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steve paulsen, everyday everybody asks me will we get any rain or snow? >> and what do you tell them? i tell them check with steve. win has picked up in higher elevations east bay hills and look for hazy sunshine and mid- 60s for some. here is sal. good morning, traffic is moving along well on southbound 101 as you drive through marin county with no problems and also looking at the commute in santa clara valley, that traffic looks good let's go back to the desk. overnight violence at a bar in san jose, it helped just -- happened just after 1:45 this morning. two people were stabbed, one person was shot. claudine wong joins us with more information and new video, claudine? >> reporter: the bar is actually open until 2:00 a.m. so we believe it was opened when police were called hereby a bystander. three people were injured, two stabbed one shot but police have confirmed the shooting victim was hit outside the front of this business. they saw a couple of ambulances which responded to the call but it turns out they were not needed because all three were taken to a hospital with a private car. at the time, people were still gathering information but here is what police were able to tell us about what happened. >> there were shots fired and we responded to the scene and when we arrived two people were injured and a half hour later we had another pursuit at the scene with a shooting victim. >> reporter: a dodge charger was also taken from the scene and we don't know how it is connected but police left moments after it was taken away. it was parked in a stall in front of this business. we do not have any suspect information and nobody has been arrest and again police are still trying to figure out what led up to this violence early this morning. live in san jose, claudine wong ktvu channel 2 news. time is now 6:02, the cause of a fire at a battery facility, crews responded to the facility in palo alto. they say the sprinkler system was activated and that quickly knocked out the fire. luckily nobody was hurt. it is part of the company's corporate and development headquarters and they make components for car makers. they are offering a $15,000 reward for anybody setting fires in novato. between 5 and 6 fires were set between saturday and monday and so far no suspects have been identified. more than a half dozen state and local agencies are helping novato with their investigation. a teacher is arrested on molestation charges. kraig debro has more on whether the victim was a student at the school, kraig? >> reporter: good morning, dave, we are still trying to get ahold of school officials and the teacher was arrested yesterday, his name is kraig chandler and he teaches in the city of san jose. according to san jose police, the charges are aggravated sexual assault of a child and it's a felony. chandler, according to the police is a teacher at this school for the past nine years and he taught, second and third grade, a combination class. he was arrested and booked in the santa clara county jail suspicion of violating the penal code and aggravated sexual assault on a child and he is being held there without bail. we also don't know if there was more than one victim and we are trying to get hold of police and officials to confirm that information. reporting live kraig debro ktvu channel 2 news. they have reportedly disciplined two officers for violating department policy during the recent occupied protests. the violations took place at frank ogawa plaza after the day of action in early november. now sources say the department suspended officers john half graves for covering his name badge with a piece of tape. lieutenant clifford wong is demoted to sergeant for failing to report the incident. and america's first occupied camp, they are celebrating a victory. last night police took down the barricades that was the home of the occupied protesters. they feel the barricades are no longer necessary and hundreds of protesters have returned to the park and it's not clear how police will respond. aspected, mitt romney easily won the presidential republican primary but other candidates say done count them out just yet. >> here we go to south carolina... [applauds] >> now coming up at 6:15 we will bring you a live report from the washington d.c. room on the reports of mitt romney and what he expects for south carolina. putting the measure on the ballot for the june ballot which would change those running for office. it would make it harder for candidates running for mayor or for a board of supervisors' seat qualifying for public matching funds. there was criticism about candidates staying in the race despite doing poorly because they could not drop out without having to pay back the financing they received. so far our commute has been looking smooth. it has been. the commute looks good and here we are again at the bridge westbound, there is a little bit of a delay, not a big one. and the metering lights should be on relatively soon. also the commute looks good as you drive passed the coliseum, no major problems and remember on 80 westbound we have had some slowed traffic through penol towards -- panel towards hayward city and fremont, you can look at facebook and twitter and you can also find steve paulsen, you are on twitter also. >> that is correct. it is a very good source for weather information so if you want to follow or send weather information no matter where you are, it is a great tool. sunny hazy sunshine, we will talk about possible changes as we get into next week. except for higher elevations it will be a mild day although we are starting off cold, lots of energy but nothing coming in our direction just yet. it is not a pretty picture. san jose should have 17 plus inches of rain and they had 4 and that's 26% of normal and that's bad. san francisco should have over 10 and a half and they have 3. san jose should have over 6 and they have picked up about 55 and that's 26% of normal. so first two weeks of january look similar around january, however there are some signs and we'll see. models are on board and i am not bullish and it does look like something is brewing. today cold morning 20s and 30s . 