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Day. There will be more muni buses today versus yesterday and thats some good news but delays are still expected. We just heard from our newsroom and they are saying still only 50 capacity and thats going to be a problem once again, it is tuesday june 3rd, i am pam cook. Lets get your tuesday started, steve is here and he is noticeably cooler. Temperatures are running below average and it is a huge fog bank, San Francisco should be about 65 and 66, some areas will not get above 59, some local drizzle as well, fog or sun, mostly sunny heading back to the coast and temperatures inland will be struggling to go past. 50s on the temperatures, still augusta out of travis as long as that is in place, unless you are really far inland, fog is up and down the defendant and it is not going anywhere any time soon and it might get smashed. Some fog, low clouds drizzle upper 70s, 50s and 60s, closer to coast and bay, here is sal. This mornings commute, obviously it will be impacted by muni sick out and we will talk about that in just a moment with our reporter on the scene. I want to mention our freeway is off to a decent start between the carquinez and the Mcarthur Ranch mcarthur maze, that is the standard time it takes and you should not have any real problems. Lets go to the bay bridge toll plaza and traffic is light coming into San Francisco with no major problems. We are also looking at contra costa on highway 4 from antioch coming from the venetia bridge to walnut creek, we are off to a good start. Lets go back to the desk. We begin with developing news, expect another day of delays. The sick out is continuing for a second day. Tara moriarty joins us live with new numbers from muni, tara, good morning. They just tweeted out, they will have 100 additional cars and that means they were about at a third of its capacity and that means it will be at about half. If you take a look at the presidio, i am told normally they leave around 4 45 at the latest. They have posted signs saying any workers who call in sick again will need a doctors note to get paid. They are angry about the ongoing contract dispute. They would not say how many were angry but only 200 of the 400 cars were out. They have received alarm number of calls and many were angry they had to wait more than an hour to catch a ride. Many had to catch a cab ride a back or wait. I left earl little but i still got here late. The doors are not closing, it was busy, real busy. The mta said they would offer raises that would push pay to 32 an hour making them the highest in the country and workers say that is anything dated by the fact that it would raise it. The sick out is a last resort and they could not go on an official strike. We will be monitoring this for you and leapt you know how things are shaping up of course. Ktvu channel 2 morning news. A three day search for Ryan Chamberlain has come to an end. Now he is behind bars. Alex savage explains the hours leading up to his arrest, good morning, alex. Reporter good morning, everybody has been asking people to be on the lookout for his car and somebody spotted that car here near chrissy field and it was spotted near the cafe. They checked the place and moved in with guns drawn and arrested the man with guns drawn. This was taken by a driver just before last night. He was taken to the ground and handcuffed ending this three day manhunt for the man accused of building explosives in his apartment. At the time he looked scared. I was rolling with my iphone and cops said back away, the guy who was getting arrested who looked at me and said help. After taking chamberlain in to custody he checked his car for explosives and they have not commented on what he found inside. Last night that car was towed away from chrissy field. The fbi raided his apartment and they found bomb making materials and they are expecting to offer more details and they reveal some of the clues. Live this morning in San Francisco, ktvu channel 2 morning news. This they are casting ballots by mail and could make for short lines in polling places. It will be decided and those who receive the most votes will advance even if they are from the same party. Those closely watched is the primary race for the 17th congressional district. An attorney who served in president Barack Obamas administration is asking for mike connor who has the support of many tech executives including cheryl sanberg and paris myer. We are also tracking secretary of state, seven candidates are in the race for people for the ethical treatment of animalser son and michelle le leyland leland yee is still in the race but was pulled after the charges he is facing. Anybody in line will be allowed to cast a vote. If you sent one, it is too late to vote but many can go to polling stations. And for todays election station, many will be at polling stations in alameda to check for compliance with the Voting Rights act which prohibits based on language. They are making sure those who have registered voters can still cast a ballot. They are searching for somebody who sank near the bridge. It was discovered on the other side of the bridge near the water. He left and was headed for hawaii but his trip was cut short when his boat sank for unknown reasons yesterday morning. Divers were able to confirm the name of the boat but the search continues for the man on board. We have no plans of distinct or putting the search on hold. 2 boats and a helicopter are assisting but they have not released the name of the boater and they