Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20170505 : comp

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20170505

began around 6:45 am. we were in the evacuation area, downwind from the refinery. in fact, next to it. it's being evacuated at this moment. milero claims that when it's power from pg&e was somehow disrupted, that caused a pressure buildup inside the refining unit and that buildup was dangerous enough for valero to activate its fire stacks. flare stacks are huge a pressure relief valve that literally burn off pressurized materials that contain lots of petrochemicals. the stacks dispose of the materials that might otherwise explode or severely pollute the atmosphere should they escape. make no mistake, these are noxious and toxic compounds. valero said it has initiated the proper notifications to government officials and community members which the government does acknowledge. that resulted in a lot of sheltering in place which is still going on. the area in which we were was very much, as i say, evacuated. we are currently at the library where the press conference is going on. this is a big deal. the usually bustling filling station that fills the tegretol to go to the gas station is not operating. it's being closed down. pacific gas & electric acknowledges that maintenance crew working on lines in the area did interrupt power to the refinery beginning at 6:40 am and ending just before 7 am. the flaring continues five hours later. that's the latest from benicia. >> thank you. as we've been importing, that led to evacuations and shelter in place advisories. christien kafton is live inside the evacuated area with more on how this unfolded . >> reporter: you can see why that evacuation order and shelter in place order is still in place. you can see there is still fire at the top of the stack ab valero plant. a great deal of smoke coming off in the area as well. because of that order, we had to go through a police checkpoint to get to this vantage pointe to show you this picture of those stacks. the fire is still burning at this hour. workers near the plant new quickly this was not a regular burn off. it was green. the smoke was green and yellow and it looked bad. >> reporter: workers shot this video. there were less than a mile from the valero refinery and say the smell of the smoke was overpowering. >> it got so bad. i started -- it started getting hard to breathe. really nasty smug. >> we did hear the siren go off. then the neighbor started leaving. i said it was time for us to get out. we caught it. i told him we were leaving. he was on board. we got out. we were going back to lock up and make sure everything was okay. make it wasn't just workers. two schools were sheltered in place brock turner elementary and simple elementary order to close their doors with a handful of students inside. parents advised they cannot drop the kids off this morning because of the emergency. coming back to our live picture you can see a great deal of gray smoke still coming out of the plant. at this point there is no word on when the evacuation or shelter in place orders will be listed. a lot of the businesses down here in the area simply decided to close their doors and and business for the day and send their workers home. >> a minute ago before the live report was so you were breathing through a facemask. what this the smell like? the sense that something in the air? was that a precaution? >> reporter: this is the mask you are talking about. i needed it a couple of minutes ago. it depends on the direction the wind is blowing. it seems the wind is blowing out toward the bay right now. a couple of minutes ago, i was picking up a send, a smell, a smell of burning fuel and plastic. out of an abundance of caution, i put the mask on because i want to keep my lungs as healthy as possible. >> thank you. based on what detectives have been able to learn, we feel confident that we have jason and lindsay's killer in custody. >> this sonoma county sheriff announced the suspect is in custody in a double homicide case that stunned a small north bay community more than a decade ago. >> in 2004, jason allen and lindsay cutshall were found shot to death in their slipping death on the beach in jenner during a weekend trip. >> they were counselors at a christian youth summer camp and they were said to be married a few weeks after that trip. 90 minutes ago, as we saw, the sonoma county sheriff said they felt confident they have the killer. here is more on the story. >> reporter: the break in this case happened in march when a man was arrested in forestville for shooting and killing his brother. police tell us that man, shaun gallon had been a person of interest in the general murder case since the beginning after being arrested for murdering his brother, he opened up, giving investigators new information that linked him to those jenner murders. >> upon gallon's arrest for the murder of his brother, sheriff's office detectives took another opportunity to talk to him about the murders in jenner. gallon made statements to the detect lives with new information and additional investigative leads into the case. he had information about the killings that no other person could have known and we have located evidence that corroborates his statement. >> >> reporter: forestville is halfway between jenner and santa rosa and sonoma county. you see this map showing where it happened. it appears gallon has been and that area since those murders happened in 2004. as mike mentioned, jason allen and lindsay cutshall were visiting fish head beach during a weekend trip. they were shot to death in their sleeping bags and their killings were a mystery. this couple was preparing for the wedding and they were counselors at a christian summer camp in el dorado county. this kate hudson shop rates -- sent shockwaves through the count. now law enforcement officials say they have not officially charged gallon in the double homicide but they are confident he is the person responsible for the crime. he remains in jail and santa rosa for those charges relating to his brother's murder. now to hayward police have released a photo of a suspect accused of a shooting. investigators are searching for joseph darling in connection with a homicide that happened 18 months ago. police believe he may be staying in the hayward, union city or fremont area. the victim was found on biscayne avenue near bruce elementary school in december 2015. the shooting victim, and tod williams, died at the hospital. no word on a motive. a preliminary hearing is set to resume for a man accused of shooting and killing a hayward police sergeant two years ago. mark estrada of oakland is a charged with killing sergeant scott lunger during a traffic stop. preliminary hearing got underway yesterday but cameras were not allowed in court an officer who witnessed the sergeant's killing took the stand. officer justin green said he watched the sergeant approached the vehicle. he said he heard the sergeant shout, seconds later he was shot and killed. other police officers filled the courtroom. >> scott lunger is a member of our family. his family is our family as well by extension and it's important for us to show our commitment to the case into the criminal justice system in general. >> the judge is deciding if there's enough evidence to hold a starter for trial. he is charged with murder with special circumstances that make him eligible for the death penalty if convicted. a jury in the antolin garcia torres case is deciding the fate of the man accused of killing morgan hill teenager, sierra lamar, five years after she disappeared. >> it's been a long trial but it's just a blink of an eye compared to how much time we have not had sierra with us.