28 in napa airport, 35 redwood city southern california is dealing with hazy sun and sunny today mild hazy sunshine mid-60s santa rosa napa -- santa rosa, napa, 64 pleasanton, 65 half-moon bay, sunny with your weekend always in view and cold mornings. the goal is to build a new parking lot and in santa clara they hope it will keep the amusement park and fans happy. they are looking -- we will have a look at the guantanamo bay prison, stay tuned for more. . turns out a bomb killed a nuclear scientist and they planned a bomb underneath his car. it is similar to other attacks against nuclear scientists and they accused israel of targeting nuclear scientists in an effort to block the program. forces rescued a group of iranians trapped on a boat in distress. the pentagon said they were rescued from the persian gulf yesterday and the owner said they would have died without help from the americans. last week they freed 13 iranians who were captured by somalian pirates. it comes at a time with increased tensions between iran and the united states. first prisoners arrived at guantanamo bay in cuba. they called on president barack obama to fulfill his campaign promise to close the prison. now congress in the course have blocked the president's efforts to shut it down and there are still 170 prisoners being held at guantanamo bay. and a demonstration in san francisco called foreclosing guantanamo bay and that is schedule for this afternoon at 7th and mission street. mitt romney is now 2 for 2 in the republican nominating contest after winning the new hampshire primary. allison burns tells us mitt romney is now anticipating a lot of attacks against him, allison? >> reporter: that's right, mitt romney is taking a victory rap on morning television and in the last couple of hours he expects the attacks against him will intensify especially from newt gingrich who is highlighting his changing position on abortion. >> i know newt gingrich will throw everything he can at me, he tried here in new hampshire and many people got behind me in record numbers. >> reporter: mitt romney shows a double digit lead in south carolina and florida and the texas congressman rand paul finished second last night said he is anybody willing at his heels -- nibbling at his heels and his momentum cannot be stopped. i will have more on who will be dropping out and that will be in my next update in the next hour. allison burns ktvu channel 2 news. you can get all of the latest on our website right now we are tracking the number in new hampshire which is right there on the front page. the first lady will announce a project of her joining forces campaign to help current military troops. more than 100 will commit to training doctors to help those suffering from posttraumatic brain disorder and injuries. a lock down at a washington state army base is now over but the search for mix equipment -- missing equipment continues. the base has been shut down for over a week since the missing equipment. they include things as scopes, night vision goggles... the army is offering a $10,000 reward in the case. a suspected serial killer, he is accused of killing four women in the 1970s and 1990s. his probation officer was the first witness yesterday. you are looking at video from last year. the probation officer testified about photographs he found in a 2009 search at his home in reno. he testified the photos showed nude women in various unnatural positions some appeared to be asleep, some appeared to be unconscious and some none responsive. the preliminary hearing is due to last about three weeks. penn state's new president will host the alumni town halls this week. jerry sandusky is facing 52 criminal charges of sexually abusing children over a 15 year period. now the scandal led to the ousting of joe paterno the school's president and athletic directser. the first town hall is scheduled for today in pittsburgh. they approved a new parking plan and they will upgrade the main parking lot to include 7,000 parking lots. it also extends the parks lease until 2074. it will be built on the city's overflow lot and they will be in walking distance of the proposed new stadium. with the possible mooch to san jose -- possible move to san jose it will not be on the agenda. they will have to approve any location that the oakland a's may make. still on the topic, -- on the agenda when it will be approached about the proposed move. it is getting busier at the plaza? it is, we have busy traffic and this morning we are seeing some busier traffic approach are here and although in the last few days, we get busy until 7:30 and then it starts to clear out so if it starts to continue, we will have more traffic by 8:00. let's move along and take a look at the 880 split. and the morning drive in san jose and for santa clara valley looking good with crowded conditions getting up to cupertino. 