believe his boat was only at the dock for about a month. An exon valdezan an he an executive worked in southeast asia. He joined intel and led effort to build the first net books. Intel has released a statement saying marty was widely respected and loved at this company we are mourning his loss. Chuck e. Was the lead guide on the expedition. He was an experienced mountain mountaineer who had climbed it more than 50 times. It is one of the most advanced routes on the mountain and their bodies may never be recovered due to the rough terrain. When it comes to leaving them, many customers and Security Experts are surprised after they revealed they dont need to swipe a card. We tried several in fact agrees are you store rewards card and southwest card and all of those allowed us inside closed locations. At you would think it is like secure. It is a message to the Banking Industry that they should upgrade their technology. They said card readers are not meant to keep out other readers from other banks but they said they could open their vestibules. Vest builds. You should approach with the same caution whether you are behind closed doors or not. Free marijuana, the motivation behind this unusual handout. But first a wedding shocker, five minutess one bride wore accessories down the aisle and they are calling her an unfit mother. We are on it and looking at that, checking the muni delays and we will give you an hour by hour update on what you can expect. Some of you explain it is the wind howling out there and we continue to favor juniper on the trees and thats what is out there as well. Oh chris, did you remember to pay the dog sitter . Oh, i knew i forgot something. Ill just do it now. Well, were boarding. No, ill use citi mobile. It takes two seconds, better safe than sorry, right . Yeah, who knows if well even get service on the island . What no service . Seriously . You guys might actually have to talk. To each other . We do it all the time. I like it. Should we . No. Bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. To learn more, visit citi. Com easierbanking [ barks ] whoo mmm oh, yeah [ whistling ] [ male announcer ] discover your new orleans. Start exploring at followyournola. Com. [ woman ] and i love new orleans . Welcome back, it is now 5 14, they have filed a lawsuit and they are requiring everything under the age of 60 must take a pregnancy test. One woman was forced to take a pregnancy test during the oscar grant trial. We all had to pee in a cup. Did you know why were you doing that . And i said i am 69 years old and i am pretty sure i am not pregnant. The Sheriffs Office has not yet been served with the lawsuit and declined to comment. And teachers in some of the largest districts served 0 more 08 80 more days a year. They cost more than 60 frequently absent and they found 41 were frequently absent and some say that number is 45 percent. They are on the move to make schools undergo earthquake safety tests. The proposal would require private schools join Public Schools in undergoing regular tests to make sure the buildings could withstand a big quake. Some have concerns about the costs of these tests and the retrofitting that could follow. Director oliver snow is writing a book on the Edward Snowden file. It will explore how Edward Snowden found his values at odds with the government and went on to detail the spying efforts. The movie is scheduled to start shooting before the end of the year. A bride from tennessee, because of a very unusual accessory she wore on her day, they were shocked to catch a glimpse of the back of her Wedding Dress because attached was her one month old baby girl. She is defending herself saying she does what she wants and everybody is entitled to their opinion. Lets check in with sal. Well this Service Disruption with muni, i was just on their website and they have been doing what they can to let people know. As we have been telling you 100 or more vehicles are on the road and it was at onethird, but the delays will not be as long and we have a reporter on the scene today still following this story. 880 westbound traffic continues to look okay if you are driving into the bay bridge corridor and this is a 17 manipulate drive, bay bridge toll plaza, it is still an 8 minute drive from oakland to San Francisco, it is not a big commute and traffic continues to move along relatively well. That traffic looks good and if you are going to the east bay onto the richmond bridge, we are off to a good start. Lots of fog out there, we will focus on that, big fog bank below local temperatures, starting to tomorrow and we will take that up and i dont think it will take over but there there is a lot of fog out there maybe some drizzle, fog or sun later on and that breeze will be with us probably not as bad as yesterday. Oakland was only 5 and we will 65 and we will bump you up one, even inland temperatures and it looks like we are stating off in june starting off below. 64 degrees and there are some areas that are clear and gusts to 26 from fairfield and still no doubt about it also from oakland to concord out to travis. Still locations are on the calm side from san jose and on moffett and they have more of a westerly breeze and that means temperatures are in place. 