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Her children ages 15 and 17 at the concert. The whole building shook and a flash of fire afterwards. There were bodies everywhere. Welcome to the 9, everyone. Gasia and sal, in both of the examples, you see the word children. Children were targeted in this particular terror ais tack. An 8yearold died in the attack. Were in the News Business and we report bad news all the time. Something like this just gets to me more for whatever reason. When you hear children yeah. Such a deliberate you know who goes to an Ariana Grande concert. For someone to plan the attack and have that in their mind, it is terrible. New information is emerging about the attack at the Ariana Grande concert in manchester, england. U. S. Officials tell the Associated Press that they have identified the bomber as 22 yearold solomon abeti. They raided homes linked to him this morning. There was a controlled explosion during one of the raids. A 23yearold man has already been taken into custody. More arrests are expected within the next 24 hours. Last nights attack killed 22 people and injured 59. Ktvus allie rasmus is joining us from the news room this morning with more on the attack. Allie. And the Investigation Continues and authorities are now making a plea to the public to help them with this investigation. Asking anyone who may have pictures or cell phone video of the homes before, during and after the attack at the concert to share the images with police. We have seen very chilling cell phone video and you can hear the bomb of that explosion and watch the chaotic aftermath. [music] [cheering and applause] it happened around 10 30 last night after local time after the concert had wrapped up and people were leaving. The suicide bomber detonated an explosive device near the front hall of the area as people were passing through to leave. It doesnt appear that he got in to detonate the device. A lot of people were asking how security could be so lax that he got in. That wasnt the case. The bomber died in that attack. They have identified him as we told you a minute ago. They have aretchedded a 23year old man in connection with the bombing. Isis claimed responsibility for the attack earlier this morning. Although british Authorities Say it is unclear how much if any the bomber if any contact the bomber had with the terrorist group. At least 12 of those injured were under the age of 16. According to an information from an Ambulance Service that the New York Times reported. Children and teens are among the 22 people dead. An 8yearold girl one of the victims. Russo was at the concert with her mom and older sister. The mom and sister survived and are in the hospital. Now, parents who havent heard from their kids since the event last night have posted information on social media with missinginmanchester. People are desperate for answers. That she is in a hospital somewhere. But no one can get ahold of me because they dont know who she is. Or she is dead. I just dont know. Now, Ariana Grande was not injured. She suspended the world tour and expressed sorrow owe on twitter saying, quote, broken from the bottom of my heart. I am so, so sorry. I dont have words. In the meantime in manchester, authorities report a surge in people heading to Blood Donation centers the day after the attack. They have also planned a vigil for the victims tonight in front of the manchester town hall. Back to you guys. Thank you, allie. This is the deadliest attack on u. K. Soil after the train bombings that killed 52 people and injured more than 700. Theresa may called those responsible for the attack last night callous and cowardly. The images that we hold in your minds should not be those of senseless slaughter, but of the ordinary men and women who put concerns about their own safety to one side and rushed to help. Queen elizabeth says the whole nation has been shocked. She commended the people of manchester for responding with humanity and compassion. One woman is being called a hero for helping dozens of teenagers to get to safety after the bombing. Paula robinson says she was at a nearby train station when she saw the explosion and saw dozens of fans running from the area. She took about 50 teens to a nearby hotel and posted her Contact Information on social media so parents could find their children. Businesses and strangers have been using it to offer survives a place to stay. Some rides and food and drinks. Right now there is no Train Service in and out of manchester. That came to the concert from out of town right now have no way to get home. This leads to our question of the day. How safe do you feel attending large venue events . We will take a look at the poll results. 20 say very. 54 say somewhat. 