Transcripts For KTVU RightThisMinute 20141112 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KTVU RightThisMinute 20141112

>> the buzz word for your chance to win a new ipad mini. and a dad buckled up with his son who is 4 years old. they are taking the road trip of a lifetime. >> this video demonstrates every parents' nightmare. setting something up for your kids and it goes all wrong two. kids on a trampoline. 9-year-old casey and her 10-year-old friend. her dad peter watson put them there to protect them. he's got fireworks they are looking at. the fireworks went the opposite way they were expected to and landed inside the trampoline. >> oh, no! >> now they're trapped inside. >> one of the fireworks went straight to the kid. did it hit him? >> casey makes her way out. she trips. the little boy was still inside while that firework was ricochetting off the side. luckily casey nor the boy were hurt. her dad said what happened was he aimed the fireworks opposite the house away from them but it fired in an opposite direction, hit the house and bounced into the trampoline. they say casey is a little bit frightened now of firework. i don't blame her. >> the good thing about this video, it will serve as a reminder of how dangerous fireworks are or can be. even if you think you've got it controlled, you never know. >> that is what peter watson said. he was injured several years ago being burned. he was being very careful. he was following the rules, but he suggests people buy fireworks from a reputable source, not buy them online. go to a trusted source where you know they'll have safety protocols. i bet you thought the guys who fly jets off aircraft careers are the top gunners out there, but watch this pilot thread the needle. >> this video is a few months old. we are flying the idaho back country thousands of feet above the plane on either side. this is cessna sky wagon creeping lower and lower. watch where they are going. they are about to land on a 900 foot long air strip that is maintained by the park service. >> why is it in the middle of nowhere? >> you see where he's going? >> that's it? it's almost like a trail. >> 37 feet wide. there are trees everywhere. here it comes. >> other interesting part about this. this had about a mile high in elevation so that already saps some of the power from this plane, power you need in case anything goes wrong. this has to be extremely precise. >> i think you win most incredible video of the week. >> awesome. >> pretty impressive flying. also this guy. looks like he is coming in to make a landing on a small grass patch. he says this is a rescued landing because he comes in. he had a tail wind he didn't anticipate. almost scrapes his wing as the ground comes up. it's a bit of a hard impact. tail hits the grown. he pulled it off, landed safely. >> a couple of videos here. we are going to start from russia. these three guys break into a bank. sparks start going off. they are making one heck of a racket. >> you can see the alarm go off. >> these guys subtle as they were set off the alarm. a huge sirenoes off. they there were 600,000 rubles up for grab. they didn't get any of it. though did catch one of the guys but the other two are still out there. they weren't successful there. we went to india where they use more subtle techniques and are more successful. these three people are a team. the lady and two guys. there is a guy running the store. what they do is time after time again it's all misdirection and distraction. it's amazing how quick they do it. it happens many times. keep an eye on the guy in the middle. pushes it open. watch how quick le he palms it under the desk to the lady. she reached it with her hand and it goes straight into her sari. they keep this guy's attention. the lady takes a reach and almost gets caught. this is where they get smart. it's like christmas for the guy in the middle. keeps going. >> they are doing so much stuff. >> they have got quite a clear look on cctv. michelle from west milburn, florida, is the latest winner. >> you need wednesday's buzz word and be at least 18 years old. this is at the red bull car park drift series 2014. these guys doing high speed drifting in kuwait. >> confined space drifting. >> it's about the angle of attack. i want to see one guy take a driving test. >> freak the driving instructor out. >> you know who got freaked out? one year ago this video got a lot of attention because dad decided to take his little son, right? >> yeah. >> the little boy loved it. in year he is 4 years old and in the seat again. here they go. his expressions are as priceless today as a year ago. >> i love to see that he is still as thrilling as it was when he was younger. and his reactions are spectacular. i could watch that all day. her emotional response to mom singing went viral. now marie lynn is back. >> watching herself in that original video. >> find out if she is able to hold back the tears this time around. >> are you kidding me? >> and this guy is about to take the plunge. how he goes all james bond for one daring base jump. of shaving stuff. and thankfully, being able to find backups. lifeand thankfully, of shaving stuff. being able to find backups. i am 13 years into a bet with my cousin. i bet him by the time i turned 40 years old i could play james bond. i need to start doing things like this. this is an older video which is a guy doing an awesome base jump. it is a beautiful big dam. great view down to the middle. he stands up and you get this amazing shot straight