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Hot. This cloud cover will begin to work its way toward us, and it will get into south bay, and mostly cloudy in humid day. This could bring us some showers, and it will take a while. The water temperatures are getting warm, 62 to 65 off of monterey. We have lows in the 60s. A few 50s to the north, san jose in the 50s and everyone elses in thes asked his. In the 60s. Our loads are beginning to punch in. Patchy fog is out there and 80s and 90s and 70s near the coast. We get on the air at 4 am, and we were talking about the all the fog on the golden gate, and we will start off with some of the commutes. The bay bridge has been slow, this is a normal commute, 20 to 25 minutes before you make it onto the bridge. Were looking at some slow traffic on parts of 880. A little further south between hayward, union city and fremont, we can see that the traffic has slowed down as you drive in thes pockets down to fremont. The Altamont Pass is one of the worst commutes, and there was an earlier accident that is gone. If youre coming in from tracy to livermore, this morning commute is worse than it normally is. Developing news in salmon josi after a stolen car filled with teenagers crashed during an apparent street race. This was a bout a mile from san jose state. Reporter the speed limit on santa clara street where this crash happened was 25 miles an hour, but this car was going much faster, and it skidded into a light pole where this year kate is. Thats barricade is. It was just before 11 when the police arrived, and they found a mangled honda with four victims. The honda was racing a dark colored acura and the honda lost control, hit the pole and hit a tree, and the other car sped away. A teenage boy and girl died at the scene, a third teenager died at the hospital and the other is in Critical Condition with lifethreatening injuries. It was a stolen car out of san jose, and they are hoping that the evidence they collect will help them determine more information about the other car involved. Witnesses talked about the acura that left the scene, and investigators would like to talk to that driver. They may not even realize that the other people in this car died unless theyre watching the news. That is so tragic. Our time is 7 04 am, and we had a swarm of earthquakes in san ramon. The most recent quake had a magnitude of 1. 6 and it hit about 5 15 am this morning. Your looking at a live screen from the usgs, and their been several quakes in the area, just before 4 am. It was a magnitude 2. 6 at 3 22 am. These are pretty small earthquakes, and so far no word of damage or injuries. A man set Halloween Costumes on fire at the walmart. Police say that the Surveillance Video shows that the man put lighter fluid around the store and in the fire starts and the stories evacuated. The suspect was arrested and taken to the hospital for examination. There are concerns about that yous valley fire in lake county could affect the quality of the fire water, and water officials are worried that the winter rains will wash the ash and debris into the creek that feeds the reservoir. This could affect the taste of purity of the drinking water. They will be check in the area on friday to consider ways to reduce the erosion. The victims of the valley and butte fires are getting help from fema. Dozens of homes and millions of dollars of aid are now available to those that lost their homes. They will be rolled out to the victims that cannot find a rental houses near their homes that were destroyed. It could be the end today for a iconic severances go restaurant. Were live in front of sinbads with what they plan to do. Reporter that sinbads restaurant has been here for about 40 years. And because the port plans to expand the ferry terminal, there is an ongoing dispute and according to the San Francisco chronicle, the port plans to shut down the restaurant later today. A spokesperson for the port of San Francisco tells those us that they will go in and change the locks. They had been ordered to vacate, but they continue to operate anyway, and the restaurant still operated. People continued to leave comments on yelp and the port had planned to expand the ferry terminal, and some plans are to add more gates, whether protected areas for those standing in line, and that staging area for evacuees in case of a major catastrophe. And we had that iconic view from sinbads, and they are telling the chronicle that the closure will not happen, and sinbads would not expand on that, but it will be interesting to see what happens later on. Some people have a very emotional attachment from sinbads, but loved in the community. I guess this is what progress looks like. Reporter i guess so. Ive heard a few people from the station have come to sinbads and have an attachment to the restaurant, but it will be interesting to see what happens. According to the chronicle, the Sheriff Department will be here at 11 30 am to change the locks. We will have whatever happens coming up today at noon. According to the San Francisco chronicle, drivers are demanding that uber hike their rate by 60 . They want the cancellation fee from 5 7, and 1200 drivers nationwide has said they will protest outside the uber offices, including San Francisco. There were two separate bay area killings, and they are due in court today, and reports of new evidence, including who may have pulled the trigger. The American People are sick and tired of hearing about these emails. Clashes during last nights debate and we will talk about the highlights coming up next. Were looking at the crowd of people trying to drive to marin county and it looks okay. Fog is out there, but the higher clouds are taking president today, and rains are possible for the south and more on that next. Gy. Dont let your neighbor enjoy all the savings. Visit pge. Com checkup and get started today. We thought wed be ready. But demand for our cocktail bitters was huge. I could feel our deadlines racing towards us. We didnt need a loan. We needed shortterm funding. Fast. Our amex helped us fill the orders. Just like that. You cant predict it, but you can be ready. Another step on the journey. Will you be ready when growth presents itself. Realize your buying power at open. Com. vo you can pass down a subaru forester. dad shes all yours. vo but you get to keep the memories. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. In the first democratic debate, they agreed on many issues, and they say there are start differences start stark differences between them and the republicans. The immigrant haters like some we have heard, donald trump, the carnival barker of the republican party. Hillary clinton and Bernie Sanders dominated the debate as many expected, and sanders gives clinton what is being called a gift. Enough about the emails, lets talk about the real issues facing america. [ applause ]. She says thank you, bernie, and shakes his hand. That comes in response to question about clintons use of a private server for emails while she was secretary of state. Martin omalley, jim webb and Lincoln Chafee did not impress most observers. It seems that Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton came out on top, what was expected. Reporter that is right. I think Hillary Clinton won the expectations part of the debate, she was strong, thoughtful and poised. When you closed your eyes, and bernie was talking about how hard in the challenges that america faces, and he was right. We need to change things and diffuse power. I think both of them did exceptionally well in the first debate. Joe bidens name did not come up at all in the questions for responses, and if