Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 9am 20161025 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 9am 20161025

addition of kevin durant, they will find their groove. >> yeah. >> certainly look different and play different too with kd joining them. >> i got a response on twitter. we asked a question. there was one that caught me. one word, redemption. >> oh, i see. we will show them. >> not to be confused with revenge. no that is meaner. we start with the news of the day. developing stories we have been following throughout mornings on 2. police cars involved in crashes both in oakland and san jose. >> we start in the south bay where officers fired shots at a suspect who threatened officers. >> janine de la vega is reporting this happened close to a school in the downtown area. she is live in san jose with an update. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, alex. in the last hour police cleared the scene here. this is where officers shot at the suspect vehicle. and you can see basically what is left here is broken glass from that suspect vehicle. people here in this neighborhood say that they heard five to six shots fired. now, here is video of the isuzu rodeo that police shot at. police say it was stole own and believe it was taken from the parking lot of o'connor hospital in san jose. around midnight the driver of the stolen suv hit an occupied patrol car on wooster avenue. the suspect rammed the car a second time. that's when the other officers got involved. a lieutenant described how it went down. >> one of the officers was getting into his vehicle when a suspect came around the corner and ended up colliding with his car. the suspect vehicle backed up and ended up colliding with the patrol officer's car a second time. it was just after that that the two other officers on foot ended up using their service weapons to shoot at the suspect vehicle. the suspect vehicle fled. >> reporter: police found the suspect vehicle in a carport at anment complex nearby at mckee and king. a k-9 tracked the suspect down close by. he had a misdemeanor warrant for resisting arrest. police spent the morning investigating at the scene of the shooting that happens to be next to the kellogg's factory and rocket ship discovery school. students and workers had to be escorted into the rope-ed off area. >> it is just scary that the school is in this area. it is such a good school. they are amazing. it's just that the area is a little concerning. >> reporter: officers were able to drive the patrol vehicle involved in the shooting out of the crime scene. we didn't see too much damage. the officer inside it while it was hit was not hurt, neither was the suspect or the other officers involved in the shooting. they are being interviewed and are going to be put on administrative leave during this investigation. back to you. >> thank you. now to oakland where police are investigating their own officer involved crash in which a passenger in the suspect's car was killed. the crash happened as officers were investigating an unrelated shooting last night. the suspect was most likely drunk when it plowed into several vehicles, including a police suv with two officers inside. it happened at 3:00 this morning at 35th avenue near brookdale. the passenger who was killed has been identified as 27-year- old marcello lopez of hayward. the 27-year-old driver who was from oakland went to the hospital with critical injuries. two other passengers went to the hospital as well with non- life-threatening injuries. >> it goes into a situation where they should have slowed down, used caution to go around the patrol vehicles, collided, causing that chain reaction. >> police say that five cars were involved in the chain reaction crash. no officers were hurt. as for the shooting, a man was wounded in a domestic disturbance. that man is listed in critical condition. the officers in the crash were the one that's were fired upon this saturday night as they were investigating another shooting. we're learning more this morning about a dramatic police chase in fresno county where police shot at a suspect -- where a suspect shot at police. it was all caught on the police dash cam. >> the suspect driving the mazda suv sped off. shots were fired by a passenger in the mazda. a civilian passenger on a ride along was hit by glass after the bullet went into the windshield. >> two went into the windshield. the third round hit the rear passenger tire that blew it out. that's how the vehicle got disabled and couldn't continue. >> that mazda was found a few blocks away with an ar-15 pistol inside. police haven't yet made any arrests in this case. >> what a day for a ride-along. >> we have been on so many ride- alongs our self. >> that is not routine. >> we also like the rain because it is bringing us moisture that we need. although driving has been tricky, steve. >> for some, it was nothing. for some, it is still raining. marin county and son month county, unbelievable totals. still reports of rain around santa rosa up to marin county. a couple of people saying that things have calmed down a little bit here. what we will see is a continuation of some of this rain for a few. and in marin county, getting reports. frank said it stopped. other areas are still getting rain. and some of the totals were just incredible here. take a look at some coming up in a second. and