Transcripts For KTVU RightThisMinute 20140512 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KTVU RightThisMinute 20140512

church van. the robbery that takes popping tags to a whole new level. plus a shot to win an ipad mini. parents share a parody. >> just as vegetables. >> why belting out a tune may not build up an appetite. ♪ >> the gift that keeps on giving. russian dash cam. this car coming down a damp wet street in russia. and up ahead you see a couple of blue pedestrian signs. the car stops and oh, no. the car in the left lane does not stop. doesn't even slow down and this girl that is crossing the street doesn't seen seem to look to the left. >> because that car shouldn't be in that lane. what is that car doing? >> it looked like it was passing. that driver decided i'm going to pass this car. she gets hit hard but then stringing back up to her feet and seems to not have serious injuries. the driver stops gets out and tries to help her pick up her stuff. look across the street. you see that car crashing through that park and fence and spinning round and round in reverse? crashing over more curbs. the guy sees this maps and starts moving out of the way. how does that happen? >> initial reports thought this might have been a stuck gas ped al. but the person was having a seizure and that person was taken to the hospital. they are not trying to get out of the way. it is totally reckless abandonment. nobody got hurt accept the driver. >> oh, the lengths people will go to take stuff that isn't theirs. this first one you are watching a stolen church van ran through the glass of that store and they start loading the van up. they dwrgrabbed 30 shirts. 10 pairs of pants and 5 pairs of shoes. >> in a church van. come on. that is like the worst karma. man. >> police believe that these same people are responsible for an earlier robbery days before. also broke into a pawnshop and there, they stole 20 hand gun ps. >> they are going to sell all of this stuff and sadly use some of those handguns. police are hoping someone recognizes these three men in the video. there is someone smashing right through it. that person went in and took cigarettes and vodka. 7 bottles of vodka when police were called they reviewed the video and realized that is christopher lee. police had served him hours earlier for a different case. they went to his home and ended up arresting him and charged him with burglary and theft. he got served his criminal papers and decided to get drunk and smoke a lot of scigarettes before heppeared in court. day they d something else is the day they served him with papers. >> it is that time of year where the bear p s are going -- >> a family was setting up their he tent in canada and this younger back bear decided to check things out. it looks like a camp sight. where is the honey tree? >> i think he wants grass, right? >> now the guy with the camera decide s i'm going to get a closer look. >> and i'm going to see if i can get closer to him. >> this guy is showing no signs of aggressiaggression. i do have bear spray with me. >> you have to get the bear out of your yard. >> what the guy does is this. >> go on. he grabs the poll and the bear takes off. the poor bear is wondering why is he getting mad now? this guy was out there hunting h turk turkey. but he saw a large mam axa moos and her calf. and then the moose stops in it's tracks there. it has two earrings on. the guy has a few questions for the moose. i don't know where the turkeys are. if i did know i wouldn't tell you. you are a hunter. it is animal kingdom code, dude. he offers this tasty treat. >> i bet the moose loved that. i have a gluten allergy and i don't think i can eat that. he doesn't want the granola and then eats the grass on the ground. >> hey everybody it is a brand new week and we have another ipad mini to give away. you are going to need the buzz word and a twitter account. that word is coming up. you have to be 18 years old and a u.s. resident to enter. stand by. coming up in just a little bit. >> traffic stops are dangerous for police because they never know what to expect. this is in iowa what you have here is officer jerry. she has pulled a woman over to the side of the road but it wasn't the woman he neededed to be careful of. see that watch it again. that tree fell on the officer in the front end of that vehicle. the officer was not on his bottom. see right there. >> you got to be kidding me. what are the odds of that. they parked in the spot where a tree falls. there were no reports of wind. i wonder whether the trafficking got a ticket. 