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Low clouds and fog along with some higher clouds. But it will stay dry. Today, 60s, 07s around bay and 70s are low. 80s inland. Here he is. 6 01. Anything else going on or is that taken care of . Well, we do have that issue and im going to touch on that. For the most part, you know, i want to sound optimistic. Its o. K. As we go to the to plaza and the traffic is moving along pretty well as you drive to the to play sta. Pretty well for this time of the morning i should say. The traffic is okay. We also talked about internait 880. This also looks pretty good as you drive into the open airport. Steve mentioned the problem we had in west 80. Frptly thats been cleared and as soon as they got it out of the lanes, traffic improved. Thats a pretty good commute. Westbound lane 80 approaching 780. A little bit of a backup there. 6 01. Lets go back to the desk. All right. Thank you. Today, two Oakland Police officers are scheduled to appear in court. Accused of sexual misconduct. Investigators say the two cases are separate. Now case in view is in our newsroom. Oaklands mayor has to be pretty frustrated within the Police Department. You can see that frustration just yesterday. Now today one Oakland Police officer scheduled to be formally charged in court later today facing prostitution charges. 26yearold ryan walletterhouse was arrested just this week. Hes accused of paying far prostitute and tipping her off two times about Undercover Police stings. This case is not related to the teenage sex worker. His alleged encounter happened after the case came to light. A fellow officer spoke out. Walletterhouse has been on the force for two years and the mayor said its disturbing that this could happen following a summer where officers from around the bay were swept up in a wide ranging sex scandal. The mayor is committed to the highest standard for the department moving forward. The public has got to find these allegations very disturbing. And i remain committed to ensuring that this Police Department is continually improving the policy and practice as well as having a healthy and strong culture that demand the highest standards of integrity. Meanwhile in Oakland Police officer at the center of that sex scandal is scheduled to appear in court today. Hes accused of having sex with the daughter of a police dispatcher. She goes by her legal name. Shes told investigators she had sex with officers across the bay area including when she was underage. Attorneys for the young woman have made a legal claim. They have said its restrucked its academy to try to weed out problem officers. Thank you for that update. 6 04 is the time. Arrested four men as part of a crackdown on car break ins. Now Authorities Say detectives were watching the parking lot of the in and out burger when they saw three of these men casing other cars. Now police say the men got into a car, moved closer to an suv that had personal property in plain view. Decades drove up in their patrol car, police say the driver put his car in reverse and rammed the patrol car but the suspects were not able to get away. Authorities say they found burglary tools and contraband at the scene. All onsite social activities have been suspended after a string of reported sexual assaults and other crimes. To the most recent assaults were reported last week and allegedly took place at cal fraternities. According to the daily california the greek organizations say they plan to meet tomorrow to talk about how to improve safety for all students. Until thats resolved, no parties and activities will be loud. Last night in new york city both Hillary Clinton and donald trump attended a high profile charity dinner. Its a tradition. The Al Smith Foundation din and president ial candidates go there and trade jokes at the event. Michelle obama gives a speech and everyone loves it. My wife gives the exact same speech. Youd look so good in your tuxes or as i refer to them formal pant suits. There were light moments but they were not all light hearted. Here she is tonight in public pretending not to hate catholics. I have now stood next to donald trump longer than any of his campaign managers. Donald trump especially at the end of his remarks launched into his usual campaign attacks on Hillary Clinton. And the crowd at the dinner did not like it. And booed him loudly. Now new york cardinal you saw him sitting in between Hillary Clinton and donald trump at the dinner. He called it the iciest place on the planet but he did have some good things to say. I was very moved. They were very friendly, very uplifting. I thought the evening accomplished its goals. When asked if he thought some jokes went too far. Humor is a matter of taste and to each his own. Mondays the deadline here in