This is not appropriate. A r ap and and a p looks like two separ functioning tongues. R tp t the videe tied. Werp were about to jump like no other. P tha aand hep and hes aboand. Almoalmost immediately you see hr hhis parachutp hishiy tightly. Yes, it is. R a and thp a tangled atangled anrta. But check it out. Hehes onp hes one of thee hehes onp hes one of th in the world. It wap it war it p he said he still had tho of feof feep of feet below hp him time to fix the pro. Can you believe it . P he actually got the cord bp but the chute itself is twisted. Thp that that is when thine momore out of controlp he trhu, rit becomep it becomes a big p. He starts free falling. Hep he releases the p bench of xanax. Hes extremely calm. P he map many timmany times anrm exciting when something goes wrop wrong awrong and he a. R a all in p guess. I dont understap i r. I did the best. You never know what surveillansurveillance cameras to catch. Chep check ocheck out the thp ththat happened in fro cameras. R oh, thats a kid p tea tease a 7yeary wp who happened to ride his right intb bv b p mini bus thats go down the street. Yp you syou see he gets ri. Tp the drivthe driver get t passengepassengers get out to hes okay. Thats when people in the neighborhood start beating up tp the grthe gup the guyth. According to reports, this man was a neighborhood resident, knr knew tp knew tknew e bp boy aboy and the other ps neighborhood. Thp this figthis figh this while. P theyre ev theyre e other people. Theres no need. P t the driver theres no need. P t the drive of the dp did end up calling emer officiap officials aoffici hospital. P t the driver gets ba mir mini bp mini bus miy but watch what happens. Oh r p oh, man, that. P at this point it r of the building didntofofi bbus and they dragged people bk out of that vehicle. P we just beating in the car. P some reports say that fightip fightifighting enar trthe hospital as well and underwent surgery. P i im gl im gla thp this this so all the p p up thup this man without what happenwhat happened firsty were in error. R ip if if i ha hephes verr hes very swe determined. P kayak is a hedge in thp in the cain the ca welfare society. Somebody turned him over because ththey though they thought the him. Ththey said he was malnourishe ttoo week ththey said he was malnourishe ttoo wee and dehydrated. Thp this this wh they fiho he gained 20 grams. Thp they say this little gu gave up. Hep here here he is gave up. Hep here here he i nine dad thothose earth worms have no ce against kayak. R he hep hehe board. R i havp i have to lip to liveto live a gigive up anp give up and with enthusiasm. Aand thep and then get bac again. Were all set. R gro group op t oliverrolivers mountain at th internation international goli way. Youyoure go to see why. R a ba big pileup her. P a number of riders invol. Tthe guy p a number of riders invol. Tthe gu doing the announcing i rip in vidin video does could do it. R it p it is y. Ooh, everywhere, carnage oh, lets hope theyre okay. Thap that first riderh lilike a bowling ball knocking dop down pin, just slid ri through. R hp he refers bowling alley. P t two riders come t thp then then it becomes p t two riders come t thp then then it become a with bike everywhere. R t the video is b septembseptember but trending. Everyone was okay. Wep wewere seeing it fr differedifferen different anwe. P it looit looks like a co jup just nudged that guy i orange, slides over and takes out a bunch of people. Hehere is another guy involved what looks like the initial accident. Thatthats the initial contactt here. Ooh. P the gr the guy doi announcement does a really good histor histohistory des. R oh, myp he. P with more than 1. 4 mil follows are on vine. P s see why his quicke taken him to quick fame. Ot for work. D dudp and du p t th the entire crashing down. Whp why h why his suspicious. Hey, have you guys heard about probiotics . For Digestive Health . Yes and did you know that trubiotics is a daily probiotic that helps in two ways . It supports digestive and immune health by working in your gut where 70 of your immune system lives. Try trubiotics today. nacwcnking in your gut where 70 of your immune system lives. Ththat hap that hthat has n the internet. Are you detaining me . Am ip n no, you . P because we have suspic thethere might be criminal acty going on. R this p this is poi point between veil and. P c can you please pa . No. Are yr are you detaiarg p c can you please pa . No. Are yr are you detaii have my car. Thp the girl is havi contrcontrop control wirtp agent. Are youp yes, i y. Yourp youre n yr detaining me. P maam maa ma car p i havep y you do no park my car. R i need yp i nr p you c you can run y yyop you cannot search my. P i ne i need you t highway. Youre blocking traffic. Youre blocking traffic by holding me here. What are the rules . Whwhat is their jurisdiction . P technically whwhat is their jurisdiction . P technicall the border l agents there are to determine whethp whether people are c throuthrough are legal u. S. Ci. Tp the reasrthe reasoptheth mucht mumuch attention. P t the primary reasor patrpatrol is determine if i a u. S. Citizen. I am a citizen. Wp we tri we tried bordp Border Affairs but th closed due to the government shutdown. P you youre both u . Yes. P if that if thats a donp dont hadont have a going. Yes. P thats nash greer and littlittle sister sky lynn. Ththey have this ability topfug videp videos thvideos that e ththanrthanp thatha sister . P r p n no, theyre. Heres another one. That back flip t r theyre li movies. Yp you onyou only have yp you onyou only hav a fe you hayou have to make the mos have. P you on you only hav video you can create. P so frso forp so forso littlittle as three minutes to. Sop some asome are more littlittle as three minutes to. Sop some asome are mor compt ccap can take hcan take hi. P heres another one w perryperrys roar. P he hes smart there kitten. The whole thing apparently pick picked off for him af , ththey lovep they lovethbid ellrellep Ellen Degener ahead ahead op ahead of ah bieber. P hes onep followfollowed people in the w vine. R p here heres a on a bridge. Sparp everywhere and hes really good, you can se becaup becaubecause hep hes realhes really g becaup becaubecauseobvious lir like filming him. R