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When her 4yearold slips off the train as it leaves. Now, look at the mother, struggling, trying to get out to reach her 4yearold. The frantic moment to get her baby back. And they call it gourmet footwear. Makes me think its a fetish video. See the ad that stirred up controversy. Its a really bad idea if youre at a festival, theres been a lot of drinking, theres bull involved, and then you decide to let one free into the crowd. This is not an activist . Chose to release the hounds . According to reports, one of the guys may have been drunk and cut the rope that was tieing that bull, and as you can see, that bull went straight into the crowd trampling some of the people at the festival. Who brought that guy . Lets set an animal with horns free. He was supposed to be an assistant at the event, there to help keep everything in line, and he was the one that let the bull go. Who hired this guy . At the end of the festival they tie a bull so people can play matador with the bull, but because its tied, it cant get anywhere. Its tied. Nobody gets hurt. Maybe the bull slipped that guy a couple bucks. Hey, loosen the rope, i want to teach people a lesson. Want to make it exciting . Theres kids. Apparently, ten people were injured at this incident. So does this guy get charged with something for having released this bull . I feel like he should have to at least pay for medical bills. Well, people take matters into their own hands. Watch this. At this point, they have the guy, and someone else grabs the belt and starts lashing on the guy. Starts beating him. Whats crazy the guy who beats him, hugs him and carries him away. This video has some of everything in here. A near miss, a crash on purpose, and a fight with iron bars. Here you see some people standing in front of what looks like a store. Pay attention to that man in the stripe shirt. That man is the target. Notice hes talking to this woman, and she is holding a baby. They are the subjects of the near mess. Watch what happens. That woman walks right out of the way because a car is coming. That car intentionally crashed into the man with the striped shirt. You can tell this because the man in the car jumps out with iron bars, and they start beating him and his family who comes to his defense. What . You can tell the guy who got hit was intentional because as soon as he was hit, he started pounding on the car. We dont know what the relationship of these two groups of people were before this accident. Police are investigating. But here you can see the fight continues. You got the car with nobody behind the wheel rolling back into the roadway from whence it came, but here the familys fighting, this woman trying to grab something to defend her family member. An animal. This is a hit on an entire family. Hes not holding back from hitting the women or the guy he was after. Here this video advances to some time later. That woman is covered in blood. You see the man, he shows up, hes covered in blood as well. According to authorities, more than one person had to be hospitalized because of the incident. Eventually, at the end of the video, you see this woman getting loaded into what looks like a motorcycle with a little truck on the back, presumably to take her to get medical attention. Thats scarey. Yeah, man. A nightmare is about to play out in front of your eyes. All captured by security cameras in a train station in australia, just as the doors are closing, a 4yearold slips through the cracks of the door and on to the busy platform. Now look at the mother, struggling, trying to get out to reach her 4yearold, but she has two infants and a stroller inside the train with her. 7 news spoke to the mother. Flagging and yelling at the driver to get him to stop. I didnt know what to do. Shes four on the platform by herself with strangers. Looked like someone realized what was happening. A good eye. As the man scoops her up, mom still inside the train pulling away. She has no idea who this man is, but, in fact, that was a metro worker who realized what was going on, and that worker kept the little girl safe and kept her calm until mom could get back to the train station. She had to ride on this train to the next stop. She got off the train with her two infants and the stroller and ran back to this train station crying all the way trying to figure out where her little girl was. I just kept thinking, worst case scenario, what if she fell on the tracks to chase me. She got back to the station, the girl was safe and sound, but terrifying for that parent. Do not get off the train, i dont think shell do that same mistake again. Heres your daily dose of dummies on the road caught by the dash cams. Pay attention to the guy who speeds up the left with the racing stripes. Definitely not a race car, and hes definitely not on a racetrack, but pretending to be. Decides to get around the truck, and when he does, clips a guy, a tow truck driver who had picked up a car there you sigh on the side of the road. The guy is