6:18 let's go to steve. we have mostly clear skies, a few high clouds to the south, not much wind at the surface, it will be a mild warm hazy day and temperatures will bounce off these morning lows and settle in for mid-60s. there are a lot of 20s and 30s everywhere else. san france 46 but it is colder towards golden gate park. around the coast it is long gone and it is tapping into tropical clouds and for us it will be mostly sunny breezy, higher clouds towards santa clara valley mid-60s for most. oakland fremont, 65 santa rosa, 65 san jose and it is hard pressed to warm up and that wind will be kicking up and with your weekend always in view, cold mornings and mild days. after 6:00, they are getting their first entry into the smart phone market. they will use intel processers in their new phones and the smart phone will be released in china this summer. the intel chips are expected a few months later. tell is expected to release information coming out of the electronic's show. they are getting a late start but they believe they can learn some stuff from their rivals. they are not saying which operating system the tablet will use. a growing online campaign for the creation of a special new barbie doll. more than 7,000 people have signed a petition asking mattel to create a beautiful but bald barbie doll and the idea is that little girls who have cancer will feel better with a doll that looks like them. if mattel does make the doll, it should be given to them to help fight cancer. cheating death, a metal pole crashes right through a windshield and we will tell you what saved the driver's life. a strong connection with a new lease on life with this man in antioch. and good morning if you are driving on 880, things are getting heavier in the last few minutes. we will tell you more about the traffic and weather straight ahead. look! here she comes! ♪ she'll be comin' 'round the mountain when she comes... ♪ ♪ when she comes. ♪ it'll be spinning new chrome wheels when it comes. ♪ ♪ when it comes. ♪ custom spoiler, race grade pistons, ♪ ♪ gt35 turbo charger. ♪ and they'll all know that it's kevin's awesome car. ♪ bought em! ( clears throat ) sorry. when it's on your mind, it's on ebay. . good morning, the traffic is looking more crowded at the bay bridge and certainly more crowds showing up, more traffic and weather straight ahead. an absolutely incredible story, a bakers man is lucky to be alive. it crashed into his windshield. it appears the pipe fell off another vehicle and smashed right into the man's front windshield at 65 miles per hour just barely missing the driver. >> i was in shock and all i could stair at after my car stopped was the bottom of the pipe. >> reporter: now the pipe was stopped by the steering wheel. the driver was treated for minor injuries but is otherwise okay. following a hit-and-run over the weekend, according to facebook posts, christopher evans also known as d.j. tough one is at the hospital with a broken pelvic. police say he was hit while riding his bike on ocean avenue, it happened this past sunday and the driver took off. if you have any information police call san francisco police. it is a connection born from tragedy. on that day 56-year-old daniel murphy had a liver transplant at the uc medical center. he got the liver from a 23-year- old merchant marine named charles butler junior who was killed in oakland. he told ktvu channel 2 news he could not think of a better christmas present. >> i want to hug him and tell him thank you. i don't know what to say, i don't know what to say, you know, i am just very thankful. >> mr. murphy keeps a special shirt memorializing him. he said the loss of a child makes himmable to share the grieve the butler family is dealing with now. if you go to our website you can watch the full emotional story. this morning they will begin putting up notices on some 3400 trees and they will remind property owners they will be responsible for maintaining trees on sidewalks outside their homes. this budget proposal is expected to save the city $600,000 a year. the answer is in for how many dogs a professional dog walker can have at any one time at a park. they voted the limit of number of dogs being walked to eight. they will be required to have a paid permit and complete training in park educate and -- ed kate. there could be changes coming to pleasanton schools to sniff out drugs on campus. and heading lower, a familiar problem is to blame, we go live to the opening bell, that is next. [ male announcer ] get ready for some deli-style delic-ious-ity: the subway big hot pastrami melt. dive into piled-high pastrami, spicy mustard, pickles and melt-a-licious cheese. treat your taste buds to a fresh toasted subway big hot pastrami melt. subway. eat fresh. . ringing the opening bell, ringing the new york stock exchange, over there and viacom on the nasdaq this morning and this morning, it looks like the markets are headed lower, following asia overnight and this morning european markets heading down. there is the opening bell live, a familiar problem european debt, it is a concern for investors and all businesses coming up in just a moment. we thank you for joining us on the ktvu channel 2 news, the middle of the week already, pam? it is wednesday january 11th, i am dave clark. >> good morning. time now is 6:30. topping our news overnight violence at a san jose bar and grill. it happened just after 1:45 this morning, two people were stabbed one was shot, claudine wong is out there with the very latest on what happened, claudine? >> reporter: police are trying to figure out exactly what led up to this and we don't know how it started but