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Good morning and welcome to mornings on 2. It is so it is a sober morning on this sunday, september 11th, im claudine wong. Im Frank Somerville frank malacott. About 15 minutes ago this was the moment of silence held in new york. We showed that to you at the top of the show. This was the moment of silence held when the first plane hit the north tower. And the ceremony reading of the names started earlier this morning. An honor guard made up of people representing the new York City Fire department, the police and other Emergency Response agencies all participating this morning. And heres some video of another moment of silence. This was held at 9 03 eastern time, about an hour ago our time, when the second plane struck the south tower of the World Trade Center. There is president obama as well. This is going to be a morning, you know, 15 years, we take this moment to just have this remembrance, to have this moment. We have talked to viewers and folks who have been asked, are we doing enough this morning across the nation . We remember. Just a short time ago president obama and defense secretary ash carter pausing for a moment of silence, 184 people were killed when American Airline flight 77 crashed into the pentagon at 9 37 eastern time, 6 37 pacific time. And we will be taking a live look. This is shanksville, pennsylvania, a moment of silence being observed there as well for the crash of flight 93, which, of course, was on its way en route to california. Ia. [ bells tolling ] lord david rothenberg. Christine n. Snyder. They are right now reading the names of the victims at this memorial ceremony. That plane that crashed there was hijacked by alqaeda terrorists. The flight crashed into that field. Passengers and crew members trying to gain control of that plane, all 44 people were killed on board that plane including the hijackers. Good morning, everyone. Here at home a peace of piece of 9 11 history unveiled here in the bay area today on this, the 15th anniversary. Ktvus Christien Kafton joining us live from San Francisco with that part of our coverage. Good morning, christien. Reporter good morning. We are here in San Francisco where the ceremony to commemorate the 15th year that has passed since 9 11 happened is underway right now. We are speaking very quietly because right now you might be able to see they are reading the names of the First Responders who lost their life trying to respond to the tragedy that was 9 11. We are going to pause for a moment to listen as firefighters from San Francisco read some of those names of those First Responders who lost their lives. Leon smith, jr. Lincoln guape, Louie Laurene know loreno. Manuel devale, manuel mujica, martin j. Egan, jr. , martin n. Deneo. Margaret clearly for the First Responders here, the firefighters and Police Officers in San Francisco, the memory of 9 11 very much on their minds today, knowing that they feel here that at any time it could be them, these are their brothers and sisters who ran to the tragedies that happened that day to try to save as many lives as possible. Of course a terrible tragedy that day and now we are 15 years past that terrible tragedy. We will be having holding a moment of silence here in a few minutes. Mayor ed lee is here. The chief of police, the chief of the Fire Department, as well, they will be unveiling a portion of wreckage from 9 11 that will be on permanent display. Today they will just be unveiling what that piece of wreckage is later that will be available in permanent display in San Francisco headquarters. So we will continue to monitor the ceremony here in San Francisco as it continues to as they continue to read those names of those who lost their lives on 9 11. Thank you, Christien Kafton, reporting live for us, we appreciate it. Now this anniversary brings us to our question of the day. It was do you feel like your community is doing enough to remember the tacks and honor the victims . Facebook user rolling phillips writes i feel people have lost the sense of unity, like this country is being torn apart from within. We used to stand altogether, now we are identifying as groups again. It needs to stop. Another Facebook User, kimly johnson write, my eight and 11 yearold know exactly what happened and we honor those lives lost that tragic day every year on 9 11, we wear our red, white and blue, we fly our flag, i tell them where i was and how i felt. It is an important day in history where we all stood as one. First time ever that every house on our streets flew their flags for weeks. We must never forget. And you too can join in on the conversation. Search for the ktvu channel 2 Facebook Page and we will post more responses throughout the morning. Time now 7 07. And we want to bring in Rosemary Orozco for a look at how your day is shaping up today. Still cool outside. A lot of events going on, ceremonies for us to remember, reflect, appreciate 9 11. With that said, we have a cooldown coming our way so be prepared. This is the beginning of what will be a trend we see as we get into the business week. A live look into the east bay where the low clouds have creeped inland, the onshore breeze a little bit stronger, the marine layer definitely going to be a little bit deeper and as a result temperatures are coming down. Right now outside our doors a lot of 50s to start the morning, 57 half moon bay, 56 in San Francisco, 60 degrees, good morning to you areas right around hayward and oakland into the south bay, 58 san jose, 56 brentwood. As we get into the afternoon we have events going on in San Francisco today, going to be a cool day, low 60s in the forecast for the afternoon. By about lunchtime partly cloudy, 61. I think we will remain partly cloudy for most if not the entire day in and around San Francisco, 63 degrees at the warmest part of the day and then as we settle into about 6 00, 60 degrees expected. Most areas dropping off anywhere from three to 6 degrees from yesterday afternoon. I will show you the afternoon highs for today. We will talk more about this cooling trend coming up. We thank you for that. 7 08. We are following developing news. This out of the south bay on the sunday. Firefighters say three people seriously injured in a hitand run crash in san jose. It happened shortly after 1 00 this morning on alem rock capital. It took emergency crews more than 30 minutes to free the victims trapped inside one of those cars. T bone type accident. There was significant damage on the right side of one of the cars. There were three people pinned inside that car. All three of them have been transported to local Trauma Centers as major trauma patients. And police are now looking for the people in the second vehicle who ran away from that crash scene. New from overnight, the chp is investigating a hitandrun crash in oakland that killed a motorcyclist on highway 980 that happened around 2 00 this morning near the 27th street on ramp. Investigators say a dark van driving in the eastbound lane may have made an unsafe lane change and ran into the back of that motorcycle. That van failed to stop at the scene, continued on eastbound. We dont have a description of it other than a dark van at this time. We are still trying to follow up on witnesses and see if we can get any more information related to that. The motorcyclist died at the scene. The chp is asking anyone with information about the crash to give them a call. Time is 7 09. Alameda County District attorney has already announced she wants to charge a group of current and former officers in connection with a sex scandal. Why arent they charged yet . Why local attic visits are concerned the case may fall apart. Happening this morning, the giants race in San Francisco. We are going to take you there live when we come back. 9 11 definitely woke up a lot of americans and people around the world no doubt. And hopefully we can better this country and other countries as well now and into the future. We remember that day in 15 years ago today. The lafayette flag bra grade is brigade is honoring the victims and families of the victims. The flag brigade is inviting the public to