it its likp its le. Guess what. R if thp if this wif this wase you are probably went get many call backs. Oh p t the entir the crashing down. You can tell this wasnt supposedpwatch the guy, wa thithing anp thing and hig thereof. Bt br bup but watch, the w starts coming down. Makmakes me starts coming down. Makmakes m think maybe this gus sosomp some sort of like m. Iip im makiim making th. Mayp maybe hemaybe hes ste something and wasnt supposed to pbe and thats why this ha. Yp you know whats cr the whole thing, though . Thp this thing collapses bu papart tha part that rpapa dop dodown smoothl down sm elevator, takes him down close to tp to the grouto the grod elevator, takes him down close to tp to the grouto the gr. P ta talk about a ton. Watcp watch when she mouth. Oh tp the splits and tri just got to see. P befo before segmenp segment, i wasegmeo youyourp youre about to minutes long. Fofour minutes of this person e p in this blue vehicle tryi gget oup get out of this p. Thp this persthis person iso right down here, okay . Watch what this person does. Firsfirst, he tries to straigh back up. Let me try that again. Move forward. No. Thatp thats not going to w. First moves wrong. Oh. There are so many wrong moves. Np now youre thinking, ok straightstraighten that out an jup just zip on right out right . Right. Oh, no, no. Man or woman . Ip it looks like a w. She figured it out. Bup but i said its f long. Were at were at 1 we. She backs into here. Youre thinking straightrnow t impressive what shes doing. Watch, thrwatch, this move here actually i dont even know hough she did it. She dp she did lishe did li, managp managed to not hit t mercedes, continues topand now in this position where shes stuck nstuck now between two c. What is she doing . Alp all t all the or op ouour shows, this the worse p h how f how far o the worse p h how f how far e now . Now now . No were about 3 10. This is the end. Ththis ip this is whethis finalpfinally and ir final straighten herself out to some wp way where she can get g. P im su im sure this world record here. Ip im su im sure thi world record here. Think its Something Like a 78point turn. Its unofficial. Flyir flying skp. The folks at black box tv decidp decided to lure some frienfriends tp friends to. But onp but once they get t happhappen upon a hazmat. Tthe friends are in the parkin lp lot whelot where there situation going on. Hazmp hazmhazmat crews to come with us. Thep they have fake everything but it gets even . P all of a sudden somet happep happens to ohappens. Oh, my god op of courr of cou breaking loose here. R this is was hp king buddy . P so tso the on wawas theo p so tso the only one who wp was twas the dude wh go . Didnt know. Thp they evthey even pull girls. They werent happy about it either. Oh, my god good for her yeah. Expected nothing less from the lady. R talk abtrk so what can i get you . Well take something tasty and healthy. If you wanna go and fly with me its buzz the bee on your tv oh how did i get this way . Hey must be the honey theres a party going on in your cereal bowl os can help lower cholesterol oh why does it taste so great . Hey must be the honey hey must be the honey hey must be the honey this is roland smith and hes going to be doing something we would all like to do, at least i would. Hes going to glide over scotland. Hes being lifted by a lift launch. He was flying at 1,400 feet and theyre able to stay up there using something called ridge lift, which is where the wind hits a ridge or mountain and basically pushes him up. Beautiful and you dont have to worry about like engine failure. You dont have to worry about running ought of gas or your instruments going down. Now it looks like top gun, like he has a bogey on his tail. You do see another glider right behind him enjoying the nice day. He can fly up to about 25,000 feet or more. Then he says they land just like nil other plane. Very smooth. Getongue tied. Youll see what im talking about here in a second. Watch when she opens her mouth. Shes got a split tongue that at times looks like two separate functioning tongues. How was this was she born this way or did she do you get this surgically done . You can have that done. Look at the different stuff she can do. Shes going like this almost, like warming up her tongue, like they were hands. The clapping is so disturbing, when she collapse the two sides of her tongue together like seal fins. Shes quite i dont know the word. Ambitonguerous. Does that affect her speech . Thats what i was wondering. You dont hear her talk in the video at all. God is that weird. Its fun to watch, though. Im just mesmerized. You know how some people can tie a cherry stem with their tongue. I wonder if she can do it, like, faster. Every now and again Government Agencies will shoot Public Service announcement, all kinds of information that people need to know to stay safe. In ireland this is their latest. What . Having a hard time standing them. Theyve got very thick irish accents. You have two cartoon dogs and a between them a steaming pile of pooh. This was put to the by the council and they are having a problem with people not picking up their dog pooh when their dogs pooh. If your dog decides to pop in public, it is your responsibility to clean it up, not theirs. Not only is it disgusting, it exposes you to a lot of health problems, including blindness. Blindness . Its not the dogs responsibility. I think we all know that. Its sad they had to put that in the psa, though i think it was tongue and cheek. Please remember to pick up the pop. Thats our show, everybody. Well see you for the next edition of right this minute. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com or how to get great deals the easy way. You do enough flying around. Thats why we give you real big club card deals. This week, load up on your favorite coke products. 12 packs are 2. 77 each. Tide is 16. 99 for 150 ounces. Thats under 20 cents a load. And oikos greek yogurt is just a buck. Real big deals this week and every week. Only at safeway. Ingredients for life. Live from new york city, its wendy williams. Today the wildly funny Sandra Bernhard stops by. Plus lloyd boston shares this falls musthave accessories. And all the latest juicy hot topics. Now heres wendy [ cheers ]