128, i need officers to respond. >> here you can see the officer getting a happened nd up. help finally does arrive. he was hurt. according to police chief the officer is expected to be okay. notice when the police car backs up you an see the damage from the tree. that could have killed him. that could have been a fatal strike. >> a dispute in china gets out-of-control. >> find out the reason bind this biting grae ining brawl. >> and it is time for random good deeds. >> find out how you can make someone's day without having to pay. >> i do that all the time. re ene waway y toto g getet y you. re ene try philillilipsps f fibiberer . ththeyey'r're e dedelilicicn excellent source of fiber toto h helelp p susupppporort t. wiwifefe: : mmmmmmmm huhusbsbanand:d: t theheses! mamargrge:e: t thehe t tasasty. frfromom p phihillllip. pipickck a anyny t to sosouthwest favorites, lilikeke e encnchihilalada, tostadas, and more. ththe e cocombmbininats are endless. chchilili'i's s nenew w sosous for just 8 bucks. sofa... desk... you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. from the shelf, and to your home. starting at $99. sofa... desk... you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. from the shelf, and to your home. starting at $99. welcome back everybody. don't forget to check out enjoy. sometimes you live in life and a fight breaks out. we got footage from china and you see this guy come walking through the walkway. he was coming back from grocery shopping. watch what is coming along behind me. he comes in with a meat cleaver a knife and his buddies stort running after this man. we have another angle. they run off. this man is just stunned completely confused. he walked down the street and when he gets closer to this camera. he ended up being taken to the hospital. he is expected to be okay. he was quite chicka shaken up. you see people in the lobby of this apartment complex. they start fighting each over. when you hear the story behind this. we are talking about the property manager and they are in a dispute over non payment of bills and both ended up having to go to the hospital. the tenant of this building was bitten by the property management was that bite mark on the inside of this thigh? it is. the property manager got injured. he had to be treated for brain injuries. let's cool your jets. it is always a great time for acts of kindness and greg benson hit the streets. for random acts of kindness that don't cost a thing. >> i kndo that all the time. i don't stand in parking lots collecting cards. >> i like this. he put ps money in the meter so that the time doesn't expire. he ended up paying this guy's gasoline. he brought them bottles of water. >> maybe a beer next time. >> you can't drink on the job. he fights this lady and then realizes that she is digging through the trash. >> so he decides to drab a $100 and hand it over to her. even gives them a hug. that is an unexpected one. he gives them water too. giving them cups of water. he left books outside of this store and then wrote the notes. this is one of the greatest things to do. finish a book leave a note. >> i like that shirt that looks great. this one is easy. just complement people as they are walking by. there you go. love don't cost a thing. great shoes. >> see the magic trick that anyone can learn that will have children asking for more. >> still to come, getting kids to eat vegetables can be a struggle. ♪ >> hear how these parents are singing their frug tration to the tune of frozen. >> plus what happens when the tickle monster gets it. and get monday's buzz word for a shot at winning an ipad mini. wee close ed captioning provide by: so times you need mover fish in your day not to eat but to make you feel good. >> sometimes i'm feeling down in the dumps. >> watch the fish videos. he decided to take this lures and as you can see, no hooks on the lures. he wanted people to see what it looks like for the fish to take the bait. and he got a great shot. this is a pike. it is tryi ining hard. every time it takes a bite the fish doesn't stay in his mouth. >> now, this is something that actually looks like a lot of fun. >> watch his face. laughing at us. elizabeth went out fishing in norway. and she caught these little fellas and a researchers from the institute says it may be the case. in fact that same researcher says that most likely these have sensory organs where the person is tickling them and that has the ability to record electric impulses which causes them to contract. it is not necessarily that they are ticklish. >> well, it seems like the disney frozen obsession meter has leveled off. it might be back after this video. ♪ ♪ i think you are at the age that you should be having some vegetables ♪ ♪ how about a carrot or a kale or piece if you will try ♪ ♪ do you want to have some broccoli okay why ♪ ♪ she doesn't like apples >> this is -- we have showed you clips on the show before. ♪ >> spaghetti, bagels other stuff, it is tough to get them to eat their vegetables. ♪ we let you eat your macaroni and we started sitting down a and ♪ >> i can't blame the kid there. it is fun. >> do you want to eat some broccoli? ♪ welcome to my game >> funny stuff from pen and family the family that laughs together laughs together. >> all right everybody we are going to give away an ipad mini. you will need a twitter account. you enter on our website. click on the ipad mini button. today's buzz word is greebreath. >> enter monday's buzz word breathe. don't worry if you don't win today you will get another chance to win tomorrow. good luck everybody. >> jumping out of a hot air balloon isn't exciting enough for these guys. >> how some dudes take extremes to the extreme. >> that after people find a dentist through us, they often say, "i wish i'd done this sooner." don't let that be you. you know your teeth are important. so don't put it off any longer. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪ call 1-800-dentist today. stick them into the ends of your supcake. >> depending on the friends you keep. they get you into hairy situations. skirting along this little ledge high up in the air. it doesn't look like he has ropes or harnesses. calls up to one of his friends. this is sketchy. he keeps going and he has to get to a more narrow ledge. when somebody drops down to the narrow rope. he pulls off to it. this looks so dam scary dude. off he goes. but have no fear marshal is no fool he is wearing a parachute. this is a base jump combination. it worked out well. as did this situation. instead this time growing up in a hat air balloon he is a skydiver and pilot and got a rope swing for the balloon. check it out. doesn't that shift the weight? it works and it works very, very well. a couple of guys jumping out of the plane and then doesing the tower. look at this. that is awesome. i don't understand the desire to do this. some people like to sit around and read books all weekend. i think i want to read a book about this. >> that's our show everybody. we'll see you for the next rtm. hi everybody. if you love great videos, this is the show for you, "right this minute". it is a rescue to save a man who has fallen into a pit toilet. >> that is a hole full of doody. he had no problems saying down in the dumps. >> dude in a stolen vehicle thinks okay blend in. act natural. >> where you need to pay attention is not around here but up there. >> how an eye in

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China , Norway , Canada , Russia , Turkey , Iowa , United States , Russian , Greg Benson , Christopher Lee ,

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Transcripts For KTVU RightThisMinute 20140512 :

Transcripts For KTVU RightThisMinute 20140512

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church van. the robbery that takes popping tags to a whole new level. plus a shot to win an ipad mini. parents share a parody. >> just as vegetables. >> why belting out a tune may not build up an appetite. ♪ >> the gift that keeps on giving. russian dash cam. this car coming down a damp wet street in russia. and up ahead you see a couple of blue pedestrian signs. the car stops and oh, no. the car in the left lane does not stop. doesn't even slow down and this girl that is crossing the street doesn't seen seem to look to the left. >> because that car shouldn't be in that lane. what is that car doing? >> it looked like it was passing. that driver decided i'm going to pass this car. she gets hit hard but then stringing back up to her feet and seems to not have serious injuries. the driver stops gets out and tries to help her pick up her stuff. look across the street. you see that car crashing through that park and fence and spinning round and round in reverse? crashing over more curbs. the guy sees this maps and starts moving out of the way. how does that happen? >> initial reports thought this might have been a stuck gas ped al. but the person was having a seizure and that person was taken to the hospital. they are not trying to get out of the way. it is totally reckless abandonment. nobody got hurt accept the driver. >> oh, the lengths people will go to take stuff that isn't theirs. this first one you are watching a stolen church van ran through the glass of that store and they start loading the van up. they dwrgrabbed 30 shirts. 10 pairs of pants and 5 pairs of shoes. >> in a church van. come on. that is like the worst karma. man. >> police believe that these same people are responsible for an earlier robbery days before. also broke into a pawnshop and there, they stole 20 hand gun ps. >> they are going to sell all of this stuff and sadly use some of those handguns. police are hoping someone recognizes these three men in the video. there is someone smashing right through it. that person went in and took cigarettes and vodka. 