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How mom got lulu and her dream back on track. And meet a guy with very very different kind of hobby. What happens when mom says your rare gatorade collection has got to go. This is aged gatorade. Its private collection. The reserve. Reserve. A pair of crazy crashes caught on camera, both from norway, the first one a rally race. Snowcovered roads. But watch what happens to this pro driver. Ooh. Ooh, ooh. Good, oh, he left his tire behind. Thats a rough crash. And you just hear the crunch as this car rolls over four to five times the car rolled. Thats a ford fiesta. Flips into that ditch gets cartwheeled over. Nearby spectators watch what happens immediately run to the drivers aid. The driver in this car believes he was going 93 miles an hour when they rolled. Thankfully both driver and codriver were able to get out on their own but look where this thing landed. O moley. Itsthe second stage of the rally and it was a rough crash and a rough way to end his season perhaps. To another crash where sadly not everybody survived. This one also in norway you see an air ambulance up above. Did you see those sparks . This air ambulance was on scene to help out a car crash. The ambulance struck some hightension power lines. Got caught up. And plummeted down to the ground. Multiple angles of this crash caught from the people that were stuck in the traffic because of the initial accident scene. So wrs was this when the ambulance was leaving or taking off . It was the air ambulances approach to the scene to try to help people caught up in the accident. Either the pilot did not see those power lines or lost track of them. Nobody on the ground hurt but two of the three on board that helicopter were killed in the accident. Third person is at the hospital and is expected to survive. Welcome to my beautiful garden. I want to give this extra medicine i have away. Just a word of advice, youre doing something illegal. Illegal in most states. You might not want to shoot a video about it. Post it on youtube. Hi, my name is William Bradley. My po box is 14. He says his name, shows his face and gives his full po box address. Im growing this medicine for myself because like i said i do have terminal cancer. As you can see god has gifted me with an abundance and its more than i need. He wants to make this marijuana that hes growing available to other people that he says it can help. I dont have the money to do that, so im hoping that you can send me something. But why does he need money to do that . Why doesnt he hand it out . The one of the things he wants to use the money for is to get a Medicinal Marijuana license to grow it for medical reasons. And be able to supplement myself, so help me out. Hear me out. Unfortunately for William Bradley, the police in westbrook, connecticut, did find this video and unfortunately for William Bradley they recognized him because apparently according to police he had other drugrelated charges on his record and some drug dogs sniffed out a storage unit and it turns out that he had not only marijuana but according to police, cocaine and also drug paraphernalia, so he did spend some time behind bars, William Bradley is currently out on bond but hes set to appear before a judge later this month. It seems maybe he is trying to help others in a way. You still have to abide by the law. Im putting myself out there, man, because i need your help. Berthold believes a Guardian Angel was with him when he took a recent kayaking trip to norway. Youll see why here. Heres some humpback whales. But watch what happens. Theres a whole pod of whales around but one of them gets really close, i mean, closer than youd expect. Whoa got mighty close. Oh, wait a minute. Didnt just get close. Oh, my gosh. He was on top of a whale. Gosh. He said he slid down the back of that whale but his kayak was big enough where he could keep his balance and not fall out. He says, yes, it was pretty dangerous but my boat was broad and steady and he didnt realize how scary it would be until after it was over. Good thing the humpback didnt go up to do one of those big belly flops that they do, you know, and they come up and breach the surface because that would have Just Launched in the air. You know what they say its that time of year where theyre coming to feed and they also show off and hes lucky one wasnt showing off like you said, steven. This one gives you cold chills, imagine the power of the earth that you feel whenever youre in it, because you feel like a tiny speck next to an entire pod of humpback whales and orcas. Theres three types of whales in this area right now and he happened to see two of them, but one of them decided to give him a little ride. This is Surveillance Video just released to the courtroom. In the trial of 49yearold janes peterson, hes facing 96 years to life and hes being feld on 5 million bond because of two shootings that went down back on september 18th, but the surveillant video is peculiar. This recording is the video as it was shown in the courtroom. This is peterson breaking into the home of 43yearold Ronald Fletcher who is his former brotherinlaw. You see him breaking in through it looks like a glass panel there. Then walks very cashally through this mans home. You see hes clearly got a gun in hand. Keep in mind this is four hours after a separate shooting involving steven dowdy who is a former Business Executive of jans peterson. Shot that guy in the back. Nonlife threatening injury. Then hours later broke into this home for a second shooting. This is where it starts to get weird. Thats Ronald Fletcher. Hes already been shot in the stomach at this point and then you clearly see jans peterson come out, look at fletchers hand, he has disarmed jans peterson, he took the gun away from him but the gun at this point. And fletcher who has this bullet wound in his gut is trying to defend himself. Listen to some of the commentary of the people hearing and seeing this for the first