Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20160428 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20160428

alameda, .18. san francisco, .13. san jose, .08. redwood shores, .08. there were a punch of .03s to .06s to the south as well. quiet right now. patchy low clouds. south of las vegas and also now in to kingman, arizona getting rain. we have low clouds on the coast. a little bit on the san mateo coast. i don't think it's going to last very long. there's a lot of cold air over the ocean. producing low clouds. 40s and 50s. 43, scotts valley. 46, santa cruz. right above los gatos at 43. breeze in place for some. it will be a breezy day. not that bad. could be an isolated shower or two. but the low is on its way east and south. mostly sunny. breezy at times. a little warmer today. i think inland temps will bump up a little bit. coast and bay will be near normal. that translates in to 60s and 70s. anything new or are we all good? >> we have slow traffic. just not as bad as yesterday. let's take a look at the bay bridge toll plaza which is backed up for a 20-minute delay. mow major problems getting on to the bridge but there will be slowdowns. looking at the commute here on 880 south, we had an earlier accident near thornton. we've had a couple incidents here, nothing too bad. slow traffic to be sure between hayward and fremont. it does get better by the time you reach milpitas. i want to mention that traffic on el camino real may be affected. you cannot get on to eastbound 380. there's an overturned truck blocking the ramp. you're going to have to get another way from 101 or 380. perhaps use side roads because that ramp is not available for you. let's go to 280 in san jose. still a light commute getting up there. 7:02. >> we have breaking news coming in from san jose. the old est son of a san jose couple found shot to death in their home over the weekend is now in custody. sources telling us hasib rabbi were picked up. his parents, golam and shamima were killed in their home last weekend. police have been looking for hasib to talk to him. our other top story this morning, a pregnant woman shot in the head and the gunman on the run. ktvu's christien kafton live. the woman and unborn child are recovering. now let's talk more about the search for the shooter in this case. >> yeah, i had a chance to talk with pacifica police this morning. they said there are no updates on the search for the suspect. they're still looking for him after he shot the pregnant woman in the head wednesday morning. friends have identified that woman at 25-year-old marissa johnson. she's eight months pregnant and is recovering in an area hospital. she worked as a receptionist on terra nova boulevard. that's where police say the suspect, ricardo colindres, tried to kidnap her. when the victim refused to go along, that's when he pulled the trigger. >> when officers arrived, they found a 25-year-old female with a single gunshot wound to the head. >> johnson was rushed to the hospital where doctors considered an emergency delivery but ultimately decided not to induce. court records show the victim, johnson, had a restraining order against the suspect. that restraining order expired last month. police are looking in to the exact motive in this case and are searching for the suspect. police say he took off in a silver toyota camry. he's a transient and he does frequent brisbane. the good news, we're hearing the victim in this case is in stable condition. she and her unborn child, both recovering in a hospital this morning. police are reminding anybody if they do know the whereabouts of the suspect in this case to let them know. they say don't approach him on your own. don't tip him off that you're trying to let the police know what's going on. they want you to let the police know as soon as possible. they're stressing the fact this person is armed and dangerous. police are looking for help in finding the gunman and a target of a shooting. police received 911 calls about gun fires shot at 42nd and adeline street. a red car pulled in to a driveway in an attempt to get away but the dark color vehicle came by and someone inside that car fired several rounds of shots. both cars sped away. several bullets hit a home. no one was hurt. police did check with local hospitals and there were no reports of any gunshot victims. turning now to the race for the white house. senator ted cruz trying to put a new spark in his campaign after his big losses in tuesday's primaries. republican presidential candidate introduced carly fiorina, former hewlett-packard ceo, as his running mate. traditionally announcing a vice presidential choice, that's done after a candidate wins the nomination. frontrunner donald trump doesn't think much of the new cruz-fiorina team. he talked about it during a town hall appearance on fox last night. >> i think it's really a waste of time honestly. i think it should be over. if indiana treats us right, we're going to make america great again. >> republican candidate john kasich has lost out on free advertisement in oregon ahead of the primary may 17th. his campaign did not file the papers in time to get his name and photo in the voters pamphlet that goes to every home but kasich's name is still on the ballot. the spotlight is on california in the presidential race. the candidates know winning the state here will make a big difference. ktvu's janine de la vega joins us from burlingame. a very familiar face will be there. >> that's right. the gop state convention is going to be held here at the hyatt regency tomorrow and each of the candidates are going to be speaking at their own events. that includes the running mate that was just named. of course we're talking about carly fiorina. ted cruz hopes that choosing fiorina as his vice presidential running mate is going to resonate with californians. she's going to be speaking at a dinner at the hotel saturday. she's the former head of hewlett-packard. she did run for a state senate seat. she was unsuccessful. analysts say cruz probably thinks fiorina will resonate with female voters. cruz and ohio governor john kasich are trailing donald trump in state polls. all the candidates know california is a huge prize to win. there are 172 delegates. supporters of democrat hillary clinton will be out in force. they'll be opening a campaign office in oakland today. it will be located downtown on 14th street. the huffington post combined poll results from various agencies which show clinton has the edge over removal bernie sanders. 49% to 42%. sanders, he just announced he's laying off hundreds of staffers so he can focus his attention on whipping california and the other remaining contest. california's primary is on june 7th though many people are expected to vote by mail earlier than that. >> janine de la vega. thank you. thousands of bay area nurses are preparing to go on strike. this comes after three days of mediation failed to bring about an agreement. nurses from lucille packard children's hospital and stanford hospital and clinics are at odds with administrators over wages and benefits. the union has to issue a formal declaration and give the hospitals 10 days' notice before 3,000 nurses can walk off the job. time is 7:09. with voters going to the polls in november to decide whether to legalize recreational marijuana here in california, a bill is moving forward to ban pot use in apartment units. the bill would expand current state law that gives landlords power to prohibit cigarette smoking on their properties to include medicinal marijuana as well. the author of the bill is north bay assemblyman jim wood. he told the committee that second-hand smoke from marijuana is particularly dangerous in an apartment complex because it travels through windows and doors and ventilation systems. that measure now moves on to the assembly appropriations committee. on the one-year mark since the freddie gray riots, baltimore police shoot a 14-year-old boy. why officers say they opened fire. >> enhanced surveillance video in the stanislaus beating case. the evidence that reveals what prosecutors say may corroborate accusations against one of the deputies involved. >> good morning. we're looking at a morning commute that's getting busier in parts of the east bay. here san francisco looks okay as you approach the 80 split. we'll tell you what it's like to get in to the city from the east bay. >> no rain today. no thunderstorms. lots of sunshine. it will be breezy but nothing like yesterday when it was crazy windy. welcome back to mornings on 2. time is 7:12. an investigation continues in to the latest controversial police shooting in baltimore. it happened late yesterday afternoon while two undercover police officers were patrolling in the southeastern part of baltimore. they shot and wounded the 14-year-old boy who was holding a bb gun. the teenager is expected to survive after being hit in the leg and the shoulder. baltimore's police commissioner says the officers can't be blamed for thinking the 14-year-old was holding a real gun. >> it's a replica semiautomatic pistol. i put my own eyes on it. it's an absolute identical replica semiautomatic pistol. the police officers had no way of knowing it was not in fact an actual firearm. >> that shooting yesterday actually came on the first anniversary of the funeral for freddie gray who died while in police custody for baltimore. there was a riot in baltimore immediately after that funeral. there's a new development in the beating of a suspect said car thief by alameda county deputies in a san francisco alleyway last november. ktvu has learned of a new video that shows one of the deputies twirling something around. that something is shiny after stanislaus petroswas beaten. an audio expert says you can hear a metal clink. this is important because a homeless couple told ktvu deputies gave them a chain in an alleged bribe to keep them quiet. >> my jaw dropped because it completely corroborates what the witnesses have said. now you have more than a smoking gun. you've got the smoking chain, where he's actually twirling this chain around. >> so far the two deputies have not been charged in the beating. one deputy, sean osborne, is on leave. investigators believe he's the one in the video with the chain. time is 7:14. a 19-year-old man suspected in a deadly shooting in south san francisco is now in jail. investigators say christian omar cruz was arrested in stockton early yesterday morning. he's accused of opening fire on two men at orange memorial park monday afternoon. 