you can see some of that continuing to move through the santa cruz mountains as well. not as much. but .6 of an inch. forestville 3. winds are almost 3. and other locations, oakmont and sleepy hollow over two inches of rain. other locations as well. russian river, sonoma county and marin county. we're almost done with this. a little bit left for today. we will get a break tomorrow. and then more rain. the next one looks like it will be widespread on thursday. >> thank you, steve. >> you're welcome. >> today is the day. we're excited. basketball back in oakland. the golden state warriors tipping off the new season tonight at oracle arena. allie rasmus is live inside the arena which of course is going to be packed with very excited warriors fans in just a few hours. allie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, alex. tipoff, warriors versus the spurs. giving you a look around here, it is empty and quiet. but you can bet that roar-acle will live up to its name tonight. the folks making sure that everything is spic and span. tickets are still available on the resale mark e if you want season tickets, you may be out of luck. the waiting list for the season tickets are 30,000 people long. but you can still get tickets for tonight's game. it is a testament for how popular this game is going into the regular season. let's show you video of the last practice before the season starts today. you see stephen curry making a shot off of his head. it never gets hold. kevin durant joins the warriors. fans are hoping this might be the start of a march to the rematch between the warriors and the cavaliers. the fans are optimistic. almost a perfect record going into the regular season. the warriors vp of business says having so many stars on the team has been great for the fans and the organization, especially when it comes to jersey sales. >> curry has led nba in jersey sales in the last two years. we have seen that on we saw an influx of kevin durant jerseys when we first got kevin. i think they will be neck in neck this year. they are hugely popular. ely popular. >> reporter: now, here is a time lapse video you're looking from oracle arena yesterday, of workers putting the t-shirts on every seat here. 19,500 plus seats. we will give you a close-up look at what they are, in case you were wondering. this is a caricature of craig sager. he is battling leukemia. he won't be reporting tonight. but the warriors are giving him a shoutout with the shirts and supporting the cancer research foundation called sager strong. >> gate to see the warriors playing tribute to craig. thank you, allie rasmus. steph curry is trying to put nba's collapse in the finals last year behind him. >> that's fresh. that's new. that's interesting. 's interesting >> curry and the children in this commercial with the hardship and the accomplishments in his career. curry wants to move forward saying make that old. it also reveals the curry 3, his new shoes. the team is staffed with returning players and the addition of kevin durant. we will look how the team is shaping up with scott reece coming up at 9:30. it is something we have been talking about all morning with you as the warriors get ready to kick off the regular season. what are you looking forward to this season. so many taking to twitter. adequate amounts of rest for the warriors. don't chase any more regular season records. get the championship instead. >> i tweeted her back. i agree with that. jack tweeted i'm looking forward to see how curry will spread the minutes. >> and nash says steph curry of course. most important to see them start up the season with a great big win. it's important to kick things off with a victory tonight. >> let's give him rest. i completely agree. >> nice, bianca. we will keep checking your responses throughout the morning. coming up on mornings on 2 the 9, new guidelines to keep your newborn safe. up next, the recommendations, including how long you should sleep in the same room with your child. how president obama responded to trump's mean tweets about him. the time is long overdue... pharmaceutical industry. passes - the ballot. it is time for the pharmaceutical industry to stop ripping off the people of this country. the entire nation is looking at california. let's go forward together. thank you all very much. >> not too much good news to report from the markets as we check in on stocks at 9:14. the dow jones is down and the nasdaq and s&p down as well. not steep drops. we will keep watching them throughout the day for you. two weeks to go until election day. most polls show hillary clinton's lead growing. but trump says those polls are wrong. >> they are phony polls put out by phony media. this way people don't goat out and vote. but we're winning this race. >> trump argue that's most polls oversample democrats and point to recent elections like the brexit vote in the u.k. where polls were widely inaccurate. elizabeth warren responded to trump calling hillary clinton a nasty woman during the debate. >> we nasty women are going to march our nasty feet to cast our nasty votes to get you out of your lives forever. >> both hillary clinton and donald trump will campaign in the battle ground state of florida today. well, you remember that donald trump statue the naked one that popped up in san francisco's castro district a couple months back? there was a similar one that