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And the l. A. Beast reveals what makes him a bit how the raw omelet challenge will have you coming out of your shell. The most cowardly lowdown dirty people there are a bullies. Nobody likes a bully. A couple of videos come to us from australia. A bus stop in australia. You can see theyre waiting for the bus. This guy comes up from behind and just targets this guy. He gives him a shove and they get him in the corner theres a guy in the back videoing it all. He tries to fight back and gets quickly thrown to the floor. This is when the kid loses consciousness. The bully is a 15yearold kid who they havent been able to name because meesehes a minor. Hes the son of a Football Player in australia. They caught him and they know who he is theyre punishing him. He pleaded guilty in Childrens Court and they gave him probation, which didnt sound like enough. The second video also bullying but somewhat funnier. Theres marty from madagascar minding his own business. This guy has a problem with marty. He decides to get into a fight with marty. His buddies see whats going on. Three guys in costumes wailing on this guy who reporty may have been inebriated. Dont be surprised if they fight back. This place is a zoo, my gosh. But they never broke character. They never took the heads of the costumes off to get serious about this fight. They stayed in character. What a joyful time for this family. Theyre welcoming newborn son. That is mom right there. And not only is she looking at her baby for the first time this is the first time cassies ever seen a baby. Oh my gosh. Look at his long toes. Hes got tonys toes. Kathy and her sister have been blind since childhood. If you notice kathy is wearing a set of glasses, they look like goggles. Her sister said theyre esight glasses. They cost about 15,000. But what they do is they give people who are legally blind the ability to see. So nothing surgically implanted. You just put these on. Thats amazing. Yvonne says with her glasses she can work on a computer she can watch tv she can see her childrens faces and she can travel independently on public transportation. Now these only work on people who have low vision. Thats still considered legally blind. It doesnt work on people who are profoundly blind, but they just wanted to share this moment to show people the difference that eeglasses make. I feel he has my nose. Then to inform them about make blindless history. Com, what theyre doing is raising money so cassie can get a pair of glasses, so she can see her son, so she can see her husband. Also once they raise the money for her, theyre going to keep raising money because they want to give people who have low vision the ability to see just like she does. This gives her sister a sense of independence. Her sister yvonne legally blind is an artist because shes able to work with these eglasses. Thats allsomewesome. Seeing this baby that i get to actually look at being my own is awesome. Even seeing my husband look at him was such a good feeling. I get to fall in love with him. I said it before. Theres just one thing you should be on the road. That is being alert. Because anything can happen. This is in vietnam. And in true video style check out what happens just ahead. A bunch of mopeds ride on the road but this guy in the black tshirt gets way too close. Then watch what happens. Oh. It sends the rider of that moped crashing into that guardrail. The really crummy thing is that the guy that caused the accident takes off. But i dont think it was the guy in the blacks fault at all. I think it was the guy who came shooting out from the righthand side and ran right through and in front of all these people. This caused all these other scoot toersers to move over a little bit. Fortunately, there were people that saw this go down ran over and helped that rider. Keep your eyes peeled because this one happens quick. This is in russia. The light is red for the traffic. Look how fast hes going. Oh good heads up on those people. It was such a close call. You do see that there are three vehicles stopping for the red light but a fourth vehicle ignores the light. And the three cars as well. Like he was just woohoo eyes closed. Completely not paying attention. Crashing into one of the vehicles barely missing the couple that was crossing the street. Somebody popped out of the car and is sliding on their butt along the road. There are several injuries because of this accident. One of those left one of the drivers of one of the vehicles with a concussion and a bruised ches into the woods, not the musical but for a motorcycle ride this is a pretty narrow dirt track. Not a lot of room