Transcripts For KTVU RightThisMinute 20150318 : comparemela.

KTVU RightThisMinute March 18, 2015

True. Plus find out why redit has this guy swallowing a rock. And jokesters set up a fake holdup. Tables turn real quickly. See the double crossed prank thats pure evil. Or youtube gold. It is just before midnight at the jerry metro station in montreal and three men notice something there on the train tracks. It is a woman. Good for her that somebody noticed she had fallen there. [ bleep ]. Is she hurt unconscious. The woman is on the tracks and she is distressed when she rolls over. You can see shes got a bloody head wound. These men are stunned that shes down there, and theyre about to help her. [ bleep ]. Whats wrong with you, man . Trying to kill yourself . [ bleep ]. These men quickly get to work and help this woman off of the tracks but the woman was noticed by the train operator alerted authorities, and cut power. They were able to get that woman up and she was taken to the hospital. They dont know how she fell on the tracks but authorities are trying to figure out how she exactly got there. [ bleep ]. Whats wrong with you, man. I wonder if that head wound was from her falling or attacked from somebody else . Good for her somebody was out at ten minutes to midnight to notice she was there. Waiting for a train, youre not really looking down the end to see if somebodys lying on the track. Shes really lucky. Out of it. If youre going to go out and drink, be responsible. A crowded bar here everybodys enjoying their evening. The guy put on the cardigan looks like hes getting ready to leave. Putting on his sweater first and politely put on his jacket. Being deliberate about. Good couple of drinks. Whoa and good night thank you, everybody. Why would you do that . Well reports say that he was refused a drink. When he went up to the bar, they said no sir, thank you very much you had plenty so he decided to just leave. But before he left, he had to give them that one parting shot. Oh. Definitely caused some damage. No reports of injuries. After the staff walked him out, he just took off. Police are looking for this guy, so thats why they put the video out. I think he proved the bartenders point, he had too many. Australia, a confriendtation friendtation at a liquor store. I want to smash everything in the place and you. Anybody in the staff area. And the business i have to do what i have to. Ray grabs his weapon starts swinging. There we go. Look out for bottles. Out into the aisles. Bottles broken all over the place. Ray standing his ground landing a couple of solid thuds, knocking the man to the ground getting him to submit. Police were able to catch up with the attacker but rays not satisfied. Oh no. The attacker merely getting community service. For that intimidating him . Its just a joke. Its just a joke. Lets face it no matter how slight were all kind of disney fans. I think this girl possibly the worlds biggest disney fan. Disney its a big part of my life. Movies inspire me all the time. 12yearold noel hazel, born with spinal muscular atrophy, affects motor nerve cells in the motor cord affects ability to walk eat, and even breathe. She has a remarkable spirit. She has the voice of an angel. Listen to her voice. Its spectacular. Before they walk before they run close your eyes sounds like youre listening to the soundtrack. She has that sweet voice that perfectly matches the disney sound. Noels aunt started this with her niece. Theyd trade disney songs back and forth on febook ahole new world that caught on. Renee came up with a hashtag, disney for noel asking people to sing a song post the video everybody raise fund. This is trying to send noel hazel and her mom, her brother who also has spinal muscular atrophy, and her big sister actual disney world because noels dream is to get a photo with the disney princesses to meet them in person. I love her. I want to take a selfie with her. My biggest goal right now. Noel is an inspiration to thousands. People from all walks of life all ages posting videos. Tons of people tweeting about disney for noel. Looking to raise 10,000 and theyre close. We know the song. We all feel that connection as well and that love for the songs as well. We understand. Buhbye. As parents, when your child gets in a fight with another child, you as the adult, control the situation, i would think. Thats not what this 41yearold father did. Instead, he gets