Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20170825 : comp

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20170825

its being called a unite against hate rally. one of several that have been organized as an alternative for people who want to counter protest tomorrow's prayer rally. >> we are live now from just outside of city hall. a good crowd so far? >> reporter: i think that the mayor wanted to set the tone. he wanted the public to know san francisco is a city of love and not hate. as you can see there is quite a good crowd here gathered on the sidewalk and in just moments members of glide memorial church will sing. the mayor will speak as will members of the board of supervisors who say they do not approve of the group and they don't want them in san francisco. now also taking the podium we have learned the mayor, cecil williams of the church, jackie spear, and this is interesting, chris lejune, the brother of a man killed on a train. he was attacked. he was basically trying to protect two young african american women who were being harassed. one of those suspects who attacked and killed his brother -- he had attended a patriot rally about a month before. definitely the city here making the connection that the group is not all they say that they are. the speaker for the giants will mc. she will be here. mc hammer will speak as well as other representatives from the area like scott weiner, david c hu and bill ping. the park service announced this week that it would grant that permit for the prayer rally which set for tomorrow. around 2:00 in the afternoon. while the rally's organizer joey gibson said he isn't a conservative or liberal he doesn't approve of white supremacists. those groups have been drawn to his events in the past and officials are aware of that. all of this happening in the wake of a steadily rally in charlottesville where people clashed. the mayor is really hoping that everybody will show up to civic center plaza instead of chrissy field. there will be music, food, face painting for the children and we also learned that michael fronzi will be preforming tomorrow. as you can see people here holding hands, having a lot of fun. looks like you are having a great time. >> absolutely. yeah. we are out here in the spirit of love and unity. what better message. >> reporter: why did you decide to come out today? >> i think that the -- just to counter the message of division and hate that i hear going around. we wanted to make sure we spread a message of love and unity and let them know that in san francisco hate and division -- there is no place. >> reporter: have you aboutn 't talking to people. do they have any intention of showing up to the prayer rally tomorrow railroad here in stead? >> i -- both. i think it depends on where they are at. some feel to at risk that will be here. i was going to be here because of fear of the possibility for violence was to high. i had to rethink that. i decided that we needed to put our privilege on the line for those people who don't have that. >> reporter: thank you so much. again, this is now getting underway. it'll be going on for probably about an hour. there is a long list of speakers. live in san francisco. back to you. >> and so far nobody protesting that particular rally that you are at. >> reporter: no. it seems like it's -- you take a look around. you can see people are holding signs that say united against hate. the attitude and tone here is very relaxed. very jovial. people are just excited to see what the city has come up with. if you kind of turn around here to the right you can see up on stage david chu is up there giving a hug to people. the mayor has arrived. the city attorney. willie brown there shaking hands with the supervisor. so everybody just seems to be excited and no animosity or hostility. that's what they want to speak out against. >> the other alternate rally event tomorrow. is that also at city hall or civic center plaza? >> reporter: yeah. there is a counter rally scheduled for tomorrow here at city hall. it'll be more of a festival. there will be music, food u kids are welcome to come. it'll be sort of a family friendly event. the idea is to get people to come here. he wants to avoid confrontations or violence. >> all right. traffic could be slow rolling this weekend. here say look at the different locations again. all the protests in the city. tara at city hall for the united against hate rally. then tomorrow another one called peace, love and understanding. also held there. complete with music and speakers. there is also going to be a peace rally at delores park. these events in response to that rally which is going to be held at two. across the bay in berkeley there is an event sunday morning that organizers are calling a rally to resist racism, violence and hate. that event is in response to a planned demonstration at martin luther king civic center park by the group no to marxism in america. >> while some are urging counter protesters to stay away from the rallies not everybody agrees with that. >> alex live in berkeley where one group said the opposition can't back down. >> reporter: good afternoon to both of you in the hopes of avoiding clashes like we have seen before here in this city the mayors of berkeley and san francisco have continuously encouraged people to not engage with far right