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There has been a quick little down burst. Rain heaviest amounts would be in the north bay. Breeze picking up. Possibility of thundershower activity. Our system swinging through you can see where its lighting up. There is definitely a line off the coast here. San francisco and also san mateo coast. There is pretty good coverage here. Napa also sliding back into parts of marin county not too much. And a little bit strong. It will continue to pick up here in intensity. Had a pretty good shower go through the Marina District San Francisco but it looks like things have calmed down a little bit. South its mainly just cloud cover. To the north it will be rain, to the south cloudy. Heaviest amounts farther north you go. There is plenty upstream that will give us an active morning. Upper 50s, very low 60s. Heaviest rain again north bay and Mendocino County. 50s and 60s. Steve, good morning. We are looking at dry roads for the most part. As you heard steve say, we are going to get rain today. And that means that driving will be difficult in many areas. We also have a reporter on the way so we all let you though what happens if this commute goes south not literally but if it does become tough we are all over it for you here. This is a look at the east shore freeway and there are no major problems. Also the bay bridge toll plaza nice commute here. Less than a ten minute drive time getting into San Francisco. And if you are driving on the nimitz freeway 880 between hayward and fremont, so far so good. Dumbarton and san mateo bridge traffic looking good. 5 02 lets go back to the desk. We are back on storm watch this morning. And if you are driving, the chp is warning be ready for a wet and windy morning commute. Ktvu alex savidge is joining us live. Youre in emeryville this morning. How is it going . Reporter you know, dave, its dry out here right now. I will point that out for you. But you can expect a soggy ride boom work later on this ride into work later on this morning. The traffic you see right there is traffic that is headed toward the maze probably a lot of people heading into San Francisco right now. The conditions you can see right now there is no rain but we have seen as weve been driving around this morning some very brief pockets of heavy rain out here this morning. Yesterday this is what things looked like. We got a little preview of what is to come. It was raining off and on all day yesterday and this is the start of a very long period of wet weather and the chp for their part they are preparing for problems on the road when it rains of course officers typically see about twice as many crashes as they normally do. And they say also we will get some breaks in the rain but even during the breaks in the rain when the sun is shining, drivers still have to stay alert. People get that fake sense of security because the sun is out. Reporter with lots of rain expected today and over the next several days, the chp is reminding drivers to slow down, make sure you have the headlights on as well and check those windshield wipers and make sure your tires have plenty of tread. Alex savidge ktvu channel 2 news. Its official the sierra is a under a Winter Weather warning as light snow fell last night on don nor summit but it didnt stick. Today snow levels will drop to 5,000 feet with 12 feet of snow expected. It runs from now until 11 00 a. M. Tomorrow. You can check weather conditions in your area any time with the ktvu weather app. Its available for both the iphone and the android smart phones. New this morning an investigation is under way in San Francisco into a suspected hit and run crash that injured several people. Ktvu Tara Moriarty is at geary and vanness where it happened to see if it will effect traffic. Tara. Reporter the answer to that would be no. It appears that everything is clear right now. The accident scene was cleared several hows ago. The good news actually is this crash looked a lot worse than it was. Behind me you can see there is still a traffic light that was taken out right there in the middle of the island. All seven people involved in this accident were take ton the hospital but none of their conditions are considered life threatening. Witnesses say a silver sedan slammed into a van. The van was flipping. Like flying. Reporter do you know how many were in the car . Three. Two girls and one guy. The girl was in the black shirt. Reporter witness says that Police Chased the three suspects from the sedan and caught them. We dont know the ages of those three or the four people in the van but no word yet if the car was stolen or if anybody faces any charges. But back here live we are in front of mills diner and tommys joint and there is that traffic light that is out. There really shouldnt be any delays but meantime the city will have to come out and repair that light. Live from San Francisco im Tara Moriarty ktvu channel 2 news. Time is 5 06. Oakland detectives searching now for the gunman responsible for a homicide last night. Police heard shots fired around 10 30 near eighth and campbell streets. When they arrived there they found a man that had been shot several times. Dozens of markers show where shell casings were found. We dont know the name of the shooting victim. They called for medical. They attempted to give the victim first aid, unfortunately the victim succumbed to his injuries prior to the arrival of the ambulance. Investigators say stray bullets did hit buildings in the area but no one was hurt by those bullets. In oakland city leaders are offering their report for the citys shot spotter. They document the sound of gunfire and pinpoint the location. Several City Council Members have told the oakland tribune they have written a letter to oakland mayor jean quan urging her not to take money away from that program. The mayor spokeswoman says there is no commitment to take it out of the budget. 