50 in ukiah. When they get that delta breeze, it even cooled them down and a lot of low clouds, breezy, windy, it is about 9 00 and especially on the high side. 50s and 60s coast and bay, temperatures will stay cool here and there is still going to it be a lot of fog. I am not buying into this big warmup here, and there is one forecast model and i just dont buy it, that is one i will go with for now. Today panara bread is expecting to announce it is phasing out all additives. It will stop selling food with sweeteners and preservatives. It will be phasing out chicken with antibiotics and they are working on a new menu for 2016. And they must pay every payment. They have an option to make interest only payments but they are the first residential lender in the country. Coming up in about 20 minutes, the story behind this big altitude parachute. And it is day two of apples worldwide conference, new changes to the popular app store. I wish id done this sooner. Dont let that be you. You know your teeth are important. So dont put it off any longer. Call 1800dentist today. Welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news, time now 5 23 and a protest over pesticides to stop the spread of the virus. Some say the pesticides post their own risks and are not necessary due to the drought. They recommend closing doors and windows but that pesticides do not post a health risk to humans. Many have died since the west nile west nile virus was first detected. And after a single fly was found in san carlos, they will be conducting an Extensive Survey to determine if fruit flies are breeding. It can be extremely bad for true flies, they after turning into maggots, it leaves produce uneatable. He gave a key note speech and he checks out the software and hardware mostly for i pads and he introduced anew feature on his ipad store which allows him to make apps. People have downloaded 5 billion aspergers apps. And a new Health Monitoring it tracks your heart rate and your sleep and also connects to other Health Related apps. And another one allows them to manage things inside of your home. Time now 5 25 and dan moreno is joining the concussion lawsuit and joins 14 other players and one spouse seeking financial compensation for injuries. He talks about the dangers of concussions and they could lead them to aides research. It happened yesterday during the life cycle ride in monterey county. 2 hundred cyclists are participating and the chp said cyclists were hit by a truck turning into a gas station. It will make you to cause an accident and its real little about being aware and responsible for you and for other people. Organizers say no of them have nonlife threatening injuries and it wraps up this weekend. Coming up, the battle over marijuana and the limits being considered on certain marijuana shops. Live in presidio and gary, still you should brace yourself for delays on muni this morning. And right now on sunole grade, we will tell you more about the bay area weather. Temperatures are on the high side, we should be 65 to 71 and we will show you those below normal temperatures, they are all in the 50s right now. For its a challengefornia fostto replace clothes that are too small or worn out. I grew 3 inches last year. I dont need anything fancy. I never had much to begin with. When i look nice on the outside, i feel better on the inside. To help, sleep train is collecting new clothes for kids big and small. Bring your gift to any sleep train, and help make a Foster Childs day a little brighter. Not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. Good morning, everybody. Time now is 5 29 and welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news. This is a live look from San Francisco this morning. We are continuing to monitor muni service on this second day of a muni sickout. Ktvus Tara Moriarty will have more on the impact on riders this morning. Im brian flores in for dave clark. Im pam cook. Almost 5 30. It does seem a bit chilly, steve, even inland. It is. Even inland, right . Yes, no doubt about it, pam. For june . We do have a big fog bank again that is moving locally inland. Not everybody is in on the overcast but plenty to go around and any one coast and bay is going to be socked in and held down temperaturewise, 60 in the same, same as yesterday, dont see change there, so below normal temps away from the coast. Yes, there will probably be a couple of 80s, but for most inland locations only in the 70s. Starting off in the 50s right now for almost everybody here. I think theres too much low cloud deck, still gusts to 26. It was 32 last hour. Still a rather robust westerly breeze, sea breeze in place and as long as that fog is there and its way up there so i just think temperatures today will stay about the same as they were yesterday. Not as windy but it will still be breezy. Fog, sun, breezy, upper 70s, very low 80s inland, a lot of 60s near the bay. Right now the traffic is moving along relatively well. If you are driving in many areas, westbound bay bridge still less than the eight minute drive time, getting into San Francisco. San mateo bridge also looks good in case youre heading out to the highrise. Steve said there could be some drizzle in some areas, especially along the coast so just beware of that and tends to make the roads just a little bit more slippery. Remember drivers ed . Well, add that extra five minutes and slow it down, it will help. Heres some drive times for you, 80 from the car cains bridge carquinez bridge to the maze. 5 31. Lets go back to the desk. We begin the day once again with developing news, day 2 of the muni sickout. In the last hour, we learned that only about half of munis 600 buses and drains out on the streets today. Ktvus Tara Moriarty joins us now from San Francisco once again with the very latest, the warning for commuters today. Tara. Reporter