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That forecast. Its cold, but if youre stuck in that fog, boy, it can be really cold. Everything is mostly sunny today and tomorrow, then well deal with another system, but watch out, that footprint of the fog in the valley is as thick as ive seen in a long time. Mostly sunny, unless year dealing with some of that fog, 4 01 on a monday. Good morning, sal. Good morning, steve. This Martin Luther king day. I think some people do have the day off today. Lets look at the tracy commute. It looks slower where 580 and 280 meet, but thats about all. The visibility here in oakland at this spot is pretty good. At the babies toll plaza, visibility is good bay bridge toll plaza, visibility is good. Police say two men in a black mercedes in concord last night were shot. The injuries not life threatening. The men were found at a gas station not far from the freeway. The car with the shoot err inside drove off into the city of concord. Well be looking at surveillance from here, and hopefully if theyre coming from other directions, the investigators are on the freeway, trying to plan out and get that map on which direction they came from. Police are also searching for witnesses. If you know anything about the shooting, call the chp. In the meantime, chp still trying to find witnesses to another freeway shooting yesterday. Shots were fired at a car in the westbound lanes of interstate 80 near carson boulevard. No one was hurt. Chp said the passengers that car are cooperating with investigators. These are the latest of the bay area freeway shootings that include the harrison street exit where two people were hurt. Both victims were there in the same car. No arrests have been made. San Francisco Police are investigating a crash involving a small sightseeing car. Police say a yellow go car collided with a toyota in the intersection is of 24th street and south van else yesterday afternoon. The two people in the go car were ejected and taken to the hospital. They are expected to survive. The driver of the toyota said the go car ran a red light. Police are investigating. An arson investigation is under way in antioch after a fire inside a store that injured an employee. Customers tell investigators they say someone light something on fire inside the store, and that the flames quickly spread. Fire crews could be seen pushing grocery carts pull of burning material out of the store there. One person had to be taken away in an ambulance. No subpublicity has been suspect has been name. What used to be the called the freedom train will leave the station at 9 45 this morning. It will arrive in San Francisco at 11 00. That 54 mile ride is to remember the distance of dr. Kings 1965 march from selma to montgomery, alabama. Well, thousands of people turned out last night in oakland for the 15th annual musical tribute honoring dr. Martin luther king jr. The living jazz childrens project opened the event at the scottish rites center. It marked how far the nation has come in Race Relations and Voting Rights. Oakland congresswoman leib was there to present an award to glen upshaw, a street outreach worker. She also talked about the growing controversy in washington over president elect Donald Trumps tweet slamming refuse june lewis. He is a brave man, a civil rights leader. He is not just about talk. Helped pass the Voting Rights act. Hes a magnificent legislature. So donald trump just has no clue, guess, so its a shame and disgrace that he took him on the way he did. Not very president ial if you ask me. She said she is boycotting theines of president elect trump of inauguration of president elect trump. Entelect trump. We have more this morning from capitol hill. Reporter well, this is the ticket for thing inauguration. Here in d. C. , weir about to be indun date with people arriving to celebrate Donald Trumps swearing in. A lot of other people arriving to protest it as we get closer to the big day. This go may not look like donald trump, but here in washington, they use standins for the incoming president , first lady, and others to run through fridays program. A massive undertaking that takes place every four years here, and this is hardly going to be routine. The president elect talking trail with the london times. Look, i won the election because of strong borders and trade. Reporter buts through on twitter taking on other targets including outgoing cia director, and georgia congressman john lewis, who is that trump isnt legitimate, and has decided to boycott the inauguration along with two dozen others. President obama argued last night that partisanship is out of control. The incentives for politicians in this town to be so sharply partisan have gotten so out of hand that, you know, were weakening ourselves. Reporter back at the capitol as we get closer to the event, the church of the inaugural Committee Said the president elect wanted something scaled back, not a political rally. We immediately went to the direction of the president elect, who said, look, i dont want to do that. Its not appropriate after what we went through. We need a more healing kind of an inauguration. We dont need a celebration of me, the victor. Meanwhile, as far as the president elects twitter account is concerned, donald trump telling the times of london that he intends to keep his personal twitter account active even once he becomes president and is handed the keys to the official at pot us account. So far 23 House Democrats have joined the inauguration boy scot. Seven are from california. Thousands of people aintroduce the country held rallies over the weekend to show their opposition to republican efforts to repeal the Affordable Care act. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi joined mayor ed lee for a rally yesterday. We need to speak up as californians, asmens, as as americans, as citizens. We need to heeded the call. We need to stand up and is speak out. Nurses gathered together for a rally at Richmond City hall. They say repealing the Affordable Care act could cause as many as 4. 9 million californians to lose healthle insurance. In an interview with the washington post, donald trump said the replacement Healthcare Plan he is working on will mean insurance for everybody. Mr. Trump said the new plan will be a lot simpler, and much less expensive. He also said he will demand that Drug Companies lower their prices, and he said benefits for medicare will not be cut. He didnt reveal any specific details of that replacement plan. A contra costa sheriffs Deputy Arrested for attempted murder. What a witness said he was doing at a party where he showed up with a gun. But first, the manhunt subpoenaed err way for whoever shot and man shunt under way for whoever shot and hand hunt is manhunt is underway for a suspect who shot and killed an officer there. Woman college today. Career tomorrow at the peralta colleges. Sign up for classes today at one of our four colleges. Berkeley city college, college of alameda, Laney College and merritt college. Classes start january 23rd. We have so many ways for you to get ahead. Financial aid, thousands of classes to choose from, tutoring and so much more. College today. Career tomorrow. Sign up for classes right now at peralta dot edu. Like your future at the peralta colleges. Welcome back. A cargo plane crashed into a village killing at least 37 people. The crash of the turnish boeing 737 destroyed 33 out of the 43 houses in that small village. The plane went down in foggy conditions, but its not clear what caused the crash. One of the planes flight recorders has been recovered. Our time is now 4 13. People in one Florida Community still very nervous as the search goes on, a manhunt for an accused police killer. Police have been searching a neighborhood where the suspect, markieff lloyd is accused of killing officer debra clayton. More than 800 tips have been received, but for now, the people there are on high alert. I was scared. And i closed all the blinds. Over the weekend, Funeral Services are held for officer clayton. Officer clayton was also promoted to lieutenant posthumously as a final honorer from her colleagues. Saturday kevin starr i do presumed heart attack in San Francisco. He was a professor of history at the university of southern california, put was also known for a large series of books. He also served as the states librarian, and it was awarded the National Humanities medal. He was 76 years old. Were going to check in with sal. Pretty quiet on the roads, at least right now. Yeah, and were hoping it stays that way. Were hoping that this commute is going to be a little lighter than usual. Lets take a way at the far away commutes. There have been no major problems this morning as you drive through morgan hill, and continue all the way up into San Francisco. The traffic is moving along very nicely. Also, looking at 280 in san jose. This traffic is musicking along nicely. It moving along nicely. It continues to look good. You can see traffic is looking good at the bay bridge tomorrow plaza, its good toll plaza, and its good visibility. Sal, control room has told me you need to move your mic up or something. Is that right . Oh, it fell. There we go. Now we go. Now say hey. And now here is steve paulson. You sound like a million bucks, sal. Thank you. East bay, north bay, well be dealing with some of that fog. Just want to mention you get the dewpoint with so much moisture in the air. More rain on the way. We have a couple of days here to continue seeing these rivers and creeks recede, which we needed desperately. These creeks are moving fast. Its almost like we got the break, but theyre still really high, if you notice that yourself, if you live near creeks or anything like that. The water is still pouring into there. 30s on the temperatures. 