2 investigates the case of a richmond schoolteacher who is accused of molesting students. We obtained a School Permission trip that guinto asked parents to sign. It was for a three night trip to yosemite starting april 8th. But Officials Say they knew nothing about the trip planned for next month. Guinto is accused of molesting 11 and 12yearold boys in the past. Hes pled not guilty to 27 charges. Time is 5 07. New information now in the search for that missing malaysia airliner. It could be the most important discovery yet. New satellite images provided by a French Defense contractor show 122 objects floating in the southern indian ocean. They range in size from about a foot to 23 feel. They appear to be bright, possibly could be solid material. Planes spotted three objects but none of them were obviously were obvious plane parts. Two american devices designed to pinpoint pings from the flight data recorder they lived today in australia. Special unmanned submarine can travel across the floor of the ocean and find submerged objects at nearly 15,000 feet down. The United States also sent a giant listening device towed behind the ship that can detect the pings 20,000 feet down. Meantime a Chicago Law Firm known for handling aviation cases they have taken the first formal steps in an upcoming lawsuit against Malaysia Airlines and the aircraft worker boeing. They filed a petition for discovery in Illinois State court. The lawyers believe the incident was caused by mechanical failure. The law firm expects to represent families of more than half of the 239 passengers on board. Today target sends its chief Financial Officer to answer questions for members of congress. He is expected to say they have clues about a massive Data Security breach weeks before it acted than information and Early Release of the target executives Opening Statement indicates Security Professionals detected hacker activity. Hes also expected to say target is investigating why it took so long to react to the cyber attack. Time is 5 10. We have new information about a fire that destroyed a home in Mountain View while the homeowners were away on vacation. What happened inside that house while they were away. The hope to find survivors of that massive landslide in washington is dimming. What rescuers say is their best hope to finding any victims. Good morning. We are looking at highway 24 and Contra Costa County you can see traffic here in lafayette. It does look pretty good so far on the way to walnut creek. We will also take a look at 680 and highway 4 coming up soon. Some rain sweeping through right now but that is mainly to the north. Possibility of thundershowers. Yes, we will explain it all. So you made some bad decisions last night. Make a good one this morning. Try my. Warm and flaky croissant sandwiches made with fresh egg and melting cheese. Choose supreme or sausage. Right now theyre 2 for just 3. 50. Cmon cody, lets get some breakfast. You drive. I traded the car for the tattoo. Welcome back. We have continuing coverage of that massive landslide in washington state. The official death toll is now 16 but as many as 24 feared dead and at least 176 other people are still listed as missing. Crews say in some areas the dirt and debris is 20 feet deep. They say yesterdays rain made conditions even worse and reports from years ago are now surfacing that warned of a potential for catastrophic landslides in that area. The best bet for recovering folks is search dogs. Reporter sumlin is there. Reporter good morning, pam. Hope is really dimming here. I have to tell you at sun up is when the search teams will go out to find some of those 176 still missing. Officials here they said they are slowly starting to come to the realization there might not be anymore survivors. They have not found any signs of life in that muddy rubble since saturday. Rescuers swashed through rain debris, and mud looking for any survivors. Days after a landslide leveled the area. It is just amazing the magnitude and the force that this slide has created. And what it has done. Reporter the search for life grows separate. Even though no one has be found alive since saturday. We had a very challenging day today with the rain. Unfortunately we didnt find any signs of life. Reporter two more bodies were recovered tuesday and another eight were found but could not be removed from the debris. Local volunteers and rescue crews have joined the recovery effort. Among those in a desperate search, some of her 12 brothers and sisters. They have to find her. And my boys say they wont stop digging for her until they do. Reporter the search for john came to an end tuesday. The body of the decorated u. S. Navy commander was found by his brothers. Despite the grim situation, neighbors are not giving up hope. Its a close community. Everyone is doing what they can. Reporter and everyone here is still