california to register to vote in the november 8th election. And there are a lot of get out the vote exains underway. Ktvu found one. Its on the move. Look at. Oh, alex. Do you have your license to drive that thing . [ laughter ] im working on it. Driver in training. Got me behind the wheel this morning of ac transit official Voter Registration bus. I want to point out here i have michael ramirez, 33 year operator who is helping me make sure i operate this thing correctly. All right. So we are pulling up yorks ewe guys. All right. Easy opt brakes says michael. Pulling town bay fair mall. Let in the gentlemen go ahead of us and pull up here to the starbucks. Right here. They have this Voter Registration bus where people can hop on board this bus when they see it and they will easy on the brakes. There we go. Hospital on board this bus. Pulling up here outsided starbucks. You can register to vote. It takes just a matter of a few minutes. My brakes. Im going to put it in neutral. Emergency brake. Okay. Anteemergency brake goes up and hit the door to open. Okay. Open the doors for chip. There we go. Were here. Check out the outside of this thing. Take the shot outside . Are we all good to go . Brakes are on . Let hop on out. Ac transit. One of my passengers. You doing okay . Doing a good job. [ laughter ] thank you very much. So the idea is this beautifully wrapped bus absolutely. Is going to be all around the east bay because monday is the drop dead deadline. We have 7 for toarch get out and get the registrations complete to participate in the election cycle. Hard to believe a Staggering Number of people approximately 7 Million People in california are eligible to vote and dont bother to register. Its not that hard. You get on board this bus, you find it hopefully somewhere in the east bay. Throughout this weekend youre at a number of the locations. The with aer yours game tonight. We are going to be at the 50th anniversary of the black panther event on saturday. Its the conference thats happening at the plaza. The bus will be there as well. Were returning sunday back to oracle arena where were beginning to have the kanye west concert. Plenty of opportunities to head out. Look for the blue bus and register to vote. Where did this come from . We looked a the fact that in addition to transit planning and in addition to giving the buses to a given location at a given time and on time, we wanted to do homework. As you mentioned earlier. 7 Million People. Just to verify why they register. We found out that 7 Million People arent doing it. Buses are iconic for the east bay. So we wanted to give people an opportunity to just either give them back their time or make it incredibly easy to participate in the process. So no better way to do that than take one of our buses. Thats right. You cant miss this. It would be hard to miss. If youre coming to get your coffee this morning at bay fair mall. The vicinity of san lorando. We are at fairmonth drive. You wont miss it. The big blue bus that says speak your mind. Coffee coming out. Ive never turned down coffee before on this shift. Not going to start now. Well be here at bay fair mall for the next little bit. Anybody whos been meaning to register, just havent gotten around to it, nows the perfect time to do it. You can hop on board here and they have all the materials that youll need to get registered for this very important election. Send it back to you guys. Im going have my coffee. I dont think it will fit through the drive through. Bring it back here loaded up with coffee, huh . Load the bus with coffee. Turn the Voter Registration bus into a coffee bus. Yes, please. Fair enough. All right. Were going to continue to follow the bus around this morning. We do have Voter Registration links on our website. Ktvu. Com. You can find it under web links on the mornings on 2 tab and its in the same place on the mobile ktvu app. You can find out how to register. Get that registration complete. Time is 6 11. A sheriffs deputy has been fired in a case of using excessive force. Coming up at 6 30 what body camera video revealed and that deputy could face criminal charges. Also, it looks like a pretty normal bike lot but it has a nasty surprised in. The crowd funding efforts to get this special lock on the market. Nothing at cooler today. Well talk about that and whats in store for the weekend. Alla lot of its a hoax. Bal warminits a hoax. Itll get cooler. Itll get warmer. Its called weather. We need some Global Warming we need leaders who get it. So that we can move away from coal and oil to clean energy. Im tom steyer. If you want to do something about climate change, you can. Please. Register and vote. Nextgen California Action Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. My mom marnie and then she died