Transcripts For KTVU RightThisMinute 20150311 : comparemela.

KTVU RightThisMinute March 11, 2015

Re veal her amazing response to her quick comeback. Unbelievable. A jumper manages to stick the landing. And a bra made out did of delicious chocolate there the fashion statement not everybodys buying. I want something i want to sample. Im not going to pick a piece after of somebodys clothes. In my book the best way to spend a day at the beach, on two wheels. This guy, kyle simpson, popping wheelies on his yamaha three buddies, cruising down the firm sands near new zealand. Beautiful. Beautiful. Wow the only ones there. Its like they have a private beach for this. I cant think of a more perfect day. True. This is gorgeous. Sadly, though things start to bind up for these guys. You can see the surf way off in the distance. But then here it comes, a rogue wave. Oh oh he slants down on his face. All four get swallowed up. Look theyre in a pinch now because the bikes are swamped. My gosh deep down in the sand . Yep. Obviously saltwater soaking these motorcycles. Now theyve got pick the bikes up and push them through wet sand. That isnt very easy to do. Wow, that one very quick. That stinks. Hes not sure his bike can be repaired because of the saltwater. One of his buddies fractured his shoulder. We have other questions. Kyle simpson is joining us right this minute from new zealand. Welcome. Nice to see youre okay. So sorry. Tell us what it felt like when the water swallowed you up was it a hard hit or did you slow down quickly . Hard hit. Over the handle bars and took a while to get my bearings. [ bleep ]. Made sure everyone was all right. Everybody good . And then worried about getting the bikes out, really. What condition is your bike in and your friends bikes. Mine pretty much unridable. Another one can be repaired. Your bikes werent running. 20ks away. By the time we escaped, it was an hour and a half a couple hours. Will you do it again . Will you drive on this beach and risk another rogue wave . Yeah. Freak accident. Could have happened to anyone. I was going to call it this is the holy moly moment of the day. Out off the coast of florida, you see some tail fins flapping in the water. Holy moly. There it is. Thats a bull shark. Wait holy moly. The shark. What . Okay. I thought you oversold it but you didnt. Shark. Its a whole school of bull sharks feeding on 135pound tarpon. Wait till you hear the brilliant advice of the guy in the boat. Dont fall in. When you go into the theme park to pay for the fish pellets and all of 0 the fish come at once and its kind of scary. Amazing to be at the exact right place at the exact right time. All she wrote. Just like theyre gone. My battery just died. Holy moly. The sharks. Theyre all sharks. You know sometimes its all about timing. Maybe stopping before you leave the house to get your keys maybe changing your mind about what shoes to wear. Who knows what happened with this family but timing key in their survival. Watch this. They walk out the door. Ice falls from the top of the building. Dad grabs the little girl pulls them back inside. Everybody goes back in the house. Then it begins to rain big chunks of ice. Man, just like a warning shot. Its not over. A third barrage comes down. My gosh that would have killed them. This is in russia where they had one months amount of snow in one night. Wow. Theyre so lucky. So smart that they decided to go back in the house after, youre right, that first warning shot. There is no audio but im wondering if they heard the ice cracking and decided, inside is safer than outside. The whole roadway becomes covered because of the three different barrages of chunks of ice falling down. I mean that would have been a sad, sad story if they kept walking. Thats not the first time or last time its going to happen in the next few days. People are going to have to be really on guard. Two amazing animal stories which have atroesh beginnings. This saved the life of the dog. The dog was bitten by another dad. Its artery in its thigh had been severed and is literally bleeding to death. Gracious. Foundation workers immediately wrapped the dog up in a blanket. They rush it to a hospital where it immediately undergoes surgery. And the dog is doing just fine. Look how good she looks now. Shes a goodlooking dog. This other video from North Carolina is a story of a frenchy with only one eye. Her name is lily. She was libbing living in a horrible situation with 50 other dogs but, fortunately, the Animal Rescue team along with the humane society, rescued her. Now she has a forever home with her new mama. Look at her. Frenchys are the sweetest little breed. Not surprised somebody scooped her up and said come home with me. I love you. I love you i know you love me too. What a beautiful moment. Shes going to have a lifetime of love. A military vehicle goes speeding by. Full of guys big wave and oh no the little bump in the road that sent them straight into a ditch. And dudes going for the jump but he cant even get one step when slipping and sliding. See why his next attempt isnt much better. Thats the worst jump ever. Atat c chihililiss, frfresesh is now. Nonow w chchicickeken n smsmokokeded i inhouse, anand d nono m morore e wawaititiningg for the check. Nenew w smsmokokeded c chihickckenen q queuesadillas on c chihililiss l lununchch c comombobo menu, starting at 6 