Transcripts For KTVU News At 5pm 20140920 :

Transcripts For KTVU News At 5pm 20140920

after he retired in 1991, he remained active as a respective scholar of law enforcement pull policy. the -- law enforcement policy. the hoover institution noted his deep roots to the institution. it mourns the great loss and leader for the department. mcnamara was 79 years old. roger goodell promised change in the wake of a scandal that rocked the league. >> over the past several weeks, we have seen all too much of the nfl doing wrong. that startings with me. >> the commissioner said that players will now attend mandated training sessions aimed at preventing domestic abuse. the league is partners with the national domestic violence hotline and national sexual violence resource center and the nfl will be giving financial support to those groups. even those promises didn't stop all the calls for commissioner roger goodell to step down. patty lee is in the newsroom with that part of the story. >> reporter: roger goodell broke his silence admitting several times he made mistakes and that the nfl was working to restore the public's faith in the league. when asked about the focus on personal accountability, and why it didn't include him stepping down, he side stepped the question. >> good afternoon. >> reporter: he promised to get the nfl's house in order today. >> we strongly, strongly condemn and will punish behavior that is totally unacceptable. domestic violence, including child abuse, sexual assault, irresponsible ownership or handling of firearms. the illegal use of alcohol or drugs. >> reporter: he mishandled the ray rice abuse case for two reasons: the first, he claims he only saw the first video clip which only shows rice dragging his then-fiance out of the elevator, not her being punched. >> when we saw the first video, it was horrifying. y with went through the process and disciplined the policy. >> reporter: he initially punished rice in accordance with the policy that only later did he find out was not up to standards. >> the standard discipline for that was way below what it should be. >> reporter: goodell was forth right about admitting he's maid -- forthright about admitting the mistake, but didn't answer the question as to how rice explained the behavior in the video. >> the nfl pa appealed this. it's a matter that is going to be taken up. without prejudging or without getting into a specific on this know woke, i have to respect the appeal process. >> reporter: goodell said an investigation by robert mueller, the former head of the fbi, will help fill in some of the blanks. reporters question whether goodell was able to deliver on this promise of transparency, forming out the firm he worked for had strong ties to the nfl. live in the newsroom, patty lee, ktvu channel 2 news. and look at these pictures now. thousands of baltimore ravens fans stood in long lines today outside of m&t bank stadium to return their ray rice jerseys. a lot of fans want nothing to do with ray rice because of what he did with his then- fiance when he knocked her out with one punch in the elevator. >> to support someone who would do such a thing. >> for the baltimore ravens. unfortunately, you can't, you know, that is where the line draws and you can't respect them anymore. >> the ravens offers fans a chance to exchange the ray rice jersey for another one. the demand was so great the team ran out of jerseys and had to start issuing vouchers. the ravens cut rice last week and the nfl suspended him indefinitely, following the release of the video showing him knock out the woman who is now his wife. we posted a slide show of all the people returns the ray rice jerseys on the website, you can listen to more of what roger goodell said about domestic violence and how the league handled the situation. the man accused of starting the massive king fire burning aught of control in el dorado county tonight pleaded not guilty. wane allen huntsman appeared briefly in the courtroom today and kept his head down most of the time. he was arrested wednesday. investigator have not said what evidence led them to huntsman or what the possible motive might be. the king fire is 10% contained tonight. some 12,000 homes have been evacuated in eldorado county near pollack pipes. the reporter talking to people who can watch and wait as firefighters battle the flames. >> what is left of a home along white meadows road still smoulders two days after the fire ripped through the rural hillside community east of pollack pipes. >> it's sickenning and horrifying and sickenning. it's awful. >> reporter: neighbors who lost homes lugged and cry -- hugged and cried today in a supermarket parking lot. some said they have known since wednesday and they were surprised to hear fire officials reporting as late as this morning that no home his burned. >> it's not true. i knew it was hurting our neighbors who saw their house explode to be told that there has been no structures lost. it's not true. >> why did the forest service continue to say that no homes had been lost when, in fact, some home owners knew their homes were lost. >> because we were not notified there were any structures lost. we had no notification that anything was lost until this morning. >> there is no reason why they wouldn't -- they had to have known they were gone. they had to have. >> reporter: all around us, everything is black. the ground, the trees, and somehow, this house with wooden siding is untouched. other homes in the burn zone survived and home owners who lost everything are grateful to firefighters. >> there is no stopping this fire. they dropped retardant on it. they dropped water. and crews were -- >> tonight for some families, the process of coping with loss can now begin. for others, the long painful wait for news still continues. this shows the 10 major wildfires currently burning throughout california. that is down from a dozen three days ago. most of the fires are burning in the northern and central part of the state. cal fire said 6600 firs are battle -- firefighters are battling the fires. governor jerry brown signed an executive order providing money to help get drinking water to californians whose wells have gone dry during this drought. it's not known exactly how many people that might affect, although 400 have gone dry in solara county alone. it extends the prohibition on price gouging during the current drought emergency. and home depot is starting to send e-mails to people affected, offering them one year of free credit monitoring. 56million customers had their credit and debit cards compromised this year after home depot found malware at the store checkout. the company installed enhanced encryption at the store. >>. today was the day that apple fans have been waiting for. wow, look who is outside, too. that was coo tim cook welcoming apple faithful into the store in palo alto this morning. ktvus alex savage was there as the iphone 6 went on sale. >> reporter: shaking hands and taking silvis. apple ceo tim cook redid the hundreds of people lined up outside the palo alto store this morning. >> exactly what i expected. >> reporter: he walked to the end of the line. >> thank you. >> reporter: thanking fans for their support. after that, cook helped get the employees at the store fired up before the doors open. every customer coming in was met with a thunderous applause. the first person to leave with the new iphone 6, patrick tutland, was almost at a loss for words. >> i didn't get the time to hold it in the store in there. so, this is the if of the time. it feels -- this is the first time. it feels light. >> reporter: for apple fans, bigger is better and that is why many were anxious to get their hands on the new iphone 6 plus with a noticeably larger screen. the big screen, i thank is why everyone's here. >> the release of apple's latest smartphone prompted people to camp out for days at stores around the bay area. this line stretched clear to the opposite side of the block. >> that is an, vent and standing around with our new best friends here, you know, it's fun. >> and good that apple is making a bigger phone to fit in my hand better. >> reporter: free orders for the 6 at record levels. when asked today what makes this phone special, cook responded it's everything. a lot of people are clearly sold. alex savage, ktvu channel 2 news. >> if you likeandroid over apple, samsung is starting to take orders for the new phone. the galaxy note 4 will be available october 17th but preorders begin today. it has a larger screen at 5.7 inches, which is slightly bigger than the iphone 6 plus. samsung is making the galaxy note edge with a side screen to display weather updates, clocks, and other information. the company has not said when that will be released. new figures show california's job market continue to grow last month. the state employment development department said employers added 44 new jobs in august, the largest increase in any state. the figures show that california's unemployment rate remain unchanged for a third month, holding steady at 7.4%. nationally, the jobless rate is 6%. here in the bay area specifically, the unemployment rate is lower than the state and national rates. san mateo and marin had the lowest jobless rates at slightly above 4%. alameda county is near the top with 6.1%. solano county had the highest jobless rate in the bay area at 6.8%. pay more for a program they already bought. why some students are complaining about an expensive adobe upgrade. >> pleasant weather as we move in the last weekend of summer. the system i'm tracking and i could bring another round of rain to the bay area. >> and they would not let their plans be washed,way in the storm. >> she loves it down there -- washed away in the storm. >> she loves it down there and we thought we would get married there. >> trying to get in while others are trying to get out. bulldog: save up to $300 on sealy posturepedic and serta mattress sets. even get 24 months interest-free financing on every tempur-pedic. but don't drop the ball. mattress discounters fall kickoff sale ends sunday. ♪ mattress discounters . a federal jury delivered guilty verdicts in connection with a deadly salmonella outbreak. peanut plant almost six years ago. the case stems from salmonella poisoning at the former peanut corporation of america in georgia. today, a jury found the plant's owner and his brother guilty of conspiracy and other charges related to intentionally shipping out tainted peanut butter. a federal prosecutor said that they could new face between 27 and 33 years in prison. the company's quality assurance manager was also convicted on one count of obstruction of justice. the contamination at the peanut plant led to one of the largest food recalls in u.s. history. an investigation is underway into what led to