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Are under way. But the threat of a terror attack still looms. Our Intelligence Community is quite focused on sochi and were not going to be able to comment on each reported threat. Were going to take them all seriously. Well get the latest on the olympic Security Threat from the chair of the Homeland Security committee and adam shift of the house intelligence committee. Plus, our sunday panel on the gops flip on Immigration Reform. And our power player of the week, behind the scenes of the Coolest Museum youll never see. All right now. On fox news sunday. Hello again from fox news in washington. The Congressional Budget Office washingtons nonpartisan score keeper dealt a big blow to the president S Health Care law this week. A cbo report says obamacare subsidies create incentives for millions of americans to work fewer hours or not to work at all. Here to discuss that, Immigration Reform and more are two senate leaders, roy blunt, vice chairman of the Senate Republican conference joins us from missouri. And from maryland, ben harden, a member of the Senate Finance committee. The cbo says over the next decade, senators, that will will be 2. 5 million fewer workers working full time because of obamacare. Here is the cbo director. By providing Health Insurance to people with very low income and then withdrawing the subsidies as income rises, theyll create the disinsentive for people to work, relative to what is the case of the absence of that happening. Now republicans say this proves that obama care is a job killer. Democrats say it means that fewer people will be locked into jobs. Senator blunt, what is wrong with that, the idea of fewer people locked into jobs . I think any law you pass that discourages people from working cant be a why idea. Why would we want to do that . How does that allow people to prepare for the time when they dont work . This number is about three times as big as the number that was on the table when people that voted for the president S Health Care bill voted for it in 2009 and 10 when the estimate was it would cost the equivalent of 800 thou no ,000 full time jobs. The best face can you put on that is that means people that dont want to work dont have to work. Surely thats not what we want to encourage. Thats what this law does encourage. I think also that its clear that employers themselves are going to more part time work that doesnt require benefits that puts people on the exchange. And almost every case the numbers that were now looking at would risk the cost of insurance, people that are uninsured are the people that just simply arent working full time is a bigger number and a harder to deal with number than anybody who voted for this law thought it would be. I didnt vote for it. I dont think that it has the capacity to work. But all the numbers as they come out exceed the bad news that had been anticipated. Let me bring in senator carden. Choice on an individual level if youre 63 years old, you dont qualify for medicare and youve been working just to keep your Health Insurance, this makes some sense. But, senator, do wes have a government want to have a policy that gives people a disincentive to work and then makes all of us taxpayers pay for that . Well, a significant number of these people are in job lock. Theyre in the employment solely because thats their only option to get Health Benefits. Now individuals have other options. This is a voluntary choice as you pointed out, whether you want to work or not. It shouldnt be because youre locked into a job because of Health Benefits. Let me also point out but if i may, though sh i understand if somebody doesnt want to work and they can get their Health Benefits and theyll get them cheaper because the subsidy rises as their income lowers, thats fine. But why do i or you as a taxpayer, why do we have to subsidize that . In some cases these people may have two jobs because of the circumstances for their Health Benefits. One of those jobs are no longer going to work. People do work two full time jobs a day to get Health Benefits. Now they dont have to work two full time jobs. The point i want to raise is these jobs will be filled. Its not going to have an impact on our economy. We have people waiting to work. So these jobs are all filled. Our economy will move forward. The bottom line is that now everyone will have access to Affordable Health care before they didnt. Well, you say that these jobs will be filled. That assumes a booming economy which we dont have. Even beyond the subsidies there are indications that obamacare is cutting jobs. This is a year before the employer mandate kicks in. Let me put up a recent study that found more than 400 employers have cut workers hours to avoid the mandate if they work less than 30 hours, theyre part time. Therefore, they dont have to have Health Insurance. Senator cart den, isnt that a further drag on the economy when we have a weak recovery . Lets see what happens when this law is fully implemented. What we are going to see is first of all costs are much less than we ever predicted them to be Health Care Costs have been driven down. Theres now more Health Facilities available in our communities. People are using Emergency Rooms less. All that is going to be positive on our economy. The big news when the Affordable Care act is to change the way we deliver health care to keep people healthier. And were going to see what more people having options to get their Health Care Needs met. Theres going to be less expensive care and more care given in the community