In the 40 for some, the leading edge of the change is to the top where you see Storm Tracker two, it will take another day to settle in. Temperature in the 40s and 40s. We had a few 30s yesterday, 47 in nevado, 49 in mountain view. West southwest, 25 gusts, concord due south 16, around sfo to hayward and livermore gusts to 21. Thats the system were focusing on. Its coming over land so its moisture staved starved. It breezy to windy, temperature 60s and mid70s, these are where they should be. Mid60s, upper 60s. Sal, good morning. Right now were looking at a commute off to a decent start. 80 westbound looks good, standard time of 17 minutes to the bay bridge toll plaza, when you get to the toll plaza not a lot of waiting to do. Barring anything major were not going to have a backup for an hour after or so. Looking at the commute on 580 it looks good through castro valley. We question bin with begin with a loud demonstration last night that forced the city council to add jone earl adjourn early. They opposed the city selling a parcel of land to a developer that wants to build a two 24 apartment. We dont agree selling public land to a private developer for luxury condos. There were no arrest but the council adjourned because of the protest. The developer wants to add housing to the city im a San Francisco supervisor says mom and pop businesses are being replaced by luxury continue, do its condos. Affordable housing is 12 of housing. He wants a moratorium on housing. Im a 55yearold bicyclist has died. The accident happened on crew canyon road. Witnesses say the female driver was speeding when she hit the man. He was airlifted to the hospital where he died from his injuries, police are investigating if distracted driving played a role in the crash. California approved the largest mandatory cutback. The 400 largest water agencies must cut usage from 4 to 36 . Water guzzling districts who fail could be fined 10,000 a day. They must save the amount of water in lake orville. Theres no magic solution. A lot starts with educating the customer base, we have a problem and they need to take action. But a new report shows the water consumption was just 3 1 2 less than last year. This shows the efforts. Pleasantton and dublin was the best. The town of windsor could clampdown on outdoor watering. The town council will consider stiffer guidelines. Homeowners can only water their lawns every other day. Water the increase by 7 . Notices would go out with a public hearing scheduled for july. The state is turning to ocean water. The water board will hold a public hearing this morning to consider an amendment that establishes a desaliz satisfaction desalizzation plant. Hillary clinton making a swing through the bay area this week. Her first as a candidate as president 2016. She will go to private homes in San Francisco. She will be back on friday. In las vegas yesterday she said shes committed to immigration reform, saying its important to remember who this debate is about. People who work hard, who love this country, who pay taxes to it and want nothing more than to build a good future for themselves and their children. She does not have Public Events scheduled in the bay area this week. The warriors have their home winning streak snapped. They played from behind with missed shots and turnovers. Memphis led all but one minute. 9790 win over the warriors. They did have mike conley back in the lineup. He led with 22 points. They played with more fire than they did the other day. We didnt play our best. We missed shots we normally make. 16 assists, 20 turnovers. It was an unfortunate end for the warrior fans. Curry getting the millennium trophy mvp trophy before tip off. That was hard to hear. The series moves to memphis for game 3 on saturday, game four on monday. Despite the loss to warriors a playoff favorite. The team credits part of the success to technology. They have six special cameras above the cord and helps the coaches. Weve got data from every single game. We do what we want with the data and we can ask the questions and get answers. The natural extension is biodebta data. Its amazing. The information critical to determine player fatigue. The coach can say no you did not. 4 08 is the time. The serial stowaway is in trouble with the law. Where she was arrested this time. An extra set of eyes on your car when youre not there. The parking web site that could save you from a ticket. Were looking at an east bay commute that doesnt look too bad. Ill tell you more about this coming up. A chilly breezy morning, changes to the north. Well see when those arrive. A woman whos made headlines for trying to sneak on on the planes has done it again, this time in chicago. She was arrested at Ohare Airport and charged with misdemeanor trespassing. She was in a restriked area restricted area without a ticket. Shes been arrested a dozen times for trying to board a plane without a ticket. In august she managed to sneak on a plane. A few weeks after that she was arrested in phoenix for loitering in a baggage plane ticket. Video of an arrest by San Jose Police officers is raising issues. A bystander took this video last saturday night and posted it on facebook. The footage starts with a couple officers trying to pin a man to the ground. Others arrive to sub cue him. They used physical force because the suspect resisted. In the beginning they tried to stop the man, but he ran and attacked them about a bottle. Lopez was taken to the hospital, hes been booked on discuss exhibition of suspension of attack with a weapon. Were going to conduct a detailed investigation, we dont want the rush to conclusions, it is ugly to see violence on tape. I encourage people not to rush to jump and lets see what happens. The police are asking if anyone else with physician or other information or video to help them. Loretta lynch is promising to improve baltimores police department. She took her First Official trip yesterday as head of the Justice Department. She met with police, Community Leaders and the family of freddie gray. It was a privilege to do so and express my condolences. The fbi and Justice Department are investigating grays death. Lynch hopes the talk among the people of ball more will lead baltimore will lead to better policing. Prince