7 bottles of vodka when police were called they reviewed the video and realized that is christopher lee. police had served him hours earlier for a different case. they went to his home and ended up arresting him and charged him with burglary and theft. he got served his criminal papers and decided to get drunk and smoke a lot of scigarettes before heppeared in court. day they d something else is the day they served him with papers. >> it is that time of year where the bear p s are going -- >> a family was setting up their he tent in canada and this younger back bear decided to check things out. it looks like a camp sight. where is the honey tree? >> i think he wants grass, right? >> now the guy with the camera decide s i'm going to get a closer look. >> and i'm going to see if i can get closer to him. >> this guy is showing no signs of aggressiaggression. i do have bear spray with me. >> you have to get the bear out of your yard. >> what the guy does is this. >> go on. he grabs the poll and the bear takes off. the poor bear is wondering why is he getting mad now? this guy was out there hunting h turk turkey. but he saw a large mam axa moos and her calf. and then the moose stops in it's tracks there. it has two earrings on. the guy has a few questions for the moose. i don't know where the turkeys are. if i did know i wouldn't tell you. you are a hunter. it is animal kingdom code, dude. he offers this tasty treat. >> i bet the moose loved that. i have a gluten allergy and i don't think i can eat that. he doesn't want the granola and then eats the grass on the ground. >> hey everybody it is a brand new week and we have another ipad mini to give away. you are going to need the buzz word and a twitter account. that word is coming up. you have to be 18 years old and a u.s. resident to enter. stand by. coming up in just a little bit. >> traffic stops are dangerous for police because they never know what to expect. this is in iowa what you have here is officer jerry. she has pulled a woman over to the side of the road but it wasn't the woman he neededed to be careful of. see that watch it again. that tree fell on the officer in the front end of that vehicle. the officer was not on his bottom. see right there. >> you got to be kidding me. what are the odds of that. they parked in the spot where a tree falls. there were no reports of wind. i wonder whether the trafficking got a ticket. 128, i need officers to respond. >> here you can see the officer getting a happened nd up. help finally does arrive. he was hurt. according to police chief the officer is expected to be okay. notice when the police car backs up you an see the damage from the tree. that could have killed him. that could have been a fatal strike. >> a dispute in china gets out-of-control. >> find out the reason bind this biting grae ining brawl. >> and it is time for random good deeds. >> find out how you can make someone's day without having to pay. >> i do that all the time. re ene waway y toto g getet y you. re ene try philillilipsps f fibiberer . ththeyey'r're e dedelilicicn excellent source of fiber toto h helelp p susupppporort t. wiwifefe: : mmmmmmmm huhusbsbanand:d: t theheses! mamargrge:e: t thehe t tasasty. frfromom p phihillllip. pipickck a anyny t to sosouthwest favorites, lilikeke e encnchihilalada, tostadas, and more. ththe e cocombmbininats are endless. chchilili'i's s nenew w sosous for just 8 bucks. sofa... desk... you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. from the shelf, and to your home. starting at $99. sofa... desk... you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. from the shelf, and to your home. starting at $99. welcome back everybody. don't forget to check out enjoy. sometimes you live in life and a fight breaks out. we got footage from china and you see this guy come walking through the walkway. he was coming back from grocery shopping. watch what is coming along behind me. he comes in with a meat cleaver a knife and his buddies stort running after this man. we have another angle. they run off. this man is just stunned completely confused. he walked down the street and when he gets closer to this camera. he ended up being taken to the hospital. he is expected to be okay. he was quite chicka shaken up. you see people in the lobby of this apartment complex. they start fighting each over. when you hear the story behind this. we are talking about the property manager and they are in a dispute over non payment of bills and both ended up having to go to the hospital. the tenant of this building was bitten by the property management was that bite mark on the inside of this thigh? it is. the property manager got injured. he had to be treated for brain injuries. let's cool your jets. it is always a great time for acts of kindness and greg benson hit the streets. for random acts of kindness that don't cost a thing. >> i kndo that all the time. i don't stand in parking lots collecting cards. >> i like this. he put ps money in the meter so that the time doesn't expire. he ended up paying this guy's gasoline. he brought them bottles of water. >> maybe a beer