26 say not at all. Incidents are tragic but rare. I will not live in fear. I refuse to let the terrorists win. Look at the people around you. Look for exits, et cetera, before an emergency happens. Honestly not as safe as i thought. Terrorists are starting to go even more extreme and target Family Friendly environments. We will take your responses throughout the day and share them with you at 9 30. Thank you for using ktvuthe9. Joe tuman is joining us now in the studio. Thanks for joining us. Im sorry to be with you for this story. I mentioned at the top of the newscast children were attacked in this. I have a sense of sophistication here. The suicide bomb. You think that isis, i mean it is claiming responsibility, is behind this attack. We dont know for sure. The fact that the Law Enforcement officials have said theyre going to arrest other people suggest the possibility of a network. If theres a network of people involved, then chances are better that it would be connected to isis. I think we have to expect mike in response to the question as isis continues to lose ground in syria and iraq, um see a propensity for more you will see a propensity for more of these kind of attacks. They wont occupy physical space. It will be a virtual. Their use of social media makes it easy to recruit those to his cause. These are probably People Living in that community for a long time. Born in the u. K. Or there for many years but still felt ostracized and isolated. Those are the types of young men who are vulnerable to isis. That has been going on. Something like this happens. Yeah. And then more of that pressure starts. I am encouraged to see some n. Some of the british press, statement from government leaders say they needed to look at the communities where people live in a de facto ghetto perhaps. And why are they isolated in this way . If youre going to have a conversation with people who are islamic, how do you encourage that conversation that makes them feel concluded. Is there a Bigger Network do you think that exists in that country . In march you were talking about the attack on the westminster bridge. Let me answer your question this way. Yeah. The way that isis has recruited fighters is through social media. Once they engage you and get you to start receiving stuff from them and engaging with them back and forth, they will shift it away from social messaging and assign you a handler who befriends you and inviting you to a meeting at the mosque or coffee afterwards. And they evaluate and you look to see if you are someone who is capable of being taken down the road. At any one time, if youre not the right kind of person, they cut it off because youre a Security Risk to them. To answer your question, it is not just a network. They move from social Media Contact to hands on contact before they recruit someone to do Something Like this. It doesnt happen overnight. Not something that this what is some time . A month . Months. It could be months frankly. If it means that if people went to the trouble of planning this attack, could there be more to follow . I might as well plan a couple more down the road. Not only is it possible, i think it is extremely likely. The two things we know about this particular group is that and we found in writings about this. They published it. They look for densely packed venues. Places where there are physical boundaries to prevent you from getting out. A subway or a train, you are stuck where you are. That is a natural for that. And even where a small bomb could do a lot of damage and take a lot of life. The other thing that we know about them and alterer groups, to your answer question, gasia, they want to kill people not because they targeted them but the extreme loss of life will generate the news stories like we are doing now. We elevate them above the status of other terror groups. There are lots of terror groups and that is part of their goal. Clearly there was a deliberate search for young, innocent life here. We all know who goes to an Ariana Grande show. I wouldnt dispute that. In fact some of the messaging from isis has claim this had is a pay back for the young loss of life in syria. Why they would take that out on england, i dont know. That is the claim. I would have to say that is a little bit of dodge. This was a concert venue. Im sure they werent ignorant of the fact that young people would be there. That draws reaction like we have this morning. I was interested in our conversation earlier about how do we cover this. It is never appropriate for government to tell us that we should or shouldnt cover these things. It is appropriate for people who work in news to have an internal conversation about how do we keep this going on the news cycle . The longer we talk about this, the more we scare people and we elevate a group like isis when we should be tearing them down,. Thank you, joe. Thank you. More problems for a high school caught in a hazing scandal. A change in transit policy. The president and the first lady took part in a wreath laying ceremony along with the prime minister. He also met with the palestinian president in the west bank. He assured him that the palestinians are committed to come to a Peace Agreement with israel. The budget calls for sharp cuts to social service programs. Medicaid, food stamps, disability benefits and student loans. It would increase spending on mill tarry and parental leave. Democrats say the Trump Administration is trying to balance the budget on the backs of the poor. When u2s concert was extended beyond 10 00 curfew, it increased costs for vta. The last trains were supposed to leave by 11 00. But thats when the concert ended so they ran trains around hour later and it cost 61,000 to do so. It tried to charge the stadium but it was rejected. That policy basically defines a soft