Where my dance career started, basement of the old farmhouse. Bonus giveaway day. Get the buzzword for your shot at a new ipad mini or flat scre why youve never seen a cannonball like this. That really did just happen. As a Police Officer, youre committed to serve and protect. But not every day are you asked to partici in the miracle of life in the middle of street in brazil. This lady on her way to the hospital couldnt make it. So right in the middle of it all, she has to deliver the baby. And these guards ended up having to come and help. Have to get that detail after. Not like they were able to scrub up or anything. Now, youve just got to catch. Make sure you can catch the baby thats all you need to do at that point. In this moment you see think do deliver the baby. They did both make it to the hospital and will be fine. Sad for this woman that this person has the camera and is kind of all up in there, you know . This is a difficult enough moment. And now got a camera all up in there. Its not the father . Some random stranger going wow she may be thrilled that this moment was captured on camera to show i delivered in a car, im one tough mother. You just hope that evil people in this world get whats coming to them. Check this out. Seeing an employee walk in the back area of a Check Cashing store. But watch what happens. Oh oh gun to the fa. Yeah his hands up. They force him down on his knees, and then force him to crawl to the front of the store. Several different agencies are still looking for these guys because apparently theyve been terrorizes Check Cashing stores since september 2014. They actually crawl into the ceiling, cut a hole and literally drop in on the employees, and then steal from the safe of all of these Check Cashing store. At a Check Cashing place, youd think that security would be 360 and it seems like nobody thought about the ceiling. Looks like they have the same types of security in a bank. Yeah ceiling might be the next thing they to do. Again, police still looking for these guys. Hard to tell who they are because they are well masked. Evil doer does get whats coming to him. A juken video out of flint, michigan. After the video picks up you see the evil guy come walking out of the car, slips a little on the ice. What are they doing . Stealing comment from the front of nicks consignment emporium. After he steals the lion gets into the half back the second one, this is where he gets whats coming to him. Watch. Listen to the guys who are actually watching the Surveillance Footage here. Look like a deleted scene from home alone. Notice accomplices dont help. Guy gets up on his own, continues to lift the heavy cement lion shoves into the back of the car and head off. But great ending to the story. Got caught. Mauled by a lion. No returned him. Get this we reached out to the folks from nicks consignment emporium they scrutinized the video and with the help of a bar manager found the guy on facebook. The guy reached out, asked him to return him and he did. The cement lions are back in the front of nicks consignment em borium. When i tell you to think of that motivational post that says just hang in there s what animal do you think of . The cat. The kitten hanging on the branch. This cat in sydney australia, took that too seriously. Watch here. Look at that cat. But its not hanging by its paws. Its head is caught see that . Cat got its head stuck in the garage door gate fencing type stuff. They say the cat was right at the area where it could activate that garage door. So they think that thing was there for hours and they say that cat could have possibly been going up and down all night. The cat was actually spotted by an ambulance, they called firefighters and here you see them with bolt cutters to get the cat out of there. Im no rescue or Animal Aid Foundation person but maybe a good start to lower the garage door right, so the cats not still hanging there by its head. The cats saying the same thing, yes, im stuck, close the [ bleep ] door lowered itself to the ground because they didnt close the door. Had to taken four of this poor cats lives. Also crazy, crazy cold this dog rescue. This dog spotted by the coast guard. Saw the dog in the bay in michigan so took them 30 minutes to get their outfits on and get him. What . As you can see wait. 30 minutes and survived . Yeah. How is this dog alive . Once they got there, that dog was like help has come. Here boy. Once you see somebody giving you some hope maybe that gives you more energy to keep going and keep going. That dogs in the hands of the animal control. They are looking for the owner. I know this dogs looking for a warm bed at this point. Whoo. Hey, everybody, its about time for us give away another ipad mini and today is bonus giveaway day. That means also giving away a flat screen tv. That means two winners today. So youre going to need wednesdays buzzword. You need to be a legal u. S. Resident and 18 years of age. Wednesdays buzzword coming up in a little bit. Stand by for the rtm ipad mini giveaway. Yeah. You can learn so much by watching game footage. Game footage of giant slalom practice. Wow. I love the perspective, its the closest well ever get. Get an idea of the speed. You can hear him struggling against the edge of the snow knocking those gates out of the way, one after another, like a boxer almo. I always wondered what its like if you misjudge. You dont have to wonder oh man, did you see his feet caught on the inside of that little pole and then hes done. Basically doing a split. Look back up on his feet. Must have been going 70 miles an hour. Still gets up and keeps on going. Probably not as fast. And talking higher. Nice, big, deep breaths. Theres