protesters this weekend. today one group of anti facist counter demonstrators called on people across the bay area to show up and fight back. >> we believe we can't hide our heads in the sand and we have to stand up anda pose them. >> reporter: calming on counter protesters to make their presence felt at back to back right wing rallies this weekend one person from the group refuse facism hopes thousands oppose the hatred show up on saturday and civic center park in berkeley on sunday. it's a call to action though that flies in the face of the message put out by city leaders and police who want the opposition to stay away. >> we have already been ignoring them and they have been growing and becoming more emboldened. we believe the people themselves standing up in the streets, coming out are the one that are going to have to do this not must judge berkeley but in san francisco and around the country. >> reporter: the area around the field will be fenced off for saturday afternoon's rally by the group patriot prayer. organizers say they don't promote intolerance but white supremacists have been drawn to past events. on sunday a group called no to marxism plans to hold a rally in berkeley despite the fact that the city rejected their request for a permit. police are making plans to keep the opposing sides separated. if there are clashes some local defense attorneys are offering free representation to anyone charged with attacking a right wing demonstrator. >> some members of our community may over react. they may be taunted into acting physically and we think that is a shame. we don't want that to happen. if that does happen we want to throw our support behind the members of our community that are trying to oppose white supremacists. >> reporter: urging people to face off against right wing demonstrators is reckless and irresponsible but the members of this group say this is not the time to back down. >> are you encouraging violence? >> of course not. we have to step and raise our voices where there are attacks or people of color, anything we have to stand up and that doesn't mean we are calling for violence. the violent people in this situation that has one side that's being violent are the facists. >> reporter: during this weekend's rally here in berkeley the streets around civic center park will be blocked off. no cars allowed in this area and there will be a huge number of police officers on hand from here in berkeley and a number of other neighboring agencies. city leaders here say that essentially the folks putting on the rally here on sunday are trying to wreak havoc on the community and they are hoping that counter protesters will not take the bait. however police will be ready if there are in fact confrontations between the two sides. >> thank you. there are also some peace rally this is weekend scheduled for santa claire a. the south bay church is hosting what it calls a love rally this sunday at each much it's three locations. the north san jose campus on murphy, the sunnyvale campus and the south san jose campus. organizers say that the events are being held throughout the day sunday with the goal of bringing people together to speak out against racism and hatred. you can stay with us for continuing coverage on this weekend's protests. we will bring you updates on situations in both cities,o on air and online. hurricane harvey has just been upgraded to a category 3 storm as it continues to brew in the gulf of mexico taking aim right at the texas coast. it's expected to make landfall late tonight, possibly early tomorrow and right now texas is already really being hit with strong winds and a big storm surge. >> forecasters have labeled harvey a life threatening storm and people across texas are told to brace for the worst. we have the latest from galveston. >> reporter: it's a perfect recipe for a major storm. hurricane harvey still strengthening as it churns slowly toward the golf coast. it could make landfall as a category 3 storm with winds of up to 120 miles an hour. and the possibility to cause flooding, more than 100 miles inland. texas is expected to be hardest hit with officials in the houston area and along the coast warning residents to be prepared and stay off the roads. >> we don't want to add that additional element to the transportation scene and have our emergency respond s be complicated. >> reporter: forecasters say harvey is a life threatening storm and voluntary evacuations are already underway in some coastal areas. some residents sane will wait out the storm while others are not taking any chances. >> loose my home or i loose my business. it's easier to absorb than it is to loose a family member. >> reporter: it's also expected to bring high wind and heavy rain to the new orleans area where officials have struggled to get the city's pump system back online after resent storm events. >> until they turn the pumps on and until they are working the water sits here. >> with all the rain we are preparing to expect we don't know. it's uncertainty. we don't like that. >> reporter: forecasters are predicting harvey will make landfall tonight into the early morning hours on saturday. north of corpus christi and south of galveston. that's the latest from texas. ktvu fox 2news. 120-mile an hour winds, the storm surge. that's not even --. >> it's not even moving fast. the amount of