20-year-old nicholas gomez died. a second man is in stable condition. police believe there was a dispute between the three men and this is not considered gang related. people with student loan debt could get help from the white house. the department of education launched the website it's a tool that allows a person to find the best repayment options including pay as you earn. that means your payments would be readjustments to payments you can afford. the website here, time is 7:15. uber wants passengers to show up quickly or pay up. uber says it's testing a new program where customers, you'll be charged a fee if the driver is still waiting two minutes after waiting to pick up a passenger. right now passengers are given a 5-minute window. uber is charging a cancellation fee if a customer cancels a pickup two minutes after a request. fees could range anywhere from $5 to $10. the program is being tested in new york city, new jersey, dallas, and phoenix. time is 7:16. lest you think traffic is tough this morning, sal, let's all think back to 580 at the dublin gray this time yesterday. >> it was bad. today it's better. you know that commute being born and raised in livermore. it doesn't take much. i'm going to check that commute in just a moment for you. i do want to check out what we call the facebook commute, done barton bridge to menlo park. it seems like a lot of people who go to that campus are going to the fremont area. maybe a lot live in the east bay. just a hunch. it seems like this commute has become noticeably more crowded. southbound 880 from hayward to fremont is slow as well. you'll see traffic on the bridge, moderate. gasia mentioned 580 today. much better than it was yesterday at this time. 580 is doable from livermore to castro valley. there's traffic on 680 coming away from the stone ridge area and heading down toward southern pleasanton. let's take a look at a couple live pictures. san mateo bridge. we mentioned it's a little bit slow on the bridge. at the bay bridge toll plaza, that's backed up for a 20-minute delay before you make it on to the actual stand. 7:17. let's go to steve. >> much quieter today although it was breezy to windy. if you're anywhere near the san leandro marina yesterday, my goodness, it was howling. i was up in marin county and it was mostly sunny but it was whipping right along. we did have morning rain. went through napa, solana, contra costa. sacramento had 2/3rds of an inch of rain downtown. sacramento airport had nothing. it was one of those hit and miss. lake berryessa had the waterspout. livermore hills, .42. hayward, .3. alameda, .18. oakland, .13. san francisco, .13. mill valley, .09. san jose, .08. redwood shores, .08. william in vallejo. good morning. current conditions, 48. clear, no wind. rainfall is .05. the breeze is bringing in may. may looks pretty active to be honest with you. there might be another system around the 5th and 11th or 12th. the one around the 12th is looking pretty impressive. a lot with happen but looks like the trend will continue. that's bring in one of these lows, kick it out, bring it back in. bridgeport at 7100 feet. picked up three inches of powder. we'll take it. the system is churning in to southern nevada in to arizona and southern california. we're on the northern edge of it now. 40s or 50s, a few near 40 degrees. did not see any 30s. maybe tomorrow morning. 40s, 50s, if you have any kind of breeze that's holding temps up. it is cool. northwest and north there's pretty good gusts for some. not too bad for others. it will still be breezy today. won't be as windy as yesterday. there's a lot of cloud cover. water temps, 49. bodega bay. that's the coldest they've been in a long time. monterey buoy, 51. that's really cool for this time of year. system will move in to southern california and take the turn and head off in to the plains later on. that's going to be a huge weather maker for them again. more severe weather. for us, sunny but windy as we go in to saturday. there will be a little system clipping the sierra. be advised if you're up there by the weekend. they could get a little snow saturday. the wind will pick up for us. mostly sunny. breezy at times. patchy low clouds. san mateo coast, looks luke most of it is moving south. 60s along the water's edge. you get out to brentwood, antioch and it could warm up pretty fast. warmer in to the weekend but the wind will pick up. >> will gasia need extra hairspray? >> my girlfriend and i, the hoods were up and we were like holding -- it was probably the most extreme wind i've ever been in. >> that's pretty extreme. >> right. because i'm old. [ laughter ] >> you're old, what does that make dave and i? [ laughter ] time is 7:20. the warriors eliminated the rockets last night and did it without steph curry. in 15 minutes, the highlights from last night and what's next. >> b.a.r.t. is keeping an eye out for criminals. a new high tech tool could go system-wide and why privacy advocates are so concerned. ♪ ♪ to the women who know what real values are, you inspire us to bring you real value every day. b.a.r.t. police have installed two automatic license plate readers. they're not in use just yet but b.a.r.t. police say they plan to present the program at a transit agency's board of directors meeting today. the plan is to install the automatic license plate readers at every b.a.r.t. station but privacy and civil rights groups are concerned about how long b.a.r.t. will keep the information gathered or how the data will be used. time is 7:24. now we know what happened when b.a.r.t. was testing its new train car in hayward and it wouldn't stop. a damaged wire pinched by the door caused the brakes to malfunction sending the train in to a sand berm at the end of the test track. it was going about 10 miles per hour at the time. >> so the car did not fail. the operators did not do anything wrong. in fact, they did everything that they could to apply the brakes and stop the vehicle. >> b.a.r.t. says the train car was not damaged. they also say they still plan to put the first 10-car train in to service by the end of this year. we're following new developments in the death of music superstar prince. several news agencies are reporting prescription pain killers were found in prince's possession. the drugs were found near his body in his home. they've yet to say what role if any they may have played in prince's death. a judge in minnesota has appointed a trust company to oversee his estate. prince has not appeared to make a will. prince was not married and had no known living children. he only had one full sister, tyk, a nelson. a pilot accused of flying commercial jets while being drunk. what his blood alcohol content was and how he got caught. >> we're following new developments in the killing of a couple in the evergreen neighborhood. the connection to a close family member. >> good morning. we're looking at a commute that's beginning to fill in in some areas especially the east bay. we'll give you drive times straight ahead. >> no thunderstorms today. no rain. the breeze will still be there but also mostly sunny. 7:29, april 28th. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> good morning. i'm dave clark. we want to talk about your weather. >> this april and now in to may is looking completely opposite of last year when it was ridge city and warm temps. i'll tell you, i'd mark may 5th and may 12th on your calendar. i've seen projections of pretty decent rainfall. series of lows continued to drop in. yes, we rebound fast but then it comes right back in. the first 10 days of may could be quite active. there's some projections of inch and a half of rain. a lot can happen between now and then. the trend is your friend. plus water temperatures are running much, much colder in the ocean than they were last year at this time. mostly clear in san francisco and i think it will be sunny today. but it will be breezy. we get the northwest wind today. 64. mostly sunny. breezy. yesterday was all about the rain in the morning and the thunderstorms in the afternoon. now they're lighting up right there in northwest arizona. right near kingman. things are really wrapping up there. also back in to the desert of southern california. we're too far north. 40s and 50s on the temps. east bay temps, 40s and 50s. 44, black hawk. 44, mount diablo. usually there's a difference between surface and 3,000 feet up. looks good today. mostly sunny. low will be turning in the four corners but out of our picture. breezy at times. patchy low clouds. most look to be moving south already. it will be a little bit warmer today. 60s and 70s. slow traffic, that i know. anything else? >> we do have slow traffic. just compared to yesterday's commute, thursday is much better. we'll go out and show you some of these drives. they look very typical. 80 westbound from the carquinez bridge to the maze. there's slowing mostly in the richmond as we head down to the berkeley area and emeryville and oakland. when you get to the bay bridge there's a delay, about a 25 to 30-minute delay. there was an earlier stalled vehicle on the upper deck. so not quite perfect but again, not a bad commute here. let's talk about some slow traffic though. 