down. i've got to pause it there. let's bring up bond. if anyone remembers the iconic stunt at the beginning was basically the same thing. there's the dam. looks almost identical. wait for the almost exact same shot. look down before he jumps off and does his bungee jump. this guy is base jumping. check it out. >> does he have permission? >> i don't believe he does. i'll show you why. >> oh, my gosh. so he comes into landing. sticks the landing perfectly there. the reason he may not have permission because late on the video, watch this. he actually removes the ledge he put there while getting a funny look from the guy next to him. no permission. bond doesn't ask for permission. he just does way wants to do. >> clumsy golden noodle. >> what do we love here at "right this minute"? finding the stories behind the videos. you remember this amazing video we showed you last year? ♪ i don't want you to come in here no more ♪ >> precious marie lynn. ♪ you don't know how long my weakness is ♪ >> mama singing "my heart can't tell you no" by rod stewart. baby completely emotional, stole the hearts of everyone around the world. video went viral. we talked to mom and dad. guess what? we do follow-ups, too. you are going to love this as much as you loved that one. this one little marie lynn is watching herself in that original video being played back to her. >> she's grown. look at her. >> uh-oh. >> are you kidding me? she's still crying. >> i think she just feels the pain, the emotion. >> it's almost like she is being empathic to herself. >> there is no way you say no to this child. she gets whatever she wants. how do you say no to that face? >> i know. that is the most expressive face we've seen on the show. >> mommy's done. okay. fighting cancer by playing music. >> music is excellent medicine. >> the inspiring story next "right this minute." >> and still to come, pranksters hit the streets of new york to stick their noses in other people's business. >> we've got an ipad mini to give away. jack is in new york city. >> i go on a ride with you guys? >> what? >> go for a ride, watch you arrest people and stuff? >> he starts talking to random people about absolutely random things. >> what's going on? what is it? >> what do you mean what is it? >> what is all that? >> what? what are you referring to? >> this. everything happening here. >> that man is like, you know what, you got one more comment before i deck you. >> this is the riskiest place to do this prank. new york is known for come on, enough. >> i feel there is no better place to do this prank. >> put the other glove on. you are going to get frostbite. put a glove on. >> don't congregate. >> these girls. they didn't have any of it. >> keep it going. keep it going. i thought it was business. >> exactly, it is business between us. we'll move when we feel like it. >> new yorkers see so much weird stuff on the street. these two can't be weird enough to upset the folks of new york. >> unbelievable. want to put another glove on before you get frost bit, please? >> i'm not going to get scooters, but it's hard to gain respect if you ride a scooter. they're great for transportation, but not great for looks cool. unless you can do this. he is completely on the handlebars up there. riding a wheelie. >> twisting it around. pirouetting on that one tiny back wheel. popping wheelies all over the place. trying to do the old 12:00 wheelie. he is jumping all over this thing like it's a trampoline. >> look at it -- oh, my god! it's like no hands. what is he doing? high fiving the road with both hands? that's amazing. >> if you can't afford a motorcycle and you can afford a scooter, get a scooter and you can still be cool. >> what made him say i'll try all that motorcycle stuff with my scooter? >> i don't know. scooter doesn't have a whole lot of power. i thought you needed power to pull this stuff off. it's super light weight. he's got great balance. it all comes together in an oddly fascinating scooter freestyle video. >> he was doing yoga on the handlebars while riding. >> it's a good way to practice. not going to do a whole lot of damage and progress from there. >> looks like he is dancing with the scooter. >> this makes scooters even cooler to me. it's time to give away another ipad mini. >> you need the buzz word, be at least 18 years old and a legal u.s. resident. >> head over to, click on win ipad. >> enter on facebook, twitter or both. >> let's reveal wednesday's buzz word. centipede. >> get over to, click on the win ipad button and enter centipede. >> one day later this week we are going to have a bonus give away. that day we'll be giving away a flat screen tv. stay tuned every day. good luck. >> here why this woman is desperately trying to find him a loving family. - "dear scan, "i've been a scan member for almost two years and have been very satisfied with the plan." - "i would like to thank you and your organization from top to bottom." - "i recently called into scan regarding a claims problem." - "i had been going round and round with a problem with a prescription drug order." - "it is nice to know that one phone call to you, and you take care of it right away." - "your kindness and helpfulness has been appreciated "more than you will ever know. i could not have done it without your help." - i'll never be able to thank them enough. uh...and it's the truth. - "thank you so much. sincerely, donna markow." - "sincerely, shirley ramgren." - "sincerely, shirley ramgren." - that's what really sets scan apart from everybody else. scan