yeah, brace yourself, there will be delays, although it might not be as bad as yesterday. We are here at the bus yard off of guerrieri and presidio and yesterday i would say at this hour we probably saw about five buses pull out. Today we have seen at least 10. Good sign if you are trying to catch a bus this morning, we know that muni received a flood of sick calls last night and right now they say about half of the muni vehicles will be out on the streets. Yesterday it was only 1 3. To avoid the crunch, you might want to leave a little early this morning because about 20 minutes ago we saw a bus go by and it was empty. So plenty of room at this hour. Operators and mechanics, as you know, are angry about the results in ongoing traffic contract dispute and frustrated riders complained that they had to wait more than an hour yesterday to catch a ride. Commuters were forced to catch a cab, ride a bike, walk or wait. There are rumors and we are monitoring our attendance patterns but in this case theres nothing definitive and we are working to make sure that if something does hoop, we will be ready. What do you have to say to commuters . We are sorry. Its nothing personal. Reporter the mta says the new muni contract would offer raises that would push operator pay to 32, making muni the second highest paid transit workers in the country, but workers say that is anything dated by the fact the city will no longer pay their pension and the cost of living is so high. One driver says the sickout is a last resort because City Employees cannot go on an official strike. Muni officials still tried to put the brakes on this sickout from going to a second day. They posted signs in yards like this one here that say that any worker who calls in sick again will need a doctors note to get paid. Now, of course we are going to monitor the morning commute for you. We are going to head out into the avenues out in the sunset and see how folks are coping out there so far with this commute. We are live in San Francisco, im Tara Moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. If you plan to take muni this morning, we want to hear about your commute. Tweet us or message us on facebook about your experience, how is it going out there . Dont forget to follow us both places for the latest on this developing story throughout the day. Also new this morning, a man is in the hospital after being shot during a fight involving 15 people in San Franciscos mission district. It happened on 19th and Mission Street at about 2 00 this morning. Now, police say when they arrived, they found a man who had been shot in the leg. Police say it all started with some kind of fight involving at least 15 people. The shooting victim is expected to survive but police are still looking for the gunman. Right now they only have a vague description of what the person looked like so anyone with information is asked to call San Francisco police. Time now is 5 34. And a threeday man hunt in San Francisco has officially come to an end. Ryan chamberlain was the focus of an fbi investigation and nationwide man hunt after agents allegedly found explosives in his apartment over the weekend. Is he in cuffs . Negative, negative. Suspect is in custody at this time. Last night chamberlain was arrested after Police Spotted his car parked outside the beach hut cafe in crissy field. An uber driver parked nearby caught the whole arrest on video. Hours earlier chamberlain posted an apparent suicide note on his Facebook Page. Police also got a tip earlier in the day that chamberlain had used his atm card at a bar in the lower haight district. The man who shot the video of chamberlains arrest was surprised someone wanted by the fbi would stay in francisco . Txu. I figured if theres a man hunt, surely this guy is going to get out of the city. I didnt imagine i would run into down at the beach. Chamberlain was a former consultant to gavin newsom. He was booked on federal charges of possessing explosives. Now, this is video of his car as it was being towed away from crissy field last night after being searched by police bomb squad. Police and the fbi are expected to release more information about this case at a News Conference later this morning. Yesterday several messages were popping up on social media that appeared to come from chamberlain. On facebook and twitter he appeared to defend himself. One message read no stashes, not armed and dangerous, no car rig to explode. I explored some ugly websites a year ago. I was depressed, no one was ever in danger. Now, that was apparently in reference to the fbi raid on his apartment in San Francisco. Authorities say that they found explosive materials inside and that is what led to the search. A letter in chamberlains name also talked about his depression. It read in part i got real dark. I explored a myriad ways i could put an end to what i was going through. At ktvu. Com we have posted all of Ryan Chamberlains letter. Just look for the link on our front page. Well, a small earthquake rattled the east bay last night. The usgs report measured 2. 