Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20171006 : comp

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20171006

>> good afternoon gasia and mike. >> i'm telling you this is one of those times where you wish you could switch seats with me. you can see the crowds here. we've just watched the parade of ships come through. fleet week is definitely kicking into high gear. >> this is the place to be. it's amazing. >> yeah, marina green opened at 10:00 this morning and the crowd started filling in. military personnel already here showing off the big hardware. but the big news of course the parade of ships. a san francisco fire department boat. the air show also getting under way at noon. runs until 4:00 this afternoon. this is just the beginning keep in mind. . >> this is the largest annual event in san francisco so we're really tightly integrated to make sure all the crowds are safe. >> now the highlight of course the blue angels they'll be out here a little bit later on. they're expected to take to the air between 3:00 and 4:00 this afternoon. should be a great show, guys. >> great show today, saturday, and sunday. just a few miles away from where christian is just getting under way with extra security. >> ktvu's alex savidge is live. >> well good afternoon and san francisco police will be increasing their patrols. grass you can hear the performances just getting under way here in golden gate park. and a lot of festival goers that we've been talking to they say that certainly las vegas is in the back of their minds. but they are more focused on enjoying all of the great music this weekend. >> music lovers descending on golden gate park today for an annual san francisco tradition. the hardly strictly bluegrass festival. dozens of fans performing on seven different stages for free. ♪ passing through the town ♪ >> there's always really great music and they do a great job with the whole environment. it's very san francisco kind of event. >> lou asberry and kirk newer flew in from pleasanton. although this year feels a little bit different. >> i don't want to think about it. >> i want to have a good time. >> you can't live in fear, basically. you've just go to keep going. don't let these things intimidate you. >> because this is a free festival open to anyone, crowds will not be passing through security check points. still those working this weekend-long event are keeping an eye out for everything suspicious. >> everyone is vigilant and keeping an eye out for that so i think that's something all the crew is alert to. >> the lineup for this year's festival includes randy newman, henry rawlins, sterjil simpson. >> and taking the stage today a band from right here in san francisco it's their second time playing hardly strictly. >> every year since this started eeufd been riding my bike over to hardly stricken bluegrass and watching the bands on the stage and thinking one of these days man and yeah, it just feels so good to be honored and included on the roster. >> sam chase says the tragedy in las vegas certainly weighs on him. >> we should be out here having a good time after something so horrible like that and come together and just be able to show love to each other. >> and people are allowed to bring their own beer and wine down here to the festival but there's no hard alcohol allowed and no glasses allowed. also cameras are okay. but festival organizers say the people should leave their tripods and other large equipment at home and organizers are also asking people coming down this weekend to keep an eye out for anything suspicious maybe an unattended bag and to report anything that seems out of place. as you can tell, the music is in full swing here in golden gate park this afternoon. the performances have gun and hardly instructly bluegrass will be going until sunday night. >> it will be a beautiful weekend and no doubt a lot of tributes to the late tom petty as well. appreciate it. now to the latest on the deadly shooting in las vegas. police in australia are helping u.s. officials to gaeth more information about the girlfriend of stephen paddock. >> the gun stephen paddock tried to purchase. >> get down! >> dozens killed. hundreds more wounded and officials are still trying to piece together why 64-year-old stephen paddock opened fire on a country music festival in las vegas. searching homes and hotel rooms they're also following up on a number of leads overseas. including australia where paddock's girlfriend lived. >> we are working very closely with local partners in the u.s. for any assistance we'll provide them. there's obviously ooment of international interest in this investigation. >> police are now examining plans paddock may have had to attend other music festivals with rooms overlooking the venues and there are new reports he tried to buy ammunition that would have been visible in the dark adding to the evidence that sunday night's attack. >> it would have been a star wars blaster fire going out and it makes you a much more accurate shooter. >> meanwhile all of the victims have now been positively identified. and as the morning continues in las vegas and cities around the country memorials are being held as survivors and family members are remembering their loved ones. >> my 3-year-old's already asking he wants to know where his uncle brenen. >> i can't believe there's to some families going through this right now. >> they're now looking for a mystery woman not his girlfriend who was spotted with paddock in las vegas as they tried to build a timeline for his movements in the days leading up to sunday night's massacre. in las vegas claudia cowan ktvu fox 2 news. >> part of a national day of action following the las vegas shooting. it's in