Transcripts For KTVU Ten OClock News 20140307 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KTVU Ten OClock News 20140307

away either. and we have jana katsuyama with how the sale will affect shoppers and grocers. >> reporter: i reached a safeway spokeswoman, she said at this point there's no decision on what to do with the pleasanton offices. that's the corporate offices. that's where most likely there could be lay offs to eliminate duplication. here at the stores i've been hearing a lot of complaints from both customers and workers. johnson likes convenience and low costs. >> i like the deals that i get from safeway. you know you come and you know if you're a club member you get the coupon deals and you know you get a better bank for your buck. >> reporter: safeway operates 1,345 stores in 20 states. that would greatly add to albertson's 1,074 stores in 21 states. the merger would result in a wider range of items, lower prices, wider range products. >> it was detrimental to our stores. we don't want to see that repeated at safeway. >> reporter: now there's questions of what to do with its rewards program. >> they keep the program here for us is good. >> they're facing a lot of pressure from atypical competitors target, wal-mart. these are broad retailers who weren't always in the grocery business but now are. >> reporter: jennifer chatman says merging the grocery chains will be a challenge but the two companies share history which could help. >> reporter: joe albertson worked for safeway for 12 years before he became an entrepreneur and opened his own grocery store in idaho. >> hopefully safeway can just upgrade it and be a little more organic and a little more refined without the prices going up. >> reporter: one thing that is really interesting is this merger deal does have a one day window when safeway can shop around. and essentially entertain and even go out and recruit other companies to provide alternate proposals so this is by far not a done deal until that window closes. reporting live in walnut creek. jana katsuyama. ktvu channel 2 news. more details now, safeway stock today was off more than 3% after hours. shares fell to $38.05 in heavy trading. safeway stock is up for the year 21%. safeway is one of the largest employers in the bay area but it's not number one. it ranks seventh from the san francisco center of economics. uc san francisco is second with 22,000. and safeway has about 13,000 workers. new at 10:00, a bingo game targeted by four robbers. tonight two people are in custody after an attack for her winnings. there's now a controversial idea being considered to hopefully keep players safe. >> it has a blue haired imagine, but the bingo winnings are all green. >> it's a cash business and a lot of cash. >> reporter: staffed by robbers lying in wake. two recent attacks have the community rattled. two armed suspects posing as bingo players grabbed wads of cash in front of dozens of witnesses. >> they just went and got him at that moment and took off with what they could. >> reporter: they took chase. >> i didn't want them to get away with it. >> reporter: they didn't get away with it for too long. today the two suspects and their accomplices are now behind bars. >> the m.o. and description is similar. and that's what we're looking at. >> reporter: but the arrests don't make bingo regulars rest. >> they should have armed security. >> reporter: it's one of the many topics now on the table to be discussed by police and players. in santa clara, patti lee, ktvu news. new developments tonight in a series of incidents involving water bottles thrown at vehicles. the highway patrol says two teenage boys are the prime suspects. the incident happened last month in an around santa rosa injurying 20 people. as many as 20 vehicles were hit. it identified the boys by finding the owner of the truck but no one is believed to be involved is cooperating with investigators. berkeley police released the identity today of the city's first homicide victim of the year. and they announced a reward in the case. officers found the body of 54- year-old silvan busselaire. police were called to check on him after he had not been seen in several days. investigators are not saying how the man died and are hoping a $15,000 reward will help generate new information in the case. students and staff in a school in oakland are heartbroken after thieves made out with thousands of dollars worth of computers. it happened at joaquin miller elementary school. when students showed up they found out their computer lab had been broken into overnight. the thieves climbed over fence, broke a window and made off with $30,000 worth of computers. >> it's a shame that people feel like they have no right to come into a school and rob children of their technology, or anything of that supports their education. >> reporter: three years ago volunteers helped raise money to buy the 25imax and much of the student's school work was on those computers. oakland mayor gene quan delivered her third state of the city address. it was a packed room to hear the mayor speak. she turned to oakland's number one topic, public safety. she praised members of recent academies. >> most are of color, mostly all of them speak a second language. and we've had the largest graduation of females in the class, it's 19% now. >> things are in her opinion getting better and she says oakland is doing its best to improve public safety. new developments tonight in a home invasion robbery in which an elderly woman was tied up and her home ransacked. tonight we learned two men are now in