to make any mistakes. All of a sudden he grabs a little bit of throttle and starts to pinball around. Pretty minor little incident. It happens. Like he caught his left handlebar on a tree tried to overcorrect, slams into another tree on the right. [ bleep ]. You dont have much room to make a mistake in that track. Exactly. Just fundamentally a bikes got these two big things ready to catch on everything you go by. Thats what makes it a good time. But this guy has all kinds of room to work with. Hes out there with his power glider in louisiana. Nice cut field. And all these doing is just having the sunset ride real low. How much fun must that be . I think this is great. But you even though hes got tons the of room left right and up to work with oh. Nothing to blame, theres not a tree not a bush. That came outf nowhere. Of a mistake there. Lost a little bit of lift in his wings. Tried to power out. Thats why you hear the engine try to throttle up. That doesnt work. No damage to himself. No damage to any of the equipment. Just damage to his ego because that was one solid face plant. Yeah. Parent watch your cell phones. Because when you dont, your kids will get hold of them. See their impromptu backseat performance. Plus how do you take a killer selfie . See the picture thats worth a thousand b. Soso, hahaveve y youou h heaeardrd ababout lancaster . Bubutttterery y ririchch, smsmoooothth, anand surprisingly soft cremes. Soso y youou g givive e onone e a a trtry y anand wow. Itits s lalancncasasteter. R. Itits s cacararamemel l rereimimagaginineded. I i hahaveve t thehe f flulu w witith h a a runny nose. [coughs] bebetttterer t takake e sosomemeththing. Therafaflulu s seveverere e cocoldld w wont treat your runny nose. Rerealallyly . . Alalkakasseleltztzerer s seveverere e cold and flu relieves your worst flu symptoms plplusus r rununnyny n nosose. E. [b[brereatath h ofof r relelieief]f] oh, what a relief it is. Mommy hehey y coconsnstitipapateted . D . Y. Yeaea dudulclcololaxax t tabablelets can cause cramps but not phillips. Itit h hasas m magagnenesisiumum anand d woworkrks s momorere n natatururalally than stimulant laxatives. Fofor r gegentntlele c crarampmp f freree e relief of occasional constipation ththatat w wororksks mmmmm m mmmmmm liliveve t thehe r regegulularar l lifife. E. You know i feel like were becoming a bit of a selfieobsessed world. This guy is going to ramp it up. Hes shooting this show for epic tv. And his buddy chris challenged him saying youve got to get a selfie but youve got to get a selfie with a whole bunch of sharks. Getting a selfie in front of a load of sharks. Lets give it a go. You can say no when somebody challenges you to do something dumb. He doesnt say no. He jumps literally into the water. And look at this. I just jumped into the water. As you can see there are sharks everywhere. On a small boat. You think it could have been bigger. But theyve got these poles bait poles filled with sardines. Black tips everywhere. The water is boiling with shork sharks. Talk about no fear. Look how close they get. It comes over the top. Hes got that rope between his teeth. I dont know how he held it together. Another one bumps into him while hes shooting. The sharks have that nice big toothy grin. Perfect for a selfie. But theyre all giving him the side eye like he looks like a seal. I wonder if hes tasty. If he didnt get paid a million dollars, i dont know why he did it. He didnt get paid anything. Just a dare by some guy. You can see when he comes out of the water. I can see a shark all over around me. But he gets out with all his finger all his toes checking these selfies out right there. Facebook gold. That was absolutely incredible. So many sharks. So curious. Parents watch your cell phones because when you dont, your kids will get hold of them. And theyll do stuff like this. This is ivan and adrian. Theyre in the back of their moms car. They found her phone. They propped it on the back seat. And little ivan is being a total goofball recording himself. I love that when she pulls over they stop goofing around. Nothings happening here mom. Everythings all right. I want to say yeah. Theyre my cousins kids by the way. No way i bet little ivans a handful. You can see hes the spunky one in the program. He is the prankster in the family. Then he starts singing rihannas whats your name oh na na whats your name but he is the casanova in the family which is probably why he decided to then sing this song. I want to marry you and thats the stuff youre going to find in your phone. Our revenge is we get to show other people. Thats why i thought mom posted it on facebook just like Edith Morales posted thi to ource showing