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The dad bond movement. Oh. See why this had us thinking about another commercial thats just as crazy. Thats ollie. Were you 12 when you got hired for this . 23. We have all learned by now if a dash cam is rolling its going to catch some pretty crazy stuff. First dash cam footage from russia. This car driving at safe speeds following a safe distance from that car in front. What . What is that . Those are flames. Those were flames. Oh its a person. Oh, yeah. She gets out of the car. The driver is screaming. Shes so terrified. We do see people come to her aid. They get her away from the car. The car they were in with the dash cam, they realize they need to get back back their car up. The reason this car is on fire according to translations from reports, she actually lit something inside her car, possibly a cigarette, and had a gas canister inside her car. Oh, my goodness. It was open . I mean no. Even if it was just venting, any of that little vapor, thats whats explosive, the gas vapor. Not the liquid itself. Very dangerous. Really bad decision on this womans part. She was the only one in the car. She got away with singed hair. Otherwise was okay just shaken by the experience. This next video dash cam footage from anchorage, alaska. Notice this car over here on the opposite side of the median going the wrong way. Oh here comes another car. Get out of the way get out barely misses that car coming right in the other direction. This according to the poster of this video, was a drunk driver. Locked on to rails or something. Think about t its hugging the right side oh oh, man. Hill man, blind hill. Poster of this video said he called 911 when he realized this driver had crossed over the median into the wrong side of the road. He started recording with his dash cam so he would have evidence for police if they arrived on the scene. So how would a guy get a name sewer system . Yes, beth like sewer system. Uhuh. Uhuh. Uhuh. That is the sewer. According to the person who posted this video, he got that nickname because he is known for jumping into the sewer when its flooded and the streets are flooded and going in and dislodging things and making sure that the water starts moving okay after that. So hes a Good Samaritan . A much better person than i am. And hes doing that without protective gear or any kind of suit. Protective gear . Only thing he has on are his swim trunks. Thats the only thing protecting him. He doesnt even have goggles on to see whats down in there. You see him taking out these blocks. Nobody is helping him. Him on his own. He climbs out. That man hole in the middle of the street hes going to jump into that. Like hes going into a drain. Its exactly like that. Mario brother. Is he going to come up with a big mushroom . He gets out of that one, he strikes a pose. Youve got to love that. Yeah. Look, its draining. Hes like i am the drain king. You do see the water eventually going down in there and hes like i am victorious. I want to know about this mans immune system. We are riding aboard the skies over madrid approaching the end of the flight from geneva to madrid 60yearold pilot and his son. The reason they flew to madrid is to visit the 60yearold pilots daughter. The runway seems to be quite a bit to the left. Theyre lining up to the grass. As they approach madrid they realize their landing gear was stuck. They had three hours of fuel left. They spent an hour tg to fixe they did the recycling five times. Nothing worked. This is the moment where theyll be doing a hard landing on their belly at the airport. Oh, my gosh getting as slow as humanly possible so they wont be impacting too hard i predict the perfect landing. I hope so. Alarms go off. Whoa you see the propeller break. We hear the scraping and clawing as alarms go off. Get out, get out. Very quickly. It comes to a halt. Everythings good. Everything is fine. The video ends. As you said nick an absolutely perfect belly landing. They didnt die. Yeah youre alive. Fascinating video. The passenger, while going through this well lets see if i can get it on camera. Incredible flying. Hey, everybody, it is just about time for to us give away another ipad mini. Today is bonus give away day. Were giving away a flat tv. Two winners today. Fridays buzz word. 18 years of age and older and a legal u. S. Resident. That buzz word is coming up in a little bit. Keep