rain. >> yeah. >> we are so worried about the people out there. this is just the beginning. they are going to loose power and water. they are going to loose all these things that we take for granted. for who knows how long. a live look there at the rough surf. the storm surge expected to hit 15 feet and three feet of rain. a possibility. with some of these forecast models giving you a look there. the eye is still off shore but you can clearly see the rain is already moving in as mike mentioned just a moment ago and allie it's now a category 3 with northwest, moving northwest at ten miles an hour. it's a slow moving system and the fear is that it may move slowert. may event lue stall out right overland. a view there. the eye is about 45 miles off the coast. expected to come on shore right near corpus christi tonight or tomorrow morning. there is a look at the wind. gusting to about 44 miles an hour. it gives you a good idea of where that eye is circulating. it'll begin to loose steam but still it is expected to come on shore as a category 3 and then over the next 24 to 48 hour itself will start to weak eastbound. we are talking about flooding a possibility. 100 miamis inland. so this is going to be with us for the next few days. we will be tracking it. in addition to the storm surge and the flooding we have thunderstorms, tornadoes, definitely a possibility and those folks are definitely in for a rough one. >> we will check back with you in a bit. still ahead a push to diversify police recruits. the new campaign to attract members of the lgbt community. >> and a new option for people in the north bay as the new smart train service officially rolls out to get between marin and sonoma. at at&t, we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more. . oakland police say they are working with other agencies to seven arrest warrants to violent gang members. the police department tweeted about it this morning. the people being targeted are wanted in connection with murders, shootings and robbery that have happened in oakland. they say the suspects were identified through the cease fire program. they say they will release more details when all of the warrants are served. we are expected to hear a final decision today on whether the alameda county sheriff will continue it's involvement in the controversial urban shield program. the urban shield task force set to vote on if they will continue the participation. some members of that task force have recommended that the program be ended. they say that the program leads to a more military like police force but police say it offers realistic training in how to deal with terrorist attacks or hostage situations. in the south bay the san jose police department is continuing its push to recruit more officers. >> and now as jesse explains they are launching a new campaign to attract members of the gay community so sign up and serve. >> reporter: the police department is using this weekend's pride festival to launch it's first ever direct appeal to the gay community to try to drum up recruits. the program is called ejpd plus your family. during the pride parade the department will hand out promotional materials showing three couples, one straight, one gay and one lesbian. it's the first time they have used images of a gay couple to market to that community. the chief said a new officer position has been created since the gay community is often overlooked when it comes to crime. cities such as see thing, los angeles, new york and san francisco have similar positions. leaders say the promotional materials this weekend are another way to let people know that the police is hiring from all segments of the community. outside the san jose police department. coming up a major blow for the city of oakland as uber changes its plans for the city. the financial impact. . a new report is displaying the problem of supply and demand when it comes to housing and jobs here in the bay area. the research group spur said that since 2010 san francisco added more than 122,000 jobs but only 13,000 newhouseing units and in santa clara 177,000 new jobs. home prices and rents doubled during that same period. the study recommends that the city of san jose build 120,000 new homes over the next 30 years. the group said that cities should also look at making easier for people to build inlaw units. researchers also advice cities to spend more on affordable housing. uber is considering selling the old sears building downtown on broadway. as many as 3,000 employees were supposed to move into that building next year. in march uber said it would move into a new san francisco office building near the warriors new arena instead. they said that the sale is part of an effort to cut losses and get to profit ability. they plan to sell the building for $123 million but they wouldn't confirm that price. a spokesperson said as we look to strengthen our position so we can better serve people we are exploring several options for uptown station including a sale. we remain committed to serving oakland and our broader hometown bay area community. let's take a look at that stocks just before the closing dow. the dow is up. the nasdaq also up and s and p about flat. bay area tech stocks doing well. apple in positive territory. speaking of going up the temperatures reaching triple digits inland this weekend. >> yes. yeah. it'll