horizontal, looks like he hit his head off had his own truck there too. Look at this, the guy in the racing stripes takes off. He has no regard for anybody else on the road but himself. The guy with the dash cam does a cool thing, tries to catch up with the guy just to try to get a license plate or call the police say, hey, look, after this dude, when this guy exits, you can hear them laying on the horn, you know, trying to get the guy to stop. He does not, keeps going, maybe he knows the people are behind him. Watch closely, he almost hits other people, swerves around those people too, doesnt care about anybody else. Video two, Pay Attention to the guy on the motorcycle. Traffic comes to a slow here, hitting brakes right about here, but from behind comes a motorcyclist who tries to go between those guys and dumps his bike. I dont know if he couldnt slow down in time and tried to go between them as a last resort to just slow to a stop that way, but looked like he was trying to split them. Falls off, and if you look closely, falls, and the head slams into the back of the car we see here on the left. Good thing he had a helmet on. Tough to watch, but the good thing here is the lasted voo. Everyone stops around the guy, the bike is banged up, and it looks like he is too. Summer is here and what better way to celebrate . The cheap way to make tiki torches with wine bottles. I know people with wine bottles and corks laying around. It makes for one cool party unless this happens. You wont believe what goes down next. The weathers finally warm in most places, time to hang out outside, have a barbecue, and if youre hanging out outside, one thing youre going to need, some lights. What if its nighttime . Well, yeah. One of the best things to do . Make a tiki torch. They are pricey at the home goods stores. Lets make one ourselves with household hacker. Making torches out of empty wine bottles, which a lot of people have them laying around. I know quite a few people. Use rocks or pebble so you dont use as much fuel. Fill it up however high you want with sand and pebbles, pour in the fuel, and make whik with the cork. Drill a hole in the cork and threat a rope through it, and there you go. You have home made tiki torches, and they look lovely. And i guess just refuel it too after the fuel burns out. Youre good to go. Yep, and nothing more delicious than a nice juicy mango. Im hungry. Its a tricky fruit if youre trying to chop it up. Alton brown shows us the right. Peel it, two grips, and you can safely slice the mango without cutting your hands if you do slicing the skin trick or try to hold an entirely peeled mango. End joy them any day. Right. Nick, heres a lesson on how to take a dumb situation, make it dumb e and then make it dumber than that. This guys doing a burnout thing with his bike at the party. Its from guru stunt. The guy on the bike is daring. Wheelie or something after that. Oh, yeah, didnt tell you, theres a swimming pool, like, ten feet away. Everyones like what the heck is going on. Pushed him in the pool with shoes on. Probably deserved that. This might be the dumb second part. Everybody goes in the pool with the bike. Are they trying to get the bike out . Not at all. They are going to swim now with the bike like its a pool fixture. Guy who wrecked it gets out of the pool. Hes going to get a tiny motorcycle, takes forever to start that thing up, finally gets it going, and he peels out of the party, and im thinking, good news, bro, get out of there. He doesnt do that. Now theres a big bike and little bike and all these people in the pool. This guys been doing wheelies in the backyard for 11 years without accident, but he made up for it. If a line of producting called gor faye footwear, something tasty . Cakes in the shape of foot . Maybe its cakes in the shape of shoes or something . No. Makes me think of toe jam. Makes me think this might be a fetish video youre about to show us. Both of these images for this actual line of shoes, tennis shoes, called gourmet footwear. Apparently known for being super risque. An ad campaign for thongs . Its a bunch of butts. This get the attention of women who they are marketing to or disgust the women they are trying to market to . What do you two think of this . I say no. I would boycott the shoes because i dont want to see a bunch of butts when you are selling me a shoe or see schoolgirls spread legged with a bear growling at you. Look closely, they are not just pictures. Are moving a little. These are all still images, but a sequence of all the still photos. Sex sells, everybody gets that, but its like the lowest common denominator. Sex sells. Its an odd choice. This gets views, but not by people who are going to buy the shoes. Yeah. Some Treasure Hunters in the woods stumble across a wild, aggressive boor. This one, though, needed help from these guys. See what they go through to free it from a trap. And were playing, name that bird. I heard that one before. Yeah. Now you know you are listening to a northern cardinal. How to spot a bird call next. Real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. This week, fresh driscolls strawberries are perfectly sweet and just 1. 