life. Of lung cancer. So i have a personal interest in helping prevent smoking. Im tom steyer, the cochair of the yes on 56 campaign. Every year, nearly 17,000 California Kids start smoking. A third of them will die from their addiction. Tobacco taxes reduce youth smoking. Please. Vote yes on prop 56. If we can save even a few lives, its worth it. Glrchtion the operation is working. In mosul thats pushing them out of iraq and syria to commit terrorist attacks around the world and telling foreign fighters theres no place to go anymore and they may stay home. About 200 are involved along with curdish and iraqi forces. The operation is just a small offensive rather than a life or death battle. The ultimate goal in western countries is to lengthen the war in syria in order to undermine the government forces. Those displaced from the city have been following every move of the census. We are watching tv day and night. We are watching the news step by step. Every minute we watch something. Many residents hope to return to their home soon. We are so heap and hopefully we can go back home. Were not comfortable here. We feel stuck here and theres nothing like being home. Meantime explosions wronged the nearby iraqi city today with armed mill talent attacks a police compound. The signals that the success of the operation in mosul woantd mean the end of the night against isis. The job wont be cone. Therell still be important pockets. A major, major advance. Its the larkest city held by the Islamic State antelast major holdout for the terror group n. New york, fox news. Just heard her say siss is carrying out attacks today in and around the iraqi city of they stormd a power plant and killed at least 13 workers. There were several gun battles inside. They think isis may be traying to divert iraqy forces away from mosul. They did not want to take any chances as they dealt with two different bomb scares. An justify duty firefighters driving a child off spotted a spus pishes object wrapped in a beanny at 6 40. Authorities ordered people in the area to stay indoors as the bomb squad came to investigate. They determined there was no threat and the shelter and place order was lifted last night. Earlier in the day, another bomb square caused a massive traffic jam by forcing the closure of interstate 70 leading to and from the bay bridge. A suspicious note was found on a car that was towed to the impound yard. It was cleared odd and the they were closed. The bomb squads sent a robot to check the car for explosives. Nothing was found. The allclear was imifn at 2 30. A man in San Francisco creating a new kind of bike block that fights back against bike thieves. Now its called a skunk lock. There it is. Looks like a normal u lock but if somebody tried to cut through it they get sprayed with nontoxic chemicals that will make them sick. Look at this. The creator told the Bay Area News Group the effects are temporary and last about 20 minutes to search hours t. Exepped on the level of the exposure to t. A crowd founding campaign has raised almost 6,000 dollars of a 20,000 goal. They hope the skunk lock will be ready to send out by springtime. I love that idea actually. So do i. Expwhr ive had bikes and stores and Everything Else stolen at some point. You probably have too. Yeah. Well, of course. Its growing up in San Francisco. Yeah. It happens. Happened to you or going to happen to you. Yeah. Well see what happens there. Good morning, everyone. Lets go out and take a look at the commute. All right. Highway 24 looks okay. Today its just a little better than normal. Ive been looking around for slow traffic. Im not finding o a lot. Thats what we want. And see the traffic is going to be back up a little bit here for about a 15 minute delay before you make it to the span. Identify noticed some slow trask. On 880. A slbt slow but it gets better for the trip down to union city. And also a little bit of slowing on 92 westbound getting on to that bridge. 6 19. Lest bring in steve with todays weather. Thank you, sir. Yesterday was clear and everyone enjoyed sunshine and warmer temps. A little change over here by the coast even though the fog is shall loavment its there and beginning to work its way slowly towards areas that were fog free yesterday. Now this will not make much of an impact but do think temperatures will kind of slide off one or two degrees for some. San jose 82. 79 today. Concord with two observations reported. So just split the difference. 81 just a slight downturn to 806789 closer to the coast and San Francisco. I did drop you 7. 77 to 70. Well go 81 degrees today. San francisco 7 , 58. Pretty close to average. A little bit above there on the low. 88 from 19 3. San jose has really interesting records. 98 back in 1903. 