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In bed. I will sit on the couch give me a mid afternoon lazy example. Like a good 2 00 in the afternoon. Im going to sit here at home. Have a nice day. I cant remember that. Im sure it has happened. Do you . No, i dont. I dont have that luxury. I want to ask you a question, sal, because youre interviewing the director of the sfmta. Yes. In the next hour. What are you looking for and what do you want to ask him . We had a lot of response on social media. Why traffic fines are so steep. Why some neighborhoods have two hour parking. Other neighborhoods dont. Why muni, those bus things are not working. We will be calling the head of transit agencies. People have questions they want to ask and we want to facilitate that. Im looking forward to it. We begin in the north bay where we continue to follow a developing story out of marin county. A 16yearold girl reunited with her father after being lost on mount tam. The Sheriffs Department says sarah had been hiking with a girlfriend when they got lost and the two girls somehow became separated yesterday. The other girl found her way out and was able to call sarahs family to tell them she was up there on mount tam. We spoke with her father this morning before he was reunited with his daughter and he says he was very relief today hear that she had been located. So happy. You know, like like the best thing in the world. Happy again. Search teams looked for sarah throughout the night. But the Sheriffs Department says she actually made her way out on her own this morning and then just ran into the search teams that had been looking for her. Redwood city police right now are investigating a shooting that sent one young man to the hospital. It happened on the 3500 block of hoover street. Leigh martinez is at the scene with more on what happened. Reporter well, police have reopened hoover street. They say their investigation has brought them to this house. However, they wont say what connection the house has to either the victim or the suspect. Neighbors woke up this morning surprised to find a police presence. The neighbors we spoke to say they didnt hear anything last night. Police were called out here at 1 45 a. M. By someone reporting a disturbance at a home on the 3500 block of hoover street. When police arrived, they found an 18yearold male victim in Critical Condition at the street corner. When officers arrived, they found an 18yearold male victim with a gunshot wound. He has been transported to the hospital and currently undergoing surgery. Weve determined through our investigation that the victim and the suspect or suspects knew each other. There is currently no threat to the general public. And our investigation so far has led us to this residence behind me. It is ongoing at this time. I didnt hear anything. I was in bed by about midnight, i guess. And i didnt hear anything. Reporter now, it is unclear at this time where the shooting actually took place. Evidence markers were put down on hoover street. Police say blood evidence was found down near haven avenue. Police are talking to witnesses, but no suspects have been arrested. Now, police say that there is no Public Safety concern because they believe that the victim and the suspect or suspects are known to each other. However, when we asked if they had a name of a suspect, police said they did not. We know that the victim is undergoing surgery this morning and he is in Critical Condition. Leigh martinez live in redwood city. The weather may be the same as yesterday. Which is to say that yesterday where i was, the sun never came out. It was cloudy all throughout. That is a perfect segue, sal. The same thing has been said by many around the bay and the coast. A lot of people are saying there is a ton of smoke also for some of you trapped in this haze and also the fog. Thats a lot of fires up in british columbia. A lot of that has been drifting into washington and oregon and idaho and california. Two days in a row, no sun. Just like sal said. A small break. Will it be three days in a row . I think so. A lot of smoke up in the air. I know in lake county and medicine owe county, a lot mendocino county, a lot of reports. I dont think you will see many breaks. There is too much fog and low clouds. There is a break starting to burn off towards Pleasant Hill and concord. Most locations, it is peeling back a little bit for some. Plenty to go. That big low sitting up in Northern California gives us not only cooler temps in the fog but thunderstorm activity. We will see another round of that lake county and northern county, mendocino county. For sure shasta and up in the sierra. Watch out for that. Reports of large hail. As long as the slation continues over us, i dont think we change much on the temps. Running exactly the same as 245 hours ago. Slow to warm up, even at the 9 00 hour. Some areas on the coast, our Observer Says i havent seen the sun in a week. I dont think you will see much today. Parts of the coast gets some later. Good 