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Plus its bonus give away day and weve got the buzz word to win an ipad mini or a flat screen tv. And wedding video gold. The groom and the bride and theyre kissing. How one clueless dude creates one big change of scenery. He basically stops the he was like you guys should really try to this video is undoubtedly going to send a chill down your back when you see what this man found on his way to work. You see at the very beginning of the video something wrapped up in this white piece of cloth. When he gets close and lifts up this cloth, watch what he finds inside of it. Theres a baby. Oh, my goodness no yes. This man, raul marrin found this child, what looks like a newborn baby still alive. You can actually hear it. Oh, my gosh. This is horrible. This is unthinkable. You can hear the nerves in his breath as he realize what he has there. He heard the child crying called emergency services. They immediately took it to a local hospital. Turns out its a girl and she is expected to be okay. But he also decided that this was a gift to him from god and so hes going to take the steps to try to adopt this baby girl. Oh, thats a beautiful ending to this story. Is isly hope that can happen. No word on what led this child to be dumped off in this manner. The greatest thing is reading the comments. You see that his family has come together to support him in this process and theyre all saying if you need help we will help you. Thats wonderful. You always want to encourage kids at the skate park to wear their safety gear. Any kind of helmet knee pads would not protect them from this jerk face. What . Winnipeg skate park kid trying to enjoy the place but had to get out of the way of this guy. Just before the video started, reports say this guy had gone whipping through the baseball fields then he went through the skate park and then wasnt back through the baseball field where he hit a 25yearold man. That guy suffered minor injuries. The car then sped off, found abandoned. Apparently the driver fled into the woods. Police were able to catch up with the driver the very next day and they do have him in custody. Two people in the car, joy ride like theyre thinking like this is funny. This driver must have been under some serious influences. No reports on any kind of impairment at the time of this incident. But police do expect that this man will face numerous charges. All reports say that the man he hit suffered minor injuries. But there were other kids and parents on the ball fields at the time. They had to run out of the way. I have two completely different videos that have connected through one phenomenon. Dust devil. Paragliding video, maneuvers over from a dust devil and over the next couple of minutes we watch him rocket thousands of feet into the air. No thank you. Here he even says theres little bits of dust from the ground shooting past him at this point. Really really nice climb but its rough coming in. Then he notices a cloud is forming above him. Theres something about paragliders that are really fun and cool when theyre slightly lower to the ground. I dont know why this feels so much scarier. I had the exact same reaction the first time i saw it. He notices he can actually see two countries. Thats jordan over there. Youve got israel on the right. Cool right . He keeps going up until he actually hits the clouds. And we are in [ bleep ] yeah. I do like his response. Hes not scared. You cant see anything while in the middle of this cloud before finally he breaks out, much to his excitement. Here we go. Coming out of the clouds yeah wow its like double rainbow guy with paragliding. Right. I do love this man. To look at where he is in the sky, this is horrifying. He really is loving it. Similar video from the ground. Its a twister. Its cominge inging at us. A truck right there goes right there. Wow power. It looks like a tornado. Of course doesnt do that much damage. We saw it pass right over there. They call us storm chasers. Monica lynch from jacksonville thomas salem from philadelphia and sherry walkman from chicago are the three latest winners in the rtm ipad mini. Today is bonus give away day. That means two winners because were also going to give away a flat screen tv. Thursdays buzz word be at least 18 years of age or older and be a legal u. S. Resident. The buzz sword coming up. Keep watching for the rtm ipad mini give away. A whole lot of punches thrown saturday night. It had nothing to do with the Mayweather Pacquiao fight. This actually happened in ontario, canada. There was a big brawl at this Bowling Alley. Matter of fact police say there were five separate fight goings on at the time. When you fight in a Bowling Alley, you might slip and fall. Take a look at it from this angle that ctv in canada got. Watch right here. Did you see that . Somebody threw a bowling ball in the air, hit that guy in the back. This kid actually recorded all the action. People were chucking beer boolt bottles at them. Glass everywhere. It was hectic. One person was arrested. One woman was treated for cuts. What do you have to fight about if youre at a Bowling Alley . Its delightful pitcher of beer nachos having a good time. Why would you fight . Bunch of turkeys. Its just a nice drive on a scenic road until car from the other lane is getting a little brave, trying to get around a tour bus. Why that bravery turns out to be a bust. What are you doing . And, the adorable goats that needed some help getting moving but now theyve got wheels. See their amazing progress and how you can help to keep them rolling and growing. Ththisis