bring flags to the overpass, this is on highway 24 in lafayette near interstate 80 for an event that starts at 4 00 this morning followed by a candlelight vigil that begins at dusk. City of clayton, members of the fire station 11 there are displaying flags to honor the firefighters who died at the World Trade Center, a total of 343 flags are paying tribute to the firefighters who lost their lives in new york city 15 years ago today. Several events are being held around the bay area today to mark the 15 years since 9 11. The Livermore Pleasanton Fire Department is hosting a september 11th remembrance ceremony this morning starting at 9 00 at their station on nevada state. At 10 00 this morning the Martinez Police departments honor guard will lead a flag raising ceremony to honor the Police Officers, firefighters and civilians who died in the terrorist attacks. The ceremony will be held at the 9 11 memorial site at the martinez amtrak station on marina vista avenue. The memorial site consists of steel girders removed from the World Trade Center. Everyone is invited to attend. Local news now, two san jose lakes are closed after toxic algae was found in the water. The city said the lake in Lake Cunningham wont reopen again until the bacteria returns to a safe level. That could take a few weeks. Toxic algae can cause rashes, eye irritation and stomach sickness. It can also be fatal to dogs. You can still visit the parks, though, you just cant jump in the water. Happening now, take a live look, this is the seventh annual giant race underway in San Francisco. They dont quite look like they are racing yet. They are trying to get to the start. A giant amount of people. There they go starting to jog now, this is a half marathon, 10k, 5k, kids face and family relay. Our own morning editor mike mibach in that crowd. The first runner started at 7 00 this morning a bit ago at at t park. The longest course takes people from a ballpark, up the embarcadero, along the marina green and back around. A nice little jog today. All the races finish on the field so thats a bonus at at t park, of course, giants are down in arizona today. Participants receive a medal, a special gift and hopefully a big pat on the back for getting up early and moving. A little high five when they cross the finish line. Its fun to walk around the city too because after they are all done, you can see the giants garb. Is there a game today . No, we ran the giants race. This is what you have called and i think is perfect running weather, you do not want it to be sunny and warm and 75 when you are starting to run 13 miles. I agree, i agree. So for those of us getting up this morning and maybe hoping to get out and do a little bit of exercise, it is nice and cool out there and the clouds joining us as well. Heres a live look as we take a peek there, the sun is up, but a little bit tough to tell for most of us because we are covered in the overcast sky. The marine layer again deepening and the onshore breeze is stronger this morning and as a result temperatures are cooling off for your sunday. We are looking at the clouds through the Morning Hours and i think for the San Francisco area portions of the peninsula and along the coast will be partly cloudy to mostly cloudy for the entire day. We are waking up with it very widespread, a little bit farther inland today but this will burn back as we get into the second part of the morning and the early part of the afternoon. Winds onshore, fairfield reporting 31 Miles Per Hour, gusting to 35 and we know when they are this strong, that cool pacific air is being pumped all the way inland, perhaps all the way into the Central Valley this morning. Heres a look at what we can expect for us here at home. Weve got patchy fog and 60s at the coast for the entire day. Our inland cities, yesterday with upper 80s to near 90 degrees, today low 80s in the forecast and this isnt even the coolest time. We are looking at temperatures continuing to drop off as we get into monday and tuesday, has to do with the system that will be dropping in. Its going to cool us off even more, going to kick up our winds at times. At this point it doesnt look like its going to bring us any rain. Perhaps a little bit of drizzle but not much. If youre going to the sierra, if your travel plans include the sierra for the next couple of days, thats where we could see a little bit of rain come in monday and tuesday. Giving you a look at the numbers right now, temperatures outside our door 56 to start the morning in San Francisco, 57 in berkeley, upper 50s in brentwood, livermore, along the peninsula, we have 61 degrees to start your day in Mountain View along the peninsula. Take a look at a few more numbers here, 55 san mateo, 57 los altos hills. Antioch 58 degrees, danville starting out at 56. A look at the afternoon highs for today, 74 expected for sonoma, mid70s in santa rosa. East bay, upper 60s for areas right around alameda, oakland, low 70s for san leandro, low to mid80s for the hotter spots, 85 in antioch today, 84 in livermore. Our south bay locations, 76 for san jose, for the peninsula this afternoon, 68 san bruno, 74 woodside, 63 expected in the city of San Francisco. Cloudy and cool at the coast with low 60s for pacifica and half moon bay. Theres a look at the extended forecast. Temperatures continuing to cool monday, tuesday looks like its going to be the coolest day, we do begin a rebound on wednesday with a bigger warmup expected on thursday. A bit of a roller coaster ride when it comes to our temperatures. A little bit for everybody out there. As i said, football weather because a lot of times playing today. Nfl kicking off week 1. Feels like fall. It does. Thank you. She has helped out those in need her entire life and now her moment of need, the city of vallejo, sonoma and some others are pitching in. What they did for a very deserving woman up in the north bay coming up. As we go to break, heres another live look at one of the Memorial Services observing the 15th anniversary of the 9 11 attacks. This is a look at new york city where the reading of those names continues. Jonathan r. Holman. John holland. Joseph f. Holland. Jimmy i. Holly. Elizabeth holmes. Thomas p. Holihan. Herbert wilson homer. music plays from one way or another im gonna find y im gonna Getcha Getcha Getcha Getcha one way or another im gonna win ya im gonna Getcha Getcha Getcha Getcha one way or another im gonna see ya inhales cigarette [ speaking Foreign Language ] two million meme make the journal million make the journey to mecca at least once this their lifetime. Tomorrow muslims in the area will have a celebration marking the end to hajj. Several religious centers hosting events in honor of the festival of sacrifice. The islamic center, the south Bay Islamic Association and the west Valley Association are some of the places hosting the events. Time now 7 22. B. A. R. T. Is warning riders in the east bay about possible delays during certain times this week coming up. There could be delays up to 30 minutes between the south hayward and the fremont station until friday. Crews are doing some Electrical Work on the tracks of bart planned single track trains in that area. The delays expected to start between 9 30 and the morning until 2 30 p. M. And between 9 00 p. M. Until closing. North bay woman known for being involved in the community got some much needed help of her own. Yesterday kelly miller runs the relay for life charity in vallejo. Her mother started the local chapter of the event which raises money for cancer research. Miller is a cancer survivor herself, was also diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Yesterday a number of volunteers from the vallejo fire, the sonoma napa Firefighters Foundation and the dog watch Company Installed a new hidden fence system in her front yard to keep her three dogs inside the yard. This is just an act of kindness that i am extremely humble that they are doing and, of course, again, jason and the firefighters, they are utter le amazing utterly amazing. Jason welsh came up with the idea to help miller out when he heard she was in need. Celebrating the parents and children who