880, one of the slowest commutes in the bay area right now from hayward down to fremont. we had earlier issues. dunbarton and san mateo bridge traffic has been busy. we've also been looking at the east bay commutes. they're not too bad. 680 as you drive through walnut creek is going to be a little bit slow as you drive out of highway 242 to 44. it gets better by the time you reach danville. 7:31. we're following breaking news in san jose right now. police have a young man in custody. it's in connection with the death of a couple found shot to death in their home in san jose's evergreen neighborhood over the weekend. ktvu's brian flores joining us live at san jose police headquarters. there's a family connection in this case, brian. >> there is. good morning to you. yes, we're live here at san jose police headquarters, hoping to gather more information in regards to this case. but what we can confirm is that the oldest son of the couple found killed in evergreen neighborhood of san jose on sunday is in custody. a source tells ktvu that the older son of the victim's two sons was taken in by san jose's covert response unit yesterday. another source told me moments ago he was taken in to custody in the central valley. hasib rabbi is at the very least be questioned by police to the shooting death of golam and and shamima rabbi. a note was left behind after the killing, which said, quote, sorry my first kill was clumsy. the death of golam and shamima left the community stunned. the family was well known. they also attended the evergreen islamic center and were from bangladesh. we've not heard any official announcement from san jose police but we'll be out here all morning long. as soon as we find out more information, we'll definitely pass that along on mornings on 2. >> brian flores in san jose. thank you. time is now 7:33. for weeks counterfeit prescription pills have been turning up in the sacramento area, sometimes leading to deadly overdoses. now those pills are showing up here in the bay area. had health department says four people recently overdosed on what appears to be counterfeit prescription medications laced with fentanyl. the department is urging everyone, don't by prescription drugs from any place other than a licensed pharmacy. >> people are buying them on the street, thinking they're getting norco and they in fact have fentanyl. they're getting a much, much stronger pain medicine, narcotic medicine than they're aware. >> there have been overdoses in several other bay area counties but no word of any deaths. fentanyl laced pills have been linked to 14 deaths in the sacramento area. meantime, the city of san francisco is teaming up with walgreen's to fight prescription drug abuse. a new safe medication disposal kiosk will be unveiled at the walgreen's pharmacy on the 400 block of castro. one of five new locations walgreen's is introducing in san francisco to dispose of unwanted and expired medications at no cost. the installation of these kiosks began in california. they're going to expand to 39 states by the end of this year. time is 7:34. we're learning more about the arrest of a jetblue pilot who's accused of flying while drunk on a roundtrip flight. charges against dennis murphy were only made public yesterday but the alleged incident happened last year. murphy was at the controls of a flight from orlando, florida to new york's kennedy airport and co-piloted a return flight. court records show murphy's blood alcohol content was .11 when he was randomly selected for a alcohol test. the threshold for drunk driving is .08. murphy, who resigned after the incident, is facing up to 15 years in prison. time is 7:35. we get to talk about the warriors and strength in numbers. they prove they can win without steph curry. they handled the houston rockets. >> not only handled but blew out the rockets last night. ktvu's alex savidge live where it's all talk warriors. >> i think we all sort of held our breath a bit when steph curry went down with that injury but i believe dub nation as a whole is breathing just a little bit easier this morning. the warriors, they've shown they can win and they can win big even with steph curry on the sidelines. we're here this morning in san francisco and the crew here is talking warriors. >> they dispose of the rockets in five games. >> we're hanging out this morning with chad, joe, and lo, the host of the morning show at 95.7 the game. they're breaking down all the details from last night's blowout win for the golden state warriors. steph curry sidelined with the sprained knee but he was, however, in attendance for that game. he was cheering on his team from the bench. he watched as his fellow splash brother, klay thompson, came out hot from the start of the game and in the end klay knocked down seven 3s in the game and led the way with 27 points. this was really an easy deal for the warriors. they cruise to a 114-81 win. they sent the houston rockets packing. the host here at 95.7 the game think even without the mvp on the floor, this warriors team is very dangerous. >> he carries us on most nights. when he's not there, as a team we have to step up and get the job done. i think seeing what the team can do without him, gives you confidence. they may not have to play steph in the next round to get to the western conference finals which is great for everybody. >> who do we worry about more, the clippers or blaze snrz -- or blazers? >> neither one. draymond green won't let this team lose. iguodala won't let them lose. when you watch the way this team plays with the chemistry, they hold each other accountable. >> you heard us talking about it there, you look ahead to the second round of the playoffs. the warriors are either going to face the portland trailblazers or clippers. game 6 is tomorrow night and we could find out at that time who the warriors will face in the second round. the guys here are playing pretty good about the warriors moving forward even without steph curry. steph curry is supposed to be sidelined with that sprained knee for two weeks. and then be re-evaluated. that may mean he may miss the first few games of a second round series. for right now, the warriors, they've moved on. they're going to rest up and see who they face next. >> is there any thought that jason terry is guaranteed that the rockets were going to win last night? in any way fueled the warriors to do even better? >> i'm not going to rub it in jason terry's face. i'm a bigger man that that. >> [ laughter ] so you don't want to talk about it. >> jason terry, the rockets guard, he was trying to motivate his team. you cannot blame him for that. you can't fault him for that. he guaranteed a win last night in game 5. he said the rockets were going to come in and win that game. they did not come close to winning that game. i mean, it was not even close. >> not even close. >> so much for guarantees. >> alex savidge, thanks a lot. the warriors, by the way, gave the lakers permission to interview assistant coach luke walton about becoming the head coach in los angeles. the lakers will be allowed to meet with walton as soon as the warriors have a break in their schedule. sources say luke walton, who played nine seasons with the lakers, is a prime target for l.a. he's a really hot coaching commodity now after posting 39 wins as the interim coach for the warriors while steve kerr was recovering from back surgery. a football star from cal jared goff is widely expected to be the number one pick going to the los angeles rams. los angeles has a glaring need at the position and traded up to the number one slot in a deal with the tennessee titans. his selection would be the first in more than 40 years for a cal player. quarterback steve barkovsky was cal football's only number 1 selection in the draft. the atlanta falcons picked him in 1975. time is 7:40. mark davis scheduled to meet this morning with nevada tourism officials talking about a possible relocation to a dome stadium in vegas. according to espn, a casino mogul is proposing to build a $1.3 billion stadium a few blocks off the vegas strip. davis has also toured unlv stadium as a possible temporary home. but the raiders have signed a one-year lease to stay at the coliseum in oakland this upcoming season. yesterday nfl commissioner roger goodell reiterated he's supporting keeping the raiders in oakland. he says no official proposal for the raiders to move to vegas right now. it could be ultimately up to the nfl team owners. time is 7:40. getting many of the benefits of a bank account without having one. how you can track your social security benefits and track a spot to get your cash with your smart phone and without a bank account. >> questions on how parents should discipline their kids. there's a new study revealing the long-term effects of spanking those kids. >> good morning. the morning commute is getting better in some areas and getting thicker in others. 237 slowing as we head west to sunnyvale. >> lots of sunshine today. no rain, no thunderstorms. but the breeze is still there now. we'll talk about an update on your forecast and what's in store for the weekend. 