time. Reenact what happened. No. This is Surveillance Video. It sooeems so bizarre. It almost seems like choreographed fighting. This man is in shock plumbs the pain of injury. And he still was able to disarm his assailant. Thats unbelievable for me. I was in shock, i was fighting for my life. Here you see peterson smashing the phone to bits and fletcher eventually goes and sits down and you see peterson screaming at him, he said he was telling him open your safe, im going to kill you. But, again, listen to the people who are watching this. This is the weirdest looking fight ive ever seen. Its got to be keep in mind, too, though, these people have a history. They were in business with each other and they were probably trying to reason with each other in some weird way. Eventually you see a number of Police Officers come into the room and peterson throws the gun away and surrenders but the guy facing a whole boatload of trouble. The whole thing seems almost dreamlike. Not what you see on the primetime cop dramas. At all. Dude psychs himself up to do a backflip pool jump. He did say there was some drinking going on this day so that is the courage juice. Why this is a cocktail for disaster. Oh all you need is an iphone r tr you can download the free app and the pet remote right there. How you can talk to your pup with a few vibrations. A wellknown guy for youtubers famous for the frisbee, apparently brody has a brother and his brother has a very different kind of hobby. Today my mom is going to throw away my gatorade collection. I had 50 in total. He collects gatorade. Unopened. They are full gatorade. They are full gatorades. He actually collects bottles of gatorade and hes going to give you a closeup shot. His mom is making him finally throw this away because theyre starting to grow things inside the gade ratorade. I wonder how old the oldest bottle is. They dont make the brain kind and he probably has the gatorade frost. He has a special connection to some of these gatorade bottles and flavors. Hes also got a special collection of botulism hes got in there, i think. Theyve got expiration dates on them. He really saved the special bottles for the end of this trashing. Gatorade website said it was discontinued but i actually found it in 2006. It was pretty good. This is probably the hardest one i ever came by. Super bowl berry. Please. How sad for him . I guess he lives at home. You get your own place, then, you can keep your gatorade collection. Your mom doesnt run your life. I feel kind of sad for him, but it does make you want to get some gatorade, doesnt it . Dont you just want to crack into a gatorade and just this is aged gatorade. Its private collection. The reserve. Lifes gold medal moments. This is over. Ladies, how many times before have we watched videos of people trying to jump off a room into a swimming pool. Really badly, right . Wait until you get aload of 21yearold brody skudera hes on the roof here, and, watch, hes quite a bit aways from the pool and he was trying to do a backflip into this thing. Hes got trepidation and hes a little bit cautious up there. Here his funds are up there encouraging him, you can do it, come on, man. Brody has been training in tae kwon do for 12 years and ill show you some pictures of him, ladies. That is hot. You can see dudes in pretty good shape but he did say there was some drinking going on this day so thats the courage juice. Thats an even worse mix when you have friends egging you on and youve got a little alcohol in your system and you are trying to do a backflip into the pool, this is a recipe for a disaster. No, no, no, dont do it. I dont want to see it. I dont want to see it. Dont do it. I cant watch. Dont do it, dude. Hes trying to balance on a diving board and he almost falls. A couple people say dont do. What . Whoa, he made it. Yes. He made it no way. He goes for it. Watch how close his chin, his face, his head everything. Is to the edge of that pool right there. It almost looks like he almost slaps the edge of the pool with his one hand. So, he made it. Show us those pictures again. Wow. Oh, thank you. Those of us with dogs are going to want to get this. This is the pet remote and its a great way to get your dog to do commands without yelling and screaming at them. All you need is an iphone so you can download the free app and the pet remote right there. I want to make it clear, this is not like a shock collar, this is a little vibrating remote, it vibrates various sequences. If you have a sit command, it has a vibration for that and if you have a heel command, it has a vibration for that. You hit it on your app and your dog obeys. I need an app to tell my dog to sit or stay, it takes a shorter amount of time to go sit. Oh, ping. No, no. You also have to tch the bra right . Very easy to do. You train your dog like normally, like, sit and you put the remote on their collar and you teach the command again so they associate the vibration with the command that they gave them instead of you yelling you umes the command. This is an inside ya Gogo Campaign and they are trying to raise 15,000 to get this off the ground and if you send them, like, 27 right now enter the campaign youll get one for free. How far of a distance can you use this thing because to me the only thing you could use this for is lok your dog is prone to running away a lot, like, running out the front door. Tell me it only works within ten feet. Like 100 feet. Some things dont need apps. Sometimes the older method of just training your dog like weve done for hundreds of years works. As a dog owner i think this is a great idea. I love the fact that you can just use an app instead of screaming stop, stop sit, sit because then youre the crazy person at the dog park screaming at your dog. Then you can be like buzz, buzz, buzz. Shes on a mission. Her mission to get dad out of the dad jeans. See how it ends next right this minute. And still to come its a disturbing scene on the street when people try to help an abandoned