struggling to cope with that loss of life. We spoke with one woman who is still missing four members of her family including both her parents and her daughter and she says the pain is really just beyond the scope of her family. She is grieving for the entire community. Pam. All right just heartbreaking. Thank you for that update. Later this morning a local volunteer is leaving san jose to join the relief every fonts efforts in walk. Some left yesterday as well. More than a dozen firefighters trained in search and rescue efforts are also responding to that disaster area. They will help move the huge amount of rubble and try to find more victims. Time is 5 16. City leaders in berkeley and richmond are trying to block a plan to show rail cars to carry crude oil through the city. In berkeley demonstrators protested before the meeting. They said they wanted to get other cities to stop the crude oil rail cars. They say those rail cars are too dangerous and can explode and they fear leaks will harm the environment. What you see is cleanups that really cant happen. Its just too ugly, too dirty. Its totally inappropriate to be shipping this material. The protestors plan to lobby against it in sacramento and in washington, d. C. 5 17 is the time. I want to check in with sal for a look at the commute before too many of the roads are wet this morning. Some roads are wet, others are not. Most of them are not. I just got a tweet from someone who said they saw a crash in the benicia area. Im looking at it here on the chp computer. The person hit a wall. It has been wet where this accident occurred. Southbound 680 at marsh view. Lets take a look at the live pictures highway 4 we promised you a look at four. It still looks pretty good on 80 its moving well. Richmond to berkeley heading out to marin county southbound 101 looks good. We were talking about it here in the newsroom that there are few few things you can predict about traffic. But slow traffic during wet weather is one of them. And this is a look at 260 in san jose. You can see traffic is moving well. So far the south bay commute looks good. Now lets bring in the man. We have a lot of cloud cover over us and rain is picking up. Brian up in clover dale said its raining pretty good up there. The grapes and the sheep are happy. So what more do you need to know . [ laughter ] this system is definitely going to give us off and on rain. This is much better than yesterdays system yesterdays system was a little guy. No doubt about it that has opened the door for a better system today and probably into saturday and early next week. Possible thundershowers today. Get a little afternoon heating there is definitely a little bit more energy. You can see the cloud cover and rain enhancing. There is a lot way to go. It looks like pretty good rain. Love to hear from somebody if you are getting some pretty good rain. I know todd said its rain. Not sprinkles, its rain. It looks like the back edge moving into lake county, northern napa county and parts of sonoma county. You can see the line near brentwood. South of that its not much yet but it is picking up. Things are getting juiced up. Theyre on their way. 50s on the temps or upper 40s. And these probably wont change much at all because our system will move in. 39 in ben lomond. I know cazadero had. 44 from that system yesterday. 32 up in tahoe. 41 reno. 48 ukiah. 50s everyone else is really close. Im going to get through this one and start over again. Winter storm warning goes until 11 00 on thursday morning. Snowfall will be measured in feet and that is a good thing. That is what we need for the water supply. Cloudy with rain off and on heaviest in the north bay. Really everyone is sitting in the low 60s. And we have rain today. Maybe into early thursday and then it clears out. Friday still clouds around but a stronger system comes in saturday. It should clear out by sunday morning. Facebook has made its first big deal for a hardware company. They have agreed to pay 2 billion for o. K. Louse. Both will offer sedans that can travel 310 millions single charge. The honda will cost 98,000. Toyotas will be about half that. Neither auto maker is commenting on the reports. Time is 5 22. An angry crowd faced off against the San Francisco police chief. What the police chief said about the Police Shooting of a man last friday and why the mans family and friends are not buying it. And refusing to leave her office. Even though she has been fired. The bizarre workplace protest that has put a local Radio Station in the spotlight. Female announcer what will you get with your new sleep train mattress . Man im getting a camera im getting an espresso maker im getting a new smart phone female announcer through sunday at sleep trains big gift event get a 200 best buy gift card with purchase of selected beautyrest, posturepedic or tempurpedic mattresses. Or, get 24months interestfree financing. A new tv. A laptop. A game console female announcer sleep trains big gift event ends sunday. Sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep welcome back. Time now 5 25. President obama still in europe and the war of words with russian president Vladimir Putin is escalating. In the netherlands president obama described russia as a Regional Power instead of a world power. And russia is threatening some of its immediate neighbors not out of strength but out of fear and weakness. The United States and its european allies will keep pressuring russia with top economic sanctions. The tensions keep rising between russia and ukraine. Russian troops escorted ukrainian marines on to buses and out of crimea. Moscow says that violates International Laws and threatens the safety of civil aviation. Listeners of the Radio Station in berkeley may not notice the difference but the director was fired two weeks ago but wont leave her office. 