cares. - i don't know a better way to say it than, the heart of scan. - scan, for your health and independence. >> it's no secret that our fans are the biggest hearted people in the world. some people put luke's picture on our facebook page. they want to give him a forever home. they found him in a park. look at his eyes. when they brought him into the shelter they discovered he had a condition that makes his eye lids turned in. he kept his eye closed to give him protection. our friends took him in. this is him post surgery. this is what he looks like now. >> look at that face. >> that is a cute face. this is what he looks like when somebody gets him out of his cage. >> paw. paw. >> he's a 3-year-old bull terrier. he's looking for a forever home. while luke has been boarded at this facility for a year, he's been locked up in a cage where he spends most his time. they are worried about him because he is depressed. our fans want to get him adopted and desperate dogs of long island. they shared his story. we have jacqueline from forever friends. thank you for joining us. >> tell me what it is about luke that makes you go and play with him every day. >> he's such a goof ball. when he gets out of the cage and gets outside, it's so wonderful to see him enjoying his day. he so looks forward to it and so do i. >> is he a good dog for kids? good for running around? >> he's an active dog. he has to be an only dog. he would be great with kids. he is a sweetheart. >> what is luke like when you walk into the room? >> soon as he hears me, he perks up. i see him making noises soon as i walk in. >> how can they get him? >> we would like to keep him within about a four, five hour drive from new york city. it would be me driving him. we would consider any calls at this point. we would prefer four to five hour drive and i would be driving him. >> 917-864-2443. >> thank you so much. thank you for the work you do taking these dogs in. >> thanks. i appreciate this exposure. i hope it gets him the home he deserves. paw. good boy. good boy. >> that's going to do it for "right this minute," everybody. see you next time. it's a classic case of just another driver not looking out for people on the road. >> who found that out the hard way. >> who's having a little trouble walking because he's got bacon and cheese stuffed in his pants. the story behind one slick robbery. >> her lips start to quiver when she watches a chipmunk's adventure about a baby penguin who lost his mom. >> the little girl behind the hit explains what gets her every time. >> he wants his mommy.

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New York , United States , Florida , India , Russia , Idaho , Kuwait , Marie Lynn , Peter Watson ,

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Transcripts For KTVU RightThisMinute 20141112 :

Transcripts For KTVU RightThisMinute 20141112

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>> the buzz word for your chance to win a new ipad mini. and a dad buckled up with his son who is 4 years old. they are taking the road trip of a lifetime. >> this video demonstrates every parents' nightmare. setting something up for your kids and it goes all wrong two. kids on a trampoline. 9-year-old casey and her 10-year-old friend. her dad peter watson put them there to protect them. he's got fireworks they are looking at. the fireworks went the opposite way they were expected to and landed inside the trampoline. >> oh, no! >> now they're trapped inside. >> one of the fireworks went straight to the kid. did it hit him? >> casey makes her way out. she trips. the little boy was still inside while that firework was ricochetting off the side. luckily casey nor the boy were hurt. her dad said what happened was he aimed the fireworks opposite the house away from them but it fired in an opposite direction, hit the house and bounced into the trampoline. they say casey is a little bit frightened now of firework. i don't blame her. >> the good thing about this video, it will serve as a reminder of how dangerous fireworks are or can be. even if you think you've got it controlled, you never know. >> that is what peter watson said. he was injured several years ago being burned. he was being very careful. he was following the rules, but he suggests people buy fireworks from a reputable source, not buy them online. go to a trusted source where you know they'll have safety protocols. i bet you thought the guys who fly jets off aircraft careers are the top gunners out there, but watch this pilot thread the needle. >> this video is a few months old. we are flying the idaho back country thousands of feet above the plane on either side. this is cessna sky wagon creeping lower and lower. watch where they are going. they are about to land on a 900 foot long air strip that is maintained by the park service. >> why is it in the middle of nowhere? >> you see where he's going? >> that's it? it's almost like a trail. >> 37 feet wide. there are trees everywhere. here it comes. >> other interesting part about this. this had about a mile high in elevation so that already saps some of the power from this plane, power you need in case anything goes wrong. this has to be extremely precise. >> i think you win most incredible video of the week. >> awesome. >> pretty impressive flying. also this guy. looks like he is coming in to make a landing on a small grass patch. he says this is a rescued landing because he comes in. he had a tail wind he didn't anticipate. almost scrapes his wing as the ground comes up. it's