im joe biden, why have less reason to run today than yesterday . Reporter you do. Many of your supporters were calling you and telling you that you have to run because were not sure that Hillary Clinton can be the candidate, and shes those she showed that she could be the candidate. Frankly, time is running out on the Biden Campaign in order to file for the delicate slate. Delegate slate. In response to Hillary Clinton do you want to add more to the email conversation, and she said no, which brought down the house. Reporter of course she was speaking to democratic activists, and they want the scandal to go away. The Justice Department and fbi need to wait in and clear her, or it will continue to be an issue. The difference in tone from what we saw last night versus what weve seen in the first two republican debates, completely different events in so many ways. Reporter it was a lot more of a conversation and less pointed and specific with santa teen 17 candidates running on the republican side, and each one of them trying to throw elbows to get the top of the pack. It was between sanders and clinton, and the other three, omalley, chafee and web did not really matter, so there was less reason to get personal. If we could pull the viewers, you expect to see sanders or clintons numbers move much . I think sanders numbers will move. During the debate see in in cnn was doing live polling and most of his answers were 80 20. Clinton did it okay with the polling, but sanders hit it out of the park. I think Hillary Clinton will solidify her base and there will be a lot of clinton supporters that feel relieved that she is back on the offense with her campaign and articulating a positive view of the future. From on the debate, go to ktvu. Com. Your time now is 7 16 am, and youre watching 280 in the south bay. How is it doing . Guys like that taught the classes, so i feel lucky. Good morning, and this is a selfserving plug, we will be talking about all of this at the top of the show. Taking a look at your commute, and davy, you mentioned 280 and there it is. It is slow, which is unfortunately normal for this time of mourning. Slow traffic getting into the valley from every freeway. It does not need to be an accident to make it this slow anymore, it is the normal commute. The westbound bay bridge is the same way. It is a little bit slower than it normally is when we take a live look at the bay bridge told positive, you can see that it is crowded. This is about a 30 to 40 minute delay depending on which line you are in. It is 7 17 am and lets listen to the weather. We have beautiful sunrise, and these clouds will thicken up. All are in the 60s with the exception of Santa Rosa National airport. These clouds are associated with a low which has been over the west coast for the last two weeks. This is great fleming, and good morning steve sharing my Indian Summer night. Higher clouds more so to the south into the north, but they are on the move. Possible showers later today, and right now they are confined to Southern California where it has been hot and humid, lows in the 70s and record high minimums for many. The water temperatures have been going up, and a very warm 65 at monterey. Napa is at 56, santa rosa and 53, and 60s everywhere else, and 67 at livermore. It is 67 downtown oakland, and it is warm. This breeze is west at six miles per hour, but it is trying, just not there yet. Higher clouds will thicken up and on the increase throughout the day. We have system coming out of the gulf of alaska which will set the stage for a color pattern on friday and the weekend. Today sun and clouds in the 80s and 90s, and almost a tropical feeling. The fog is out there, made it to the gate and then disappeared. 60s to 90s, i dont think we will see 99 or 100 like we did yesterday. A few showers possible at santa clara. Cooler going into the weekend. A welcome change. It is 7 19 am, and from facebook to the prison, and our Justice System is not working at all. Found unconscious in the las vegas rajchel, lamar odom and what we have heard about his condition. Tomorrow to is in a las vegas hospital after being found unconscious in a las vegas brothel. Authorities say that he was at this brothel and he was found unresponsive. The crews were unable to fit him into a medical helicopter because he is 610 tall, and they had to drive him to the hospital. He had been partying with the girls for days, and several other players are tweeting their support for lamarr. Investigating homegrown extremism, the new Domestic Terrorism Council will be named today, and he or she will be the main corner of of contact for Law Enforcement throughout the country. The faa is encouraging Airline Passengers to leave the spare lithium batteries home when you pack for the flight. The faa is asking the airlines to tell the passengers when they buy a ticket or check in that lithium batteries are prohibited. This comes two days after the Alaskan Airlines flight had to make an Emergency Landing in buffalo after a credit card reader started smoking from a melting battery. Lithium batteries are used to Power Consumer Electronics Like cell phones, laptops, power tools and to russias toothbrushes. They say that the federal law is being reporter and by allowing nestli to pipe water out of the national forest. Nestli waters is sold and others say there should be no bottling at all because of the water shortage. The spokesperson for nestlis says that the permit remains in effect. The time now is 7 24 am, and more evidence about the beating death and what the deputies allegedly search for on the internet just after that beating took place. Suspects get ready to head to court for two separate murders here in the bay area. Looking at the commute and it is getting busier all over the place, and it is a rough wednesday on all of the bridges, and we will explain coming up. Mild overnight lows and clouds coming up from california in the south, and we will talk about that coming up. It is 7 27 am, and good morning. A live look at the courthouse where three people described as drifters are expected to be in court this morning and we will have more about some new evidence we are learning in this case. Good morning, i am gasia mikaelian. I am dave clark. We will talk about the weather and traffic, and steve is painting the sky. Im still working on the canvas. We do have some higher clouds coming in and the sunrise has been very nice because of the higher clouds coming up from the south, but not much of a breeze yet. It is on its way, and higher clouds are moving in. Conditions out there, sleeping weather is nonexistent. 64 in the redwood shores, and the england folks are used to this, and we have these higher clouds on the move. This is my first week from san carlos, and good morning and the higher clouds are moving in. They are coming up from this low that has been around here for two weeks, and 60s for many. Only a few 50s, and very few. We will get a possibility of showers through this evening and tomorrow, and this is coming out of the gulf of alaska and will sweep in and coolest down. More son to the north, more clouds to the south, and patchy fog is trying, and it will be a bigger issue for tomorrow. 