40yearold summer reese and her mother have taken over the building. They brought air mattresses in to sleep there overnight. She believes their bosses are happy she let go twothirds of the staff at a new york Radio Station that the group also runs. Im taking the action necessary. Its making it a bigger issue than it needs to be. And thats what im concerned about. The group says its a personnel issue and wants reese out of the building but does not want to i resort to evicting here. He survives a tour of duty in afghanistan. But now they are are mourning the death of a marine killed at home. We are live in san jose where a bizarre crime is happening to dozens of homes in one neighborhood. Well show you the damage and tell you what is being done about it. Good morning. Right now traffic is going to be a little bit busy if you are driving approaching the san rafael bridge. You can see its wet there as well. I will tell you about the wet morning commute. Rain rates are picking up. Heaviest will be to the north. Yesterday was a whole hummer but not today. Well have details on a stronger system coming up. Wireless networks are awesome. They let us use our phones to do amazing things. But why sign a 2year phone contract just to use them . At net10 wireless, you can use the phone you already have and keep your network and number, too. But for half the cost. The bring your own phone plan. Thats wireless your way. Unlimited talk, text, and data on the best 4g lte networks starts at just 40 a month. Net10 wireless. Good morning. Welcome back to ktvu channel 2 morning news. Just hours ago there was a hit and run crash right here. Several people were hurt. Tara moriarty is there. She will bring you the latest on what happened out there in just a couple of minutes. It is wednesday morning, march 26th im dave clark. Good morning, im pam cook. Thank you for joining us. 5 30 is the time. Where is the rain . Lets check in with steve. Mainly north bay but its beginning to pick up everywhere else. I had a nice tweet from gary saying its coming down pretty good. You can see the coverage is definitely enhancing here. It will be a very active morning. I think only toward the south might we escape without any rain. Even down toward san jose things will pick up. Pretty good rain especially on northern napa county into lake county. Things could be quieting down a little bit. It looks like there is a few breaks there but they are not done yet. The rain is picking up as well from city though ma county and marin county. You can see the possibility of isolated showers. It looks kind of quiet east bay. South toward san jose. So far just cloudy. 40s and 50s on the temps. These will be there most of the morning. I dont expect those to drop anymore. There is just too much cloud cover and plenty offshore. Maybe late morning and early afternoon things could calm down. Cloudy and rain. Some will be heavy at times. Breezy and cooler. Heaviest rain to the north. Could be pockets of isolated areas. Be advised its here and on its way. Here is sal. Steve, one of the guys who follows all of us erik out of south city says its starting to come down in south San Francisco. He sent everyone tweets. Thank you, erik. It will effect the morning commute. When its wet people almost start driving slower. The bay bridge toll plaza you can see traffic is just moderate. We have a feeling, or i have a feeling that this mornings commute is going to get worse before it gets better. This is a look now at the toll plaza and 880 here in oakland where its still relatively drive. North and southbound at the coliseum. The drive time to downtown five minutes both ways. If you are driving in san jose a lot of road work there is picking up. Not a lot of slow traffic yet on 85, 17, 101, or any of the other freeways here. Lets go back to the desk. On storm watch this morning it is shaping up to be a wet and slippery commute in parts of the bay area as steve and sal have been mentioning. The showers should really pick up over the next few hours and it could be very busy on the roads. The Highway Patrol actually has been responding since yesterdays showers. Officers responded to double the number of accidents on tuesday compared to monday. We have a lot of issues with vehicles speeding off. The chp also says it bares repeating slow down and keep a proper distance from the other cars in front of you with more rain in the forecast especially this weekend though do check your wipers and tire pressure as well as your tread. Ktvu alex savidge will have a live report on the commute conditions in just about 30 minutes. Now dont forget you can check weather conditions in your area any time of day by using the ktvu weather app. It is available for the iphone and android smart phone. Police in San Francisco are looking into a suspected hit and run crash that sent seven people to the hospital. Tara moriarty is at the intersection of geary and vanness. These cars were pretty smashed up but