>> the jury will decide if antolin garcia torres kidnapped and killed sierra lamar. he's also accused of trying to kidnap three other women outside a grocery store. a chuck nearly swallowed by a sinkhole. the latest on the repairs underway and the investigation into what may have caused a. the cool down is here and it continues. we check in with rosemary orozco about details of some possible wet weather in the forecast. i've gotta hit the loo. we can't stay here! why? terrible toilet paper! i'll never get clean! way ahead of you, big daddy. aww charmin ultra strong. it's washcloth-like texture helps clean better. it's four times stronger... ...and you can use less. beautiful view. (wiggles butt) thanks to charmin. and you, honeybear! awwwww we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin? repairs are underway in san francisco where a sinkhole opened up earlier today, partially swallowing a truck. >> this happened on seventh street between brannon and townsend. crews say they still need more time to repair the damage. leigh martinez has the story. >> reporter: the tow truck driver was parked on the side of seventh street when he said he felt his truck was leaning to the right. that's when this sinkhole opened up. luckily he was unheard and was able to escape out of the window and call for help. public works is handling this right now. the estimate the whole to be about 10-20 feet wide. luckily, they say, they don't believe any major damage to any utilities in the area have been affected. >> actually, there is an eight inch main that is inactive underneath here that we know of. i believe there may be one other inactive main under the. right now, utilities are unaffected. people are listening to see if these are affecting other life utilities and they are not. services are unaffected. it's just a traffic impact. >> reporter: around 930 and, a tow truck removed the big rig and we have public works crews out here trying to assess the damage and how to safely repair this sinkhole. we asked public works if this area is prone to sinkholes and they said not any more than any other area in san francisco. leigh martinez, ktvu fox 2 news. earlier this morning, firefighters in redwood city responded to a fire at an apartment complex. and started around 6 am on marlboro avenue. several units were damage. some people were forced from their homes. one resident tells of the fire may have sparred from a heater but we have not heard from the fire department for more information. oakland began clearing out a section homeless camp that caught fire monday night. people living in the camp are being referred to nearby shelters. the fire underneath 580 at the emeryville city line was the second in the past two weeks. it burned a dozen tents and a sanitation station. the city had been providing garbage and sanitation services in the encampment. temperatures today a far cry from where we were. >> definitely cooler out there and we are looking at this to settle in for the weekend. here is of you outside our doors where he have cleared out nicely. mostly cloudy skies to start the morning but now those clouds are against the coastline. the rest of us are partly cloudy and mostly clear. the onshore breeze is robust in some areas. fearful reporting a 24 mile-per- hour sustained and gusts up to 30. conquered, a southwesterly breeze at 12. if we look to the north, napa has 13 miles an hour. all morning we have been focusing on the wind in and around the refinery. this is about where it's at. you can see the window bars coming in from the west and that continues to push the smoke in the direction going toward us as soon bay and further inland. the winds are strong enough that it's helping to disperse that smoke. even though we are continuing to see the shelter in place and evacuation orders for some. here is the look where we are. in between partly cloudy and mostly sunny skies. we are nestled in between with clear skies at the moment we have a trough that will move closer to the coast as we get into the weekend. even the possibility of a few sprinkles. it does not look like a big deal. this is friday afternoon. into saturday morning we wake up again partly cloudy to mostly clear cloudy skies. into the second half of the afternoon you notice some blue popping up over the higher elevations. the diablo range and if you look toward the sierra, scattered showers are a possibility that. for the rest of us, cooler and breezy. we will be in and out of clouds for saturday. sunday it looks like a mostly sunny day and temperatures will rebound some but could be breezy. that may be the call of the weekend. easy and cooler weather. temperatures right now, 57, san francisco. 54, oakland. in the north bay, 72 and santa rosa. 66, san jose. we will show the 24 hour temperature change. chillier in areas like livermore by 17 degrees. to the north bay, down by four digit degrees in petaluma. fearful reporting temperatures down by 11. afternoon highs for today. mid to upper 60s for the north bay. 69 four nobody. upper 50s for san francisco. low to mid 60s for the east bay shoreline. low 70s for the inland cities. 67 in san jose. 67, santa cruze. it wasn't that long ago it was 82 in santa cruz. here is the weekend where we will remain mild and perhaps breezy. maybe even wendy along the coastline. temperatures will rebound on sunday we get back to warmer weather as we get into monday and tuesday today the north korean government is making you accusations about the u.s. claim the cia is conspiring with south korea to assassinate the leader. >> tensions continue to escalate between the united states and north korea. >> reporter: president trump talking tough. meeting with the prime minister of australia. a key pacific island. the president putting national security front and center as the military provocations continue. >> together, we condemn and we resist north korea's reckless provocation. >> their righteous cause has always been the same come the safety of our citizens and the survival of our freedom. >> reporter: the speech came hours after congress passed a new round of sanctions on north korea, the toughest so far. prompting an angry response as well as a new