10, 11 degrees below average for some. Five near the coast and bay. I dont see any change. It looks like maybe it breaks monday. But cooler and windy. Weve gone from a hot july to a foggy fogusf, if you will. Absolutely. Thank you, steve. You bet. North korea is expanding on its plans to attack guam. A north korean general says they are finalizing a plan to launch four mid range Ballistic Missiles into the water 20 miles off of the island. Doug luzader has the story from washington. Reporter north korea is getting more specific about its plans to possibly attack guam as this crisis continues to escalate. North korean provocations run the full gamut from missile launches to now personal attacks directed at president trump, one calling him senile. They will be met with fire and fury. Reporter tough talk generating criticism at home and abroad just as the government the state department defending that message saying north korea is the real problem. Lets consider what is alarming. What is alarming two, two icbms tests in less than a month. Two nuclear test thats took place last year. Reporter in many ways what were seeing from this Administration May wind up being similar to others before it. Rising tensions with north korea followed by deescalation. Nobody in the world wants this war. China doesnt want it, the south korea ans dont want it. Japan doesnt want it. I hope we dont want it. And the cost of it would be so tremendous that american administrations all through recent history have in the end chosen it is better not to fight. Reporter this morning north korea says it can defend itself. The problem for United States is that north korea could develop enough missiles to overwhelm defense systems. The threat were going to face is anywhere from 50 to 75 north korean icbms. Thats the problem. And so lets just say that those missiles get through, that we do very well, and we get 65 out of 70. Thats not good enough for america. Reporter in the meantime as far as possible talks are concerned, north korea says that dialogue is not even possible with president trump. In washington, doug luzader, fox news. And in the city of concord, concerns about north korea on the minds of many at a congressional town hall meeting. This was held last night at Concord High School by democratic congressman who represents a big part of the east bay. About 400 people attended the town hall. Many wanted to know what congress is doing to prevent a possible war. This is about congress asserting itself and its responsibility. We are the part of government that is supposed to authorize war. The president doesnt get to do that. On monday, the congressman says he will hold another town hall meeting. This time in the city of pittsburgh before headed back to washington, d. C. An update on a report we first had on tuesday about a woman who was pushed into the path of on coming traffic in london caught on camera. The man has been taken into custody for the incident. He is the jogger in the Surveillance Video seen pushing a 33yearold woman to the ground on the bridge. The bus driver swerved to avoid hitting the woman. The driver then stops and passengers helped the woman who did receive minor injury. Imagine what could have happened. Coming up on mornings on 2 the 9, new muni street cars being tested and preparations for this weekends outside lands. Were speaking with the director of San Francisco municipal transportation agency. Hey bee to hive to the comb combing that honey into some gold take that gold and make it an o good goes around and around and around hey bee to hive to the o oat from the farm is the yum in yo bowl put in the good and the good will grow good goes around and around and around hey good goes around good goes around and around and around. Hey welcome back to morn morning. Over the past month, muni has been closing the central southbound way in downtown San Francisco to test the brandnew street cars. In addition theyre preparing for the outside lands festival which will bring a change in routes and street closures. Ed, thank you for being here. Sure. Lets start with the new street cars. Youre closing some of the subways durrant the weekend to test out the new cars. Yes. So the current cars we have running on the light rail system came into the city starting in the late 90s. Theyre nearing the end of their useful life. There is not enough of them to meet the demand that we have today. A couple years ago we started a procurement to both expand the fleet and replace the existing fleet. We have five cars were testing. And we are shutting down the subway on weekends. We wont shut it down this weekend because of outside lands. Were shutting down early in the evenings so we can test the trains and get them into Service Starting this year. I got a tour of the cars. Theyre pretty cool. They have more room for standing and have been made for the more realistic way that muni operates. People are standing on their way to work. You speak of outside lands. I went one time and i took muni. It worked out for