11 and hit shortly after 11 00 p. M. It was centered outside of san leandro. A number of ktvu viewers contacted our newsroom saying they felt the quite but quake but no reports of damage or injuries. It is election day and voters will be heading to the polls later today to decide, among other issues, who will face governor jerry brown in november. Ktvu channel 2 reporter Christian Kaplan joins us with what voters can expect this year. Reporter voters will be doing something new when they vote today, a primary election system that ignores Party Affiliation and sends the top two vote getters to the November Ballot regardless of their party. Whoever faces jerry brown will have a formidable challenge. He is leading in every major poll across the state and they say he has a 99 chance of being reelectricity to a fourth reelected to a fourth term this fall. Todays election will determine who he will be facing. Ken donnelly says he is cautiously optimistic he will come out ahead of neil car carry. Voters in the south bay will be setting the stage for the san jose mayors race. The two top vote getters in the primary race in the south bay will face off in november. Councilman sam la cardo and dave core teasey cortezy are leading the polls. To me, this is really the america dream that im living in right now. When you go to the polls tomorrow, please dont forget. The current direction of city hall where weve lost 450 Police Officers and crime has been skyrocketing is really attributable to the last five years. With no major hot button statewide issues, the pundits say this year we could see relatively low voter turnout. We will be out following the latest voter results this morning. Polls open at 7 00 later on this morning, governor jerry brown scheduled to vote at 7 15 and we plan on being there and bring you the latest results as they come in throughout the day. This is interesting, at least a dozen medical marijuana collectives in san jose plan to offer free pot to voters. The Silicon Valley Cannabis Coalition says the giveaway is supposed to and seats on the San Jose City council. Voters have to show medical marijuana cards, though, and ballot stubs or stickers that say i voted in order to get the free marijuana. Voters are also being asked to attend Tonights City Council meeting where leaders will consider an ordinance that would place new regulations on medical marijuana collected. Now, the law would not allow collectives to open within 1000 feet of schools, day cares, rec centers, parks or libraries. Collectives would also have to be at least 150 feet away from homes. The regulations would also limit the hours that collectives can operate. 5 39 and the competition is getting fierce among Bay Area Police departments looking to hire new officers. Many local Police Departments are now flooding the tv airwaves with commercials, also reaching out through social media. Police in fremont have set up a special Facebook Page to connect with potential recruits. The city also hopes to attract officers with a starting salary of 81,000 a year. Its different from other departments where they pay you a trainee pay or a candidate pay. We pay you your full salary. Now, fremont is competing with the bay areas three biggest cities, San Francisco the starting pay for Police Officers is 80,000 a year. In san jose its 75,000, and in oakland its 69,000 a year. Coming up at 6 00, 2 investigates the safety of inside atms. The discovery we made about just how many cards will actually open a door that you thought was secure. And new information about freed Army Sergeant bowe bergdahl. Now the anext made about a possible investigation into what happened before he was taken captive by the taliban. Good morning. Right now traffic is busy, but we are still seeing a decent drive in San Francisco along northbound 101 and the 80 split. We will tell you more about the morning commute including a look at some of the muni delays. Well, you know in vacaville only hit 76 on monday, cool day all around. It will be another one today, maybe slightly warmer but we are starting off in the 50s. We will take a look at those below normal temps coming right up. [ barks ] whoo mmm oh, yeah [ whistling ] [ male announcer ] discover your new orleans. Start exploring at followyournola. Com. [ woman ] and i love new orleans a broader mix of energies, world needs lowyournola. Com. Which is why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50 fewer co2 emissions than coal. And why with our partner in brazil, we are producing a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane to fuel cars. Lets broaden the Worlds Energy mix, lets go. Wnchts back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news. New this morning, president obama calling on congress to allocate a billion dollars to ramp up the u. S. Military presence in europe. Given the situation in ukraine right now, we have also increased our american presence with the gun rotating additional Ground Troops and add 16 aircrafts into poland. The president made the announcement a few hours ago after meeting with polands president in warsaw. The white house says the show of support for europe is necessary to counter russias increasing influence in ukraine. Funds would be used for military exercises and Training Missions in countries that border russia. Joint chiefs chairman general Martin Dempsey may pursue a desserrtion investigation into sergeant bergdahl. Discuss the negotiations that led to bergdahls release. The Obama Administration swapped five prisoners from Guantanamo Bay for bergdahl, who is a fiveyear prisoner of the taliban. At issue is a law that requires the administration to give congress a 30 day notice before releasing any detainees from Guantanamo Bay. About two hours ago president obama defended his actions from a meeting in poland saying quote, regardless of the circumstances, we still get an american soldier back if he is held in captivity. 