turned up in l.a. it has been sold at auction. the naked trump was the most talked about piece at saturday's auction. it sold for $22,000. it went to an anonymous buyer. we're told that a portion of the proceeds will be going to a national immigrant advocacy group. another statue that popped up in cleveland is also being auctioned off later this week. there were similar statues that were seen in seattle, miami, new york, and new jersey. and you may remember the one that popped up here in san francisco was confiscated by police. remains behind bars. president obama appeared on jimmy kimmel last night where he took jabs at trump's tweeting. >> you have to be ready if something happens. >> yeah. >> as i mentioned before, what i don't do is like at 3:00 a.m. i don't tweet about -- >> you don't tweet at 3:00 a.m. >> people who insulted me. i try to sleep so that in the morning i'm actually ready for a crisis. >> president obama also read some of donald trump's tweets about him. one said president obama will go town as the worst president in history. president obama responded, quote, at least i'll go down as a president. switching to babies. new guidelines say infants should share a room with their parents to help avoid sids. the american academy of pediatrics say babies should stay in the parents' room for six months to a year but not should not sleep in the same bed or soft surfaces. it can reduce the risk of sids by 50 percent. 3500 babies die in the u.s. from sids. this is the first time that they have clarified how long they should do so. i used to love having the baby in the room. >> it is nice to have them close. >> with the first we would listen to him breathe. with the second, we were so desperate for sleep. i'm sure he is fine. >> good to have the recommendations. >> yes. >> anybody out there like me have a cup of coffee within reach right now. >> i've already had mine. >> this is the fifth cup. you are not alone. the u.s. is becoming the most caffeinated nation in the world. americans' love of coffee showing no signs of dying down. it will grow 2% until 2020 while demand in traditional coffee drinking places like europe and brazil is expected to fall. coming up on mornings on 2 the 9, a little girl whose father was killed in the line of due knee palm springs, up next, the show of support that she received as she went back to school for the first time since losing her dad. a well known food cart that has been serving new york for years. we meet the owner of the restaurant opening in the bay area. >> i can smell the garlic. my mom marnie and then she died life. of lung cancer. so i have a personal interest in helping prevent smoking. i'm tom steyer, the co-chair of the yes on 56 campaign. every year, nearly 17,000 california kids start smoking. a third of them will die from their addiction. tobacco taxes reduce youth smoking. please. vote yes on prop 56. if we can save even a few lives, it's worth it. >> an amber alert remains in effect for a baby boy believed to have been abducted by his mother who does not have custody of him. 7-month-old henry macy disappeared on sunday. he has brown hair and gray eyes. >> we want to show you a couple photos of his mother, hannah ashley. she is suspected of taking the child on sunday but the amber alert wasn't until monday because that's when child protective services said that she may be unable to care to properly care for the body. she may be driving a subaru forest enter with the license plate on your screen. ashes should not be scattered, divided or kept at home. but the remains should be kept at one place. >> these guidelines calm eight days before old souls day where they honor and pray for the dead. it is breast cancer awareness month. we have the story of one man who was surprised to find a lump. he was checked right away but didn't think he had breast cancer. >> as a man, it didn't cross his mind. but that is why it is so important to share his story, part of a campaign called real men wear pink. >> reporter: richard robinson knows when people think of breast cancer survivors, his is not the face that they expect. >> a lot of men don't realize that men can get breast cancer. you don't know how many men per year get breast cancer. >> reporter: here are the numbers. yes, women get breast cancer in far greater numbers. more than 246,000 women expected to get diagnosed with year. and more than 40,000 women will die. but men get breast cancer too. 2600 expected cases in 2016. 440 deaths. but robinson says men aren't even looking for the signs. >> every day i get up and i think about the people who didn't make it. a lot of men don't make it when they contract breast cancer because they don't know the signs. i got lucky. mine came to the surface. >> reporter: his lump literally woke him up one day. >> january of 2011, i woke up one morning on a long weekend. it was sunday. and there was a lump on my chest. i looked down and there it was. it was the changes of a ping -- it was the size of a ping-pong ball sticking out of my chest. my wife said what is that? i said i don't know. >> reporter: the doctor said likely a cyst. then the phone rang t was his doctor. >> did anybody call you yet? about what. you have breast cancer. i was like excuse me? i turned to my wife and she was shaking. i was just like relax. it's going to be okay. it was my 52nd birthday. i plan today have fun this weekend. i'm