an engine problem on a jet blue flight yesterday that caused the plane's cabin to fill with smoke. you see passengers grabbing for oxygen masks at that -- as that thick smoke fills the plane. this happened after the plane left long beach airport heading for austin, texas. the passengers reported hearing i large pop. the airline said one of the plane's two engines blew. the plane returned to long beach for an emergency landing. many were crying and praying for their lives. >> smoke engulfed the cabin. we couldn't see the person next to you. >> that bad? >> it was that bad. >> reporter: emergency officials say several passengers complained of medical problems. one person was taken to a hospital for evaluation. continuing coverage now on the efforts to get tourists out of cabo san lucas, which suffered heavy damage from hurricane odile. evacuations are going on as military planes airlift visitors out of the area and people there have new taken it upon themselves to patrol the streets to try and stop all the looting. all of this as water, gas, electricity, and other basic items remain in short supply. and while americans continued to try is to escape from cabo, we found a bay area couple facing an unusual dilemma. they have plans to get married in cabo next month. and ktvus john sasaki tells us now they have no idea what they're going to do. >> reporter: a moment frozen in time last year, an engagement in the beach in cabo san lucas. for tim and his fiance, the plan was to get married in cabo a year later on october 13th. >> she loves it down there, we have a good time down there and we thought we would get married down there. >> let's go. >> reporter: with the devastation left behind by hurricane odile, those plans are up in the air. >> i have a judge and the beach, i have everything in place and then this happens. >> reporter: the storm hit last sunday. severely damaging many resorts and knocking out roads and communications. miles is concerned he and his guests won't be able to get there. >> my hotel rooms were cancelled just yesterday. and even if i get more rooms, if i book some other hotel, it's up in the air whether or not the airport in san jose del cabo will be open. >> reporter: of course, he acknowledges his problems are minor compared to those of others. >> many people lost what they had. my heart goes out to all the people. >> the mexican government, you know, was responding. >> reporter: east bay congressman eric swalwell helped dozens of constituents get help from the state department. >> there could be folks wandering right now trying to find their way to the airport without food, water, or shelter. >> reporter: in fact, he sent this letter to secretary of state john kerry calling for help getting the remaining trapped americans home. >> do everything we can to get jets, ships to put more personnel down there to find people and get them out. >> reporter: another immediate concern is the much less powerful -- [ indiscernible ] packing winds of 50 miles an hour. it's expected to pass west of cabo tomorrow, but then odile was supposed to head that direction as well. i'm john sasaki, ktvu, channel 2 news. >> and you can see the extent of the damage to cabo san lucas on the website, click on the slide show tab on the home page. the trouble may not be over. let's go to ktvu meteorologist mark tamayo. >> it's a p. the winds have strengthed up to 55 miles per hour. this is not forecasted to become a hurricane, but still not a good time to have the storm developed for the parts of the ocean and parts of mexico as well. this is the forecast truck. still, this is close enough to cabo san lucas to generate rainfall on the order of at least one to two, possibly three inches and there is a tropical storm watch in place right now for the southern tip of baja. we'll keep an eye on tropical storm polo. right now in the bay area, we have the low clouds and fog in place near the coast and around the bay and the low clouds will increase in coverage over the next few hours. we also have a bit of haze with the smoke drifting in from the king fire and producing haze in the bay area skies. in addition to the low clouds and fog out there. san jose right now, 75 degrees. santa rosa, 74; san francisco, 65; look at novato and walnut creek. fairfield and livermore, the areas on the warm side in the lower 80s. for tonight, we have this: partly cloudy skies, fog near the coast and a few patches sneaking into the bay. here's a live camera from emeryville looking at the overcast over downtown san francisco. for this weekend, no major changes, the morning fog going near the coast line and the extended more clouds and we're talking about the slight chance of a few showers. only a slight chance. as far as overnight lows, first thing tomorrow morning, lots of 50s for san francisco. heyward, san jose, 59; the fog near the coast for pacifica to san francisco and to san rafael, oakland and hayward and a few patches in the south bay as well. and it's drifting closer to southern california, the fog on the increase tonight and this is the eventual track heading to the east and not much of an impact on the weather pattern. saturday morningfoing careering -- clearing near the coast. warm and no temperature swing translating to 60s near the shoreline, in the neighborhoods and back into the low to mid- 80s. at 6:00, the low clouds and we'll put this in the motion into the afternoon hours. partly sunny skies for the beaches. more sunshine inland. the orange contour linked up with the 80s for tomorrow afternoon. the temperatures will check in about 3:00 for your saturday. santa rosa, 76; fairfield, 83 degrees and vacaville, 86; more neighborhoods around the rim of the base and 70s heading inland. you will find 80s to livermore and pleasanton. san jose in the upper 70s, and lots of overcasts in the morning and patches for the afternoon hours. here is a look ahead. the five-day forecast and with the weekend in view. maybe just a little bit of some cooling on sunday. fall begins on monday during the evening hours. slightly warm or tuesday. coming up at 5:45, we'll talk about the extra clouds on wednesday and a slight chance of a few showers here in the bay area. and the message is it's on us. it's spreading on college campuses. how that phrase is being used to fight sexual assaults and why it's only the beginning. >> a program to make public transit safer leads to an unintended discovery. >> it's surprised because it was something we didn't start out trying to address. >> why the most common crime on b.a.r.t. is something that is normally hidden in the home. also, a spanish class without a permanent feature with more than a month. how the district explained the frustration to frustrated parents. . the man who led the effort to break scottland away from the united kingdom announced he's stepping down from his post as first minister. he is proud of the separatist campaign and the record 86% turnout for yesterday's historic vote. the scottish voters decided to maintain their country's 307- year union with the united kingdom. the margin was 55-45%. both sides say the movement has renewed a commitment for change. >> the guardians of scotland, tens of thousands of people in the political process, that is where the guarantees lie. >> every party -- >> british party leaders are promising new powers on taxing and spending for scotland. and the obama administration today launched a new campaign to try to stop sexual assaults on college campuses. >> this is on all of us, every one of us to fight sexual campus assault. you're not alone and we have your back. >> the nationwide public campaign is called it's on us. the white house enlisted almost 200 colleges and universities across the country to take the pledge to stop sexual assaults on campus. a top goal of the campaign is to get college men involved in prevention efforts. today, a rape survivor told an audience at the white house that she was raped a few weeks into her freshman year at college. >> all -- to prevent future assault. they helped carry the heavy truth that colleges can and should be safer. >> reporter: during the event, the administration debuted a 30- second video featuring celebrities, including john ham and kerry washington. the naacp and private companys committed to use social media to spread awareness and share resources to stop campus assaults. the university of california has also begun its own prevention efforts by putting in advocates for sexual assault victims on each of the 10 campuses. the three lowest-paid chancellors in the university of california's system are set to get notable pay raises. the uc board of regents granted salary increases to chancellor's at santa cruz, merced and riverside. the base pay is set at $383,000. that means 20% increases for the chancellors at santa cruz and merced and a 5% boost for river cite's top official. the raises are part of a three- year plan to bring the salaries in line with the counterparts at other major research institutions. an annual music festival with a bad reputation among the neighbors. >> it runs all we could at -- weekend at the shoreline amphitheater. what is being done to keep the noise and crowds under control. >> who owns the content you pay to download? hear from one group of students who said that they vanished and they're being told to pay for it again. >> plus. >> and this is a contract -- [ indiscernible ] >> an emotional day for this young raider fan who had to have his leg amputated. he had two wishes. both of them have come true. they're bad breath, bad hair and a bad case of the mondays. and organized wardrobes that help you pull it together. they're showering, shaving, and shuffling. and bathrooms that get big families out the door. they're number ones, number twos, and a number of ideas for three. life's morning madness. and comfortable, organized bed and bathrooms that make them better. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know you that former pro football player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything? unh-uh. number 44... whoooo! forty-four, that's me! get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts! whooo! gimme some! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. whoo! forty-four ladies, that's me! whoo...gonna get some cold cuts today! . an annual dance music festival is already drawing the ire of neighborhoods and the music hasn't started yet. the beyond wonderland festival is back at the shoreline amphitheater this year. much to the dismay of people living nearby. ktvus ann ruben is live new with the changes being made because of those complaints. >> reporter: the city, the police and promoters have been working to address last year's concerns. they have moved speakers, added officers, and hope this year will be better. in the neighborhoods near the shoreline amphitheater, they -- a fact of life is the noise but this show is different, they say. the video on youtube shows what beyond wonderland was like last year and now, the electronic music festival is back. >> i got a bunk of crazy lights and -- bunch of crazy lights and the music is good. it's a bunk of base and high treble. you have to learn how to cope with that. >> many don't want to. >> i think they can tune it down and have better control of the kids. >> reporter: because of all the complaints, the city of mountain view requested the promoter make changes. this year, they moved speakers and brought in smaller changes. >> any time we get community feedback, we try to react and fix it to mitigate the issues. >> reporter: of all the concerts they have at shoreline, mountain view police say this is the most labor intensive and requires the most officers and results in the most arrests. there were more than 100 last year. >> we're going to be enforcing drug laws during a concert like this. so, please don't bring anything here. if you bring it in, you will get caught. if you're using, you will get caught. >> reporter: police hope concertgoers will use good judgement. >> i didn't know this was coming. we would have made plans for this weekend. >> reporter: and even though who -- those who like beyond wonderland hope to hear less of the festival this year. >> it's nicey that trying to adjustment some of the things and help us out. i am sure a lot of people will be happy about that, including me and my family. >> reporter: the police department said is they will be monitoring all noise complaints. the festival runs all day long saturday and sunday. live in mountain view, ann ruben, ktvu channel 2 news. a man who caused a deadly crash that killed two women wept in court in santa rosa as he apologized to the families. the 30-year-old was sentenced to a nor in jail and three years' probation. he pleaded no contest to vehicular manslaughter last month. the pickup slammed into slower traffic ahead march 15th. when he looked down to read a text. 53-year-old sue hufford and her mother-in-law, 74-year-old sharon were killed. police say that someone shot off an apartment building with a flurry of bullets. the shooting happened on bissel avenue near fourth street at 8:30 last night. investigator found 44 bullet casings at that site. no one was hurt and no arrests were made. new at 5, the finishing touches are being put on a new development in jacqueline square in oakland and the city is hoping it will be a real turning point for that area. jacqueline square continues to struggle and it seems to re- invent itself every few years. now, paul chambers is live there and takes us inside the newest and biggest edition to that area in awhile. paul? >> reporter: frank, it's called plank. is this place opened a few hours ago. the patio, beer garden is open. the managers call it a full entertainment place and have major aspects and hopes here in oakland. after four years of sitting empty, the former barnes & nobles in jacqueline square had a major facelift. >> it's going to bring back a lot of money into the city, which is really needed. >> jacqueline square has been blowing up for a long time. >> reporter: the newest place, plank, a bar, restaurant, and bowling alley under one roof. >> and people are realizing you can make more of a 24/7 kind of location. my first edition will be the bowling alley. >> reporter: beside the 18 bowling lanes, six of which are in adult vip sections, it has three bochi courts and where ingredients are grown and two bars inside and one out with the majority of the beer on tap that is from oakland. something company leaders say it is important to them as they want to make a major investment in this community. >> we're able to bring 150 jobs here at plunge and the -- plank and the vast majority of them are a greater oakland-based employees. oakland needs this place. >> yeah. >> and for people to come out and enjoy themselves. >> reporter: plank has dozens of arcade games. the mayor said this is one step into redeveloping the area, especially with the construction beginning next year on the brooklyn basin project. it will be open this weekend. the grand opening of the entire complex is three weeks from today. i'm paul chambers, ktvu channel 2 news. chinese internet giant alibaba made its first time on the stock exchange, one of the biggest ipos in history. eight customers rang the opening bell as the ceo stood on the trading floor. it priced the stock at $68 a share and opened this morning at $92 and rose $100 during the day before closing at $93.89, up 38%. after dipping about 4% during regular market hours, shares of oracle rebounded in after hours trading. today was the first day of trading since the cofounder announced yesterday he's stepping down as ceo. the 70-year-old will stay on as chairman of the board and chief technology officer while mark heard and safford katz will be the new chief executive. a call for serious change tonight. public officials take aim at the cozy relationship between the state's largest utility and those who are supposed to regulate it. the list of demands for the attorney general's office tonight. >> a sudden about face. the last-minute change and who will be collecting garbage and why it will cost more for customers. >> and $1 billion over budget. now, congress is looking into the massive overspending for the new headquarters for homeland security. . there are some big questions tonight about the new headquarters for the department of loamland -- homeland security. the projects years behind schedule and the cost is $1 billion over budget. justin gray reports in washington where some members in congress say the cost to taxpayers is spiraling out of control. >> reporter: ric margined as a high-tech, high-security home as the department of homeland security. >> you don't know how much money you're making. >> reporter: some question whether this massive project should be crapped. the headquarters here is more than $1 billion over budget and a full decade behind schedule. not projected to be completed until 2026 at a cost of pour fortunate $55 billion. >> reporter: think it's important we look at every dollar we spend and make sure we're purchasing the right equipment. >> it's getting into a curby office. i would say no. >> reporter: the department of homeland security said with the costover runs, the new headquarters will save taxpayer money, more than $700 million. they won't have to lease expensive real estate in downtown washington. >> the government said in a new report the headquarters' project has, quote, multiple management issues war high- risk. budget cuts from congress cause many of the problems. >> and if i am building a house and build a frame and wait four years to complete the facility, there is going to be a change in the cost. >> reporter: the gao recommended in the audit that congress stop paying for the headquarters unless dhs develops a better building plan. justin gray, ktvu channel 2 news. >> when it's finally finished, the new homeland security headquarters will house more than 14,000 department employees. the main road connecting solano, sonoma, and napa counties will be shut down this weekend. starting at 10 clerk, highway 37 will close in both directions between route 21 and the sonomaeracyway and highway 29 in vallejo. the caltranscrews will be repaving the road. the highway is to be reopened by 5:00 on monday morning and closed again for more work the following weekend. and so who opens the content you buy and downloadfo your computer? >> academy of art university students are concerned. will they be able to afford to use the key computer program many feel they have paid for. >> the bay area city makes an about-face. the controversial garbage contract changes hands. what is not changing. . >> and in weather, low clouds and fog increasing. we'll look at the weekend forecast and let you know if we have a few changes out there and tracking some shower chances on the long-range weather maps. bulldog: quarterback takes the snap... oh, he fakes a handoff anaking a run... 'cause mattress discounters fall kickoff sale ends sunday! through sunday, save up to $300 on sealy posturepedic and serta mattress sets. even get 24 months interest-free financing on every tempur-pedic. you're going to love their football field-size selection. this calls for a little touchdown dance. mattress discounters fall kickoff sale ends sunday. ♪ mattress discounters you'll connect withnte, your doctor any time, anywhere. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. ♪ become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪ . new at 5, what if the digital content you paid for disappeared. and then you were told you would have to buy it again? that is exactly what thousands of students say happened to them. rob roth is in san francisco tonight where he spoke to some of the students. rob? >> reporter: the students thought their tuition would cover a wide array of computer programs. many students are worried it doesn't. >> i use photo shop extensively. without this, i can't do this job. >> reporter: sarah ryan is a former graduate student and win design at the academy of art in san francisco. >> i am frustrated for my community, frustrated for myself. nobody likes to be lied to. >> reporter: she relies on a suite of adobe software programs called cs6 classic collection retailing for $2,000 includes popular programs like photo shop and dream weaver, an editing program and paid for them as part of her tuition. she recently received a notice from adobe saying beginning next month, to keep the programs, she will have to pay a $60-a-month subscription. >> there was no indication to anyone, including myself, that there would be a experration, refoication, firmination -- expiration, revocation, and termination. >> reporter: this major is also frustrated. >> bounced around between adobe did it or the academy of art did it. we don't know who did it. if that ends up happening, i will be betrayed by the school, considering how much we're paying. >> reporter: ryan started a facebook page about this problem and has hundreds of followers. >> the license is different than owning the software. >> reporter: lawrence townsend is a copyright attorney. he's not involved in this issue, he said such changes are uncommon. >> the fact that they're being terminated prior to the end of their tenure at the school does seem unusual and there is something else we're missing here. that is unusual. >> reporter: townsend said the big legal unknowns are the agreement between adobe and the university and the licensing agreement. current and former students say all of this leaves them caught in the middle. >> if i were a photographer and you took my camera, i would have no means to make