be a warming trend that we feel especially as we get in to the back end of the weekend. first day of next week. we have a heat advisory that we are expecting in -- on sunday. it'll start sunday morning. goes until monday night. those are expected to be the two hottest days. here is a look at the heat advisory where it'll be. it'll be for the valley locations. the hills an exsessionsive heat warning. for those that live in santa rosa, mill valley you will experience some -- a lot of heat. something we vice-president seen in weeks and you can expect temperatures to rise near 100 degrees especially for the inland cities, even a bit above for areas like antioch and brentwood. you can see it's widespread for the valley locations. from concord down through san ramon, pleasanton, livermore are included, antioch and brentwood along highway 4 and south bay locations, loss gatos, san jose, down in and past gilroy and as far north as it looks like it cuts off near sunnyvale. temperatures up a few degrees today. a little warmer tomorrow. mid60s expected at the coast and along the coastline some of that fog. we remain locked in the micro climate pattern. we see the span from 30 to 35- degrees. mid60s. mid90's for the hotter locations inland. into saturday and sunday the temperatures continuing to climb. by sunday into monday 100 tree plus weather expected. those should be the hottest days and into tuesday temperatures coming down though it'll be just a minor cooldown. a look at the temperatures right now. 73 in san rafael. 64 outside the door. mid60s in oakland. upper 07's in areas like livermore and fairfield. in to the afternoon we are looking at upper 08's to low 90s for more of the inland communities and temperatures up by five in santa rose a. san jose two degrees. here is a look at the afternoon highs. 82 for nevado. for the east bay 70s along the east bay shower. 73 for oakland. upper 80s in walnut creek. south bay locations at 86 for san jose. as we slide up along the peninsula we have 79 in redwood city. here is a look at your extended forecast with your bay area weekend in view. temperatures will continue to climb. we are looking at a few days of inland areas being really hot. anything above 95 degrees is baking. we are going to be there for a few days before temperatures start to come down on tuesday. 90s in the bay. it'll be absent a few days. if you are tired of dealing the traffic on 101 in marin and sonoma. no worries. the new smart train service starts rolling down the tracks. we have a live report. >> and democratic leaders responding to rumors that the president may end i a program that protects young people from deportation. why they are worried. . we want to take you back to that rally underway in san francisco. city officials are urging people to demonstrate peacefully. >> let's go back to tara with the latest there outside city hall. >> reporter: a few hundred people here with signs that say united against hate. the mayor just gave a speech and it was probably the most rousing speech i have seen him give. jackie spear took note of it. we turn around here. we will kind of walk through the crowd here. you can get a good idea of who is in attendance. it may be worth mentioning right now if we can pan up to the podium. if you can see this man right here. he is chris lejune. he is a san francisco resident. he is the brother actually of a man who was riding home from work in portland oregon on a train when two african american women were -- no audio. let's take a listen. >> i will never see my brother again in this life. i will miss him every day. there are no words for how proud i am. he stood up for what was right that day. he stood up for love. he chose love every day of his life. he practiced it. >> reporter: again the brother of chris lejune who is on the podium talking about how his brother was stabbed and killed by a known white supremacist who had attended a patriot prayer rally one month before that assault. we want to mention that the crowd is quite quiet right now. obviously there is a lot of emotion here and earlier we saw singers. they were very fired up. this is probably the most poignant speech we are going to hear right now. i believe the speech isn't long if we want to show chris once again. >> to see hate become normal in our country. our home. when i heard the same group who radicalized --. >> reporter: we will let chris wrap up his speech and check in with you later when we have the mayor up at the podium and mc hammer. we will throw it back to you. >> all right. >> thank you. a man arrested at a protrump rally in march was taken in to custody today during his arraignment. this morning adjourning set bail at $135,000 for the 41- year-old kyle chapman and banned him from possessing weapons. he was also ordered to stay 300 yard away from berkeley's civic center park where another rally is planned for sunday. is he accused of beating counter protesters with a lead stick during a protrump rally at the park back in march. before the hearing he posted a message saying he planned to attend both rallies in berkeley and san francisco this weekend. he did not enter a plea. >> stay with us for continuing coverage on the protest. we will brick bring you updates on the air and online. we are now just a few minute away from the official launch of the north bay's new smart