going to have fun. >> reporter: breast cancer never entered his mind. >> my mom had breast cancer. she got breast cancer in '95. she survived. i didn't think about me getting breast cancer. my wife and my daughter, but not me. >> reporter: he was lucky. he caught it early. but he still underwent a double mastectomy and is still on medication. now he is raising money in the fight against breast cancer and trying to raise awareness in participating in the making strides real men wear pink campaign and telling his story. claudine wong, ktvu fox 2 news. >> the daughter of one of the explain palm springs police officers returned back to school for the first time since her father was killed. she did not have to go on her own. a group of police officers surprised 8-year-old vanessa vega yesterday. she showed up at her house and gave her a police escort to school. they walked her into her classroom and took photos before each officer gave her a hug good-bye. she is the youngest of vega's eight children. >> that is so nice to see. yeah. excitement is growing as the warriors are getting ready to open up the regular season at home. we are taking a look at the team with solemnly swear right. and more of your responses of right -- with scott reece. we will hear what you're looking forward to this season. you can weigh in live on the website. just go to that live quiz is coming up. we dance on the salsa team together, and it's like a lot of power in what we wear. when we're practicing if i don't feel good in what i'm wearing i don't look good. t.j.maxx has that variety. i can get a lot for my money. it's like "yay t.j.maxx!" if you're feeling it, just go for it, don't wait. maxx life at t.j.maxx. ♪[music] >> earlier on the 9 we started with one of my favorite songs, madonna into the groove because i love madonna and we are looking to see the warriors get into their groove as they move into the regular season tonight. we asked you what do you want to see this season from the warriors. i love lisa's response. looking to see three point shots from the splash brothers and durant. >> a championship. i have seen a lot of that kind of stuff. and people have been saying basically if they don't win it all, it's going to be a bust. so that's been -- that's been said a lot. >> i like that. i'm looking forward to sitting out there in oakland on implorerrous day watching a -- glorious day watching a championship parade. what are you looking forward to as the warriors get the new season underway? put your response on twitter using the #ktvuthe9. >> scott reece has the inside scoop on expectations and weekend fun. >> reporter: it's safe to say kevin durant is acclimating to the bay area. >> trying to get out and let the people know i'm here. >> he was bouncing around local hot spots and bouncing in the mosh pit at kanye's concert. >> it was amazing. >> i cut practice short because i saw that he got a great workout last night. >> reporter: nor important, his aacclimation on -- acclimation on the court. >> he is light years beyond three weeks ago. he has really picked up on the way that we play. >> there's a little chaos but pattern to the chaos. i think he is embracing the chaos. he loves to make plays. he is fitting in well. >> reporter: good to know on the eve of the most eagerly season opener in franchise history. durant makes the most interesting team the most polarizing. the warriors will be the most loved and hated club in the league. >> kd being here definitely adds to that. but with the success we have had, people are going to hate us anyway. >> reporter: and win they will. a lot. rarely has a franchise in any sport entered a season with this level of expectation. anything less than a title will not suffice. >> win a championship. >> yeah. >> that's what has to happen every year for success. >> we all have pressure. that's a good thing. the alternative is, hey, we can -- maybe we can win 30 this year instead of 25. who wants that? >> scott joins us live this morning. is this a new era of basketball not only for the warriors. there was bird and magic. now it's like this super team, if you will, commanding the nba. >> yeah. now there's the four. so this is unpress denned. we have never seen four players of this caliber on the same nba team. it has never happened. all eyes on kevin durant. warrior debut. still acclimating to the bay area. but it makes the team impossible to defend. who do you focus on? durant by the way, the tweet before, i want to see stephen and clay shoot three and durant dunk. he will step out to 23 feet and hit threes. he is one of the most unguardible players in the nba. you put him next to steph and clay, it will be fun to watch. >> will there be an adjustment period? you have four stars. how do you get them the shots they want. >> that's the big questions. by the way, i loved that yesterday, steph using the head to put one through the hoop. you never know, maybe the conventional style is getting boring. there will probably be an adjustment period. they have had preseason games to work out the kinks. durant's acclimation is light years better now than three weeks ago. we're curious to see how this works out. i'm watching green. how does his game translate? how will he fit into this? his numbers will take a hit. hopefully he is enough of a team guy that he is okay with that. because he brings so much to the table. but it will