accusation. that the cia is conspiring with south korea to assassinate kim jim un using a biochemical weapon. it also drew a rebuke from china who said it's already working to isolate the north diplomatically and unilateral sanctions will not help. >> ton is committed to safeguarding peace and stability on the peninsula and promoting dialogue and consultations is the way to resolve the issue. >> reporter: the pentagon said north korea is no longer relying on china for help with its military. instead, turning to iran were experts say a two way street of military cooperation has been at for some time. >> we've seen an enormous amount of evidence. the first missiles we saw in iran were simply copies of north korean missiles. >> reporter: the trump administration says the cia director met earlier with his south korean counterpart but will not comment on military ties with iran. coming up, an update on the deadly berkeley balcony can apps that killed six students. the new developments that just announce. you said you wanted to feel better about your cereal. general mills big g cereals hear you. that's why we say "yes" to whole grains as our first ingredient. and "no way" to high fructose corn syrup. ♪ in every honey nut "o". every lucky charms spoonful. and every cinnamon toast crunch square. ♪ you can feel good about general mills big g cereals. does your mouthg prescripoften feel dry?s, a dry mouth can cause cavities and bad breath. over 400 medications can cause a dry mouth. that's why there's biotene. biotene can provide soothing dry mouth relief. and it keeps your mouth refreshed too. remember while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. biotene, for people who suffer from dry mouth symptoms. a partial settlement has been reached in cases connected to the balcony collapse in berkeley in 2016. the collapse killed six people and injured seven others. many students from ireland. this is were filed against the companies involved with the design and construction of the balcony. according to attorneys, segue construction and other companies have agreed to pay compensation to the injured and to the families of the deceased students. the amount is confidential. the building manager and the owner did not agree to settle. lawsuits against them continue. their reports the justice department is investigating uber in its use of a software that helped it's cars go unnoticed by regulators. according to reuters, a grand jury in northern california has subpoenaed uber. they admitted to using a feature called, greyball, douce to disguise where it's cars are reportedly to show off regulators who wanted to collect evidence that uber was breaking local taxi laws. last month uber said it would stop using the software. the labor department reported today that hiring bounced back in april and the unemployment rate dipped to a 10 year low of 4.4%. stocks right now are up 24 points on the dow. the nasdaq is up 13. the s&p 500 is up 5. a big-money pyridyl involving a european and bay area company is complete. heineken now owns all of the lagunitas brewing company. the corporation purchased half of the craft brewery in 2015. today hi can announced it acquired the remaining shares. the sale price was not disclosed. the deal for 50% of the company was estimated to be around $500 million. today is cinco de mayo. the holiday means big business in the united states. from beer and tequila to nachos and sombreros. america spend big money during the celebration. corona beer said last year 50% of all beer sold for the week of cinco de mayo was corona. analyst say sales of salsa, tortillas and tortilla chips outsell other party staples like catchup, hamburgers and buns. in recent years the california avocado commission said avocados have gained more popularity. >> 80% of avocados that are consumed are hoss avocados and the house avocado commission says that 105 million pounds of avocado is consumed surrounding cinco de mayo and the festivities. >> weather in southern california where most of it avocados are grown as having an effect on the price. depending on the variety, prices are up as much as 55% this year according to the was department of agriculture. the average price of an avocado is $1.43. there are some festivities this bill over into the weekend. and other events happening all around the bay area.>> rosemary orozco has all the details. >> into the first weekend of may and here's what's happening around the bay area. in san francisco, is the 2017 children's day festival in japantown on saturday at japantown peace plaza. and san francisco botanical garden you will find the 50th annual plant sale. enjoy cinco de mayo in the mission with an all-day family- friendly celebration. that is on saturday along valencia seat third street. in these page on the cinco de mayo and mother's day festivity at the fruitvale village in oakland on saturday. festivities include bands, aztec dancers, food and drinks. head to jack london square for the oakland urban wine festival . 30+ wineries, craft beer, music and food. the livermore wine country downtown street fest is this weekend with wine and beer tasting. in the south bay, the mountain view @ la cart and art festival goes on through sunday along castro street. and the north bay, they may madness rock and roll car show and parade will fill downtown san rafael with the finest cars , classics and utility vehicles. modified and other cool vehicles. the event is on saturday. in sports, the giants are on the road. the 80s and quakes are home. coming up, ransacked classrooms and broken windows. shocking vandalism to share with you in san jose. say about it first a school to close its doors and turn families away. for the first time in 20 years, oakland is getting new fire trucks. we will tell you what makes these trucks different from the ones they are replacing and why they are needed. who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. to our top story. evacuations and shelter in place orders are in place for some areas of benicia. they were issued after flaring and plumes of smoke were released from the valero refinery. the started around 6:45 am when the refinery lost power. pg&e said the outage started when what of its griz was doing work on an electric transmission system. the flaring also resulted in a partial closure of 680 downwind from the refinery. no injuries have been reported. >> the sonoma county sheriff's office set an arrest has been made in a 2004 double homicide that happened on isolated beach in general. 