have been helped by the hospitals neonatal hospital unit. The hospital through a party for them yesterday. Among those who attended was the family with two toddlers who were born prematurely. They say they were able to form strong ponds with the staff during the time they were at the hospital. We havent thought about this place in 10 months since we took the kids out of here so its neat to come back and see the people who helped us out and they were real special to us. John muirs Neonatal Intensive Care Unit has been open for 25 years. Letting dogs roam off leash in the Golden Gate National rec area are waiting to hear about new rules that will restrict where their pets can go. Those in favor of the offleash regulation environmental attorney and dog owner brent slater says the park service is being reasonable. What they are trying to do is put basic safeguards in place so that everybody can enjoy the National Park when they go to visit it and not have an off leash dog experience imposed upon them just because they decide to visit the National Park service. The National Park service hasnt said when the new rules will take effect. It will make ngraa the only National Park that would allow offleash dogs. Those opposed plan to keep fighting the pending restrictions in the courts. Today Hillary Clinton and donald trump are in new york at 9 11 events but the back and forth continues over clintons recent comments about trump supporters. And a weekend protest turns into vandalism in downtown oakland. A look at the damage left behind when we come back. Amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. Sleep number beds adjust on both sides for your best sleep ever. Dont miss the biggest sale of the year all beds on sale with the queen c2 mattress only 599. 99. Final days ends sunday know better sleep. Only at a sleep number store. Howard lee kane. Jennifer lynn kane, vincent c. Kang. June ku kang. Welcome back to mornings on 2. You are taking a live look now from new york city. As you can hear, they are reading the names of the victims. This is a tradition thats happening all across the country as we remember those people lost. In just a few moments another Memorial Service will get underway marking the time when the north tower of the World Trade Center fell. Again, we want to listen in to some of the ceremony. [ bells ringing ] you have heard some of the names. They just hang the rang the bell at this hour at 7 28 our time, 10 28 new york time that north tower fell to the ground, a very solemn occasion as the city of new york and the entire nation mourns those lost and as we move forward some 15 years later here on september 11th. Want to thank you for joining us, folks, here on this anniversary of the 9 11 attacks. Thats right. We have been following the memorial ceremonies happening in new york city, washington, d. C. And shanksville, pennsylvania. Now, we want to show you some pictures that we remember so well from that day. There, of course, were the towers and the smoke. We are not going to show you the terrible moments that followed but we do remember these moments of the people rescuing others, all the people that ran in to try to help in the moments after the attack. We talk about, you know, where everyone was. Where we were that day and how it galvanized the nation. I think there was a sense of patriotism never, ever felt at least in my generation in a long time and for weeks and months and certainly on this day i think we all feel it. Nearly 3000 people died when the two hijacked planes slammed into the World Trade Center, the pentagon and a field near shanksville on this day in 2001. It was the deadliest terror attack on american soil. And you talk about 15 years and 15 years today and now the country, you know, in that time one of the Facebook Users has talked about how, you know, there are flags everywhere. It was really this coming together, this country obviously now we are in the middle of an election year, we have a lot of people are upset about different parts of the system, whether its political, social, economic, and that debate continues but in 15 years really how much has changed, how much has incredible. I spent most of yesterday afternoon watching the documentaries on 9 11 and a lot of the First Responders that went into the towers, some that made it, some that did not and just the families and, you know, watching as their loved ones perished and how much our world has changed really. I think that should be the focus in many ways. Looking forward. Looking forward, yes. We have to remember and then you have to look forward. All because of that day. Yep. And you have to talk about when you see the pictures of the new york Fire Department, though, and the firefighters, they lost 343 new York City Firefighters, lost their lives in that day and in those attacks and so certainly we remember them today. They ranged in age from 22 to 71. And the new generation is with us now and a lot of the High Schoolers today, you know, if youre about a sophomore, youre 15 years of age, you were either just born or not born just yet so how were they remembering this day as this moves further into our history books. We did this interesting story where they went to San Jose High School and talked to the students and it becomes a classroom lesson versus a memory or experience. But teachers say really this is history, how you set it up for them, how you help them see the impact on everything from, you know, economy to security and really how those of us who do remember it so well continue that conversation, you know, the flags staying up through tomorrow down in san jose because and the seniors say, look, we are going to trust the next group of seniors next year. The juniors to put them up next year and continue that conversation. We remember those on this day from 15 years ago today. Lets get a look at weather now. Lets check in with rosemary and find how how its shaping up in the bay area. As we reflect and remember, we also have to appreciate what is going on today and, of course, be kind to your fellow american out there. Be kind to your neighbor. As we look towards the San Francisco area, you can see a Little Pocket of clearing there. We do have mostly cloudy skies around the bay along the coast. We will have a little bit of patchy drizzle as we get through the next couple of days and you can see old glory there just waving. Weve got a pretty good onshore breeze through the delta this morning and that will equal a cooldown for your sunday. Right now 54 degrees in santa rosa, 56 San Francisco, oakland 60 degrees, upper 50s in livermore and 58 to start your morning in san jose. These numbers similar to where we were yesterday but by the afternoon you may notice that the temperatures are falling off a few degrees. If youre going to say the as play this afternoon, game time 1 05. A very nice day to be in the stands, bring along the sunblock and a pretty nice day overall around the bay area. I will detail this cooling trend, show you the afternoon highs in a bit. Seven east bay Law Enforcement officers facing criminal charges for allegedly exploiting a teenaged girl have still not been arrested or officially charged. The Alameda County d. A. Says she intends to charge them. They need the alleged victim and key witness to be back in court in the bay area to do so. City officials of richmond admit they play a lead role sending the teen sex worker to a rehab center in florida. Many local activists are concerned. I am a little bit concerned about the case falling apart but thats not my primary concern. My primary concern is that if she isnt brought back home soon, then im concerned about her Emotional Wellbeing and her Mental Health and i am concerned that if this case falls apart, then we might not see the serious sweeping reforms that we need to see in the department and in the city. Young woman claims to have had sex with more than two dozen area Police Officers over the past two years. City leaders in oakland are hearing from some teenagers as they search for a new police chief. Yesterday a number of teens got a chance to weigh in on the search at oaklands mcclimbens high