80s by the water, and 60s and 70s for most of us today. This is the busiest day of the commute so far, and we have thursday and friday coming in for some busy or days. It is taking 48 minutes to drive through the macarthur maze, and all that traffic it slow getting down to this commute. When you get to the toll plaza you will see a lot of waiting. I put this on the map to reinforce how slow this is, and it is slow west of highway four as well. We have and accident at the Oakland Hills that is gone, and it is a mess from concord to walnut creek, and 242 is not doing very well. I have to tell you that the traffic over the Altamont Pass is a mess due to an earlier crash. The crash is gone, but if you are commuting through there, give yourself some extra time. In 90 minutes, three transients are due in the marin county courtroom to face murder charges. They are suspected of two high profile murder cases. We will hear more about what to expect in court today. Reporter good morning. These three defendants are charged in connection with two brutal killings that happened during separate robberies. One was in Lorain County and the other was in San Francisco, and all three of them will be tried here in marine county and they go before the judge for the first time at 9 am this morning. The authorities have described these defendants as grifters, and they were captured in portland, oregon. Theyve all been charged with murder with special circumstances, robbery and a host of other charges as well. The trio used a stolen handgun to shoot and kill audrey kerry in the Golden Gate Park. Days later they gunned down Stephen Carter on a hiking trail just outside of fairfax. The prosecutors have accused the defendants of a lying in wait to still carters car and that was the car they were found in in oregon. Morrison was the trigger man in both killings, and he was the shooter but the other two defendants are equally responsible for the crimes. All three of them are eligible for the Death Penalty and the District Attorney says he is not made any decisions yet. We will sit and talk in depth with the Law Enforcement agencies involved, and we will reach out to the family members of the murder victims. Their feelings are important to us in making this decision. [ music playing ]. Yesterday this was the scene here in the marin county as friends of Stephen Carter held a vigil for him on the fairfax trail where he was killed last week, and there is a memorial at the trailhead to honor him, a popular husband and yoga instructor. There was also a vigil held in San Francisco for audrey kerry who was visiting from canada where she was robbed and murdered here. These defendants will be facing the judge and they will be tried for both crimes here in marin county. We will have live coverage here on ktvu. The deadly attack that make the People Living near Golden Gate Park erie nervous. The last night monthly meeting with the police turned into a shouting match, people complaining about the transients. They say they routinely call the police about people hanging out in the neighborhood and causing trouble, and the police say they will at extra patrols. The security will be increased at the Mcdonalds Restaurant after several complaints of criminal activity. They say that the mcdonalds on haight street has agreed to add a Security Guard on duty during business hours, and the will increase lighting and Security Cameras. Mcdonalds will pay the city about 40,000 and consult with the police every month to go over safety issues. Earlier this year, there was a threat to sue mcdonalds over hundreds of complaints about Drug Trafficking and other problems. The scandal over the volkswagen diesel cars, minutes ago the automaker says it will delay the release of the 2016 models due to the software. They are accused of installing software that would test cleaner while giving 40 times that pollution about onto the road. They told the subcommittee last week that the company was working with regulators to try to get certification for the 2016 models. Investigations are underway in crashes involving the four different bay area agencies. In san jose, the bta vta train hit and killed a person, and they want to know why the train was off of the track, and a bart train hit and killed a person on tracks at the san bruno station, and the station had to close as the paramedics rushed to the scene causing a lot of delays in the bart system. There were also accident yesterday involving amtrak and caltrain, and amtrak hit a car in santa clara but no one was seriously hurt. Less than 10 minutes later a commuter train at the caltrain station had about 500 passengers that had to get all pending get on another train. The search continues for a hitandrun driver that killed the man in san jose. Police say the driver plowed into the man that was walking along white road and the victim died on scene. They released a photo of the possible suspect from that nearby bakery where he got coffee and bread prior to the crash. He ran over someone and fled the scene, and he should have done the right thing in state and call for help. He was in a white ford pickup truck with tinted windows, and it had construction the women in the back, and it could be missing or have damaged bumper, and the name of the victim was not released, but it appears he was in his 60s. Suspending the new law that raised the age limit for buying cigarettes and Tobacco Products to 21, and city leaders are backing off enforcing it because they are hearing legal action from the tobacco outlets. They took these notices to the tobacco retailers on monday telling them they could sell to anyone that was at least 18 years of age. Santa clara county also raised the tobacco purchase area age. The county reportedly also received a warning from the tobacco organization. A new Public Relations campaign to remind the bay area commuters about etiquette. Their posting these posters on its buses in fairies to remind people that the Transit System is not a restaurant. And also dont do Public Grooming on the bus, and to remind you also that your type of music is not everybody elses type of music, and they are targeting the complaints they hear most from their frequent writers. A gun shop was robbed when it sold a gun that was eventually used to shoot police officers, what the jury decided him with a gun shop attorneys had to say about it. A new look for the bratz dolls, and this stunning makeover message. A live look at the northbound 280 coming into the valley, and it has been slow on all of the freeways and we will give you a look coming up. The clouds are on the move coming up from central and Southern California, and it will be warm today. Grow old with me let us share what we see just you and i grow old with me let us share what we see and oh the best it could be just you and i she was falling farther homeworand farther behind. Ttle. We thought if we pushed harder. But pushing harder didnt work. Sylvan worked. Sylvan worked. Sylvan worked. At sylvan, our certified teachers use personalized programs to help motivate students achieve their personal best. The results arent just in her grades. Her attitude is different. See how sylvan can work for your child. Call 1800educate today there is new revelation about the Santa Clara County correctional officers. Did you learn your lesson . Their charged in the killing of a jail inmate, and the Mercury News Network reports that there is a link between searches between whether somebody can die with the punch to the arm pit or stomach, this search done on the internet shortly after the inmates death. My clients are still heartbroken and sad, and every day they miss their brother. All three deputies are free on bail and they ordered to stay away from the county jail and inmates, and if they are convicted of murdering tyree, they could have life sentences. The judges issuing a gag order in the trial of a man accused of killing a young girl, and Darnell Williams killed in a your girl and wounded two other children and get and grandmother, and they believe the father of the children had killed a friend earlier in the day. Williams is also accused of