l litittltle e guguy y isis a aboboutut to make his first deposit. Wed like to open a savings account for him. Yes yes. Great thanksks t to o momom m and dad and their safe drdrivivining g bobonunus check from allstate. Ohoh. Lolookok a at t ththisis. Safe driving bonus. Are yoyou u a a sasafefe d dririvever . Luluckcky y lilittttlele fella. Ononlyly a allllststatate gives you two safe driving bobonunus s chchececksks a a y year for driving safe. Sesee e hohow w mumuchch more an allstate agent can do for you. Cacallll 8 8777766444433100. Lilikeke i in n momostst families, dads always the last to know. Ththatatss w whyhy a accccididenent t foforgrgiviveness wawas s ththe e fifirsrst t ththining g he asked for when he switched to allstate. Michael james mimiddddlele n namame. E. Not good. Geget t acaccicidedentnt forgiveness from allstate and kekeepep y youour r rarates from going up just because of an accident. Fifindnd o outut h howow a local allstate agent cacan n hehelplp b betetter protect your family. Call one right now. Plplusus, drdriviverers s whwho o swswitched saved an average of 498 a year jujustst a a f fewew m morore ways the good hands are dodoining g momorere t than ever before. Sesee e whwhatat t thehe personal service of an allstate agent cacan n dodo f foror y youou. Call 8776443100 scal good day, mlady i am sircanalot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. Wake up those eggs with glorious spam see what spam can do. At spam. Com ive got nothing but crashes for you right now. First, we believe from belarus, watching a nice little drive down a beautifully scenic road. Car from the other lane is getting brave, trying to get around a tour bus. What are you doing . Didnt even seem like he was trying to swerve back in his own lane. Exactly. Trying to play chicken with everyone else. Seriously avoided a driveon collision. The car were riding in definitely got clipped. The car in front stops, backs up comes to help. It doesnt look like anyone was injured. This one also someone traveling too close, actually. From russia pay close attention to whats going on over here in the opposite lane. Youve got a car stopping to make a lefthand turn. The car behind not paying attention. But thats bad for our driver. Its bad for a couple of drivers. The car that rear ended the car itself. The car were riding in and the car in front of the car were riding in. Last but not least, the video we believe thats from china. This is a near miss but with a semi. Watch this. That semi seems to be driving like he thinks its in a sports car. Watch him change lanes quite quickly. No. Youve got to be kidding. He jammed on the brakes. It looks like he was trying to avoid something that happened. The cars in front of him seem to be driving slowly. The car in front of him actually is trying to change lanes. But, luckily, the car that were riding in that driver paying very close attention, had his eye on that truck and avoided this accident. We have an update on the gocart twins. That is aldo and wanda. When they were born everything seemed fine. Hours later, their owners realized things were not so well. So they started a go fund me page because these two did not have the use of their hind legs. But the good news is theyre doing better as you see. Theyve got wheels. Look at you. Are you mobile . So they raised enough through the go fund me page to get all the equipment they needed so that these two little goats could be normal. They havent raised enough just yet for their entire they do have wheel carts but will need bigger ones in the future because theyre dwth going to grow. They need to take care of their medical issues and still need to build a fence around the perimeter of the area to protect them from predators. They raised 3,000 so far but the goal is to raise 15,000. Come on buddy. I have three very unique videos. This first one is rareton bay off the coast of new york and new jersey. This guy is off to rescue a fallen kayaker. How sweet. This guy doesnt think so much. Ive got some idiot screaming over here. I think he flipped out of his kayak or something. He decides to go over and start helping him out. Yeah. Looks like this idiot is splashing around. Is he going to fish the guy out . Kind of actually. A charter boat out in the water has also spotted that kayaker. This guy kayaks over to the boat grabs a life saver, kayaks it over to as far as he can get it. The rope is only so long. Swimming toward the life saver at this moment this guy that went over to rescue him go ahead, can you do it. Very supportive. Youre all right. Thats the important thing. The worst kept secret. I wont tell anybody. And yet the videos on national television. Everyone came together, worked as a team to save his life. You see the people on the boat pulling this guy out of the water making him their biggest catch of the day. Hold him up like one of those hold him by the ankles. Yeah. They do eventually end up retrieving the guys kayak. He thanks the fdny and sandy hook coast guard for coming out to help. Catch really good rapids kayaking. Way to go guys. Worst thing that happens is right about here. One of the kayakers ends up upside down cant right himself. Sitting in the middle of them. Not as easy as they seem. This guy very quickly learned as he was trying to get his kayak in the water. Whats going to happen . I wonder. What would make you think that thats going to work . That was like gator water, too, water you dont want to be off your kayak in. Adventure at the worlds most epic water slide. This is a good day. Next right this minute. And still to come the cat lady and