7:43. new this morning, vice president joe biden is on a surprise visit to iraq. he's in baghdad urging iraqi leaders to settlement an ongoing crisis that's hampered efforts. time is 7:44. get ready. spare the rod, spoil the child. new studies are out confirming kids are better off without a spanking. pam cook is back in the studio to talk about what can happen when parents discipline their kids in a physical manner. >> this new in-depth study shows spanking may improve a child's behavior in the short-term but the effects can also be long lasting and very negative. >> my mom spanked me once really hard with a wooden spoon. and from then all out all she had to do was rattle the drawer and we shaped right up. >> you may have a similar story. but a study from the university of texas at austin and the university of michigan shows spanking often leads to aggression, anxiety, and antisocial behavior. researchers looked at 50 years of data and more than 160,000 children and they found that the more frequently children were spanked, the more likely they were to show negative behavior. >> sometimes parents believe spanking works because it may stop aggression in the house, but we also know that it increases aggression outside of the home. >> psychologists say spanking tells kids hitting is okay and they often take that view out on to the playground and bully or hit other kids. the doctor in the study also says once this aggressive behavior begins, it's very hard to reverse the course. one alternative they suggest for misbehavior is using good old fashioned timeout. just pulling the kid out of the aggressive situation. >> you know there's going to be a hot debate over all that. >> it has been going on and will continue to probably go on but i hope parents will take this to heart, the fact that this is telling kids it's okay to hit. so they're going out and acting very aggressively. it makes sense. >> these days you see a lot of a generational divide. people say my parents spanked me, but i would never spank my child. >> it's true. >> we'll keep talking about it. 7:46. we have to show you this story with pretty interesting pictures. diehard sacramento kings fans showing off their dedication for their basketball team by permanently marking their bodies. dozens of kings fans waited in line for hours yesterday for a free tattoo of the team's new logo. the tattoo parlor partnered up with the kings to provide about 40 tattoos. this was on a first come, first served basis. so you're out of luck, dave. there were three choices. time is 7:46. you're watching those bridges too. >> yes, we are. right now we're not too bad. there is the normal slowdowns you see on a normal commute. let's talk about highway 4. this is improving a little bit. we still have slow traffic coming in from pittsburgh to bay point. 680 is slowing through the walnut creek area. in fact it slows on 242 from about willow pass road and solid from 242 to walnut creek. you can see traffic will be busy as you drive in to san francisco, about a 20-minute delay. santa clara valley, northbound 101 is slow in pockets pretty much from before the capital expressway all the way up in to mount view. we had a crash that was clearing and 237 has been a mess this morning. one of our viewers janice says i'm here to confirm 237 is a mess. northbound 85, you'll see slow traffic as well. not a catastrophic slowdown but it's pretty slow out there. 7:48. let's go to you. we do have mostly clear skies out there. had a little bit of low cloud deck but looks like that's clearing out. for most it might be a little bit on the san mateo, santa cruz coast. even san jose has been looking sunny. sunny and breezy. you know those two. they're back today. windy yesterday. warmer on the weekend. the wind will pick up. north and east bay hills saturday. there will be a little system clipping the sierra nevada. it will pick up the wind. next rain looks to be around may 5th. looks pretty good. we had okay rain yesterday. it was okay. .42 in the livermore hills. hayward had a quarter of an inch to third of an inch. mill valley picked up .09. san jose, .08. redwood shores was in there. speaking of redwood shores, patrick is in redwood shores. how long will we have this bake/freeze weather pattern? rain through mid-may? sure looks like it. there's projections of moderate to heavy rain around the 11th and 12th. we'll see. a lot can happen between now and then. but last year in april and may, it was ridge city every time i looked. high pressure, high pressure. this time it's another low dropping in. mostly clear skies here. snow showers popped up over the sierra. 3 inches of snow. cloud cover back in off of nevada. it will be mostly cloudy up there. you can see our low on the arizona/nevada border. wrapping back in cloud cover. even near san diego. 40s and 50s on the temps. temperatures rebounding here. a little cool for some here this morning. a lot of mid 40s. los altos, woodside, 50 for belmont. san carlos, los altos hills. 49 degrees. partly to mostly cloudy in the sierra. i'd think most precipitation would be in central and southern sierra. the low is churning right there and moving in to utah and also four corners and going to move out of our area but out of the northwest we get that direction. that's really given up welling in to the ocean. the ocean temps are cold. 49, san francisco. 50 at bodega bay. 51 out of monterey. that's the coldest i've seen in a while. windy friend as we head in to saturday. it will be warmer but also that breeze will pick up. patchy low clouds. a little warmer. coast and bay near normal. inland temps will bump up. doesn't take long to get from early april, may to get in the 70s. tomorrow we continue that theme. it will be sunny on the weekend but that wind will crank up i think on saturday so be advised by that. >> stay away from the san leandro marina. i was more worried about the rain yesterday. it was clear but boy, that wind was intense. >> it was howling. time is 7:51. how much time do you spend on social media? now how much time do you think you spend with your real life friends in real life? let's ask ourselves these hard questions. then we'll give you the somewhat depressing results of a new study out and you'll find out if you're above average when it comes to how much time you spend on facebook, twitter, all the rest. >> a counterterrorism drill at uc berkeley for students. three things one professor says everybody should learn from this exercise. before earning enough cash back from bank of america to buy a new gym bag. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time and 2% back at the grocery store. even before he got 3% back on gas. kenny used his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to join the wednesday night league. because he loves to play hoops. not jump through them. that's the excitement of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. welcome back to mornings on 2. 7:53. former lieutenant curtis lou is accused of filing a false police report and obstructing a rape investigation. he's accused of warning fellow officer jason lye that a woman accused him of rape. lye is no longer of the police department. he's accused of writing several homophobic and racist text messages which the public defender said jeopardized more than 200 criminal cases that lye helped to investigate. big developments on the uc davis campus where the chancellor linda katehi has been placed on leave. katehi reportedly used $175,000 in university money to scrub online postings about a controversial pepper spraying of protesters five years ago. adding to the controversy are reports she's taken high paying outside jobs while she was chancellor. time is 7:55. a plan to borrow hundreds of millions of dollars for san francisco's transbay terminal project is moving forward by the board of supervisors. the cost has almost doubled since 2008 to 2 and a quarter billion dollars. the soaring cost is blamed on inaccurate engineering estimates. the city is considering a $260 million loan. the budget and finance committee yesterday approved the proposal and now goes before the full board of supervisors for a vote next week. the san jose planning commission has approved a project to build an apartment complex for the homeless. both sides of the issue packed last night's hearing. the commission unanimously approved the proposal to construct a homeless village of sorts and a vacant lot on central road on south central san jose where the church once stood. the project features the four-story apartment complex that would provide permanent housing for homeless people. they believe it would decrease crime in the area. >> there's a lots of kids in my neighborhood. had i known that this was going to be there, i wouldn't have bought my house. >> we know that affordable housing runs well, actually does not decrease property values. does not increase crime. >> neighbors say they'll appeal the decision to the city council, but if the project passes the homeless could start moving in as early as fall of 2018. uc berkeley students took part in a counterterrorism drill that seemed very real. the students teamed up with the fbi yesterday. this is part of a class in the international relations department. it involved terrorists taking over a b.a.r.t. train and holding hostages. students played the roles of terrorists, police negotiators, journalists, and diplomats. >> speaks i think to the importance of training and practicing. >> when you see an incident occurring in real life, always good to keep a mental note. what would i do in this situation? >> the professor has one lesson everyone should take away from the drill, run and hide during a terror attack. people also have to be ready to fight. counterterrorism experts say advice in the past was to comply with the terrorists who wanted to exchange hostages for their demands but they say the modern day terrorists, they just want to raise the casualty toll and kill people. time is 7:57. all eyes on california just ahead of the june primary here. next, how two frontrunners plan to get more votes and more voters to the polls. >> we have new details about the relationship between a pregnant woman shot in the head and her alleged attacker. we'll have those details coming up. >> good morning. we're still looking at slow traffic in many areas for this morning's commute including on interstate 80. we'll give you a drive time coming up. >> lots of sunshine today. temperatures will be pretty near normal. maybe slightly above. the breeze is still in place. j?j?j7 that's sweet smooth jazz. that's a live picture looking out across the bay area. that's the music of norman brown, a good friend of mine. music is called celebration. i love norman brown. and i love this shot on this thursday morning, april 28th. >> it's a peaceful start to our thursday morning. nothing like the wild winds, even the rains many of us saw yesterday. things are calming down a bit today before they get really warm for the weekend. am i right, steve paulson? >> that is correct. it will also be windy, windy on saturday. so be advised. it's coming back. different direction. it will be north, maybe a little northeast. it will be sunny. also if you're heading up to the seattle saturday, there will be a little low clipping them. that could give a brief shower. today is all about sunshine. breezy conditions will not be that bad. yesterday was roaring for some. the weekend is warmer. no doubt. but windy at times. north and east bay hills could have a wind advisory as the system goes right there along the crest of the sierra. that's on saturday. next rain looks to be may 5th. today we kick out that system we had yesterday. still going to be a pretty good weather maker that moves across the four corners and in to the plains. 