and defines how we can recoup that money from this specific venue. We have to look at the whole situation. What are these moneys that theyre requesting . How are they justifying these funds and these payments. The vta board is expected to take up the proposal at its meeting on june 1st. An event bay woman is suing b. A. R. T. Over one of the apps saying it violating privacy. The b. A. R. T. Watch app released in 2014 secretly collects information about users. At that was a way to report criminal activity discreetly with their smart phone. But it allows the app to track the identifier and their location. Across industry standards, companies dont do this. They dont collect the kind of information that is being collected by the definites in this case. B. A. R. T. Released a statement on its website denying the claim. It says that users can opt out of location sharing and there are several places that information is posted. B. A. R. T. Says it is a helpful tool to report security concerns. Coming up next, part two of sports director mark ibanezs sitdown interview with john lynch. Whew he says about his choice as starting quarterback as the team prepares for the upcoming season. An antioch man dies because of a gas station snack contaminated with ailment potentially deadly bacteria. At ikea, we believe that you should be able to afford your dream bedroom. That you can get it all for less. That you can find what youre looking for at a price youve been waiting for. And we believe the cost of a good nights sleep shouldnt keep you up at night. Save up to 20 at the ikea bedroom event. Taking a look at markets. You see the dow jones is up, gaining almost 50 points right now. Nasdaq and s p are also up. Were learning more about a deadly case of Food Poisoning. Health officials have confirmed that nacho cheese contaminated with botulism is what killed a man from antioch. Nine other people, including two teenagers are still sick after eating that same food south of south carolina. Great brother. Great father. You know, he was always Good Business the nephew, his own kids. Reporter mario cherishes memories of his older brother martin who worked in construction and on a month long job near sacramento. This is the mid point from here to there. I kind of figured he would stop by and get snacks on the way here and there, coffee drinks. Reporter valley oak fuel in valley drove. He bought Tortilla Chips and cheese sauce with no way of knowing that the nacho cheese was contaminated. That is the scary thing about botulism. It is tasteless and odorless. Reporter an attorney specializes in Food Poisoning cases. Botulism bacteria is everywhere in the environment. The most likely thing is it happened in the Assembly Line at the at the cheese manufacturer. Reporter he does not represent the family. But he has six clients, including kelly of sacramento, who all ate the taped cheese. Like the others, she depends on a ventilator to breath. Lovelism brings on full body paralysis. They have been taping her eyelids open so she can see her family. Youre completely aware of what is going on, but you cant do anything about it. Reporter kelly has three chimp. The lawsuit filed on her behalf describes her prognosis as uncertain. It is my best friend. My love. Im trying to hold it together for my kids. My kids need their mother back. Reporter kelly and other victims are being treated with an anti toxin from the cdc. But it can take up to a year to recover. Bags of sauce were recovered from the gas station weeks after people got sick. Gail foods of wisconsin insists the facilities are safe and samples from the same lot are testing negative. In a statement the ceo says we are praying for those battling the illness and trying to determine what caused the outbreak onsite. Where the botch live came from is still unknown but the family is grappling with a different question, how to go on without martin. His children just one and four. It is tough. As a son and brother, especially being a great person that he was, it is hard for everybody. Reporter botulism is so ra irthat doctors may not be looking for it. Martin was sent home and told he probably had an infection or allergies. Hours later he was in an ambulance struggling to breath as paralysis set in. Sal walked away for a second and you had a fun assignment. Yeah. I got to talk to jamie foxx downstairs. We will be premiering a show where you can beat shazam. Im excited about this. We may hear from him at the end of the show today but we will hear from him tomorrow. He has a lot of energy and musical knowledge. A little today but more on thursday. I think you will like it. Jamie foxx. A nice guy too. For more on the headlines we have been working on, lets go to dave clark in the news room. Thank you, sal. An Early Morning fired damaged several businesses. Flames were shooting in the sky when crews arrived. Later Business Owners were escorted in to see the fire damage themselves. Some of the roofs are falling so they have to be very careful around them. The cause of that fire still under investigation. In the meantime the mother of convicted killer Garcia Torres has begged the jury who found him guilty of sierra lamar to spare his life. Lauren garcia testified that her exhusband verbally and physically abused her son. The jury will decide if Garcia Torres should get the Death Penalty or life in prison. Alameda may decide to close lumm elementary. They say that the school is not earthquake safe. But the parents found engineers who say there is a way to keep it open and fix the problems. Napa high school may be forced to cancel its upcoming football season. The napa valley register reports if the high school doesnt hire a new head coach by june 15th, the varsity, Junior Varsity and freshman football programs are at risk. It has been the focus of allegation of hazing over the past two years. 