something lurking right here. Can you spot it . The sly sea creature that make a big reveal. Oh hello. And dude takes on the challenge to be a tough guy. But things attack a turn ss take a turn for the worst. Effects of hypothermia, this is it. Why toughestents come after the race. Esh h is now. Nonow w momorere s slolowwsmsmokokeded momorere m madade e ininhhouousese momorere u unenexpxpececteted. D. Ifif y youou h havavenentt been here lately cocomeme c cheheckck o outut c chihililiss whwherere e frfresesh h isis h hapappepening now. Dodo y youou h havave e sosomemeththining g for pain . I i hahaveve b bayayerer a aspspiririnin. Im not having a heaeartrt attack, its my back. I i memeanan b bayayerer b bacack k bobody. It works great for pain. Babayeyer r babackck b bodody y prprovovides effective relief for your tough pain. Bebetttterer . . Yeahah. T. Thahanknks s fofor r the tip crcresest t gagaveve o onene f fririend crest 3d white whitestrips. And the other, a whitening toothpaste. Heres what they thought. I i cacannt t tetellll i if f ththe paste whitened. Well the whitestrips worked. Yeyeahah. Ththe e papastste e dididndnt do that. Crcresest t whwhititesestrtripips s work below the enamel surface toto w whihiteten n 2525x x bebetttterer than a leading whitening toothpaste. Crcresest t whwhititesestrtripips. S. The way to whiten. Ill take everybody to the french caribbean. See that shell right there . Thats not a shell at all. Thats probably like a ten na cal or a big crap. Can you spot it . Can anybody see it . Anyone. Well, lets just see the reveal. In this video from juken, you see it show itself. Oh. Hello that is one interesting octopus. Like the coral reef was chewing gum and blew a bubble. Whats up . Its bluish. Wow, that is so cool to see him transition. Play it again. Cant get that enough. So crazy. If i was a swimmer i would have swum away at high speed. Not only did it disguise itself with the color, but the skin textured with the texture tarnd. Awesome. It is awesome. Im amazed how they camouflage themselves. Weve seen it five times and every time we watch it again i cant spot it. I cant either. I dont know where he is. Right there. I cant see it. You really cant. You really cant. One thing maybe something i dont know if those are the eyes. Nick you know, it looks like grasp suddenly its smooth. Its amazing. Imagine changing yourself like that, blend into the. Cat is a fetching pro. Go get it, girl. Good girl. There are all kinds of challenges that we can sign up for out there in the world, and christians done a Half Marathon i did the urban ath that lon. The hardest, they claim, the tough guy in the uk. This is at an insane rate eight miles long 200 obstacles, like fire barbed wire explosions and things going off around you and, of course youve got to add in the cold. Just to make sure everyones safe theyve got two doctors, ten nurses ten paraparamedics nurses firefighters cadets and 50 special forces. Before they let you on you have to sign a death warrant, which says you understand the risks. Im already exhausted. Yep. This other video has surfaced to show you just how much of a toll it can take on your body. This courtesy of james appleton. Threetime winner of the tough guy. This is him finishing third. Ever want to see the effects of hypothermia, this is it. I dont know. I lost all sense of time. I didnt know really what was going on. You can hear him as he starts to describe after the race hear the slurring. Hes still not recovered. Take his shoe off. Ill come back. You can hear barely speak. The video continues here as you see him stumble into a shower. Another guy in there, thats the winner Jonathan Albert immediately starts helping. There you go. This is terrifying to think about, though. If this guys a champion a guy who won this race and his bodys having this much trouble, they might want to tile it back a bit. Theyve got doctors and nurses there. People want to test their mettle. Tell me why you run th. I dont really know anymore. This is all about the drip trike and all about how much fun you can have doing it. Thats cool. And still to come music just got a whole lot cooler. Because now country has fused with hiphop. I want to take your time see how the style mashup makes for a hit tune and amazing dance moves. Plus dont miss the bonus day buzzword that you need to win a ipad mini or flat sc hihi. Iim m hehenrnry y wiwinknkler. And i know there are many myths out there ababouout t a a rereveversrse e momortgage soso i i w wanant t yoyou u toto k know the facts. Ththerere e arare e cucurrrrently no credit score oror i incncomome e rereququirements to qualify. Yoyou u cacan n geget taxfree money yr home. Yoyou u cacan n ususe e ththe e momoney to pay off your current mortgage ifif y youou h havave e onone. E. The remaining money can be used for anything. Ththererees s nono m mononthly mortgage payments. 