40s and 50s on the temps. south bay temps, upper 40s, low 50s. santa cruz mountains, 43, 44. scotts valley, boulder creek. campbell, 52. we look good today. clouds out over the ocean. clouds off in the sierra. but for us, sunny, mostly sunny, breezy at times. temperatures, 60s and 70s. it will be a little warmer today. we rebound pretty quick this time of year. that means nice temperatures. they're in the sal castaneda comfort zone. >> yes, i am. we're in sal castaneda comfort zone with those 60s and 70s. see, steve pays attention. i like that. i'm going to see if i can give you a decent traffic update on 80. not too bad. it has been worse but it's pretty crowded in richmond and berkeley. there are no major delays heading out to the richmond bridge if you're going that way but there's a little bit of a backup. also looking at the commute here at the bay bridge toll plaza. you'll see traffic is backed up for 15 or 20-minute delay. no problems here. i do want to mention that in the south bay, northbound 280 there's a crash reported there. just northbound 280 before bird avenue really. traffic is very slow on 85. 280 is now backed up. remember we showed it to you earlier. it's backed up. southbound 280 is also going to be slow. 101 is going to be slow as well getting in to mountain view. 8:03. lets go -- let's go back to the desk. we now know the oldest son of a san jose couple found shot to death in their home over the weekend has been arrested and booked in to santa clara county jail this morning. a source tells us hasib rabbi was picked up yesterday by the san jose police covert response unit. his parents, golam and shamima were killed in their home last weekend. police have been looking for hasib to talk to him. we've learned no bail has been allowed. rabbi will make his first court appearance tomorrow at noon. time is new at 4:00. we've just received more information about a story we've been talking about, the pregnant woman who was shot in pacifica. >> christian criz -- christien kafton is live at the apartment complex where this happened. >> we'll detail the relationship in just a moment, but we've moved here to the apartment complex where the whole situation unfolded. we've not seen a lot of police activity here, but we do have new insight shed on the whole situation by a family member. how the suspect and victim in this case know one another. she offered perspective on why the suspects targeted the woman and her unborn child. friends have identified the victim as 25-year-old marissa johnson. she's eight months pregnant and she and her baby are recovering in an area hospital. a family source tells fox 2 that she's in intensive care and will remain in intensive care until that baby is delivered. johnson works as a receptionist at an apartment complex here on terra nova boulevard. that's where police say the suspect, 25-year-old ricardo colindres tried to kidnap her. that person tells us they had a previous relationship, that he was abusive, and that she took out a restraining order to protect herself from colindres. that family member tells us the child colindres lind -- the child she is carrying is not colindres' baby. >> we'll have to look in the past and present relationship and put together a thorough investigation. >> johnson was rushed to the hospital where doctors considered an emergency delivery but ultimately decided not to induce delivery. colindres is a transient that frequents the area. a reminder for anyone who may know the whereabouts of colindres, they say do not approach him yourself. he should be considered armed and extremely dangerous. time is 8:06. new from overnight, emeryville police asking for the public's help in finding the gunman and the target in a shooting that happened about 9:30 last night. police received 911 calls about gunfire. doctors learned a car pulled in to a driveway and tried to get away but a dark colored vehicle came by and someone inside fired several rounds. both cars sped off. several bullets ended up hitting a house but no one inside was hurt. there were no reports of any gunshot victims. time is 8 :07. new development in the beating of a suspected car thief last november by county deputies in the san francisco alley. ktvu news has learned of a new video allegedly showing one of the deputies twirling something shiny after petrov was beaten. the public defender had that video enhanced and an audio expert says you can hear a metal clank. this is important because a homeless couple told ktvu the deputies gave them a gold chain in an alleged bribe to keep them quiet. >> my jaw dropped because it completely corroborates what the witnesses have said. and now you have more than a smoking gun. you've got the smoking chain where he's actually twirling this chain around. >> so far the two deputies have not been charged in the beating. one deputy, sean osborne, is on leave. investigators believe he's the one in the video holding that chain. let's turn now to the race for the white house. senator ted cruz is trying to put a new spark in his campaign after his big losses in tuesday's primaries. the republican candidate introduced former hewlett-packard ceo carly fiorina as his running mate. traditionally announcing a vice presidential choice is done after the candidate wins the nomination. frontrunner donald trump doesn't think much of the new team. he said so speaking at a town hall appearance on fox last night. >> well, i think it's really a waste of time honestly. it should be over, if indiana treats us right we're going to make america great again. >> republican candidate john kasich has lost out on free advertising in oregon. the campaign didn't file papers in time to have his picture on a pamphlet that goes to voters. california is the biggest prize for the candidates, because none of them have won enough delegates to clinch the nomination. janine de la vega tells us about the event happening in burlingame that will have a big impact. >> the state republican convention starts tomorrow. it's here at the hyatt regency and all three candidates are expected to be here. donald trump is starting his campaign in california a day early. he's holding a rally in orange county. then he kicks off the gop convention with a luncheon on friday in burlingame. various anti-trump protests in bay area are planned this weekend. there's even one in front of google because advocacy groups don't want the tech giant to sponsor the national republican convention if trump is the nominee. so far polls show the business tycoon has the edge over ted cruz and ohio governor john kasich. all three rivals know how crucial a win in california is. there are 172 delegates up for grabs. and when it comes to the democrats, vermont senator bernie sanders is pushing forward even though he lost four primaries on tuesday. he's laying off hundreds of staffers in other states so he can concentrate his resources on winning california and the other remaining contests. hillary clinton continues to gain in the delegate count and here in the bay area she's opening up a campaign office today in oakland. it will be located on 14th street. there's a lot of momentum in the campaigns, a lot of focus here on the primary election which is on june 7th. reporting from burlingame, janine de la vega, ktvu fox 2 news. time is 8:10. we're also following new developments in the death of prince. now there's several reports that say prescription pain killers were found in prince's possession when he died last week. reportedly they were found near his body in his home near minneapolis known as paisley park. however, investigators haven't yet said what role if any those medications may have played in his death. paisley park was both prince's home and his recording studio. now a judge in minnesota has appointed a corporate trust company to oversee that huge estate. the judge says this emergency appointment was needed because prince doesn't appear to have had a will. there are hundreds of millions of dollars at stake. prince was not married. he had no known living children. he only has one full sibling. his sister tyka nelson. time is 8:11. a warning for east bay residents who take prescription drugs. the reason health officials are saying to be careful where you buy that medication. >> first, how b.a.r.t. aims to crackdown on thefts at some of its b.a.r.t. stations. >> good morning. we're looking at a commute here where traffic is actually moving along pretty well on 24. after the lafayette b.a.r.t. station, a little slowdown there. after that it looks good through the tunnel. >> lots of sunshine today. sunny, mostly sunny. a little breeze in the forecast. take a look at the weekend. wind will pick up. temperatures will also warm up. they say that in life, we shouldn't sweat the small stuff. but when you're building a mercedes-benz, there really is no small stuff. every decision... every component... is an integral part of what makes the 2016 c-class one of our most sophisticated cars ever. because when you're setting a new benchmark for refinement, it is the small stuff... that makes the biggest impression. the 2016 c-class. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. hey i think the internet just went 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operators did not do anything wrong. in fact they did everything they could to apply the brakes and stop the vehicle. >> b.a.r.t. says the car was not damaged. they still plan to put the first 10-car train in to service by the end of this year. time is 8:15. traffic around the bay area nothing like what it was yesterday for the most part. that's a good thing, sal. >> sure is. yesterday we had that terrible commute in the east bay. let's look at the east bay traffic trying to get in to the city. not great but certainly not out of the ordinary. we have 25 to 30 minutes which has become the new normal. we're looking at 880 which is beginning to slow down out of san leandro. 580 has filled in. earlier in the morning, it was completely clear. now we have the late crowd getting in to the area. 237 has been slow all morning long. backed up all the way to mountain view so even though we don't have a lot of major incidents, certainly a lot of slow traffic out there. at 8:16, let's bring steve in. >> we do have sunshine here on the weather menu. no rain, no thunderstorms, not to bad. sunny and breezy today. yesterday was roaring wind. windy on the weekend but warmer. there will be a system clipping the sierra nevada saturday. if you're heading up there, be advised. that could give a few little showers. may 5th looks like our next rain. no rain on may 7th, for yovanna. that's my wedding day. as soon as i say may 5th, somebody says no, no, i'm getting married. never fails. you know i'll do my best. rainfall, we did have some yesterday. alameda, 18. it was coming down around 10:00, 10:30. mill valley, .09. san jose, .08. redwood shores, .08. some areas, .02. the waterspout, .1 of an inch of hail. that's the line that went through. the low is still turning. it's moving in to northern arizona. some of the rain is moving back in a little bit near san diego. 50s for most. bounces off a lot of the 40s. there still might be a few holding on. 53, cupertino. low clouds over the ocean. ocean temps have taken a plunge if you will. could still be cloud cover over the sierra. it's sliding southward toward southern sierra. mostly sunny. breezy at times. patchy low clouds. near normal temps by the coast and bay. inland temps will warm up in to the 70s. looks like the trend will continue here. 77, brentwood. temperatures toward the santa clara valley, kept those down a teeny bit. that wind will really crank up saturday north and east bay hills. time is 8:19. elon musk and spacex says the moon isn't enough. he wants to go to mars. spacex plans to send a dragon space craft to mars by 2016. he calls it red dragon. says the voyage will take six months. the ultimate goal, colonize mars in the next 10 years. right now the company's other space craft is delivering supplies but the company says they could start sending americans there next year. nasa released new video of a solar flare that caused short radio blackouts earlier this month. take a look at this video on nasa's youtube page. you can see a bright flash coming from the sun. according to nasa, solar flares are strong enough surges of radiation, they happen when magnetic energy is released. now harmful radiation from a flare cannot pass through the earth's atmosphere, so it can't physically hurt us. the footage was captured in several wav lengths of ultraviolet light which you can't see with the human eye. time is 8:20. when you stopped at a red light, have you ever picked up your phone to check a text or notification? if you did, you broke the law. ahead, you'll hear how the chp in the bay area are raising awareness about distracted driving. >> next unyour money business, what apple is releasing today that could help you stay healthy. 8:23, we're taking a look back at the opening bell from this morning. trading has been underway for almost two hours. and the dow is down but really ever so slightly. the nasdaq is up by almost 1/2 of 1% and the s&p 500 is also up but very slightly. new this morning, more people applied for unemployment benefits last week. the number is still near the lowest we've seen in more than 40 years. economists say it's a sign the economy isn't boosting layoffs. the commerce department released the gross domestic product report. it shows the economy moved forward in the first three months of 2016 but it did so at the slowest pace we've seen in two years. inching up just a half of a percent. to put this in to perspective, in the last quarter of 2015, the economy grew nearly 1.5%. new reports this morning that comcast is about to buy dreamworks animation which made movies like shrek and kung fu panda. the price for dreamworks, $41 a share. trading was halted for dreamworks stock pending the details. after the announcement, the stock shot up $7 a share up 23%. comcast stock is down slightly on the news. the u.s. treasury has launched a mobile app called direct express. it's for direct express mastercard cardholders who receive federal benefits but don't have a traditional bank account. through the app users can check their balance and find location where's they can take out cash. while most direct express cardholders don't have a traditional bank or credit union account, financial experts say more than half owned a smart phone last year. new numbers from tech experts show smart phone sales around the world have dropped for the first time ever. the slowdown comes from the group's strategic analytics. they say global shipments this year fell 3% compared to the 1st quarter of 2015. it includes sales from smart phone leaders apple and samsung. analysts are blaming the declining numbers on smart phone saturation in u.s. and china. today apple is rolling out its new healthcare apps for iphones. the four new apps are made by care fit. they're designed to help people manage different medical conditions and keep track of specific symptoms and medical progress. they also allow a doctor to keep an eye on their patients. these apps will help people manage diabetes, depression, as well as help women track their pregnancies and baby's first year. people now spend more time on facebook than they do with their actual friends. ceo mark zuckerberg says his company recently calculated how much time users spend on facebook. its photo sharing app instagram and its messenger app. it came out to more than 50 minutes a day, almost an hour. on average that's 7 minutes more than americans spend socializing face to face in real life with their real friends. new research is out this morning that says children as young as 7 are using social media to share sexual messages, pictures or videos. according to a poll taken by the teacher's union, more than half of the teachers said they knew of students who used social media for sexting. it also said the majority of students involved were between 13 and 16 years old but teachers did report the youngest case they've seen was with a 7-year-old. that's 1st grade. >> wow. time is 8:26. students at uc berkeley learned about counterterrorism. >> if we contact the families directly they have more of an incentive to give us the money. >> we'll tell you about a terror drill on the berkeley campus and what students took away from the training experience. >> a shakeup at uc davis at the very top. why the university's chancellor is in the hot seat over a pepper spray incident from 2011. >> we're live in san jose where there's heavy police activity near the corner of alum rock and capital avenue. >> right now we also do have slow strong other areas including the bridges and highway 24 getting to the tunnel, slowing down. >> mostly sunny today. temperature, 60s and 70s. breeze is not going away. turns out lemon juice doesn't cure pink eye. hi. how are you doing today? that's how i am. red head fred. ultra rare. i collect these too. nah, these are for my dog because he can never decide which one he wants until he gets home, so... american express presents the blue cash everyday card with no annual fee. cash back on purchases. my only concern is that this is where we put food. a dog's foot is cleaner than a human's mouth. that's what they say. is it? cleaner than my mouth. backed by the service and security of american express. welcome back to mornings on 2. we have a huge update from san jose. now we know both sons of a san jose couple found shot to death in their home over the weekend, both were booked in jail on charges of murder. >> sources are telling us hasib golam rabbi was picked up in tracey by the covert response unit. these are the first pictures we're seeing of the two sons. his 17-year-old brother was also arrested in san jose and booked in to juvenile hall. i don't expect to see his photograph because he's a juvenile. >> their parents, golam and shamima were killed last weekend. we know no bail has been allowed. rabbi will make his first court appearance tomorrow at noon. time is 8:30. we're following another breaking story. >> there's a heavy police presence in the alum rock area. there are major roads blocked off here. >> we're talking about capital avenue. we're actually on the corner of capital avenue and alum rock. the police activity, they have blocked off at least i believe the southbound direction of capital avenue. even vta, the rail isn't even going through this area because of the heavy police activity you can see behind me. it's still unclear the details of exactly what's going on. but what i can tell you is in the past just really 30 seconds we've seen at least five people, five females in handcuffs. it's unclear if they're being detained or arrested