killing another man. The judge ordered the attorneys to avoid the media, and Opening Statements are expected to take place in january or february. Your time now is 7 43 am, and on the Zuckerberg Facebook page, he and his wife visited saint quentin, showing him talking to inmates. Zuckerberg said he wanted to get a firsthand look at the nations prison system, and he was inspired by the book the new jim crow and it talks about the unfairly targeted minorities and in particular africanamerican men. Zuckerberg says that making the Justice System fair and effective is a challenge for the Justice System. Talking about the reason behind what many consider and him towering transformation, and the bratz dolls getting a makeover. Parents were not happy about the makeup and sexy outfits, especially because they were marketed to 10 to 12yearold girls. Some showed how you could take off the makeup and so forth to make them more realistic, and a woman in canada as taken a step further, empowering women. Can you see the different dolls, and the artists calls these mighty dolls, and she plans to sell them on ebay in the next two weeks. There is also a mom from tasmania that is doing something similar, rescuing dolls from the donation bins, and cleaning them up and then handing them out for girls to play with that more resemble nature. The trend is being called a make a under makeunderinstead of a makeover. And these are little girls dressed up to look like women. Barbie has some different careers and things going on, and these are just 10 yearold dolls. This make a under makeunder is stunning. And we will have smore video showing how this is done. Im curious. Your time is 7 45 am and we are celebrating, it is National Blizzard day. People say that chocolate is the favorite. Anything chocolate. What is your favorite dessert . Ice cream, but i love all desserts. Ice cream, peach cobbler, bread pudding, anything and i will eat it. You do not discriminate. We can start with ice cream. Banana ice cream. I go toward baked goods. I took a picture that i want to share with you, and this is my favorite dessert, it is an apple tart. It is very simple. Butter, flour, apples and sugar basically. I made this for my Little Sisters birthday. Simple and good, my favorite dessert. You want this with ice cream. Ill take it without ice cream. Sal, are you a fan . Cheesecake for me. Sara lee cheesecake, and now i have moved on to gourmet cheesecake organic. Good morning. Lets go out and see what we have. Lets talk about some of these east bay commutes and this is the worst commute day of the week so far, 25 to 30 minute delay at the bay bridge toll plaza. With a lot of slow traffic in richmond and your commute could be well over an hour depending on how far you are going. This is the san mateo bridge, and 101 is slow, but there are no major crashes. 580 at livermore as been one of them that is the worst. 680 is slow out of pleasant time heading down to fremont. Steve, you cannot drink your dessert. Thank you. We have some high clouds on the move, possibility of showers later today, tonight and into tomorrow, and it is holding these loads up. Record highs yesterday. This is Marty Batista and it is a great start to your morning. It is calm and it was 92 in sausalito yesterday by the way this fog is out there and raring to go. That will probably be tomorrow. 50s and a lot of 60s, 64 san jose, livermore 67 and the north bay tents temperatures do cooldown. There is a 45 degree spread between our lows and highs which is amazing for this time of year. It is 58 over here, which is cold. Black hawk is at 61, and dan billow said they are throwing in the towel that it has been too hot. Upper 60s and into the 70s for antioch in brentwood. Look at these loads in Southern California with 75, and those are the lows. They are setting record high temperatures. Look at this, right off of la and san diego, and this is moving north, so we will watch this through this evening and tomorrow. This system is the kicker, and it will cool us down. It will pull us down starting on friday and over the weekend. Sunning clouds, patchy fog. 70s, 80s into the 90s. There is a reportable westwind, but it is not there yet. Mostly cloudy and a few showers on its way this evening and into thursday, and it will get cooler over the weekend. The young ceo of the Pharmaceutical Company makes headlines after raising the price of the lifesaving drug by 5000 , and he is back in the headlines after he did not make good his promise, and why he is not lowered the price of the drug. A passenger is in tears after being bullied by a Flight Attendant, and the run in the got her booted off of the airplane and the reaction from her fellow passengers. It took the rockettes years to master the kick line. But only a few moves to master paying bills on chase. Com technology designed for you. So you can easily master the way you bank. Welcome back, it is 754 7 54 am. This man described as a sexual predator is being released on transient status, and was convicted in 2006 of assault with intent to commit to rape. The state has decided to put him in housing in four separate places, but it was met with resistance. He will probably move from motel to motel every for five days through the cities on this Conditional Release Program of the state. A new call for the Oakland Police officers to undergo psychological testing every five years. The screenings could help prevent action between the police and community. Currently all officers in the state have to pass a psychological test before they are hired, and no test is required after that unless there is a specific concern. It could be a compounding of issues, and this is my 20th scene that ive been to, and it may cause of motions to come up. We would ask at a minimum that officers volunteering come forward to do it. This could give the officers a new resource, and they are creating a onestop Wellness Center where they can get help, including mental, physical and financial advice. The 400 rods at the base of this tower are part of the safety system, and some of them were exposed to the corrosive saltwater, and they will have to spend 2. 8 million to study to make sure that the rods are safe. Previous test show they would be safe in an earthquake. As for the main cable of the bridge, they are asking what else could be done to better protected from corrosion. There are several recommendations, but it would cost between 10 and 20 million. Looking into allegations that a Flight Attendant bullied the passenger, and witnesses lewd the flight crew. Booed the flight crew. The passenger was kicked off after she ignored a call by the Flight Attendant to sit down and get out of the aisle, and she says she did not hear her. The woman was rebooked on another flight. Thousands of county workers are striking in Solano County and why they are walking off and could it be the end of this iconic San Francisco restaurant that has been here for 40 years, and we will tell you what they plan on doing today not a pretty picture at the matt mays. Mac maze. We will have an update on your forecast in just a moment. A street race turned deadly and three teenagers were killed and a fourth is in the hospital and we will have the latest on that investigation. The race for the democratic president ial debate is over and we will have our own local analysis. This is your ktvu mornings on 2. Welcome, and im dave clark. I am gasia mikaelian. We have noticed some relief in the weather. That is correct, and it is time. We do have a lot of cloud cover, and the fog is there, and it is inching toward the coast. It may beginning to work its way, but it will be screaming tomorrow. The clouds