baby. That is what they do instead the message the scary spawn is spreading. Plus, a teacher puts on a sharp demonstration. She takes the knife, grabs her students arm and starts cutting it. What . This cant be real. The Science Behind the sliceanddice experiment. Tell you what, you just hate to see this, new york city street somebody leaves their baby stroller just abandoned here on the sidewalk. People coming up trying to help. Oh, my god so, that is what they get instead for these good samaritans, the devil baby attack. This thing is remote controlled. It blinks. It turns its head. Its scary as hell. Who puts this thing together . Thats not a cheap dahl you got at walmart. This was put together by the viral Marketing Company think modo. This is all to promote the 20th century fox release of devils due which comes out this weekend. The antichrist is coming. Oh this will give you nightmares for sure. I do like this guy because it sure didnt work on him. Watch this. Sanitation worker there hes just, like hes seen it all the cherry on the top here is when it starts vomiting all over the place. Starts, like, spewing right here. Oh, my god. People are, like, what the heck . Oh. Oh. That is really impressive, just the amount of electronics they included in this thing, wow. Which is why it scared every Single Person on the sidewalk, pranks like this are nothing new but to this extent. The level of reality. It even scared the dog. It had the to be fun to be the operator of this. Yeah. And watching these people, grown men falling down out of fear. What you do . In chemistry class we are used to seeing controlled explosions, everybody wears their goggles for safety and the teacher is very careful to make sure nobody gets injured and hopefully youll get some really cool reaction of some sort. In russia, a teacher takes a cotton ball with a liquid on it and starts rubbing it on the arm of a student. Looks like it might be rubbing alcohol. Just cleaning her skin. Yeah. But then when the camera pans down a little bit, you see that there is a knife on the counter. The teacher seems to also be disinfecting the knife. This video is going viral. A lot of people very upset because watch what she does next. What . This cant be real. Why . Heck of a sharp knife. It looked like she barely touched her. What kind of experiment is this . I mean, this i dont get it. Im not buying it. I dont get it. The student doesnt seem to be in pain. Is it possible that the solution is something where if you mix them together it creates red . Right. Or something . Thats exactly what it is. Ding, ding, ding. What shes actually rubbing on her students arm is a liquid that is going to react with a liquid form of iron which she put on the knife. Got it. So, when those two combine the ions react to create this liquid which looks like blood and then she tes a little towel and rubs it off and theres nothing there. Love it. Lulu has a dream to have her singing performance posted on facebook. She has a little problem. She forgets the words see if she can turn it around and belt it out. [chris]still smoking up a storm . [tom]yeah. Pathetic,isnt it . [chris] ever try to. [tom] quit . Of course my best time was six days. The worst was. Uh. 23. 4 seconds. [chris] so can i ask you. [chris tom] why are you still smoking . [tom] [sarcastic] its so much fun. [chris]why not call the smokers helpline . The programs free,and. [tom]and theyll tell me. You oughta quit. [chris] not so. Just tell them youre ready to quit. Then,theyll tell you how. [tom] really . You wouldnt have that number on you,would you . Were walking here. If youre a golf fan, you know this guy, bubba watson. Hes won the masters. Hes a pretty good golfer, i would say. He turned his private jet in a petting course. Sports center top ten nominee, butter, the ball, airplane. He does it backwards. Putter, shows the ball, show the putter. A little confused. Hes focusing on the shot. And here he goes, he sets up the ball with his putter. Taps it. It ricochets off the furnishings and its a hole in one. No way this is like a miniature golf course. And experts who evidently are experts on private jet putting say this was about a 30foot putt. Thats a long distance. For a putt. Uhhuh. On a private jet. Way to go, bubba. We all have dreams, but for little lulu, her dream was to be on facebook performing. Shes performing here i am which is a song in the movie barbie princess and the pop star. She has a little problem. She forgets the words oh, no. Go on the air . Go on where . On facebook. Shes just concerned that now her videos ruined and its not going to be able to go on there. I want to be on facebook. Can you try to remember the words . I want to be on facebook. Shes so distressed. Shes sad. But mommy is, like, no, honey, shes encouraging her daughter to come through, keep going. Lets do it one more time. You got this. No yes, you do. You got this. Do you want me to help you . That speech, that encouragement worked because look at this performance. Whoo she has a moment where she thinks she forgot the words but she didnt forget the words, she remembered them here i am here i am thats a 180, though. Right. I tell you going from i dont know if i can do this, im nervous, i dont know if i want people to see this, mom gives her a pumpup speech and she killed it. Whoo you rocked it, sister now can i be on facebook . Okay. Shes, like, going to be on facebook, right . We got this, right, mom . Get some likes. Here i am thats our show. Well see you next time. Hey, everybody, im beth troutman, if youre looking for great videos, this is the show for you, right this minute. Some divers are gulping air trying to escape a tiger shark that wasnt exactly friendly. See what saves them when they realize that thing is out for dinner. A shocking scene as a cyclist is carried by the car that hit him. Six miles back. Why cops had to get to the driver before the angry mob did. A skier tries an

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