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Maximum strength selsun blue tatargrgetets s dadandndruruffff wiwipipingng o outut flflakes and itch. Selslsunun b blulue. E. Frfreeeedodom m frfromom d danandruff. The internet and world, for that matter just got a heck of a lot cooler yall, because now country has fused with hiphop. Starts with hello next thing you know try to be nice guys get too close trying to pick you up country hiphop fusion is the genius work of sam hunt. This is the song take your time from his popular album which was on a ton of bestsell lists in 2014. This video that premiered on the dance on network choreographed by an awesome dude matt in the hat. Hes got moves i dont want to steal your freedom i dont want to change your mind sam hunts music called edgy country. Currently on his first headlining u. S. Tour. Sold out. People are loving the music. And the cool thing about sam, he actually made a name for himself online and through the dance on network met matt who has worked with snoop dogg bust ta rimes, lil wayne. He teaches a class at International Dance academy in hollywood. Speaking of him, we have him right this minute from hollywood. Via skype. Welcome to the show. Guys thank you for having me. This videos so cool. Were you kind of surprised when you first heard the mix of hiphop and country and excited to choreograph this video. Yeah definitely surprised when sam and the crew reached out to me. Its not something that i get a whole lot or requests hiphop dance to country. I grew up in virginia and lived on a farm. Thats where my dance career started in the basement of the old farmhouse. Unique blend of music. How do you go into this and figure out, okay these moves speak to the song . It was challenging but it also made the video fun because hiphop music is more consistent. We hit on the lyrics and did Creative Things with the way he sings in this particular song. Whats been the reaction from country fans . Different from what theyre used to. Its so cool what we were hoping for when we started this collaboration, people that listen to Country Music and might not necessarily watch a hiphop dance video would be like whats going on . Whats this . People that like hiphop dance but might not be Country Music fans would hear sams music and be like wow, this is really good. Do you think this will be part of the country line dancing scene. Man, i hope so can we start that . I do not know how to describe the video. Im just going to push play. This videos a little bit older but just now trending. Push. Oh my gosh. Oh what . Hes healthy, though. Its supposed to be like a foot long. Oh. What . What does it take to get to that point where you could do that . Where cow requestu can time if properly. Solid. Like maybe kind of poking out . I think, though hes ruined the day of swimming for everybody else the rest of the day. Anything that touches you, youre going to think is you better give the guy credit. It cuts away. You never see it come out of the water. I dont want to see it any closer. Intrigued what the ending was to this. Wow i cant believe this exists who found this video . Thats what i want to know. Searching for . Exactly. I want to warn you, you may not want to see, but if you want to see, head over to rightthisminute. Com, click on todays show or you can see it on our mobile app. All right, everybody, its time for us give away an ipad mini. You need three things to enter. Number one, the buzzword number two, you need to be at least 18 years of age and, number three, a legal u. S. Resident. Then head over to rightthisminute. Com, click on the win ipad button. Enter the buzzword on Facebook Twitter or both and enter on each every day. All right. s time for us revealancewents buzzword. Is stormy. Get over to rightthisminute. Com, click on the win ipad button and enter wednesdays buzzword, stormy and its bonus give away day. You want to enter because were giving away an ipad mini and a flat screen tv. Good. Its not what you think. A pranksters trapped in the back of a cop car. What does he do to try to get out of trouble . Just ask politely. See if asking for a favor sets him free. Bulldog you dont need superpowers to help someone. Sometimes, all it takes is a warm heart and a cold nose. Thats why mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to Train Service dogs for people with disabilities. I would never imagine a life without an assistance dog ever again. I relied on people a lot. He helps me live a more independent life. Bulldog we need your help to do more. Give at mattressdiscountersdogs. Com, or any mattress discounters. Mattress discounters good deed dogs helping dogs help people one of our favorite pranksters on the show jack vale found himself in the back of a patrol car. But he is jack vale after all. What does he do to try to get out of trouble . Sir, could you do me a favor . Just ask politely. Can you open the door for me . What . What a great social experiment. My gosh. You dont understand. This is good. Im actually a Police Officer and i accidentally locked myself in here. I just got i just got to get going. Ive got to change and stuff. Thanks, dude. Thanks, dude. Apprecia hey, could you do me a favor real quick . Oh. Nice. At this point, he actually gets out of the car but his ankles are tied together. But a Security Guard spots him. Thank you. Trying to get in more trouble than you already are . Im not in trouble, sir. You must be. In the back of a sheriffs car and got out. Todays my first day on the job. I accidentally locked myself back in and accidentally tied my ankles together. Chris vail jacks son, sit in the back of the patrol car for the end of the prank. Watch what this guy does. Can you let me out of here . Moms going to kill me. I was caught gambling with fake i. D. My moms going to kill me if i go to jail. Yeah your mom will kick your ass, youre in trouble. Ready oh if youre in the back of a car, just ask. They might open it up for you. Good to meet you. My names jack vale. Thats it for rtm. Well see you next t a rowdy customer goes on a rampage when suddenly out of nowhere the reallife cat woman that has people wondering, is that real or fake . Im suspicious. A truck filled with fireworks catches fire. There you go. Youve got a little show. Why lighting the fuse is easier than putting this one is that big mess on the floor the work of that innocentlooking puppy on the couch . See the moment he gives up the real culprit. Plus its bonus giveaway day. Get the buzzword for your shot at