watching for the rtm ipad mini giveaway. This is perhaps one of the best surveillance videos i have ever seen. And in this case its featuring this fellow out on a walk. Lovely neighborhood. It looks very peaceful. He has been doing so much walking after a while he gets tired. He decides to take a little walk over to this porch and just you know take a little break. Looks like amazon prime tape on that box. I know well because i use it a lot. Yep, that is exactly right. Youre not the only one that spots it obviously. So does this guy. I hate these guys. Grabs the bok, put it is in his backpack. Gets up. Walks away right down the street. The reason were seeing the video is because police have released it hoping someone recognizes this guy. If he would have done that to me the other day, he would have gotten a pair of kitchen tongs and mop bucket. They released this video hoping someone recognizes this guy and they find him soon. Another video from another robbery attempt. He has a chain. He has a stolen Utility Vehicle there. Also covered his face and his head. He even has a large tile that he cracks the doors glass with. Then he finishes smashing through it grabs his chain. That truck doesnt look like it could pull weeds never mind an atm. He gets into the truck and he guns it. Didnt hook the chain up. You idiot. Wow yep. He does turn right back around though. But at that point its more of a yeah okay maybe i should just give up. A man has a rough encounter with an elevator. He fell three floors and ended up stuck upside down. Why they had to bring in the jaws of life to pull off a swift rescue. And these guys set out to get past rejection. 70 of the time girls reject you for no reason. For sport. For fun. Thats a male perspective. Wrap this up. See what happens when they start laying on the sweet talk. Coconsnstitipapateted . D . Y. Yeaea dudulclcololaxax t tabablelets can cause cramps but not phillips. Itit h hasas m magagnenesisiumum anand d woworkrks s momorere n natatururalally than stimulant laxatives. Fofor r gegentntlele c crarampmp f freree e relief of occasional constipation ththatat w wororksks mmmmm m mmmmmm liliveve t thehe r regegulularar l lifife. E. Esesururanancece w wasas b bororn online. Which means fewer costs, which saves money. Their custstomomerer e expxpererience is virtually paperless whwhicich h sasaveves s papapeper,r, which saves money. Ththeyey h havave e smsmarart t ononline tools so you only pay fofor r whwhatatss r rigightht f for you which saves money. Ththeyey s setettltle e clclaiaimsms quickly whwhicich h sasaveves s titimeme, which saves money. They dririveve a an n alalllhyhybrbrid claims fleet whwhicich h sasaveves s gagas,s, which saves money. Ththeyey w werere e bobornrn o onlnline, and built to save money, whwhicich h memeanans s whwhenen they save, you save. Bebecacaususe e ththatatss h howow it should work in the modern world. Esesururanancece. Babackckeded b by allstate. Click or call. Time for some rescue videos from around the world. First one comes to us from china. This guy tries to take the elevator. He fell three floors and ended up stuck upside down. His ankle is caught behind this piece of metal. They are going to have to get the jaws of life and cut him out. Wait. The question i know youre going to ask, its kind of a basic elevator not a finished building by the looks of it. As he dropped, he flew up. I think that saved his life. The fact that he did get jammed prevented him from having an impact on his head on the ground. Theyre able to cut him out after about 20 minutes and you can see, is he free. Only minor injuries. Well done everyone there. From budapest in hungary, under sixminute video, going crazy viral on the internet because of the incredible driving skill of this ambulance driver. He covers 4. 