her daughter recording herself singing on her phone. Oh no like the beginning of baby got back. I kind of figured out what was going on here. Were you ever dancing in front of a mirror holding a hairbrush. Theyre not using mirrors, theyre using the phones. Ricky dillons a popular youtuber with a new music video. A day after it posted it had more than 250,000 views. The hit igniting lots of attention. And dude dude. How nature has a couple of guys tripping. Oh [ bleep ]. Hihi. Iim m hehenrnry y wiwinknkler. And i know there are many myths out there ababouout t a a rereveversrse e momortgage soso i i w wanant t yoyou u toto k know the facts. Ththerere e arare e cucurrrrently no credit score oror i incncomome e rereququirements to qualify. Yoyou u cacan n geget t tataxfree money from the equity in your home. Yoyou u cacan n ususe e ththe e momoney to pay off your current mortgage ifif y youou h havave e onone. E. The remaining money can be used for anything. Ththererees s nono m mononthly mortgage payments. Anand d yoyou u ststilill l own your home cacallll t tododayay t to o gegett your free guide and dvd. Itit e expxplalainins s hohow a governmentinsured reverse mortgage works. Ththererees s nono o oblbligation. Onone e rereveversrse e momortrtgage is a quicken loans company. Ththeieir r lilicecensnseded experts can answer all your questions. Cacallll t to o fifindnd o out what a great solution this can be. Dodonnt t wawaitit, cacall now ooooh. I can hear that sizzle. Getting louder and louder philly cheesesteak and egg sizzling with prime rib and gooey cheese. I better just silence this sizzle the new philly cheesesteak and egg skillet. Dennys. Welcome to americas diner. Gogoldld b bonond d rorougugh h bubumpy skin therapy. Used daily, it exfoliaiatete closed captioning provided rereduduceces s bubumpmps s 7272 p perercecentnt. Gogoldld b bonond. D. Ultimatete l lototioion. N. Ulultitimamatete s skikin. N. Bebeining g frfreeee f froromm dandruff feels great. Maximum strength selsun blue tatargrgetets s dadandndruruffff wiwipipingng o outut flflakes and itch. Selslsunun b blulue. E. Frfreeeedodom m frfromom d danandruff. I i fifindnd w whihitetenining strips dont alwawaysys r reach all the places stains hide. Plplusus w whihitete h hasas a flexible mouth tray fofor r fufullll c covovereragage whitening. These five handsome fellas were known on youtube as oh who else . We started back in august 2012. Each one individually sharing videos of whatever they wanted except a few weeks ago they announced in this video that they were no longer going to remain a group. They all had amassed millions of followers on youtube. So they wanted to try out solo youtube adventures. One of those guys is ricky dillon. He has a ton of followers on youtube. He loves music. So he decided to release his very own solo music video to his song ignite. Just a day after it appeared on youtube, it had 250,000 views. Put it up to tell us more about his success, ricky dillon via skype. Were you surprised to get so much attention from your video . We try not to focus on views because if you worry about it and stress about it too much youll go crazy. But thats the best feedback you can get. If one video gets twice the views than normal thats the one you want to watch. Usually my video consoifs me in my room with a camera. Ill make a funny skit. When i do a music video, its a lot more time. Two full days on that video. I edited myself. Those take a lot of time. But they stand out a lot more. Are you surprised at the success youve had considering theres so many people on youtube and youve come quite a long way since you started, what was it back in 2010. Yes, 2010. I am surprised. Im very very blessed and grateful. Four years ago if you would have told me i had a million subscribers i have 2 million, but even a year ago if you told me i had a million i would have said youre crazy. Im really happy. Thats a wrap everybody this video is brought to you by the word dude . Look at all these butterflies. Oh my god. Dude oh my god. Dude what are they doing . What are they doing, man . Dude. This is just a couple of guys who i dont know what kind of frame of mind theyre in. Discover some butterflies. Dude these butterflies [ bleep ] whoa whoa. Was this captured in any state where marijuana is legal . Im wondering the same thing myself. I dont hear anybody eating doritos in the background. But they come across these butterflies. Dude these butterflies, oh oh oh. Sounds like theyre falling down a set of stairs at the end there. Butterflies are the feature of this next video as well. Young kid going to go in. Theres a butterfly. But this guy has a dad that just likes to mess with