a living. that is what happened here. >> the university said it was in discussions with adobe but couldn't comment further. reporting live in san francisco, rob roth, ktvu, channel 2 news. >> 95% of high school seniors in california passed the exit exam last year. the new data showed 95.5% of students passed the exam and in 2049, it was -- 2014, and the same in 2013 but not as high as in 2012, when 96.7% passed the test. students have to pass the exit exam to graduate. a six-year-old boy who had to have his leg amputated because of cancer had two wishes. both came true, thanks in part to the oakland raiders and the make a wish foundation. >> nice to meet you. pardon me, sir. >> how are you doing? >> that was justin tuck saying i had to six-year-old jj arecca. he was diagnosed with cancer in 2013. one of the wishes was for his dad, an army sergeant, to come home from afghanistan. you can see his dad there. the other was to meet the oakland raiders. his first wish came true in march and then this past weekend, his second wish came true when the raiders made him an honorary men of the team. -- member of the team. he's from heward and is fighting bone cancer. spending time with the raiders was what he needed. >> it's about all. to see today him smiling all happy, it's -- sorry. it's, my heart is smiling for once. >> the next day, they lit the torch before the raiders game. by the way, you can wish jj well and see the entire video on our ktvu facebook page. the mom said that jj's a real fighter. the motto is just win, baby. >> that's right. >> what a nice story. >> and let's go to mark tamayo. we're looking forward to the weekend. tell us what to expect? >> no big changes or major heat out there. it's not going to be freezing cold out there. but there is patchy fog nearby. you probably noticed a few changes out there. this is a livecommerra toward mount diablo and some haze. it's not crystal clear or blue skies out there. the haze is in the bay area and in addition to the fogs and crowds and we have had a reversal and wind direction in the upper levels and transporting some of the smoke and some of the haze. that is barely picked up in satellite. the faint shade of white there and some of that has been approaching the bay area and that could be the cases into the weekend. some haze is paying us a visit in addition to the low clouds and fog banked up near the coast line and this is a closer look at the fog bank. for monterey bay and closer to the golden gate bridge and a few sneaking into the san francisco bay. sewn ho-- san jose, 75 dis; livermore, 80; santa rosa, 74; and san francisco, downtown, 64 degrees. the temperatures from this afternoon, this is the official highs from the national weather service. the warmest locations inland and the mid- to upper 80s. hayward topped out at 78; san francisco, 68 and santa rosa, 80 degrees. for tonight, partly cloudy skies and fog near the coast. the live camera is looking toward the oakland estuary. the haze and this weekend, the morning fog and clearing near the coast and extended more clouds and look at this. we could be tracking another round of showers. just a slight chance for right now. overnight lows first thing tomorrow morning, starting out sunday morning or saturday morning. not sunday just yet. the temperatures will be in the 50s for santa rosa, san jose and livermore, 58 degrees. this area of low pressure low pressure is on the move basically heading toward nevada this weekend and for this weekend for saturday, some morning fog clearing back to the shoreline and mild to warm. as far as the shower chance, we'll go into next week. you can see by wednesday, that is the day we're tracking, especially by wednesday night. the frontal system moves into the northern portions of the state and there is a slight chance of a shower in the bay area and that is for wednesday night into thursday morning. topside, 73; livermore, the 80s. san jose, upper 70s, 78 and freemont, 76 and san francisco, i lot of overcast in the morning. the skies are partly cloudy and a gradual process into the afternoon hours. this is a look ahead. the last weekend of summer. fall begins on monday evening and no major changes, just more clouds into wednesday. mark, thank you. public officials take aim at our state's largest utility. and the very agency charged with keeping it in check. >> a blatant disregard for the law. >> the cpuc has been in dereliction of the most essential duty. >> the unholy alliance. >> the public officials this group of lawmakers is calling on to force change. in the wake of the san bruno pipeline explosion. >> and frustrated that her daughter is no the learning spanish. >> and i work really hard for her to go to the schools. >> the reason the school district gave for a spanish emersion program going for an entire month without a permanent teacher. also, b.a.r.t.'s number one crime problem may not be what you expect. what the statistics are showing about domestic violence on b.a.r.t. those stories and more coming up at 6. they're bad breath, bad hair and a bad case of the mondays. and organized wardrobes that help you pull it together. they're showering, shaving, and shuffling. and bathrooms that get big families out the door. they're number ones, number twos, and a number of ideas for three. life's morning madness. and comfortable, organized bed and bathrooms that make them better. oakland leaders today talked about what led up to a sudden about face in the city's garbage contract negotiations. the city council voted last month not to renew the long- running contract with garbage giant waste management. mayor jean quan said that came after they insisted on a rate hike. >> i understood why the council didn't vol for it -- vote for it. at the end, waste management did reduce their price and they ended up being a higher price, about $24 a year for the average resident. >> instead, the council voted to give the contract to a less experienced company. california waste solutions or cws. the terms of a new deal the mayor described yesterday, cws will retain the portion of the waste stream it handles, recyclables and glass and metal. waste management will continue to deal with garbage and green waste. >> cw heard the concerns of the community and stepped up in a major way and because they did so, they forced waste management to be competitive and forced waste management to listen and to modify the proposal and ultimately, they brought waste management into conformance with the city's values. >> other specifics of the new deal have not yet been released. the city council scheduled a special session for next monday to retract the old contract offer and vote on the new deal. >> and we're finding out how much it will cost to see the president the next time he comes to the bay area. the president is set to appear at a fundraising event at san francisco city hall on october 10th. it's hosted bite the democratic national commit -- by the democratic national committee. the tickets will begin at $1,000 to attend the reception only. it will cost $5,000 for the reception and to get a picture with the president. to add to that a small meet and greet with president obama, that will cost you $10,000. peninsula lawmakers are taking their concerns about a cozy relationship between pg&e and the california public utilities commission straight to the state attorney general. ktvus tom vacar on the hand delivered request and what pg&e is owning up to tonight. >> i'm senator jerry hill, a sembre member kevin mullen -- we would like to present this letter so you can see the attorney general harris gets it. >> reporter: the letter hand delivered is a formal request to attorney general harris to go after the cpuc and pg&e for illegal secret dealings revealed in thousands of e- mails. >> people need to be held responsible and their actions brought to justice. >> reporter: the accusations aimed directly at the california public utilities commission, reigned in like artillery fire. >> a blatant disregard for the law. >> the cpuc has been in dereliction of the most -- [ indiscernible ] duty to protect the public. >> the unholy alliance between the cpuc and pg&e has irreparably damaged the cpuc. >> the hits kept on coming. >> legal and up ethical. >> they lost agency. >> this is in collusion. i don't know what is. >> reporter: for its part, pg&e remains focused on improving gas safety. >> and we're not going to be distracted by the many things that are going on right now. we're going to do our job. >> illegal, cozy, and dangerous relationship. >> reporter: pg&e is not proclaiming innocence. >> we have to own the coziness from the e-mails that went back and forth. >> reporter: the puc had no direct response to today's activities and said it's developing policies to make sure no improper contacts take place in the future. nonetheless, the puc is getting deeper and deeper into trouble. tom vacar, ktvu channel 2 news. almost three years ago, the ntsb issued a list of safety recommendations in the wake of the san bruno disaster. the cpuc said pg&echecked the entire system of more than 6700 miles of transmission lines to confirm their maximum allowable operating pressure. pg&e pressure tested over 565 miles of pipeline and replaced 90 miles worth of pipe. audits of company procedures, including record keeping and control room operations have been completed. our coverage continues on we have a special section dedicated to the san bruno pipeline explosion and a controversy surrounding the cpuc and pg&es relationship. now at 6, it was put in place to keep repeat offenders from using b.a.r.t. tonight, the number one problem -- problem being addressed by the program that surprised b.a.r.t. police. >> a man beaten to death while working out at a gym. we hear from people at the gym and learn what may have started the fight. >> and parents in a bay area school are angry. their kids are at a specialized school to learn spanish. they say they're still waiting for a permanent qualified feature. tonight, the school district's response. . a program to keep b.a.r.t. safe is having a surprising result. the police can ban violent and up rule passengers, but it turns out domestic violence is one of their biggest problems. good evening, i'm in -- gasia mekaelian in for julie. >> for b.a.r.t. police, it's a problem they have been facing for some time, coming to light due to a new piloprogram. claudeeen wong took a look at the numbers and how a bill on the governor's desk could help. >> reporter: b.a.r.t. police face violence on the trains and the station and parking lot. so much so that two years ago, the chief decided something needed to be done. >> chief raney saw there was a high amount of violence on our employees and customers. >> reporter: last may, the prohibition order program began. a pilot program that allowed b.a.r.t. police officers to ban violent passengers and repeat offenders from the system. as the numbers started coming in, the police started seeing something else. among all the crimes ranging from kidnapping to battery and assault, it was domestic violence that actually topped the list. >> about 25% of the probation orders that we issued were for domestic violence cases. >> reporter: b