keeping people healthier. Our goal is to make sure everyone has access to Affordable Health care. Id like you to speak to that and also speak to another issue. Republicans keep talking about wanting to ban a government bailout of Insurance Companies. But the cbo in the same report that you cited says that, in fact, over the next decade that the government will collect 8 billion more from Insurance Companies that theyll have to give out and there wont be any bailout. In fact, there will be a surplus. Well, theres a lot of facts and figures flying around here. Im not sure i can address all of them. I will say there was a report out this weekend on the argument that somehow Health Care Costs are going down. Insurance costs arent going down. Theres a report out where Small Businesses since 2009 have seen their insurance costs go from about 500 an employee to about 59 590 an employee to 1100 and employee. Many are deciding not to offer insurance anymore. On the idea that somehow people are going to have these jobs, the report actually said the American Workforce is going to work 2. 3 million jobs less collectively. So these jobs are not going to be there. People are going to part time work. And on the bailout for Insurance Companies, if we collect more money that, means that all of these policies that employers pay on that have among other things the 63 charge for every single employee you insure, the federal government collects that. How is that a helpful thing for the economy to basically put a 63 tax on people that are insured through their union or people that are insured through their workplace and somehow were bragging about were going to collect a lot more money and thats special new tax than is going to go out. Frankly, nobody knows how much money is going to go out yet. Well see how the balance of Young Healthy workers and not so Healthy People or Young Healthy people to be insured and not so Healthy People work out the Insurance Companies. I can point out gentlemen, were about were getting in the weeds. I want to get to another big subject. Let me please do that. Last week republicans issued a statement that seemed to indicate they were all in on Immigration Reform. But this week speaking boehner said that because they dont trust the president to enforce all parts of immigration report that theres a good chance that nothing will be passed this year. Senator carden, how do you react to that statement about the gop change of mind . Do you think its because republicans have decided now that they dont trust the president and i guess more importantly, what are the chances for Immigration Reform this year . Well, i think the House Republicans its very disappointing. Our immigration system is broken. Americans understand that. We need to respond to it. We know that we have problems as far as making sure our boreders are secure and making sure we have an immigration policy that speaks to the values of america that will help in job growth in this country and make sense for this country. How do you blame the republican slip . I cant. I think there is so much in fighting in the Republican Party in the house that theyre just concerned that theyll show that fracturing of the party and, therefore, the immigration bill is one of the casualties. We hope that the politics of this which i think is equivalent to the policy here to move forward will that the republicans will allow a bill to move forward, we can get into conference, question work out a bill and at least move this issue forward. Let me bring in senator blunt. I think its fair to say that president obamas trustworthiness or lack of same didnt really change dramatically in the last week. Isnt the real issue here that republicans in the house and in the senate are deeply divided on Immigration Reform and didnt want to expose that division in the middle of an Election Year . Well, i think the house reluctance has a lot of things that drive it and one is the president s constant talking about how he can use his pen and telephone. How the president thinks that helps in any negotiation with congress to do anything but lead the congress to believe if you dont like what this happened as part of the negotiation and theres any way at all you can work your way around it, you will. I didnt vote for the Senate Immigration bill because i didnt think it secured the border adequately and didnt address the workplace border, the place you real yoi make a difference in people who are here without documents in the best possible way at all. What the house said is lets divide the problems up. Lets solve them one at a time. As a person who for a lot of the time i was in the congress i was the whip in the house, ive always thought that you get a better solution to the three components of this problem if you let one of them be lets secure the border at the workplace and border. Lets determine the real Workforce Needs of the country and lets decide what to do with people who came here or stayed with that state illegally. About half came illegally and about half came legally and then just stayed. Those are three very different questions the house would like to deal with one at a time. The senate says, no one big bill or no bill at all. And thats a pretty hard thing to resolve particularly when the president is saying if i dont like something and i can take care of it with my pen, im going to take care of it by signing an executive order. Gentlemen, we have to leave it. There senator blunt and senator carden, thank you so much for joining us today. We very much appreciate it. Thank you. Good to be with