38-year-old shaun gallon of forestville was a person of interest early in connection with the deaths of lindsay cutshall and her fianci, jason allen. they were shot at close range well in their sleeping bags camping on the beach. gallon was taken into custody a few weeks ago on charges related to the killing of his brother. authorities say well-being question, he had information on the killings of the campers that no other person could have known. a crime reporter, henry lee, is an forestville talking to people who know gallon. we will have his report coming up on the 4 on 2. we are learning more about the police shooting of a double homicide shooting in. the suspect seeks revenge after breaking up with his girlfriend. he shot and killed her parents wednesday night. they also took their son hostage negotiators talked him into letting the child go. the standoff ended when a police sharpshooter killed the suspect when he pointed his gun at police. investigators say the suspect had a history of mental issues and domestic violence. authorities and not officially released the names of the suspect or the couple that was killed, the sunnyvale- based company, juniper networks released a statement identifying when he the victims as the vice president of engineering saying "we are focused on supporting our employees and their families through this difficult time the company is providing help to assist the authorities and members of our community who have been affected." we're learning about the man shot and killed by police in san francisco during a stabbing incident on wednesday. he was nicholas flusche. his facebook page that he was from texas. police say he stepped an employee at a subway shop while arguing over a sandwich. police rushed to the scene and later shot and killed flusche. the officer who shot him is the same officer who shot and injured shawn moore , a man back in january. body camera video shows moore punching and kicking officers at his home before he was shot. >> to me it's troubling it's the same officer but at the same time i do not know the facts of what happened. >> in the coming days, police will hold a town hall meeting to give more information about the shooting. berkeley police are asking for help to find three men accused of assaults during a demonstration at civic center park police released three photos of the men they are looking for. they want people to come forward with any video or pictures of people who may have committed crimes during the april 15 demonstration between supporters and opponents of donald trump. police arrested 20 people. we have posted the photos of the men at if you recognize them, please call berkeley police. preschooler hopes to reopen by tuesday after vandals ransacked the building causing more than $10,000 in damage. the break-in happened to tomorrow montessori school between late wednesday night and early wednesday morning. they took off with an ipad and some food but left behind a huge mess in every room. azenith smith reports on the anger and sadness felt by the administrators, parents and children. >> reporter: at the tomorrow montessori school in san jose, it was supposed to be a day filled with joy for the school's may the fourth star wars party. instead it's filled with shock and sadness. >> this is devastating. this is beyond anything we've ever, ever dealt with. >> reporter: when the owner arrived, she found this, broken glass everywhere, practically every room ransacked. furniture and equipment destroyed including the office, kitchen and infant room. >> diapers. formula. food. because of all the broken glass all the carpeting will have to be replaced. this is our infant room. >> reporter: heartbreaking for brown to close the school, notifying 115 families. >> these are all working families that rely on me and my staff to make sure they can go to work and that their children have summer place to be. >> reporter: cameras malfunctioned. the only clue, as brown entered the school she heard someone leaving the front door. she said he appeared to be homeless, unsure if he came in afterward's. >> it was either a lot of people doing it at once or one person spending a lot of time and effort and being very deliberate about it. >> reporter: amanda said she's lucky, able to take your of her four-year-old as the school makes repairs. some families are not so lucky. >> the fact that they chose a place where infants up to four- year-olds, that's horrible. you have destroyed their safety net. >> this a girl is helping cleanup. >> how do you feel right now? >> sad. and i saw that the window was cracked. i feel they are being bullies to my school. >> reporter: a hard lesson for children and adults. >> this violence is not okay. we've got to find a way to build our community stronger and better. >> reporter: azenith smith, fox 2 news. and south san francisco, dozens of pans can.overnight hoping to get the children accepted into a highly coveted afterschool program. the popular program as one by the city but space is limited. registration opened at 7 am at orange memorial park. many parents did not get their child enrolled. for example, the father who was first in line who started camping out at 3 am yesterday, could only get his child on a wait list. there are 600 children in the afterschool program with only 40 current vacancies and returning students who used the program last year have priority. a south san francisco police issued hundreds of citations last month as part of a crackdown on distracted driving. the police department partnered with the national highway traffic safety administration and the california office of traffic safety to can you out campaign. the department said more than 220 drivers were ticketed, most for using a cell phone. a new law took effect in january the prohibits motorists from holding a cell phone for any reason. this weekend bart is suspending service between the lake merritt and fruitvale stations for track maintenance. new trains will run. the lake merritt station will be closed. a free bus bridge will be available between the 19th street station and the fruitvale station. the closures will continue during several weekends through early july picture for the first time in 20 years, oakland is getting new fire trucks to help crucified vegetation and grass fires. this dates to the aftermath of the oakland hills firestorm. >> the new trucks are coming just in time for the fire season. >> reporter: stepping into the modern age of fire safety their >> on the -- unlike other departments, we have to be capable to do it all. >> reporter: the city of oakland purchased new fire trucks specifically to battle wildland fires. >> it's been 20 years so we're still using those apparatus. we've kept them up and use them. but now it's time to upgrade so we can handle things. >> reporter: in 1991, the oakland hills fire was the largest wildlife urban interface fire in the bay area's history. killing 25 and destroying thousands of homes. shortly after that, the city purchased this and similar trucks but now the department is trading it and three other trucks for newer, state-of-the- art trucks with more updated bells and whistles. >> we will have a better ride, better radios, better lighting, better ground clearance. a lot of features that make it a more well-rounded apparatus. >> reporter: the old trucks were made to only see -- seat two district the new ones doubles that number but provides added