we do know three people ended up in the hospital. we want to give you what it looked like. a call came in and a bystander flagged down a police officer telling them somebody had been shot outside the bar and grill. a couple of ambulances responded to the calls but it turns out they were not needed because all victims were taken to the hospital by car. their injuries were considered non-life threatening. they were able to tell us about what happened. >> officers heard gunshots, they responded to the scene and when they arrived there was two people injured and a half hour later we had another pursuit with official injuries. >> reporter: now just before 5:00 this among we saw a silver dodge charger being taken away from the scene and we don't know how it is connected to what happened here. it is loaded up on that truck and taken away. police were out here for several hours though conducting their investigation out here. we know the bar and grill was opened until 2:00 a.m. according to the restaurant's website and if something happened inside, we do know the shooting victim was shot outside this restaurant. claudine wong, ktvu channel 2 news. three bay area counties rank in the top 10 among california counties with the highest rates of youth homicide. monterey is at the highest and alameda is second for the year. contra costa comes in 6th and san francisco comes in 8th they blame the violence on the rising number of street gangs. last year 110 people including three children were killed in oakland. we will tell you about the actions howard jordan plans on taking to make the streets safer this year. drug any offing dogs, joining us from foot hill high school and the reason they are considering this crackdown, noel? >> the problem is they are looking at a 40% increase in drug related alcohol suspensions compared to this year so last night they met to consider using drug sniffing dogs as a deterrent. the proposal comes on the heels of parents concerned about drug use. last year they had 45 drug and alcohol suspensions and this year that number is 63. >> we would be extremely naive to think we are catching even a small percentage of the students who are under possession or under the influence of drugs but at the same time we feel it will be a positive step to persuade students from bringing alcohol or drugs on campus. >> reporter: so pleasanton police have two drug sniffing dogs to look for marijuana and drugs. the dogs will be used in locker rooms and parking lots during the times students are not around so the students would not see the dogs at work. they did not approve the proposal but they could meet january 24th and approve it then. ktvu channel 2 news. members of the silicone valley leadership group meets with members of congress to talk about strong bay area support for an extension of bart to san jose. yesterday a federal agency recommended that congress approve $900 million for the first part of the project and congress has 60 days to consider that recommendation and it almost always does and that could mean building the first part of the extension beginning in april. golden gate bridge district could raise a ferry ticket. they are focusing on 30 each way and that will make the fair $6. the ferry ride in el cerrito will go up $15 and if it is approved it will begin july 1st. let's go back to sal to check in on traffic, sal? we are getting more crowded certainly if you are leaving the house you will notice things are a little more crowded than they were when i first started reporting this morning. there goes bart and bart is doing well. highway 4 is coming across the bay point curve here and it is also stop and go as you come to the antioch area. this is a look at the bay bridge toll plaza and it looks more like it traditionally looks. this is the way it looked in 2011 and here we are it looks like it is almost full strength. in fact if it stays this way for another hour we will be back to the morning commute. we have more slowing and no problems on 101 and 280 and as you look at the peninsular it also looks very nice and westbound 580 looks good all the way to caster valley. and and at the surface, wind is picking up but you have to get up about 1,000 feet. and towards the south bay, monterey peninsular, we are good to go, pattern change, it will not be today and rain totals are bad as you know. santa rosa should have 17 inches of rain this time of year and they will have 4 and a quarter only 26% of normal. they have 32% of normal and san jose should have over 6 and they only have 1.55 which is really bad. remember last year was a banner year and some of that carryover it would be bad. we had the first two weeks of january dry, what about next week. first two computer models are him thing a change. it looks like something is finally brewing for next week. cold morning. hazy sunshine, windy up in east bay hills and other than that, high pressure will be our fair weather friend and central california it will stay there and for us 20s, 30s and 40s, 28 at the napa airport, santa rosa 31 and not much going on except another round of wind will pick up more so on thursday into friday and things will calm down. sunny and breezy, high clouds to the south, temperatures mid- 60s for some, santa rosa, san rafael 63 degrees and brentwood, concord, 64, oakland downtown, a little warmer towards san jose, santa cruz, los gatos 63, mornings will be cold with your weekend always in view, same, cold mornings and same mild dry pattern. mitt romney is taking his wins in high what and now in new hampshire heading to south carolina