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Selfies for the homeless. Why whats good for the goose might be good for the gander. The ladies would have been donating, too, right . True. I would have walked right by. A dash cam video causing some discussion in new mexico. Its front the car of officer brent aguilar. He approaches the truck. Roll the back windows down, please. Not talking to you, bro. The passenger keeps responding to the officer. He is behind the driver in this truck. Youre not driving. You got i. D. . Let me have your i. D. He keeps responding, what are we being stopped for . That upset officer aguilar. Im going to ask you one more time or youll put you under arrest. Step out in the front. He does not resist. Puts his hands behind his back like officer aguilar says. Im not driving, bro. You are under arrest for concealing i. D. I asked you for your i. D. Now youre under arrest for arising. What move made him think he was resisting . To me it looked like he was walking and being compliant. I didnt notice corona making any resisting move. Watch it again. I asked you for your i. D. Heres the photographs of George Corona after this incident. He claims to have a broken cheekbone, abrasions and bruises to his head causing, what he says are thousands of dollars in medical bills. His Attorney Says this is a classic case of police bullying. Officer aguilar is currently on desk duty while that investigation is being conducted. Its hard to argue that corona was resisting arrest and being belligerent toward the officer. This is how you jump off a tower in malaysia. Its supposed to look like this. You jump, pull your chute, everything is nice. You get to the bottom. A lot of people like to jump off that tower because its so cool and high. Cool, high, didnt go well for this guy. This is a 33yearold russian. His name is james. He jumped. Watch what happens when he gets to the seventh floor. Broke a window . He crashed into the side of that building. He did suffer some cuts. Apparently, he lost control of his parachute due to a gust of wind. You see that he falls to the ground. The good thing is is that james only hurt his leg after hitting the glass. He didnt suffer more serious injuries like broken limbs or a broken head. If break a window jumping off a building, do you have to pay for that window . Yes. Great question. This was the saba base jump 2014. The reason why they were jumping, they were promoting Healthy Living for people who like these adrenalin rush sports. Dont crash. Healthy living. Well, here is one way to derail a perfectly pleasant train ride. Its not a penny. Its penice. Its like a bell. This dude on the tracks clearly has stopped the train traffic because he decided to put on a little show. Little is the operative word. Or maybe take in the sun. It looks like a nice, warm, sunnyday. Why o an active audience. An audience prent peering out a window at him. An audience which isnt exactly hating him. Everyone is cracking up. Officials are there but waiting for police to arrive. The guy in the hard hat didnt even look at him. Watch this move right here. He starts doing like the little, you know, helicopter. They do eventually apprehend this man in all his naked glory. With his hands behind his back, its worse. Watch this. He tries to resist a little bit. He falls down to his knees and they have to basically carry him. Thats the part they dont like. No word on what the heck this was all about. You know . What who cares . This was awesome. The word is amsterdam. Thats true. Guess what, everybody . We have another winner in our htm ipad mini give away. Laurie lowyer maureen lowe from nevada. Youll need fridays buzz word, at least 18 years old and a legal u. S. Resident. If have ever wanted to be an equestrian, we are riding pigeon. He is a beauty of a horse. This camera is mounted on the equestrian alex. You can hear the excitement of alex the rider. Getting out of breath. Comes around to this next jump. Two rows. Oh you see the horse just pulls. You see her get knocked over. She asks the officials, do i keep going . Heres the next jump. Its awesome some see her breath as she is breaking for the jump. Number some a big jump. The next jump has a little bit of instruction. Oh, pigeon wont jump over the shrub. What do you do . You try, try again. Oh he backed out again. Pigeon now after going back around this tree for try number three. Oh, pigeon. Then you hear the bell. Oh. We are tired at this point. Pigeon was done. Alex says she was running on pure adrenalin. There is a car on fire in the parking lot. And there is somebody stuck inside. How the swift action two of brave cops saved the day. And a bartender who is pulling off some masterful magic with a drink. The colorful concoction you have to pour to believe. Jijim. Sos his serve. Bubut t lilikeke u up p toto 9 , jijim m fafalllls s shshorort tg important nutrients frfromom f fooood d ala. Jijim,m, hehereress 2 2 ofoff fy multivitamins to get key nutrients you may need. Gogo t to o ononeaeadaday. Y. Co. Rereseseararchch s suguggegs cecellll h heaealtlth h plplae throughout our lives. One a day mens s 5050 ia complete multivitamin dedesisigngneded f foror m meneh concerns as we age. Wiwithth 7 7 a antntioioxs toto s supuppoportrt c celell. Onone e a a daday y memenns. Mighty mouse does not save the day from union town, ohio. The sergeant is headed to a rescue. He got a call, heading to a Grocery Store parking lot where there was word there was a car on fe and inside. Here he gets to the scene. He immediately jumps out the car and runs to see whats going on, what can i do to help. You see a whole bunch of people standing around. The sergeant got in there along with the help of a captain brown. You can see that when he is pulled out, he is dragged out by the sergeant right there. Its almost like you cant see him. Hes covered in smoke. That guy pulled into the middle of this aisle here. Eventually other people come up and help drag this guy out of the way because you can see the car still smoking. Eventually, a fire engine comes to the scene. It was a medical emergency that caused this man to have an accident in the car. He went to the hospital, but he has since left the hospital. Then he went to the Police Station to thank the officers for what they did. It is cool to see how many people came over to help. It was very lucky the sergeant and other officer were there to help actually get him out of the car this could have been so much worse. Right. Especially since there were other cars with gasoline in them all around this car. The good thing is they did get him out of the car before it was too late. This video posted by brian posey on facebook shows christina at the airport karaoke lounge in hawaii pulling off masterful magic with a drink. She is very fancy how she is putting this all together. There is a very specific order which things are done. She pulls in this blue