at this point but that's what we've seen. heavy police activity on alum rock and capital avenue here in san jose. we also heard pretty loud explosions from just moments ago. let's go aheadnd hear that. that was about 5 minutes ago when we arrived on scene. but again, heavy police presence here. capital avenue and alum rock in san jose. what i can tell you in previous years. police have done raids in terms of illegal gambling. we aired that story in the past year. it's unclear whether this is a similar raid but it's been reported that's been the case in the general area. police have been doing raids because of the illegal cafes. as we take it back out here live, traffic going northbound on capital avenue is going through here. if you're in this area, capital area, alum rock this morning, there's a heavy police presence. unclear exactly what's going on. we'll work on getting more information on exactly what's going on here this morning. we'll be back here live on mornings on 2. >> brian flores in san jose. thank you. 8:32. time to check weather and traffic starting with steve paulson. changing in the coming days. >> yes, more sunshine and warmer. but the wind is not going away. the breeze is still there. it will pick up on the weekends, especially the low drops near tahoe and truckee. that will crank it up for us on saturday. today, sunny to mostly sunny. our system yesterday, that's the line of thunderstorm activity that just missed some and clobbered others. it continues to get its act together in northern arizona, northwest arizona, even in the deserts of southern california. not a lot but there's a little bit down there. 40s, 50s, a lot of 50s. we're bouncing off those morning lows pretty quick. sierra nevada has mostly cloudy skies. could be an isolated shower. a lot of cloud cover associated with that low. mostly sunny. that breeze will be with us. northwest, mainly patchy low clouds. a little warmer, near normal temperatures at the waters. sal, 8:33. >> you went really quick there, steve. >> you know, that happens to me sometimes. >> i'm relying on you to like, you know how it goes. >> i do. there have been times where i'll say sal is not here for the tease. i'm like no, he's got to be there. >> i'm ready now. sort of. >> here he s mr. sal castaneda. >> thank you, steve. steve and i work as a team. let's take a look at the east bay. traffic is going to be okay on highway 24. i have a theory that is shared by one of my directors jeffrey green. we've been here for a good long time at the station and westbound 24 slows until the lafayette b.a.r.t. station when people are waiting on that platform, other people are looking at other people. people like to see other people. right after the platform the traffic picks up. so there you go. and that's just normal. people like to look at what people are wearing et cetera, et cetera. this is a look at the bay bridge. metering lights are on. this is about a 20 to 25-minute delay. no major problems. 880 is still kind of a bear. hasn't been great from san leandro down to milpitas. 237 is greeting you can slow traffic of its own, heading out to the valley and all the valley traffic is still very slow. so even though we haven't had a lot of major incidents today, we've had a lot of slow traffic. 8:34. let's go back to the desk. for weeks, counterfeit prescription pills have been turning up in the sacramento area sometimes with deadly overdoses as a consequence. local health agencies report those fake pain killers are showing up here in the bay area. the contra costa county health department reports four people in the county have recently overdosed on what appears to be counterfeit prescription medication laced with fentanyl. they're urging not to buy prescription pills anywhere other than a licensed pharmacy. >> people are buying them on the street, thinking they're getting hydrocodone or nor co, and they're getting fentanyl. they're getting a much, much stronger narcotic medicine than they're aware. >> there have been overdoses in several bay area counties but no reported deaths. fentanyl laced pills have been linked to 14 deaths in the sacramento area. today a new safe medication disposal kiosk will be unveiled at the walgreen's pharmacy to dispose of unwanted and expired medications for free. the installation of the kiosks began in california and will expand to 39 states by the end of the year. time is 8:36. we're hearing the police radios dispatch call connected to yesterday's death at apple's headquarters in cupertino. >> bleeding with a head wound to the head. possibly has a gun. >> the santa clara county investigators won't confirm or deny details of the recording but they do say this was an isolated incident and there are no signs of foul play. the body of a man was found in a conference room just after 8:30 yesterday morning. we don't know the name of the man. a group of uc berkeley students went through a counterterrorism drill and it seemed very real. >> we should send a rescue train. >> students teamed up with the fbi yesterday. this is part of a class in the international relations department. the scenario involved terrorists taking over a b.a.r.t. train and holding hostages. the students played terrorists, police negotiators, journalists, and diplomats. >> speaks to the importance of training and practicing being in these sorts of scenarios. >> when you see an incident occurring in real life, always good to keep a mental note. >> the professor says one lesson is to run and hide during a terror attack. but you also have to be prepared to fight. counterterrorism experts say advice in the past was to comply with the terrorists but now they say the modern day terrorist is just looking to raise that casualty toll. san francisco police officer is under arrest in connection with the widening scandal at that department. former lieutenant curtis lu is accused of obstructing a rape investigation. he instructed a fellow officer that a woman accused him of rape. he's accused of writing homophobic and racist text messages which the public defenders says has called in to question over 200 criminal cases. big developments on the uc davis campus where chancellor linda katehi has been placed owen leave until an independent investigator determines whether or not she violated university policies. she reportedly used $175,000 in university money to essentially scrub online posts about a controversial pepper spraying of protesters five years ago. adding to the controversy are reports that she's taken high paying outside jobs while chancellor. thousands of bay area nurses are getting ready to go on strike. this after three days of mediation apparently failed. nurses from lucille packard children's hospital and stanford hospital and clinics are fighting with administrators over wages and benefits. the union has to issue a formal declaration and also give the hospital 10 days' notice before almost 3,000 nurses can walk off the job. time is 8:39. if you like basketball, get ready, warriors fans. tickets go on sale this morning for the next round of the nba playoffs. >> warriors are moving on after blowing up the houston rockets last night even without steph curry. alex savidge live in san francisco. you were talking this morning to the crew from 95.7 the game about the warriors' chances of going even further. >> the guys from 95.7 the game, they feel good about the warriors' chances moving forward. warriors fans as a whole i think are feeling a whole lot more optimistic this morning especially after watching last night's game. we watched the warriors minus steph curry easily handle the houston rockets and eliminate them from the playoffs. it shows this team can do a lot even with their star on the sideline, down for the next two weeks or so with the strained knee. we caught up with the group. >> for the warriors all the way around, they had a motivating factor of not going back to houston and they went out and handled their business. >> we were hanging out this morning with the 95.7 the game's morning show. they were breaking down all the highlights from last night's blow out win with the warriors. curry was on the sidelines, sitting on the bench cheering on his team during game 5 and he watched the rest of his team put on a real show. that included his fellow splash brother klay thompson who was hot from the start. klan knocked down seven 3-pointers in the game and led the way with 27 points. the warriors won this thing running away 114-81 last night. the hosts here at 95.7 the game believe even without curry this warriors team is quite tough. >> when we get to see this team still able to compete and no matter what they're still going to be able to compete. have the odds went down? absolutely. but they still can win a championship because they believe in one another and they still played great defense no matter if they're playing the spurs or playing anyone. they still have a fighting chance. >> the ws need a rival. it starts at the point guard position. damian lillard and steph curry, that's what i'm talking about. >> it's looking somewhat likely the warriors could face off against the portland trailblazers. the blazers are up three games to two on the l.a. clippers. that series is tomorrow night. we'll be watching that closely to see who their second round opponent will be. we don't know who the warriors are going to play in the second round. we know tickets will be going on sale later today for season ticket holders and tomorrow for the general public so that starts at 2:00 in the afternoon. if you want to get a crack at those seats, they go on sale to the general public 2:00 tomorrow afternoon for the home games at oracle arena for the second round of the playoffs. the warriors were talking about last night's game 5. they said they did not want to fly back to houston. that would be a long flight if they had to go back there for another game. that's why they