along with the other candidates. chris welsh has been following the candidates on the ground in new hampshire and he is in new hampshire telling us why it could be due or die for some of these candidates, chris? >> reporter: that's right, dave, last night mitt romney had a great night to put it bluntly. he was ahead of the pack for quite a while and state polls here in new hampshire, he pulled it off and he didn't sale above those expectations and he didn't fall below. he has two wins under his belt. he barely won iowa by eight votes. the second place finisher was 17 points behind him and this was rand paul. third place jon huntsman and mitt romney had a very strong speech and a lot of people are calling it presidential. and even though nobody else as won anything at this point, nobody is saying they are ready to throw in the towel and all candidates are going to south carolina and they are all there in fact the primaries are a week from saturday and that will be an interesting race. >> that is chris welsh, thank you for the update from manchester new hampshire. >> it will be exciting next week. fda issues an important warning involving a popular breakfast drink. also away area sheriff, the new information about domestic violence allegations. an elementary school teacher faces serious second swallow a -- sexual assault charges, what people at the school are saying about those charges. >> if you are driving in san jose, it looks good and we will tell you more about the morning commute and your bay area forecast. ! laces? really? slip-on's the way to go. more people do that, security would be like -- there's no charge for the bag. thanks. i know a quiet little place where we can get some work done. there's a three-prong plug. i have club passes. [ male announcer ] now there's a mileage card that offers special perks on united, like a free checked bag, united club passes, and priority boarding. thanks. ♪ okay. what's your secret? ♪ [ male announcer ] the new united mileageplus explorer card. get it and you're in. . a violent incident at a san jose bar is being investigated, one person was shot, two others were stabbed at about 1:45 this morning and all victims are expected to survive. mitt romney came in first at the new hampshire republican primary, jon huntsman came in third and all candidates are headed to south carolina this is just ahead of the primary there january 21st. and drug sniffing police dogs could soon be around school campuses. they talked about it last night and they say drug and alcohol- related suspensions are a growing problem. and ktvu channel 2 news kraig debro has more on the allegations of the teacher and the school in question. >> reporter: we will have more on that in a second but first of all the man was accused and charged with child molestation yesterday. he is a teacher in san jose and he is 35-year-old kraig chandler and the charges are aggravated sexual assault on a child and san jose police say it occurred between august 2011 2011 and september. she told me she would be here any minute and she would have more details about what happened. they sent a letter with kids from the school to take to their parents but in speaking with a person who lived across the street, they say the parents did not get the letter so we are trying to find out what is in the letter and how many victims there were and kids in the school want to know if any of the victims were at the school and we still don't know that yet. we spoke to some staff members and everybody is shocked. they can't believe this is happening here and they can't believe it's happening with this specific teacher. we have to find out why they think that and we will have that on mornings on 2. kraig debro ktvu channel 2 news. they will vote on the clayton valley high charter petition. they denied the petition in november saying conditions were not met. a report by county staff says the petition presents a sound education program and balanced budget and it approves the charter petition. and in the next couple of days, the new sheriff could face domestic violence charges. prosecutors will probably file misdemeanor charges against him at the end of this week. there is enough evidence to charge him for an alleged incident during new year's weekend. he grabbed his wife miss lopez with enough force to leave a bruise. the former television star says she has no complaints against her husband and that the incident has been taken out of context. and police say a man was shot just after 9:00 last night on foot hill boulevard. when paramedics arrived a man was pronounced dead at the scene and so far police have not released any suspect information. howard jordan is now rolling out a plan against violent crime. yesterday police were called to the scene of a violent shooting and in that case the victim is said to survive but the same cannot be said for 110 people who lost their lives on the streets last year. he is also implementing a new gang intervention program modeled after boston operation cease-fire program. well the striking candy company workers have the support of oakland protesters earlier this week and now a five-week-old walk out at away licorice plan is over and that is coming up at 7:02 this morning. they are stepping up after something was found in orange juice and they are not concerned about the safety of the juice but they will increase testing to make sure the contamination does not become a problem. fungicide is not allowed for use in this company but it is allowed for citrus products in brazil. this is another spare the air day and