99 a pound. Foster farms fresh whole chickens are only 99ยข a pound. And arm hammer detergent is just 5. 00. Theres more savings to love. At safeway. Ingredients for life. A couple guys walking in the woods looking for buried treasure with metal detectors found more than they bargained for when they stumbled upon a wild boor. Be careful. They are dangerous, but this one, though, needed help from these guys. The boor is caught in a poachers snare trap. Looks like its been trapped there for a while. Its front right leg caught in the snare. Its scared. Its exhausted. These guys are there to try to help. Even though its tired, its going to defend itself. You can see it may be tired, but theres a lot of fight left in it. The guys approach gently and tried to subdue the animal using a blanket. They are working with a veterinarian here. But the boor it is hard to watch, isnt it . You can tell the animal is in pain. Ti to fight. Nique isin during this process of getting the blanket over the head, the animal looses the footing and the guys have a chance to jump on the animal and take it down. Oh, that is dangerous work they are doing. They got it down now so they quickly grab wire cutters and work at the cable for quite a while. They got the cable cut, but now they have to loosen it from around the animals leg because its been pulled so tightly its not just going to pop off. Look at that. They pull the wire off. Its frayed. Thats got to hurt. That poor little animal. So they freed the boor. Now they have to get up and not get gored. They quickly run away, and there he goes. The animal appears to run away. Has a bit of a limp, but hopefully the blood flows into the limb. Good to see these guys see something and take care of it. Got another tech time for you. This is tech time if you want to be neato and in the know. Both good things to want to be. Well bring in zach. Hes in the know. Always, that guy. Hey, zach. Hello. Avid bird watchers want to know bird songs. How can they learn them . They can check out bird song hero by birdsonghero. Com, they study all kinds of things that have to do with birds, but this is a way to get to know bird calls. They use spector grams. This is a visual representation of bird calls or any other sounds really. Think of it as scientific sheet music. You can see as the notes rise and fall in pitch and brighter is how loud they are. If you watch and listen at the same time, you can pair them together. So whats this one sound like . Ive heard that one before. Yeah. And now you know youre listening to a northern cardinal. Right. The idea is by playing this game and Getting Better at learning, you can able to better remember calls when you hear them because you remember that visual representation. Kind of neato to know. I like that. This next video is just an awesome video. It is. What is it . From the u. K. Metal band, the first frame by frame stitch music video. Every single frame you are seeing is completely embroidered. How long does it take . Machine and not by hand . A bunch of machines, but took months and months to accomplish. Theres over 3,000 frames of animation done, take those, turn them into a format a machine can use to imbroider all the material. They used 250 square meters of denim to do this, amazing feat, but turns into a fantastic video. Theres a website where you can actually buy frames from the video. F if you want a frame, check out that website. Thats a good idea. Hes a frisbee trick shot master, and hes only 12 years old. Wow. See the hey there. Did you select these things on purpose . Not a color found nature. Theres nothing wrong with tha. I can hear your arteries clogging. Ok. No. This is tap water. I cant let you buy this. Oh. Crystal geyser please. Crystal geyser. Bottled at the mountain source. Surprise lcome back. Crystal geyser Alpine Spring water. Crystal geyser. Crystal geyser. News flash, its bottled at the source. News flash, we sell it in cases. Oh. Thank you. Oh no no no. Crystal geyser. Bottled right at the mountain source. Shrinking into itself. I feel like running in a park right now. So much fun. Ballerina bulldogs. Maybe if you jump with her. Yeah, right. Full of all kind of frisbee trick shots. The internet is not full of frisbee trick shots from 12yearolds. Yes, i made it will loves right this minute sends us a video of his trick shot. Ill reiterate, 12 years old. Wow. And look at this kid. That went across the floor. He went through the intertube. Thats not easy. I wonder if he was inspired to do the frisbee trick shots from our show. He said he got the inspiration from his pe coach, dave hill. Get this, hes only been doing the trick shots for two months. What . Im going to venture to guess hes going to be better than any frisbee trick shot guy on the internet if hes not already. Thats our show. Well see you for the next edition of right this

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