involved in the scuffle, beating the other kid in a fight with his 9yearold son. Watch him grab the 9yearold boy, throw him against the wall dump in in one of the fountains. The victims boys mother shows up and gets involved because she did not like what she just saw that man do to her son. That breaks up. But then she decided to call the cops. They came arrested him, and after seeing the video ended up fining him about 75. He spent 15 days in jail because of this attack. The worst part is the dad found out after the little boy, his son, had come home told him what happened the dad makes the decision to come back to the park and start beating this kid up. What . Crazy. That is actually crazy. Also crazy, is this video here this happened in australia australia, where in a liquor store. We captured this surveillance video. This is after the store had actually closed. Watch what this opportunist does when the door was unfortunately left unlocked. When he notices nobodys watching jumps over the counter, grabs an entire case of cigarettes and walks out. Apparently also with alcohol. Some time later, he and another guy came back do do the exact same thing. They ended up losing 15,000. What . This is because they forgot to lock the door when they closed up at night in. You get a clear look at the first guy. Thats why Police Released the video. Theyre hoping somebody recognizes him and calls the cops. Little bub the famous cat is back but this time little bub has a guest and the first time theyve ever met. See what happens when the two internet stars unite. A trip to the barber shop becomes a terrifying prank when guy wearing a mask start demanding money. The fake heist that definitely cuts them deep. This is prank gold. Iiveve j jusust t fofounund d mymy nenew beauty bff. Hihi t theherere nenew colgatate e opoptitic c whwhititee express white. Wawaitit, dodonnt t yoyou u memeanan m me . E . Nenew w cocolglgatate e opoptitic c whwhititee express White Toothpaste hahas s ththe e prprofofesessisiononalallyly rerecocommended whitening ingredient hyhydrdrogogenen p pereroxoxidide e foforr whwhititer teeth in 3 days. Wiwiththouout t ththe e hahasssslele o off whitening treatments. Ththinink k ofof i it t asas y youour r smsmilile e bff. I i ththououghght t i i wawas s yoyourur b bffff. I i memeanan m myy ototheherr bfbff f dadazzzzlele. Wiwiththouout t ththe e hahasssslele. Nenew w cocolglgatate e opoptitic c whwhititee exexpress white. Whwhititerer t teeeethth i in n 3 3 dadaysys jujustst by brushing. Jajackckss h heaeartrt a attttacack k dididndnt come with a warning. Today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen toto h helelp p rereduducece t thehe risk of another one. Ifif y yououvve e hahad d a a hehearart attack bebe s surure e toto t talalk k toto y your doctor beforere y youour r bebegigin n anan a aspirin regimen. Nick, whats that . Um. You just learned the first lesson. Always keep your eyes open this comes to u i believe from see right there is a van. Notice this lady standing behind this van while on the phone. See the reverse lights come on she moves behind the van when suddenly you know whats going to happen. Oh almost went over her. It gets so close. Quickly goes forward. Look she jufrpz straight up shes more concerned about her phone. Why would you be pacing the middle of a driveway on the phony way . But to not notice a van in reverse . The thing is understand for these larger vehicles always talking about the blind spots involved. This one i guess a bit of caution from the driver but a bit of general awareness from the lady on the phone. She made a lucky escape. You cant blame the driver on that. Her head was almost smashed like a grape. We can blame the driver on the next video, this from toronto. A small fender bender. People talking to the lady in the black pickup truck and the guy talking to other people and as the camera pans you see traffic is backing up. But the video takes a dramatic turn when you hear this oh. What was that noise . That sound was the knees or shins of the guys standing directly in front of the pickup truck. Why would you do this . This is way worse than a fender bender. Now youve got a hitandrun with the car and a hitandrun with a human being. No license plate on the back of the truck. This guy who is walking up is taking a photo, by the looks, by the person inside the truck. I dont have information on that but maybe the cops will