5 45 and the east contra costa Fire District could close another station earlier than expected. Right now a federal grant is keeping some of the districts five stations open but that grant expired in november and some firefighters have already left for districts that offer more job security. That means the money from the grant is now going to pay overtime to the remaining firefighters. That can mean closing another station this summer instead of waiting until the fall. The Richmond City council is taking up new ideas on increasing the minimum wage. Tonight the city council will consider pushing up the minimum wage to 13 an hour during the next four years. That proposal includes an exemption for manufacturers that do less than half their business in richmond. Earlier this year, the council gave preliminary approval to raise the minimum wage to 12. 30 an hour but it has not been brought up for a final vote. Nasa says its ready to launch a giant parachute spend for use on mars. Weather conditions have delayed todays scheduled launch. Nasa saying it could happen on thursday at the latest. The launch will take place in the skies off the Hawaiian Island of kauai. 30 miles in the sky where the atmosphere stimulates simulates the russian air. It does look like a flying saucer a little bit. There will be reports, people hanging out on the beach, they have not been watching the news, what is that . Right, sal . Theyve had a couple of man sodas and maybe a drink with an umbrella. Or Something Like that. Good morning, everyone. We could get carried on way so lets go right to the traffic. Traffic is actually okay on the east shore freeway between the carquinez bridge and the mccarthy maze, 18 minutes which is around the standard time. The standard time between these two points when there is no traffic by the way is anywhere between 15 and 17 minutes so we are not too bad but later on this traffic time tends to double and sometimes it will triple as you drive between those two points. When you get to the bay bridge toll plaza Livermore Valley up to its old slow traffic tricks if you will. You can see traffic is moving along a little bit slowly in some of these areas and if youre driving on northbound 80 before jackson street, there is a crash right there on the shoulder. Now lets go to steve. Thank you, sir. A lot of low clouds in place, another fog bank thats rather strong and up and down the coast for most of the coast. Big fog bank, local drizzle, below normal temps, warmer away from the coast starts tomorrow. Theres one forecast model thats going bonkers by the weekend. I just dont buy that. It will be warmer but by the coast its going to stay on the cool side, theres too much fog and we are not going to get a north or northeast wind, High Pressure building in. But cloudy and cool out there right now, drizzle, breeze, cool, windy last night for sure. Fog or sun breezy to blustery windy, probably not as bad as yesterday, but we had gusts to 36 at travis. Its still rather breezy. San jose starting off at 54, sunny by noon. 75 for a high, temperatures running below average here for many inland locations. Should be closer to about 80, 81. Fairfield still gusting to 26, keep an eye on that. If that starts to decrease, then its a sign it will start to warm up. Still an onshore component for concord, also oakland and many locations including knapp at west napa west at six. Southeast san jose, john, our good friend there said the perfect setup for smelling the garlic coming up from gilroy when youve got the southeast wind going up the Mountain View as well. A lot of low clouds put the lid on the breeze but once that burns off, then it publications up again. Theres a lot of fog out there as you can see and its not going anywhere anytime soon. 32 up in tahoe, 20 better for sacramento, monterey at 53. And the low clouds and fog continue to stay right there. Water temps are cold, 49 to 54 and i dont see any change there. Fog, sun, breezy to a local drizzle, blow normal temps for most, near average for some. Unless youre up in clear lake or ukiah or middle town, something of that nature, then it is in the 70s, vacaville only 76 yesterday which is absolutely incredible for this time of year. San rafael 70, sonoma 73, petaluma 72, couple low 80s, brentwood, maybe oakley but there will be a breeze. Alameda 64. 78 more begin hill to gilroy. Gilroy yesterday reported 71. I dont know if i buy that completely but it wasnt that hot, for sure. San jose 75, cupertino 76, 50s, 60s on the coast, in the city, san bruno, upper 60s or low 70s, even pal atm only palo alto only 73. Low clouds, fog giving way to sunshine today for some, warmer inland starts tomorrow and carry us into the weekend. Thank you, steve. Walmart getting a big boost in its big sales, thats after amazon and a french publisher got involved in a book over ebook prices, amazon stopped preorders of hashet books including j. K. Rowling new novel the sibling worm and invisible. Meantime, walmart. Com has cut prices on the books and promised faster shipping. Walmart says its book sales are up 70 in the last two weeks. Today car makers will report Sales Numbers for may. Expected to show sales were up more than 4 last month and despite gms recalls its expected to show Even Stronger growth. And seven Production Companies are asking the faa for permission to start using drones to make movies and television shows. The faa has already said it will have guidelines for the private use of drones in airspace used by commercial airliners by september of next year, but Companies Want to be able to use the drones now. Researchers and Public Safety groups