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Some women live for big shoe sales, those annual shoe sales they only come once a year. It is their super bowl. Never, ever, ever are you kidding me . All this went down at a shoe store in peru. And thousands of times. This is not that hard to believe. You know, you ever go into those big storrs during the sales and its just absolute chaos . Youre right. And people watching better not be thumbing their nose because we do this every black friday. Yeah. Well i hate black friday. Me, too but it happens here at this point folks have started to intervene to try to break them up. But Something Interesting happens as theyre breaking up the fight they also start fighting and it just becomes one big brawl. In total about 20 people involved. I dont think anyone was arrested because no formal complaints were made. Now was the time to grab the shoes. It must be good. Theres no explaining this fight either. You see there these dudes have squared up, one taking off on the other. Going at it. Look at this guy. His shirt is torn but hes still stumbling into the fight. This involves about ten guys. One gets shoved into a car, stumbles and tries to get up and run away. People also trying to break this most of the time these guys get into these types of fights look so dumb afterwards. Night club, test cost reason makes perfect cocktail for this kind of thing. No word on arrests but what finally broke it up, but deep in the indian ocean, Rodney Harris spotted this. Brought it out. Under the sea. Oh. It looks like sea weed or algae but no it is a living creature. Oh. Get out. What is it . Looks like a bit of algae or something. Im not an expert. My has name may be bass but i dont know anything under the sea. If one of our viewers knows tell us on facebook and let us know. Incredible example of evolution. The camouflage that it come up with to survive to anyone, anything thats sailing by thats just a bit this is in melbourne, australia, and port philip bay has had a spider crab invasion. This octopus, not having any of it. And im telling people right now, this is the circle of life. Somebodys got to eat. So he is having some of it. In fact hes having a whole one of it. He went to the spider he went to the crab leg buffet. Whoa and the octopus just descended on top of it. And thats the last we see of that spider craft. The rider we are coming along on this journey with is 21 years old kind of relatively new to motorcycle riding. But, you will notice she obeys the rules of the road trying to be a responsible motorcycle rider. Still that doesnt prevent this. You know whats going to happen. All that stopped traffic on the left that means you cant see and somebody may just scoot out. Which is exactly what happens [ scream ] that scream was like make your blood run cold isnt it . Is there anything she could have done . Yeah, yeah slow down. Slow down and be extra cautious looking for and anticipating what just happened. Like he was looking the other way. Put the blame on him, too. Hes got to look and make sure that its clear before he goes out into that lane of traffic. She didnt have any serious injuries and the fault was placed on the driver of that van. She was wearing all of her gear which im sure helped minimize the level of injury. Tough way to learn some of the things that more experienced riders know. Which is exactly what the dad in this next video is feeling kind of goofy because he feels like he should have known better. He and his son are riding around dad on this bike is going down what looks like a little trail thats already been worked into the field. Theyve now seemed to have gone in two different directions. At one point dad decides im going to turn around and go down this other oh, no, just kind of going against the flow of traffic now. Uhhuh. And theres his son. You can see him across the pond right there. Well dad didnt spot him. Theyre now on the same little trail like two trains on the same track. Yeah. Oh. Gosh. Geez louise. They somehow manage to slide right next to each other. They dont tell us whether they actually hit. Whether they were injured or not. They definitely at least had a little accident. In their pants. We know hes going to go through oh. I have to imagine this guy could be some sort of suspended the Wright Brothers and i imagine what he went through is something similar to what those brothers went through so many years ago. Hes a very handy, very crafty young man, and hes been working on a project for about a year. After multiple failures, this is his maiden voyage. He has built himself a multiroeder copter. All powered by gas engines, hes also hand built that cockpit this is the first time hes going to actually flew this thing with himself in it and he says its very prone to failure. Here he goes. Yay it worked. Manages to touch down and do it again and he hovers this thing freaken works. Where was he going with this thing . Can you see how when youre just hovering like half a meter or meter above the ground. Its much more calm once it gets out on the propeller hes got the promote control in his hands. Hes controlling it all right there. That yellow panel between his feet are individual tackometers for each motor so he knows the speed of all his propellers. The red buttons in the middle. Oh, yeah of course. What does he call this . Manned multicopter. I cant wait until we say you want to go to the manned multicopter races. This guy is going to be the best dad best uncle