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Transcripts For KTVU News At 5pm 20140920 :

Transcripts For KTVU News At 5pm 20140920

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after he retired in 1991, he remained active as a respective scholar of law enforcement pull policy. the -- law enforcement policy. the hoover institution noted his deep roots to the institution. it mourns the great loss and leader for the department. mcnamara was 79 years old. roger goodell promised change in the wake of a scandal that rocked the league. >> over the past several weeks, we have seen all too much of the nfl doing wrong. that startings with me. >> the commissioner said that players will now attend mandated training sessions aimed at preventing domestic abuse. the league is partners with the national domestic violence hotline and national sexual violence resource center and the nfl will be giving financial support to those groups. even those promises didn't stop all the calls for commissioner roger goodell to step down. patty lee is in the newsroom with that part of the story. >> reporter: roger goodell broke his silence admitting several times he made mistakes and that the nfl was working to restore the public's faith in the league. when asked about the focus on personal accountability, and why it didn't include him stepping down, he side stepped the question. >> good afternoon. >> reporter: he promised to get the nfl's house in order today. >> we strongly, strongly condemn and will punish behavior that is totally unacceptable. domestic violence, including child abuse, sexual assault, irresponsible ownership or handling of firearms. the illegal use of alcohol or drugs. >> reporter: he mishandled the ray rice abuse case for two reasons: the first, he claims he only saw the first video clip which only shows rice dragging his then-fiance out of the elevator, not her being punched. >> when we saw the first video, it was horrifying. y with went through the process and disciplined the policy. >> reporter: he initially punished rice in accordance with the policy that only later did he find out was not up to standards. >> the standard discipline for that was way below what it should be. >> reporter: goodell was forth right about admitting he's maid -- forthright about admitting the mistake, but didn't answer the question as to how rice explained the behavior in the video. >> the nfl pa appealed this. it's a matter that is going to be taken up. without prejudging or without getting into a specific on this know woke, i have to respect the appeal process. >> reporter: goodell said an investigation by robert mueller, the former head of the fbi, will help fill in some of the blanks. reporters question whether goodell was able to deliver on this promise of transparency, forming out the firm he worked for had strong ties to the nfl. live in the newsroom, patty lee, ktvu channel 2 news. and look at these pictures now. thousands of baltimore ravens fans stood in long lines today outside of m&t bank stadium to return their ray rice jerseys. a lot of fans want nothing to do with ray rice because of what he did with his then- fiance when he knocked her out with one punch in the elevator. >> to support someone who would do such a thing. >> for the baltimore ravens. unfortunately, you can't, you know, that is where the line draws and you can't respect them anymore. >> the ravens offers fans a chance to exchange the ray rice jersey for another one. the demand was so great the team ran out of jerseys and had to start issuing vouchers. the ravens cut rice last week and the nfl suspended him indefinitely, following the release of the video showing him knock out the woman who is now his wife. we posted a slide show of all the people returns the ray rice jerseys on the website, you can listen to more of what roger goodell said about domestic violence and how the league handled the situation. the man accused of starting the massive king fire burning aught of control in el dorado county tonight pleaded not guilty. wane allen huntsman appeared briefly in the courtroom today and kept his head down most of the time. he was arrested wednesday. investigator have not said what evidence led them to huntsman or what the possible motive might be. the king fire is 10% contained tonight. some 12,000 homes have been evacuated in eldorado county near pollack pipes. the reporter talking to people who can watch and wait as firefighters battle the flames. >> what is left of a home along white meadows road still smoulders two days after the fire ripped through the rural hillside community east of pollack pipes. >> it's sickenning and horrifying and sickenning. it's awful. >> reporter: neighbors who lost homes lugged and cry -- hugged and cried today in a supermarket parking lot. some said they have known since wednesday and they were surprised to hear fire officials reporting as late as this morning that no home his burned. >> it's not true. i knew it was hurting our neighbors who saw their house explode to be told that there has been no structures lost. it's not true. >> why did the forest service continue to say that no homes had been lost when, in fact, some home owners knew their homes were lost. >> because we were not notified there were any structures lost. we had no notification that anything was lost until this morning. >> there is no reason why they wouldn't -- they had to have known they were gone. they had to have. >> reporter: all around us, everything is black. the ground, the trees, and somehow, this house with wooden siding is untouched. other homes in the burn zone survived and home owners who lost everything are grateful to firefighters. >> there is no stopping this fire. they dropped retardant on it. they dropped water. and crews were -- >> tonight for some families, the process of coping with loss can now begin. for others, the long painful wait for news still continues. this shows the 10 major wildfires currently burning throughout california. that is down from a dozen three days ago. most of the fires are burning in the northern and central part of the state. cal fire said 6600 firs are battle -- firefighters are battling the fires. governor jerry brown signed an executive order providing money to help get drinking water to californians whose wells have gone dry during this drought. it's not known exactly how many people that might affect, although 400 have gone dry in solara county alone. it extends the prohibition on price gouging during the current drought emergency. and home depot is starting to send e-mails to people affected, offering them one year of free credit monitoring. 56million customers had their credit and debit cards compromised this year after home depot found malware at the store checkout. the company installed enhanced encryption at the store. >>. today was the day that apple fans have been waiting for. wow, look who is outside, too. that was coo tim cook welcoming apple faithful into the store in palo alto this morning. ktvus alex savage was there as the iphone 6 went on sale. >> reporter: shaking hands and taking silvis. apple ceo tim cook redid the hundreds of people lined up outside the palo alto store this morning. >> exactly what i expected. >> reporter: he walked to the end of the line. >> thank you. >> reporter: thanking fans for their support. after that, cook helped get the employees at the store fired up before the doors open. every customer coming in was met with a thunderous applause. the first person to leave with the new iphone 6, patrick tutland, was almost at a loss for words. >> i didn't get the time to hold it in the store in there. so, this is the if of the time. it feels -- this is the first time. it feels light. >> reporter: for apple fans, bigger is better and that is why many were anxious to get their hands on the new iphone 6 plus with a noticeably larger screen. the big screen, i thank is why everyone's here. >> the release of apple's latest smartphone prompted people to camp out for days at stores around the bay area. this line stretched clear to the opposite side of the block. >> that is an, vent and standing around with our new best friends here, you know, it's fun. >> and good that apple is making a bigger phone to fit in my hand better. >> reporter: free orders for the 6 at record levels. when asked today what makes this phone special, cook responded it's everything. a lot of people are clearly sold. alex savage, ktvu channel 2 news. >> if you likeandroid over apple, samsung is starting to take orders for the new phone. the galaxy note 4 will be available october 17th but preorders begin today. it has a larger screen at 5.7 inches, which is slightly bigger than the iphone 6 plus. samsung is making the galaxy note edge with a side screen to display weather updates, clocks, and other information. the company has not said when that will be released. new figures show california's job market continue to grow last month. the state employment development department said employers added 44 new jobs in august, the largest increase in any state. the figures show that california's unemployment rate remain unchanged for a third month, holding steady at 7.4%. nationally, the jobless rate is 6%. here in the bay area specifically, the unemployment rate is lower than the state and national rates. san mateo and marin had the lowest jobless rates at slightly above 4%. alameda county is near the top with 6.1%. solano county had the highest jobless rate in the bay area at 6.8%. pay more for a program they already bought. why some students are complaining about an expensive adobe upgrade. >> pleasant weather as we move in the last weekend of summer. the system i'm tracking and i could bring another round of rain to the bay area. >> and they would not let their plans be washed,way in the storm. >> she loves it down there -- washed away in the storm. >> she loves it down there and we thought we would get married there. >> trying to get in while others are trying to get out. bulldog: save up to $300 on sealy posturepedic and serta mattress sets. even get 24 months interest-free financing on every tempur-pedic. but don't drop the ball. mattress discounters fall kickoff sale ends sunday. ♪ mattress discounters . a federal jury delivered guilty verdicts in connection with a deadly salmonella outbreak. peanut plant almost six years ago. the case stems from salmonella poisoning at the former peanut corporation of america