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Jeremy guthrie and tim hudson on friday and jason vargas and Ryan Vogelsong on saturday. Game one starters on sunday, shields and bumgarner. Harold i think the tide turned a little bit today with the royals. You look at matchups and thinking ahead, they have got a little bit of an advantage. Joe broken bat. Little flare into right and infante wont gety there. The game continues. Brandon crawford on with two out. Harold and i say that because you look at the pitching and how the pitching is matched up. Here is a ball just jams him. Im looking down the line. Also i look at the National League game. I think their bench plays really well in the National League park. Tom and their defense. Its a big park in San Francisco like the one here. This is not your Typical American League team playing in a National League park. Joe no they play like an 80s National League astroturf game. Harold they sure do. Great way to put it. Joe two out. Heres blanco. Crawford takes second. Not held on. Does not get a stolen base. About 3 1 2 hours ago, Gregor Blanco who last night got a base hit and scored a run in game one. He led off with a home run on a 32 pitch from Yordano Ventura and smoked it into right. Strike one. Harold when youre looking for good things to happen on your side, the giants, blanco is one of them. Hes been an ignite oar and turned there game around the last five games and tonight a home run and panik has been terrific. What a find with those two guys at the top. Joe they really miss angel pagan, but blanco has done a pretty good job filling in. The leadoff switch hitter that bruce bochy loves in center. Here is the 11. Strike two. Royals take game two 72 and even this series at a game apiece. Greg holland ends this night for this good kansas city bull pen with an exclamation point, as he strikes out the side after davis struck out two and after Kelvin Herrera went an inning and twothirds of shutout baseball. Tom they played royals baseball tonight. Bumgarner flipped it last night. Tonight, the bull pen, the running on the bases and omar infante. Joe herrera gets the win and peavy the loss. Three hour and 25minute game to even this series at a game apiece. We take you down to the field and ken rosenthal. Ken sal, lets start with what happened after infant ene homer. Do you know why strickland was so upset . I got close to home plate, he said you out of here. I say why you look at me . Forget about it. Ken right before that, you hit the two run double and two strikes. That, of course, led to the home run. What were you looking for in that situation . My approach to looking for fastball. Told me before and told me fastball and i hit it pretty good. Ken lorenzo, i know you guys are tight. Thank you. Lorenzo, what did you think of the strickland incident . I wasnt sure what was going on. Right now i dont know what was happening. He was upset. He got a home run hit off of him. We going to move on from it, you know . Hopefully, this doesnt carry over to the next series. Or the next game. Hopefully, just get the job done in San Francisco. Ken on that single by butler you were flying coming from second to home and they clocked you over 20 miles an hour. How did you read that . Were you going all the way . Great read. I tried to pick up the infielders and where they are playing and outfielders as well and got a great read off the bat and billy smoked a line drive to left and i was hustling all the way around and i was able to gore. Ken lorenzo, thanks a lot. Joe, back to you. Joe thank you, kenny. This series is tied at a game apiece, as the royals went to work in the sixth inning and then handed the game over to their outstanding bull pen. For the giants, their first world series loss since october 30th of 2010 at texas, which just delayed the inevitable in 2010. After the braeak, Kevin Burkhart and the guys. The big difference in this game, fiverun sixth for kansas city. Ripped into left. They are going to bring cain to the plate. Royals back on top. Infante. Its gone lets hide in the attic. No. In the basement. Why cant we just get in the running car . Are you crazy . Lets hide behind the chainsaws. Smart. Yeah. Ok. If youre in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. Its what you do. This was a good idea. Shhhh. Be quiet. Im being quiet. Youre breathing on me if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Head for the cemetery a ring with an incredible story. Its linked to the man who brought the giants to San Francisco. Drinking water contaminated with ecoli. Why the city waited for days before warning people of the threat. They didnt have any regard for human life. Tonight after the game. No wonder every major newspaper in the state opposes prop 46. They say 46 overreached in a decidedly cynical way. Its a ploy for trial lawyers to enrich themselves. And prop 46 has too many potential drawbacks to be worth the risk. Time to vote no on prop 46. The royals did it. They won so evened the series. Immediately following the broadcast switch it to fox sports 1. We have the best postgame coverage. We are hall of Famer Frank Thomas and nick swisher and gabe cap lettkaple kapler. We are going to be hardcore. Fox sports live its hardcore. Welcome to the chevrolet world series on fox postgame show. We are are on top of kauffman stadium. Royals fans are leaving after a win in kansas city so that means we have a series. All tied up at one to San Francisco of this. I have a bevy of stars here. David ortiz, world series mvp and hall of Famer Frank Thomas is here and world series champs nick swisher and gabe kapler. I want to go back to our guys are pretty smart. They all said the royals would win and you said that billy butler would be the most important guy tonight and he had two hits and the biggest hit of the game. I felt good about butler coming into the series in general but he was exceptionally aggressive tonight and only saw eight pitchesscvn in his three atbats. What we are not seeing him is him swing and miss at the first and then next one he smoked the ball. This ball here, devoured 112 miles an hour off the bat. We talk