custody. ktvu's debora villalon is live in dublin where she learned the unusual way police say they got in, debora. >> reporter: through a second story window. through a second story window on this house and possibly others too. using whatever is handy to climb up on the roof. avoid the cameras, avoid the alarm. new details straight from the police chief at a packed meeting tonight. >> we take this very, very serious. when someone ties up a poor person, that's serious. >> reporter: dublin residents squeeze into every city council. alarmed about burglary. reassurance came from their chief. two men now jailed, their residences are being searched. >> it surveillances, identified, have taken into custody and now we're doing simultaneous search warrants in two different cities. >> reporter: and the chief says the men in gloves and ski masks who came into this house sunday night were as surprised to see the elderly resident as she was them. she had gone to bed. they knocked and thought no one was home. >> san ramon. >> reporter: burglaries are up everywhere the chief says. and he credits home surveillance systems to help track thieves. many residents want more police officers. >> we made the call. again we can't put an officer up there full time because he could be on one street and an accident happen on another street. >> they're response time is going to be a lot slower. >> is it money? we need more money. >> reporter: officials say dublin force is keeping pace with population and residents need to be smarter. >> no one put alarm sensors on second story windows, because no one goes in through a second story window. i'm here to tell you, if you don't have sensors on your second story windows, put them on. >> reporter: the chief gave the talk twice so no one would be turned away. he pointed out in the last two robberies, doors and windows were left opened. being investigated for sexually abusing kids. so how did he get hired at a school. >> someone needs to do their job, period. >> reporter: two investigates the important step that was skipped during the hiring process. >> it's like a cab you can call with an app but are ride sharing services held up to the same standards? they are a growing alternative to cabs. private cars you call using a smart phone app. right now the california public utilities commission oversees the industry but so far only one relatively known company meets regulatory requires that were issued several months ago. amber lee is live and finds out why better known competitors are still able to operate without a permit. >> reporter: the first company to receive that permit is summon. the founder tells me he got this permit after complying with all 28 requirements. summon formerly known as instand cab has been operating for only a year but the owner tells us it's already in five cities. >> you can choose a taxi. you can choose a personal driver. >> reporter: customers use this app and have an option to order a cab or private car or whichever is closer. customers will know how much the ride will cost ahead of time. >> when demand goes up our prices don't go up. we have flat pricing. pricing that doesn't even change with pricing. >> reporter: he applied with the permit as soon as the cpu came up with its requirements back in december. the company and driver must have insurance. and all vehicles must undergo safety inspections. >> paying attention to what the intention behind the regulations were. not just what the letter of the law was was the key behind getting the permit quickly. >> reporter: it has agreements with other companys to operate while their applications are pending. tomorrow one will be sent to uber. letting these companies now they have 60 days to meet these requirements. >> more and more vehicles on the street so they can make more money. >> reporter: at city hall this afternoon there was a hearing to address safety concerns at the ride sharing industry boom. supervisor eric mar tells me he called for this hearing following the death of sofia lu. her family filed a lawsuit against uber after a driver struck and killed the girl on new year's eve. >> the mother is still suffering from the effects of the injury both physically and emotionally after a brain injury. the whole family is devastated emotionally. >> reporter: lu's parents tell me they don't want another family to go through what they've been experiencing. live in san francisco, amber lee, ktvu channel 2 news. also in san francisco, city officials are ready to spend millions of the dollars to make it safer for people who walk in the city. that news came today in a presentation of recommendations in the walk first. pedestrian safety must be a top priority. >> here to date we've had more people killed on the streets of san francisco in vehicle collisions than we have been homicide. it is a problem. >> so far this year five pedestrians have been killed in san francisco. safety plans call for $17 million to be spent to improve 170 locations around the city. sunny vale's ban on large capacity magazines went on sale but a large ditch effort to stop it. the voter approved ban prohibits the procession of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. the new ordnance also requires owners to lock up firearms at home and report guns that are lost and stolen within two days. ktvu's news has learned why the fbi is taking a fresh look at the killings of six women back in the 1970s. today the fbi announced a joint task force with other law enforcement agencies from san mateo county. they'll be looking into the so called gypsy murders. the sixth victim