school. The teenagers were encouraged to share their concerns as well as talk about what they would like to see in the next person to lead the Oakland Police department. This was just one in a series of meetings oakland leaders are having is. Protesters marching against prison labor vandalized the bank of america near lake merritt covering that bank with graffiti. One atm was shut down because paint covered the customer camera. An atm Service Worker stayed late to replace that machine. Looks like we got some spray paint on the fascia and then we got some, looks like some wet paint around the atm, so and on the floor so got to take care of this whole part of the atm. Protesters later clashed with police downtown. Oakland Police Say Two people were arrested. And happening today, niner quarterback Colin Kaepernick getting support from a powerful church group, the National Baptist convention is holding a kneein in its churches around the country. This Group Includes the pastor of the Third Baptist Church San Francisco, that man mr. Amos brown. Want to show you of donald trump you video of donald trump from earlier this morning. Its not clear whether he and Hillary Clinton will cross paths at the World Trade Center. Neither candidate is expected to make public remarks today. Trump a native of new york and clinton who was senator of new york at the time of the attacks wont be campaigning today, keeping up the tradition of setting aside partisan politics on 9 11. Meanwhile trump called out clinton this weekend calling her comments about his supporters insulting, he calls them amazing people and says that clintons words will cost her at the polls. Republican Vice President ial nominee mike pence released his tax returns. Between 2006 and 2015 he earned an average of 150,000 a year. He donated an average of 10 of his annual income to charity. The release of pences tax concerns is raising questions about Donald Trumps tax returns. This past week trump said he would release his tax returns immediately under one circumstance. Im under audit, a routine audit and when the audit is complete i will release my returns. In the meantime well, no, nobody would recommend that. In the meantime she has 33,000 emails that she deleted, when is she going to release her e mails . She probably knows how to find them. Let her release her emails and i will release my tax returns immediately. The latest stock news poll found 50 of voters believe trump is hiding something in his tax returns. Meanwhile Clintons Campaign rolling out a new ad yesterday featuring republicans including Lindsey Graham and former president ial nominee mitt romney criticizing donald trump. Hes religious bigot. Donald trump is a phony, a fraud. Trump responded on twitter yesterday saying it is, quote, sad that republicans would allow themselves to be used in a clinton ad. Syrian government accepted an agreement by the United States and russia calling for a nationwide cease fire starting tomorrow, this comes after more than five years of war including this airstrike near damascus last week. Under the new agreement that the u. S. And russia announced on friday and brokered together the countries will work on military missions together to go after alqaeda in syria. Let me be clear. Out of all of this complexity there is emerging now a simple choice between war and peace. Still some top u. S. Officials have raised concerns about the United States sharing military and intelligence information with russia and there are those who doubt the agreement will even hold as that fighting continued over the weekend in syria where opposition activists say intense airstrikes in and around aleppo yesterday killed at least 45 people. It is an exciting day for the raider nation. The Oakland Raiders begin their regular season against the saints and new orleans. That game begins in a few hours. There are plenty of fans across the country wearing the silver and black this weekend. Theres a ton of raiders fans out there, they rent out a whole bar, theres probably 600 people there. Everyone comes in the raider garb, its crazy. We are a playoff team on paper but until we win that road game at the start of the season, the raider nation, we are back. Get off the paper, get on the field. Get to work. The show of support is remarkable considering the fact raiders only get to new orleans for regular season games one in every eight years. You can see todays raiders saints game on fox 2. Our coverage begins at 10 00 a. M. The San Francisco 49ers begin their regular season at home. The niners are hosting the Los Angeles Rams tomorrow night at levis stadium in santa clara. Kickoff 7 29 p. M. This will be the first regular season game with new head coach chip kelly. Last year the rams and niners split their series with each team winning at home. How about some College Football . We have learned a few things about cals football team. The bears are going to score a ton of points behind their new quarterback davis webb. He was Something Else last night but they are going to give up a ton too. Found that out. San diego state for the bears, webb passing for 522 yards and five touchdowns. He threw it 72 times. But too much of d. J. Humphrey. He surpassed a number of School Records for the aztecs, rushing for nearly 300 yards. Hes gone here. Shootout, 4540, they will host texas next week in prime time for their home opener. San jose state got hammered last week and the spartans were dishing it out yesterday. Quarterback kenny potter went up top for three touchdowns as san jose picked up its first win. They drilled Portland State who, by the way, they took a bus all the way from portland to san jose state and then had to go all the way back up. Thats a long haul. But the spartans win that game, they are 11. Time now 7 41. She had hope to set a record swimming from San Francisco to tiburon. And they ran in as others were running out. How the new york Fire Department is remembering the hundreds of firefighters who lost their lives on 9 11 15 years ago today. I saw a tremendous uptick in how patriotic people were. Everyone would have flags on the back of their cars and seemed to be some type of solidarity that was fostered in the community and i grew up in new york. There wasnt that sense of community before that that was as tangible. So i saw, obviously a positive consequence of 9 11 was coming together as a community. More reflexes on what the reflections on what the terror attacks of 15 years ago meant to people. Meantime the 343 firefighters who died in the 9 11 attacks were honored at a Memorial Service yesterday for their act of heroism. Hundreds of family members gathered at the st. Patricks day cathedral yesterday. New york mayor bill bill de blasio attorney general read a letter from president obama that described the effect the attacks left on the nation. No act of terror can match the character of our country, change who we are as americans or overcome our enduring resolve to be each others keepers in times of calm and crisis alike. More firefighters were killed on 9 11 than any other day in u. S. History. A number of events and remembrances today all around the bay area. The weather if you are going to head outdoors is going to be chilly, i guess, a cold start. It is, it is a cool start. The marine layer is deeper and as we showed you in the last half hour the onshore breeze is stronger this morning and take a look at those winds here in just a moment. First a beautiful view, isnt that gorgeous . We are looking across the bay from San Francisco. You can see the low clouds in place, but you can see the sun rays just beaming through and hitting the water. Love that shot. We will be partly cloudy in San Francisco for the entire day, mostly cloudy for the coast. The rest of us will clear out a little bit later this morning and into the first half of the afternoon, but, again, its going to be a little bit cooler as frank mentioned. Temperatures this morning starting out very similar, but by the afternoon three to 6 degrees of cooling expected for those afternoon highs. Heres a look at the onshore winds and, again, we always look towards fairfield to see what is going