train service. >> tom is live as we get ready for the new sonoma marin rail transit to takeoff. >> reporter: some of the first passengers witting and in a real sense some of them have been waiting about 30 years when an act of congress in 1987 laid the ground work for the possibility of this. obviously it had to be supported by the local folks here who did support it in 2002 and now in 2017 the smart train is here. let's look at some approximate i can churches. they cut the ribbon and that ribbon was something that people waited for a long time for this to happen because there hasn't been regular rail service up here for at least 60 years, some say closer to 70 years. with the opening of this it'll now be 43 miles of track and it'll go from the santa rosa air part all the way down to the civic center. the transit center in san rafael. by 2019 the service will go to the larkspur ferry and folk cans catch that and in the upcoming years will be windsor, hillsburg and cloverdale with 16 stations instead of the current ten. eventually it'll go east into sonoma county connecting with amtrak. what this is really about is capacity. its going to take some cars off the 101 freeway. badly needed and it's going to be a situation whereas the train needs to get more cars they are going to buy them. here is what the chairman of the mtc had to say about it. >> people remember these friday afternoons when they get -- takes them two hours to get from san rafael to santa rose a. i think this is in people's brains and i think once they realize that this is dependable. passenger service they will use it. >> reporter: not only will this be a great thing for the commute but a route for tourists up into this part of the bay area. the north country, the winery, santa rosa, and eventually even hillsburg. that will be a big thing for tourists. the real purpose of this thing is to get stuff off the 101 and by taking even a small number of cars off the 101, the highway that's almost always crowded the situation is that you actually improve the flow there. that is the situation. one other thing that's interesting about this. the folks that are coming, both coming and going. they are cannot only just ride the train but they can have wine, beer, snacks, wifi, it's a really luxury ride and the prices such that even for commuters they will have an unlimited pass for $200 a month. reporting live. >> speaking of money. the funding guaranteed so that 2 does go all the way down to larkspur and all the way north? >> reporter: by 2019 there will be a train going into larkspur. the real problem is going north is not that they couldn't raise the money. the problem is a 40 million- dollar bridge that has to be replaced. they can get up to windsor but past that they have to get money and sources, hopefully from the government to replace that bridge and then they can go all the way up to cloverdale that would make it a 73-mile stretch and there would be demand up there. in terms of the commute and for tourists because now it's deep into tourist country. >> it'll be interesting to see if there is a change on the 101 because the goal is to get people off the freeways. >> reporter: yeah. there will be a build up time. this was just as true with bart as with every other piece of infrastructure. they just need one accident on the 101 and that ties that up for an hour and i guarantee a lot of people will say i had it. i will take this part of the time if not all of the time. >> as long as it gets to larkspur and the ferry building it'll take some cars off the commute by 2019. all right. live for us this afternoon. thank you. today new york center chuck schumer called on the president to keep the deferred action for childhood arrivals program. amid report that the president may lean toward ending it. a few hours ago he said rumors that the president will end it -- i would like to remind him he said he would act on dreamers with heart. now is the time to prove it. the obama era program protects young immigrants brought here illegally as children. the president could decide on the fate of the program as early as next week. the president is using twitter to praise his new white house chief of staff. >> this as they prepare to handle oughts first natural disaster crisis as harvey set to make landfall tonight there along the texas coast. >> reporter: with harvey set to be the first category 3 hurricane to hit the united states in 12 years it could present the first trump administration test of handling a natural disaster. the president giving high praise for his chief of staff saying john kelly is deeing doing a fantastic job. the remarks piling on more praise after the president endorsing him earlier. >> i think that general kelly has brought a -- something very special to the office. >> reporter: kelly joined in late july during a hard season for the president with a russia investigation underway, north korea threatening to attack and criticism over trump's hand manying of the charlottesville protest. the president is bracing for his first natural disaster crisis as hurricane harvey barrels closer into the gulf coast. saying again closely monitoring harvey and here to assist as needed. >> the game to get out is now understanding that your life is more important than your property. >> reporter: the hurricane just one of ma'am challenges as the white house