partnership with a gun violence prevention coalition pushing for common sense gun laws. it's scheduled to begin at 6:00. the cannel light vigil will also be held at san jose city hall in tribute to michelle vo. the event will include -- will conclude i should say with a lighting of candles around the city hall representing unity, strength, and resilience. set to begin at 7:30. dozens of students gathered on the cal campus last night to remember the las vegas shooting. >> about 50 students gathered to sing praise for those who died. some who attended the vigil said they had a connection to the tragedy. one student told us she knew one of the victims. >> her name was jordan rivera and she lived in my hometown and it just goes to show how fragile a life is and how much we should cherish our loved ones. >> the student organizers who planned the vigil say they did so to comfort each other and pay respect to the victims and their families. still ahead new changes to birth control coverage. after the break, the new rule from the trump administration. would it affect free contraceptives for 120,000 women. >> and also we're going to bring in meteorologist rosemary orosco. >> and we're also tracking tropical storm nate as the governors of louisiana and florida declare state of emergency ahead of the storm. do you want to do a monster check? yes. no monsters. ♪ how about the drawer? ♪ no monsters. nightly monster checks are how grant makes home his. and homegoods is what makes it all possible. amazing finds. always great prices. make home yours. the energy conscious whopeople among usle? say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. a new rule from the trump administration earlier today now limits the birth control mandate under the affordable care act. previously the federal government allowed employers to include coverage in their health insurance plans. now the group allows a much broader group of plans. administration officials estimate that 120,000 women will lose access to free contraceptives. women's rights organizations warn that the rule change could lead to a higher number of unintended pregnancies. >> nancy pelosi is one of those among those blasting the new rules. the justice department will no longer interpret that the 1964 civil rights act applies to discrimination. while the obama administration used the civil rights act to protect transgender people. the trump administration says the justice department cannot expand the law. pelosi says it's another reminder of the administration's contempt for the lgbt community. let's check in with rosemary orozco. what's the latest on tropical storm nate. >> yeah, still expected to move near the shore the area near the gulf coast as we get into your weekend. we'll talk about nate first. right now the winds sustained at 50 miles an hour and the movement of nate north northwest at 20 miles per hour. expected to scoot right past mexico before it does enter the gulf. here's a look at what we expect as we move into saturday. it's expected to strengthen into category one and then it looks like by sunday may actually move ashore. maybe even right there on the edge of louisiana. so we'll be tracking it for you that is expected to move again, ashore, perhaps by the end of the weekend as a weak category 1 and winds at 70 miles per hour 6" to 10" of rain perhaps. we are going to remain with dry conditions as we get into the weekend and the perfect weather for the festivities going on. there is an advisory for folks that may be thinking about heading to the coast. for today as well as for tomorrow just expect rip currents and this goes all the way from the north bay down into monterey lasting through saturday night. with mostly clear skies temperatures are warmer at this hour. 80 in santa rosa and if you look around the bay. up by 2, 4, even 6 degrees in many areas. 13 degrees warmer at this hour. so you're definitely feeling the difference. for the afternoon we'll go mid 80s for pedaluma. for the east bay shore gorgeous weather for you here. upper 70s for the east bay shoreline and then as we go inland for 90 degrees for some of our warmer spots. south bay locations 85 for san jose today. a warm 84 in santa cruz along the peninsula 85 redwood city. 78 in the city of san francisco. where again the festivities for fleet week continue. here's a look at the lake tahoe forecast if you're going in this direction. cold overnight lows even freezing but then as we get into the afternoon very pleasant weather on saturday. a little cooler on sunday and a little breezy as well. the temperatures come down just slightly and a little bit more so monday into tuesday with upper 60s and near 70s at the coast and a lot of 80s expected inland. >> a perfect weekend to be out in the city. >> i agree. >> thanks rosemary. as rosemary mentioned tropical storm nate expected to pick up strength. it has already killed 22 people in nicaragua and costa rica leaving behind plenty of damage. state officer emergency preparing for a possible direct hit from the storm. >> this morning i've activated our state of emergency operation center to level 1 which engages 24-hour staffing to make sure resources are being provided as we prepare for this storm. >> the national hurricane center predicting tropical storm nate could hit the gulf coast as a hurricane sometime sunday. the government of puerto rico now says power won't be back on until next march. this after hurricane maria knocked out power to the entire island. at this .9% of the population has electricity. puerto rico hopes to increase that number to 25% within a month. it typically leads to many accidents. in japan a magnitude 6.0 earthquake hit overnight. that was destroyed in a tsunami following a magnitude 9.0 