was a woman who was killed in reno. one woman was convicted in that case and now a re-examination of the evidence has turned up something new. kt ktvu has learned it involves dna belonging to a man. all six cases are linked. >> forensic evidence, the timing of it all. again the profile of these victims, they all match. >> investigators are hoping someone will remember something from 1976 and come forward to provide the clue to find the killer. our coverage continues online. go to and scroll down to hot topic. there you will find the complete fbi news conference. bingham was one of the courageous passengers that died while fighting the terrorists on flight 916. >> it's clear that mark knew that their flight wasn't intended to land. >> reporter: mark bingham's life cut short is now being told on the silver screen. scott grochep says he met a friend of bingham. that started a 12 year journey to bring his story to everyone. >> it is about a mother, a son and what it takes to be a hero. i think what audiences are coming away with is being inspired by this beautiful mother and son story. >> reporter: the film makers say while the events surrounding his death are a part of bingham's story is just a small part of a character. the story starts with his close relationship with his mother. his mother showed the story, says it's hard watching the story. >> it was very good watching the story, i didn't know he smoked for example. >> he combated stereo types about what it meant to be gay. >> it's almost like he prepare all his life for this one day. >> reporter: she says even now more than a decade after his death, she is still learning from him. >> i realize that there's things i need to stand up and fight for because mark can no longer do it: i need to stand up against islam and terrorism for example. and poor aviation security. >> reporter: the film's director tells me that the film is on the distribution circuit but is looking for funding so many people can see it. temperatures sliding again into the upper 30s low 40s. patchy valley fog a real possibility out in concord. fog reported in fairfield as well. when you wake up, here's the computer model. it is not going to show rain but it will show fog. and then if you go till 5:00 in the morning you see a little bit of valley fog showing up in fremont and san jose in and out of the big valley. the morning commute goes on the fog clears away. so the fog is the first thing you have to contend with for your friday morning. if you're into any of those areas. as we move into the bay area weekend it's going to warm up and there's a chance for shower activities. i'll slow you which day of the weekend is completely dry. it was lights out tonight on the western span of the bay bridge as the light show known as the bay lights marked its first anniversary. organizers said the 25,000 lights went dark for 10 minutes to give viewers a chance to reflect on the impact that the piece of public art has had on san francisco. original plans call for the lights to continue their mesmerizing abstract pattern until next year. but now there's a push to raise $25,000 to keep those lights running till 2026. the reason why a man is asking will ferrell to the prom. and more than a dozen businesses terrorized. the calculated effort by police that led to two arrests. the boy scouts and barbie sticking to -- sticking together. the reason why the girl scouts are being asked to cut ties with the popular doll. this surveillance video is dramatic. it shows a gunman terrorizing a liquor store. but today two men are in custody. the robbers targeted nearly two dozen other businesses. ktvu's robert handa outlines the operation that led police to the suspects. >> reporter: police dubbed the robbers the can't stop won't stop robbers. who terrorized the city until they were caught last week. investigators looked at the pattern of crimes. >> robberies of this type will continue to ramp up. >> reporter: the strategy paid off. two suspects showed up at one of the stores and then warred off as police showed up. one man was caught quickly. >> it's a dead end. it's a dead end. >> reporter: the other man kept running. with police officers in chase as well as a chopper. >> he's crossing southbound lanes now on the run. >> two of our robbery detectives picked up on this. and started listening on the radio and actually caught the fleeing suspect. >> reporter: taken into custody escobar and rodriguez-leon. detectives say they are still looking for more possible suspects, witnesses and even victims. in san jose, robert handa, ktvu channel 2 news. a san diego woman is recovering tonight after being rescued from monterey bay after spending 15 hours on a partially deflated rubber raft. she said she had problems with her raft and strong winds pushed her out into the bay. she was stranded for 15 hours until a crew rescued her. >> from the look at her skin she still had some red on her so she must have been swimming. >> reporter: the woman says she set off flairs but the problem is no one saw her in the heavy fog. the girl scouts and barbie are sticking together at least for now. the girl scouts rejected calls from two advocacy groups to cut ties with the doll. the advocacy group says the business partnership with barbie celebrates what they call a flawed role model for girls. however a spokeswoman for the scouts says the partnership is meant to teach young girls to inspiring young women in a fun way. after the break, dozens of reservists returning home after being overseas. why school leaders say a typical part of their hiring process was