you. Up next, our sunday panel joins the discussion whether obamacare will discourage people from working. Be sure to tell us what you think on facebook and share your favorite moments from todays show with other fns fans. Theres a saying around here, you stand behind what you say. Around here you dont make excuses. You make commitments. And when you cant live up to them, you own up, and make it right. Some people think the kind of accountability that thrives on so many streets in this country has gone missing in the places where its needed most. But i know youll still find it when you know where to look. To launch a startup from your garage. From computers, smartphones and 3d printers, to coffee, snacks, and drinks to fuel the big ideas. Yes, staples has everything you need to launch a startup from your garage. Mom [ male announcer ] except permission to use the garage. Thousands of products added online every day. Even safety cones. 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But is giving people a cheaper way to get Health Insurance without working so much, is that a good thing or a bad thing . Its a bad thing but its an intended thing. No one should be surprised about this. Everything Big Government does has big consequences. When it has taxes, it changes the incentive structure for citizens. When it has payments which are 67 of the federal budget, it changes the incentive structure. People forget Social Security was advocatinged in the 1930s and a way of getting people to quit working. Because they thought we were confined to a permanent scarcity of jobs in this country. Second, it is the point of progressiveness is put in front of the American People increasingly rich menu of temptation to dependcy on government. In order to change social norms and eventually national character. The president said i want to fundamentally change america and these disincentives to work are part of it. I understand the need and what we were originally told, the purpose of obamacare to try to reach out and help the millions of people who are now uninsured. Juan, do we want to make ut a government policy . Im picking up on the question i asked senator carden, make it government policy to offer incentives for people to work less or not at all and taxpayers will pay for it . This does not offer some kind of overarching disincentive to work. Were talking about 1 to 2 in 2017 through 2024 of labor supply. So its not something thats going to decrease demand for labor, work in this country. I think the key thing here to understand is what you were discussing earlier. People will not be locked in. So these are people who are approaching 65 before they would be covered by medicare, people who have existing illnesses, they feel they have to have that job in order to get the health care a young mother cannot spend a little more time with her kids. These are good things. And the overall point that i would say to you is that it might, in fact, decrease unemployment. It allows that kind of people who are locked into jobs who are staying there for no reason other than Health Insurance and sometimes two jobs as senator carden said to you, to move on and get younger people now have more opportunities because the demand for labor will not go away. People want workers. Laura . Well, i think president obama should have campaigned on this argument that obamacare will deliver more freedom to people because there will be free not to work. I imagine if that had been one of the Main Campaign arguments for the Affordable Care act we might have had some different outcomes in recent elections. But the idea that not participating in the labor force should be a goal of government, then i think we should come up with some concept about how to increase that number. Why stop at 2. 5 million by 2024 . Lets get it to five million. We need all the new immigrants to have jobs somewhere. They can take the jobs that all these apparently theyre enslaved in jobs that theyre not going to want anymore. I think most people listen to this across the country. They think this is why frankly both parties im sick of. Not enough people warned this would happen beforehand. George is writing about it. Not many people about this specific fact. And politicians in both parties, i think failed to crystallize this for the American People. I think this is one of the reasons people are not signing up for this. When the cbo report came out earlier this week, the white house spinning like crazy saying this doesnt mean that people will be laid off their jobs. These are people locked into their jobs will have personal choice. Julie, as somebody who was there hearing all of this in the White House Briefing room, how worried are people in your building about the cbo report and also about other reports that are coming out one of which we cited to senator carden that indicate that companies faced with a growing cost of obamacare are going to lay off workers or cut their hours . I think if you just look at the very swift way that the white house came out and responded to this cbo report, you can conclude that theyre quite nervous about it. They really want to make sure that people are not taken away from this report that 2. 