in georgia. today, a jury found the plant's owner and his brother guilty of conspiracy and other charges related to intentionally shipping out tainted peanut butter. a federal prosecutor said that they could new face between 27 and 33 years in prison. the company's quality assurance manager was also convicted on one count of obstruction of justice. the contamination at the peanut plant led to one of the largest food recalls in u.s. history. an investigation is underway into what led to an engine problem on a jet blue flight yesterday that caused the plane's cabin to fill with smoke. you see passengers grabbing for oxygen masks at that -- as that thick smoke fills the plane. this happened after the plane left long beach airport heading for austin, texas. the passengers reported hearing i large pop. the airline said one of the plane's two engines blew. the plane returned to long beach for an emergency landing. many were crying and praying for their lives. >> smoke engulfed the cabin. we couldn't see the person next to you. >> that bad? >> it was that bad. >> reporter: emergency officials say several passengers complained of medical problems. one person was taken to a hospital for evaluation. continuing coverage now on the efforts to get tourists out of cabo san lucas, which suffered heavy damage from hurricane odile. evacuations are going on as military planes airlift visitors out of the area and people there have new taken it upon themselves to patrol the streets to try and stop all the looting. all of this as water, gas, electricity, and other basic items remain in short supply. and while americans continued to try is to escape from cabo, we found a bay area couple facing an unusual dilemma. they have plans to get married in cabo next month. and ktvus john sasaki tells us now they have no idea what they're going to do. >> reporter: a moment frozen in time last year, an engagement in the beach in cabo san lucas. for tim and his fiance, the plan was to get married in cabo a year later on october 13th. >> she loves it down there, we have a good time down there and we thought we would get married down there. >> let's go. >> reporter: with the devastation left behind by hurricane odile, those plans are up in the air. >> i have a judge and the beach, i have everything in place and then this happens. >> reporter: the storm hit last sunday. severely damaging many resorts and knocking out roads and communications. miles is concerned he and his guests won't be able to get there. >> my hotel rooms were cancelled just yesterday. and even if i get more rooms, if i book some other hotel, it's up in the air whether or not the airport in san jose del cabo will be open. >> reporter: of course, he acknowledges his problems are minor compared to those of others. >> many people lost what they had. my heart goes out to all the people. >> the mexican government, you know, was responding. >> reporter: east bay congressman eric swalwell helped dozens of constituents get help from the state department. >> there could be folks wandering right now trying to find their way to the airport without food, water, or shelter. >> reporter: in fact, he sent this letter to secretary of state john kerry calling for help getting the remaining trapped americans home. >> do everything we can to get jets, ships to put more personnel down there to find people and get them out. >> reporter: another immediate concern is the much less powerful -- [ indiscernible ] packing winds of 50 miles an hour. it's expected to pass west of cabo tomorrow, but then odile was supposed to head that direction as well. i'm john sasaki, ktvu, channel 2 news. >> and you can see the extent of the damage to cabo san lucas on the website, click on the slide show tab on the home page. the trouble may not be over. let's go to ktvu meteorologist mark tamayo. >> it's a p. the winds have strengthed up to 55 miles per hour. this is not forecasted to become a hurricane, but still not a good time to have the storm developed for the parts of the ocean and parts of mexico as well. this is the forecast truck. still, this is close enough to cabo san lucas to generate rainfall on the order of at least one to two, possibly three inches and there is a tropical storm watch in place right now for the southern tip of baja. we'll keep an eye on tropical storm polo. right now in the bay area, we have the low clouds and fog in place near the coast and around the bay and the low clouds will increase in coverage over the next few hours. we also have a bit of haze with the smoke drifting in from the king fire and producing haze in the bay area skies. in addition to the low clouds and fog out there. san jose right now, 75 degrees. santa rosa, 74; san francisco, 65; look at novato and walnut creek. fairfield and livermore, the areas on the warm side in the lower 80s. for tonight, we have this: partly cloudy skies, fog near the coast and a few patches sneaking into the bay. here's a live camera from emeryville looking at the overcast over downtown san francisco. for this weekend, no major changes, the morning fog going near the coast line and the extended more clouds and we're talking about the slight chance of a few showers. only a slight chance. as far as overnight lows, first thing tomorrow morning, lots of 50s for san francisco. heyward, san jose, 59; the fog near the coast for pacifica to san francisco and to san rafael, oakland and hayward and a few patches in the south bay as well. and it's drifting closer to southern california, the fog on the increase tonight and this is the eventual track heading to the east and not much of an impact on the weather pattern. saturday morningfoing careering -- clearing near the coast. warm and no temperature swing translating to 60s near the shoreline, in the neighborhoods and back into the low to mid- 80s. at 6:00, the low clouds and we'll put this in the motion into the afternoon hours. partly sunny skies for the beaches. more sunshine inland. the orange contour linked up with the 80s for tomorrow afternoon. the temperatures will check in about 3:00 for your saturday. santa rosa, 76; fairfield, 83 degrees and vacaville, 86; more neighborhoods around the rim of the base and 70s heading inland. you will find 80s to livermore and pleasanton. san jose in the upper 70s, and lots of overcasts in the morning and patches for the afternoon hours. here is a look ahead. the five-day forecast and with the weekend in view. maybe just a little bit of some cooling on sunday. fall begins on monday during the evening hours. slightly warm or tuesday. coming up at 5:45, we'll talk about the extra clouds on wednesday and a slight chance of a few showers here in the bay area. and the message is it's on us. it's spreading on college campuses. how that phrase is being used to fight sexual assaults and why it's only the beginning. >> a program to make public transit safer leads to an unintended discovery. >> it's surprised because it was something we didn't start out trying to address. >> why the most common crime on b.a.r.t. is something that is normally hidden in the home. also, a spanish class without a permanent feature with more than a month. how the district explained the frustration to frustrated parents. . the man who led the effort to break scottland away from the united kingdom announced he's stepping down from his post as first minister. he is proud of the separatist campaign and the record 86% turnout for yesterday's historic vote. the scottish voters decided to maintain their country's 307- year union with the united kingdom. the margin was 55-45%. both sides say the movement has renewed a commitment for change. >> the guardians of scotland, tens of thousands of people in the political process, that is where the guarantees lie. >> every party -- >> british party leaders are promising new powers on taxing and spending for scotland. and the obama administration today launched a new campaign to try to stop sexual assaults on college campuses. >> this is on all of us, every one of us to fight sexual campus assault. you're not alone and we have your back. >> the nationwide public campaign is called it's on us. the white house enlisted almost 200 colleges and universities across the country to take the pledge to stop sexual assaults on campus. a top goal of the campaign is to get college men involved in prevention efforts. today, a rape survivor told an audience at the white house that she was raped a few weeks into her freshman year at college. >> all -- to prevent future assault. they helped carry the heavy truth that colleges can and should be safer. >> reporter: during the event, the administration debuted a 30- second video featuring celebrities, including john ham and kerry washington. the naacp and private companys committed to use social media to spread awareness and share resources to stop campus assaults. the university of california has also begun its own prevention efforts by putting in advocates for sexual assault victims on each of the 10 campuses. the three lowest-paid chancellors in the university of california's system are set to get notable pay raises. the uc board of regents granted salary increases to chancellor's at santa cruz, merced and riverside. the base pay is set at $383,000. that means 20% increases for the chancellors at santa cruz and merced and a 5% boost for river cite's top official. the raises are part of a three- year plan to bring the salaries in line with the counterparts at other major research institutions. an annual music festival with a bad reputation among the neighbors. >> it runs all we could at -- weekend at the shoreline amphitheater. what is being done to keep the noise and crowds under control. >> who owns the content you pay to download? hear from one group of students who said that they vanished and they're being told to pay for it again. >> plus. >> and this is a contract -- [ indiscernible ] >> an emotional day for this young raider fan who had to have his leg amputated. he had two wishes. both of them have come true. they're bad breath, bad hair and a bad case of the mondays. and organized wardrobes that help you pull it together. they're showering, shaving, and shuffling. and bathrooms that get big families out the door. they're number ones, number twos, and a number of ideas for three. life's morning madness. and comfortable, organized bed and bathrooms that make them better. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know you that former pro football player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything? unh-uh. number 44... whoooo! forty-four, that's me! get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts! whooo! gimme some! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. whoo! forty-four ladies, that's me! whoo...gonna get some cold cuts today! . an annual dance music festival is already drawing the ire of neighborhoods and the music hasn't started yet. the beyond wonderland festival is back at the shoreline amphitheater this year. much to the dismay of people living nearby. ktvus ann ruben is live new with the changes being made because of those complaints. >> reporter: the city, the police and promoters have been working to address last year's concerns. they have moved speakers, added officers, and hope this year will be better. in the neighborhoods near the shoreline amphitheater, they -- a fact of life is the noise but this show is different, they say. the video on youtube shows what beyond wonderland was like last year and now, the electronic music festival is back. >> i got a bunk of crazy lights and -- bunch of crazy lights and the music is good. it's a bunk of base and high treble. you have to learn how to cope with that. >> many don't want to. >> i think they can tune it down and have better control of the kids. >> reporter: because of all the complaints, the city of mountain view requested the promoter make changes. this year, they moved speakers and brought in smaller changes. >> any time we get community feedback, we try to react and fix it to mitigate the issues. >> reporter: of all the concerts they have at shoreline, mountain view police say this is the most labor intensive and requires the most officers and results in the most arrests. there were more than 100 last year. >> we're going to be enforcing drug laws during a concert like this. so, please don't bring anything here. if you bring it in, you will get caught. if you're using, you will get caught. >> reporter: police hope concertgoers will use good judgement. >> i didn't know this was coming. we would have made plans for this weekend. >> reporter: and even though who -- those who like beyond wonderland hope to hear less of the festival this year. >> it's nicey that trying to adjustment some of the things and help us out. i am sure a lot of people will be happy about that, including me and my family. >> reporter: the police department said is they will be monitoring all noise complaints. the festival runs all day long saturday and sunday. live in mountain view, ann ruben, ktvu channel 2 news. a man who caused a deadly crash that killed two women wept in court in santa rosa as he apologized to the families. the 30-year-old was sentenced to a nor in jail and three years' probation. he pleaded no contest to vehicular manslaughter last month. the pickup slammed into slower traffic ahead march 15th. when he looked down to read a text. 53-year-old sue hufford and her mother-in-law, 74-year-old sharon were killed. police say that someone shot off an apartment building with a flurry of bullets. the shooting happened on bissel avenue near fourth street at 8:30 last night. investigator found 44 bullet casings at that site. no one was hurt and no arrests were made. new at 5, the finishing touches are being put on a new development in jacqueline square in oakland and the city is hoping it will be a real turning point for that area. jacqueline square continues to struggle and it seems to re- invent itself every few years. now, paul chambers is live there and takes us inside the newest and biggest edition to that area in awhile. paul? >> reporter: frank, it's called plank. is this place opened a few hours ago. the patio, beer garden is open. the managers call it a full entertainment place and have major aspects and hopes here in oakland. after four years of sitting empty, the former barnes & nobles in jacqueline square had a major facelift. >> it's going to bring back a lot of money into the city, which is really needed. >> jacqueline square has been blowing up for a long time. >> reporter: the newest place, plank, a bar, restaurant, and bowling alley under one roof. >> and people are realizing you can make more of a 24/7 kind of location. my first edition will be the bowling alley. >> reporter: beside the 18 bowling lanes, six of which are in adult vip sections, it has three bochi courts and where ingredients are grown and two bars inside and one out with the majority of the beer on tap that is from oakland. something company leaders say it is important to them as they want to make a major investment in this community. >> we're able to bring 150 jobs here at plunge and the -- plank and the vast majority of them are a greater oakland-based employees. oakland needs this place. >> yeah. >> and for people to come out and enjoy themselves. >> reporter: plank has dozens of arcade games. the mayor said this is one step into redeveloping the area, especially with the construction beginning next year on the brooklyn basin project. it will be open this weekend. the grand opening of the entire complex is three weeks from today. i'm paul chambers, ktvu channel 2 news. chinese internet giant alibaba made its first time on the stock exchange, one of the biggest ipos in history. eight customers rang the opening bell as the ceo stood on the trading floor. it priced the stock at $68 a share and opened this morning at $92 and rose $100 during the day before closing at $93.89, up 38%. after dipping about 4% during regular market hours, shares of oracle rebounded in after hours trading. today was the first day of trading since the cofounder announced yesterday he's stepping down as ceo. the 70-year-old will stay on as chairman of the board and chief technology officer while mark heard and safford katz will be the new chief executive. a call for serious change tonight. public officials take aim at the cozy relationship between the state's largest utility and those who are supposed to regulate it. the list of demands for the attorney general's office tonight. >> a sudden about face. the last-minute change and who will be collecting garbage and why it will cost more for customers. >> and $1 billion over budget. now, congress is looking into the massive overspending for the new headquarters for homeland security. . there are some big questions tonight about the new headquarters for the department of loamland -- homeland security. the projects years behind schedule and the cost is $1 billion over budget. justin gray reports in washington where some members in congress say the cost to taxpayers is spiraling out of control. >> reporter: ric margined as a high-tech, high-security home as the department of homeland security. >> you don't know how much money you're making. >> reporter: some question whether this massive project should be crapped. the headquarters here is more than $1 billion over budget and a full decade behind schedule. not projected to be completed until 2026 at a cost of pour fortunate $55 billion. >> reporter: think it's important we look at every dollar we spend and make sure we're purchasing the right equipment. >> it's getting into a curby office. i would say no. >> reporter: the department of homeland security said with the costover runs, the new headquarters will save taxpayer money, more than $700 million. they won't have to lease expensive real estate in downtown washington. >> the government said in a new report the headquarters' project has, quote, multiple management issues war high- risk. budget cuts from congress cause many of the problems. >> and if i am building a house and build a frame and wait four years to complete the facility, there is going to be a change in the cost. >> reporter: the gao recommended in the audit that congress stop paying for the headquarters unless dhs develops a better building plan. justin gray, ktvu channel 2 news. >> when it's finally finished, the new homeland security headquarters will house more than 14,000 department employees. the main road connecting solano, sonoma, and napa counties will be shut down this weekend. starting at 10 clerk, highway 37 will close in both directions between route 21 and the sonomaeracyway and highway 29 in vallejo. the caltranscrews will be repaving the road. the highway is to be reopened by 5:00 on monday morning and closed again for more work the following weekend. and so who opens the content you buy and downloadfo your computer? >> academy of art university students are concerned. will they be able to afford to use the key computer program many feel they have paid for. >> the bay area city makes an about-face. the controversial garbage contract changes hands. what is not changing. . >> and in weather, low clouds and fog increasing. we'll look at the weekend forecast and let you know if we have a few changes out there and tracking some shower chances on the long-range weather maps. bulldog: quarterback takes the snap... oh, he fakes a handoff anaking a run... 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without this, i can't do this job. >> reporter: sarah ryan is a former graduate student and win design at the academy of art in san francisco. >> i am frustrated for my community, frustrated for myself. nobody likes to be lied to. >> reporter: she relies on a suite of adobe software programs called cs6 classic collection retailing for $2,000 includes popular programs like photo shop and dream weaver, an editing program and paid for them as part of her tuition. she recently received a notice from adobe saying beginning next month, to keep the programs, she will have to pay a $60-a-month subscription. >> there was no indication to anyone, including myself, that there would be a experration, refoication, firmination -- expiration, revocation, and termination. >> reporter: this major is also frustrated. >> bounced around between adobe did it or the academy of art did it. we don't know who did it. if that ends up happening, i will be betrayed by the school, considering how much we're paying. >> reporter: ryan started a facebook page about this problem and has hundreds of followers. >> the license is different than owning the software. >> reporter: lawrence townsend is a copyright attorney. he's not involved in this issue, he said such changes are uncommon. >> the fact that they're being terminated prior to the end of their tenure at the school does seem unusual and there is something else we're missing here. that is unusual. >> reporter: townsend said the big legal unknowns are the agreement between adobe and the university and the licensing agreement. current and former students say all of this leaves them caught in the middle. >> if i were a photographer and you took my camera, i would have no means to make a living. that is what happened here. >> the university said it was in discussions with adobe but couldn't comment further. reporting live in san francisco, rob roth, ktvu, channel 2 news. >> 95% of high school seniors in california passed the exit exam last year. the new data showed 95.5% of students passed the exam and in 2049, it was -- 2014, and the same in 2013 but not as high as in 2012, when 96.7% passed the test. students have