a bit of a hard impact. tail hits the grown. he pulled it off, landed safely. >> a couple of videos here. we are going to start from russia. these three guys break into a bank. sparks start going off. they are making one heck of a racket. >> you can see the alarm go off. >> these guys subtle as they were set off the alarm. a huge sirenoes off. they there were 600,000 rubles up for grab. they didn't get any of it. though did catch one of the guys but the other two are still out there. they weren't successful there. we went to india where they use more subtle techniques and are more successful. these three people are a team. the lady and two guys. there is a guy running the store. what they do is time after time again it's all misdirection and distraction. it's amazing how quick they do it. it happens many times. keep an eye on the guy in the middle. pushes it open. watch how quick le he palms it under the desk to the lady. she reached it with her hand and it goes straight into her sari. they keep this guy's attention. the lady takes a reach and almost gets caught. this is where they get smart. it's like christmas for the guy in the middle. keeps going. >> they are doing so much stuff. >> they have got quite a clear look on cctv. michelle from west milburn, florida, is the latest winner. >> you need wednesday's buzz word and be at least 18 years old. this is at the red bull car park drift series 2014. these guys doing high speed drifting in kuwait. >> confined space drifting. >> it's about the angle of attack. i want to see one guy take a driving test. >> freak the driving instructor out. >> you know who got freaked out? one year ago this video got a lot of attention because dad decided to take his little son, right? >> yeah. >> the little boy loved it. in year he is 4 years old and in the seat again. here they go. his expressions are as priceless today as a year ago. >> i love to see that he is still as thrilling as it was when he was younger. and his reactions are spectacular. i could watch that all day. her emotional response to mom singing went viral. now marie lynn is back. >> watching herself in that original video. >> find out if she is able to hold back the tears this time around. >> are you kidding me? >> and this guy is about to take the plunge. how he goes all james bond for one daring base jump. of shaving stuff. and thankfully, being able to find backups. lifeand thankfully, of shaving stuff. being able to find backups. i am 13 years into a bet with my cousin. i bet him by the time i turned 40 years old i could play james bond. i need to start doing things like this. this is an older video which is a guy doing an awesome base jump. it is a beautiful big dam. great view down to the middle. he stands up and you get this amazing shot straight down. i've got to pause it there. let's bring up bond. if anyone remembers the iconic stunt at the beginning was basically the same thing. there's the dam. looks almost identical. wait for the almost exact same shot. look down before he jumps off and does his bungee jump. this guy is base jumping. check it out. >> does he have permission? >> i don't believe he does. i'll show you why. >> oh, my gosh. so he comes into landing. sticks the landing perfectly there. the reason he may not have permission because late on the video, watch this. he actually removes the ledge he put there while getting a funny look from the guy next to him. no permission. bond doesn't ask for permission. he just does way wants to do. >> clumsy golden noodle. >> what do we love here at "right this minute"? finding the stories behind the videos. you remember this amazing video we showed you last year? ♪ i don't want you to come in here no more ♪ >> precious marie lynn. ♪ you don't know how long my weakness is ♪ >> mama singing "my heart can't tell you no" by rod stewart. baby completely emotional, stole the hearts of everyone around the world. video went viral. we talked to mom and dad. guess what? we do follow-ups, too. you are going to love this as much as you loved that one. this one little marie lynn is watching herself in that original video being played back to her. >> she's grown. look at her. >> uh-oh. >> are you kidding me? she's still crying. >> i think she just feels the pain, the emotion. >> it's almost like she is being empathic to herself. >> there is no way you say no to this child. she gets whatever she wants. how do you say no to that face? >> i know. that is the most expressive face we've seen on the show. >> mommy's done. okay. fighting cancer by playing music. >> music is excellent medicine. >> the inspiring story next "right this minute." >> and still to come, pranksters hit the streets of new york to stick their noses in other people's business. >> we've got an ipad mini to give away. jack is in new york city. >> i go on a ride with you guys? >> what? >> go for a ride, watch you arrest people and stuff? >> he starts talking to random people about absolutely random things. >> what's going on? what is it? >> what do you mean what is it? >> what is all that? >> what? what are you referring to? >> this. everything happening here. >> that man is like, you know what, you got one more comment before i deck you. >> this is the riskiest place to do this prank. new york is known for come on, enough. >> i feel there is no better place to do this prank. >> put the other glove on. you are going to get frostbite. put a glove on. >> don't congregate. >> these girls. they didn't have any of it. >> keep it going. keep it going. i thought