continues to pressure lawmakers to make better progress on the president's agenda and raise the debt ceiling before the government defaults on loans. >> we have a very aggressive and big -- [inaudible] that we have to focus on and be will need the senate and the house to come together and get something done. >> reporter: the administration's decision to name kelly as chief of staff means the department of homeland security is without a permanent leader. the white house said that the president has confidence in the department's acting secretary and the country is in great shape with kelly by his side. coming up a warning for parents about a popular music app. why bay area police say some people may be using to prey on children. >> and a warm um on the way as we give you a live look outside at san francisco bay. we will check back in with rosemary. . for fall automatic from the sex scandal involving local law enforcement agencies. attorneys for the young woman at the center of the scandal will announce they are filing a third civil rights lawsuit in federal court. she said she had sex with police officers and sheriff's deputies when she was underage. this latest lawsuit is against the sheriff's office accusing a deputy of exploiting her. the city of oakland settled a claim for a million dollars. police are asking for help. an off duty officer saw photographs of a suspect on tv and recognized him. police say he is a 28-year-old ma rio hills of san francisco. he is suspected of attacking a woman just after 6:30 tuesday morning near stockton. police say that the woman screamed and scared the attack era way. police think he may have taken the bart to el sorito. a warrant is out for his arrest. police are warning parents about a popular app called musicly. it's supposed to be for making music videos. >> criminals may be using it prey on children. >> reporter: it's a creative platform. the app allows users to create music videos and share it with their friends or strangers or followers. >> she is in her house recording this on her cell phone. if i wanted to comment on her i can send her a comment. >> reporter: a sergeant with the internet crimes against children said they have been monitoring criminal activity on this app for two years but it wasn't until an illinois father's facebook post went viral that more me came aware of the dangers. he sciarid shared the story of his 7-year-old daughter being solicited for nude photographs. >> a parent was concerned after finding her 10-year-old daughter featured on one of the videos without a shirt on. >> reporter: the sergeant demonstrated for us how easy it is for predators to create fake accounts and engage sexually with a minor. >> now i can comment on what she is wearing and she will get this direct message. directly to her phone. most parents have no idea. >> reporter: he showed us the comments the children under the age of 12 get. >> it's a nightmare. this is happening in your home where you feel your child is safe and something that you think is innocent is not. >> reporter: parents i spoke to never heard of the app. >> i don't think i would want them to use the app if that was the purpose for other people to view them dancing. i would say no. >> we are both aware of those kind of things and it makes a difference in our decisions on whether they have the phone. >> reporter: the sergeant said that being aware of what your child down loads is important to protecting them. >> parents have to be involved. let us help you learn about these devices. let us help you educate you reach out on the website. e-mail us. that's what we are here for. >> reporter: if they have the app i will show how you can go in and protect them. go in to the app click on the profile. in the upper right hand corner you see the settings. you click on that, then scroll down to where it says privacy. you want to make sure that the only friends can directly message me is checked as well as the private account. this will make sure that only people you approve can see your child's videos and pictures on this app. in the newsroom. get your ac or pool pass ready because it'll be hot this weekend. >> hot. >> all morning. bracing for it. not a fan. >> we are lit up in orange and pink because of it. we have advisories. that will be for the back end of the weekend. it'll be baking especially inland and around the bay. they will loose that on shore breeze. it'll be light. we will take a look at these. the heat warning is for the hills. santa cruz mountains, the east bay hills and the north bay hills will be really hot there and then the advisory is for our valley locations. ben i will say it one more time. sunday into monday. those are the two days we start early on. about 11 in the morning and it goes all the way until monday night. we will move in closer. you can see over the north bay valley locations it's pretty much widespread through areas like santa rosa and goes down toward the water and stretches across toward sonoma and napa. val johan involved here. along highway 4 from richmond all the way past antioch and brentwood. along 51o, 680 we will have all that valley area covered with heat and covered in orange according to 24 advisory. a view here at the south bay. from sunnyvale, san jose and then stretching down past gilroy. expect temperatures anywhere from 100 plus as we get into sunday and monday. those look to be the hottest days. for today temperatures have come up a few degrees for most. mid06's the coastline. 