on with that gust to 35 Miles Per Hour reported at travis, that cool pacific air being pumped all the way inland, all the way into the sacramento and san joaquin valley. As we get through the Morning Hours, by about noontime, mostly sunny, north bay, east bay into the south bay, take a look whats going on here, San Francisco could be partly to mostly cloudy all the way through about lunchtime and at the coast we are expected to be mostly cloudy as well. The clouds dont clear back any farther than that, they sort of hover in that area and by about 6 00 it looks like the low clouds want to already move back inland so if you have evening plans be prepared, the clouds may come back sooner than they have been in recent days. Meanwhile the temperature time stamp shows you its a mild one, 60s at the coast, upper 60s, low 70s for the east bay shoreline and our inland community 70s and 80s with the shade of red indicating the 90s are nowhere in sight. Heres a look at the temperatures right now, 52 to start your morning in san rafael, 56 in napa, 57 for livermore, 60 degrees hayward. Along the peninsula right now, 61 for palo alto, San Francisco checking in at 56, mostly cloudy, 57 half moon bay. The afternoon highs today, a mild one in the north bay. If youre going to be spending time here, nice day to be outdoors, 74 for novato, 74 in petaluma, a festival going on i believe in petaluma today, 71 in san leandro, 75 castro valley. A nice day at the coliseum, upper 60s in the forecast. Our warmer spots inland will go to the mid80s, 76 expected in the south bay of san jose, 80 degrees for saratoga, for our peninsula locations 73 expected redwood city, 68 san bruno, a cool 63 for San Francisco with partly cloudy skies. The extended forecast, the cooling trend will continue through tuesday where we bottom out in the low 70s for our inland cities, upper 60s around the bay, 60s at the coast. Could be a little breezy, could be a little cool. Has to do with the system that would be dropping in and bringing the possibility of a few scattered showers perhaps to the sierra. Get back to warmer temperatures as we get into wednesday and thursday but by the next few days, falllike weather in the forecast. Im like hurry up, warmer weather. I thought the fog was supposed to go away in september and october, right . Okay. Well i dont know how much time i have to explain but the system thats dropping in right along the border of california and nevada, not going to bring us any rain because its not coming via the pacific but it could actually chew out the marine layer, the circulation, so we will see what happens. Mother nature has no time clock. She just does what she wants. She has a right to change her mind as she often does. A couple of boats going by not worried about it. No. Its sunday. Time for sports now. Giants finally found their bet. How about 18 runs in the last two games and better yet, how about two big winners in the desert. They beat the dbacks again. Triple down, the rightfield line, angel pagan is going to wheel home for third and up for good 20. Hunter pence had a monster game. Hes going to unload here in the seventh. Banged out three hits, scored four runs and the giants finally win 113, still four back of l. A. , dodgers winners last night. As for the as, mariners in town, beat up the golden green in a big way. Seattle pounded out 17 hits, nelson cruz here with an rbi double and a lot more to come, kyle sager here says see ya, solo home run. The mariners go for the sweep today as they win it by a football score over this weekend, 143 was your final. In danville, preparations underway for a huge Golf Tournament, it happens tomorrow. Coming up you will hear the very personal story of survival that first inspired this tournament 12 years ago. You live life your way. We can help you retire your way, too. Financial guidance while youre mastering life. From chase. So you can. Back at 7 52. Survivors and supporters gathered in the Calaveras Community of mount rancho over the weekend to mark the First Anniversary of the deadly butte fire there. That fire burned 61,000 acres, destroyed 550 homes and is blamed for two deaths. A mosaic sculpture created from the remains of the fire on display and Community Members now have a place to reflect on the disaster fire a year ago. They are going to want to bring their family here to see it and then they are going to sit on the bench and they are going to talk. This weekends event included a rededication of a local baseball field which was rebuilt by donations from the community. The field was used as a staging area during the early stages of that butte fire. Tomorrow hundreds of people will head to the country club in danville for a Golf Tournament put on by the halfa foundation. The tournament was started in 2005 by a man who fought and survived cancer and this tournament is his way of giving back. Weve got the pepsi hole and weve got the dr. Pepper hole. Its almost down to a science. Its nascar pit crew look out here for about 45 minutes, getting everybody in, flipping them around and getting them back out again. Its an art form to get it done and these guys have perfected it. Its been perfected over time but make no mistake, what happened here what happens here is more than just a Golf Tournament. Im a two time testicular cancer survivor. I started a Golf Tournament called have a ball, you got to have a sense of humor with it. He keeps it light but bob hammers battle with cancer is sobering. I was 29 years old and we i had just gotten married, my wife was pregnant with our daughter. I was coaching a track team, i was playing softball four nights a week, i was the picture of health and felt something funny and two days later i had a testicle removed and kind of a little bit of a shock. More shocking was that his first battle with cancer wouldnt be his last. It came back 15 months later. I had a tumor the size of a cantaloupe with a cucumber going up into my neck so i collapsed. I was wrapping my daughters christmas present, i collapsed and went to the hospital and ended up going through 26 rounds of chemo over the next nine months. My mom died on Christmas Day in 1977 when i was nine. So that day when it came back for me, obviously, it triggered some emotion and made me think that this might be my calling too. It would not be his calling. He was only given a 10 chance to live but he fought and he survived. And that was when he first decided to give back with a Golf Tournament. I had a goal of raising 2500 and sending some cash to the Live Strong Foundation and ended up raising 52,000 that first year. And here we are 12 years later and 2. 2 million raised and we are benefiting 22 different cancer organizations this year. Hammer says the tournament grew fast. Went from 108 people the first year to now 600 with the people with a waiting list of about 60. We probably do about 40 tournaments a year and this is by far the largest. We have 170 country clubs countrywide and by far this is, 600 golfers for one fundraising event by far the biggest. Its a lot of work but bob says he and his wife now it makes a difference. It has sent 75 kids with cancer to camp. It has created, established and awarded 12 oncology nursing scholarships. It has sent over 50,000 spent over 50,000 to eight different organizations over the last 12 years. For the last eight years we have sent money to 20 to 24 different cancer organizations. And no matter how much time goes by, he says he always remembers that while he beat cancer, some did not and others are still fighting. How we live our life has been altered forever from this event and from this diagnosis and what it turned into and what we have turned this into. What an incredible guy. I guess you want to beat cancer, everyone says attitudes have to battle and if you can get past that, youre halfway home. And really he does this, he and his wife out of his garage, they raised over 2 million. They are not really asking for anyone to join the Golf Tournament. They have a waiting list of people but what hes hoping is people hear the story, hear about the Golf Tournament and then look at one of these groups or organizations and say