me. It is very crowded and some of the lines are rerouted. Where can people find the buses. If they go to our website, theres information about how best to get to and from outside lands. We do add a lot of service on the north side of the park and on the south side of the park. You know, there will be crowds. We do our best to move the people in and out. Strongly urge people not to try to drive. It gets too congested. Speaking of driving, San Francisco is a transit first city, correct. Thats right. Some people, not everyone but some people think that is unfair to drivers who have to drive their cars around, you know, with the taking up of Parking Spaces and stuff. Do you think that youre still keeping drivers in mind when you make policy . Absolutely. Transit first is not transit only. We know that people want or need to use a car to get around. And we need to accommodate that. We need to accommodate particularly commercial loading and parking as well. But the city isnt getting any bigger. And yet the population is growing significantly. So we have to use our public rights of way as efficiently as we can. That means moving more people in the same amount of space, which means getting more people on the bus, getting more people out of their cars to the extent that we can. And we try to do that not by making it harder to park or drive, but by making transit and the other more sustainable modes of transportation more attractive to more people for more trips. I asked questions on social media. There were too many to ask you all of them. We chose some. One is how many this is from carlos z. How many Parking Spaces have been eliminated by the changes in the city . For example, the ride share bike lanes and some of those you know . I dont have a number on that. The number eliminated is probably less than 1 of the spaces. We are making decisions to reallocate spice on the public rightofway. That is toy too to make more efficient use of the streets. Why keep making parklets when we have more parking . Is it a revenue generator. They keep the meters. Do you take the meters out . Yeah. It is the opposite of revenue generating. The parklets are sponsored by a business often and they pay for the costs of having the parklet in the street and maintaining it. We dont make any money off of it. The reason that we have them and the reason that people want them is the sidewalks are narrow and we have more and more people getting around on foot. To be able to reclaim space that is dedicated to storing a private vehicle and give it to the public to enjoy and relax in is something that a lot of businesses and districts see as a positive thing. Have you seen any rise in the ridership at all with the news about the rise of crime on bart . In other words, people might say well, muni hasnt muni seems safer than bart at this point . I dont think we have seen a rise that we can attribute to that. We have seen reported crime on muni decreasing over the last few years because we have been really focusing our police San Francisco Police Police Department Resources where we know we have challenges. Our ridership generally is growing. So were happy about that. You know, we want ridership to grow on all transit in the bay area, including bart. Last question. What is the challenge of listening to all of the things that people want and making policy . Because someone inevitably will be not satisfied with a decision. The challenge is making sure that we have good kind of policy race al for the decisions were making. There will always be trade offs. Like we talked about, changing a parking lane to a transit only lane, for example. We need to have a good policy basis for the decisions were making and a good process to get there. We want to have you back. Happy to be here. So we can ask you more questions. Coming up on mornings on 2 the 9, science has come a long way since the last Solar Eclipse. A look at some of the myths behind the rare cosmic events. The company changing the way that it screens people and your responses to what you prefer in your coworkers. Days driving all over town. So. Why is she smiling . Because she shopped during the safeway anniversary sale, and filled up her trunk with grocery savings, plus earned 4 times the gas reward points. Now thats something to smile about. The safeway anniversary sale come in and explore lets take a look at markets. It appears that the north Korea Tensions are weighing heavy on wall street. I see a drop of 1 on the s p and one and a half over on the nasdaq. Google right now, excuse me, is down a little more than 1 . The company, google has fired the employee who wrote a controversy memo about women in the Tech Industry. Now they are holding a company wide town hall meeting to clear the air. Christien kafton is at googles headquarters in mountain view. Not really unusual for the company to have a town hall. This one i guess you could say could get a little interesting. Reporter yeah. It could get very interesting as the day progresses down here, mike. We can tell