about velocity and how hard a guy is hitting the ball. Nobody hits it harder than butler. Incredible tonight. His timing was impeccable with the front side and tap was awesome. The little hey, what is up to the camera that he hit off machi too. Hunter strickland has been giving up home runs left and right and five home runs in 5 1 3 postseason incidents. What do you think was going on in that situation with him and perez . I think a little bit of confusion going on. He is mad because he give up a homer. Like you say before, he had been giving up a couple of home runs during the playoffs. And its frustrating. But like a little bit of confusion. I saw in the video he was kind of looking at pervez in a minutw and confused me a little bit because perez doesnt know what is going on. It seems like he wasnt saying anything to him and all of a sudden everybody is on the field. Right. I just a bad situation for strickland. He has given up five home runs in the postseason in five innings. Its tough on a young player to come up to the big leagues and fail like this in the middle of everything with the world watching. I can understand this kid being upset but he has to control his emotions. Youre on the biggest stage in baseball and could be damaging to this guys career. The one thing i saw out there that i thought was very interesting is when that happened the Kansas City Royals are a tight bunch of guys. They have played together and camaraderie they have is absolutely at the upper echelon. When that happens, their entire dugout was on the field. San francisco was still in the dugout. So im still i really want to find out exactly what happened, whether it was what are you doing . Or was there something to really talk about. The bottom line youre thinking that could galvanize them heading into game number three. We have plenty more to do who is the dude on the roof who is watching us during the postgame. No idea what is happening right now. Postgame and exclusive interviews and erin andrews with billy butler and tune into fox sports 1. Search for that. Coming up on fox, your local late news right now. Late news right now. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com joe that is hammered into right. You want to silence a crowd . Do that royals back on top. Infante. Its gone. We are fox sports one batter into the game tonight, a home run for the giants. That is hammered into right. You want to silence a crowd, do that. Home run Gregor Blanco. The crowd wasnt silenced for too long because everything went downhill from there. The royals came back and then in the bottom of the sixth they blew open the game scoring five runs. Things even started to boil over when perez scored and posey and he got into an argument. Over all hes a good for the long lay off. He can be in the mix now. Ill have to see how hes doing tomorrow. And where were at. But, as happy for him. He should be happy about how he threw the ball. Hes going to be a guy if hes healthy well probably use in that area you talked about how ishikawa felt good about how comfortable hes looked in left field in terms of tracking fast balls. Have you seen him thrown, being challenged at all. What did you see tonight in that regard . On that base hit that they scored . Yeah. Thats just lack of experience. As far as charging the ball and getting rid of it. You know that, you though that takes time. And you know thats an area we know its not going to be our strength because this kid hasn t been out there very much. But, you know with that said, hes done a pretty good job out there and he gives us a bat. You deal with that. That part of it. And hopefully it doesnt come up very often. Theyre probably going to test him because hes not a guy thats played left field all his life. Over to the right jason. Bruce back to that 6th inning. Was there any temptation in your part to go to lopez for hasmer or was that too early to start a reaction . Like i said. Jake settled in. First two innings he was a little erratic. But he was right on. I mean he really was throwing the ball well. And so now, i cant say you know, i was going to make a change here because they gave up a blue pit. And i was going to let him face and get hurt. But i got a lot of experience out there and like i said, for about 4 innings he was right on. He was hitting the spots and found himself and so, you know, he worked a full count. He just missed on that last pitch. Could tims long lie off be a cause for the injury long lay off be a cause for the injury. Because he hasn t really been pitching. Thats hard to answer. I dont know. But i will say he took an extended pen a couple of days ago. And really you know, threw a lot of pitches to get himself ready. And so, you know it might have. I dont know. But i will say the firstinning he threw the ball great. He was throwing the ball great until that point. It might have. Over here to the left, against the wall. Bruce yesterday was a statement game by the giants, a big win and then you almost had the reverse today with the royals coming on strong. How do you feel about the 11 split out here and what do you see Going Forward in San Francisco . Its great to get a win here. This is, this is a great club. We had a tough time here in august. And you know for us to leave here with a split. You would like to get greedy, we know it was going to be a tough series. It was a tied game until the sixth there. With their pitching and our pitching and the way both teams play, its, you know we are going to have a fight. I think every game. We just have to wait in the sixth. We could get some outs but you go home, i think you take a split and i mean, we face two very good pitchers here and they are doing very well early. Their pen did a good job. Well regroup when we go home. And joe fonzi joins us with so much to talk about after that disappointing loss but theyre going home with a split winning one game, losing one game. But they have to be thrilled with winning one game on the road. One thing, if you would have said youre going to leave kansas city with a split, they would have been happy with that. But you see how fast the momentum changes because the