14 players and one coach could face charges. Several players have already been expelled. The head coach, troy mott resigned back in march. There have been offers to replace him but all of the offers were turned down. Those are some jut of the Morning Headlines from our studios. Mike, gasia and sal, ill send it back to you. Thank you, dave. Local artists showing off their skills and where they are from. The Group Sponsoring local artists for urban artwork. Warriors fans lining up for the hot item and why some of them left empty handed after last nights big win in san antonio. Can you imagine. Back to the nba finals. Waiting in that line. If you really want the hat. We are getting new pictures from england as the country mourns those killed in a explosion at a concert. There was a moment of silence held in front of buckingham palace. 22 people were killed. 59 others injured. Police just finished a brief News Conference minutes ago. They confirmed the identity of the suicide bomber as abedi. Tabloids report that they have that police have arrested another 23yearold man in connection with the attack. How safe do you feel attending large venue . 20 as you can see say very. 53 say somewhat. 27 say not at all. Theres been a lot of talk about this on social media with regards to the question of the day. What are you seeing out there. No one saying they feel very safe. With all that is happening now, i would not feel safe. Jackson titus says i feel pretty safe. I was at wrestle mania and i felt really safe. We cant live in fear. It depends on the quality of security. But i will still see a concert at hob in anaheim on saturday. I will hit disneyland this weekend. Fear exists but doesnt control me. Thank you for your responses. You can reach us on twitter using ktvuthe9. It been foggy but the sun will eventually come out, right, steve . Yeah. I know some of you like the warm temps but it peaked out yesterday. There is more of a westerly breeze and fog. What a way to end the day. This is gorgeous mamattus clouds. Those are over new mexico yesterday. That is from tornado chaser greg johnson. S are johnson. Roswell, new mexico. Are you sure that is a tornado . Yes. Yesterday was active for areas from new mexico to the carolinas. We have a big fog bank making more of a push now. We will see cooler temps. Santa rosa down five. Livermore from a very hot 96 to 89 today. You can see the low cloud deck there. It needs a little help. It will get it. Delta breeze still isnt over 25 or 30. By this evening or tomorrow morning, it will be. 50s to 70s. 60s in between. It is looking cooler as the system to the west southwest of l. A. Begins to lift that. Will join another system from the north and give us a pretty significant cooldown. One more warm day inland. Then everything plunges big time. Upper 60s and 70s inland by the time we get to friday. After today we can say goodbye to the 90s and get a cooling trend. The weekend looks nice but a little warmer. Thank you, steve. You got it. The nba western conference champs are back in the bay area this morning. The warriors took this video getting off of the chartered flight just before 3 00 this morning. The players returned with serious hardware. You can see the western conference trophy. Steph curry scooped it up nicely. Soft touch. The warriors advanced to the nba finals for the Third Straight season after sweeping the spurs, winning last night 1291 15. The warriors can rest up before the nba finals. Game one is at oracle on thursday, june 1st. Game two is also at oracle june the 4th. Then games three and four will be on the road in cleveland or boss to be. Fans be boston. Fans are trying to grab the hat item that everybody is looking for. Hey, alex. Reporter good morning, mike. The Warriors Gear is here. Were at the Dicks Sporting Goods store in petaluma. All of the dicks stores have a lot of the warriors shirts here and the nba finals hats. This hat that youre looking at, as nice as the hat looks, it is not the one that everyone is looking for yet. The one that people want is not in stock yet. Im sad to report. Most people are trying to get their hands on those black nba finals hats that steph curry and the team were sporting last night after the warriors beat the spurs in the western conference finals. After they punched their ticket to the nba finals for a Third Straight season, dicks opened up early at 6 00 a. M. This morning to sell finals gear. We saw several dozen people who camped outside of the Pleasant Hill location. Many fans were left disappointed after finding out that the black hats hadnt arrived at stores yet. I was looking for the finals hats that they were wearing on the court yesterday. They were supposed to