7 miles in under six minutes, completely in control. He seems to make this ambulance the size of a mini cooper and fit it through things you never thought he would be able to do shooting down the highway here squeezing between these two cars. This looks like a video game. Thats exactly the thought i had, only the kind of driving you dream of doing on grand theft auto. Courteous drivers, seeing the lights and getting the heck out of the way. Red car in front of him, he just ahh no entry sign. Hes now on the wrong side of the road. Going the whole way through. Look. Where is he going to go . Whoa this guy is an absolute champion. Such a great, awesome driving. Officer dodge takes prize. Fellows, how do you get past rejection . Alcohol. Thats a terrible idea. Cody strong from angry picnic may have the answer. Im cody strong and this is how to get past rejection. The video start office with a very interesting statistic, 70 of the time girls reject you for no reason. For sport, just for fun. Thats a male perspective. If were rejecting you, you have a reason. All you need is one reason which is maybe theyre just not that into you. Or youre giving me a creepy feeling in my gut. Youre gorgeous. Im gorgeous. We need to wrap this up like its your number. We go on a date later . I have a boyfriend in a different state. Yeah. Well i might be gay. Okay. Whats your number . 816 go like hey, like hey, like um like. Hey. Can i have your number . Most of the people in this video are really young, probably still figuring out this whole dating thing anyway. Youre gorgeous. Thanks. 15 seconds. I think it highlights how awkward it is try to meet people. Especially running up to somebody going hey, youre pretty give me 15 seconds to talk to you. It is a random approach to run up to somebody in the middle of campus. Its awkward thing to be randomly run up to. Its awkward for everyone involved. Girls are just super weird. 91yearold artist inspiring his granddaughter to create her own art. Hes adorable his little glasses, little beard. Next right this minute. And still to come dude and his 2yearold hit the slopes for some tandem snowboarding. Theyre not just going down the hill here. See how i was jumping plus dont miss the bonus day buzz word for your chance to win an ipad mini or a flat screen tv. Toto y youou, ththeyeyrre e momorere than just a pet. Soso p prorotetectct t thehem. M. W. Witith h k9k9 a advdvanantitixx® i ii. Ititss b broroadadsspepectctrurumm protection k ills fleas titickcks s anand d momosqsquiuitotoeses t too. K9k9 a advdvanantitixx® i ii. I. Fofor r ththe e loloveve o of f dodogg™. Anand d whwhenen y youou b bunundldle e yoyourur home and Auto Insurance ththrorougugh h prprogogreressssivive,e, youll save a bundle [ [ lalaugughshs ] ] jajamimie. E. Ririghght. T. Mamakeke a a b badad b bunundldle e jojokeke a a bubuckck g goeoes s inin t thehe j jarar. I i guguesess s ththatatss j jusust t hohoww the cookie bundles. Nonow,w, y youourre e gogonnnna a hahave two bundles of joy iim m nonot t prpregegnanantnt. Iim m gogonnnna a gogo. [ tapping, c casash h reregigiststerer d dings ] there you go. [ [ bubuzzzzining g ]] bubundle bee coming itit w wasas w wororthth i it t sasavivingng y youou a a b bunundldlee when you bundle nonow,w, t thahatts s prprogogreressssivive. Plplaqaqueue i is s ththe e nunumbmberer one problem i see. Nenew w acact t adadvavancnceded w witithh plaque guard kills 99 of bacteria, hehelplps s prprevevenent t plplaqaqueue and gingivitis prprovovididining g a a shshieieldld of protection. Nenew w acact t adadvavancnceded. Mmy rorougugh h anand y onscious. [ fele announcer ] gold bond rough bumpy skin therapy. Uusesed d dadailily,y, it reduces bumps 72 . Ggolold d bobondnd. Fofor r sosomeme w womomenen a period means stop but with pamprin, a period means go pain relieieveversrs o onlnly relieve pain. Mumultltiisysympmptotom m papamprin relieves all your symptoms. Soso t thehereress n no o ststopping you. Pepeririodod. I love snowboarding. Tenley 2 years old and emma 4 years old. They love snowboarding. I want you to see why they love it. He is an expert snowboarder. What an incredible memory he is creating with his daughter. No with his kids. With his 2yearold. I believe its real. People who saw this video think thats fake. Some people are saying dad should not be doing this. She does have on a helmet gloves and protective gear. And her dad wrote before her 3rd birthday your adventurous spirit and our team work have created a magical time. She obviously is enjoying it airplane wings out and everything. What a fun day. Not only does she get to ride with her dad, emma also tandem snowboarding with her dad, bob carlton. Carlton. They do say you should only do this according to your limit as a snowboarder. Not something you should try at home if youre not an expert at what youre doing. If you guys dont like this video, get to step in. This is the guy thats in the players club. Amateur night in new york. Theyre performing right now. Do they seem familiar . They dont seem like amateur. Weve seen them before. This video i showed you from a subway. Oh, yeah no way thats right. Impromptu performance happening on the subway. Theyre so good. They have so much positive energy. Even sitting here you feel it waft over you. Yeah. Theres something really powerful. Theyre so full of energy. Its this attitude that just tran transcend transcends. Its amazing. We have right this minute edward from the players club. How are yall doing . How are yall doing . Tell us about the players club why you put it all together. What its all about. We started in 1996 in the bronx. I started because i was in a gang and wanted to get out of the gang and do something positive positive energy to save lives. Who knew 19 years later, we would still be here . How many people have you impacted and influenced with that attitude . As we speak, we have at least 100 active members from ages 4 to 40. How did the show go at the apollo . Were people into it . We got a standing ovation. End of the video, you cant even see us because the whole audience stood up. People from Different Countries that never saw it before. Are they from similar backgrounds to you . Definitely. Were located in the bronx. Ive had to go to certain project areas, certain neighborhoods to literally get kids out of gangs, disrupt homes, things of that nature and show them use their music tal toent get them out of negative atmospheres. I know it can save them. Once they see that then we send a positive message through words. Your videos are great. Keep them up. Also the message youre sending as well is absolutely fantastic. Thanks for talking to us. God bless. All right, everybody. Its time for us to give away an ipad mini. So easy to enter. Buzz word be 18 years of age or older and a legal u. S. Resident. Head over to right this minute. Com and click on the win ipad button. Enter the buzz word on facebook twitter. You can use each every day. Fridays buzz word is drone. One of my favorite words. Get on over to right this minute. Com click on the win ipad button and enter fridays buzz word drone, drone. You definitely want to enter today. Its bonus giveway day. Were giving away an ipad mini and a second win winner will get a flat screen tv. Good luck everybody. Right now, its all about the dad bod movement. See how a funny parody put it is all in perspective. I want that dad bod. G g susundndayay d dininners. But when my back hurt, cooking all day. Foforgrgetet a aboboutut i it. T. Tytylelenonol l wawas s okok, bubut it was 6 pills a day. Bubut t alaleveve e isis j jusust t 2 2 pills all day. Anand d nonow,w, i imm b bacack k alaleveve. E. This is not ice cream. This is not ice cream in an Ice Cream Cone. This is not ice cream in an Ice Cream Cone in the hand of a tall man. This is not ice cream in an Ice Cream Cone in the hand of a tall man in san fran. This is not san fran. This is not a tall man its pam and dan. This is not an Ice Cream Cone its a frozen custard cone. And this is not ice cream, its extra thick and creamy frozen custard. A different kind of delicious. New from dreyers. Nestle, good food, good life. Angeles to blow stuff up with me. Dont blow it. Makes it rain. Theres a new trend sweeping the nation and the internet. Im so behind it. The dad bod movement. People call the dad bod the moment men call netflix and takeout, leonardo dicaprio, john hamm another one. This fabulous video. Ititit its a parody. I want your dad bod great example of the dad bod. The truth is dad bods have been around forever basically. Theyre few and far between that are actually like super hot dads that go to the gym all the time. And, ollie, you are part of that group. While were on that note he did a commercial and oh, my god, thats ollie. I forgot about that. Were you 12 when you got hired for this . I was 23. Get out. That was my first commercial. You didnt have a dad bod really though. Two kids and he has what is not a dad bod. He has been on the cover of mens health. Sad part about all of this is i do exercise and work out and still look like this guy. Now you can have nick calderone, dad bod fitness spray. That will do us for right this minute. Thanks for joining us. See you next time. Deep dark hole after a climber fell through a crevice. Dramatic moment he climbed to the surface. Nascar driver that hill is a doozy. Rescuers save a s

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