you that the google campus is buzzing now as employees arrive for work. Many will attend the town hall hosted by the ceo. He will discuss the memo that stirred up so much controversy in the past days. He has cut short his Family Vacation to return to address the issue of diversity at going. He released a memo of his own reading in part, quote, to suggest that a group of our colleagues have traits that make them less biologically suited to that work is offensive and not okay. Now, the author of the controversial memo james de moore has been fired from google for violating the code of conduct. He has filed a charge with the National Labor Relations Board and spoke on Bloomberg Television defending himself. In that interview he says he feels hurt and betrayed by google. He was trying to improve the culture from the inside. He had shared it internally and there was no push back until it went viral. Employee whos supported him have been contacted by hr. He says he will pursue further legal action. More than 60 women may sue google for gender discrimination and sexism and claim they make 40,000 less than some of their male counter parts. Now, todays town hall is scheduled to get underway at 4 00 p. M. You can bet there will be a great deal of interest by the folks here on the campus and of course by those outside of the campus who are watching what is going on here at google and in the Tech Industry in general. Christien kafton live on the peninsula for us. Thank you. Our countdown to the Solar Eclipse continues this morning with a look at some of the myths associated with the phenomena. Laura ingle has more. Reporter as scientists and enthusiasts have been preparing, astrologers have been preparing as well. This has enormous meaning for the United States as a whole for a number of reasons. It is the first total Solar Eclipse visibility in the continental u. S. Since 1776 and also hits the moon in the chart of the United States from july 4th, 1776. To translate that into english, this has us revisit the definition of our cells. Who we are as a people. Humans have read into cosmic events for centuries. As troll engineers associated it with the fate of the state and the fate of the ruler. They would pay close attention to get information about what might be coming. And in fact it was their job to let the ruler know what was coming down the pike. A total Solar Eclipse would have been extremely important because it represents a complete blotting out of the sky and then a change when the light comes back. Reporter throughout the history, different civilizations have stories to describe what was happening. Two of the most common ways of explaining a Solar Eclipse are either that it is a time for reconciliation or a time of conflict. You know, a lot of people have stories about how demons or animals are trying to eat the sun. It is their job to scare it away. So they make a lot of noise by banging on drums or pots and pans. Reporter many cultures feared Solar Eclipses because the light giving sun would go dark. It is the middle of the day and something is covering up the sun all of a sudden. You have to think that people all over the world were probably frightened by this. Reporter even today myths surrounding a Solar Eclipse persists. One of the misconceptions is it is harmful for pregnant women. It will harm their unborn child if they watch it. That stems from the misconception that Solar Eclipses produce harmful radiation that. Is not the case. Reporter no matter what you believe or think, a Solar Eclipse doesnt happen often. It is no wonder that this phenomena has garnered awe for so long. In new york, laura ingle, fox news. Dont forget we have special coverage of the eclipse on monday, august 21st starting at 9 can a. M. On ktvu. For continuing coverage, go to ktvu. Com. Goldman sachs will start using a Personality Test as part of the hiring process. The bank will begin piloting the test on the summer intern candidates next year. Later future candidates will be given the test before the second round of interviews at the bank. The answers will be compared to current employee whos have been identified as exhibiting traits that mark High Performance such as team work and j. All of this leads to the question of the day. What do you appreciate more in your coworkers . 52 say personality. 