skipped. [ sports announcer ] here's another one, alyson dudek. hales corners, wisconsin. nice pass by alyson dudek. can she hang on to that spot? and she does! [ male announcer ] with the u-verse wireless receiver, your tv goes where you take it, allowing inspiration to follow. ♪ [ dad ] looks pretty good, right? [ girl ] yeah. [ male announcer ] switch to u-verse and add a wireless receiver today. ♪ i'm just happy to be here. a long time gone, the only thing that matters is family. just one of several members of his unit to arrive at oakland international airport tonight all greeted by tears, hugs and also handshakes from members of the patriot guard riders. it was actually a scene that's been playing out at airports as national guard members finally come home from overseas. noah walker is live in san jose with the greeting that one group got there tonight. noelle. >> reporter: frank the 1113 transportation company is based here in san jose. a year ago they left for three month training and then nine months in afghanistan. they have missed birthdays and milestones but today they're greeted. in a scene repeated from morning to evening at airports throughout the country, the airport greeting. the kind that need no words. >> it's wonderful. i love it and can't wait to spend time with them. >> 160 members of the national guard presentation in san jose returned home from their tours of duty in afghanistan on flights all afternoon and evening. >> they spent the last 12 months in bases in hostile environments. the environment at san jose international is far more inviting. >> we want them to know that there's a grateful nation at home waiting for them to come home safely. >> i'm excited, i'm anxious. >> reporter: ricardo salinas left the week his son sampson was born. >> oh, boy. a whole different person. >> reporter: home for now to catch up on all those missed moments and make up for all the missed hugs. >> now these bikes you're looking at they are from the patriot guard riders they've been coming and going all day here at san jose international airport. they're back again because there's another flight of 17 returns guard members. their flight is expected a little bit after 11:00 tonight. reporting live from san jose, noelle walker. >> a lot of great stories. we told you last month about the 900 places engineers found water leaking at the -- bridge. water can be seeping in through tiny cracks in the caulking near the steel traffic barriers. officials say they need to determine exactly where the water is coming from before they can stop the leaks. and bridge officials say dehumidifiers can help guard against those leaks and help keep the bridge safe. there are five dehumidifiers. the machines protect water sensitive equipment. it left san francisco bay today where it had been tied up at treasure island. the barge made its way about 80 miles through the delta to stockton. regulators said it had to move because it didn't have the proper permits. google says it will serve as an interactive technology center when it's completed. a 17-year-old boy died today after a single car accident in the east bay. it happened just after 11:00 this morning on eastbound highway 24 near the pleasant hill road exit in lafayette. according to the highway patrol, witnesses say that the car hit speeds of 90 to 100 miles per hour before it went off the highway and hit a tree. the driver was from danville and was the only person in the car at this point his name has not been released. the two men have pleaded guilty to beating giant fan bryan stow nearly killing him are facing new charges. norwood and sanchez have been sentenced for being felons with weapons. it's a story we first brought you last night at 5:00. eric rasmussen has learned the teacher was preparing for another overnight trip with students when he was arrested. >> reporter: parents at mira vista school in richmond are still trying to understand how a teacher could be hired while under investigation for sexually abusing kids. >> somebody dropped the ball and i think it was mira vista. i mean, somebody needs to do their job, period. >> reporter: police say that he abused several students while on excursions. yesterday plain clothed officers arrested gunto at his new job. >> something that wasn't disclosed was that in two or three weeks he was going to take a group of kids on a field trip overnight to yosemite. >> reporter: through multiple sources, 2 investigates compile guinto's teaching time. started as a substitute teacher from 2008 to 2011. he was hired at making waves and was fired. but he was considered a retire when he started working for -- that's why a background check was not ordered. >> good evaluation, principals liked him. >> reporter: people say that's why that important call is needed. >> they can't answer a lot of those questions, but the one question they can ask is, would you rehire this person and if they say no, well that's the answer. >> reporter: eric rasmussen, ktvu news. the case of a 16-year-old boy accused of setting another teenager on fire on an ac transit bust is now headed to trial. today anderson waived his rights. and his attorney pointed out a surveillance video that he says will play a big role. >> other people talking to my client, urging him on. they were not charged. >> reporter: legal battle with major league baseball over the athletics is on once again. the city wants to move the oakland a's to san jose but the san francisco giants claim a territorial rights to the south bay has always stood in the way. major league baseball commissioner bud selig is using