70s around the bay. upper 80s, low 90s for most of the inland cities. as we get into saturday temperatures creep up more and then as we get into sunday and monday, hot, hot weather coming our way. a look at the cloud cover still in place along the coastline. you can see for the rest of us we have cleared out nicely. mostly sunny, santa cruz is mostly clear and the on shore breeze is very, very weak at this point. oakland reporting ten miles an hour. fairfield reporting six. we won't loose it completely but it'll be localized along the coastline. perhaps just inside the bay for the evening. 66 in san francisco. right now, 70 berkeley. 76 in concord. beautiful day shaping up around the bay area. in to the afternoon 83 expected for sonoma and san rafael. low 70s for sosolito. temperatures in the low 70s for oakland. upper 08's for danville. 92 for brentwood. south bay locations 88 for gilroy. mostly sunny and 74 in santa cruz. 72 san mateo. low to mid60s expected there along the east bayshore. then temperatures take off as we get into saturday, sunday, monday, little relief, better on tuesday but still quite warm. mid90's upper 90s perhaps for inland cities through about tuesday. >> i think we are getting word that tomorrow is going to be a spare the air day. >> that makes sense. >> for people to keep in mind not as many commuters on a saturday but maybe a good day just to avoid driving. >> be kind to the environment if you have breathing problems. avoid that prolonged activities. just avoid activity outside if you can especially in the afternoon. >> ums you are at the beach or in the water. thank you. we are following breaking news out of santa clara where there is word that the 49ers plan to release amad brooks. his release may be delayed while the 49ers look to see if other teams interested in him. he is owed just over $6 million for the next season. he is entering his 12th year making him the longest ten europeed player on the defense. he has led or tied the team lead in sacks every season since 2013. this season he has been battling with third year player eli harold for a spot on that first team defense. if you are thinking about going to the movie theater this weekend stick around. we will look at some of the new films hitting the big screen. . let's give you another look at what the markets doing just ten minutes before they close. you can see the dow up just slightly. nasdaq down one point but it's also pretty flat. s and p not much movement there as well. we are watching hurricane harvey. the category 3 storm set to make landfall in texas tonight. >> and closer to home hundreds hitting the streets start what could be a weekend of protests and counter protests across the bay area. all the latest developments today on the 4 on 2. you also -- we want to say coming up at five former an for dennis richmond will join us in the studio. >> look forward to that. boxing fans getting ready for one of the most anticipated matches in some time. floyd mayweather and conner mcgregor. mayweather is the favorite to win. mcgregor a mma fighter. the sports book said it has a 1 million-dollar bet on mayweather. >> if you are thinking of going to the movies there is something for everybody this weekend. >> from a pg dance film to a martial arts story and even the return of the terminator. we have a look at what's new. >> i will be everything i want to be. >> reporter: the new film leap looks to take center stage at your local theater. the tale follows a young orphan with dreams of going to paris to become a dancer. her best friend who hopes to be a famous inventer. they go to the city of light encountering plenty of challenges along the way. >> your technique is impressive. >> birth of the dragon take its it's yue from the life of bruce lee before he became a hollywood icon. tellingof his trip to stardom and his martial arts showdown with a kung fu master. >> more than a bunch much bill folds. >> the faith based flick led by john corbit is inspired by the true story of a sales man turned pastor. when he is ordered to shut down a small church in tennessee a group of refugees from berhma show up and he welcomes them in. together they turn the land into a farm to savor the church. >> how much money you can get right now? >> a couple of smaller films expanding to more theaters nationwide include good times a thriller about a bank robbery that lands one brother in prison and the other trying to free him. >> i could tell you a story. >> and marjorie prime, a drama set in a future where ai holograms called primes can take the form of humans who passed away. and getting a 3d rerelease. >> i will be back. >> is he back. arnold in terminator2 judgement day. >> in new york. fox news. >> before we let you go one last urgent crossing the wires here on hurricane harvey. it said that the tide gauges off the coast of texas indicate the storm surge is already happening. >> folks preparing for what will be a disaster. we will watch it. thank you for making us your choice for news. at at&t, we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that 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[cheers and applause] dr. oz: they are renowned

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