5 Million People are going to lose their jobs. That is not what the report said, true. I think they are painting a much rosier picture than the cbo report actually said about what happens to be more than two Million People who have a choice to not work. You know, to juans point, sure, you could say that people will leave jobs that theyve been locked into or maybe theyre going to take an opportunity to start a new business. But theres no guarantee that those employers are then going to hire new people. As we saw after the recession when people were getting laid off, Companies Often looked at workforce and said maybe we dont need that many people. Maybe we can be efficient without hiring people back. There is no way to know the economic impact. And the timing for the white house is really pretty bad. They just got to a point where people were not talking about the website problems. Enroll. Numbers look to be up. Now theyre faced with a new problem. Julie, i want to pick up on something else. There was a very interesting report. The administration is considering, not that they decided but that they are considering the idea of extending remember back in october when millions of people lost their individual insurance, Health Insurance policies, putting the lie to the president s comment and the president said okay, you can keep it for another year. Now there is a story out that the administration is considering extending that for three more years. I guess what i dont understand is the whole point was supposed to be to get rid of the substandard policies that dont need the mandates of obamacare. Now theyre saying maybe we could continue it, some skeptics would say, past the 2016 election. There is a complete contradiction in this. A few smart colleagues of mine picked up on this idea that theyre considering extending, if you like your plan can you keep it exception, the whole idea as you said was to take these junk policies that the administration said are bad for america. You shouldnt have an opportunity to have these plans. The Insurance Companies that are selling you a bad bill of goods, now theyre going to say possibly dont you think this is under consideration . I think theyre seef serious considering it. Its a certainty theyre going to do this. Its going to kill them in arkansas, alaska, louisiana. Were going to get wiped out in november most likely unless the republicans screw it up. Theyre going to get wiped out. And they know it. They have to do something fast to stop the bleeding. Let me quickly explain whats going to happen. The policies were extended for a year. That means they would be canceled in october a year after they were extended which is just days before the election. Juan . Are we just being terribly cynical here . No. I think there is a hyperbole taking place here. I think that there was such criticism in people in the individual markets that president obama lied or deceived me about worhether or not id b able to keep my policy. This is a concession to say okay, well allow you to hold on to this polly for three more years. If an inferior policy by obamacare standards but if thats your complaint, remember, conservatives say this is terrible. He didnt proper inform people. You think are politics involved . There are all politics involved. I dont think its the case that health care, believe me, republicans are betting on health care to devastate democrats in the midterm, i dont think thats going to pay off for them. I think people will move on. All right. We have to move on. Panel, we have to take a break. Well see you later in the program. Up next, the olympics in sochi, russia are now under way. But with athletes and spectators still on high alert. Two key lawmakers discuss the Security Threat next. We asked people a question, how much money do you think youll need when you retire . Then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. I was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. Im going to have to rethink this thing. Its hard to imagine how much well need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. So maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. From these historic sands legends. Will rise the Great American race returns the daytona 500 february 23rd only on fox the Winter Olympics are under way now in sochi, russia, but along with the competent decision competition is the sear why you threat of terrorism. We join Michael Mccall who is in austin, texas. And from los angeles, congressman adam shift, member of the house intelligence committee. Well, the director of our National Counterterrorism center gave a threat assess. Of the situation in sochi. Lets listen. The greater danger from a terrorist perspective is in potential for attacks to occur outside of the actual venues for the games themselves in the area surrounding sochi or outside of sochi in the region. And tsa banned all aerosols, gels and powders on flights between the u. S. And russia. Chairman mccall, youre just back from sochi. You say that the threat there is very specific and credible. It is specific and credible. I was watching the olympics last night. Were rooting for team usa to bring home the gold. But we also want them to be safe and secure while theyre over there. My experience was that this ring of steel putin calls it, fortified, hundreds of security officers, military special forces. So theres a lot going on there including our fbi, our Homeland Security people over there, diplomatic security. But there are two major threats as i see it. One to the aviation sector externally into russia, into associat sochi and the second threat is the threat of bombers, the black widows who are widows of Chechen Rebels who about been killed by the russians as we saw in the most wanted posters out there potentially blowing themselves up or detonating explosives in transportation modes. So thats what were very concerned with. The russians so far i think have been cooperative when it