are coming up from the south, 62 to 65 for your water temperatures, very warm. And the lows never got below 60s overnight, and downtown oakland was 67 at our ago. An hour ago, and that delta breeze is just not there. We had this low, and it is finally moving, and we expect this to pick up by this evening and overnight and into tomorrow, and the best opportunity is santa cruz in san jose south. Clouds to the south and more son to the north, 80s and 90s for the interiors, and lower 80s and 70s around the bay. We have some slow traffic today, and at the bay bridge toll plaza at 25 to 30 minute delay, and that is only county from the time you get from the macarthur maze, and you are probably driving in other traffic before then, and want to get across the bridge it is not bad. It is a little bit crowded on 101 heading south heading to the south part of the city, but no major issues. The biggest commute is the 580 into the Altamont Pass, and it is not bad once you make it into livermore, and 880 is slow all the way down to stephenson. The bridge commutes are okay in the south bay, and all of the commutes are slow into the west valley. Developing news from san jose in a deadly overnight street race, three teenagers killed in a fourth teenager critically hurt. This happened about 1 mile from the san jose state. Where on scene with an update. We are on scene with an update. Reporter the crash here, and the car was reported stolen. This was speeding and crashed into a light pole where you can see where the barricade is now, and police were called just before 11 pm to santa clara near 22nd. They say a honda and dark colored acura were racing westbound and the honda lost control and crashed. The acura sped away, and a teenage boy and girl that were in the honda died on scene, a third died at the hospital, and the other teenager has life threatening injuries. They are hoping that the evidence they collected overnight will lead them to the other driver. It is unknown whether alcohol is involved, but the police would like anyone that has information to contact them. And even though were so close to the san jose state, were not getting a sense that they were students at the university or High School Student . Reporter we do not have those answers yet, but im sure as the hours go on we will get that later. That is so sad. Your time is 8 04 am and another earthquake is reported in san ramon. The latest earthquake was at 7 18 am, a magnitude of 1. 7, and youre looking at a live picture of a map from the usgs. There been more than 20 small earthquakes over the past few days. The biggest was 2. 9 just before 4 am. These are tiny quakes, so no report yet of injuries or damage but it is shaking people up. It could be the last day for this iconic San Francisco restaurant. A lot of people know sindbads, and what the port is planning to do later this morning. Reporter a lot of people have memories of this restaurant, and this restaurant, sindbads, has been here for 40 years. Because the port is planning to expand the ferry terminal, the port plans to shut down this restaurant later this morning. According to the chronicle, a spokesperson for the port of San Francisco says that the Sheriff Department will officially a big evict the restaurant at 11 30 am. It will go in and the shares will change the locks. They told the restaurant to this man, but they have been operating anyway. People leave comments on yelp and the owners continue to respond with the latest response last thursday. Heres what one person that visited said about what could happen later this morning. With the revitalization of the Ferry Building and the war wharf, momandpop operations are a thing of the past. It is sad to see it go, but it cannot compete with anybody else in the area right now. Reporter the port does plan to expand the area terminal, adding gates, whether protected areas for those standing in line, and building a area for evacuees in case of a major catastrophe. We have not heard from the restaurant owners, but they haves theyve said that this is not going to happen. We have not heard back from the port, but we did talk to a person that happened to be riding his bike nearby, and he says he is going to be helping them to change out the locks around 10 45 am, so it will be interesting to see what happens later this morning. Whether there will be an ongoing feud between the restaurant and port. It looks like there could be a showdown in a couple of hours. Your time now is 8 07 am. The county workers are holding a oneday strike at Solano County in fairfield. This is from the Facebook Page of the Service Employees international union, and they say that about 2000 workers are picketing at the county Administration Center in fairfield. This includes librarians, animal control workers, helping Human Services health and Human Services employees, and social workers. They say the county has refused to negotiate in good faith. The union wants higher wage increases and increased medical contribution. Back on the campaign trail for the democratic president ial candidates after their debate last night. We have your story from washington. Reporter no major gaps at the debate, Hillary Clinton walked onto the stage as the Democratic Front runner, and waking up this morning as the Democratic Front runner and got some help from a surprising source. Reporter in front of a large las vegas crowd, the Hillary Clinton front runner status and middle position made her a target. I am in the middle with lots of things coming from all directions. The Biggest Surprise comes from Bernie Sanders. The American People are sick and tired of hearing about the darned emails. Reporter that message was met with a standing ovation and that handshake from litton herself. Clinton herself. Sanders did both live times against the brady bill, and since it was passed, 2 million prohibited purchases have been suspended. Reporter she had controversies that seem to follow her. I think we need somebody that has the best ethical standards as our president. Clinton, would you like to respond . No. [ laughter ]. Reporter the uncertainty is whether Vice President joe biden will join the ranks. It is hard to decide who won or lost this debate, but google puts out a chart, and this is a chart showing the internet searches during the debate. The blue is for clinton, red is for sanders, so Bernie Sanders is the winner at least by google. Coming up, we will break down the debate even more. That is coming up at nine. Your time now is 8 10 am, and the three suspects will face the judge today. We will have some development in the case in which one of the suspects the Police Believe pulled the trigger. Why a wisconsin jury says that a gunshot was responsible for the shooting of two police officers. Were looking at the commute where the traffic is very slow, but on the golden gate bridge, not fog or slow traffic as you head down to San Francisco. The clouds will continue to roll and we will see if that brings us shower activity coming up. She was falling farther homeworand farther behind. Ttle. We thought if we pushed harder. But pushing harder didnt work. Sylvan worked. Sylvan worked. Sylvan worked. At sylvan, our certified teachers use personalized programs to help motivate students achieve their personal best. The results arent just in her grades. Her attitude is different. See how sylvan can work for your child. Call 1800educate today and overnight shooting near the Tennessee State University Left three College Students injured, and the shooting happened at a College Party near the campus in nashville. Partygoers were turned away in they be an open fired as more than 100 people are gathered at this