30 back in 1893. Today 79 and 55 average is 74 and 52. A little above but not that much. Fog is there. Working its way up and down the coast. The the walls are up. 40 as enr50s on the temps. 54 martinez. 48 to upper 40s. Also for danville, black hawk 52. 48 again. San ramone. Not a huge difference but a little bit warmer than yesterday. Also sacramento in there and the low cloud will mean the wind turns more onshore. Going start work, their way into the mix. The rain will hold off until probably monday unless youre up on the north coast. Just hangs up there as by go into sunday night. If youre up there, yes. And then it makes it to id say north of the golden gate. I wouldnt cancel any plans if you work outside. I wouldnt worry about it as well. Then it lifts out of here. Eventually swinging back in but not until thursday. A lot going on. Not in sync with this. Take it a day at a time. The weekend looks good. Some of the rain could be really heavy. Look at that. Crescent city. So this looks like a northerly event. 60s, 7 0z around the water and upper 70s and 80s inland. 8 in 82 brentwood. Cooler on the coast. Cooler but increasing low. Well keep it dry unld monday. Okay of l in your weekend activities. For the before the rain comes in. Thank you, steve. 6 22 is the time. Were just about a week away from halloween. A week from monday and up next the reason one psychologist says more adults are likely to participate in the holiday this year. Because she doesnt understand what cancer is. Because she cant spell emphysema. Because she is a butterfly, who fights fires. Because she is my daughter, and the Surgeon General says that raising tobacco taxes. Is a proven way to make sure she never smokes. Thats why im voting yes on 56. Halloween is only 10 days away. Now, more adults are buying costumes every year. A consumer psychologist says Halloween Costume spending has gone from 5 billion to almost 9 billion in the last ten years of theth punishable candidates are among is some of the top costumes this year. As well as superheroes. The new meu vis that just came out. Its really popular with adults, kids. A lot of people. Adult participation goes up 12 to 18 pblght during an election year. That could be people just need to let it all come out. Well, also today, opening ceremonies in halfmoon bay to honor the upcoming surf competition season. It starts at noon for the First Time Ever this year, there will be a womens competition. Originally they were not going to start competing until the 20172018 season but after growing pressure it was announced that six women will be selected for the upcoming event. That contest window opens november 1st. It runs through march 31st and all on maverick watch. Sometimes had dosent happen. How you travelers are going to be affected for the next two years. Authorities release a schedule of a man acted very suspicious around schools around children. We will still you about the incident. Because she doesnt know that it kills 40,000 californians. Every year. Because she doesnt understand what cancer is. Because she cant spell emphysema. Because she is a butterfly, who fights fires. Because she is my daughter, and the Surgeon General says that raising tobacco taxes. Is a proven way to make sure she never smokes. Thats why im voting yes on 56. Well, good morning. Thank you for join uggs. Its friday. Its october 21st. Thank you for joining us. If you are just waking up, we want to check in with steve because everybody wants to know what the weather is going to be like today. About the same as yesterday but cooler on the coast. Not inland. A tiny bit. Okay. Yesterday was the warmest day. Thank you. Fog is coming back. Thats about where it puts on the air brakes if you will. Right near the coast. Its filling in. Starting to work its way now. Down to santa cruz. We will be cooler there. Inland know, the fog is the depth of the fog is too shallow. San francisco today they were 77 yesterday. 70 today. Youre above on both. San jose which was above yesterday at 82. Still above but 9 today. Average of 74. By tomorrow, probably 74 and into sunday as well. The fog is there. Thats going to give a cool down. 40s, 50s to 60s. East bay terchs 50s to mid to upper 40s. These are running a little warmer than yesterday. 28 up in truckie. 60s, 70s and some low 80s today. What do you have for us, sir . Youve been a little bit busy there. We dont have anything major. We do have some slow traffic out. There lets go to the bay bridge to plaza and looking a the pay gates here. You will see the traffic is going to be its backed up for about a 10 minute delay but no major problems as you drive through. Also looking at interstate 8 880. Off to a nice start. Chp list and we dont have a lot going on. There was a crash reported northbound 80. I dont see any slow traffic yet. That one just came in. Southbound lane 880 is slowing at 238 as you head south towards highway 92. 