comes to external operations outside of russia, when it comes to internal operations, i think less so. Thats what we would like to work more closely with them. Congressman shift from the intelligence that you have received as a member of your committee, how dangerous is the situation in sochi . Well, there certainly are a lot of risks. I think theyre manageable risks. People stay where theyre supposed to. They minimize the time they spend in train stations and minimize the degree to which they come. From i dont think its wise to broadcasting youre from the United States. I think the risk can be contained. As mike pointed out, those risks are probably greatest in the soft targets outside of sochi. And i think that to the degree that people are mindful of their surroundings, i would go if i had tickets and enjoy the games. We arent getting the kind of cooperation that we would like from the russians in terms of their internal threats. I think as a matter of russian pride they dont want to share that. As a matter of not disclosing sources and methods to us, they dont want to share that. It means were less infeeffectin protecting our people. Thats a frustration. All things considered, i think that is relatively and managebly safe to be at the games. Chairman mccall, let me ask you a bigger question. After your tour of sochi, you said that the Olympic Village, this was your quote, is very well fortified. Is that what weve come to that what was originally designed to be an exhibition of International Unity now needs to be very well fortified . If thats the case, whats the point . Well, i think in the olympics is going to have a certain risk attached it to. I think this particular olympics ive never seen a greater threat. Certainly in my lifetime. We had the 1972 olympics with the israeli team was taken hostage. We didnt have the threat, warnings in advance. Remember, we already had two suicide bombers that have gone off outside the Olympic Village in recent if december. You had the train station and the bus blown up. I think as adam pointed out, its soft targets outside the perimeter. I would caution people to stay in the village if theyre there. I think what really does the greatest damage or threat in my judgment is the productism ti of the locations of where the games are being held. Theyre being held right dead center in the middle of what has been historic battleground between russia and the Chechen Rebel thats have spun off into islamic or radical militant group. And so you have the leader of the Chechen Rebels calling for attacks on olympics, calling for attacks on civilians including women and children and then the al qaeda leader, you know, reinforcing that threat. And so thats a whole new ball game that makes i think these olympics very, very different. I think there is a high degree probability that something is going to something will detonate. Something will go off. I think its probably most likely to happen outside of the ring of steel and the Olympic Village. I have to pick up on this. Youre saying as the chairman of the houts Homeland Security committee, you think there is a high probability that there will be some explosion outside the ring of steel . Well, i hope im wrong in this assess. But youre talking about an area of the world where suicide bombers go off all the time. And the fact is right now, chris, the eyes of the world are upon these olympics. The chechen extremists know this. They want to make a global statement. They want to make a jihad statement. Now what better time to do it than right now . And that is i think the biggest threat that is to these olympics. They dont have to hit in the ring of steel at the Olympic Village as long as they hit somewhere in russia. To them, thats a good thing. Let me switch subjects on you. A lot of us found out this week about an attack on a substation, a Power Substation in san jose, california, last april in which snipers knocked out 17 giant transformers. Congressman shift, this happened in your state of california. How sophisticated was the attack . What does it say about the vulnerability of our electrical grid and what can we do about it . Well, it was a sophisticated attack. Theres abundant evidence of preplanning. The people that went in knew exactly what they were doing. They knew what they were going to shoot at to disable the transformers without blowing them up and traattracting attention. So it was sophisticated. Were hoping this was not a dry run. But that is a great concern. And one other thing i think it highlights is we put a lot of our focus on Cyber Security, on the ability of terrorists to use Cyber Networks to try to bring down our grid. And perhaps we have taken our eye a bit off the ball on less sophisticated attacks that can be equally brutal or more damaging. A lot of these substations are in remote areas. They have nothing but a chain link fence and maybe a remote camera. And i think what we can do about it is prioritize those transformers and substations that would bring the greatest threat to the grid, protect those first. I think its a limited number, probably less than 100. And then branch out from there. But plainly a lot needs to be done. And some finger pointing already going on between the various agencies as to whos responsible for security here. Were beginning to run out of time. I want to get to one more subject. Very briefly, congressman, how concerned are you about this attack . Well, any time you have a power station under attack both physical or by cyber attack we just passed a cyber bill on my Committee Last week, very, very grave