quake. as far away as 150 miles in tokyo over night and there was no tsunami warning. today the 2017 no bell peace prize. >> as laura ingle reports the organization seeks through an international treaty-based prohibition. >> the international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons has been awarded the 2017 no bell peace prize known by its acronym ican. >> some states are organizing their nuclear arsenals and there is real danger that more countries when try to pro cure nuclear weapons. grass exemplified by north korea. >> in july after pressure from ican 122 nations backed a treaty. however, none of the world's nuclear powers including the u.s. have committed to the treaty. >> this is a time of great global tension when fury rhetoric can lead to an unspeakable horror. this light shines on the needed path to the world free of nuclear weapons. >> over both north korea's aggressive development of nuclear weapons and president donald trump's persistent criticism of the deal to curb iran's nuclear program. ican will receive $1.1 million along with a medal and a diploma and a ceremony in december. fox news. coming up a price jump for netflix users. we'll tell you how much and when it goes into effect. food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. the employment report after today shows a loss of 33,000 jobs last month. the first time there was a drop in jobs since 2010 during the recession. analysts now say that texas and florida were heavily impacted by the hurricane and the disappointing job numbers could linger over these next few months. let's take a peak at stocks this frad. the dow trading at a narrow range. so far in the red losing just about 11 points right now. some netflix subscribers will have to pay a higher price starting next month. subscribers who are now paying $9.99 a month will pay a dollar more. the high deaf will go up $2. netflix says it's adjusting its pricing as it adds more exclusive tv shows and movies. the chat app that told us to text two decades ago is calling it quits. aol is shutting down instant messager. sms and social media apps such as facebook and what's app has become much more popular and the cost of aol keeping it has just become too expensive to justify. may have had their credit card information hacked. the security breach was found affecting people who played for the food at the store's table service and tap rooms. the main check out registers were not breached. the area stores affected cupertino, dublin, mill valley, san jose, and santa clara and two locations in san francisco. potrero hill and 4th street south of market. the south bay of saratoga one of just two supermarkets is getting ready to shut its doors. >> ktvu's asmoth smith. >> since 1970 gene fine foods in saratoga is not only where customers shopped for gourmet foods. considered a staple in sara toga now closing on october 15th. >> it's community and friendship and it's a great market and it's sad how it's being forced out. >> for the last 20 years this is where jeremy churcha worked his way up even commuting from sacramento to work here. last week came news of the closure. >> very shocked because this store was doing good. it was doing good. >> unfortunately the market being what it is in grocery stores we just weren't able to make a sale happen. >> the store financial advisor says the 75-year-old owner is retiring with close to finalizing a deal with the major grocery chain. that fell through when amazon announced it was buying whole foods. >> it was hugely significant. as a matter of fact as soon as that news hit that began to impact our negotiations. >> with profit margins tight already it doesn't help that the store's 20-year lease is up the landlord raising rent to market rates. the reality is sinking in for customers and employees facing uncertainty. >> it's terrifying. i don't think i've slept in a week. yeah. >> what are you scared about? >> about now finding a job at my age. i'm no spring chicken. >> everything in the store is up to 75% off. the landlord is hoping to rent to a new grocery operator yet everyone knows it won't be the same. >> that's the same grocery business isn't what it used to be. minimum wage has gone up but our union wages haven't gone up and everything has gone up. >> ktvu fox 2 news. still ahead hillary clinton here in the bay area right now and the minutes where you can go in san francisco for a chance to see her and the other stuff on her agenda today. >> plus one of hollywood's most powerful mogul now accused of sexually harassing women for years. we'll have the details coming up. so, it looks like a stripped hot water valve. speaking of hot, how about you strip for me and i'll get your water back on? getting sexually harassed at your rental? it's not always this obvious. sometimes, it can be a bit more subtle. looks like a stripped valve. i can get this fixed next week..or...we can go for a drink and i can get it fixed tonight. contact your local fair housing agency or hud for help. welcome back. good afternoon everyone. we've been telling you about it. fleet week festivities under way. the marine headlines out there for the blue angels practice yesterday. and the a18 hornets. fun for all and if you haven't been out yet get out today. >> absolutely. our lucky lee martinez actually on board the canadian ship. the hmc winnipeg. you've been out there all morning and you're there for the parade. hi lee. >> hi yes you're right i'm pretty lucky. you know, i've never been invited on an actual float in a parade but i can say that i've actually floating in a parade now it was that cool. we are still on the hmcs winnipeg this is the canadian naval fleet. we're trying to dock. we're still on the bay. we have a tug boat