safety. >> we can be more effective and efficient if we get into areas with all our personnel and not just half our personnel. >> should check -- should situations change we would have to squeeze four people into a single cab. now we can put everyone in one apparatus. >> reporter: the trucks will be used for mutual aid fires statewide and when a protest turns destructive and dangerous. within the next couple weeks, the department will put graffiti prove signs like these out on trail access gates. it serves similar to a mile marker. that way for person needs help, they can tell the fire department where they are located. >> is a way for us to get for more information to pinpoint and send the right apparatus and be able to help mitigate the emergency. >> reporter: on top of that, the department is trading in its old-school hand-drawn map system for these new color ones that use gps. the crew can better see were canyons and valleys are when they travel off-road. just in time for fire season which is a few weeks away. commuters who have two years highway 37 could have to pay that rose if you proposals approved. the proposed toll could be as much as five dollars. periodic flooding can make the highway unusable for weeks at a time. the supervisor say that could raise the money needed for a long-term solution. supporters say that state funding could take decades to secure but the toll could complete the work in just eight years. the newspaper said the toka generate up to $12.5 billion over the next 50 years. initiative has been found in sacramento to repeal california's gas tax increase. a republican assemblyman from orange county wants to see a ballot measure in 2018 to overturn the tax. it will take around 350,000 signatures before you will get a chance to vote on the issue. last week governor brown signed a bill to raise the tax by $0.12 a gallon along with an increase in registration fees. drivers can expect to start paying more in november. the golden state warriors head to utah leading the series 2-0. what they say was the key to last night the victory park and iconic sculpture that's been over emeryville's mud flats for decades is in need of repair. we will show you how the city's we're got his hands dirty to preserve a piece of history. wet weather is back in the forecast after all that heat we checked back in with meteorologist rosemary orozco for the changes coming this weekend. "gs 6?h.ñqjni ♪ "turn around... every now and then i get a little bit hungry and there's nothing really good around. turn around... every now and then i get a little bit tired of living off the taste of the air... turn around, barry. i finally found the right snack."♪ "each with one hundred fifty calories or less, try our chocolaty brownies, tangy lemon bars, and creamy cheesecakes. fiber one, the warriors head to you tell up in the western conference semifinals over the jazz. >> the worst of delta the early leak and in the first quarter of 33-15. the player say one of the keys to the victory was tough defense. >> defensively we were pretty good. we made some tough was over us. they may terminate 3 but for the most part we did a good job of keeping our man in front and helping each other. we need to be better on the road in utah. >> the warriors have won all six postseason game so far. game 3 is tomorrow night in salt lake city. >> because of his injury, steve kerr could miss the rest of the conference semi finals. according to sources, he is seeing a specialist today in north carolina at duke university medical center. he is receiving treatment aimed at alleviating the symptoms that forced him to take a temporary leave of absence. mike brown will continue as interim head coach as long as the coaches away. the oakland athletics took the final game in the series against the twins. the bats were on display early and often. 14 hits in minnesota. the team returns home to close the tigers tonight. the first pitch at 7:05 pm. the kentucky derby is tomorrow afternoon. the early favorite and this one is, classic empire. the horse getting the most attention in the field today is, patch. he is a long shot with an inspiring story because he only has one i. other horses to watch include mccracken, always dreaming and irish war cry. >> that means mint juleps and big fancy hats, will you be talking about on perilous -- umbrellas in the bay? we have some unsettled weather in the weekend forecast. i think it will remain in higher elevations. outside our doors what we are noticing is a kohler pattern in place. cooler out there. breezy. we started with cloudy skies. those have since cleared out and we will have good weather into the weekend. just not as warm as earlier in the week. santa rosa, 72. 60 in san francisco. 64, oakland. 65, livermore. 66, san jose. here is a look at your 24 hour temperature change. definitely a drop in the numbers. fairfield is down by 11. down by 9 and hayward. sfo kohler and so is the north bay. the cooling began yesterday. we continue into the bay area we can. the onshore breeze is very strong in some areas. nevada reporting gusts of 17. fairfield shows gusts at 30. the onshore breeze continues to blow some of that smoke from the refinery to the east. 36 mile-per-hour gusts at sfo. -- sfo. winds could pick up on saturday. we will have to keep an eye on this. some models want to keep this over the pacific and some bring it down the coast. here is san jose. the onshore breeze is around 8 miles an hour. we have a lot of cloud cover over california, picking up on unsettled weather. you can see the northern edge of california where we have some green. we are in the clear for the most part. partly cloudy skies along the coastline. is we get into the weekend, we will talk about that unsettled weather. this is tomorrow morning. as we get into the afternoon, a few spots of blue popping up over higher elevations. if you are going to the sierra, you have a chance for scattered showers, not only a mix of rain but a mix of rain and snow. here is the forecast for this era. overnight lows dipping to freezing. saturday night into sunday, afternoon highs will be cool. be prepared for scattered showers in the forecast. at home, 69 in nevada. low to mid 60s for the east bay shoreline. 