can already apply for permission to use the drones. Time now is 5 51. And coming up, ecigarettes are lighting up your television screens. The ban being considered that some people say will not be enough to keep teenagers from smoking. It is a place to stay for families who have lost their homes but the trouble that now has an east bay motel in jeopardy of shutting down. Welcome back to ktvu morning news. Police in brooklyn, new york are looking for a man they say stabbed two Young Children inside an elevator. The boy and girl were going inside to get ice cream on sunday afternoon. Thats when a man also inside the elevator suddenly attacked them. The girl is in critical condition, but the boy died from his injuries. My pride and joy, my life, my rock that i live for, my backbone, and took my light away from me. Police say the suspect dropped the knife outside the Apartment Building before running away. Its not clear if he had any connection to the young victims. President obama is asking congress for an additional 1. 4 billion to help deal with a rise in children caught trying to cross the border. The white house says as many as 60,000 children could be caught this year trying to cross the u. S. Mexico border illegally without their families. Thats almost 10 times as many children who were detained back in 2011. The white house says 90 of the children who are stopped at the border are from central and south america and fleeing poverty and drug violence in their home countries. An east bay motel that is now home to several families is in danger of being shut down by the city of newark. We first told you about angel ramirez, her husband and their two School Aged Children who live at the easy 8 motel last september. They say living there means they dont have to live in their car. But police say they have made more than 630 arrests from everything from drug dealing to assaults at that motel. They are only 8 of our available rooms to rent but they account for 57 of the arrests that we make out of hotels and motels. I would not allow my children to be one second in a place that wasnt for them. Reporter the ramirezs will be moving into an apartment this month but they say they are worried about others who could be forced to find new places to live. The Newark Planning Commission is planning on making a decision about closing ez8 early next month. The promoter of bottle rock will return in 2015. Latitude 38 entertainment produced this years festival after the company that held the first event declared bankruptcy leaving vendors and workers unpaid. The president of the company says 80,000 tickets were sold to this years festival and the majority of vendors have already been paid. Napa Police Report there were seven arrests including five for public intoxication and an arrest for driving under the influence. Well, day 2 of the muni sickout and another rough ride for commuters this morning. Find out how many buses and trains will be on the streets of San Francisco today. Also the subject of an fbi explosives investigation now in custody after three days on the run. The dramatic video of his arrest. On the road if youre driving to the Golden Gate Bridge getting into San Francisco, looks like a nice drive heading south. We will tell you more about another if youre a fan of the fog, then you have to love this pattern because the june gloom is here. If you want warmer temps we have that on the extended outlook but today ill show you the below normal forecasted highs. Two. You can either have highend or lowprice. Or you can go to t. J. Maxx and you can have it all for up to 50 off Department Store prices. T. J. Maxx. The answer to treating your dogs fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. Nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. Its the only soft, beefflavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. Vets recommend it. And dogs, well, theyre begging for it. Nexgard is for dogs only. And hasnt been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. Reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. Recommended by vets. Loved by dogs. From the makers of frontline plus. Muni officials are firing back at those involved in the sickout. We have their warning to drivers who called out sick for a second day. And the fbi man hunt for a well known San Francisco Public Relations consultant is over this morning. We will tell you how Ryan Chamberlain is accused of possessing explosives, was taken into custody. Voters head to the polls in just one hour, we are going to look at the hotly contested races that will be decided today. Also, 2 investigates a security loophole at atm. Why you may have a false sense of security. Ktvu channel 2 morning news continues. Complete bay area News Coverage starts right now. This is ktvu channel 2 morning news. Good morning. Thank you for joining us. Tuesday morning, june 3rd, im pam cook. Good morning, everybody. Im brian flores in for dave clark today. Nice to have you here. Thank you very much. Always nice to have you here as well, pam. Good morning. Lets get your day started with weather and traffic. Steve is also here with the sunshine. Right on cue again. Although some areas like woodside, its really youre going to move on me. Okay. Thats all right. I can roll with it. A lot of low clouds in place and temperatures on the cool side, a lot of 50s here San Francisco downtown this time of year should be about 65, 66, not even close today, same as yesterday, 60, too much fog, some

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