be interesting. >> do you get any sense of regret from steve kerr about chasing the number at the cost of the championship. >> not at all. >> it's a reasonable question. the truth is we have no idea whether it would have made a difference had they, you know, pulled off the gas pedal a little bit and only won 69 games instead of 73. no one will ever know. my thought on that continues to be you had a chance at history, you go for it and take a chance. >> if the warriors come out one game and it's obvious that they don't have the stuff, does steve kerr let the bench take over and let them rest, if you will, during regular season games. >> are you talking about down the line. >> yeah. >> i think so. they're not thinking 74 wins. >> right. >> that is nowhere near the consciousness at this point. i think kerr will manage the season different. i don't know if a lesson is the correct word. but you learn from what happened. but i will give steph more days off or clay more days off. plus, the bench is still really good. >> right. >> the coverage is there. so many good teams on the roster. i think it will be slightly different feel to it once we get into february and march. >> scott, thanks for coming in and braving the traffic. >> 24 was brutal. >> you don't have to tell him. >> let's go to dave clark for some of the top stories we're following. the bus driver in the deadly bus crash near palm springs had a questionable safety record. the l.a. times reporting that the driver was sued twice for negligence after other crashes. one where three people died. the paper also reports his bus company received at least six unsatisfactory ratings from the chp. the bus driver and 12 passengers were killed on sunday when the bus coming back from a casino trip slammed into a big rig truck on interstate 10. a bay area film maker known for making documentaries about high crime san francisco neighborhoods is now accused of a deadly shooting. kevin epps was arrested and booked with suspicious of a homicide and being a felon in possession of a gun. yesterday afternoon, police were called about a shooting inside of a home on addison street near san jose avenue in the glenn park neighborhood. sky fox flew over the scene as police sealed off the house. investigators say that epps shot and killed a man in his 40s. police haven't told us about a possible motive or the relationship between the two men. epps is best known for the 2001 documentary straight out of hunters point, focusing on the way that drugs and violence affected the neighborhood. another story we have been following for you this morning is your weather. the commute was wet for parts of the bay area. let's get another look at when we will get even more rain with steve paulson. steve. apparently we don't have steve right now. so we will go right back to the desk. sal and gasia and alex. >> all right. >> thank you so much, dave. when we do find steve, when he is ready to go, we will bring him back. first we have exciting guests about a show that is here in town. >> yes. tomorrow disney on ice presents passport to adventure. it begins its run at the oracle in oakland. >> and the family friendly advantage includes characters from the lion king, peter pan and frozen. >> joining us is two of the show's performances. not only are you performing but you are newlyweds. >> yes. >> what is it like working with your spouse? >> it is great. we get to travel together. what more could you ask for, to do what you love with the person that you love. >> i'll stress they are newlyweds. i have to mention, we would love for you to weigh in to this question. would you, could you want to work with your spouse? some people might say heck yes, all day, every day. some others may say no thank you. pick up your phone and tell us what you think. now that we know your bride's answer, i'll ask you, what is it like working together. >> just like what she said. we get to travel together. not just around the states but also around the world. so to be able to see all of these cool things around the world performing and skating. >> and you met on the show. >> yes. >> you get to explore. it is also a hectic schedule. >> oh, yes. >> tell us about the schedule that you're on and the shows and production that goes into getting the shows up and running. >> it is definitely hectic. usually every week we're in a new city. some engagements are a little longer. we're used to it. we're well trained and all in great shape. yeah. it's just -- you have to do it. it doesn't feel like a job to me or us especially. you go out there and you perform. you see all of the kids and even adults singing and dancing along to the songs. >> we're taking our daughter to see it this weekend. and so we go and sometimes these things will be fun for the kids but the adults get wrapped up in it. >> sometimes the adults, the parents and grandparents are singing louder than the kids. >> you both have been skating since were you young. >> yes. my parents put me into skating because i had too much energy. we had an ice rink down the street from the house. it stuck. >> that is awesome. how many characters do you play in the show? >> well, i'm an ensemble skater. i play a ton of different characters throughout the show. we have lion king, frozen, peter pan. there are many different parts. >> you're back stage tearing off one costume and putting on the next. >> yes. ice