48 of you say job skills. Claire tweets take both into account but good personality and perseverance and willing to learn usually leads to good skills. I can get along with various personalities. I would have to say job skills. I like people who know their job. Your job skills will greatly improve once you have a great personality. You get nor resources easily and get the help to learn new skills, et cetera. I have to go with personality. Me too. Yeah. If i dont like you, it makes you difficult. You can learn your job skills. But you cant learn a personality, especially at a certain age. Right. I am what i am. I assume that when you workplaces, places like here, people have the skills to work here to begin with. Okay. Right. So everyone, for example were all some could argue that. Some could argue i dont know why he has a job or he has a job. It happens. We hear those conversations. It depends on the nature of your work. If im in a cubicle and cranking out numbers, i dont care about personality. For what we do, it is personality all the way. If you have a terrible person as a tv reporter, it wont go well for you. No. Cali girl said i work with people with a horrible attitude and it is draining. I 100 agree. Thank you for your responses. Coming up next right here on mornings on 2 the 9, a family from oakland evicted and now living out of their car. The series of events they say can happen to anyone. A line of human grade food available for dogs. Food. Waterd it to live. But what we dont need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. I see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. You got me, mark. Internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. If you like cinnamon toast crunch then youll love strawberry. French toast. And new Apple Cinnamon toast crunch. From our crazy delicious family to yours. Crave those crazy squares no artificial flavors, preservatives or colors. And an excellent source of calcium. Enjoy cheese dippers by the laughing cow. Food. Water. Internet. We need it to live. For all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all. For the this. Internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. A recent Study Suggests the federal government may be underestimating the number of homeless in californias biggest studies. Zillow conducted that San Francisco has 9,000 homeless residents not 7,000 and los angeles thats 60,000, not 40,000. Some agree that simply counting People Living on the street can be misleading. How do you characterize homelessness . Is it someone who is couch surfing . Or is someone who is living in a motel as oppose today a home, are they homeless . If theyre living in their car, are they considered homeless . The study also looked at how rising rents affect the homelessness crisis. A 5 increase in rent would leave 2,000 more homeless. One family is sharing their story with how anyone can end up homeless. They say the situation is the result of an unfortunate series of events. Reporter at night, the family car is strategically parked in a spot that is hidden in plain view. It is scary. It is crazy. It is madness. It is not really me that she wants. She just wants out. 17monthold eden wants out of the car, restless after being in it for hours with her brother, parents and sister. Driving around a lot is frustrating. It is difficult. Especially when you have a toddler in a car. The toyota camry has been home for the past several months. Its the familys life line. It is one that offers limited security. Are the cops going to pull up on us . Are we going to get caught by Child Protective Services . Are they going to take my children away . Is somebody going to come by the car and break in. Reporter she got sick after giving birth to edene she suffered from lifethreatening medical conditions, pneumonia and a collapsed lung. She was hospitalized and took months to recover. Anything can happen. Be ready. Her daughter is 17 and says the sudden turn of events was eye opening. A lot of people are one incident away from the same thing. He eventually lost his job. The family wasnt able to pay rent and started receiving welfare and food stamps. We werent able to keep up, to be honest. Lightning fast. Literally. I gave birth in the month of march and by july of last year, i had nowhere to live. I was on the streets. Reporter the family tells me they were evicts from their home evicts from their home. Since then they havent been able to find anything affordable in the bay area. This is breakfast for me now. This is life eating on the go. Reporter now many days begin with the family of five cleaning up in the car and finding a public bathroom. This time in a public park. 16yearold jonathan stays by the car. This familys story is a familiar one. For connie green with a nonprofit, building opportunities for self sufficiency. We try to move them to sacramento and stockton. Reporter green says the demand for subsidized housing is staggering. I dont know what you can do if we dont find a way to make housing. There is not necessarily subsidized but affordable. Reporter the family says there is light at the end of this dark journey. At the suggestion of a friend, the family started a gofundme account in july. In three weeks, they far exceeded their goal of 7,500. With the surprise wind fall, the family hit the road to look for an affordable apartment. Driving back and forth to las vegas where housing is cheaper. Hours after returning, jonathan is at basketball practice at oakland high. He made the varsity team for fall. The 16yearold says basketball helped him cope when they lost their home during his moms sickness. We were going through a lot at that moment in time. Reporter his grades plummeted. He is not alone. Reporter his coach says during the past five years, he has seen an increase in the number of students having to move out of oakland because of financial struggles. Weve helped kids with groceries and parents with rent. Reporter but jonathan was determined and bounced back to a 3. 