it was business. >> exactly, it is business between us. we'll move when we feel like it. >> new yorkers see so much weird stuff on the street. these two can't be weird enough to upset the folks of new york. >> unbelievable. want to put another glove on before you get frost bit, please? >> i'm not going to get scooters, but it's hard to gain respect if you ride a scooter. they're great for transportation, but not great for looks cool. unless you can do this. he is completely on the handlebars up there. riding a wheelie. >> twisting it around. pirouetting on that one tiny back wheel. popping wheelies all over the place. trying to do the old 12:00 wheelie. he is jumping all over this thing like it's a trampoline. >> look at it -- oh, my god! it's like no hands. what is he doing? high fiving the road with both hands? that's amazing. >> if you can't afford a motorcycle and you can afford a scooter, get a scooter and you can still be cool. >> what made him say i'll try all that motorcycle stuff with my scooter? >> i don't know. scooter doesn't have a whole lot of power. i thought you needed power to pull this stuff off. it's super light weight. he's got great balance. it all comes together in an oddly fascinating scooter freestyle video. >> he was doing yoga on the handlebars while riding. >> it's a good way to practice. not going to do a whole lot of damage and progress from there. >> looks like he is dancing with the scooter. >> this makes scooters even cooler to me. it's time to give away another ipad mini. >> you need the buzz word, be at least 18 years old and a legal u.s. resident. >> head over to, click on win ipad. >> enter on facebook, twitter or both. >> let's reveal wednesday's buzz word. centipede. >> get over to, click on the win ipad button and enter centipede. >> one day later this week we are going to have a bonus give away. that day we'll be giving away a flat screen tv. stay tuned every day. good luck. >> here why this woman is desperately trying to find him a loving family. - "dear scan, "i've been a scan member for almost two years and have been very satisfied with the plan." - "i would like to thank you and your organization from top to bottom." - "i recently called into scan regarding a claims problem." - "i had been going round and round with a problem with a prescription drug order." - "it is nice to know that one phone call to you, and you take care of it right away." - "your kindness and helpfulness has been appreciated "more than you will ever know. i could not have done it without your help." - i'll never be able to thank them enough. uh...and it's the truth. - "thank you so much. sincerely, donna markow." - "sincerely, shirley ramgren." - "sincerely, shirley ramgren." - that's what really sets scan apart from everybody else. scan cares. - i don't know a better way to say it than, the heart of scan. - scan, for your health and independence. >> it's no secret that our fans are the biggest hearted people in the world. some people put luke's picture on our facebook page. they want to give him a forever home. they found him in a park. look at his eyes. when they brought him into the shelter they discovered he had a condition that makes his eye lids turned in. he kept his eye closed to give him protection. our friends took him in. this is him post surgery. this is what he looks like now. >> look at that face. >> that is a cute face. this is what he looks like when somebody gets him out of his cage. >> paw. paw. >> he's a 3-year-old bull terrier. he's looking for a forever home. while luke has been boarded at this facility for a year, he's been locked up in a cage where he spends most his time. they are worried about him because he is depressed. our fans want to get him adopted and desperate dogs of long island. they shared his story. we have jacqueline from forever friends. thank you for joining us. >> tell me what it is about luke that makes you go and play with him every day. >> he's such a goof ball. when he gets out of the cage and gets outside, it's so wonderful to see him enjoying his day. he so looks forward to it and so do i. >> is he a good dog for kids? good for running around? >> he's an active dog. he has to be an only dog. he would be great with kids. he is a sweetheart. >> what is luke like when you walk into the room? >> soon as he hears me, he perks up. i see him making noises soon as i walk in. >> how can they get him? >> we would like to keep him within about a four, five hour drive from new york city. it would be me driving him. we would consider any calls at this point. we would prefer four to five hour drive and i would be driving him. >> 917-864-2443. >> thank you so much. thank you for the work you do taking these dogs in. >> thanks. i appreciate this exposure. i hope it gets him the home he deserves. paw. good boy. good boy. >> that's going to do it for "right this minute," everybody. see you next time. it's a classic case of just another driver not looking out for people on the road. >> who found that out the hard way. >> who's having a little trouble walking because he's got bacon and cheese stuffed in his pants. the story behind one slick robbery. >> her lips start to quiver when she watches a chipmunk's adventure about a baby penguin who lost his mom. >> the little girl behind the hit explains what gets her every time. >> he wants his mommy.

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Florida , India , Russia , Idaho , Kuwait , Marie Lynn , Peter Watson ,

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