concern. If the power grid is shut down, it takes a long time to restore that capability. That would mean turning off power to large regions of the United States. So we have to be better fortified from a physical fact but also my bill demonstrates from a Cyber Security attack which should take down due far greater damage than sandy did, for instance, in the northeast shutting down power grids over regions of the United States. So this is i dont want to engage in hyperbole but this is a very the critical infrastructures in the United States, power, oil and gas and financial sectors are all under attack in the cyber world and there are physical attacks like you saw in california that we need to did a better job protecting the nation. Gentlemen, i want to get to one last subject and that is syria. There were reports this week that thousands of foreigners including as many as 70 americans have gone over to syria to fight alongside the extremists, against the assad regime and may now pose a threat to the u. S. Homeland. Here was a comment from the new secretary of Homeland Security jed johnson. Extremists are actively trying to recruit westerners, indoctrinate them and see them return to their home countries with an extremist mission. Chairman mccall, how big a threat americans and other westerners being trained in syria and coming home to carry out jihad . I had this conversation with the secretary jay johnson just last week before this speech. We both agreed that syria is probably the largest and most significant threat to the Homeland Security of the United States today. And the reason being is that we have so many jihadists pouring into syria every day training. They have training camps, military training camps. This is far surpassing the fatah in pakistan. This is becoming the worldwide Training Ground for terrorists. So concerned about westerners, you european and if you travel there, legitimate travel documents to come back into the United States or in western europe with this kind of expertise with this kind of training and pull off, you know, a terrorist attack and lets not forget the external operations they have. Right now their goal is syria. But after syria, externally they want to hit the west and the United States of america. Let me bring in congressman shift. We have a minute left, congressman. Theres a growing sense that the Obama Administrations International Conference in geneva isnt working, isnt going to solve the problem of syria. Do we need a reset in the administration policy, one to oppose the assad regime, two to make sure they live up to their commit. To which they arent at this point of turning over chem. Caller wapz a chemical we and to address this growing terrorist threat inside syria and the idea of them coming home to the u. S. . First of all, that growing extremist threat that you mentioned is probably going to be the most pernicious threat to the country for the next ten years. So it is a very serious problem. Were already seeing it in egypt where some of the jihadist trainee ez atrain es are trainees are attackin egypt. No one has been successful here. Our policy hasnt. The russians havent been successful. The regime hasnt. The opposition hasnt. Its a bloody stalemate with horrific humanitarian proportions, horrible proportions. Do we need to reset . Its hard to know what the reset will be. I dont think we can contribute to an end in this conflict. I think we have to try to keep the pressure on with a bottom up strategy like we ing in geneva and more importantly is what what will happen outside of geneva and that is we need to talk to the nation thats are fighting by proxy in syria to the iranians, russians, saudis, turks, and try to reach a resolution here. I think the resolution is a syria without assad. Hes not independenceable to any of us. There are goals we all want to see in syria after the conflict and theyre not necessarily the same. But we dont need assad in power. Of course theres no indication that assad plans to go anywhere. Congressman shift, congressman mccall, i want to thank you so much for both coming in today. Thank you. Thank you. Next up, our panel is back to weigh in on the gops flip on Immigration Reform. Plus, what would you like to ask the panel . Just go to facebook or twitter and we may use your questions on the air. Good is in every blue diamond a good that comes in 25 flavors. From whole natural to wasabi and soy sauce. And once good gets going, theres no stopping it. Get your good going. Blue diamond. Snack nut of the u. S. Ski team. Theres widespread doubt about whether this administration can be trusted to move our laws. Speaker john boehner explaining this week why the house gop leadership suddenly reversed course on passing Immigration Reform this year. And were back now with the panel. Well, House Republican leaders a little over a week ago seemed all in on comprehensive Immigration Reform. Releasing a statement of principles after a caucus they held. But as just heard by late this last week, Speaker Boehner was saying its going to be very hard to pass anything this year out of the house. What happened . Well, there are five reasons, one of them is that the split the other four are as the speaker said, republicans are convin convinced that the president will not do his constitutional duty to see the laws are faifu faithfully executed. Second, theyre convinced the democrats are most interested in getting as many new voters possible on the voting rolls. Thats not in their interest. They also think they can run on obamacare roigt through november. There i think