6 31. Lets go back to the desk. The county sheriff needs your help. They want to find a person of interest whos act suspicious around schools and kirn on the me nips la. Ktvu youre in st. Carlos this morning. Tell us about two different incidents. On one of the occasion the man drove up here to Central Middle School and he scared a student and wouldnt take no for an answer. Heres a sketch of that man who theyre calling a person of interest. The sheriff Officials Say that last month he was loitderring around the campus of white oaks elementary school. When Staff Members try to talk to him. Evenly that the machine ended up leaving then several days later about a mile away a man fitting that same description drove up to Central Middle School and Start Talking to a 14yearold juvenile asking if he was lost and needed a ride. Even after the teen kept saying no he wouldnt leave him alone and kept sin cysting. When a juvenile threaten the man drove off. Heres what one had to say. It gives you reservation about the kids Walking Around by themselves. I mean, its something that you would hope wouldnt happen and you dont really think about it until it does and so yeah, it is very scary to see and hear. Reporter authorities arent sure if the man in both cases is the same person. Hes described as a white man, 60 to 70 years old. Gray and white medium length hair and driving a newer model silver fourdoor sedan. Deputies are looking to identify this man. They want the public to report any sightings or suspicious activities around schools in the area. Thank you. Police in the south bay also serging for a man who claimed to be an undercover cop and tried to lure a female student into his car. Now this happened about 8 40 wednesday night in the parking lot of the college in coopertino. She was walking to her car. The man told her she should not be walking alone. The student was able to get to her own car safely. He was driving a black late model bmw with heavily tinted windows. Glmplet the police chief tells ktvu hes launched a partnership with Mental Health experts to respond to calls involving mentally ill individuals. Cheep took part last night a town hall meeting regarding the incident in which nickolas mcwarder shot and critically wownlded Police Officer kevin downs. About 75 people attended the community meeting. They saw a photo of mcwarders. 22 caliber gun. They exchanged gunfire with him at the park. He later died from his injuries. When we can get these situation and get professional to the scene generally they end better but when they up fold like and theyre determined and actively shooting theres not much you can do. Officer down is starting physical therapy. He has regained some use of his right apartment but paralyzed in his right leg. Officer downs wore a body camera which recorded the part of the incident when he was shot but investigators say theres no video of Police Shooting mcwarder. San Francisco Police have arrested two people in connection with tuesdays shooting at a high school in the excelsior district. One teenage girl remains in the hospital from gunshot wounds. The police have not said not identified the people under arrest but the examiner report there reported male juveniles students released white balloons yesterday as part of a peace rally. Students are calling for an end to dwun violence. The rally was organized in response to five shootings in the city east south market area in the past two weeks. Its necessary. Its mapped toir that people come out and give hope because when all of the incidents and treanl been going on all over the city and in particular the world and in this neighborhood, we want to go ahead and let people know theres hope. A group called unite players set up the rally. Its a violence prevention and yeult development organization. Time is now 6 6. The sheriff is apologizing after a brutal case of excessive force. I do believe this is an anomaly and i understand that people are upset just like me. You not incident involved a man who was argued with his wife and end ended up being tased and beaten in his own home by the deputy. The sheriff says neither the husbander or the wife had hit each other and the deputies should have left. Body camera video reveuled he was tased many time and was complete thely innocent of any wrong doing. I think that culture especially here at the Sheriffs Office has absolutely changed just look at what were doing now. Coming forward with this. Taking swift action. People are held accountable and were doing it open in the public. Now deputy scott thorn who had been working for six months was fired this week. The two other veteran deputies are still working. Santa rosa police are taking over