him. The boys obviously terrified of a monsters thats in the room then it isnt, then it is but he also wants a lollipop. Then his parents try it as truth serum. He actually does pretty good. No one. Wow. My favorite part of that comes when he starts describing how his legs feel. And then dad just pulls the rug out from under him. Where did he go . He cant see his legs then has a massive freakout. Because he cant see them. His mother actually has to prove that his body is still there. Pull down the covers and go look your bodys still there, before he finally starts to calm down. Its hilarious, as we this always are. The man known for his eating challenges is slurping down 60 raw eggs upside down. Why this one is no yolk. Oh nono, iillll g getet i it t let meme g getet i it. T. Ah uh, i i dodonnt t wawantnt y youou t to o pay for this. Its not happening, hohoney. Lelet t heher r geget t itit. Shshe e gogot t heher r sasafefe d dririving bonus check from allstate last week. And its her treat. Whwhatat a aboboutut a a t tipip . . Hehereress o onene. G. Getet a ann allstate agent. Ninicece swswititchch t tododayay a andnd g getet two safe driving bonus checks a yeyearar f foror d dririvivingng s safafely. Ononlyly f frorom m alallslstatatete. Cacallll 8 866667788880090900 0 nonow. Hoholdld o on n maman,n, i is s ththatat a leak up there . Ththatatss a a d dririp. P. Nonow w ththatatss a a l leaeak. K. Ththatat i is s a a leleakak anand d ifif y youou d donontt h havave allstate renters insurance. Game over. Protect your valuableses from things like water damage fofor r asas l lowow a as s 4 4 a a m month when you adadd d rerentntererss i insnsururanance to your allstate auto policy. Cacallll 8 866667788880090900 0 nonow. W. Anand,d, i if f yoyouurere a a s safafe driver you can save up to 45 jujustst a a f fewew m morore e wawaysys, allstate is changing cacar r ininsusurarancnce e fofor r gogood. Cacallll a an n alallslstatatete a agegent and get a quote now. T its not there. Beethoven, one of the greats right . Playing beethoven on a guitar not easy. Playing beethoven on five guitars when youre one person . Awesome. This is the samurai guitarist. As you can see hes got these five guitars all lathe laidid out. Hes got capos on them to give them all different tones. So watch. Are you kidding me . Its hard enough to learn how to play one. Hes playing five making us feel incompetent. This guy is just a wizard a master because hes got them laid around in a circle so the strings are in different positions. One case they may be upside down from another. So he just sees all this play out in front of him. Its absolutely spoton perfect as well when you listen to it. Its beautiful. You can actually buy it on itunes if you really like it. Im considering it. Questioning the l. A. Beasts internet prowess makes him a bit mental. Oh no. He looks not happening. Good day, l. A. Beast here. Some of you may be wondering why the [ bleep ] am i hanging upside down next to this giant beer glass filled with 60 raw eggs. Let me tell you. Earlier in the week people by the name of blow gun thought it would be wise to call me out saying come at me bro. You cant play with us over here. That tick t l. A. Beast. So hes going to up the ante drink 60 raw eggs upside down. Its making me sick. It comes out his nose. He can do it. The beast has some trouble but powers through. Heres when things get pretty tough. No two eggs down. He fights down the puke. He knows its mind over matter at this point. So close, the beast is going to finish this. But heres where the beast, in my opinion, los his damn mind. He rights himself. Oh come on. He actually made it. He actually cooked it. The omelet. In honor of beth let me go blah. You win, man. The l. A. Beast just highlighted, underscored, bolded and italicized his beast name. Thats our show everybody. Well see you nor the next edition of rtm. Have you heard of the new dialing procedure for for the 415 and 628 area codes . No what is it . Starting february 21, 2015 if you have a 415 or 628 number youll need to dial. 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. Okay, but what if i have a 415 number, and im calling a 415 number . Youll still need to dial. 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. So when in doubt, dial it out live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. Today the talented and sexy Anthony Mackie tells us about his movie and his take on relationships that will surprise you. Wendy is tackling your toughest questions in ask wendy and were breaking down all of todays juiciest hot topics. Now, heres wendy [ cheers and applause ]

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