70 degrees in morgan hill. here is the extended forecast. not much change when it comes to temperatures for tomorrow. we will remain breezy and when they. in the back end of the week and, temperatures climb and that will be the beginning of a warming trend. on monday we're back into the upper 70s with a few low 80s for inland cities. san francisco zoo salesforce tower is said to be one of the tallest buildings in the country and will also feature one of the tallest works of art. a local artist unveiled his project to the city planning committee yesterday. he envisions a nine story high electronics sculpture on top of the skyscraper. this will future led lights that wrap around the top of the building and show a moving image recorded by six cameras throughout the city. images could range from people walking down the street to scenic shots of the surf and city. and emeryville, a wood sculpture of the red baron's float above the mud flats since the mid-70s has finally fallen back to earth. >> the artwork may be familiar who anyone who stuck in traffic on 80 before the bay bridge. >> reporter: if you've ever taken frontage road or interstate 80 heading into san francisco, you have probably spotted the dueling planes at the end of the pier. they are mud flat sculptures created by a berkeley artist in 1975. if you took a closer look you would find famous peanuts character, snoopy and the red baron. now, only one is left standing. >> to be shut down the red baron. i don't think anyone is unhappy about that outcome. it turns out the wood gave way, crashing into the bay. the mayor and vice mayor along with public works took it upon themselves to salvage the icon. >> we are trying to liberate the red baron from the sand and muck. >> reporter: and it was no easy feat. the plane's tail was stuck so they tried digging it out and hoisting it up. >> if we lean this way, we could lift it up and carry it out. >> reporter: all without wrecking it. well, it wasn't flawless. but still intact. what's next? finding it a permanent home and keeping the tradition alive. >> the mud flats has been a very long-standing tradition in the community it's evolved over time. they used to be dozens of mud flat sculptures in the city. me it >> reporter: the mayor said with a city full of artist continuing their production, it not be a problem. >> they area sculptors, get down here. we want your creations. >> reporter: emeryville is competing with other cities to have a's designation as an arts community. the state council of arts has named it a semifinalist for the designation and are coming to emeryville in a couple of weeks. they hope to showcase the red baron and its story. in a report says california stroma industry had a record- breaking year. numbers released by the group, visit california, showed tourists spent an estimated $126 billion. that is up about 3% from the previous year. the same report found tourism generated more than $10 billion in tax revenue and supported 1.1 million jobs last year. you can enter for a chance to win two tickets to one of the following shows. as part of a live nation promotion. enter go to our facebook page, click on the contest link and fill out the entry form. >> entries are accepted until 1159 tonight. you must be 18 years old to enter. each price has an approximate retail value of $40 and is provided by live nation. 5 winners will be selected by random drawing on may 8. the show will also be randomly assigned. you can see the official roles at a local actress stars in a trailer with emma watson. we're talking with san jose's mayor about police hiring and road repairs. the co we are following the ongoing situation in benicia where a shelter in place remains in effect for two elementary schools . flaring at the valero refinery. we are learning more about a man police say killed two in a senseless murder 13 years ago. we are live and forestville were shot ellen was just taken into custody for murdering his brother and is being linked to the killings of two young people on the beach and jenna. that's coming up on the 4 at 2. a few minutes away from the closing bell. tesla is up 4%. the dow jones is in the green up nearly 40 points. snapchat has reportedly inked a deal with media giants. the plan is for snapchat to air 2 have been 3 new episodes of original content each deal does each day in the story section. a sequel to the guardians of the galaxy is finally ready to hit the big screen as well as a movie about the real rocky. >> here is more on what's new in theaters. >> so were saving the galaxy again? >> reporter: the guardians of the galaxy return with volume 2. we're getting a signature mix of action and humor as the team launch a new mission to save the day. after finding themselves on a mysterious planet run by peter's dad. >> who the hell are you? >> i'm your dad, peter. >> reporter: chris pat returns as peter. kurt russell plays the father he has never met the rest of the returning crew includes zoe saldana. bradley cooper as the rocket and of course, vin diesel as -- baby groot. starting it's one in theaters this weekend is the indie film, truck, based on the life of boxer chuck weber as. his story, particularly his boxing match with mohammed ali. it said to have been started -- inspired the 1976 best picture from, rocky. naomi watts and elizabeth moss profar -- costar. >> reporter: audiences can check out the billion dollars and counting blockbuster, the fate of the furious which is held onto its number one spot at the box office for a third week in a row. >> remember i told you i had a brother who was the champion of parking? >> reporter: a lot -- a raunchy comedy, how to be a latin lover, was in second place. the surprise box office success story, the limited release action flick, from great india films. plus the tech thriller, the circle starring tom hanks and emma watson. >> the circle has a power to change everything. >> reporter: in new york, ashley dvorkin, fox news. thank you for joining us at noon on ktvu fox 2 news. we are always with you on and on facebook and twitter. a lot of big stories happening today. this is violet. she's been waiting for this moment for awhile. a moment other kids wouldn't think twice about. her first bowl of cheerios. because now that cheerios are gluten free, violet, and many others are enjoying their first bowl today. dr. oz: the ultimate couple's face-off. ready for the competition? >> oh, yeah. definitely. >> dr. oz, lisa oz. the biggest and the greatest health debate of our time. >> kao you go under or over? dr. oz: is it okay to eat food if they touch the floor for less than five seconds? should you wait 30 minutes after you eat before jumping in the pool? >> i told you so. >> coming up next. ♪ r. oz: we'll save lives today. ready to get healthy? [cheering]

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20170505 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20170505

