Transcripts For KTVU RightThisMinute 20160511 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KTVU RightThisMinute 20160511

your car towed. i have. sometimes you get to see it go down and you come up with something on-the-spot to prevent it but never have you resorted to this. >> that truck should have just stopped. >> i do believe they know because she, apparently, was trying to convince the driver, the police not to take her car. she had apparently been parked illegally. they decided nope the ticket has been opened up they can't close it in. >> i would be furious. this could be criminal. >> this truck comes to a stop and she has an opportunity let go. >> what makes you think she would let go. >> maybe the hot feet. >> the video lens. this lady is still attached to the trunk of this car. in this video, coming up to this crosswalk clearly marked with pedestrians crossing the street. a car stops for those pedestrians. this person doesn't stop. >> what did they think would happen? >> it's ridiculous. >> way too fast for conditions. she catches that puddle. probably got the brakes good and wet. didn't work as good as we expected to. horrible decision-making. >> i feel the driver may have been distracted because you never see the last minute braking attempt. the car is pushed a few feet down the road. you see the people in the car getting out. everybody seems to be walking but totally freaked out. >> i can't tell if this pilot is a crabby pilot or really good and can tell what he was doing. here he comes. this is with the royal navy. cruising in. going low. see what's about to happen here? >> oh, no. >> oh! >> hopefully no one was in those port-a-p port-a-potties. >> now takes out the entire bank of potties. >> was the pilot drinking? >> sylvester stallone. i was at the dentist this morning. i am numb. i asked the producers to keep me out of a few stories. but the producers being the people they are thought it was very funny, made me sound stupid. >> because you always pick on everybody so they are picking on you. the only had thing better is you knocking over the port-a-potty. being the compassionate folks i thought they were instead they put me on national tv. >> back to our video. no reports of anybody inside the port-a-potties. although quite a mess. let's just say this wannabe thief picked on the wrong guy. the person driving this car is identified as luis. the clerk comes out of the gas station to pump the gas. he pumps the gas and walks up to the window. that's where the man threatens him and says give me your money. so the guy ends up handing him the money in his pocket. the action wasn't over. according to the station owner the suspect luis had a gun and wanted more from the clerk. so the clerk went and got the gas pump and sprayed it on the suspect luis. watch what happens next. he fired that weapon and that set the car aflame. luis suffered burns over 80% of his body. >> that backfired. >> he's in icu. >> part of me says quick thinking on the attendant but i don't know if the guy in the car deserved that punishment. >> this is the only thing he had in the moment. he didn't know the guy would pull out the gun and fire it. he paid an expensive price for a petty theft. in texas they are looking for this bad guy. check out this video from gtx guns in georgetown, texas. there's a rock that flies through the window. that's what was used by the suspect. he uses his arms to break into the cases and takes four guns. >> that was quick. >> smash and grab definition flight. >> less than ten seconds they said this guy was in and out. >> that place needs more security. that was way too easy. it's time to give away another ipad mini. >> you need wednesday's buzz word, be 18 years of age and be a legal u.s. resident. stay tuned for the i pad mini give away. this situation. in texas this is the krueger national park and as you can see there's a large snake that's buried in that four wheel drive and no way to get past it. this is called an african speed bump. >> just back up. i would recommend teasing the snake. i say take the long way around. >> you can see. if you look a little bit. >> no. >> did you see its mouth open. nice and big and big smile waiting for him. >> he could have made his feelings better known. >> one little sign off from the snake. >> that's ugly! his mouth is so big. >> you've had enough of pythons in the krueger national park. >> this next video is about pi thons in krueger national park. >> see the muscles move as it goes across the ground. >> it's going under your car. >> the engine of the vehicle is probably warm. the snake felt it and wanted to find its way in there to warm up a little. >> everybody is driving down the road and you're wondering what happened to the snake and then -- >> no! >> how did she manage to drive the car. >> suddenly everybody is booking. >> look how fast those people are moving. little jack jacks under snow white's spell. >> little prince charming. but that's not a normal occurrence. >> why this mini prince charming is having a truly magical moment. and a couple of dudes are living on intelligent in london. >> there's nothing nothing to se guys from a fall. >> see how they pulled off this crazy climbing stunt. and seafood lovers lasagna. all with our unlimited salad and breadsticks. and all starting at $11.99. olive garden. ♪ you wish your dog could fight off fleas and ticks. but since he can't... you rely on frontline plus. its deadly killing force kills fleas and ticks, plus flea eggs and larvae, preventing a new flea infestation. frontline plus. vet recommended flea and tick killer. find fast relief behind the counter allergies with nasal congestion? 