it looks okay. No one received any life threatening injuries. They did however cause this traffic light where all of the cones are to be knocked over. We did notice some other chunks of concrete knocked loose. This happened on the corner of vanness and geary. Shortly after 12 30 this morning. A silver sedan slammed boo a van sending the van flying and flipping over. Four people in the van were taken to the hospital and the three in the sedan were as well that is after Police Chased them down according to witnesses. I just saw the girl ran over up the hill and the guy chased her. So that is what i saw. The girl had the blood an her face. She was really panicked. Reporter no word if the car was stolen. City workers will have to replace the traffic signal in the middle of vanness that was destroyed. In the meantime there are all the other Traffic Signals that do seem to be working. Live in San Francisco im Tara Moriarty ktvu channel 2 news. Time is 5 35. We are learning more about the young man killed early yesterday morning by a suspected drunk driver in fremont. He was 23yearold u. S. Marine Lance Corporal andrew silva. He had just come back home from a tour of duty. He was riding his motorcycle on fremont boulevard early yesterday morning when a car ran a red light and slammed into his motorcycle. Last night family members and friends and fellow marines held this candle light vigil at the intersection where he was killed. Family all came down. Probably at least 20 people came down. All came down in their class a gear to check on him. There was a lot of support for the family and fellow marines. The young marine from union city had just come home from afghanistan last month. He was married and has a two yearold son. San Francisco Police chief faces a tough crowd as he tries to explain why officers shot and killed a 28yearold man. On friday night someone called 911 to report a man with a gun in Bernal Heights park. When officers responded they found nieto last night. Chief sur said officers asked nieto to show them his hands. They asked him to show his hands to which he responded you need to show your hands. I would expect them to know the difference between a taser and a handgun. His family and friends say he carried the taser because he worked as a Security Guard for a nightclub. Unusual crime has prompted the resident to offer reward money to catch a vandal. Someone is poisoning the lawns, willing the grass. Janine de la vega is there live. Reporter dave, originally neighbors thought this was a halloween prank because it first happened in 2012 on halloween night. You can see these yellow streaks in the lawn and these strange streaks even are on the other side that you can see over there. But they eventually turn black. Now here is a daytime look at the lawns that have been poisoned. People who live here say as many as 30 lawns have been hit by a vandal or vandals. It appears something is being sprayed or poured on the grass causing it to die. Some neighbors thought it might be eco terrorism or someone upset about the drought but others say its unlikely because it started happening in 2012. It might have been inspired by a halloween prank and now the perpetrator is somebody older and almost like an arson experience. They are getting a thrill out of doing this. Because if you look at the way the yard is, they are getting braver. Reporter the Neighborhood Association held a meeting recently where neighbors decided to collect money. So they are now offering a 1,000 reward for information leading to the capture of those responsible. Some homeowners have purchased security cameras to help. The victims have contacted the councilman who represents this area and will be meeting with him to discuss what more can be done. The neighbors are also in the process of Filing Police reports. If you have any information, you can contact at San Jose Police department and leave an anonymous tip. Janine de la vega ktvu channel 2 news. Happening today Governor Brown will be among the thousands of people attending this mornings funeral for the Mendocino County sheriffs deputy that was killed in the line of duty last week. The Memorial Service begins at 10 00 this morning in fort bragg. The 48yearold veteran Law Enforcement officer was a star wrestler and Football Player at Napa High School in the early 1980s. A wanted fugitive killed him in an ambush style attack near fort bragg last week. That suspect was later killed in a shootout with sheriffs deputies. Investigators in Mountain View accused two 18yearolds and a group of juveniles are throwing a wild party that burned out a house ten days ago. Police arrested these two young men. Gilbert gomez and brandon pack. The fire started on march 16th at this house. Police say the homeowners they were away on vacation. Investigators say a group of teenagers broke into the house and hosted several alcohol and drug fueled house parties. Police say they expect to make more arrests in this case. Drivers that threaten or assault bicyclists or people walking on the street could face a hefty fine in oakland. Yesterday counsel woman liby shaft introduced a law that would make it a civil psilation for drivers that would harass pedestrians or cyclists. A victim could sue a driver for at least 1,000 plus attorney fees. Time is 5 41. Some new rules for the future home of the 49ers. The items and the actions that will be banned