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Plus an update on one of our favorite videos of 2014. I have to yell at you guys. Listen listen listen. Now matteau and his mom talk about their success an the answer to the critical question. Did you ever listen . No. We have seen numerous videos here on the show of small children falling in a well and villagers all banning together to rescue that child and all feeling great. But what would you do if what was trapped in the well was a rather large, rather angry lion . Got to help it. Yeah. It changes the game a lot. Pretty big well. You can see this is an asiatic lion balancing on the small ledge to keep himself out of the water. We dont see how, whatever cowboy wizard they have in this village, managed to get this rope around. Two ropes. One in the front, one in the back. And hes honestly hes in a pretty bad mood. You can see how deep it is. Get him in the water, make him swim until hes exhausted and then pull him out. Thats not a bad idea. You can see hes obviously getting very angry. Doesnt like having the ropes around. You can see hes treading water and brought the cage over. You look here almost just goes to the side but fortunately for them what do they do . They seal up the cage and then the whole village gets together push it on to the back of the truck and the truck takes off the lion to be checked out by some vets. The asiatic lion is one of the most highly endangered lion only 400 or so numbers. The whole village saw what happened heard the lion was there, they gathered together rescued the lion, sent him off and as far as i know hes fine. We all have fears. P. J. Has a fear of heights. His mom knows hes a darn good kid. One of the biggest things that he just put together himself recently is it is called p. J. s mission. Basically helping homeless moms and their kids now, somebody wants to help him. Kenyan follow decided it try to help p. J. Overcome his fear of heights. Are you down . Want to do this . They start off bouldering just trying to climb up a few feet see how p. J. Reacts to just that. I can start to sense it. I sense where youre step two is a pretty big leap. Thats a big old boulder. Yeah. You got to give him credit but you can see hes starting to panic a little bit. Over rocks. They dont ask him to walk the slack line they just have him slide out there. Thats progress man. You said this was step o. Hes going to have to take afaith, much bigger. Next step they take him into one of these indoor skydiving facilities and hes still got a smile on his face. It looks like that fear might be melting away. Now the big test. Not going to terrify the kid, just going to take him for a helicopter ride. Thats scary. You can see hes starting to retreat, starting to panic a little bit. Okay, okay. Youre okay. Youre okay. Sounds like you have a bit of a panic attack. Once they get up and start flying around look again. I think overall p. J. Did a darn good job at facing his fear and meeting all these challenges. And in the end, i think hes on his way. My day to day was probably the most amazing day ive ever had. Do stuff that will make you not scared anymore. Even if youre nervous first about those things, try them. The miracle of life the actual birthday caught on camera in beautiful form. This is suzanna cox and her husband brian. They are expecting child number six. Even though mom is struggling mom is in labor for the majority of this video. Her family is present. Everyone is around. Dad is very involved. She is in the comfort of her home. You can see this pool is just basically in the middle of their bedroom. She has six children. Do they just own that birthing pool . All right, time to get the birthing pool back out. She has professionals. It is the professional from tinder beginnings birth services. You can tell shes in quite a bit of pain but her children are there to try to comfort her. You see her young son rubbing her arm, while shes sitting in the pool. Shes moaning a little bit. Her older son, hes playing the guitar for his mom. Listen to this. You can tell shes in pain but very calm. Completely natural, no drugs of any kind. No. Just completely natural. Shes in the pool, which some people and professionals suggest it makes it a lot easier process. The home birth is becoming quite popular. Do you want to see the moment that child number six, a beautiful baby girl is born . I dont know. Do i . Here she is. Gravity at work. All i heard was go and that was it. That was it. No screaming, no carrying on. Child number six, shes very familiar with the feeling. What is incredible is the whole family is there. One of her younger sons says it best after the little girl arrives. They decided to name her magnolia plum. Murphys law is definitely in effect for this guy. Ill let him explain what happens to him. Here is my parking garage. And here is my car. And here is the the snow is coming through. He could draw that car into that fan. That is hilarious. That car is the one car in the whole parking garage that gets snowed on. The only one. That is hysterical. So good. Speaking of snowflakes check this out. This is video of a snowflake being born. Oh thats awesome. Isnt it beautiful. It is called the birth of a snowflake. That was taken by chris photography and he takes wonderful images of nature. This one, just beautiful seeing a snowflake form. And they form the most beautiful designs. Like it is hypnotizing. It is youtubes most famous angry ram. Now, the angry ram is see how rambro is telling this car off. And hes a groom with a proposal. This. This is mike ohs way of asking his buddies to be grooms men to the tune of Enrique Iglesias the hero. Kicking off 2015 with some of best videos of the past year. Looking back at 2014 one of our favorite youtube characters the angry ram. Thanks to marty todd we have many many videos of angry ram on the mountain in new zealand. This is the latest one. And the angry ram does not discriminate. It takes all kinds of vehicles. We have seen him ram a motorcycle. Now the angry ram is ramming a subaru. Wow. Back legs came up in the air. Hes not holding back. This guy, marty todd trying to go up the very familiar dusty dirt road and angry ram hit this car with so much force. Marty, as hes reversing, quite quickly, i might add, is