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[ upbeat music ] strut past that aisle for the allergy relief that starts working in as little as 30 minutes and contains the best oral decongestant. live claritin clear, with claritin-d. m$ and 99% perspiration.n here's to the 99%. gold bond powder spray. anytime. anywhere. stay cool, america. disney world is a magical place and for this family it holds a brand new meaning. ♪ >> oh, little prince charming. >> yes, prince charming is actually 2-year-old jack jacks. this was disneyworld in november. >> he's snugled up next to snow white. but that's not a normal occurrence for jack jacks. he's autistic and nonverbal and very shy around people he doesn't know very well. >> you see him lay his head on her lap and he gazes into her big brown eyes. it's a match made in heaven. >> this is incredible for his parents to see this little boy smile and cuddle up to this woman must be an immense amount of joy. >> my son is on the autism spectrum and this hit close the home. i was crying my eyes out. the most important thing is when she looks into her eyes i know exactly what his mother felt. if she's ever feeling down she should watch this over and over again. >> so you understand personally the mother shares her sentiment. she cried a thousand tears as she watched her son interact with snow white. prepare yourselves for serious case of wind. this is thailand. in this case the wind is so severe it's raining sideways. in rips the roof off. yeah! there was a billboard sitting on top of this building, reasonably well attached but the force of the wind and the force of the water against it just eventually tears it off the roof. >> sparks do fly. >> with a shower of sparks you see it flying down on the road. no indication whether anybody was hurt. i'm sure in weather like this i'm sure everybody was inside. in iceland on a road that's notorious with the locals in being very dangerous in high winds for large trucks like that. he gets pushed to the right a little bit more. >> oh, no. >> whoa! >> off the road and it's right by the water as well and it cuts out after it completes almost an entire road. it gets caught in some big gusts. you see how it leans over. it's nibble it gets blown over the guardrail on the side of the road. pretty awesome. they stopped to make sure the guy was okay. apparently all they saw was a small scratch on his head. i'm going to be obsessed with obsessed food because they bring us the taco burrito chimichanga. now put one big four tortilla down. another one down. get your taco. put meat in it. less us the and tomato because you want something fresh. you want it to be somewhat healthy. before you fry it. spread sour cream. taco on top of it. take some tooth picks, fry it, koch it with your enchilada sauce. >> this is awesome. >> snackers heaven. >> you look at it oh, i love tacos, 0 i love qesadias. >> how about five layer nacho. first you lay down the nacho cheese then put down some beans, cheese, then your beef layer, add more cheese. you just keep layering that stop up until it's the towering dorito. >> an elderly man orders an uber. >> she's looking in her rear view mirror wondering what? still to come this lost dog has been hanging out at a rescue for weeks. >> this dog was acting like he was waiting for a specific person to show up. >> the beautiful reunion that might bring to you tears. plus we got another ipad mini to give away. we'll reveal wednesday's buzz word for your chance to win next. i was in the military for 18 years.m brian. but i smoked. and i got heart disease. my tip is, it's hard to serve your country when you're too weak to put on your uniform. (announcer)you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. yea, that's my daughter, my son, and that's my... hey, kool-aid man! ...husband. oh yeah!!! [ crashing ] [ electricity crackles ] hey at least you got your homeowners insurance through progressive. by bundling it with your car insurance you saved a ton! yeah. do you want to see the rest of the house? -i can actually see a lot of it. -oh. dogs - sure can be messy. but with nexgard, their flea and tick killer doesn't have to be. nexgard, the vet's #1 choice for dogs, is a delicious, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. so it's easy to give, easy to take. reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. why mess around? for powerful flea and tick protection, ask your vet about nexgard. the #1 choice of vets for their dogs and yours. act dry mouth mouthwash can cause dry mouth. and toothpaste relieve dry mouth symptoms with soothing