have them and they didnt. Here i am walking out without a hat. I have my old hat. It is a nice one. Reporter now, a dicks represent fifth tells us that the hats that everybody is trying to get their hands on will be on sale starting tomorrow. The problem is the shipment just didnt arrive in time. But i dont know. Who needs a hat when you can get your hands on these extremely look at you. Reporter warriors glasses. Well done. Well done. Reporter you dont need that cool black hat. Come on. See you. I was watching the giants game more than the warriors game because i was confident in the win. Two words, mike. What. Two screens. Do you have your laptop or something. I will get there. Joining us on the phone is mark ibanez. The cover of the green says this morning, one word unchallenged. I keep debating, is it better that they be challenged or not challenged going into the nba finals . That is a great question as i sit here pondering it in my black finals cap. Im just messing with you. I didnt get one either. We will get them tomorrow. There is nothing wrong with the old cap. That is a great question. They werent tested in any real way other than Health Issues along the way, minor injuries. If you asked them if you would rather be 120 or gone through tough series, i think they would tell you we will take it the way it is. How about first team ever in nba history. Ever. To go 120. Thats right. So i think they will be all right. You know, mark, i would say that it is a good probability that they will get the cavaliers. Although it is not decided. Once that series is set, do they are they a better team than the cavaliers . Will they be favored . Should they be able to win the nba championship in your opinion. No question about it. In terms of depth, theyre a little better than cleveland. Cleveland has you talk about not being tested. I know they have been impressive. But i call it, you know, the Junior Varsity. Thats the nba east. And they have gone through through easily. But they lost the game to the celtics who are even no match for the warriors really. If you have them in a playoff series. I think it will be definitely not a situation where youre going to see a sweep. I see six or seven nerve wracking games. But if they were to lets dream a little fantasy. If they swept the cleveland cavaliers, i think you would shall talking about greatest team in the history of the nba. Unmatched in every regard when it comes to post season. And to tell you the truth, own though the calf even though the cavaliers lost a game, they have been uncontested just like the warriors. Believe me, i know you were being easy easy on it, sal, come on. It will be the cleveland cavaliers. No doubt about it. If you say so. I think youre right. Mark, were about to run your part two of john lynch interview. And i texted you yesterday because i felt like part one was fantastic. I was in the room with you two. What is your take before we let you go of the 49ers new gm. Is he the right man for this gig. This is a guy that even though he doesnt have experience as a general manager prior. He is an engaging guy. I tell people, this guy has been a success at everything that he has done. Stanford man, he was a successful broadcaster by doing things the right way, doing his homework, knowing what he was talking about. He is an engaging guy. I see no reason why he wont succeed in this. He is one of those people who leads by example and he gets people pumped up. When i went down there, guys, at the facility, people were raving about him behind his back saying he has changed the atmosphere around here. They one employee actually told me that even when they were winning in the harbaugh years, people were uptight and it was a cautious, subdued atmosphere around the 49ers facility. This guy has changed it. And i think that that is contagious and it leads to success. I think you will see something happen right along the lines offing what is going on with the warriors as far as being a progressive, transparent organization. I believe it starts with the gm. Always a pleasure, mark. Have a great rest of your morning. Thank you for taking the time. You bet. He is a very conversational guy as youre about to see. Here is part two of marks conversation with the new gm john lynch. Good morning and welcome to the nfl draft. I think you got a little taste of draft day of how the scrutiny can really, you know, become all of a sudden nationwide or what have you. Well, we have our first trade of the night. San francisco and chicago have flipped picks. The 49ers now get to move back. They are not done moving back yet. On draft day, when that culminated, you get a certain adrenaline as a player out on the field. Did that equal that. It was fun. The advice that i heard from people is that the draft can be boring. You pick and wait six hours and you pick again. That wasnt our case. We were picking two. From the start a lot of people apologized because they felt it was a deep draft but not good up top. I knew from my heart of hearts. We are picking number two. We dont want to do this again. In the end we were able to move back one spot, grab a fantastic player that we would have been hatch etaking at two but then gain a lot of ammunition to move around this draft. Trust me. It is john lynch. How