0 grade point average. After practice, jonathan joins his family as they go to their storage unit. A trek they make several times a week. They are packing up a change of clothing. This is the good old job interview. Reporter as day turns night, the family manages to find a hotel room in concord. They are happy to be indoor snooze as they settle in for the night, they have reason for cautious optimism. With the funny from the gofundme, they are applying for an apartment in las vegas, where the rent is 1,200 a month for a 3bedroom, half of what they were paying in event oakland. Feeling powerless and helpless and hopeless. I dont ever want to feel like this again. Im going to make a point of making better plans for our future. Reporter the family is reluctant to leave the bay area but say in order to survive, they will go where they can start over. The family hopes to find work soon and start saving to buy their own home some day. Amber lee, ktvu fox 2 news. So difficult, especially with a little one. Hoping the best for them. In the 2011 just food for dog store opened up in pasadena specializing in human grade dog food. Now the company is coming here to the bay area. They spread their message of treating pets more like family. The locations are open with blossom hill and walnut creek opening this weekend. For more what theyre cooking up, we go to mike mibach. Gasia, sal, thank you very much. Quite the spread, doctor, that you have here. We have restaurants come up all the time. Sometimes they dont even bring this. Yes. This is for a dog as well as humans as well. Yes. This is what youre selling. So our viewers are clear, food for both the dog and for the owners. You can eat it all. We could eat it. It is balanced nutritionally for the dog. A lost my viewers know they have a lab myself. An english lab. 12 years old. We adopted him. He grabs things and we say charlie, dont grab that. There are certain human foods we never want to feed our dogs. Coffee beans have the same compound as chocolate. That can cause seizures. I prefer to avoid all nuts. Some are okay but some arent. Okay. Cinnamon can irritate a dogs gi tract. This worries me. Charlie eats apples. This is fine. You want to meaning sure that you core the apples. The seeds build up in the intense tins and over time they can cause problems. What do have you here. The first batch were going to go ahead and put the beef on here. These are the proteins. I go to the pet store and buy the bagged dog food and i dont want to think twice about it. Quick and easy. Processed foods are no longer recommended for us. Just like us, if they rely on a processed food, they wont be as healthy as with real whole foods. Im adding the apples and the veggies, the green beans, the carrots. So what a lot of vets are looking at fresh whole foods instead of processed food for their whole lives. By giving them the processed food their whole lives, for instance, like we have been doing, what are we doing to my dog . There is some research that shows we may be slowly hurting our dogs over time because of unavoidable contaminants that make it into the processed foods. Things like micro toxins. It is meat and other ingredients in a bag. Theres a lot of preservatives and those chemicalsis what were concerned about. This is something that Takes Minutes to do. The argument is i dont have the time or i dont want to deal with it. Here is your cup of food. If two guys can do it right now, anybody can do it. That is cooking right there. Right. Here is what it looks like when it is all prepared. Okay. What im going to do once it is prepared. Here is my meat and veggies. Im going to let it cool and mix it. Im going to put it in the mixing bowl. While you do that, i should let robert know over here we have 2yearold via. She cant wait. She is smell thanksgiving already. Were going to give her a little piece what was were cook. It includes Sweet Potatoes and potatoes. You would want to dice and boil them ahead of time. Any reason why both. They both provide different nutrients. Each ingredient provides a different nutrient for the balance. Okay. I mix these. In order to ensure that it is balanced for longterm we provide nutrient blend which is this vitamin and mineral blend. I add that as well. And you want to follow the recipe on how much to add. Are you doing this once or twice a day . Are you going to have leftovers. We recommend one of these kids will make 30 pounds of food. What we recommend is cooking all of the food that youre going to feed for a month in one day so youre not cooking every day. Then you can freeze what you cant use in four days. When it comes to actually the owners, the humans taking a bite or two, its okay . Maybe not every day. How about we try it. How about we