out here giving us a little nudge and our view is pretty cool so we're going to show you some video here. this is on board the hmcs winnipeg. the naval officers that we're coming to attention to on the side there. >> and the san francisco's fire department led the parade. following was the uss warship and the canadian officers on our ship marvelled at how close the aircraft carrier made a turn near that bridge. it was pretty cool when it got parallel with the bridge there. you see the uss champion and in front of us was the coast guard straten. the first white hall cutter named after a woman since the 1980s. straten is named after the coast guard straten dorothy c. straten and there is a safe following distance that's about a a mile between each ship. we saw people on the bridge looking down at us and we saw e-mail on the marina green people taking a look at the ships coming in. right we came through pretty quickly i was surprised at how fast these big ships made it through now we're just trying to dock. >> yeah, i saw on instagram as you took a selfie under the bridge. of course you did. >> of course i did hillary clinton in san francisco this noontime. former secretary of state and presidential nominee is at a ticketed event at books inc.. this is her book signing a few weaks ago. about her experience z at the democratic party's nominee. later today she's going to be in the south bay participating in a new initiative focusing on digital policies. expected to give a speech on digital technology, diplomacy and core values. that event is taking place at stanford at the stanford graduate school of business california is now a sanctuary state. police are barred from asking people about their immigration status and participating in some federal immigration enforcement act at this times. the bill was introduced into wide response following the election of president trump. >> some law enforcement agencies in california oppose the sanctuary state designation. making california a sanctuary state will allow dangerous people to be released from jail to victimize others all over the state. >> the governor also signed another bill to protect tenants from and threatening to report tenants to immigration agents. yesterday, we told you be about the renewal deadline for thousands of dreamers. about 154,000 people are eligible under the deferred action for childhood arrivals program. but the department of homeland security reports 23% of them did not submit daca renewal applications by midday yesterday. the trump administration says it plans to phase out the obama era program which protects children brought illegally to the united states. meanwhile the oakland police department is accused of violating the sanctuary city policy. oakland's privacy advisory commission held a public hearing about the raid last night. oakland police provided false information about the august 2016 raid during which two men were taken into custody. at the time police said the men were being investigated for human trafficking but the commission says no one at the home has been charged with human trafficking. >> all evidence in my possession presently known to me supports that opd participated in a raid on august 2014 that led to a civil arrest in violation of our city sanctuary policy. >> but it's just not passing the smem test. >> the commission voteded unanimously recommending a detailed report from the raid and the police chief. an oakland police chief was at the meeting and told officers were told to provide traffic patrol only they threw out the case between oakland police officers. on wednesday the judge dropped a case ricardo perez and last month the judge says there was insufficient evidence to prosecute former oakland officer brian. they were all accused of sex acts. she testified reluctantly against perez and bunton but he's not disappointed the case has been dropped. >> i think in the grand scheme of the event it's enough that the officer's conduct was exposed and many of them have either lost their jobs or have their reputation nearly tarnished. >> in a statement alameda county says there are different interpretations of the law involving the crimes. >> the bomb shell report in the new york times now accusing one of hollywood's biggest power plays of a decade's long of sexual harassment. >> several women have come forward to accuse harvey weinstein. >> allegations of sexual harassment by a number of women including employees and some very high profile actresses. ashley jud tells the paper of an incident she says happened two decades ago when she was asked to meet weinstein in her hotel room. the times also reported at least eight women have received settlements in weinstein over the years. into giving him massages while naked or watching him in the showerment all in exchange for possible career enhancement. now for his part, weinstein says he came from the 60s and 70s where rules in the work place were a little different. colleagues in the past has caused a lot of pain and i sincerely apologize for it. i've brought on therapists and i plan to take a leave of absence from my company. despite that weinstein says he plans to sue the new york times for reckless reporting. meanwhile top democrats are dismissing them z from the top funding. >> last night cameras caught up with steven spooeldburg. >> it's a subject i don't shy from but it's not rmentive to what we're discussing about susan's movie today. not for this event tonight. >> daughter of the very high women's rights. >> anita vogul fox news. new at noon former heshg lease police officer john goodman was sentenced to 28 years in prison. he was convicted of attempted murder, assault with a firearm, criminal threats and stalking. back in january of 