noticing rambro is chasing after him. He starts honking the horn thinking it will scare him off. It just taunts him. He refuses to be continue tim dated by anyone or anything. I cant even hes saying like, how many times have we been over this. Theyre kind of friends now. I dont think this has anything to do with marty. I think it is the subaru. I want to know how to family is. The little kids the wife. Theyre probably doing very well. Thats why rambro is chasing the car away. He didnt want his teenager to get in the car with a stranger. Did you find out if marty goes over the mountain because he sets the car off. Want to be one of my grooms men. Totally lame. That was lame. Well this guy knew that Something Like that would be lame so mike oh decided to go epic. Would you be my grooms men baby this is mike oh area way of asking his buddies to be grooms men to the tune of Enrique Iglesias iglesias hero. Good sense of humor. Also musical talent as well. Im not going to the party, but im already fire up. Sounds like a good weekend. The other cool part that mike did, he made individual songs for all of his buddies. Youre so groomy you already know stand beside me he did one song for his buddies set to iggy azalea. The precious pooch, his name is rincon. Tell me he isnt precious and quite the instagram start. Doing all kinds of stuff, videos with him. Good dance. Not so much. He lives in brooklyn with those four models. Oh, theyre models. Did they neat a cute dog to get more attention . One saw an abandoned dog and decided he wanted to rescue him so he graduate him back to new york and is now living an awesome life with these four gorgeous looking men. Dog is now living the life of a supermodel. And getting the attention. Probably more than the guys. Do we know who the guys are and how many followers they have on instagram. They have a huge following, all of them combined have hundreds of thousands of followers. As they should. Few more than rincon. Im sure rincon will catch up quite soon. I think this is adorable like all of it. All of his owners adorable. The dog, adorable. I could look at this all day. Up up and away he goes. 60 tanks of helium 90 giant balloons. See the epic stunt that ends with a bang. Plus why being a chip loving punk can get you intotrouble. [ [ mamalele a annnnououncncerer ] megan doesnt know that coffee breaks down tooth enamel. Thankfully, she uses act restoring mouthwash. Itit r rebebuiuildlds s totooth enamel making yourur t teeth two times stronger. Acact. T. S smimilele s strong. Animals are as awesome as they are completely impossible to understand. Like this first little guy. I understand him. Black lab loves onion and garlic potato chips. In this case his head is stuck in the bag. Thats not good. Neither is good for a dog. Onion and garlic can be toxic in large amounts samounts. And the bag can be suffocating. Hes having a bloody great time. Yes, i do agree with you. Though it seems like hes having a hard time. I think hes licking. Thats the cleanest piece of trash in the trash can. Recycle it. The video ends and the dog is still going. Not scared at all. You know who else is not scared . Wearing the most amazing teddy bear costume we have all seen and have fallen in love with. They made this in the last 24 hours, i can reckon i can get through 20 hours of it. This is so cute. As cute as ever. It is an ewok. The realist thing next to an ewok i have ever seen. Childhood imaginations run big when youre a kid. Remember having the balloons and thought, i wonder if i can fly away. Eric rhoner is all grown up. Hes decided to make his childhood dream a reality. And really fly on balloons. They got 50 tanks of helium. 90 balloons chld. His friends are helping him rig this up. He gets into this lounge chair, a nice countdown, three, two, one. And by golly, doesnt it work in my favorite video for are sure. Look at him descend rapidly. Relaxing completely works, a few balloons pop on their own. They told me how to be scary. Is there a parachute attached to him. Oh yes. The whole time hes kicking back. Hes carrying a shotgun. Watch what he does when hes ready to start. Starts blowing away the balloon with a pump shotgun. This is really irresponsible. So irresponsible,. Eric is ready to come down. Watch what he did. Down he goes with the chair. And lands safely. Big high flies, lots of smiles. Safe to the ground. True rock star. Hes the boy who wouldnt take no for an answer. No. Youre not i said no cupcakes. Matteau arguing about cupcake cupcakes the little 4yearold has buck a syrup star. Here how his video hit more. Little jonah. Oh jonah. Byebye. This was hands down one of our first videos of 2014. Listen, lins listen. Listen listen. Lisp linda. People have been watching it over and over and over. I said no cupcakes and you tried to get cupcakes and tryied to ask grandma. Hes a celebrity. En he and mom on the list. Question wanted to find out what it is like to become an internet sensation. We have them right this minute. Welcome to the show. Congratulations on all the success. How does it feel to be an et net superstar superstar. Have you created a debate now. He definitely knows how to get his way. How can you resist the smal smal is he modeling behavior after dad . Saying linta, listen to me. Definitely. Tell us what 2014 has been like. Now every fit yovideo seems to go viral. Did you ever listen . Listen to me now. Listen to me. No. Do you have tshirts available . We family wants im done arguing with you. Thats it for right this minute, everybody. Thanks for joining us. Happen a havyey new year and well see you next time. First things first serbia is not siberia. This central balkan country is surrounded by more welltraveled spots like hungary, romania and new travel darling croatia. Its one that maybe should be definitely on more peoples list to go to. No, its not on the travelers trail maybe because its endured corrupt criminal leaders and brutal regional wars culminating with nato bombings as recently as 1999. We had to hide in the basement. But serbians seem uninterested in dwelling in the painful past, choosing instead to focus on its future and its many mostly undiscovered attributes. We have the bestproclaimed public river beach in europe

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