best grandpa eventually ever. This robber can definitely be added to the list of americas dumbest criminals. Smashes so hard into that door he knocks himself backwards right on to his tookous. Why this will give him something to reflect on. So he came in ha and the struggle is real. In that cats defense how many of us have put our face in a bag of of doritos. See if hes able to shake it free. Home, car, Life Insurance obviously, ohhh. But with added touches you cant get everywhere else, like claim free rewards. Or safe driving bonus checks. Even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee in means Protection Plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. Its good to be in, good hands. Dogs sure can be messy. But with nexgard, their flea and tick killer doesnt have to be. Nexgard, the vets 1 choice for dogs, is a delicious, beefflavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. So its easy to give, easy to take. Reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. Why mess around . For powerful flea and tick protection, ask your vet about nexgard. The 1 choice of vets for their dogs and yours. Ir closed captioning provide by feminine itch relief has the strongest nonprescription itch medicine for fast, gentle, lasting relief. Cortizone10. We got an update on a story back in may. You may remember this couple. They were on their way back from an evening out, in a tax can i cab when suddenly horror strikes. Get that nasty looking bruise on her face, and you were really mad at your fellow countryman it was like a brick or something but it was so violent we almost thought it was like a gunshot. A stone, brick, something comes smashing through the window, striking that woman in the head. She did suffer some pretty serious injuries. Had a fractured skull. Thankfully, though, after some good policework, five suspects have been arrested. Two 17yearolds, and three 15yearolds. All five of the suspects are boys currently out on bail and police are continuing to investigate so see if they were related to any others matching this m. O. Security camera footage where the rock comes through the front door of this business, two criminals go running off, one comes running in and begins to grab his loot. Looks like a bunch of electronics there in that store filling his pockets. But this is the point where we can take a smile. Youre actually going to get a good chickle out of this one. Ha, ha, ha. So you came in and checked it out. One more time. There it goes. This numb skull came running through that one door, 15 seconds earlier, and forgot by the time he was done with his crime, which door they had broken, smashes so hard into that door, knocks himself backwards right on to his tookus, struggles to get to his feet as he makes his getaway. The csi guys can get powder onto that door and it will be his face. The suspect did get away. Police are looking for him. I would suggest starting with anybody with a broken nose and a big goose egg on their forehead. Somebody let the cat out of the bag. In that cats defense. How many of us have put our face in a bag of doritos and you cant just eat one. That cat by the way named hobbs. Struggling. I love it when cats his buddies are going to be licking him all day. Finally able to shake it free. This next one older but trending. As you can see, potato chips irresistible to all types of creatures. Kangaroo oh help help me mate. All it would have to do is come up thats australia. You would think it would be able to grab and remove it but that did not work. So finally guy shooting the video is like okay, come here, ill attempt to help you. This is when things get really dangerous because it doesnt know where its going. Watch out. Oh, poor thing. All right go and help it mate. Come on, be a good man. It ran headfirst into that car. Oh. Keeps moving. Trying to approach slowly. There we go. Ears are up like thanks, mate. What took so long. Its time for another installment of real or fake. Real or fake. Real or fake. Real or fake. Starting with a one of a kind beer bottle opener. We want to believe that its real because its so cool. Then i think hes lipsynching. I dont think hes really singing that. And a tablet goes flying out the window. This one is just screaming fake. You you be the judge. [ bell rings ] oh, hey, jamie, can you hang back a sec . You wanna tell me about the boy in this painting . I dunno. Maybe nobody understands him. Well, if he were here, id say that being different is what makes him special. Just like our discounts each one is unique, but together, they help save our customers a lot of money. Okay. Pop quiz, whos my favorite student . Gwen . Yeah its gwen. Yeah, gwens the best. Promotional considerations provided by gold bond. Relief starts now. For an itcortizone 10®ion gives you the strongest nonprescription itch medicine plus 7 healing moisturizers. Its good to be itch free. Cortizone 10®. Feel the heal. Around the world mondays get a lot of hate but here on right this minute we love it. We get to play real or fake with max dreidel aka max dreidel. Right, thats right. You know, always keeping it real. Coming at you from sunny San Francisco once again another installment of real or fake. Real or fake. Real or fake. Real or fake. Okay. Video number one. We want to believe that its real because its so cool. But maybe the cap was already off. Thats what im thinking. And they twisted it yeah. On that regard then ill call fake. Me, too. Knee three. Im going to go real. Mack . So wait a minute lets just help clear things up here. I voted along with them. Im saying its real. The users, with me, theyre going real also. So, you know, you cant argue that. Oh. On to video number two. Doing all the voices for this opera performance on the street. Its carmen. Its my favorite. I want to say real because i like carmen by the day. Im going to go real, too. Yep. I think hes i dont think hes really singing that. Were split again. Where we at . You guys have to watch this like the last ten seconds of the video. So im saying with that last bit to me the music had stopped it seemed to be just him singing at that point so that to me makes it authentic the people there seem to be super impressed by it. Video number three. Say cheese. Tablet. Dude im almost insulted we have to decide on this video. After the other two weve seen this one is screaming fapg. It was set up. Someone videoing another person videoing. Yeah and the line he was given just give me the tablet. Just give me the freakin tablet. Dude i think this is set up from front to back they put it out there to try and make it go viral. Its the United Nations of fake from here, buddy. The guy just blew it. I do think it was a good attempt here because it looks like they did throw a tablet out the window so youve got to give it to them for that. Give me the freakin tablet. Dude drop that flag and get ready to be impressed. Youre riding with paul on the romania car indurotrack. The race sent out some of the most ridiculous obstacles ive ever seen. Most of us couldnt even walk through this thing. No. Not only does he ride through it he commentates through his helmet for us. Dont fall in. Well dont fall in. Stretched across your path right there and then into this monster boulder pit. And i well gets up into these staircases. Up and over a huge boulder which on the other side is a sand pit. Of course, this man aical event but together by red bull he made a wrong turn hes bottlenecked where can he go . Up those steps, down the other side it is an intense run of all kinds of ankle breaking obstacles. Wow. How do you even train for this . Ride around with your eyes closed. Paul is a champion. Hes an expert. Hes won races like this in the past. Nicely can cut this one a bit. Dont try to get the front end out. Come on on the gas now here we go high speed but then you got to mash on the breaks. Oh, that was a big hit. Like he was riding a bucking bronco. Right hand turn watch out for this tree. Oh, that hurt. And another tree. Oh. One, two, three. Stay right. Almost over one last little on trackle here and boom. That was a good run. If you push a ton of bricks and a ton of feathers off the building at the same time. Which one will hit the ground first. Why dont i just google it . Come on if you can figure this one out. What if this ton of f go get some tacos. Brad and his girlfriend are back with another question that ponders the mind. This time on top of a building overlooking all the streets might be new york high building yeah . Yeah . And to your left you have a ton of feathers, you have a ton of bricks. They both get pushed off the building at the same time. Which one will hit the ground first. Which will hit the ground first . A ton of bricks, or a ton of feathers . You know the answer . Which one is going to hit first . Video. Watch the video. Oh, im going to say that there are many theories about which will hit the ground first. Which one will hit the ground first . The ton of bricks . You say that like youre confident. Bricks are heavier than feters. The realization hopefully will hit her like a ton of bricks. Why not just google it . Do you need to no im just saying there are some arguments to her favor. Bricks are going to hit the ground fasters why . Why . Because theyre heavier. A ton of bricks, and a ton of feathers. Come on, man. [ inaudible ] on the top of a building. Yes, and in some ton of bricks and some ton of feathers you said it yourself. Come crying on this show. What if this ton of feathers was not contained then they would all spread, the bricks would still fall faster. Sure. So shes not completely off. She is equating one ton of bricks to one brick, and one ton of feathers to one feather. I think shes reducing it to that in her mind. What if we are the ones that are getting completely played . Could it be that this couple does this time after time and she is just a really good actor she is just playing dumb. I want that trust me. I want that to be true. Im wondering how many people watching this show right now are trying to answer the question as well. Thanks for spending part of your monday with us. We appreciate it rightthisminute. Com has lots more videos to share. Well see you guys on the next [captioning made possible by warner bros. Domestic television distribution] harvey welcome to tmz live. Harvey levin here. Charles charles here. Harvey so this is a desperate situation, which everybody feels in america now. Its interesting that the one thing thats uniting everybody is we know how desperate a situation this is with all of the violence and the Police Killings and police brutality, its as bad as i remember in my lifetime. Charles that includes the 1960s. Harvey it absolutely includes the 1960s. There are a lot of people in the hiphop world who are getting involved now, which is a good thing. People are now trying to figure it out and we have two sides of you. Charles yes, two very oppos

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