shot right before she starts pouring. It is a color spectrum because of the liquids. Who figured that out . That is so cool. This has just blown up on facebook. Its a video from the bar, but has been shown all around the world. Its called the rainbow shot. That takes a phenomenal amount of practice, doesnt it . Every single one is cool. A cool bit of bartending. That is really cool. Very cool. If you want to sit on the edge of why you are seat and not be able to look away from the tv, you watch airplane repo on discovery. They steal the most expensive toys on the planet. Some people dont pay their bills. Sometimes what are you doing . You dont have any authorization for this. The plane was repossessed. There is no other word to use but they are bad asses. They go out and they sneak into whatever location they have to sneak into to repossess airplanes. Reading the Treasure Chest of the super rich. Youre under arrest isnt easy. You risk everything from your license to your neck. Mike has been on our show before. Mike kennedy is also a stunt rider, sky driver and aircraft daredevil. He is guy you wish you were. Incredible man behind the show and part of the show. We have mike kennedy via skype right this minute. Welcome back, guys. I dont need to talk. Im having fun listening to you. Keep going. What can we expect from you this new season . We did a lot of fun stuff this year. We did a lot besides airplane repossessions, the crocodiles and some of the big cats. We did wingsuit flying to get into remote location which is fun. You talk about this like it is no big deal. What is the craziest encounter you have with someone whose plane is being repossessed. You get shot at. Its a very expensive airplane and good night wouldnt want to shoot holes in it. I thought i was safe, but i was wrong. Talk to us about how its possible for you to get in these airplanes. You dont really know what the airplane is until you get in it. How are you able to fly all these different planes . How are you able to operate them . They all have wings and fly by the same physics. Youre the most interesting man in the world. The episode involves a stumbling ring we stumbled on to while repossessing the airplane. It had a bunch of cobras and rattle snakes in the back. I handle cobras every day anyway. It was perfect for that job. Mike, we are always amazed by everything that you do. Thank you. If you want to watch airplane repo tune in on discovery. Your skin wasnt designed for this. See the stunt that will make you squirm next right this minute. And still to come a monsoon might give you the blues, but not if youre cole gibson and you have a hot scooter to ride. The dirt bike joy ride that gets extra dirty. If you want to win an ipad mini, you need the friday buzz word. For many people the sight of monsoon rains in the joshua tree area in california is a ho hum day. Maybe you sit around and eat soup. Not if youre cole gibson and you have a hot scooter to ride. A lot of mud and water on the streets. Perfect for a dirt bike. This is a dirt bike . Absolutely. Cole says the town was swamped by flash floods. Hes out there with his buddies trouncing through the flood waters. Hes having a good time. Hes screaming and cheering through it. They come to the head of a flash flood. They even ride along with the water. That would be cool. When do you ever get to do that . This is a good day to be out on a dirt bike having fun. Lets go riding with ryan at the racing complex in oregon. Ryan gets out there. Hes got company on this day. A dozen of his drifting buddies. All of this captured by a bunch of different gopros. Thats some kind of control. They are really close together. This could get out of hand really quickly. One bad move and the next person drifts right into you. There are a couple of small touches. No big deal. These cars are designed to handle the rubbing of drifting. No big deal. Doesnt matter if you get a dent. Weve seen these one photoaday video where people take a picture a day for a period of time then put it all together. This guy did that exact thing starting in 2006. For eight years. He shot 2,900 photographs. He thought about this. If you notice, when he starts the video, he starts walking down the hallway as hes taking all these different photographs. Thats fascinating. Good job, dude. And the same dead pan face, too. We see him in the house on a bed, on vacation. Costumes in the shower. The shower was pretty good. Hes giving a tour of his house at the same time. I dont have the patience. I feel like i forget. To edit this together and have his face in the same position almost lit perfectly every single picture. That is a lot of work to stitch all that together. Its fascinating. I love it. I love we start seeing him super young. Eight years is a long time. At one time do you see a lady. Thats his wife. He also has a child with. Guess who he is also taking a picture a day of . This he started on the day he was born, obviously. Then kept going for four years. Get out. Get ready, everybody. We are giving away another ipad mini. To enter you need the buzz word, need to be 18 years old and a legal u. S. Resident. Head over to rightthisminute. Com and click on the win ipad button. You can enter on each every day. You ready to reveal fridays buzz word . Go at it. It is hardware. Get over to rightthisminute. Com. Click on the win ipad mini button and enter hardware. She is in a bikini to help the homeless. Lots of people pay attention. Why a selfie goes a long way. This guy is getting a smile. He is a youtube pranker but does to good deeds. I noticed a lot of people just ignore the homeless, walk past them. Lets see if they can ignore this. One woman wearing a very tiny bikini holding a sign, selfies for the homeless and lots of people pay attention. Lots of people want a selfie with this beautiful girl. How does this help the homeless . Each person who takes a selfie is encouraged to give money to the homeless man sitting right next to this woman. His name is vincent. He needed money to go to urgent care. I cant get angry at this. He got their attention and they did something for a good cause. That girl, she was willing to do it. Sure. It works. Its effective. The guy got money. Cheers. After he takes the photo, there you go. Pulls dollars out of his pocket and puts them in vincents cup. Look how much money we made for vincent today. Spread the love. Thats it for right this minute. See you next time. A scary scene as a big dog lunges through a fence and starts attacking that dog and that woman. The moment a hero races to the rescue. It started with a woman getting in her face. Shouting, im going to get you snitch bitch. How it ended was unleashed fury on the subway. The mini pigs follow their owners command. When sitting for a treat really pays off. Plus the buzz word for your chance to win a new ipad mini. And brave men

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