formulas that strengthen teeth and freshen breath. act. stronger teeth and dry mouth relief. the skin on your feet is 20 times thicker, so our 7 intense moisturizers penetrate deeply... leaving feet softer, smoother, healthier looking. gold bond. relief starts now. they say that dogs are man's best friend but in this video you're going to see a dog that's waiting for his man's best friend to show up. he was lost 22 ds before. and at pet adoption in los angeles had this animal in their care. this dog was not the happy entire time. the dog was acting like it was waiting for a specific person to show up. he finally did. [ barking ] that dog's owner went to the county shelter every day looking for this dog, but he didn't know wags was in existence. when he tracked the dog down he went to pick it up. >> you could see already see. >> what a beautiful moment. >> they said so many people came in wanting to adopt this dog but they said no, we think it's waiting on somebody and when he finally turned up as you can see, barks, hugs, licks all around. >> to see them reunited again. good reminder to get your dog microchipped. london not known for its super high buildings. but some will set out to climb it. they are not part of the security team or part of the construction team. they are part of the ground pants squad. they will start climbing up over the scaffolding. now they have their eye on the prize. step out on that and scale the ladder. when the ladder runs out they start climbing up the trellises of the crane. they won't be satisfied until they get to the very top. >> let me guess, no gear, no safety equipment. >> unless they had harnesses and ropes and all that stuff there's nothing that would save these guys from a fall. it's a pretty great view of london, especially at the time of day, sunset. once they get to the top it's beautiful but oh! hang your feet off. now they have to make their way down. in the description the guys are surprised they got away with this. i have to believe there's not much scrutiny. you see how these guys got in. they are back under that gate and they say let's get out of here quick. >> this is the new graffiti artist. >> i imagine half the rush is get in in places where you're not supposed to. >> getting away with it. right. it's time to give away another ipad mini. >> to enter you need the buzz word, be at least 18 years old and a legal u.s. resident. >> head over to and enter the buzz word. >> it's time to reveal wednesday's buzz word, it's garlic. >> get over to click the win ipad button. >> littler this week we're having a bonus giveaway day where somebody can walk away with a flat screen tv. >> good luck everybody. it's the shocking corn on the could be mishap that has the web watching and wondering is this real? how some new video is putting fors keeps everything in place. >> i won't try it with my drink. snacks in the bag. by now there's a good chance you've seen this video. took the internet by storm because this girl is doing the corn change. trim that. it goes. we saw someone do it not too long ago successfully. this girl tried it but as she did it -- >> no! >> that's exactly what most of our reactions were when we first saw it. she was eating the corn. it got tangled up. it was up to her scalp and ripped front to back. >> i started to wonder is this real? it just came out so cleanly. >> a lot of people super skeptical. online people who watched it called her out and said there's no way it's real. she posted herself a video at the doctor's office getting her scalp treated. they said no you set it up. she posted another video where she's directly addressing the doubters out there saying this is not a fake video. she then shows a close up of her head and then starts pulling her own hair around the injury to show it's attached to my head. >> i'll go with her. see that one injury seems to be the same in all of the different videos. probably where the tool hit her head. that would be hard to replicate time after time. >> will it grow back? >> i have a feeling her hair is probably going to grow back because she didn't lose her scalp, she had her hair pulled out from the follicles. >> the hair follicles is different. >> i think we should send her a "right this minute" hat. thanks for hanging out with us today. put in that buzz word for your chance to inn the a giant weave throws an entire crew out. and one man is rapidly being swept away. police try to control protests in brazil. >> sometimes those situations get out of control. >> what happens when cops use a different kind of street sweeper. it's a high angle rescue that has us wondering -- >> how did that buffalo get on the roof of that building. >> the simple answer that may surprise you. plus the buzz word for your chance to win a new ipad mini. a pinata swing that's one low blow. and get ready. >> hit the beaches in your

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United States , Iceland , Thailand , Texas , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Reunion , Brazil , America , Los Angeles , Sylvester Stallone ,

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