are you doing, buddy . Do you want to be a 49er. That was a cool story about solomon. I heard a review of that. You were in a class together at stanford. Yeah. I was a football and baseball player at stanford. John lynch. I signed after my junior year to play professional baseball. I left stanford after three years. My son kind of challenged me, hey, you always talked to us about finishing. Why dont you . And i said, linda, we have a problem. What is that . Jake kind of called me out on this. Hes right. I have to finish. I went back to summer school. I was a 42yearold senior and i went into a class and solomon thomas was in that class. It was called decision analysis. We worked on a project together. He was a true freshman at the time going in. Just saw he was a delightment young kid. Kid a delightful young kid. How important is the mind set . You saw it on draft day in this very building next door. Absolutely. It is a big part of this. The faithful. Im seeing firsthand how strong that is. I knew that as an opposing players perspective. Now im feeling it firsthand. When you have a championship effort every day, in time we will put a Championship Team together. That is the standard. Thats where we want to get. In closing, we will ask you a fun question because for too much blame, too much credit, there is always a quarterback. Thats the question i get out on the street more often than not. Who is the 49er quarterback going to be . Kyle and i are both believers from different perspectives. I played against a lot of Great Quarterbacks. I never liked to give them credit. But once i retired, i knew how important. Even in this league. Right now brian is our quarterback. We are excited about brian. He has been in kyles system and has been effective in kyles system. The key to him is being healthy. He has to stay healthy. Given that he does that and he is working hard to do that, he can be very successful. But were lengths very mind were also very mindful that were searching for the franchise guy. They have seen it here with joe and steve and alex and kap had his success. They have seen Great Quarterback play. Were striving for that. And were working for it each day, trying to find that guy. Thanks to john lynch and mark ibanez. 49ers open at home week one against the panthers. Looking forward to some improvement. Coming up on mornings on 2 the 9, knowing how far we can go by understanding where we have been. Up next, more on caves to space. Caress, with floral fusion oil is more than one thing. Its soft skin and fine fragrance. Discover more than one thing with caress. Soft skin, fine fragrance. Caress. The first science speak easy called out of this world from caves to space. It tackles the question of how far we as a society request go by taking a look back at where we have been. Author of what its like in space stories from astronauts who have been there. Ariel joins us live in the studio. Very cool back. Thank you for coming in. Yes. Working at nasa, has it changed your perspective from science growing up as a child and the teens and in college. Absolutely. I liked a lot of Different Things growing up. I stumbled into a job at nasa unexpectedly a few years ago. It really did change my perspective from nasa being a bunch of Rocket Science to hackers, figuring things out as they went along. They didnt know everything about Space Exploration when they started out in the 1960s. I decided to send someone at nasa an email saying i was a fan and i was here, someone who went to art school. I didnt expect to hear back but i did. It can be intimidating who doesnt have a science background. The oakland Science Center is about my speed. Geared towards children. If i go beyond that, i get timid and shut down. How do you encourage adults to open up a bit. The idea of playing with science. It should really be used with adults as well. There are a lot of ways that adults can contribute. They can discover galaxies or black holes. When you wrote the book what its like in space, what kind of things did you learn or did you know anything about it before you wrote the book . I assume you know a lot about it now. Yeah. I learned so many things. I got to learn a lot of embarrassing stories that astronauts might only tell you about a beer about awkward situations or dealing with bodily fluids. Or sneezing. You have to sneeze in a right direction. Yeah. If you dont sneeze downward, you can sneeze into your helmet and that can be a bad problem. It could be. What is your favorite story in here. I have a lot. One that i really enjoyed was about astronaut whos were aboard the Space Shuttle and how they were having serious headaches and having these headaches and nasa didnt know what was causing them. If it was intracranial pressure or other things in space. They ended up discovering they were sending them into space with freeze dried coffee. What they were experiencing was caffeine withdrawal headaches. I get that quite often without caffeine. Do you think that space should be accessible to all . It eventually will . That we have a chance to go outside of earth. I think so. Thats what were slowly but surely realizing. By having experiences in outer space, we can get a broader view of what it is like for humanity to really go into space and not have it