theyre mistaken. The problem is if republican political imperatives are clear and in my judgment die met rickly opposed to the National Interest which is more immigration. Juan . What happened . Well, if you want to put it in simple terms, heritage action, tea party and talk radio said no to Speaker Boehner and Speaker Boehner could not say no to his Tea Party Caucus in the house. And what happened is he came forward with these proposals, these principles on the concept that its time to do something that we really do have a consensus not only in terms of the National Audience that george was referring to, but in terms of republican parties that we can do this piecemeal and avoid the tag of amnesty giving a pathway to legal citizenship. Instead, simply saying were not going to deport people. Theyll have some card or legal status. Julie, what struck me was how gentle the white house was in reacting to what over the course of a week a 180degree flip by the House Republican leaders. You know, they really didnt hammer john boehner at all which makes me question do they still think there is an opportunity to get Immigration Reform through the house . I think at this point theyre holding out hope. They think that in some ways this may be some tactical positioning by boehner. They think there is a possibility that after the november elections and that short window between the elections and the new congress that they could get something done. And as long as that option is on the table, as long as they see a slim possibility, youre not going to see obama coming out and hammering republicans. I would pick up on one thing that george said about republicans being worried about democrats trying to put more voters on the roles. There is no guarantee that hispanics vote for democrats. If immigration is taken off the table. But until that a lot of these hispanic voters said a lot of other issues they would side with republicans. But until immigration has taken off we also need to point out that none of the people that are legalized are going to give the path to citizenship are on the voting roles for a decade. In any case, the editorial page of the wall street journal which has been very pro i will inauguration said that boehners retreat on Immigration Reform will hurt growth. I want to pick up on their editorial. The result of doing nothing will be a de facto amnesty in which 11 million Illegal Immigrants will continue to work using fake documents. Mr. Obama will look for ways to grant more of them legal status using executive power and the gop will look even more on welcoming minorities. We have asked all of you to send us questions and we got one on twitter from someone named nando. Why cant the gop move towards the center a little bit . Let the dems stay extreme. Laura, how do you answer that . The wall street journal attacked an editorial in talk radio and is kind of the peoples rising up against this and john boehner cowering. Tthe wall street journal is o the size of nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, barack obama and talk radio is on the side of yeah, heritage, probably other tea party type groups, most republican senators and keng mon and the American People. Im going to frame that editorial from the wall street journal. I think they should put down the dog eared copy. The middle ground the middle ground immigration i think is enforce. Right now were not really enforcing our laws uniformly. The president as john boehner just realized is not trustworthy. He has a deferred action for a million and a half people who are here illegally. Basically changing law with the stroke of a pen and allowing people to work here and stay here would are legally present f you want to know why people dont have trust in the rule of law today, its because of things like that. Apparent lit republicans dont have a problem with it. No. Wait. Because i think this is so interesting. What were seeing here is the split inside the Republican Party between two staunch conservatives. Wait. Let me finish. Id like you and george to explore this. George, how do you respond on this issue of whether Immigration Reform is good or bad for the country . Three needs the country has, welfare state needs its workforce replenished. The elderly retire, 10,000 babyboomers becoming eligible for Social Security and medicare. Second, theres an intense global competition for Human Capital and were losing out on that. Third, to emigrate is to make an act, uproot yourself and perhaps your family and take a risk. Those are the kind of people i want more of. What about American Workers and their jobs and wages . Laura, youre the one who is arguing the aflcio argument which is there are so many caveats. Youre arguing why have borders . Youre arguing a zero sum game. No. In the lives of our children and grandchildren, there are 500 million americans eastern theyre all going to be working because were going to have economic diamondism aided by immigration. So the argument though, however, leads to why have borders at all . Why have a border . If its just about people and to come in and workers without a concern about assimilation and without concern about how ate infects people in middle america, i mean a lot of people are favor of this dont send their kids to public schools, why not affected by Legal Immigration at all. I would submit there are people watching this show right now who are screaming at the top of their lungs going who in washington is representing my interests . The labor shortage argument that paul ryan is making that we have an impending labor shortage