apartment complex, and they have not found the suspects. Police say that one of the victims is in Critical Condition. Your time now is 8 14 am. A gunshot found negligent for selling a pistol to a young man that shot two police officers. The jury awarded almost 6 million to the police officers, and the officers say that the gun shop owner new that the man that bought the gun was lying it for someone that was too young to legally by the gun. The lawyer of the gunshot denies any wrongdoing. The newspaper reports this is a first of its kind ruling. The International Market is boiling over in china, and in beijing, a victim was stabbed and remains in a coma. The suspect was upset after learning he would not get back his 50,000 that he invested with the company. Lets get you moving this morning if we can, south sal, do we have some cars on the road . We do, it is slow for the most part, but there is some improvement on the bay bridge, and it is about a 25 to 30 minute delay, which has not been the worst. It is backed up on the actual bridge itself, and the was an earlier accident southbound 101 in San Francisco, and that is why the traffic in San Francisco is a little bit slow. Taking a look at the commute on the seven cisco freeways, moderate. The crash on 101, you might strongly consider using 280 out of the city instead of 101 southbound. Focusing on the santa clara valley, there is a lot of traffic here, 280 and 87 are both slowed. It is 8 16 am and we will go to stephen the weather center. We have some fog off of the coast, and that is about it for today and tomorrow, and it is going to make a bigger impact when these higher clouds move up from the south. We had this warm and muggy tropical pattern until tonight and tomorrow. Possible showers, but the bulk of it will stay to the south and east, and friday into sunday it will be cooler. The higher clouds are associated with this low that has been on the coast for about two weeks. This is the same low that gave us the thunderstorm week ago saturday. It gave Southern California some rain and in mexico in texas, and it is now involve all off of the Central California coast. The water temperatures are very warm. Santa rosa, napa, 50s, and everyone else is checking in in the 60s. Gilroy 63, santa cruz 62, 67 in scotts valley, and that is the lower elevation to the Higher Elevations are warmer than that. 75 in Santa Barbara in los angeles as well as san diego. The clouds will continue to rowley and from this low. A lot of us will see this as it lists northeast and it will spin and some cloud cover. It is getting bumped along by this system here. It will weaken considerably by the time it rises, but it will give us some cooler air when it arrives tomorrow. We have upper 80s to near 90s for some, and 70s and 80s closer to the bay. We do have this tropical feeling and it will be muggy, especially toward the santa clara valley. He will be clearing out in color as we go through the weekend. Were telling you about this reason earthquake that was a 3. 0, and the others were in the 2. 9, 1. 7, so if you do not live in the san ramon ea, and we live here in oakland, and you did not feel a thing. But if you live in san ramon and you thought you felt the earth shake, you did. A 3. 0 just a few minutes ago, the latest in more than 20 of the smaller earthquakes in that area. More than 20 earthquakes in the past day. It appears they are getting stronger. This was only a 3. 0, but keep this in mind. Switching gears to some dolls that parents do not want their kids to have. A message behind these bratz dolls. A tip that could link you desserts for free. I can show you the world shining, shimmering, splendid tell me, princess, now when did you last let your heart decide a whole new world welcome to aulani, travel and leisure winner for Top Family Hotel in the us. For special offers, visit disneyaulani. Com or call your travel agent. My here at c. K. Mondavi. On, the Vice President of operations to make this fine wine it takes a lot of energy. Pg e is the energy expert. We reached out to pg e to become more efficient. My job is basically to help them achieve their goals around sustainability and really to keep their overhead low. Solar and Energy Efficiency are all core values of pg e. Theyve given us the tools that we need to become more efficient and bottom line save more money. Together, were building a better california. Checking wall street a moment ago, and the dow was down by more than 100 points, nasdaq and s p saw some smaller losses early on. There is a new executive director of twitter, jack dorsey, and they say it will continue to make the board the best of the business. This announcement comes one day after twitter lays off 8 of its workforce, as many as 300 people. They have said that apple violated Chip Technology by the university of wisconsin patent. They may have to pay the university as much as 862 million in damages. The university has filed another lawsuit saying that the new iphones by late the same patent. The pharmaceutical chain promised to cut the price of the drug after a huge outrage over the price hike. They raised the price of their pram daraprim. It previously cost 13. 60 a pill, and now it is 700 per pill. They now say that the company has to evaluate the demand for the drug before they can cut the price. A new poll finds that two thirds of those polled says their top priority is to make sure they have no debt. I love it. Another priority is to spend less than they earn, and to have an emergency savings. 60 of those the graduate from college say they are somewhat satisfied with their current finances. And those born between the 1980s in 2000 are smarter than i am for sure. Users can remove memories from specific people or time periods, and the reason, while most of those memories may include happy moments, they can also conjure up sad memories. Interest pinterest allows you to save pin alongside where others have saved the ends. It will add new information as is it expands to 7 million fins. You can highlight local site and even restaurants to the destination. Updates are on the way with those with android. Today is a good reason to have a piece of cake or sweet potato pie. It is National Dessert day. We have found a few ways that you can get a free treat to celebrate. According to the offers. Com, a number of restaurants are offering up a free dessert, but you have to sign up for their melling list. There are many, dairy queen, olive garden, and even red lobster. It was a deadly day for the bay area transit agencies, and more on that coming up next. We are awaiting the arraignment for three defendants charged in a pair of brutal killings in marin county in San Francisco. The crimes they been charged with and what we expect coming up. We are looking at a slow commute in the east bay, and looking at highway 24, still slowing as we head west. A mix of sun and clouds today, more son to the north thin clouds to the south, and still warm and muggy, and more numbers coming up. Selling 18 homes . Easy. Building them all in four and a half months . Now that was a leap. I was calling in every favor i could, to track down enough lumber to get the job done. And i knew i could rely on American Express to help me buy those building materials. There are always going to be unknowns. You just have to be ready for them. Another step on the journey. Will you be ready when growth presents itself . Realize your buying power at open. Com we have developing news, another earthquake reported in san ramon, and the usgs reports a magnitude 3. 0 earthquake. One struck at 7 18 am but it was a 1. 7. This appears to be part of a swarm of points in the area. One of the longest was a 2. 