skating by itself is hard enough. does it pose more of a challenge when you have the costume on. >> some of the costumes are different to get used to. yeah. we definitely have time to get used to all of that. and adapt to it. >> they have been making costumes for a while too. they know how we need to be able to move in them. it might not be as difficult as some people might think. >> it's pretty cool to see how that works. >> again, we stress you are newlyweds. when you do have downtime, what do you like to do together when you're in a region as fabulous as this. >> we like to see what is around in the different cities. especially when we're traveling in different countries. you see different cultures. that is really cool. >> we will get you some better weather. >> yeah. >> what have you seen in the bay area. >> we haven't done too much here yet. we have been here a few times before and san francisco is always great to see. >> that is wonderful. we're excited to have you. most people who think they can't do what you do, clearly you're making it work. congratulations to you. >> we will check back in with you guys in ten years. >> yeah. >> a new poll. >> thank you. >> we do want to mention the show starts tomorrow. it runs through october 30th. it is right here in oakland at oracle arena. sal will be there this weekend. we have a link for tickets on and also on the ktvu mobile app. >> i'm not going to be on the skates. >> no. he will be singing louder than his daughter. >> i know all the words. >> i know all of the words too. ♪[music] >> the bonuses were offered at a time when reenlistments were way down. the defense department says there was in fact fraud committed in awarding the bonuses here in california and also to other national guard units potentially around the country. the troops say they were simply following orders and now they feel betrayed. >> it's been hell. if there's any kind of ptsd that i have suffered, it's been from this. not from anyplace i've been. een. >> and that man you heard from there is brian strother from northern california. he has filed an appeal to repay the bonus. it has in fab been granted. he is filing a class action lawsuit to try to help the thousands of other guardsmen still being told to pay back that money. there's a big surprise in consumer reports list of most reliable cars. there's an american brand in the top three for the first time in 30 years. lexus was first. and its parent company toyota was second. buick took the third spot. the four least reliable brands were from fiat, ram trucks. ram trucks was last. and tesla ranked just ahead of them at 25th. upscale retailer nordstrom is planning to hire 11,000 temporary workers for the holiday season. that is 3% fewer than last year. 9500 of the jobs will be in nordstrom and nordstrom rack stores. the rest will be for the e- commerce business and the warehouses and support positions. nordstrom is hoping that good customer service will bring more shoppers into stores. for 25 years, a well known food truck in new york, and now it is coming to the bay area. >> it happened in san jose and more locations are coming soon. we will send it over to gasia on the appetizing expansion. >> pride of morgan hail tasted the food while you were in new york. tell me why you decided to open up the store in san jose. >> when i was in new york, i lived there for a little bit. it was a staple. anybody who has been in new york, that lives in new york you that know near new york will tell you to go to new york and try it. when i came back to the bay area, i thought this is something that i want to bring back. when we had the opportunity to do it, we jumped at it and have not looked back since. >> i'm armenian-american. talk to me about some of the foods that are familiar through a couple of countries and nationalities. >> a lot of this is middle eastern, mediterranean inspired. you will see the chicken, the gyro. >> the pita bread. >> yeah. >> a lot of this is familiar to us. for us in the bay area, it is a little different take now that we have chicken and gyro over rice. >> i have heard so many versions of that word. >> right. a lot of us out on the west is used to the word gyro. it really seems to connote greek sandwiches. >> okay. >> for us in new york, we pronounce it gyro. we go with gyro. >> this will still be understandable to them. >> totally. totally. >> okay. >> one of the things that -- once you take a bite out of it, you will totally understand this is -- we like to call it middle eastern comfort food. the minute you taste t you will understand it. >> because you have kind of nice, you know, fluffy rice. you have meats and chicken and beef. i have to say the magic is in the sauce. i have actually gone so far. i haven't had the original. i tried to recreate this white sauce. you go online and you google. and it is sweet, it is salty. it has a tangy aspect to it. you guard your secret recipe carefully. >> it is a secret hands down. we have seen people -- you google it like you said. people have tried different types of recipes. you know, i have tried it myself. it is very difficult. i would say this, though, it is a great sauce. everybody loves it. when they come in, they can't get enough of it. >> is this food that you're hoping that somebody going through a traditional fast food drive-through. let's say i only have $7 to spend and ten minutes, is