i want to donate or i want to help or just raise awareness. Right. And a sense of humor too. Yes, he does have one. Great guy. Good stuff, bob. Coming up, a horrible crash scene down in the south bay. Up next, the search for a hit andrun driver thats responsible for sending three people to the hospital early this morning. And the bay area remembers the 9 11 anniversary. How police and firefighters honored the victims this morning. Honey, is the internet back yet . Yes i need to let her know that i like this i like, like, like, like. I havent seen a movie based on a comic book in so long. I know. Were over here internet people get high Speed Internet from at t. With over 99 reliability. At an everyday price with no extra monthly fees. Keep calm, you internets on. Noel ma guin. Thomas f. Mcginnis, jr. Patrick j. Ma mcguire. Thomas m. Mccayle. Keith david mckevy. Good morning, everyone. Thank you for joining us here on mornings on 2. This is the 15th anniversary of the 9 11 attacks. You are looking live at the 9 11 Memorial Plaza at the World Trade Center in new york city. Family, friends and survivors are honoring the 2983 men, women and children killed in the new york attacks on this day 15 years ago. Now, we just learned Hillary Clinton was there but apparently had a medical episode that required her to leave the ceremony early. Now, there was a Law Enforcement source who actually saw what happened and told fox news that she appeared to faint on her way to her van and had to be helped by security. So we will continue to try to get more information on what is happening with her and keep you updated. Welcome to mornings on 2. It is sunday, september 11th. Im claudine wong. Good morning, everyone, im frank malikotte. The first memorial ceremonies happening just two hours ago. Now, this was 8 46 this morning eastern time so 5 46 our time. The moment of silence held in new york city where people observed this silence for when the first plane hit the north tower. And then the ceremonial reading of names then began and an honor guard made up of people representing the new York City Fire, their police, of course, and other Emergency Response agencies were all participating in that. And video here of another moment of silence, this was held at 9 03 eastern time when the second plane struck the south tower of the World Trade Center in new york. President obama and defense secretary ash carter also paused for a moment of silence at the pentagon, 184 people were killed there when American Airlines flight 77 crashed into the pentagon at 9 37 eastern time, 6 37 our time. And this was the moment of silence held at 10 03 eastern time in shanksville, pennsylvania to remember the heroes of united flight 93 which, of course, was headed to the bay area. The jet heading to sfo from the east coast from new jersey when some passengers storming the cockpit to stop the hijackers from crashing into the u. S. Capital building. The plane went down in the remote field where there now is a memorial in shanksville. Its always a question as the years go by. Its been 15 years, the question is what should we do, how should we market . Are we doing enough to remember it and that is why we ask this question of the day. Do you feel like your community is doing enough to honor or to remember the attacks and honor the victims and then so we had a Facebook User Browning Phillips who said i feel as if people have lost a sense of unity like this country is being torn apart from within. We used to all stand together. Now we are identifying as groups. Again, it needs to stop. And another Facebook User, Kimberly Johnson writes my eight and 11yearolds know exactly what happened and we honor the lives lost that tragic day every year on 9 11, we wear our red, our white and blue, fly our flag and i tell them where i was and how i felt. Its an important date in history where we all stood as one. First time ever that every house on the street flew their flag for weeks. We must never forget. Of course you can join the conversation as well. We urge you to do so. Search ktvu channel 2 on your Facebook Page and we will post more responses throughout the morning. Time now is 8 03. And we want to take you out now to at t park because this is the seventh annual giant race. You can see all those runners just jogging by the park in San Francisco. Now, some of them are doing a half marathon. They start those guys early. There will a 10k, 5k, kids race and family relay. I got a text from mike who says hes running the 5k. The ones running the 2 1 2 marathon are not jogging. They are working hard. The first runner started at 7 00 this morning, little over an hour ago. And theres the ballpark right there, at t park. The longest course takes people from the ballpark, go up the embarcadero, along the marina green and back around. All the race finishers, all the races or racers, rather, finish on the field so thats a treat at at t park. I want to look at a couple of things. What are people wearing . Its like its not the runners because they are already warm. Its the spectators because its cold out there and cool. What else is new, right . In San Francisco you run in layers. Everyone knows. Look, see the volunteers are smart, they are wearing the double layers of the shirts with the sleeves underneath. But eventually its all going to go away and we are going to have a little sunshine in the city, at least thats what rosemary says, right. Im calling for partly cloudy. Are you hedging or do we not know what we are talking about yet . Im going to go with you guys are really busy this morning. Its okay if you dont Pay Attention to me. Ill handle the weather. Did you notice the man running with the flag . Yes. Yes. A good reminder to get out there and as you spend your day be kind to each other, appreciate what we have here at home. And the bay area, giving you a look there at a few peeks of blue. We have the onshore breeze with us, a long stronger this morning than it has been. Those clouds, a lot more widespread into the east bay where yesterday morning areas like concord and livermore were waking up with sunny skies, we now have a little bit more cloud cover for the east bay this morning. Temperatures off to a similar start, 57 San Francisco, 51 in oakland and 58 degrees in livermore. As we get into the afternoon, our afternoon highs coming down, we are starting a cooler trend that will last as we get into the weekend. A lot going on around the bay area including the 45th Mountain View art and winefest continuing. Heres a look at what you can expect if youre going to be hanging out in Mountain View for today. Mostly sunny skies for the afternoon and a mild one. By noontime 71 degrees, topping out in the low 70s for the second part of your day. But again, its going to be very nice out there if youre going to be strolling around. Ill have a look at the afternoon highs for your neighborhood. We will talk about this cooldown and what you can expect as we get into the business week coming up. Thank you, rosemary. 8 08 your time. We are following developing news from the south bay. Firefighters say three people seriously injured in a hitand run crash in the city there in san jose, it happened shortly after 1 00 this morning. Alem rock avenue a few blocks from the capital expressway. Firefighters say it took emergency crews more than half an hour to free the three Crash Victims who were trapped inside one of the cars. T bone type accident. There was significant damage on the right side of one of the cars. There were three people pinned inside that car. All three of them have been transported to local Trauma Centers as major trauma patients. Police are now looking for the people in the second vehicle who ran away from that crash scene. New from overnight, the chp is investigating a hitandrun crash in oakland that killed a motorcyclist on highway 980. This happened just after 2 00 this morning near the 27th street onramp. Investigators say a dark van driving in the eastbound lanes may have made an unsafe lane change and then ran into the back of the motorcycle. That van failed to stop at the scene, continued on eastbound. We dont have a description of it other than just a dark van at it time. We are still trying to follow up on witnesses and see if we can get any more information related to that. The motorcyclist died at the scene. The chp is asking anyone with information about the crash to give them a call. New this morning, an endurance swimmer has entered her attempt to become the first woman to accomplish the longest solo unassisted swim. Kim chambers had planned to swim through the seatac river towards the San Francisco bay to raise money in support for military veterans but that effort came up short when she faced high winds during the 93 mile swim all the way from sacramento to tiburon. The journey was expected to take 48 hours but chambers called off her bid after swimming for 24 hours. She has already gone out to the fair lawns and back. Amazing. 