will headline a concert in baltimore. The event is designed to take a moment, reflect about freddie grays death and how the city can come together. Concert goers are asked to wear the color gray. A new Study Suggests a class ceiling for asians in the tech industry. Silicon is more likely tothem as computer programs. The report analyzed employment records of tech giants. Apple and facebook were not included because their Public Disclosure records did not detail managerial diversity. There are reports this morning that microsoft is considering a bid for sales force. They offer a leading position in Customer Relationship management software. Microsoft says they have not officially entered into negotiations. A San Francisco company has a new parking aid that could save drivers a lot of money. Halo play. Com. You register to make, model and license plate of your car for free. If someone notices your car is burglarized or lights are on they can go to the web site and send you a text message. This eliminates anyone that parks and leaves. Parking spaces are at a premium, especially in San Francisco and redding. You want to open up the space. A supermarket sends a message to the person before they call a tow truck. Vehicle owners dont enter personal information. Just the license plate number and make and model of the car. It will be interesting to see how it works. 4 17 is the time. The traffic is not that bad. Were off to a good start. We start with a look at the east bay, traffic on highway 4 is doing well, no problems getting up to the pass grade and the traffic continues to move well. As you look at the san mateo bridge, its a nice drive. Construction not a problem. From livermore to dublin off to a good start. 4 18. Lets go to steve. Good morning, theres a chill out there, good sleeping weather, some low clouds around, nothing compared to a few days ago. Inland temps on the brisk side, theres a breath. Thunderstorm over the sierra and they will get stronger and more widespread, 40s for many already in the north bay, a couple. San jose is close, walnut creek is close. Half moon bayat 51 bay at 51. Sfo out to livermore four, gusting to 21. 51 San Francisco, 52, 59, thats cold water, 28 in truckee, 43 up at area cada arcada. Overall a nice day, a chill, this is the system that will plan our weather tomorrow, it is carving itself out. That will chew out the fog. It doesnt have a lot to work with, but it will move near us. Maybe over us. Today low clouds and sun, breezy to winnie, windy. 74, 75, thats what they will be coast and bay should be 64 to 68, thats about what they will be. 75 for santa rosa, 74 for morgan hill. Clouds increase tomorrow. A possibility of thundershowers north and east. Friday breezy, mostly sunny on saturday. Because we wanted to make it easy. Yes. Mothers day. He got it. I remember that yesterday. Did your wife hear you had a tough time with this. Shes sleeping right now. Thank you steve. A mother of 3 out smarts a boyfriend holding her hostage. I dont know if i would have thought of it. Something she did no naturally the boyfriend didnt think about it. The way dinner plans helped save a mom and her kids. Its a can do neighborhood. What happened when the close knit neighborhood witnessed a group of teenagers trying to mug a woman. Welcome back to mornings at two. A quick thinking woman and children are safe. Her boyfriend held her and her three children hostage. She ordered dinner and took opportunity to get help. In the comment she typed 911, hostage help. Police help, get 911 to me. We knew something wasnt right, ive never seen nothing like that. I called my boss and he said call 911 immediately. We called 911 and thats basically how it happened. Officers went to treadways house, got the boyfriend to surrender. They believe he was high on meth. In berkeley four teenage girls were arrested after a robbery of a person. They saw four teenager girls robbing a person. A neighbor saw the whole thing. They were punching her in the head and jumped into a white van thinking they would escape. The street was a dead end. A mom driving by saw the robbery and pulled over to help. Thats when the person toll her to block the only way out. Other neighbors called 911. Police arrested a 14yearold and three 16yearold im a car that ended up at the bottom of a cliff was stolen. Sky fox spotted the mini cooper, it was on the rocks and damaged. Firefighters and Police Responded but did not find anyone inside. They determined it was stolen out of oakland. Federal authorities are assisted assisted. Police are asked to help knit 5000 nests. They are used by a wild Animal Hospital in san rafael to keep baby birds warm. It is held from 11 00 to 1 00, some will be sent to other Animal Hospitals. Todays event is open to people of all ages. Its 4 26. Size meteorologist will have new ways to monitor a fault. It will help them predict when the new one will hit. A grieving family confronts the man the police say drove drunk and killed a mother and the toddler. The reason we dont know the charges the driver will face. Were looking at the east bay commute. Right now traffic is moving well. As you drive past the coliseum. A couple clouds out here, its rather cool. A decent breeze. The system coming in tomorrow is moving north. Welcome back it is 4 29 its wednesday, may 6th im brian flores. Good morning, im pam cook. Steve is joining us as well. Chilly and breezy. I know them well. Two very good friends of mine. They are not good friends of mine pip dont like them. [ laughter ] we already have 40s. Santa rosa is 43. Novato is 46. My goodness moffett 49. That is on the bay. That is pretty cold for them. It will be mostly sunny today. There is still some showers popping up over the Sierra Nevada and temperatures in the 40s. We talked about napa is there. There is mountain view. It is close for others. San jose Holding Steady at 50. 49 San Francisco. There is 43, 46 santa rosa and novato. An okay breeze still around and its not going anywhere. At least not for the next couple of days. Even livermore 16 gusting to 22. So its breezy to blustery here. Thats the big system that is turning up in the pacific northwest. We will be on the western edge of it. Possibility of

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