that means it is illegal to burn wood indoors or out. wood smoke is the main cause of pollution and you will get a second notice if possible which means a $400 fine. sal, any problems out there? >> no, but right when i say nothing major has happened and all of a sudden usually something happens but nothing has happened. let's look at the bridge, in and out of marin company, nice picture from our camera in san rafael looking down on the richmond bridge and getting in and out of marin county is not a bad drive right now. also this morning's commute at the bay bridge toll plaza, we have a little bit of slow after i cannot as bad as it was in 2011 but still a 20 minute delay. slow is a better word. westbound 580 coming in from livermore, and san jose northbound 101 slowing to the interchange at 280. steve? a lot of 32s at palo alto, los gatos, even bethel island, a lot of 33s around walnut creek and north bay some 20s and 30s. so there are some cold numbers but once we get cranked up, at the surface, very calm, east bay hills 30 and 40 miles per hour which is nothing for them. it is a sign of things to come and one more breezy blustery event, it's cold out there hazy sunshine, and temperatures continue to warm up. air mass is very dry so fog is not an issue unless it is patchy but i have not seen anything. a few high clouds with fair skies and higher clouds are mainly towards the south bay with 68 degrees. it never even came close, it will track down southern california and maybe punch in over the weekend. sonoma county airports 31, santa rosa -- san rafael 33 and san jose 39. after that a lot of cool temperatures and sunny breezy, a cold morning, any changes? maybe next week, more on that coming up on mornings on 2. low 60s to mid-60s top to bottom and we will have 66 in san jose. redwood city mountain view, loss at toes, 65 and 66. lots of sunshine with your weekend in view, nice during the day. >> thank you steve. well google wants it's search function to be there for each of its users. this week they are rolling out which means different people will see different search results. the difference will be based on photos posted on its google plus network and they will start highlighting from the picasso online photo service. it makes the search more important and some complain it is an invasion of privacy. teenagers are finding it increasingly difficult to get jobs and they are held down by older people who need the paycheck. the paycheck between 16 and 19 is a whopping 2 5% and that's up 10% from ten years ago. they say people who done learn workplace skills -- don't learn workplace skills may never catch up. firefighters moved in fast for a fire that may have spread to nearby buildings. and we have a top global destination, stay tuned for more. . welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 news, we will have a look at the big board, down 40 points following the lead, lots still going on with the global economy and particularly the debt in europe. >> time now 655, the apartment fire is being investigated, firefighters rushed to the scene between howard and kessler at 8:40 last night. you can see the roof caught fire and the flames were spreading. they managed to get it under control within 20 minutes. a couple of hours later, firefighters rushed to another fire in san francisco's chinatown and that was reported at 11:30 and it too was quickly put out and nobody was hurt. san francisco man accused of a string of brutal reps is charged this afternoon. they are facing life in prison if convicted and prosecutors say he is responsible for at least three attacks on accord door late last year. -- on the corridor late last year and he admitted to participating and dna links him to the attacks. they are located on the new york times must visit list and they include sophisticated restaurants an upscale cocktail bars. it praised the fox theater which is one of the top music venues and top places to go featured a total of 45 destinations, number one? someplace i would like to go, panama. >> panama? well we get to go to sal, how is the toll plaza holding up? >> well, coming out of oakland to san francisco, it is like the old day of 2011, we have a backup that stretches to about 15 to 20-minute wait. no accidents or stalled vehicles. you can see some slowed traffic here as well. san jose, northbound 17, getting into the valley it looks okay continuing to the bot -- coming to the bottom of the hill. let's go to steve. it will be sunny hazy, mild to warm, temperatures low-to- mid and a few upper $60. 0 -- 60s. coming up next, a south bay bar, what we just learned in the past hour. police dogs may be showing up soon in a surprising bay area location, stay right here with us.

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New York , United States , Santa Clara , Villa Clara , Cuba , New Hampshire , Bethel Island , California , Santa Clara Valley , Texas , Iran , Redwood City , Brazil , Clayton Valley , Santa Clara County , China , Florida , Boston , Massachusetts , Town Hall , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Bay Point , Marin County , Los Gatos , Brentwood , South Carolina , Israel , Iowa , Sonoma County , Monterey , Panama , Hampshire , Americans , America , Iranians , Daniel Murphy , Jon Huntsman , Frank Ogawa Plaza , Dave Clark , Kraig Chandler , Oakland Fremont , Jerry Sandusky , Christopher Evans , Steve Paulsen , Barack Obama , Clifford Wong , Charles Butler , Chris Welsh , Joe Paterno , Claudine Wong , Newt Gingrich , El Cerrito ,

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