8 08 and on this 15th anniversary of the 9 11 attacks, we remember the lives lost and that includes a bay area man who tried to stop the hijackers on flight 93 on the plane that was headed to San Francisco international. We will have his story next. Story next. It woke up everybody, people just all of a sudden overnight take over airplanes and crash them into buildings so it just made you think like how we was safe out here like really anything can happen, really. And people have been sharing their thoughts about the 9 11 attacks and here at home a piece of 9 11 history was actually unveiled in the bay area today on this, the 15th anniversary. Ktvus Christien Kafton has that story from San Francisco. Reporter the ceremony here in San Francisco has wrapped up. It was a very moving ceremony here to mark the 15th year since 9 11 as firefighters read the names of First Responders allowed one by one aloud one by one who lost their lives responding to 9 11. The mayor also spoke as to the interim police chief Joanne Hays White from the Fire Department announced this was going to be a special anniversary since there was a piece of 9 11 history that will now take residence here in San Francisco permanently. Our ceremony today is very special because the Port Authority of new york and new jersey approved our request to be the recipient of a structural steel piece from the World Trade Center. Reporter they unveiled this piece of structural steel from the world trade towers that will, again, go on permanent display here in San Francisco. Right now they are inviting people to actually come, pay their respects, they are saying you can actually go ahead and touch this piece to feel the history of that day here in San Francisco. Very interesting. Yeah. That was Christien Kafton in San Francisco. We want to actually update you on a story that we told you about a little bit ago, Hillary Clinton was at a 9 11 commemorating ceremony. She had to leave early. Someone said they saw her actually faint. Well, Hillary Clintons campaign spokesman, nick meryl tweeted out saying she attended for an hour and 30 minutes this morning to pay her respects and greet some of the families of the fallen. During the ceremony she felt overheated so departed to go to her daughters apartment and feeling much better. Maybe she didnt faint but felt think of her schedule the last 18 months. She is probably exhausted, every day you got to be on and today they are not campaigning. They are just remembering those that were lost and the solemn occasion and trump doing the same thing. That is a tradition that they apparently she has recovered. At her daughters apartment. And feeling much better. Very good. That is the update for you. Now, this morning the nation is marking 15 years since september 11th terrorist attacks. Yeah, a short time ago a moment of silence held in new york at the moment of first plane hit the north tower shortly after a bell rang followed by silence to mark the attack on the second tower. They are similar ceremonies being held at the white house, pentagon and a field some shanksville, pennsylvania where flight 93 crashed on its way to washington, d. C. The menlo Fire Protection district is remembering the 9 11 victims on this 15th anniversary of the attacks. They arrived to help search for victims in the rubble and today all seven district stations will display 343 small american flags to honor the 343 firefighters who lost their lives during the attacks on the World Trade Center. Menlo park fire chief is going to join us live in our 9 00 hour. And family members of a 9 11 hero will hold a private Memorial Service in the south bay today. Mark gingham of los gatos was among the passengers who stormed the cockpit of flight 93. U. S. Intelligence officials believe the 9 11 hijackers were planning to fly that jet into the u. S. Capital building. That united jet had left for new jersey from newark and bound for sfo. Lauren was on her way to San Francisco when that hijacked plane crashed in pennsylvania. She was married, three months pregnant at the time. She made a call to her husband and left him a last message from the plane. At 10 00 this morning there will be a ceremony held in union city to remember the victims of flight 93. Its being held at the sugar mill landing park, thats near the Union Landing Shopping Center if you would like to attend. San jose firefighters will pay tribute to the victims of 9 11 later this morning. There will be a procession to san joses fire station one on north market street. Time is 8 15. Stay with us. When we come back, we will tell you about a new home for an abandoned dog and how it became one for a Police Dispatchers pet. Its halloween time my frightful fiends, and disneyland is ours going down boo screams halloween time at the Disneyland Resort means theres wicked fun in both parks. And make sure to see the Twilight Zone tower of terror before its final check out. Trick or treat. Oakland raiders begin their regular season against the saints in new york. There are plenty of fans from across the country wearing the silver and black of the raiders in new orleans this weekend. D. Theres a son of raider fans down there, they rent out a whole bar, probably 600 people there. Everyone comes in their raider garb. Its crazy. We are a playoff team on paper but until we win that road game at the start of the season, the raider nation, we are back. Well, a big show of support in new orleans but if you got you got to consider the fact that the raiders only get to new orleans for a regular season game once every eight years so you got to go there and have a good time when you can. You can see todays raiders saints game here on fox 2. Our coverage begins at 10 00 a. M. Lets talk about the San Francisco 49ers, they begin their season at home at levis stadium in santa clara. Kickoff cinch 20. This will be the niners first regular season game with their new head coach chip kelly. Former sanford star no, cal, come on, get it right. Cal. I know. You know that. Yes, i do. Cal star jared goff not expected to play for the rams on monday night. Of course you do. Well, we have learned a few things about cals football team. The bears, they are going to score a ton of points behind their new quarterback davis webb who replaced jared gov but apparently goff but apparently give points too. Its the bears, aztecs, webb passed for 522 yards, a beauty here. He threw it 72 times but way too much of this guy, d. J. Humphrey, he is good, surpassing a number of School Records, rushing for nearly 300 yards in the game. A couple of touchdowns, in fact 3. Cal lost in a shootout 45 40. They will host next week. San jose state got hammered last week against tulsa and the spartans are dishing it out with a big win. Kenny potter had three touchdowns as san jose state gets their first win of the year. They beat Portland State by a final of 6635. A dog found abandoned in Mountain View has a new home this morning. Police officers discovered a dog inside a cage at sylvan park yesterday morning. Theres the sweet boy. Dirty and hungry so officers then brought that dog back to Police Headquarters to clean him up before they sent him over to the pound. A Police Dispatcher could feel the puppy love and instantly decided to make that dog her pet. Found a home. And a north bay woman known for being involved in