the investigation. Today, a two year renovation project begins at terminal one. Were getting a first look at the potential impact two travelers heading to the airport. The southwest Airline Ticket counter is being moved closer to frontier and delta airlines. Didnt see much congestion this morning but traffic is going to be a concern for a while. The lane closest to the terminal will be closed at both departure and arrival levels. Construction will be in phases. Heres some shots to the airport. The new terminal is expected to be complete but not until 2024. All right. Time is 6 37. A couple in oakland has turned to an abandoned church into a one of a kind home and that unique house just went on the market. Ktvus report its attracting national attention. When jennifer first walked intoed abandoned church on 47th street she knew instantly it had potential. She and her contractor husband sent three spent three years. To bring a lot of warmth and texture to t. The reclaim elements of tile and wallpaper. Just a lot of warmth and texture is to wouldnt like a big space. At 380,000 square feet the house as more than four bathrooms, three but patth baths and an june stair living space. Being a former church, this home is much larger than other houses here in this neighborhood off the Martin Luther king. Its been listed at 899,000. Shortly after i posted pictures of the house on twitter, one person responded with the word convertinged church into a house. They really felt that it would be better served as a home because it is small street. There isnt parking for con agree congratulation or anything like that. In its first open house word spread fast. I was in another house on 46th street and i overheard somebody talking and saying this was an amazing house and i walked here and definitely didnt disappoint. She face timed her husband. I think this whole bottom floor design is very, very unique. Like when you walk in and the elevated living room at the top. She said this is probably the coolest house youll see this whole year. It caught the attention of home shows but they arent interested in being reality tv stars. They want to keep focusing on doing more Home Projects in oakland. It seems like with some of the those shows where they turn fire stations and church into homes they dont want to be reality tv stars. 6 40 is the time right now. Boy, the gates around the pulse nightclub in orlando, florida, now open for the First Time Since junes deadly shooting rampage. Coming up at k, the mural that was up vaild and what the public is now invited to do. But first a teenager apologizes after damaging a war memorial in danville. Its a decent commute for the most part. We dont see a lot of slow traffic. Its getting busier. Only thing getting busier is the fog bank. Thats where it runs into some resistance. We take a look at the temps for friday coming up. Life and death. 600 dollars. Of abuse. Prop 61. Important step forward. The time is long overdue. Pharmaceutical industry. Passes the ballot. Theyre bringing crime, when mextheyre rapists. Ople. Are you going to have a massive Deportation Force . Youre going to have a Deportation Force. Were rounding em up in a very humane way, in a very nice way. Were going to build a wall. Thats not america. Were all californians. Im tom steyer. Its time to speak out. Please, register. And vote. Vote. Nextgen California Action Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. My mom marnie and then she died life. Of lung cancer. So i have a personal interest in helping prevent smoking. Im tom steyer, the cochair of the yes on 56 campaign. Every year, nearly 17,000 California Kids start smoking. A third of them will die from their addiction. Tobacco taxes reduce youth smoking. Please. Vote yes on prop 56. If we can save even a few lives, its worth it. Welcome back. Police arrested four young men accuse of the severely beating a man one week ago. Police say last friday just before midnight they responded to report of a disturbance on a trail near walt disney elementary school. When officers aarrivedded they found a man with a broken nose a fracture cheekbone and several cuts a enbruises. He said he had been beaten by four young men. He confronted them after they were making lf noise. They were identify the four suspect and arrest them. Time is 6 446789 searching for other possible convicts of a suspected child molester. 