wanted to close things out last night and they certainly did in a big way. the l.a. lakers now have permission to talk to warriors' assistant coach luke walton about becoming their next head coach. lakers have permission to meet with him as soon as the warriors have a break in their schedule. luke walton, who played nine seasons with the lakers, he's seen as a hot prime target for l.a. and attracted a lot of attention when he stepped in for steve kerr who had back summerry summerry -- back surgery and the warriors won. the money raised is going to go to the family of a 4-year-old in martinez. she's battling brain cancer. earlier this month we told you about melody, she has an inoperable brain tumor. her family is trying to get her in to a clinical trial in england for a treatment that's not available here in the u.s. a couple from pleasanton saw our story about melody and they wanted to help. >> something grabbed my heart strings and it was like you know what, i'd hate to be in that situation. we have kids. i have a grandchild. what could we do to help? >> it's a roller coaster. we say it to each other all the time. it goes up and down. this guy is -- he's putting us on the upward path right now. >> bidding for the tickets stands at over $150. we've put information for you on the ebay auction and gofundme site up on the web links section of >> great story. we wish her well. turning to instagram. we want to give you the back story about a lucky miniature horse. the name is shine. shine was attacked by a pack of dogs in december and was left disabled. >> just watching this video on the ktvu instagram account, shine received a prosthetic limb. you can read about the reason the artificial leg worked so well by going to the instagram. @ktvu2. ahead, how much money went to sonoma county after its limited release earlier this year. >> next, distracted driving doesn't mean using a phone only while a car is in motion. how the chp is hoping to raise awareness. >> finally seeing improvement when it comes to the morning commute. >> we'll have sunshine today. a little breezy as well. we'll talk about the temps. before earning enough cash back from bank of america to buy a new gym bag. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time and 2% back at the grocery store. even before he got 3% back on gas. kenny used his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to join the wednesday night league. because he loves to play hoops. not jump through them. that's the excitement of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. welcome back to mornings on 2. 8:47. new this morning, vice president joe biden is in iraq on a surprise visit. he's in baghdad urging iraqi leaders to settle a political crisis that's hampering the fight against isis. the political crisis has grown over the past several weeks with calls to replace current politicians with powerful lobbyists and also more government accountability. women may soon have to register to the military draft. the house armed services committee approved an amendment to the current policy but in a strange twist the congressman who offered that amendment voted against his own measure. california republican and former marine duncan hunter says he came up with the amendment to start a discussion on the decision to open all combat jobs to women. hunter says the pentagon failed to decide whether it should be revoked. it does still exist though in the case of a national emergency. time is 8:49. let's check in with sal one more time on our commute. >> right now we're looking at a commute that is improving as we see some of the commutes get a little bit better. still about a 20-minute delay before you make it on to the span. at the very least we've seen some improvement. also looking at some of the other bridges, it looks good. this is a look at the santa clara valley. you can see this commute for some reason has been very slow. just a lot of people going to work. we've had a few incidents but most of the slow traffic is owed to all the congestion. we take another look at a live picture here, northbound 280 which was looking pretty good is now filled in through downtown. at 8:49, today's forecast. let's go to steve. >> sal, you have computers. you have computers in front of you. occasionally they don't work. mine is frozen. we'll make do with what we have. it's mostly sunny out there. temperatures will be rebounding from the 40s and 50s. we'll end up with 60s and 70s. still a little breezy. no rain today. no thunderstorms in the forecast. it will be nice. temperatures will continue to warm up as we go in to the weekend. we do have 60s and 70s today. i think by the weekend we'll have more. time is 8:50. it's a beer that was only available to the public for two weeks but the sales of a rare beer brought in a very impressive $5 million to sonoma county. a new survey by the county's economic development board, the limited release of pino the younger beer attracted nearly $5 million sales to the area. that beer has a reputation as one of the best beers in the world. and people waited for hours to get a glass of it. the chp is reminding all of us drivers it's never okay to text while we drive, even if your car is stopped at a red light. according to the california office of traffic safety, talking or texting on the phone is the number one cause of distracted driving. a tweet was sent out reminding drivers that while the engine is on, you should keep your devices off at all times. >> if you're in control of the vehicle in the driver's seat on a public roadway, you can be cited for driving while texting. >> the police say it's easy for them to see if you're on your phone because they're looking for where your hand is on that steering wheel. so they're watching. time is 8:51. despite public objections, the san jose planning commission approved a project to build an apartment complex for the homeless. both sides of the issue packed a hearing last night. the commission unanimously approved a plan to build a homeless village in a vacant lot on center road and south central san jose where a church once stood. the project features a four-story apartment complex that would provide permanent housing to 160 homeless people but neighbors are worried there will be an increase in crime in the area. the area includes two elementary schools, a library, and an existing homeless encampment at a nearby creek. >> there's a lot of kids in my neighborhood. had i known this was going to be there, i wouldn't have bought my house. >> we know the housing when run well does not decrease property values. does not increase crime. >> the neighbors say they will appeal the planning to the council. if the project does pass, homeless could start moving in to the building as early as the fall of 2018. time is 8:53. we'll be right back. welcome back. time is 8:55. san jose sharks have been resting since eliminating the kings from the playoffs. tomorrow night they're back on the ice. they're going to play the nashville predators who beat the anaheim ducks last night in game 7 of their series. game 1 of the sharks-predators series is tomorrow night at s.a.p. center. game 2 is sunday before the series moves to nashville. the giants are on the road after sweeping the padres of at&t park and it was a slugfest. all nine giants starters either scored a run or drove in a run. the giants won 13-9. brandon belt had five rbis, finished a home run short of the cycle. jeff samardzija got the win. giants start a three-game series against the mets tomorrow. the oakland as lead detroit with a series split or series loss today. yesterday sonny gray lasted just two innings. the shortest start of his career. tigers took a 4-0 lead. then chris davis tried to help the r as. he hit a home run off justin verlander. it went to mars. they estimated it was 449 feet. just incredible to him. but the as lost 9-4. the series finale with the tigers, that's this morning. then the as head to houston. happening right now, raiders owner mark davis is meeting with tourism officials in nevada talking about a possible relocation to a dome stadium in las vegas. the meeting started at 8:00 this morning. according to espn, the casino mogul is proposing a $1.3 billion stadium project a couple blocks off the vegas strip. mark davis has also toured unlv stadium as a possible temporary home. but the raiders have signed a one-year lease to stay at the oakland coliseum this upcoming season. and yesterday nfl commissioner roger goodell reiterated he supports keeping the raiders in oakland and says there's no official proposal foro vegas rit now. it may ultimately be up to nfl owners. yes, there's football, but today we're talking all about the warriors. they don't have to get on that plane back to houston. thank goodness they don't. we'll talk to matt about warriors. at the intersection of race and politics, there can be some comedy and there we'll find berkeley's own. live on the 9. san jose police have arrested the sons of the couple found shot to death inside their san jose home. more on the new details we just learned about 30 minutes ago. >> it's another big day in sports. we're talking to sports analyst about the warriors' game 5 win. we're taking a look at the local players eligible for today's nfl draft. >> at the intersection of race and politics is berkeley's own w. bell. he's joining us here on the nine, with how he tackled uncomfortable subjects that make you think and even laugh. >> just like that we are cranking open the 9:00 hour on this hot looking thursday. say hello to our backyard. south tower there of the golden gate bridge. beautiful shot. a lot of folks smiling out there. not just because it's a beautiful day. not just because it's the warriors. because it's draft day across the country for the nfl. alongside sal castaneda, gasia mikaelian, i'm mike mibach. welcome to

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