the community got much needed help of her own. Yesterday kelly miller runs the relay for life, a charity in vallejo. Her mother started the local chapter of the event which raises a lot of money for cancer research. Miller is a cancer survivor herself. Also diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Yesterday a number of volunteers from vallejo fire, sonoma napa firefighters and the foundation, rather, and the dog watch company installing a new hidden fence system in her front yard to keep her three dogs in the front yard safe. This is just an act of kindness that i am extremely humble that they are doing and, of course, again, jason and the firefighters, they are utterly amazing. And jason is vallejo firefighter jason welsh. He came up with the idea to help miller out when he heard she needed a little bit of help. Medical center in walnut creek is celebrating the patients and children who have been helped by the hospitals Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The hospital threw a party for the children and families, this is yesterday. Among those in attendance was the family with two toddlers who were born prematurely and say they were able to form strong bonds with the staff during the time they spent at the hospital. In todays segment 2, we have the story about a bay area man who lived through the worst maritime disaster in u. S. Navy history. Yeah, he survived not only the sinking of the u. S. Indianapolis during world war ii but also what is considered the worst mass shark attack ever. Hundreds of sharks attacked them day and night for several days until they were finally rescued. Ktvu ken wayne has a story of survival from a man of courage. Reporter when the uss indianapolis sailed through the golden gate on her way to the Pacific Theater in 1945, harold bray was a sailor on his first deployment. Little did he or the other crew members realize they were on what would turn out to be an historic and tragic voyage. In one of the ships hangars a large wooden crate. Marine guards on it at all times. We could not go near this thing. Reporter inside the crate the nuclear bomb that would be dropped on hiroshima to hasten the end of world war ii. After the crate was delivered to the island of tinan. The ship was ordered to the philippines. Bray was sleeping under a gun tourett in the dead of night when the ship was attacked. The first torpedo hit on the opposite side where i was sleeping and rolled me off of a 10foot drop. Reporter the ship was already shrinking as he headed for a life jacket and headed for the quarter deck. Thats where i jumped off and 30, 40 feet off the water and when i hit the water, somebody hit me and drove me down and i happened to open my eyes and the moon was out and theres a big i thought this ship was coming down on top of me but it was oil slick in the water and i drove through that and i looked back at that time and she was up on her bow going down. Reporter in 12 minutes the ship was gone, 88 found a float bray found a cargo net in the open water, something he would cling to for the next four days and five nights. The sharks showed up pretty soon after we hit the water but they were there all the time. Reporter the thrashing survivors and bloody water no doubt attracted the sharks. The dead and injured were first to be hit. The first couple days those guys never lasted very long. It was all the time day and night the sharks were there . Yeah, they were never gone, but they werent always attacking. You could look down and see them swarming. Reporter bray says he thinks his dark navy dungies kept sharks from going after him. The exact number of men killed by sharks is hard to determine but its considered the worst mass shark attack in history. When the sharks werent biting, some men were going delirious from thirst, drinking open seawater. Floating around with their mouths open and full of sores and their eyes were all it was not a good scene. Guys would swim away, come on, theres we will let you on but feed you but you cant get on or Something Like that and then swim away and never see them again. They were hallucinating . Yeah. Reporter on the fourth day a navy plane spotted the men and a rescue ship soon arrived on scene. And they would pull up alongside and threw a Jacobs Ladder over the side and said can you climb up, sailor . I said, hell, ya. I couldnt even lift my arms out the water. So two guys jumped in the water and got me out. Reporter for the next two or three days he fell into a deep sleep as the ship headed to a Navy Hospital in the philippines. The guy cleaned me up held me up cleaning the oil out of my eyes and i grabbed his arm and i remember him saying its okay sailor. Reporter bray says he lost 30 pounds during the ordeal and probably would have died in two more days. Out of 1196 men, just 317 survived the tore peed does, the torpedoes, the sharks, the elements. I dont remember ever thinking about not making it but, you know, when youre 17, 18 years old, you dont think about stuff like that. Reporter after the war, bray became a Benicia Police officer. Long retired, he now speaks to audiences about his experience on the indianapolis, often at schools where many have never even heard the story. And its really amazing how little they talk about it in schools. Reporter there are now barely two dozen indianapolis survivors still alive. Harold bray, now 89 is the youngest. I feel like im one of the lucky ones. We lost a lot of guys, we lost 880 guys within the five days. They say that 900 of us got in the water and 300 got killed instantly. Next july bray will return again to the city of indianapolis to reunite with his fellow survivors until there are none. What a remarkable story. Yeah, just takes your breath away what that generation did for all of us, well, 70 plus years ago and whats amazing now, that generation is passing, over 1000 world war ii veterans die each day. That was ken wayne reporting so great story from him. At 8 26. The woman featured in one of the most iconic photos in history has passed away. We all remember this, Greta Freedman was the woman kissed by a sailor in the famous timeless photo. The picture was published in life magazine, scap turned the spontaneous joy millions of miles an hour felt after world war ii ended. Freedman was 92 years old, she will be buried in Arlington National cemetery. I saw an interview with her and then the reporter said did you recognize yourself . She is like, of course, thats me. Wont forget that moment. How is our day shaping up, rosemary . A memorable day. Temperatures are cooling down. We have a little bit of cloud cover out there this morning that will pull back as we get into the afternoon, i think we are going to have mostly cloudy skies for the entire day along the coast, but the temperatures read like this, which is cooler than yesterday afternoon. 60 degrees expected for pacifica, low 60s, partly cloudy in San Francisco, 70s around the bay, mid80s for our warmer spot so this is the start of a cooldown. Take a look at the extended forecast. Cooler tomorrow, bottoming out on tuesday, low 70s for our inland cities and then we warm whack up back up wednesday into thursday. Of course we do. Good day to get outside and watch live football, right . Agree. Off early for fox nfl sunday. Good segue. The raiders are playing the saints and you can watch the game here on ktvu. Kickoff set at 10 00 a. M. We are done a little early but we are not going anywhere. No. We are sticking around and you can catch more of mornings on 2 live, starting at 9 00 a. M. On ktvu plus so we hope you join us. As we go to break another live look from new york city. We are of course observing the 15th anniversary of 9 11. We will listen to that and see you at 9 00, folks. Take care. Take care. Honey, is the internet back yet . Yes i need to let her know that i like this i like, like, like, like. I havent seen a movie based on a comic book in so long. I know. Were over here internet people get high Speed Internet from at t. With over 99 reliability. At an everyday price with no extra monthly fees. Keep calm, you internets on

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