7yearold Donald Lawrence ens was arrested out of state. He workeds as a manager on california street in mountain view. Hes accused of sex crimes with a child ten years or younger. Police arent saying where the alleged crime occurred. Meantime a young man who defaced and vandalizing a war memorial has now publicly apologized. The all wars memorial was found tagged with graffiti last june. That memorial honors the sacrifices of hundreds of military veterans dating back to the revolutionary war. Last night 18yearold jared vance admitted to the vandalism and he told a grup of veterans he didnt realize what he defaced was a war memorial. He called the memorial valuable and sacred. It was really hard and i think it was brave of him to come up here and face the town of danville. As a veteran you have a real sense of pride. And when somebody does Something Like that, its very hurtful. But were willing to forgive. That apology was part of a deal they made after the memorial was vandalized. The head of the all Wars Memorial Foundation accepted his apology. Federal prosecutors say a former National Guard Security Agency contractor stole at least 500 million pages of top secret government information. Now if a court filing yesterday the Justice Department say its planning to bridge charges against harold martin. Court documents provide Additional Details about the volume of information prosecutors believe martin stole and the Justice Departments concern that martin could be in contact with a foreign government. Aghtss who searched his home seized computers and devices finding materials from 1996 to this year. Gll ron calderon will be sentenced for taking prescribes in exchange for his support for legislation. As part of a plea deal he admitted to taking thousands of dplars prescribes and also an undercover fbi agent. He pleaded guilty to mail fraud. Prshtds want him sentenced to five years in prison. The calderon thrawier is asking that he be placed on house arrest. All right. Its 6 46. We want to check in with our news room for whats coming up. Good morning. Good morning, pam and dave. I join you in just a few. Weve been looking back at the devastating Oakland Hills fire as we mark 25 years since that deadly fire started. Now were talking about the changes, the Fire Department has made and how to train and respond to such fires. Also why some factors only added to the danger of the Oakland Hills fire are simply out of firefighters drol. Girl disappearer could help save lives starting here at home at marine general. Heres a robot in action. How it can do what elbow grease,some and water and bleach cannot. Thats coming up on mornings on 2 in just a few. I got to meet that cute robot with a cute name. Thanks. Right now its 6 47. Check in with sal for a look at traffic. Any problems . Yeah. We do have a crash in oakland, pam, dave. Southbound i80. Fur f youre trying to get to the Oakland Airport right now, we do have a crash and you can see traffic is backed up. Southbound heading down. The accident is close to 23rd. Which is the exit just after 16th which we can kind of see here. Its the next exit. But traffic is very slow. If you can get on freeway after 23rd do yourself a favor. We just looked at that and its clear. Trying to get through that backup. Its kind of dicey there. The right shoulder disappears for a second. Give yourself plenty of time or use a different way to get to the airport. Let go to the bay bridge. A normal delay before you make it to the span. A little bit a little bitter down is going be o. K. Do town about union city. And then as you look at the dunbar and those commutes are just normal. 6 48. Lets bring steve in. Thank you. Im sorry. Good morning, everybody. Yesterday was fog free. Not so much today for the coast. Not so fast, my friends. Its pretty shallow though. Some of that could reduce visibility thats visibility. Along highway you know what im trying to say. Inland though its not going to matter. Slight cool down. More so over by the coast. Also in the city. I dropped the city from 77 to 70. 85 warm degrees yesterday. 81 today. Just a smidge and 82 to 79 degrees. A little cooler. Low clouds. The bases will be much higher tomorrow and also low and high clouds intootd weekend for a cooling trend. To the north. 40s, 50s, much warmer. Compared to the past couple of mornings. Pretty warm day. Upper 40s for some. But a balmy 60 degrees ssments yet if youre in town its frit cool. A sign of that strong air aloft. 28, 39. Fog is raring to go. Just going to be con fined to those closest to the beaches and a lot is working in our way. Not until late sunday and into monday. I dont think the south bay are going to see any rain out of this. 60ed, 70s by the water. Mainly upper 70s. Might be a little breeze kicking in later today. 