30s and 40s. 381 in wall in the 31 in walnut creek. East wind coming right back if from the valley. That fog comes right back in, especially maybe interstate 80, comes right back in, be careful of that, comes creaking back. Look at that whopper going out of four corners. This is a classic set up for denver. That just hammers them. And thats moving through the middle of the country. A little different pattern that what we saw. That one had more of that atmospheric trigger. Well get rain, but not for a couple of days here. So were okay today and tomorrow, and the extended outlook does call for clouds starting to roll in. Rain looks like it kicks in thursday. Er with showers on fr im broad brushing the weekend. There will be rain, as well. 4 18 now. At Yosemite National park, visit isers were able to see a natural fee from money in the phenomenon in the water. Its been so cold there frazil ice formed on the water. It occurs when fastmoving water freezes. The ringling brothers circus will be no more. Low ticket sales and high operating costs combined with ongoing battles with Animal Rights groups led to the decision to shut down. Reporter ringling brothers first put up its big top in 1871. It went through the great depression, both world wars, but the beginning of the end came last week, when under protests from Animal Rights group, the circus removed elephants from the tour. Removing the elephants, we saw a great drop in attendance, much more than we anticipated, and the Business Model was no longer sustainable. Reporter a state from the organization said reactions on social media coming quickly. Pe ta tweeting Pamela Anderson tweeting and shaq tweeting the last show will take place on may 21st in uniondale, new york. The company will cease operations in may, so, again, if youre just joining us, the barnum and bailey circus shutting down. A huge ice storm knocked out power to thousands of people in the great plains of the midwest. Coming up, the warning this morning as a cold and freezing rain is blamed for several deaths. But first, the new steps facebook is taking to try to stop the spread of fake news. Samsung is expected to announce the results of it entries what caused some galaxy note 7s to catch fire. Early inty cases suggest it was the battery to blame. The tech giant was forced to remove the smartphone r phone from shelfs smartphone from shelves. It is expected to launch the dal axe 8 sometime this year. The markets closed mixed on friday with the Dow Jones Industrials down slightly. The s p 500 posted modest gains. The mass back talk closed at its the knack talk, though, closed at its the nasdaq, though, closed at its highest level ever. Mark zuckerberg is expected to defend facebook in a high tech lawsuit about technology theft. The claim is that okay youlous is oculus is built on a Software Developed by another company. Facebook said that lawsuit is without merit. Facebook is taking action to stop the spread of fake news in germany, just months before germany holds it national election. Facebook said it will focus on the worst of the worst offenders, and will team up with outside Fact Checkers and organizations to sort out what is true and what is made of. Facebook said the group corrective will be it first outside fact checker in germany. Six weeks after the deadly wear his fire in oakland, a survivor still in the hospital in a coma. Well hear from his family. Plus a man at a b. A. R. T. Station had a matchet yes. What we know about the machete. What we know about the investigation is coming up. We get a break here, but some areas of fog. Not as foggy as sunday, but still waiting for midweek when it looks like rain comes back. But this morning mostly sunny. Just watch out for that morning fog. Lot of people are probably sleeping. Were growing to have light traffic. We dont have huge storms today to talk about. As we look out in oakland, downtown oakland. Its dry now, but as pam said, another storm is on the way. Steve will tell you about it in moments. Welcome back, it is monday, january 16, Martin Luther king day. Its coming up on 4 30. Rain coming in when . Wednesday night, thursday. Were okay today and tomorrow. Okay. Pam and i are discussing lala land. The movie. Thats right. Very cool movie. I was a little disappointed as a musical. Like you said, they dont have any songs that leave you singing. Its well done, but i agree. Yes. All right. Lets get to it here. Some areas of fog, not as thick as monday. Look no north, up towards omaha, its freezing rain. It will be turning to rain and then snow coming out of the panhandle in kansas. Thats a big, big system. For us, were waiting on another system. It wont be here for a couple of days, but the frog is front and center. Peninsula also looking at some low 30s. Stanford, los altos, even san carlos, that easterly breeze. But if youre stuck in that fog, it can be really tough. One system, two systems. That fog, coming in from the east, maybe sal will touch on that coming up in just a second. 50s on the highs. Nice and quiet. Lets start off with the Solano County commute, into vallejo. It continues to be a

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