9 that happened just before 4 am this morning, but these are tiny quakes. There is no word of damage or injury. Oakland is less than 30 miles away in felt nothing. In about 30 minutes, three transients are doing the marin county courtroom to face murder charges. This was a highprofile shooting of two people, one in fairfax and the other at the Golden Gate Park. And a look at what we expect to see. Reporter good morning. Disturbing crimes here, and in just a halfhour these three people charged in these brutal murders and ran county and San Francisco will make their First Court Appearance in the marin county courthouse at 9 am this morning. They will hear the charges against them. The authorities described them as drifters, and they were captured last week in portland oregon. Morrison lampley, Lila Alligood and sean and gold. Sean angold and they are accused of lying in wait to kill carter and still his car. According to the court filings, Morrison Lampley was the trigger man in both killings, but the other two defendants are equally responsible for the crimes, and all three of them are eligible for the Death Penalty. That decision has not yet been made by the District Attorney. [ music playing ]. Yesterday this was the scene in ring county as friends held a vigil for Stephen Carter on the trail where he was killed last week. Theres also a memorial at the trailhead, and there was a mother another memorial held at the Golden Gate Park to honor audrey carry who was visiting San Francisco from canada when she was robbed and killed in the park. These three defendants will be tried for both killings, the San Francisco killing and for the marin county killing, and again, they are expected to go before the judge for the first time 9 00 this morning. And they are in the courtroom right now awaiting the hearing, and we will have more coverage throughout the day. Were getting reports of major systemwide delays on bart. There is a wrinkle in bart, and that is bad news at this hour of the day. We never were told what it was, but apparently it is over. It is affecting the entire system, and bart said that the delays are gone, well, not the delays but the activity is gone you will not have trouble getting a train, but the train will be a bit extra crowded getting into San Francisco. The trains get really packed when something happens. If youre going in december and cisco, you may want to put that off for a bit if you are traveling bart. Getting into the city with your car has improved a little bit, but it is certainly going to be slow getting there on 580 and 80. There was a crash on 101 and traffic immediately recovered once the wreckage was out of the way. One long line of slow traffic all the way up to palo alto. 880 is also slow from hayward all the way to san jose with a couple of breaks in the action. It is 8 34 am. We will go to the weather center. We have mostly sunny skies to the north, partly cloudy to the south, but the fog is trying. Speaking of earthquakes, we had the last 3. 0 quake in san ramon was felt in danville as well with a small joel jolt. El cerrito yesterday was at 91 degrees, and they have had nine days of 90 degrees or higher since september 1, and that is really hot for sausalito and that area. A few 50s and a lot of 60s, and some areas are beginning to warm up, but some did not get below the 65 degrees. It will still be warm and muggy, and mostly 60s scene across the board in a few 50s. This low has decided to come back again, and as this lift it will give us some high clouds and possibly showers. The sun and clouds and it will be warm and hot but not as bad as yesterday. 80s and 90s, and 70s and 80s around the coast and bay. Your time is 8 35 am, and the investigations continue into crashes, some of them deadly yesterday, and this on four different bay area transit agencies. Bart, caltrain, amtrak and the vta. The bta vta hit and killed a person yesterday afternoon, and this caused the vta to use buses instead of the trains. Another death on the bark train. There was also accidents involving amtrak and caltrain, and the amtrak train was heading to sacramento and it hit a car in santa clara but no one was seriously hurt. Less than 10 minutes later a commuter train hit a person at the san mateo station, and the people on the train had to get off and board another train. The San Jose Police need your help in tracking down a suspected hitandrun driver that killed the man. This is breaking news, and the police say the driver plowed into the man that was walking along white road and he died on scene. They had images from a nearby bakery where the workers say that this man got coffee inbred before the crash. Coffee and bread before the crash. He shouldve stayed there on scene and called for help. It was white, had tinted windows, allowed exhaust, and Construction Equipment in the back of the pickup. Your time is 8 37 am, and the county judge has ordered a sexual predator released to various hotels, smith was convicted in 2006 of assault with intent to commit rate. Rape. The state has decided to put him in housing and four separate places, and it will be a transition moving from motel to motel every for five days, and he is due to be released on november 30. The san jose man accused of targeting cats and accused of animal cruelty. More than a dozen people held pictures of their cats that were believed to be victims. He was found sleeping in his car with a dead cat hidden inside and is scheduled to be in court for a plea hearing later this month. Lamarr odom, the former nba player is in the hospital after being found unconscious at a brothel in nevada. Authorities say that he was at the love ranch at a town 6 miles west of las vegas and was found unresponsive. He is 610 tall, and rescue crews were unable to fit him into the medical helicopter so they had to drive him by ambulance to the las vegas hospital. He had been partying with the girls for days, and his former wife physically kardashian. Chloe kardashian. Several other nba players have been showing up and tweeting support for lamarr odom. An open man is expected to face charges soon after the police say he set Halloween Costumes on fire at a walmart. There is this cell phone video from the walmart in san leandro, and the Surveillance Video shows the man leaking charcoal lighter fluid around the store. The fire started in the store was evacuated and no one was hurt. The suspect was arrested and taken to the hospital. Some uber drivers are going on strike. The group is demanding that uber increase the rate that drivers are paid by 60 . They want an increase in the rate that the passengers may by 60 and they want a tip option and they want uber to raise its minimum fare in cancellation fee. They say they will participate in protests starting friday across the uber offices in various cities including San Francisco. A majority leader will be in San Francisco to talk about a federally funded project to rehabilitate housing. It will be at the robert pitts apartments, and they are the site of the rental assistance demonstration project. They want to transfer this to private developers they get tax breaks and subsidies in exchange for preparing and rehabbing the units, and keeping the rent slow. Ben bernanke he will be in seventh cisco to speak at the commonwealth club. He is expected to talk about the first thing of the housing bubble, and extraordinary efforts to prevent and economic collapse. Tickets are Still Available or his speech tonight. There are some bay area names that loved to play golf, and were looking at the Johnny Miller proam. Stephon curry. He is pretty good, and a great golfer. I would like to have swing