bucks. Frfresesh h isis h hapappepeniningng n nowow. Flflavavoror f feeeedsds t the soul. Thats why these allnew special k snack bars are e fufullll o of f ththe e gogoodod s stuff. Lilikeke g gololdeden n oaoatsts, dadark chocolaty chunks anand d sasaltlty y prpretetzezelsls. Eaeachch f foror 1 10000 f feeeellgogood calories. Spspececiaial l k k snsnacacksks. Bebe flavorful. Female narrator for over 60,000 california foster children a pair of shoes is a small but important gift. My shoes have a hole in them. I can barely fit in these anymore. I hope no one would notice. They hurt my feet. I never had new shoes before. To help, sleep train is collecting new shoes of all sizes. Bring your gift to any sleep train, and theyll be given to a local foster child in need. Not everyone can be a foster parent. But anyone can help a foster child. Nick calderone specifically is going to love this video because it gives and it gives. We start with a jump fail from juken. E can even get one step when hes slipping and sliding but he because hes going to jump over this canal. Hes not going to make it. No. Thats worst jump ever. Stylistically, why would you take a running start and do the two its like the bunny hop. He nailed. He nail it in my book perfect. He nailed his face up against the side of the kacanal. We jump from that over to the dragons golf course in ft. Williams scotland, youre about to see another jump. He took a leap into the sand bunkers but it was completely submerged. I dont know if he remembered water was in there or not but he jumped in got completely wet. Kind of fun. How often is a sand bunker filled with water. Chillen out because he was so hot, so on fire. Had to cool it off. This is undoubtedly the most delicious fashion show youll see ever because all of the clothe identifying thames featured in the fashion show are made out of delicious chocolate. Oh this is actually part of a chocolate fair originally started 20 years ago in france. This one in russia decided to host this fashion show which i think is awesome. Youre at a chocolate fair why not have a chocolate fashion show. It beautiful they were able do the one dress, how intricate that was. You have to be a real artist to work with chocolate like that. If i go it a chocolate festival i dont want samples. I want a chocolate covered apple, i want cinderellas car age made out of chocolate. I want something to sample. I dont want to eat something off of somebodys clothes. Theyre being asked to eat something. Got a pair of jaw droppers caught on cameras. Watch this military check point, a couple of cars moved over to the side. You see this armored personnel carrier speeding down the road. Juken video. Jukes right, jukes left. Off the road it goes. Oh no reports say that that silver car got in the way of that speeding personnel carrier. They tried to swerve but, again, this is in a car, this is a tanklike vehicle on track. It cant cut back, it goes off the side of the road into the ditch. All of the guys on top. Only one injury a broken arm. One of the guys broke his arm, sent to the hospital. The ref ofst of the guys uninjured. Now one stuck because of one car getting in the way. Next video, dash cam capturing action. Not a lot of people on the wide open highway. Theres the box truck. Never see this copping. If it werent for. Camera hard to describe. Look out. Two tires. Another car hit by something. Two rear wheels come flying off. Looks to me like somebody forgot to put the lug nuts on, both wheels wheels come off the axle. Manages to stay upright pull off. To major crash, thankfully. Wow. It is a good thing that this road was relatively empty. Hes a worldfamous bubblemaker. This guy has mastered the art of blowing bubbles. See it next right this minute. And still to come dudes serving up a revenge prank for his buddy. Look how good it looks. Did it make him queasy . The secret ingredient that sends prankee over the edge. Oh no. A race goes downhill in a good way. I cant get enough of this stuff. See the insan ride through town, next. Wwhehen n i i hahaveve a an n ececzema flareup, i start to scratch. The more i s scrcratatch the worse it gets. [[ f fememalale e anannouncer ] gold bond Eczema Relief cream rrelelieieveves s 5 symptoms of eczema. Gogoldld b bonond d rerealally works. [ [ fefemamalele a annnnououncer ] helping your kids get fewer cavities can take enthusiasm. Or just act kids scoobydoo rinse. It tastes grgreat and helps reduce cavities up to 40 . Soso i itts s aall good. Aactct k kidids. S. Gogoldld b bonond d rorougugh h bubumpy skin therapy. Used daily, it exfoliaiatetes,s, smoothes, softens. Rereduduceces s bubumps s 7272 p perercecentnt. Gogoldld b bonond. D. Ultimatete l lototioion. N. Ulultitimamatete s skikin. N. The latest prank comes from prank files and it all started because of this guy right here was pranked by his friend. Time to get my friend alex back for putting hot sauce in my ketchup a few weeks ago. Alex thinks hes coming over to do some pranks. Hes going to get hot sauce in his ketchup bottle. Oh no hes going to get something to eat but not hot sauce. From the store. I have my chips. My cheese. My chili. My special ingredient. Dog food. Its not that bad. Look how good it looks. Not bad. Pretty good. He was too kind by mixing it with chili. And cheese. Usually get straight dog food with cheese on top. The fact hes going to learn he just ate dog food will make you queasy. And he liked it thats going to make him feel really weird. We have answers to both of those questions. Did it make him queasy . Does it taste good . We find out. Check out the video. What i did, i made a video of our prank, what i want to do. Chili. [ bleep ]. Oh no. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. Please tell me you did not. I did. Looks like he was enjoying it. Put enough cleez onheese on it it tastes good. Tastes like crap. I didnt want to [ bleep ]. Videos are always awesome when they come from phoenix. Three, two, one. Downhill race. What a cool sport. I cant get enough of this stuff. I never tire of watching these guys blast through these streets. Rider comes through, they start banging on the railing to clear the rider on. Theyre riding past peoples front doors, through gardens, through streets. Looks like they went through somebodys back patio. Yeah. Ply gosh. They have those course obstacles. Its lard tohard to believe its real hard to believe people can do this. You could never ride this town like these guys are doing it unless you just got all of the people pushed to the side cleared the way, turned them into spectators. Amazing this race has become a huge attraction in this area. Now i think people recognize it all over the world. Oh, yeah. She blew up the web with her perfect comeback. I said i didnt come here to make a fashion statement. I came here to learn, not look pretty. Boom boom boom. The fearless 4yearold and proud mama reveal the story behind the response that put a bully in place. Do you know what a fashion statement is . I i brbrining g ththe e gigiftft o off the name your price tool toto h helelp p yoyou u fifindnd a a p priricece that fits your budget. Uhuhooh. H. Ththe e nanameme y youour r prpricice e totoolol. Shshees s nonott toto b be e trusted. Kikillll h herer. Flflo o i it t wiwillll s savave e yoyou u money ththe e nanameme y youour r prpricice e totoolol isnt witchcraft anand d i i dididndntt t tururn n yoyourur daughter into a rooster. Shshe e jujustst l looooksks l likike e ththatat. Buburnrn t thehe w wititchch the nameme y youour r prpricice e totool a dangerously progressive idea. Didiscscovoverer b brorookoksisidede and discover an excicititingng cocombination of tastes. Ririchch, dadarkrk c chohococolalatete covering soft centers. Flflavavororeded w witithh exexototicic fruit juices. Itits s chchococololatate e anand d frfruiuit flavors lilikeke y yououveve n neveverer experienced before. Didiscscovoverer b brorookoksisidede. A piece of tape. Put that in my man bag. Harmonicas singalong. Tell everybody your name. C. C. How old are you . Zbl im 4 years old. This gorgeous girls mom must be one of the most awesome moms on the planet because you hope that your 4yearold daughter has this kind of confidence. What happened in school today. A boy said i look ugly. Why . How is that even possible . I dont know how thats even possible. But i want you to hear this response. What do you say . I said i didnt come here to make a fashion statement. I came here to learn, not look pretty. Whoa. She hit the nail on the head so funny. I feel like the little bully had no idea what she just said. Listen this goes on. I said i look fine. And i said why didnt i have that attitude back when i was in school. Im not sure there are many 4yearolds who have this much confidence this kind of attitude. This is how you respond to a bully. This video, of course has gone viral. Mom posted to facebook thinking families and friends would love to see her. On facebook coming up on a million views. I know some adults who need to learn this because on social media, theres so much hate that goes on, some adults dont take it as well as she does. Its unreal. Were very excited because we have mom, sonya, and little 4yearold c. C. Via skype right this minute. Tell me when your daughter came home did your heart just break when she told you the story . Didit did break my heart. I thought her feelings were hurt. Do you know what a fashion statement is . She says i hear you say it. But it was surprising to me she was in proper context. The United States bullying has gotten a lot of attention. Is that something thats gotten a lot of attention in the bahamas. I dont know what its like now but when i was in school it wasnt a big problem. All of this really stems from me trying to get c. C. To feel comfortable, you know about herself and just to be grateful for the things that you know she has and to know that she doesnt need material things to define who she is. How do you feel about the attention that this video has gotten. Overwhelming. I have no idea how to deal with it. Im happy but, at the same time its like to know where it came from now i have people across the world messaging me tell me how amazing my daughter is. Its totally unbelievable. Thats it for us here at right this minute. Thanks for joining us. Well see you next time. Kids bent over a manhole is a recipe for disaster. What nearly blew them sky high. Oh my gosh theres wind and then theres extreme wind. Blowing 189 miles per hour. What . Why you dont want to be the guys who got to measure it. A driver is shocked to see two teens holding on to the back of that train. The stunt that has police on the hunt. Plus a pantyhose bandit prank. And

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