dont. That is looking nice over there. Lets go to via. I mean that in a nice way. No worries. Ill try it. Vias owner is standing there. Do you have a question for dr. Chavez . You dont have a mic. What is the difference in dog food . We give three cups a day moisture. Couple has the moisture removed. Right. The downside is you might be chronically dehydrating your pets. It will be a larger volume but good volume t has water for it. For a 57pound dog, approximately how much a day . Each will be different t will depend on it is all gone. Via. But youre looking at for a big dog like her probably looking at about 18ounces a day of the food. Again, each recipe will be different. Im going to eat it. Okay. Because it is human food. Just dogs or come on, mike. Good stuff. I just finished it. Look how fast that goes down. Are you looking to expand to cats too. We have one feline recipe. Were available at pet food expresses and through our website. Okay. Dr. Chavez, thank you. Appreciate your time. Im going to eat this one. He is going to try it. He just did. He popped it in his mouth. Sweet potato. Beautiful. All right. Very good. Thank you, mike. Coming up on mornings on 2 the 9, im excited to meet him. He joins us live on the 9 to talk about mining real life for what he uses on the big stage. Mike is up next. Welcome back to the 9. Mike is a comedian and actor who has performed everywhere. Now he is here in the bay area. So excited to have you here on the 9 this morning. I saw your show over the weekend. Parts of it i laughed hard and a lot caused deep inward thought. Youre talking about life as everyone experiences it. Yeah. Im glad to hear that. Thats thats like the best case scenario. Without giving away too much about the show, because i like my Favorite Movie this year is get out. Okay. And i always say to people, dont see the trailer. Dont read nick about it. Dont read anything about it. I try to have an arc of some kind. I found you on this american life. Cool. I felt like i had just tapped into this hip comedian that no one else knew about. Now that youre all over tv and movies, has it changed . You used to say that you are a niche comedian. Can you say that anymore. I dont know. Im lucky in that the people who say hi to me on the street tend to be friendly. Yeah. Im not well known for some horrible thing. Right. Right. Or people like you said that thing to that lady that one time. Yeah. I have no feuds. Good. When people see me in airports, they say, hey, mike. Im like am i supposed to know your name. Are you my cousin. Yeah. When it comes to your show, you get very, very personal. Yeah. And you get very explicit. Medical this, personal that. When these things are happening and not all of them are good, how long does it take to think this could be a part for the new show. About six or seven minutes. It is fast. Yeah. I mean usually about six months or a year before im comfortable talking about something. There is one story in the show that happens when im 23. And i wont give it away. I wasnt comfortable talking about it for years. Like a decade. The more painful the story, the longer it takes to talk about it. I see. I had people ask me in the news room, is this true somewhat he talks about on stage, what he shares in his movies. Even between my husband and i, you talk about you have talked about your sleep walking and you talked about the fact that you have to zip yourself up. I believe you 100 . Entirely true. My husband has doubts. Sleeping in a sleeping bag. I dont wear mittens because theyre too hot. The sleep walking. The sleep sheet i actually created my own because i sleep walk for the viewers at home. Because i sleep walk, i created a fitted sheet that fits me into my own bed. Uhhuh. And i cut a hole out for my head. So you can breath. And one for my wife who isnt there that often. And i wrap the bottom around and create a series of ropes and pulleys and class notes to keep the sheet in the bed. Right. For your safety. Yeah. When i brought that to the tailor to recreate three or four, he saw this sheet with holes and ropes and class notes and he was very upset. A little doubtful. And he said no. I said no, it is a medical sheet. He refused to make more of them. Yeah. Yeah. Can i ask you thats thats as much of morning tv as we can say. When it comes to your films, i feel like so much of what you make, you you live the experience, you produce the words and you put it on stage. When it cups to your work on girls someone else is giving you words to say. Is that difficult. Yeah. Orange the new black, i was in train wreck way was exciting because judd aptow is one of my favorite of all times. It is freeing when someone gives you the words. I write and direct my own movies. Sleep walk with me and dont think twice. Thats an extraordinary amount of work. So taxing. I find that just acting i find acting to be fun actually. You can just perform. Yeah. You talk a little bit in your know show about the fact that youre coming close to 40. I looked around the audience. It is an intimate theater. I saw people twice your age and half your age. It is a great theater. Beautiful theater. My city patty lives in oakland. I have been coming to that theater for years. It is a dream come true performing there. Do you like that mix in the audience. I want people 18 to 88 in the audience. But not like 14. Right. Yeah. 14 is a little young for some of the material. Sometimes people show up with their kids who are 12 or 13. It doesnt have a gratuitous language but i encourage people from like 20 to 100. 