be able to find him. When you prank a prankster, youre going to get pranked back. Recently i was pranked by my friend. Remember this prank . Frank with the paint ball gun. Its time for payback. This time its at the barber shop. He offered ali a free barber cut. Its about to go crazy. Hes not the only one getting pranked. Yousef assistant is being pranked. By dennis. Payback is on. Watch this they both sit down at different times, but now this is where it it gets good. Give me your money right now, man. Guy wearing a mask starts demanding money. Watch the clients. Starts freaking out. Hes more composed but the tables turn quickly when the barber turns around, grabs his gun. What the hell . Criminals down. My gosh. Look at his poor face. This is prank gold. That kind of reaction. Yeah. This video is getting a lot of attention. Dennis is a friend of mine. I asked him, did he know this is going to happen. He said he had no idea but he got so freaked out because he was robbed at gun point last year at a nightclub. So he said he could not believe it was happening again. Poor guys crying in the chair. Its not over. Theres a second gunman. No. Now, the second guy turns out to be yousef olis like of course it was you. He starts laughing right away. I bet you he expected no less. Watch dennis reaction to the reveal. Im pranking you. I dont care. Did he not know dennis had this happen to him . Dennis said he told yousef but he didnt clarify whether he told him before or after. I feel horrible. I feel sick to my stomach. Im warning you, the internet is about to implode because theres way too much awesomeness. Little bub. Little bub, the worldfamous internet cat. The cutest cat possibly ever. Little bub, a rescue adopted. Little bubs face. Constantly hangs out. Little bub has a guest and first time they ever met. Look who it is. I knew it. A picture, i posted it. Little tuna. Also an adopted dog. Tuna was abandoned on the road near san diego. So these are two adopted animals who are now huge internet stars making tons of money for their awesome owners. And look at them together. I think theyre happy and in love. I dont think either one have any idea whats going on. Guys doing something crazy. These guys are my kind of idiots. See it next right this minute. And still to come hes known for pulling pranks. But now hes got Something Sweet up his sleeve. A big surprise for his parents, especially for his mom. The special gift that makes her dreams come true. Plus why you dont want to mess with these thirsty elephants. Lets get the heck out of here ririchch, chchewewy y cacararamemel l rorolllleded up in smooth, milk chocolate. Lelet t meme k knonow w ifif t thihis s gegetsts t toooo hot rorololo. Geget t yoyourur s smomoototh h onon. Rereseseararchch s shohowsws, upup t to o ababouout 90 of kids fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. Leletts s dodo m morore. E. W we e arare e flflinintststotonenes kids. Adadd d flflinintststotonenes s cocompmplete for nutritional support. 1 10 0 mimillllioion n ststrorongng, and growing. Closed captioning provided by gogoldld b bonond d rorougugh h bubumpmpy skin therapy. Used daily, it exfoliatetes,s, smoothes, softens. Rereduduceces s bubumpmps s 7272 p perercecentnt. Gogoldld b bonond. D. Ultimatete l lototioion. N. Ulultitimamatete s skikin. N. Bebeining g frfreeee f froromm dadandruff feels great. Maximum strength selsun blue tatargrgetets s dadandndruruffff wiwipipingng o outut flflakakes and itch. Selsunun b blulue. E. Frfreeeedodom m frfromom d danandrdruff. Got some animal battles for you, a couple of them. The lion versus a crocodile. This lion her bud ycome over. What the the crocodiles like im not afraid of you, ill take all of you on. This is crazy. Crazer. Imagine seeing this. Youre on a safari, you got the bonanza, youre rubbing your hands together. Crocodile lived another day. And now for the main event. These elephants dont want to share this watering hole. You hear it trumpet its horn. Wildebeest move. A warthog, lets get the heck out of here. The wildebeest are like were still thirsty, this is a public game reserve. This took place at the 15 safari in the game preserve in south africa. The view from the lodge. Wow now thats youre pay fog a great view. There is a standoff. Wildebeest are like its hot, were thirsty, were not going anywhere. The elephants, once again, chase them off. And the warthogs are like wait we might get