royals showed what theyre made of. And the royals have some issues to forget. Lincecum kind of a forgotten game and now he has some things say. Gregor blanco who did all the Little Things right last night got into an atbat. Had one in the world series and the giants had a 10 lead. Then after the giants fell behind 21 they pulled everyone in the fourth. Brandon belt scored to right sandoval. He had left off the inning with the giants the giants run off two. But in the bottom of the sixth is when the roof caved in for San Francisco. After the royals had chased peavy taking a 23 lead, perez got into a pitch. This will be a 2run double. The royals have a more comfortable feeling 52 lead. It got more comfortable after that. Infante put a pitch up to left. A 72 lead. Its also a tieing five season then some emotions erupted as perez was waiting on the plate, strickland begins yelling. Some of the players come out of the dug out but the tempers quickly cooled. Now this is the kind of thing that depending on how this emotion affecting you. If it carries over for either team beyond this game, then youre in trouble. Baseball isnt the type of game that you can play when youre all upset and ready to hit somebody. But it ends in a 72 win for the royals. A 11 tie in the series. Mark ibanez is live. I am sure thats what people were talking about, the dust up in home plate after this game was over. Reporter i hope you can hear me because im not going to be able to hear you but im going to show you why its a whole new ball game here in kansas city. They are pumped up. These are the royal fans that are hanging around here some half hour after the game. And they were able to get their game on tonight you would say for sure. And as the royals left the field tonight, they rolled out at full blast on the p. A. System here the beatles version of going to kansas city. Theyre a little happier crowd and we have a game. We have a world series right now ladies and gentlemen. And giant fans dont want to hear that. They were hoping for the best of all consequences. And it still could happen but it might just take one game more. The giants well, it was a tight ball game 22 going into the 6th inning. Looked like jake peavy had settled down. Take a look what happened in the 6th inning. If you dont know by now. The royals have taken a 32 lead. And they had Salvador Perez in against the young Hunter Strickland. And that didnt go too well at all. It is a 2run double for Salvador Perez and it only got worse against the young right hander strickland. Omar infante, the royals second baseman takes him deep, a two run homer completely broke the game open. And then, it all broke lose as apparently Hunter Strickland said something to Salvador Perez as he came toward the plate. The two exchanged words. The royals came charging out of their dug out. And the two exchanged nasty unpleasantries. No blows were thrown. But some time the youngster strickland who found himself in a controversy. Ill tell you the truth. Its a very odd situation in the royals dug out. The royals press box. They do not have the game broadcast. They just show you the pictures. So we had to kind of figure it out. So were hoping to get more specifics with regard to what actually transpired between Hunter Strickland and perez. Well have that for you. Scott reiss is at the clubhouse, well have an explanation for you just as soon as we can. But the Kansas City Royals i assure you are awake in this series. Thats for sure. All right well get back to you. Real loud here. Hopefully itll calm down. Theres no question about the fact thank you mark, that the Kansas City Royals and their fans are alive. To paint a picture, theres always a delay to go to the locker room. Right now the reporters are delayed getting into the ball club. So thats where scott reiss. Hunter was upset at himself. Was yelling at himself. You see jake peavy was doing the same things. Looked like perez had some issues with that. Hey are you talking with me . Whats the deal. Strickland then saw that and thats what happened. Baseball is the type of sport where these things happen. The benches are always quick to empty. They want to come out and everybody has to show that ive got the other guys back, i have his back, i have his back. Rarely do any of these things ever erupt into any kind of a fight or anything but you have to come out and posture a little bit. Thats what happens in baseball. But its one of those things that if you carry things forward into the next game. If this isnt forgotten right now then youre in trouble both, either team. I bet you thats what theyre talking right now. Right now strickland and perez are both saying, no, no. There was nothing too it. Theyre not saying the same thing in the clubhouse among their buddies but in front of the cameras thats what theyre saying. Strickland has had 500 pitches is that a good move putting him in. Yesterday it looked like bochy was in the right place. Now the tables are turned and its bruce bochy has some decisions to make. How quickly things can change. Absolutely. One night. You see the difference in the pitchers. And strickland is a younger player and wears it all on his sleeve. Heat of the moment. Were going to have more with you in a couple of moments, thank you joe. Here at home we have crews that are fanned out all around the bay area and theyve been talking with giants fans who are disappointed of course but theyre still believing too. Shes at a place called the patio. And if you look it up at yelp it says a super awesome place to watch a giants game but not tonight because they got killed. Reporter it was a tough loss, hard to watch. A lot of fans stayed until the very end hoping for a come back. That didnt happen despite an early home run and some fans, even went to great lenghts to make sure the giants would win. Eight pitches in and were up already in game two. And that is andre turleck. The diehard giant fan says since this team has been in the world series since 2010 hes worn his jerseys for every play off game. Heres the kicker. He doesnt wash them. He has three jerseys, a

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