i dont sthi i think is transparently ridiculous to most people today. We dont have participation in the workforce as it is. Its not a shortage, its growth we want. Then we can talk about Legal Immigration. Not ilLegal Immigration. Talk about the borders. As you know, 40 of all the people here illegally overstate the visas. Then crack down on that. Crack down. But that is still compatible. We dont want to. There is no will to enforce the border. There is no faith in this administration to do it and the republican elites and democrat elites agree and the people are revolving around this country. Last year the Obama Administration i think did pass five areas of yes, they did. People have been deported than were under george w. Bush. The fox news poll from a few months ago shows im not talking about a poll. Im talking about numbers that people are facing. Over bushs year, especially. I want to say quickly that when Speaker Boehner comes out and says you cant trust the president , this is a man who he deferred action against more than a Million People who are here illegally by the stroke of a pen. I spoke to jorge ramos. He said the reaction in the Hispanic Community is youre deporting grandmothers. The emotional argument. Okay. Its not emotional, its a fact. Rule of law. Lets do legislation by emotion. Id rather argue with george. Three against one, ill take it. Up next, power player of the week, the curator of the secret museum outside of washington that youve probably never seen until now. She loves to shop online with her debit card. And so does bill, an identity thief who stole marys identity, took over her Bank Accounts and stole her hard earned money. Unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. This is Identity Theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. If mary had lifelocks bank account alerts, she could have been notified in time to help stop it. 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One of the highlights of visiting washington is going to the National Mall and museums of the smithsonian. But there is one museum you wont wont find on any tourist map. Here is our power player of the week. Its always been called the best museum youve never seen. Tony hily is curator of the cia museum. A fascinating collection of gadgets and artifacts from u. S. Spy craft. Its closed to the public. But on the day a new officer is sworn in, its one of the first stops. At 2 30 that afternoon youll be with us in the museum. Thats your first introduction to the history of the agency. And the museum is where we touch that history. Such as the office of Strategic Services that employed 14,000 operatives to help fight world war ii. Richard helms then a young oss officer who later became cia director was in hitlers bunker in bavaria on the day that germans surrendered. This is a piece of hitlers stationary that somewhere he picks up while hes in germany and on the d day, he sends this to his sergeant. Exactly. And look at the last sentence. The cries for city is always high. Love daddy. There are all kinds of devices from a fake rat used to hand off secrets in moscow to a catfish drone to penetrate enemy waters. Here we have our well dressed spies. She may have small document copy cameras hidden in cigarette packs in her purse behind her broach. And his pipe is actually a receiver for secret transmissions. Since 1960s technology. And there were the trophies from the war on terror. None bigger than the 71 all Source Intelligence scale model of the bin laden compound in pakistan. Exact replicas of this model were used to brief the president and the assault tape. I think we got the best feedback we ever could have hoped to receive with every single one of the assault team rurpd alive and then they said we felt like we had been there before. This worked to save lives. Of course they didnt know what they were going to see inside the building because you couldnt could you . Youre giving me an odd look. That we cant talk about. And now tell me about this . But right there is the automatic rifle that was next to bin laden when the Navy Seal Team took him out. There are 25,000 pieces in the collection, some are still classified and only 5 are on display. Tony hily says the purpose is to record remarkable accomplis accomplishments most of us will never know about. One of the officers that made history that we captured in the gallery came up to me and threw his arms around me and said thank you for doing this for us. Thats why we do what we do. It helps our officers see that their sacrifice, that their contributions to the National Security of our nation is recognized. There is a way to see some of the artifacts in the cia museum. 148 items are on display online at cia. Gov. Others are on loan to the reagan president ial library and museum in simi valley, california, through aerly march. And thats it for today. Have a great week. Well see you next fox news sunday. Now, a paid presentation for the amazing new sheer cover studio mineral makeup, giving you radiant, flawlesslooking skin in seconds. Hosted by brooke burkecharvet, with special appearances by stars of csi miami, scrubs and hall pass, the young and the restless, and the bachelorette. Brought to you by guthy renker. Imagine if you could make any flaw on your skin instantly disappear. What if you could have that beautiful, airbrushed glow that the celebrities have . And what if you could do it all in seconds, with just the touch of a brush . Sound like magic . Then keep watching, because hollywoods hottest

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