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began around 6:45 am. we were in the evacuation area, downwind from the refinery. in fact, next to it. it's being evacuated at this moment. milero claims that when it's power from pg&e was somehow disrupted, that caused a pressure buildup inside the refining unit and that buildup was dangerous enough for valero to activate its fire stacks. flare stacks are huge a pressure relief valve that literally burn off pressurized materials that contain lots of petrochemicals. the stacks dispose of the materials that might otherwise explode or severely pollute the atmosphere should they escape. make no mistake, these are noxious and toxic compounds. valero said it has initiated the proper notifications to government officials and community members which the government does acknowledge. that resulted in a lot of sheltering in place which is still going on. the area in which we were was very much, as i say, evacuated. we are currently at the library where the press conference is going on. this is a big deal. the usually bustling filling station that fills the tegretol to go to the gas station is not operating. it's being closed down. pacific gas & electric acknowledges that maintenance crew working on lines in the area did interrupt power to the refinery beginning at 6:40 am and ending just before 7 am. the flaring continues five hours later. that's the latest from benicia. >> thank you. as we've been importing, that led to evacuations and shelter in place advisories. christien kafton is live inside the evacuated area with more on how this unfolded . >> reporter: you can see why that evacuation order and shelter in place order is still in place. you can see there is still fire at the top of the stack ab valero plant. a great deal of smoke coming off in the area as well. because of that order, we had to go through a police checkpoint to get to this vantage pointe to show you this picture of those stacks. the fire is still burning at this hour. workers near the plant new quickly this was not a regular burn off. it was green. the smoke was green and yellow and it looked bad. >> reporter: workers shot this video. there were less than a mile from the valero refinery and say the smell of the smoke was overpowering. >> it got so bad. i started -- it started getting hard to breathe. really nasty smug. >> we did hear the siren go off. then the neighbor started leaving. i said it was time for us to get out. we caught it. i told him we were leaving. he was on board. we got out. we were going back to lock up and make sure everything was okay. make it wasn't just workers. two schools were sheltered in place brock turner elementary and simple elementary order to close their doors with a handful of students inside. parents advised they cannot drop the kids off this morning because of the emergency. coming back to our live picture you can see a great deal of gray smoke still coming out of the plant. at this point there is no word on when the evacuation or shelter in place orders will be listed. a lot of the businesses down here in the area simply decided to close their doors and and business for the day and send their workers home. >> a minute ago before the live report was so you were breathing through a facemask. what this the smell like? the sense that something in the air? was that a precaution? >> reporter: this is the mask you are talking about. i needed it a couple of minutes ago. it depends on the direction the wind is blowing. it seems the wind is blowing out toward the bay right now. a couple of minutes ago, i was picking up a send, a smell, a smell of burning fuel and plastic. out of an abundance of caution, i put the mask on because i want to keep my lungs as healthy as possible. >> thank you. based on what detectives have been able to learn, we feel confident that we have jason and lindsay's killer in custody. >> this sonoma county sheriff announced the suspect is in custody in a double homicide case that stunned a small north bay community more than a decade ago. >> in 2004, jason allen and lindsay cutshall were found shot to death in their slipping death on the beach in jenner during a weekend trip. >> they were counselors at a christian youth summer camp and they were said to be married a few weeks after that trip. 90 minutes ago, as we saw, the sonoma county sheriff said they felt confident they have the killer. here is more on the story. >> reporter: the break in this case happened in march when a man was arrested in forestville for shooting and killing his brother. police tell us that man, shaun gallon had been a person of interest in the general murder case since the beginning after being arrested for murdering his brother, he opened up, giving investigators new information that linked him to those jenner murders. >> upon gallon's arrest for the murder of his brother, sheriff's office detectives took another opportunity to talk to him about the murders in jenner. gallon made statements to the detect lives with new information and additional investigative leads into the case. he had information about the killings that no other person could have known and we have located evidence that corroborates his statement. >> >> reporter: forestville is halfway between jenner and santa rosa and sonoma county. you see this map showing where it happened. it appears gallon has been and that area since those murders happened in 2004. as mike mentioned, jason allen and lindsay cutshall were visiting fish head beach during a weekend trip. they were shot to death in their sleeping bags and their killings were a mystery. this couple was preparing for the wedding and they were counselors at a christian summer camp in el dorado county. this kate hudson shop rates -- sent shockwaves through the count. now law enforcement officials say they have not officially charged gallon in the double homicide but they are confident he is the person responsible for the crime. he remains in jail and santa rosa for those charges relating to his brother's murder. now to hayward police have released a photo of a suspect accused of a shooting. investigators are searching for joseph darling in connection with a homicide that happened 18 months ago. police believe he may be staying in the hayward, union city or fremont area. the victim was found on biscayne avenue near bruce elementary school in december 2015. the shooting victim, and tod williams, died at the hospital. no word on a motive. a preliminary hearing is set to resume for a man accused of shooting and killing a hayward police sergeant two years ago. mark estrada of oakland is a charged with killing sergeant scott lunger during a traffic stop. preliminary hearing got underway yesterday but cameras were not allowed in court an officer who witnessed the sergeant's killing took the stand. officer justin green said he watched the sergeant approached the vehicle. he said he heard the sergeant shout, seconds later he was shot and killed. other police officers filled the courtroom. >> scott lunger is a member of our family. his family is our family as well by extension and it's important for us to show our commitment to the case into the criminal justice system in general. >> the judge is deciding if there's enough evidence to hold a starter for trial. he is charged with murder with special circumstances that make him eligible for the death penalty if convicted. a jury in the antolin garcia torres case is deciding the fate of the man accused of killing morgan hill teenager, sierra lamar, five years after she disappeared. >> it's been a long trial but it's just a blink of an eye compared to how much time we have not had sierra with us.