the milk man unite for something that a bit random. Drop a beat. S why theyre the perfect one crazy dance video. Plus well reveal the bonus day buzz word for your chance to win an ipad mini or flat screen tv. Plplaqaqueue i is s ththe e nunumbmberer one problem i see. Nenew w acact t adadvavancnceded w witithh plaque guard kills 99 of bacteria, hehelplps s prprevevenent t plplaqaqueue and gingivitis prprovovididining g a a shshieieldld of protection. Nenew w acact t adadvavancnceded. Mmy y rorougugh h anand d bubumpmpy skin makes me feel really selfconscious. [ female announcer ] gold bond rough bumpy skin therapy. Uusesed d dadailily,y, it reduces bumps 72 . Ggolold d bobondnd. Fofor r sosomeme w womomenen a period means stop but with pamprin, a period means go pain relieieveversrs o onlnly relieve pain. Mumultltiisysympmptotom m papamprin relieves all your symptoms. Soso t thehereress n no o ststopping you. Pepeririodod. Some videos have a purpose. Some videos have a story. Some videos are so random when i find them i is just have to put them in the database like this one. Scott d. W. He does videos. Weve seen him before. Crazy cat lady as you can see, shes got lots of cats and lots of oreos. What . Random talking cats should give you an indicator what were about to see might be a bit random. Delivery. Shes got milk. Shes got oreos. And then this happens. Drop a beat. Not sure we should allow you alcohols to the database anymore. Maybe cut off your internet access. I love this video. Are you crazy . Random dance video with dancing cats. I feel like this might be what its like to live inside of ollies brain. Is this just a euphamism for getting together with the milk man . People who delivered milk in glass jugs that would be awesome. In england, thats what happens. This video is ridiculous. In its entirety click on todays show or use our mobile app. You know i flip over sail videos and ive got three flips sails that will make you flip. Mountain trail. Only way to do it right is to learn how to do it the wrong way. Flips over the front of the handle bars. Just gasping for air there. That poor guy. Poor guy is right. On his head. Cant really walk it off. Youre going to feel worse for this poor guy. Oh. Oh wow i felt that. Right . Yeah. Watch it again. This guy springs right to his feet after that thud. Oh walk it off. Walk it off. Nothing. Im fine. How about one more . I dont know. This guy inserting joints into his body where once there were none. Oh ouch. Ive never seen a body fall quite like that. Was he broken at the end of it . He must have been. Im not sure. [ bleep ]. Oh maybe leave the backflips to the professionals. Oh, that hurt. Yeah you cant walk those off. Stop playing it. Stop all right, everybody. It is time for us to give away an ipad mini. All you need is the buzz word be 18 years of age or older and a legal u. S. Resident. Head over to right this minute. Com. Facebook twitter or both. Use each every day. Time for to us reveal thursdays buzz word. It is shield. Get on over to right this minute. Com click on the win ipad button and enter thursdays buzz word shield shield. Were giving away two prizes. One person will get an ipad mini. The second a flat screen tv. Good luck everybody. A romantic wedding shoot gets interrupted by a dude who decides he really needs to cool down or really wants a drink. How he turns a picture Perfect Moment into one theyll never forget. Yoyouurere w welelcocomeme. Ugh. Youre the valet . Yea, sorta the valet. Bobothth d dririveve f foror a a l living, bobothth l likike e toto s savavee money on Car Insurance and we both know you may not get ththisis c carar b bacack k inin the same condition. Watch your toes. Wowo yaya b boyoy. Geget t itit sosortrta a yoyou u isisnnt t yoyou. U. Wiwithth d dririvevesesensnse e frfromom esurance, yoyou u cacan n eaearnrn a a pepersrsonalized discount babasesed d onon h howow y youou d dririve nonot t hohow w sosomemeononee sorta like you drives. Yoyouullll e eveven n geget t a a discount just for signing up. Esesururanancece. Babackckeded b by y allstate. Click or call. Fox cub play time. Weddings and love and love and weddings. Ive got to go. Stick around. Youre going to like this one. Wedding video that starts off so wonderful and sweet. Theres the groom and the bride. And, of course theyve got these guys making this video for them. He starts panning out. Beautiful cascade of water for the fountain until some guy, who they think is having a worse day than anyone else decides he really needs to cool down this dude staggers in and then starts towel washing his face. In the video, he is inebriated and obviously need this had moment. He comes in and creates wedding video gold. Open bar, whoohoo. He goes back in for more and goes all the way down. I cant imagine what this feels like. He basically stops the woman. He goes over to the couple you guys should really is it when his head is in the fountain or is it the stumbly walk into that fountain . Is the groom going, dad, come on get out of the fountain. Thats our show everybody. Well see you for the next edition of right this minute. [ screaming ] a woman fights against two men trying to put her in a car. It is in fact a kidnapping. Why the reason behind it will blow your mind. Full throttle for speed boater. Out there for fish but had to duck. What they nearly caught from above. Did you see that . Whoa the baby ducks fall through a storm grate but hpw gentle hero got them back to mama. Mamas over there. Plus bonus giveaway day. Get the buzz word for your shot an ipad mini

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