including a popular way to pass the time for tailgaters. He just said ive seen you around before and i wanted to talk to you. He is being called the flirty burglar. Coming up how the moment of flirting landed a suspected thief in handcuffs. Good morning. Right now traffic is moving along pretty well but its raining in some areas and that will show the commute down as you look at 237. Traffic so far looks okay. Cloudy skies for some but it will be a wet commute for some. Well show you around the bay and show you where the rain is and isnt. San francisco firefighters are talking and demonstrating about one of the dangers of their jobs. Later this morning they will set up 230 pairs of Fire Fighting boots at city hall. That is one pair of boots for every firefighter who died of cancer in the last decade. Firefighters want San Francisco supervisors to pass an ordnance making it easier for them to get Workers Compensation if they are diagnosissed with cancer. Some people are getting an extra time top set up for to sign up for health care insurance. Yesterday the Obama Administration said that people can qualify for an extension by indicating that technical difficulties prevented them from enrolling. Here in california the deadline of march 31st which is monday still stands. However, officials for covered california told us here they are considering the new federal extension. Members of an elite team of secret Service Agents are facing disciplinary actions. They are trained to protect the president and motorcade if attacked. According to reports they were sent home yesterday before the president arrived. One agent was allegedly found drunk in a Hotel Hallway and two others did not intervene. The behavior violates rules imposed after an incident in south america two years ago involving alcohol and prostitutes. Time is 5 45. A peninsula mans attempt to land a date landed him in dale. Ashley cullen works at carry up now. She says Early Saturday Morning she was taking out the trash when she spotted a man with some of the restaurants tvs outside and realized she was being robbed. It was then that she recognized the robber as the same man that approached her a half hour earlier asking her out on a date. He said ive seen you around before and wanted to talk to you. But never really got the chance. Heres my number lets hang out later. By the time the Police Arrived that man had left the area but police used the phone number he left to set up a fake date and they arrested him. He is now facing several charges including possession of stolen items which police say they found after searching his house. Happening today 16,000 students are expected to jam into oracle arena for we day. Its an International Event promoting the youth movement. Celebrities include magic johnson, some of the 49ers and raiders, Orlando Bloom and virginia lee that gomez. All of us here were proud to sponsor we day. You can watch the festivities live at ktvu. Com. We will stream the event live that starts at 9 30 this morning. Time is 5 47. Lets check in with sal. We expect the morning commute might be interesting. It might be if it starts raining hard. This mornings commute is moderately busy or heavy so far as we get out to 880 near the coliseum. We were just mentioning we day and today will be that event at the coliseum. So you can look for people to be at the coliseum when normally there wouldnt be anyone there. And there are no major problems. Also the morning commute looks pretty good there. People are beginning to show up. We were just talking about it in the newsroom here. As we look at 880 traffic. There is a crash there. A solo spinout. We were just talking about it in the newsroom. Starting tomorrow the giants and the as are playing games here in the bay area. Steve. And i wonder will it be raining for tomorrows game . I think thursday and friday are all right. Saturday looks iffy. Okay gotcha. Are you going to toss to me now . That is fine. Okay. [ laughter ] we have a lots of cloud cover over us. A couple people say hey are we going to get rain in the south bay . Yes, you will. We also have pretty good rain to the north. Coverage increasing pretty rapidly here. Rain heaviest will be to the north. I bet there is an inch plus coming in before everything is said and done. Breeze all pick up. Especially Higher Elevations and also on the coast possible thunderstorms today. Maybe pockets of hail. Things are active here. But you can see the rain definitely much stronger system today than we had yesterday. It looks like right around st. Helena. The backside of that is calming down a little bit but wrapping back over to santa rosa and petaluma. Also light rain stretching out to cc coat and also crockett and also probably concord. For those of you using highway 4 its picking up. The skyline on the santa cruz, san mateo coastline. 50s on the temps. 40s. 54 halfmoon bay. A lot of temperatures will stay there all morning long. You can see there is plenty rain out here. For most of the morning into the early afternoon, some snow. Already a couple reports of snow that winter storm warning picking up. Nothing too heavy yet but i heard kingville is getting snow. Everything just disappeared. 34 in tahoe. 