baseball's exemption to keep the a's in oakland. >> there is no one in this country exempt from the laws except mr. selig claiming major league baseball. >> the ninth circuit court of appeals in san francisco has agreed to put the casen casen -- the case on the fast track and arguments can be heard as soon as may. a teenager followed down the sidewalk and solicited for sex. >> it's scary. >> reporter: how a facebook postand two 12-year-old girls helped catch the suspect. a warming trend as we head into the weekend. how high temperatures will climb where you live and which areas could be interrupted by more rain. continuing coverage now of the crisis in ukraine. late today president obama told russia it could pull back its troops from the crimea peninsula while pushing for a democratic agreement. he also called for international monitors to ensure the peace. at the same time prorussian authorities in crimea announced a referendum in 10 days. it would ask the residents if they want to break away from ukraine and become part of russia. president obama says that would be a violation of international law. >> in 2014 we are well beyond the days where borders can be redrawn over the heads of democratic leaders. >> the president also announced sanctions against russian officials that he believes are responsible for the military actions in ukraine. and russia suggested it may retaliate against americans. >> reporter: staples says it is closing 225 stores around the country by the end of the year. that's about 10% of all of its stores worldwide. staples says it wants to cut costs and about half of their sales they say are generated online. stock markets were mixed today. the dow gained 61 points mostly on a positive jobs report. however the nasdaq was off five. desperate for a date. a teacher in san ramon valley high school is making a very public and unusual plea to actor and comedian will ferrell. chad cockrin says his wife can't join him at the prom. >> we can take excellent pictures together. >> reporter: so he would like will ferrell to help him to chaperone. cockrin says some of his students came up with the idea to come up with making this video. >> there might be a photo booth and we can take excellent pictures together. here's a picture of what i think we will look like at the dance. >> reporter: we don't know if ferrell has seen the video. right now it has over 10,000 views. fighting crime from behind the desk in two minutes the tool police never thought they would be using that helped them arrest a man suspected of soliciting sex from a teenage girl. >> and warmer weather is on the way. in five minutes, ktvu's bill martin will táel -- tell us if another chance of showers is headed for the weekend. >> and california's majestic redwoods are under attack. the reason why poachers are going after the trees and the efforts to stop them. [dad] [laughs] [boy] mom! [mom] yes? [boy] whoa,whoa,whoa... [mom and dad] [laughing] [boy] whoa,whoa,whoa... [mom] you've got two left feet,boo. san mateo police plastered his picture all over social media and now they say that a man that tried to solicit sex from a teenager is under arrest. >> reporter: when a crime happens on the streets it might just end up on social media. a 15-year-old girl told police an older man was following her on the sidewalk. speaking in spanish and trying to solicit sex. >> it's pretty scary. >> reporter: police did not find the man but they did not stop looking. authorities walked two weeks down to this surveillance store cameras caught him on video. >> it's a whole different way of chasing down and catching bad guys. they chaired the store with thousands of their subscribers. >> what they're getting they're getting more information. two teenage girls saw the video and spoke up. >> they told the officials at the school they go to. the school reported it to us. >> reporter: the men identified the men as roberto guadalupe. after word got out that police were looking for him, the 41- year-old turned himself in. >> everybody is always on their phone. twitter, instagram, facebook are very popular. that's good to get out to people like that. >> reporter: police say this case would have been a lot harder to solve 15 years ago. reporting in san mateo, cristina rendon. radio talk show host donald lacy jr. was recognized. since the killing of his daughter in 1997 lady has been working with youth in the community to stop the violence. >> i hope everybody in the community comes together. because only all of us working together can we really put an end to this violence. >> reporter: after his daughter's death. lacey turned his grief into action. provides an inspiring foundation to at risk children in the community and area. we're going to get heavy rain and thunderstorms. we're getting up to a half an inch of rain in some locations. that was great news. but then the sun came out. and look at what happened. it was 67 in san jose, 65 in livermore. temperatures for your friday warmer than these. we're back into the upper 60s and low 70s. as we head toward the bay area weekend it's going to move in saturday night and sunday and could bring in sprinkles as we head into your bay area sunday. tonight it has nothing to show. what we're tracking tonight will be the fog. the winds are dying down. with those winds dying down. the fog has an opportunity to form. winds earlier were 15 miles per hour at sfo. now they're getting down to the calm and under 3-mile an hour change. that will provide sol valley fog. fog out toward the fremont area out into the livermore valley out into antioch and