in trouble, too. Viral brothers blog Youtube Channels famous for elaborate pranks weve had a few on our show. A video thats different. This is actually beautiful. This is actually very special day for me. Whats special about it . His Moms Birthday is coming up. His parents 48th anniversary is coming up. The reason its special for him, he has a big surprise for his parents, especially for his mom. My mom was interested in Chinese Culture her whole life and her life long dream to visit it one day. I have a feeling you know what happens coming. I hope so. But theyve done weird stuff in their pranks. In this envelope there is a voucher with 4,000. Sweet. Sending his mom to china. Heads to the family house. Here is the reveal. Its precious. Hands over the envelope with the trip inside and watch mom. Shes saying we dont want anything. I dont want a gift. No gift. Thats april parent. Mom always says that. She falls back in the chair, hands on the forehead. Shes about to have a heart attack. She can believe it. A dream trip. And it was all given to her by her son. Does he have brothers or sisters . Right now theyre looking pretty bad. I think they went in on this. I think its a family affair. At the end a beautiful message, he does make videos to make money but only so he can have more moments like this in his life. Ah, nice move steves on a mission to swallow a rock. Very gritty. Wow. Why hell try anything to get it down. Uhoh. Dodoining g ththisis a allll d dayay, my feet and legs got really tired. So i got dr. Scholls massaging gel work insoles. Ththeyey a absbsororb b ththe e shshocock k of working on my feet all day. I i fefeelel e enenergrgizizeded i imm a a b belelieievever. R. Drdr. Scschohollllss m masassasagiging gel work insoles. Im a believer [ [ r r b b slslowow j jamam p playing ] y yeaeah,h, g girirl l you knonow,w, i ivve e bebeenen t thihinking about us a andnd, uhuh, i i jujustst cacannt fight it anymore i itts s bubundndlele t timime e b bunundldle e m mm,m, f feeeel l ththosose e sasavivingngs,s, baby anand d ththatatss h howow a a h homome e anand auto bundle is made. Bebetttterer h he e leleararnsns i it t heherere than on the streets. Ththe e mimiraraclcle e ofof b bunundldlining nonow,w, t thahatts s prprogogreressssivive. E. Bulldog you dont need superpowers to help someone. Sometimes, all it takes is a warm heart and a cold nose. Thats why mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to Train Service dogs for people with disabilities. I would never imagine a life without an assistance dog ever again. I relied on people a lot. He helps me live a more independent life. Bulldog we need your help to do more. Give at mattressdiscountersdogs. Com, or any mattress discounters. Mattress discounters good deed dogs helping dogs help people see more and ormore of this stuff. Okay this is my video that i promised i would make because of a certain comment. On reddit you can give reddit gold click on something it costs 3. 99 to guild someones comment because its funny. Someone spent 3. 99 so steve would swallow a rock. Its not like a rough rock you can get a smooth pebble. You think. Steve, not exactly the smartest fellow goes for a rocky rock. Heres the rock in question. Its very gritty. Its a rock steve did he get the rock out of his head . Sounds like he has them for brains. This could could happen to have surge could choke to death. Here it comes. What then followed is three minutes of steve doing everything he can to really deliver to reddit his promise of swallowing a rock. No. Hum. Oh. Your bodys trying to tell you something, steve. Youre not tonight in swallow rocks. But then three minutes and 45 seconds of pain later. I fell it in my back. I got it. I got it. You did it steve. Youre a winner. Exit wound is going to be awful. Yeah. Thats it for us at right this minute. Well see you next time. scal good day, mlady i am sircanalot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. Wake up those eggs with glorious spam see what spam can do. At spam. Com a saint paddys day brawler in buffalos about to get taken out but not by that guy. How cops answered the call and rang his bell. A woman is trapped in her car after being caught in a flash flood. See why it takes seven men to set her free . The landmark mansion that sits at 190 baury in new york city. A look inside 155 million mystery. The fourstory c

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