next time. >> you can't drink on the job. he fights this lady and then realizes that she is digging through the trash. >> so he decides to drab a $100 and hand it over to her. even gives them a hug. that is an unexpected one. he gives them water too. giving them cups of water. he left books outside of this store and then wrote the notes. this is one of the greatest things to do. finish a book leave a note. >> i like that shirt that looks great. this one is easy. just complement people as they are walking by. there you go. love don't cost a thing. great shoes. >> see the magic trick that anyone can learn that will have children asking for more. >> still to come, getting kids to eat vegetables can be a struggle. ♪ >> hear how these parents are singing their frug tration to the tune of frozen. >> plus what happens when the tickle monster gets it. and get monday's buzz word for a shot at winning an ipad mini. wee close ed captioning provide by: so times you need mover fish in your day not to eat but to make you feel good. >> sometimes i'm feeling down in the dumps. >> watch the fish videos. he decided to take this lures and as you can see, no hooks on the lures. he wanted people to see what it looks like for the fish to take the bait. and he got a great shot. this is a pike. it is tryi ining hard. every time it takes a bite the fish doesn't stay in his mouth. >> now, this is something that actually looks like a lot of fun. >> watch his face. laughing at us. elizabeth went out fishing in norway. and she caught these little fellas and a researchers from the institute says it may be the case. in fact that same researcher says that most likely these have sensory organs where the person is tickling them and that has the ability to record electric impulses which causes them to contract. it is not necessarily that they are ticklish. >> well, it seems like the disney frozen obsession meter has leveled off. it might be back after this video. ♪ ♪ i think you are at the age that you should be having some vegetables ♪ ♪ how about a carrot or a kale or piece if you will try ♪ ♪ do you want to have some broccoli okay why ♪ ♪ she doesn't like apples >> this is -- we have showed you clips on the show before. ♪ >> spaghetti, bagels other stuff, it is tough to get them to eat their vegetables. ♪ we let you eat your macaroni and we started sitting down a and ♪ >> i can't blame the kid there. it is fun. >> do you want to eat some broccoli? ♪ welcome to my game >> funny stuff from pen and family the family that laughs together laughs together. >> all right everybody we are going to give away an ipad mini. you will need a twitter account. you enter on our website. click on the ipad mini button. today's buzz word is greebreath. >> enter monday's buzz word breathe. don't worry if you don't win today you will get another chance to win tomorrow. good luck everybody. >> jumping out of a hot air balloon isn't exciting enough for these guys. >> how some dudes take extremes to the extreme. >> that after people find a dentist through us, they often say, "i wish i'd done this sooner." don't let that be you. you know your teeth are important. so don't put it off any longer. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪ call 1-800-dentist today. stick them into the ends of your supcake. >> depending on the friends you keep. they get you into hairy situations. skirting along this little ledge high up in the air. it doesn't look like he has ropes or harnesses. calls up to one of his friends. this is sketchy. he keeps going and he has to get to a more narrow ledge. when somebody drops down to the narrow rope. he pulls off to it. this looks so dam scary dude. off he goes. but have no fear marshal is no fool he is wearing a parachute. this is a base jump combination. it worked out well. as did this situation. instead this time growing up in a hat air balloon he is a skydiver and pilot and got a rope swing for the balloon. check it out. doesn't that shift the weight? it works and it works very, very well. a couple of guys jumping out of the plane and then doesing the tower. look at this. that is awesome. i don't understand the desire to do this. some people like to sit around and read books all weekend. i think i want to read a book about this. >> that's our show everybody. we'll see you for the next rtm. hi everybody. if you love great videos, this is the show for you, "right this minute". it is a rescue to save a man who has fallen into a pit toilet. >> that is a hole full of doody. he had no problems saying down in the dumps. >> dude in a stolen vehicle thinks okay blend in. act natural. >> where you need to pay attention is not around here but up there. >> how an eye in

Related Keywords

China , Norway , Canada , Russia , Turkey , Iowa , United States , Russian , Greg Benson , Christopher Lee ,

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