70s upper 70s to low 80s. South bay. 60s on the coast. Cooler there. Also closer to the coast antebay. Upper 7 0z on the peninsula. It will be dry. Monday well talk about some rain. Yeah. I asked you about that earthquake. Or producer said there was one polted a small one and this susan, youre viewer must have been standing right over it. I know that feeling. So there was one. We couldnt find it. Oftentimes it feels much bigger than it is; right . Boy howdy. Where you are and 6 51 is the time. New evidence surfacing in jewelry heist that was targeted km kardashian. Also history made in china. The pandas released back into the wild. Its an effort to rebuild the population of this endangered species. With a break like this, we could dowhichevers faster. Surgery means recovery time. A cast will get you back out there right away, but its bulky. And can it take a beating . How did you break it again . Roller derby. Hipchecked. Theres a rematch next week. Snarling clementine has to be there. Thats me. Okay. So what color should the cast be . Orange. Orange is good. Yeah, i like orange. Its kinda my thing. At john muir health, we know how big the Little Things can be. John muir health. Be heard. Because shevery year. Ow that i. Because she doesnt understand what cancer is. Because she cant spell emphysema. Because she is a butterfly, who fights fires. Because she is my daughter, and the Surgeon General says that raising tobacco taxes. Is a proven way to make sure she never smokes. Thats why im voting yes on 56. Sound like you know this tune. Its hip hop hoar ray. Its friday. I did not come up with that. Just to let you know. But i like it. Lets take a look at who did it. Im giving a traffic areport. If you want to hit us up for a song. You know what to do. Send your request to facebook. Instagram or twitter by hashtag ktvu. Hip hop, hooray its friday. The according to some sport reports several nfl coaches expect him to leave before the season is over. Despite signing up a four year, 24 million contract. He had a lot of success at university of oregon where he had a 467 record in four seasons but he has disputed the rort when asked yesterday. Left the media has an opportunity for me somewhere. Ill always explore those opportunities. But im not going anywhere. El well the 4 ther hosted tampa bay buck neers on sunday. Can we talk baseball . The chicago cubs are one win away from the go i think to the world series. That bay et dodgers last night 84 in game five of the National League championship series. Addison russell of the cubs broke a 11 right there. Sixth inning. A tworun homer. Game six, tomorrow night. Wrigley field in chicago. And if the cubs win theyll be in the world series for the First Time Since 1945. They havent won since 1908. San jose sharks blew a two goal lead in a rematch of the stanley cup finals. Patrick marlow put them up 20 in the second goal butt penguins scored three goals in the third the game winner came on a power play with 6 minutes fleft game. The sharks are now 22 on the first road trip of the season which ends tomorrow in detroit. This is for pam cook. Officials in china say today is an important day in rebuilding the wild panda population. They released two female giant pandas. Come on out. They were bred in captivity. Its okay. The door is open. They are the sixth and seventh pandas to be released under a special the animals received training to help them find food again and avoid predators. It was the first time that two were released together. China reported 1864 in the wild last year. Thats up from 1100 in the year 2000. Also 422 pandas in captivity. All right. A little shy and nervous i think. Yeah. All right coming up in our 7 00 hour, we are learning more a about the latest prostitution related arrest involving an okay land Police Officer. The revelation about the new case that oaklands mayor calls completely outrage. Trumpsz and Hillary Clinton shared a stage again last night. Up next. The kind of awkward moments of what was supposed to be a night filled with jokes and laughter. Follow your own sense of style. Because, you want to be confident. T. J. Maxx really helped us express our creative side. Thats the best part. You dont know what youre going to find. I always find great deals on shoes. Purses. Were a team. Yeah. Maxx life at t. J. Maxx. Two officers, two allegations of six with prostitutes, and two sex with property toots, and two updates. Hillary clinton and donald trump try to share their funnier side. He actually sent a car to bring me here tonight. Actually, it was a hearse. How the tone between the two candidates quickly turned sour. This and more as mornings a 2 continues. Good morning. Were checking weather. Its friday out there. Its friday. Steve paul is ready with your paulson is ready with your friday forget. Nicer day. The fog is coming back, so that could reduce visibility, but it has been filling in here over the last couple of hours, and its going to make an impact for those close to the coast and bay. Inland temperatures will probably still eek out a low 80s. The lows are up, but fog and low clouds, once they start to fill in that

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