2015 investigators say he drove by his wife's home and fired several rounds into her bedroom. she was not hurt. >> i'd like to speak to all the women out there who are suffering from domestic violence to be our i don't even voice and to be strong no matter what position a person holds, stand up for yourself and even when it seems like the fight is long, because this has been a long haul hang in there. >> with the heshg lease police department for more than 10 years. vallejo police are investigating. police received a 911 call around 10:15 this morning when shots. they found the 51-year-old victim down on the sidewalk. his name has not yet been released. no arrests have been made. investigators are looking for anyone in the area who may have seen the fight that led up to the shooting. >> we're still working to learn the name of the woman who died yesterday falling 300 feet off the cliff. this happened near lake mer said just after 5:00 p.m. sky fox flew over the area. so far, the coroner says it's not releasing the woman's name until next of kin is notified. still ahead starting monday there will be a new option for commuters in the east bay. after the break we're going to tell you about the new express lanes and what you need to know to take advantage of them next week. >> as the bay area keeps up and looks forward to the weekend rosemary orozco has your forecast. bright sunshine all around the bay area today. thank goodness because the timing couldn't be better for the week. >> you've got it. let's turn to rosemary right now. now. >> absolutely. we'll have the temperatures cool off. already warmer in most areas than where we were 24 hours ago. here's a view there over all the blue skies and right now san francisco check engine at 73 degrees. -- checking in at 73 degrees. oakland 70. and 76 in san jose. so depending on where you're going to be again some pretty fabulous weather. if you are going to the coast just a reminder we do have high surf in place for today and it is expected to last into saturday as well. possibility of rip currents and the sneaker waves and of course the high surf. just something to consider. keep an eye on your little ones. all the way from the north bay coast down to monterey lasting through saturday night. on the grand scheme of things we've got a system that will continue to push off to the east. into the next couple of days and that will bring our temperatures up once again. we also have a system that will be dropping in by the end of the weekend and that's what will bring the wind and will cool us off so some. i'll show you that in the extended forecast. let's take a look at the clear skies. taking you all the way into the clear skies. we're not expecting much of any fog tomorrow or on sunday. so if you're going out to see the fleet week festivities of course the blue angels flying in the afternoon you should have great weather in store and nice mild to warm weather. 80 for the afternoon high for navado today. low 70s expected for stinson beach. 79 in alameda and 80 in walnut creek. 89 saratoga. closer to the water. santa cruz. 84 for the afternoon and along the peninsula for today 86 in wood side. low 70s expected for pacifica. here's a look at your extended forecast. the temperatures will cool off just some on saturday. may not notice as much as we get into sunday. talk about the winds picking up again. the system will bring us cooler weather not cold but cooler and it's going to heighten that fire danger as it picks up especially for our hills. >> thank you. some important news for drivers who take interstate 680 in the east bay. this is because the car pool lanes there are going to be express lanes. the toll is going to operate from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. through the week. weekdays specifically. they will allow solo drivers in either direction. hour, the solo drivers will have to pay a toll when it varies. >> everybody using a lane will have to use a fastrak toll tag. >> access to lanes will remain free for car pools, buses, motorcycles. there are more plans for new express lanes all over the bay area in the coming years. >> electric car maker tesla according to reports has at least two office buildings near access roads to the dunnbarton bridge. the company plans to assemble half a million electric vehicles by the end of the year. tesla is the only company in the two office buildings which could house a thousand or more workers. tesla has not commented what it plans to do with the north buildings. games at taralinda high and san rafael have been relocated. the fields will likely be unusable for the rest of the school year. that means other sports such as soccer will not be able to use the field either. it's unclear if issues with the field are to blame. >> it turns out we did an inspection and we failed to it. i don't know if it just took off too much turf. so we're not able to hit or do contact on it. >> san rafael city school district is going to reportedly pay to replace that turf. cal football aims to bounce back tomorrow as they travel to seattle to play the very tough washington huskies and the golden bears are big underdogs. cal's defense looked good earlier this season. tomorrow's kickoff set for 7:45 in the evening. brice love is coming off a historic game and a win against arizona state. love set a single game record with 300 rushing yards. >> and the san jose state spartans will try to snap a four game losing streak. struggled to score touchdowns. tomorrow's game against the bulldogs set for 4:30. the golden state warriors reportedly want to play an all star game in san francisco. at the chase center which is set to open in 2019. the earliest the all star game could be played in the city is 