like that. Eagle dollar of the warriors will also be at the open. Iguodala of the warriors will also be at the open and taking a swing, he is pretty good. Rory mcelroy will be among the pro golfer competing in this 6 million event that begins tomorrow. If you are playing against the president , and the you let him win . Probably. Ahead, copyright infringement. The court battle is underway over this hit song, and that nephew is suspending his uncles music. Taking off the makeup and switching out the clothes, a makeover for the popular bratz dolls. If youre heading out to marin, there is traffic heading out there on the 580 westbound, and this is the traffic that is queuing up to the toll plaza. More coming up. These high clouds will continue to move in, and it will look a little bit cooler compared yesterday. Welcome back, and your time is 8 46 am. There been a lot of complaints about the bratz dolls. What is this about . Reporter the sexualization of little girls toys, particularly dolls like the bratz dolls. They are showing how to transform some of these dolls, and we have mom and artist in tasmania that shows how to take off the excessive makeup to turn them into something that looks a little bit more like girls that they are marketed to. She helped to inspire a artist in canada to take the make one step further. And windy is transforming them into likenesses of empowered women. We have the pakistani activist and nobel prize winner. We have the author of the harry potter series, the First Canadian astronaut, and one is fashioned to look like the anthropologist jane goodall. They plan to sell these on ebay in the last few weeks, and they have used no polish remover, Eucalyptus Oil to take off the makeup, and we have link on the website so you can see how she does this. You have to be fairly artistic. She paints the eyes back on after she takes off the makeup. It is a simple process, and it is fun to see the reaction of the little girls when they see the dolls look more like them instead of the heavily made up dolls. Your time is a 40 8 am, and the hiphop mogul jayz is in court due to one of his popular songs. [ music playing ]. Jc is fighting copyright claims over his hit song, and the melody in question is whether it is instrumentally used in another song. They say that he lifted part of his late uncles song without paying the licensing fee. He has countering that the 1957 melody was paid for, and therefore the copyright violations dont matter. He says because they call this a vulgar song and that it also violates his uncles rights. He assumed this was in the public domain, but his lawyer says there was no evidence that jc was even aware of the origin of the sample. Your time now is a 40 9 am, and sal is talking about the commute. Were over the hot, and we are very happy about that. On the way down to thursday, you have to deal with this wednesday traffic backed up to a 25 or 30 minute delay. This is not unusual, and things are improving want to get onto the bridge. This is a typical to play delay coming up on the toll plaza. It is getting a little bit better, and union city has cleared up. Lets go to stephen the weather center. We do have some fog out there, and it will be in here tomorrow. It tried but ran into too much resistance earlier this morning. It was on the golden gate and then disappeared. Higher clouds on the move, and mostly sunny and partly cloudy. And this is kenny the heat. And it is 68 degrees with 55 humidity in bind heal vine hill, and it has been unseasonably warm. 62 to 65 on the water temperatures, and very warm. A few 50s and a lot of 60s, and it is very warm. The breezes tried but fell apart, and i expect the delta breezes will be howling. We will see some returns on the radar, and this lois lifting to the northeast. Later today and more likely tonight and ended and it will weekend the time it arrives. It will bring us some cooler weather starting friday with an increase in fog. 80s and 90s on the temperatures, 70s for some. Still above average for this time of year, but not is hot is yesterday. The further south you go there are more opportunities for showers. Yesterday was hot, brutal. Your time is 8 51 am. We know now that the best time and place to trickortreat is San Francisco. They have released their seventh annual trickortreat index ranking cities raised on where the kids can get the most candy and be safe. They looked crime rates, housing values, density and age population. San francisco came out on top for the fifth year in a row, followed by los angeles and chicago. Here are some of the top neighborhoods for trickor treating. Presidio heights, sea cliff, cow hollow, glen park and no we valley. Noe valley. The decision to change the age of legally smoking and heralds bird. Welcome back, and it is 8 54 am. We have this video of this shark. This is captured on a Security Camera by the alcatraz tourist boat. You can see the shark jumping out of the water with a sea lion in its mouth in slow motion. It received so much attention when the video surfaced of the shark feeding over the weekend, but it did not actually capture the breach of the water. It was almost surreal. To see this in front of you, it is amazing. This is the first known great white feeding in the bay area waters. They say it is a good sign that the bay area waters are getting healthier. They say that it is still safe for people that want to swim in the bay, and the say the chances of you being attacked are very slim. Backing off on the log to raise the age to bite cigarettes and Tobacco Products to 21, andy heraldsburg says that the Code Enforcement officers did notice and told the tobacco retailers that they could sell to anyone that was at least 18 years old. And stand in san jose county says they will raise the tax, and the county also received a warning from the tobacco organization. The u. S. Fire service is being sued after the Forest Service is breaking federal law by allowing nestli to pipe out waters with a permit that expired 27 years ago. Nestli bottles and sells water under the arrowhead brand. The environmentalists say there should be no bottling due to the water shortage caused by the drought. The Forest Service has made no comment on the lawsuit, and the company says they were told that the ferment is still in effect. Could the gender of your child really affect how you run your business . According to the university of miami, Companies Led by ceos with at least one daughter scored 12 higher than other s p 500 companies on corporate and social responsibility, including diversity, community, employee relations, product, environment and human rights. According to the study, the companies spend more of their net income on improving these responsibilities. The report suggests that women care more about the wellbeing of people in the society than men do. And having their female children increase the sympathies into the parents. Coming up, we will talk politics. We will have are political reporter rob colombo and brine so boat and for analysis. With pg es free Online Home Energy checkup. In just under 5 minutes you can see how you use energy and get quick and easy tips on how to keep your monthly bill down and your Energy Savings up. Dont let your neighbor enjoy all the savings. Take the Free Home Energy checkup. Honey, we need a new refrigerator. Visit pge. Com checkup and get started today. Were talking winners, losers and who failed to make a splash in the democratic debate. Get rid of your medication, and were talking about the local pharmacist about the important questions you should be asking. It was a busy day for the golden st

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