to pass the exit exam to graduate. a six-year-old boy who had to have his leg amputated because of cancer had two wishes. both came true, thanks in part to the oakland raiders and the make a wish foundation. >> nice to meet you. pardon me, sir. >> how are you doing? >> that was justin tuck saying i had to six-year-old jj arecca. he was diagnosed with cancer in 2013. one of the wishes was for his dad, an army sergeant, to come home from afghanistan. you can see his dad there. the other was to meet the oakland raiders. his first wish came true in march and then this past weekend, his second wish came true when the raiders made him an honorary men of the team. -- member of the team. he's from heward and is fighting bone cancer. spending time with the raiders was what he needed. >> it's about all. to see today him smiling all happy, it's -- sorry. it's, my heart is smiling for once. >> the next day, they lit the torch before the raiders game. by the way, you can wish jj well and see the entire video on our ktvu facebook page. the mom said that jj's a real fighter. the motto is just win, baby. >> that's right. >> what a nice story. >> and let's go to mark tamayo. we're looking forward to the weekend. tell us what to expect? >> no big changes or major heat out there. it's not going to be freezing cold out there. but there is patchy fog nearby. you probably noticed a few changes out there. this is a livecommerra toward mount diablo and some haze. it's not crystal clear or blue skies out there. the haze is in the bay area and in addition to the fogs and crowds and we have had a reversal and wind direction in the upper levels and transporting some of the smoke and some of the haze. that is barely picked up in satellite. the faint shade of white there and some of that has been approaching the bay area and that could be the cases into the weekend. some haze is paying us a visit in addition to the low clouds and fog banked up near the coast line and this is a closer look at the fog bank. for monterey bay and closer to the golden gate bridge and a few sneaking into the san francisco bay. sewn ho-- san jose, 75 dis; livermore, 80; santa rosa, 74; and san francisco, downtown, 64 degrees. the temperatures from this afternoon, this is the official highs from the national weather service. the warmest locations inland and the mid- to upper 80s. hayward topped out at 78; san francisco, 68 and santa rosa, 80 degrees. for tonight, partly cloudy skies and fog near the coast. the live camera is looking toward the oakland estuary. the haze and this weekend, the morning fog and clearing near the coast and extended more clouds and look at this. we could be tracking another round of showers. just a slight chance for right now. overnight lows first thing tomorrow morning, starting out sunday morning or saturday morning. not sunday just yet. the temperatures will be in the 50s for santa rosa, san jose and livermore, 58 degrees. this area of low pressure low pressure is on the move basically heading toward nevada this weekend and for this weekend for saturday, some morning fog clearing back to the shoreline and mild to warm. as far as the shower chance, we'll go into next week. you can see by wednesday, that is the day we're tracking, especially by wednesday night. the frontal system moves into the northern portions of the state and there is a slight chance of a shower in the bay area and that is for wednesday night into thursday morning. topside, 73; livermore, the 80s. san jose, upper 70s, 78 and freemont, 76 and san francisco, i lot of overcast in the morning. the skies are partly cloudy and a gradual process into the afternoon hours. this is a look ahead. the last weekend of summer. fall begins on monday evening and no major changes, just more clouds into wednesday. mark, thank you. public officials take aim at our state's largest utility. and the very agency charged with keeping it in check. >> a blatant disregard for the law. >> the cpuc has been in dereliction of the most essential duty. >> the unholy alliance. >> the public officials this group of lawmakers is calling on to force change. in the wake of the san bruno pipeline explosion. >> and frustrated that her daughter is no the learning spanish. >> and i work really hard for her to go to the schools. >> the reason the school district gave for a spanish emersion program going for an entire month without a permanent teacher. also, b.a.r.t.'s number one crime problem may not be what you expect. what the statistics are showing about domestic violence on b.a.r.t. those stories and more coming up at 6. they're bad breath, bad hair and a bad case of the mondays. and organized wardrobes that help you pull it together. they're showering, shaving, and shuffling. and bathrooms that get big families out the door. they're number ones, number twos, and a number of ideas for three. life's morning madness. and comfortable, organized bed and bathrooms that make them better. oakland leaders today talked about what led up to a sudden about face in the city's garbage contract negotiations. the city council voted last month not to renew the long- running contract with garbage giant waste management. mayor jean quan said that came after they insisted on a rate hike. >> i understood why the council didn't vol for it -- vote for it. at the end, waste management did reduce their price and they ended up being a higher price, about $24 a year for the average resident. >> instead, the council voted to give the contract to a less experienced company. california waste solutions or cws. the terms of a new deal the mayor described yesterday, cws will retain the portion of the waste stream it handles, recyclables and glass and metal. waste management will continue to deal with garbage and green waste. >> cw heard the concerns of the community and stepped up in a major way and because they did so, they forced waste management to be competitive and forced waste management to listen and to modify the proposal and ultimately, they brought waste management into conformance with the city's values. >> other specifics of the new deal have not yet been released. the city council scheduled a special session for next monday to retract the old contract offer and vote on the new deal. >> and we're finding out how much it will cost to see the president the next time he comes to the bay area. the president is set to appear at a fundraising event at san francisco city hall on october 10th. it's hosted bite the democratic national commit -- by the democratic national committee. the tickets will begin at $1,000 to attend the reception only. it will cost $5,000 for the reception and to get a picture with the president. to add to that a small meet and greet with president obama, that will cost you $10,000. peninsula lawmakers are taking their concerns about a cozy relationship between pg&e and the california public utilities commission straight to the state attorney general. ktvus tom vacar on the hand delivered request and what pg&e is owning up to tonight. >> i'm senator jerry hill, a sembre member kevin mullen -- we would like to present this letter so you can see the attorney general harris gets it. >> reporter: the letter hand delivered is a formal request to attorney general harris to go after the cpuc and pg&e for illegal secret dealings revealed in thousands of e- mails. >> people need to be held responsible and their actions brought to justice. >> reporter: the accusations aimed directly at the california public utilities commission, reigned in like artillery fire. >> a blatant disregard for the law. >> the cpuc has been in dereliction of the most -- [ indiscernible ] duty to protect the public. >> the unholy alliance between the cpuc and pg&e has irreparably damaged the cpuc. >> the hits kept on coming. >> legal and up ethical. >> they lost agency. >> this is in collusion. i don't know what is. >> reporter: for its part, pg&e remains focused on improving gas safety. >> and we're not going to be distracted by the many things that are going on right now. we're going to do our job. >> illegal, cozy, and dangerous relationship. >> reporter: pg&e is not proclaiming innocence. >> we have to own the coziness from the e-mails that went back and forth. >> reporter: the puc had no direct response to today's activities and said it's developing policies to make sure no improper contacts take place in the future. nonetheless, the puc is getting deeper and deeper into trouble. tom vacar, ktvu channel 2 news. almost three years ago, the ntsb issued a list of safety recommendations in the wake of the san bruno disaster. the cpuc said pg&echecked the entire system of more than 6700 miles of transmission lines to confirm their maximum allowable operating pressure. pg&e pressure tested over 565 miles of pipeline and replaced 90 miles worth of pipe. audits of company procedures, including record keeping and control room operations have been completed. our coverage continues on we have a special section dedicated to the san bruno pipeline explosion and a controversy surrounding the cpuc and pg&es relationship. now at 6, it was put in place to keep repeat offenders from using b.a.r.t. tonight, the number one problem -- problem being addressed by the program that surprised b.a.r.t. police. >> a man beaten to death while working out at a gym. we hear from people at the gym and learn what may have started the fight. >> and parents in a bay area school are angry. their kids are at a specialized school to learn spanish. they say they're still waiting for a permanent qualified feature. tonight, the school district's response. . a program to keep b.a.r.t. safe is having a surprising result. the police can ban violent and up rule passengers, but it turns out domestic violence is one of their biggest problems. good evening, i'm in -- gasia mekaelian in for julie. >> for b.a.r.t. police, it's a problem they have been facing for some time, coming to light due to a new piloprogram. claudeeen wong took a look at the numbers and how a bill on the governor's desk could help. >> reporter: b.a.r.t. police face violence on the trains and the station and parking lot. so much so that two years ago, the chief decided something needed to be done. >> chief raney saw there was a high amount of violence on our employees and customers. >> reporter: last may, the prohibition order program began. a pilot program that allowed b.a.r.t. police officers to ban violent passengers and repeat offenders from the system. as the numbers started coming in, the police started seeing something else. among all the crimes ranging from kidnapping to battery and assault, it was domestic violence that actually topped the list. >> about 25% of the probation orders that we issued were for domestic violence cases. >> reporter: b

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