2021. the next two all star games will be held in los angeles and charlotte. cleveland, milwaukee, orlando, detroit, and houston have also placed bids for 2020 or 2021. we'll be right back. breaking news in the south bay where police are investigating what could be a homicide in east san jose. >> ktvu cassie gary just arrived there at the scene and jesse are you there? >> right here, mike, we're in the 2500-block of story road. we're just looking at at scene because we're kind of in the island and so i don't want to be unsafe. so you'll see the scene and just hear me. 2500-block of story right near galahead. i'm told that homicide detectives are inside the house that you see inside your screen investigating. although officers won't tell me how many victims are inside but we know homicide detectives are investigating. this call came in maybe about 20 minutes, 30 minutes or so ago here in east san jose. story road in you head westbound at least two lanes are impacted -- or one lane is impacted two lanes get by. but other than that we're still waiting to hear back from police detectives exactly what happened here. all we know for sure is that homicide detectives were on scene and they brought a lot of equipment with them. you can see the number of police cars and the large tactical equipment they brought out. we will try to get more information if we can get it to you before the end of the newscast. if we can't get it to you by the end of the newscast we'll start tweeting out on social media and of course we'll join you at 4:00. back to you guys. >> certainly a large response. jesse, thank you. if you want to get into san francisco you may want to leave now. there's a lot going on in the city. but that could also lead to some pretty bad traffic. coming up today at 4:00 we're going to give you an update on all the things happening. that's today on the 4 on 2 stocks kind of fading from their record highs today. dow jones down 20 points right now. netflix announced it is raising prices interesting to note that their stock up right now nearly 2%. >> amazon is testing now a new dliry service. to make it work, amazon will pick up items at third party merchants and deliver them to customers. such as ups and fedex as the middle man. these tests are happening at select markets across the west coast. costco is adding a service to compete with amazon. >> such as cleaning supplies serial, canned good. orders over $75 are free for dliry. $5. you can use the service even if you're not a costco member. you can receive fresh groceries and other things from costco and from the delivery service instacart. rosemary orozco has details on this edition of weekend watch. >> the weekend is approaching in san francisco fleet week festivities continue in the air and on the ground including a full air show coast guard rescue demonstrations, naey ship tours. a parade of ships under the golden gate bridge and of course the blue angel. the air show schedule runs between noon and 4:00 friday through sunday. hardly strictly bluegrass 2017. over 90 artists are expected to perform on seven stages friday through sunday. the 22nd annual arab cultural festival. on saturday from 10:00 to 6:00. celebrate bay day on angel island. the beach party celebrates the bay with activities ranging from nation photography to kayaking lessons. on the peninsula the san carlos wine fair with live entertainment. kid zone, food beverages and more right there in the heart of downtown. >> in the east bay celebrate the 34 annual black cowboy parade. at the firm rooe park followed by a festival featuring live music. food, pony rides, and entertainment and music for your entire family. featuring music, food, and entertainment for the family. saturday and sunday from 10:00 to 4:00 in the north bay the 40th annual mill valley film festival runs now through tuesday. raiders are home. starting today an ordnance takes effect in the city of orinda and pay an occupancy tax like hotels. the new ordnance limits the number of people that can stay in a unit and the properties are now inehlingable for special event permits. the initial registration costs $100 with annual renewal fees of $150. the city will give property owners a two month grace period sxfrnlts in oakland crews broke ground on a new housing development. it's called coliseum connections and features 110 apartments. the rents on half of the apartments will be reduced to make them more affordable to middle class families. this is the latest affordable housing project in the city of oakland. >> information coming from the scene where jesse gary was. happening right now. you'll find it on have a great weekend enjoy the weather. see the blue angels. looking at many bluegrass in the park. >> sounds fantastic. >> thanks for joining us. my challenge is to be in sync with my body, myself, my life. it all starts with a healthy routine. begin the activia two week probiotic challenge by enjoying activia yogurt with billions of probiotics everyday. take the activia probiotic challenge! by enjoying activia yogurt with billions of probiotics everyday. the energy conscious whopeople among usle? say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. >> hurt so pad you cooperate even breathe. >> i was in the hospital four month. >> today, tlc's t-boz. her courageous fight and her devastating loss. >> and she has been transforming women's bodden's for 20 years. >> tracy anderson, the secrets she shares only with the stars. >> freaking a lot of people out. >> the film alleges that drinking mackanin can cause diabetes. >> coming up next. >> are you ready to save some lives today? >> yeah! >> i love you, dr. oz. cheers and applause] dr. oz: it's an

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