fairfield. for the early morning commute look for the fog. rapid clearing on friday. you get a sunny day and that's going to allow temperatures to be back in the upper 60s and low 70s. valley fog starting your friday. but the warming begins tomorrow and continues into saturday. so we're looking for a warm up. here we are on thursday, today. here we are friday. we're back into the 70s. by saturday we could even see some mid-70s. sunday is going to be different because it's mostly cloudy. you're going to see that in the computer model. here we are saturday morning. you can see what's coming for sunday. here we are saturday afternoon. clouds come in but you still have a sunny day. you're still in the mid-70s. now we come into sunday. here comes your mostly cloudy day. 7:00a.m. look at this thing just hangs here. is it going to be real wet on sunday? it could be nice. it looks like the rain will hang north but the clouds will continue to push in. plenty of cloud cover on your sunday hence cooler daytime highs. numbers on sunday are going to be in the low to mid-60s. 69 in oakland. so a nice looking day for your friday, a nice looking day for your saturday. sunday not so great because of all the clouds. 68 in mountain view. friday is dry, saturday is dry. chance of sprinkles in here on sunday. as i showed you in the computer model. maybe a little something on monday hanging in the morning. but you notice these are spring like temperatures we're getting into that part of the year where the numbers even on a cloudy day you're doing 50s and 70s. we weren't expecting a half inch of rain in some places so that's great. >> i still remember ken pritchett out there. california's old redwoods are being poached. the redwoods are being used for furniture and collectibles. and he's the run away scoring leader for this year. sidney crosby, however he's never sored a goal in his previous five games against san jose. the penguins haven't won since october of 1997. tonight both of those streaks get extended. edmonds dropped the puck tonight. and we're on the power play. patrick marleau, marleau to martin and shoots it past goalie cross. just 21 seconds later. it's mata with a quick hit. mata's second goal of the game. 3-2 fans. but watch povelski make a quick pass to the back of the net. we're tied at three. joe thornton takes this shot. it's a wobbly puck. that puck can't find it. scores the game winner. byrds adds an empty netter. you know the giants staff really under achieved. but so far in exhibition the starters have only allowed one run. and the starters like what they have seen so far from hudson. had three strike out, eight months ago the 20-year-old hudson had surgery for a fractured ankle. and less is more. the swimmer sandoval got a homer and the giants hang on over the reds. a's went 8 innings settle for an 8-8 tie. welcoming up it's win or go home for the santa clara basketball team. and tiger woods defends his title but he's not exactly setting the place on fire. that's next. santa clara had talented players but their score was not. brown was finished with 20. brandon with a little prescreen at the post. 81-64 they face gonzaga tomorrow night. tiger woods withdrew from last week's golf championship but that was because of back spasms now he's fine. his game is still on the mend. tiger was one of the 61 golfers who didn't finish in today's first round of the wbc cadillac tournament. tiger played just two holes and the defending champ has played 26 holes tomorrow. five players sit on top of the leader board and three under par. the only one who finishes is this guy. dingley. the birdie on nine. but a thunderstorms causes a two hour delay so six players only six of the 67 completed round one. former cal basketball player gutierrez signed a contract with burnett. very special night for the mhl. just a great game to watch. >> i love seeing paulina evans out there throwing the puck. she's so darn cute. thank you for joining us tonight. the news will begin at 4:30. >> if you missed any of the news, you can catch the broadcast right now over on tv 36. thank you for joining us tonight. good night. >> good night. 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(women laughing loudly and speaking spanish) relatives. i really never saw these wedding pictures, mamá. how handsome and young papá looks. ay, it makes me sad. ay, i know that you miss him. no. look at my ass. there are two things in that picture i don't have anymore. ay, mamá, qué loca. sonia, can i help you? no, no, she's fine. it keeps her busy. we need more corn. gloria, where is your garden? i will harvest some. they don't live that way, honey. gloria, give me the keys. we'll go to the market. hey, you're all awake. i didn't hear you. oh, look at my two handsome men. mi niño, my little fulgencio umberto.

Related Keywords

Fremont , California , United States , Chad , Livermore Valley , Oakland , Afghanistan , Mountain View , San Diego , Wisconsin , Crimea , Krym , Avtonomna Respublika , Ukraine , Stockton , Russia , Dublin , Ireland , San Ramon Valley , San Francisco , Berkeley , Idaho , Danville , San Francisco Bay , Monterey Bay , San Mateo County , Spain , Americans , Spanish , Russian , Amber Lee , Ken Pritchett , Frank Somerville , Paulina Evans , Patrick Marleau , Noelle Walker , Cristina Rendon , Santa Clara , Joe Thornton , Roberto Guadalupe , Jennifer Chatman , Noah Walker , Ricardo Salinas , Alyson Dudek , Joe Albertson , Sidney Crosby , Eric Rasmussen , Joaquin Miller , Patti Lee , Fulgencio Umberto , Eric Mar ,

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