100yearolds would love this show. I saw a lot of seniors laughing. It turns out my brother was there for the 6 00 show. I dont think he and i see eye to eye on many things. I was like you like him too. We found something special. An honor to have you here. I wont give away the nut of the show. But it is worth going to. Yes. Staying for. If people dont like if people want to know big about it, watch my special my boyfriends girlfriend. Watch for 20 minutes, if you like it, come see it. If you dont, dont come see it. I hope you have a chance to see it. It has been extended through the 4th. All of the i can at the time information is on ktvu. Com. You will find it on the web links section and on our mobile app. You have more selfies waiting im sure in the news room. Thank you so much for coming. A lot of people very excited. Keeping up. It takes hard work, tight budgets and a little support. And pg e is ready to do our part. Our care program can save you 20 or more on your monthly bill. It just takes a few minutes to apply and youll see the savings on your next bill. When having a little extra can mean a lot. Turn to care. Go to pge. Com care and enroll today. A 2yearold boy was found in a san jose apartment complex early yesterday morning is still in child protective custody this morning. The story we covered extensively yesterday on mornings on 2. The little boys grandmother talked with ktvu in the afternoon but asked not to show her face or release her name. She called police about 9 00 a. M. To say the boy was missing. The grandmother says the boy had been living with her, her husband and six children for about a year and just last monday they had moved into a house half a mile away from where the little boy was found. How did he get out. There was no locks on the doors. So our last house we had to put locks on top of the doors because he is smart and knows how to unlock stuff. This was really an accident. And im just so embarrassed. She says the little boy has autism, is very smart and very active. The grandmother says they had already bought locks to put at the top of the door so he couldnt reach them but the locks hadnt yet been installed. Happening in just about one hour in San Francisco, a ceremony will take place to honor the First Responder whos rushed to the scene of junes deadly shooting at a ups shooting. The active shooter situation at the ups facility left four dead and two injured. There is still a question of what motivated the gunman to open fire on his coworkers before also shooting and killing himself. Dozens of friends and family members packed a san ramon restaurant last night only to watch their Little League team come up short in their dream of making it to the Little League world series. About 50 friends and supporters watched the game at the fire house restaurant. It was a disappointing night. The canyon creek allstars lost 1311 to allele league team from utah. The loss brings the teams incredible season to an end. We couldnt be more proud of this team. The kids and coaches, they embody everything that is great in youth sports. Most players on the at thatem are 12 years old. So some can try out again and hope to make another run at williamsport next season. It was a tough loss. I was watching it online. Great season. I hope youre with us tomorrow on the 9. We will be live with the conductor of harry potter and the sorcerer stone. We are thinking back to School Shopping and planning. Easy way to save money when youre doing that. I remember a couple years ago going into target and it was empty. That was mid august. Do it now. I will see you back here at noon. Empty. Yeah. I believe it. I do. I do. Be a powerful force. Nature valley no artificial flavors, preservatives or colors. And an excellent source of calcium. Enjoy cheese dippers by the laughing cow. Food. Water. Internet. We need it to live. But what we dont need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. I see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. You got me, mark. We just want fast internet for one, simple rate. For all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all. For the this. Internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. Live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. How you doin . Its going to be now, heres wendy [ cheers and applause ] ooh ooh ooh ooh wendy wow thank you for watching. [ cheers and applause ] say hello to my studio audience. They are my cohosts

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