry can't get the this one to drive. anthony davis with the block. it will end with james harden feeding curry. the u.s. rolls 106-71. one more game to go in group play, which the u.s. has already clinched with a 4-0 record. top seed serena williams was a winner today in straight sets to move into the finals of the u.s. open championship. the u.s. 3rd seed was upset. >> that team u.s.a. basketball team, they're destroying anyone. is there anybody who can play with them? >> usually, as they get more advanced in this thing, they'll get better competition. but don't forget, we invented basketball in the united states. >> be sad if we weren't good. >> our next broadcast is tomorrow morning at 4:30. >> if you missed this broadcast, catch the rebroadcast in a few minutes at tv36. and our coverage is on anytime at >> good night. kid: hey dad, who was that man? dad: he's our broker. he helps looks after all our money. kid: do you pay him? dad: of course. kid: how much? dad: i don't know exactly. kid: what if you're not happy? does he have to pay you back? dad: nope. kid: why not? dad: it doesn't work that way. kid: why not? vo: are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab female narrator: sleep train challenged its manufacturers sleep train challenged its manufacturers to offer even lower prices. but the mattress price wars ends sunday. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing, plus free same-day delivery, setup, and removal 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