owned by one country or government. My dad is a long time physicist and my kids think that he knows everything. I tell them no, grandpa doesnt know everything. The future isnt sealed. You may discover something that even grandpa doesnt know. There is a punk rock perspective to outer space. Realize that you can build rovers that nasa hasnt thought of yet. Awesome book. Thank you, ariel, for coming in. We put information about todays science speak easy. Look for it on the mornings on 2 tab on ktvu. Com and you can find it on the ktvu mobile app as well. Thank you. Thank you. I cant even imagine some of the things that you stumbled to. An email and then youre working at nasa. Welcome to maxx you. You are whimsical, vibrant, statement making. We see what makes you unique. So we have something for everyone, at a price thats just right for you. Maxx you. Maxx life. T. J. Maxx the perfect brow. W . Brow drama pomade crayon from maybelline new york. Our first creamy pigmented wax crayon sculpts and tames as it colors, in one easy swipe. Maybellines brow drama pomade. Make it happen. Maybelline new york and a makeup remover at night . This does it all micellar cleansing water, from Garnier Skinactive. The garnier micelles act like a magnet, to cleanse, remove makeup and refresh. Allinone. Now in a silky soft wipe, from Garnier Skinactive the wife of an Alameda County sheriffs deputy pleaded not guilty in connection with a deadly dui crash that killed a 3yearold boy. Prosecutors say she slammed into a car parked on 680 in san ramon back in september killing the 3yearold. She is being charged with gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated and driving under the influence. Last year she was also arrested for driving drunk while her child was in the car. Earlier this month, she was also arrested for public intoxication in pleasanton. Bail was set for 3 million. Visit oakland is looking for local artists to create murals on walls and spaces donated by businesses and property owners. They will pay 500 to 5,000 depending on the vice and scope of the moore size and scope of the mural. Visit oakland already has murals on a number of walls around oakland. The partnership between mer chats and artists merchants and artists is Good Business for both. It will give the artists projects and things to enable them to show pride in their hometown and hopefully stay here. Visit oakland hopes to fund at least five new murals with the family. Tsa is hoping to convince music lovers to sign up for precheck at the bottle rock festival in napa this weekend. They will have a mobile rv unit parks outside of the festival. The idea is to encourage people to sign up for precheck. The tsa expedited program. The Precheck Program costs 85 for five years. Precheck members go through special airport check points and dont have to remove their shoes, jackets or belts and can keep their laptops and liquids packed. As a perk they get to use the vip entrance to the festival. Jamie foxx is hosting a game show as you try to identify song thats are the biggest hit songs of all time. I spoke to jamie a few minutes ago about the show. Listen, listen, im going to be honest. Little old older white lady from south carolina, 63 years old, she blew them away in the hip hop category. Blew them away in the r b category. She was dabbing the whole night. Same tech especially, a brother was getting all of the country western. I was like let me get my mind right and quit stereo typing these people because their music knowledge was amazing. The correct answer is what. I want you back. We will have more of this interview with jamie foxx on thursday, the day the show premieres on ktvu fox 2. Also speaking of new shows on fox, ill be speaking live with andy cohen during the 9. He is hosting love connection. It premieres this thursday night. Im excited for that. Very excited. What should i wear. How are my lashes. Im a big fan. I know. Im excited. Thanks for watching, everyone. Have a great rest of your morning. Gasia and i will see you back here for the noon broadcast. [ birds chirping ] [ inhales, exhales ] [ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when theyre smoked. [ rat squeaking ] theyre dangerous long after. Cigarette butts are toxic. They release chemicals that poison our water. And harm wildlife. And millions. Are polluting our environment. [ sniffing ] [ seagulls squawking ] at ikea, we believe that you should be able to afford your dream bedroom. That you can get it all for less. That you can find what youre looking for at a price youve been waiting for. And we believe the cost of a good nights sleep shouldnt keep you up at night. Save up to 20 at the ikea bedroom event. The perfect brow. W . Brow drama pomade crayon from maybelline new york. Our first creamy pigmented wax crayon sculpts and tames as it colors, in one easy swipe. Maybellines brow drama pomade. Make it happen. Maybelline new york live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. Wendy how you doin . Welcome to hot topics. We wont judge, but were judging. Its going to be juicy. [ applause ] now heres wendy [ applause ] wendy good morning. Thank you for watching our show. [ applause ] and say hello to my cohost, my studio audience

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