this the option that may be one step above burger and fries. it is a fast casual concept. the idea behind it -- especially with fast casual today, we're trying to bring more heartier foods to the market and healthier. fast casual doesn't necessarily mean fast food. >> right. >> for us, you can come in, it's great value. when you look at the platter you see there is protein and vegetables. >> it is a complete meal. maybe there is not dairy in the sauce. i put yogurt in my sauce. >> there's no dairy in the sauce. >> i knew it. like in n out, there is a secret. do i have to get it as it comes on the menu board. >> it is a pretty simple menu. there are a couple different things that people don't know about, which are the toppings that you see here. the olives and the jalapenos. the peppers and the onions. it brings out the flavor in a lot of the food that we have. we have barbecue sauce here that people don't know about. everybody talks about the white sauce. but we have hot sauce and the barbecue sauce. >> this is like fire. i want the white sauce. let me ask the guys to come over. they have been open in san jose for a few months now. thank you so much, patrick. assume they will spread throughout the bay area. >> very much so. >> what should i try first? >> if i haven't had any of this before. >> if you haven't tried anything, try our classic. >> he is trying the combo platter. congratulations. >> thank you. >> tonight the cubs and indians play game one of the world series. it starts in cleveland because the american league won the home field advantage in the all- star game. the indians haven't won in 68 years. that title drought is second to the cubs who haven't won in 108 years. >> it is pushing ticket prices sky high. you can buy a luxury home, even a home in some cities for as much as some people want for their tickets. selling sites reported huge jumps in prices. some are going for $50,000 on stub hub. one heroin is asking for $100,000. believe it or not, someone is asking for merely a million dollars. of course the world series you can watch it on ktvu. our game one coverage starts at 4:30 this afternoon. watch all of our newscasts at 4:30, 5:00, 6:00 and 7:00 on ktvu plus. a lot hoping that the giants would be in it. but our question to you is this, since the giants are not in it, are you rooting for the cubs, indians or do you not really care? >> i have so many friends who are cubs fans i feel like i owe it to them. and i'm a national league guy. i'm cheering for the cubs. >> okay. >> in this situation only. >> yeah. >> they are the sentimental favorites. they have the longer drought. >> right. >> i will point something out too. cleveland just had a championship. >> that whole factor. >> that comes into it a little bit. >> so many cubs fans who haven't seen anything in their lifetime. >> they deserve it in chicago. >> i do have extended family in chicago. i am making a chicago style pizza tonight. i suppose -- i probably honestly don't care. >> you're in the not care column. >> yeah. a lot of people will make their feelings known in the next two days. a pop-up clothing store is coming to san francisco this friday to serve the homeless community. it is called the street store. it has been organized in other cities but the first time for san francisco. customers will be able to browse through donated items on hangers and shelves and pick out ten items for free. a worker from google is putting together the event with the help of community services. she says the goal is to give homeless people choices and dignity through shopping. the event is friday but donations are still needed. drop off lightly worn clothing between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. this afternoon. so we're wrapping up a tuesday morning with you. that means two weeks from today, it will be election day. and a lot of people have mentioned to us that they are a little tired of all of the political coverage, all of the noise and voices. this time, alex, you found this in berkeley. it sums up it up. giant meteor, 2016. >> at the bottom it says just end it already. >> i get it. >> i think a lot of people can relate. >> i get your sentiment. from now until the election is over, we're giving you a chance to clear your head with this. take a look at this morning's moment of sanity. ty. >> crooked hillary. >> she was here. >> unfit to hold office. [unintelligible] [peaceful sounds] >> as if we're sailing on the bay ourselves. thank you so much for joining us. more political coverage coming up on the news at noon. thanks for joining us. >> have a good day. is the internet back on? no. is the internet back on? no! is it back - no! sweetie, call any one of your friends who has internet and have them read us the internet! honey- it's not swiping! come on... what are you doing? i have no idea what games are streaming right now, so i thought i would just root for everyone. get at&t internet with over 99% reliability. and an everyday price with no extra monthly fees. keep calm your internet's on. live from new york city, it's the "wendy williams show." >> wendy: how you doin'? we won't judge. but we're judging. it's going to be juicy. >> now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ooh ooh ♪ ooh ooh ♪ ooh ooh ♪ ooh ooh >> wendy: hi! [ cheers and applause ] thank you for watching our show.

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