41 in reno. 48 ukiah. And 50s for others. Snow will start off a little high and it will come down pretty fast as that cold air comes around. Maybe around 5,000 feet by tonight into tomorrow. Cloudy with rain it will be heavier in spots. The breeze will pick up with 50s en60s 50s and 60s on the temps. Rain today off and on will take us into early thursday. Kind of a break but still plenty of clouds thursday and friday. More rain saturday. Another system early next week. Time is 5 50. Meantime heavy snow and strong winds expected in parts of massachusetts and maine today. The storms started up the atlantic coast. Its expected to have the biggest impact today with 510 inches of new snow in the forecast. Blizzard warnings in effect for both of those states. Residents are being warned people are being told expect coastal flooding and power outages. Today king digital goes global. It raised half a billion dollars with its ipo that surprised many people since its in the middle of the expected price range. King is expected to be the biggest ipo so far this year because it is well known. It has earned 567 million last year. Al greens will the drugstore chain says all the effected stores are too close to other stores. More Profitable Stores in the neighborhood where real estate value is on the decline as well. Al greens is not saying which stores will be closed but most are in the midwest and east coast. The Music Streaming Service spot spot few is offering a big discount to students. Time is 5 52. Sad story closing the books in the search for what caused that tragic car crash. The one that killed the fast and furious movie star paul walker. What investigators have ruled out and pinpointing why that car went out of control and crashed. Also something old is new again at walnut creek schools. Why police are returning to campus. Welcome to the farm of jack. Theres a curly fry tree. And a chopper out back. Theres a barn full of buns. And a thing you gotta try. A critter that makes burgers with bacon inside. Boooorrrk its beef and pork get bacon in your burger. Jacks new bacon insider has a juicy beef patty with bacon mixed right into it, plus bacon strips and bacon mayo on a new gourmet brioche bun. Boooorrrk its beef and pork get bacon in your burger. Moooiiink. So yso you can happily let the grlife get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. So you can finish the Great American novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. So you can lack welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news. We have learned that ball nut creek police plan to do something they havent done in 25 years. They will patrol city schools. The plan calls for having full Time Police Patrol officers at last low mouse and south gate highs. Its about being a role model and seeing somebody they can look up to and ask questions and not be judged. That Community Connection between the child and the Police Officer that we thought was a really strong link Going Forward into middle school and high school. Walnut creek police decided to return to campus after determining the department has enough money and resources. Architects in connecticut unvailing plans for the new sandy hook elementary school. The proposed design is for a a building with large windows that lets students feel safe and secure. They decided to tear down the old school after a gunman killed 20 students and six teachers. Since then the sandy hook students have been going to school in nearby monroe, connecticut. Preparations for next months Boston Marathon continued this morning. Crews are painting the finish line. They are getting everything ready for the big race. An estimated one Million People will watch the 36,000 registered runners. The fbi and the police are working around the clock planning security for the first race since last years deadly bombings. Three people were killed in that attack. More than 260 others were hurt. A National Landmark will reopen to the public in less than six weeks. It has been closed for three years. It was damaged during an earthquake in 2011. The National Park service will hold a reopening ceremony on may 12th. Time is 5 57. Eight bay area cities upset that pg e is cutting down thousands of trees. They are coming together joining forces. Pg e says it needs to remove the trees because they are blocking access to natural gas pipelines. But city leaders say pg e is ignoring local laws designed to protect the trees. Pg e says its safety needs override local laws. Now the mayors are asking to meet with pg es chief executive officer to talk about that big issue. Coming up next in our 6 00 hour more rain is on the way. A live report on the chp warning this morning on the hazards for drivers. Also the search for Malaysia Airlines flight 370. The new satellite images they may offer the most important clues so far. We are looking at the commute when it comes to bay area. And the sunol grade looks good but there are other areas seeing rain and that is slowing traffic. Well tell you where. Three reports from San Francisco. The sunset castro the sunset, castro. Wireless networks are awesome. They let us use our phones to do amazing things. But why sign a 2year phone contract just to use them . At net10 wireless, you can use the phone you already have and keep your network and number, too. But for half the cost. The bring your own phone plan. Thats wireless your way. Unlimited talk, text, and data on the best 4g lte networks starts at just 40 a month. Net10 wireless. On and off showers around the bay area

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