>> the jury will decide if antolin garcia torres kidnapped and killed sierra lamar. he's also accused of trying to kidnap three other women outside a grocery store. a chuck nearly swallowed by a sinkhole. the latest on the repairs underway and the investigation into what may have caused a. the cool down is here and it continues. we check in with rosemary orozco about details of some possible wet weather in the forecast. i've gotta hit the loo. we can't stay here! why? terrible toilet paper! i'll never get clean! way ahead of you, big daddy. aww charmin ultra strong. it's washcloth-like texture helps clean better. it's four times stronger... ...and you can use less. beautiful view. (wiggles butt) thanks to charmin. and you, honeybear! awwwww we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin? repairs are underway in san francisco where a sinkhole opened up earlier today, partially swallowing a truck. >> this happened on seventh street between brannon and townsend. crews say they still need more time to repair the damage. leigh martinez has the story. >> reporter: the tow truck driver was parked on the side of seventh street when he said he felt his truck was leaning to the right. that's when this sinkhole opened up. luckily he was unheard and was able to escape out of the window and call for help. public works is handling this right now. the estimate the whole to be about 10-20 feet wide. luckily, they say, they don't believe any major damage to any utilities in the area have been affected. >> actually, there is an eight inch main that is inactive underneath here that we know of. i believe there may be one other inactive main under the. right now, utilities are unaffected. people are listening to see if these are affecting other life utilities and they are not. services are unaffected. it's just a traffic impact. >> reporter: around 930 and, a tow truck removed the big rig and we have public works crews out here trying to assess the damage and how to safely repair this sinkhole. we asked public works if this area is prone to sinkholes and they said not any more than any other area in san francisco. leigh martinez, ktvu fox 2 news. earlier this morning, firefighters in redwood city responded to a fire at an apartment complex. and started around 6 am on marlboro avenue. several units were damage. some people were forced from their homes. one resident tells of the fire may have sparred from a heater but we have not heard from the fire department for more information. oakland began clearing out a section homeless camp that caught fire monday night. people living in the camp are being referred to nearby shelters. the fire underneath 580 at the emeryville city line was the second in the past two weeks. it burned a dozen tents and a sanitation station. the city had been providing garbage and sanitation services in the encampment. temperatures today a far cry from where we were. >> definitely cooler out there and we are looking at this to settle in for the weekend. here is of you outside our doors where he have cleared out nicely. mostly cloudy skies to start the morning but now those clouds are against the coastline. the rest of us are partly cloudy and mostly clear. the onshore breeze is robust in some areas. fearful reporting a 24 mile-per- hour sustained and gusts up to 30. conquered, a southwesterly breeze at 12. if we look to the north, napa has 13 miles an hour. all morning we have been focusing on the wind in and around the refinery. this is about where it's at. you can see the window bars coming in from the west and that continues to push the smoke in the direction going toward us as soon bay and further inland. the winds are strong enough that it's helping to disperse that smoke. even though we are continuing to see the shelter in place and evacuation orders for some. here is the look where we are. in between partly cloudy and mostly sunny skies. we are nestled in between with clear skies at the moment we have a trough that will move closer to the coast as we get into the weekend. even the possibility of a few sprinkles. it does not look like a big deal. this is friday afternoon. into saturday morning we wake up again partly cloudy to mostly clear cloudy skies. into the second half of the afternoon you notice some blue popping up over the higher elevations. the diablo range and if you look toward the sierra, scattered showers are a possibility that. for the rest of us, cooler and breezy. we will be in and out of clouds for saturday. sunday it looks like a mostly sunny day and temperatures will rebound some but could be breezy. that may be the call of the weekend. easy and cooler weather. temperatures right now, 57, san francisco. 54, oakland. in the north bay, 72 and santa rosa. 66, san jose. we will show the 24 hour temperature change. chillier in areas like livermore by 17 degrees. to the north bay, down by four digit degrees in petaluma. fearful reporting temperatures down by 11. afternoon highs for today. mid to upper 60s for the north bay. 69 four nobody. upper 50s for san francisco. low to mid 60s for the east bay shoreline. low 70s for the inland cities. 67 in san jose. 67, santa cruze. it wasn't that long ago it was 82 in santa cruz. here is the weekend where we will remain mild and perhaps breezy. maybe even wendy along the coastline. temperatures will rebound on sunday we get back to warmer weather as we get into monday and tuesday today the north korean government is making you accusations about the u.s. claim the cia is conspiring with south korea to assassinate the leader. >> tensions continue to escalate between the united states and north korea. >> reporter: president trump talking tough. meeting with the prime minister of australia. a key pacific island. the president putting national security front and center as the military provocations continue. >> together, we condemn and we resist north korea's reckless provocation. >> their righteous cause has always been the same come the safety of our citizens and the survival of our freedom. >> reporter: the speech came hours after congress passed a new round of sanctions on north korea, the toughest so far. prompting an angry response as well as a new accusation. that the cia is conspiring with south korea to assassinate kim jim un using a biochemical weapon. it also drew a rebuke from china who said it's already working to isolate the north diplomatically and unilateral sanctions will not help. >> ton is committed to safeguarding peace and stability on the peninsula and promoting dialogue and consultations is the way to resolve the issue. >> reporter: the pentagon said north korea is no longer relying on china for help with its military. instead, turning to iran were experts say a two way street of military cooperation has been at for some time. >> we've seen an enormous amount of evidence. the first missiles we saw in iran were simply copies of north korean missiles. >> reporter: the trump administration says the cia director met earlier with his south korean counterpart but will not comment on military ties with iran. coming up, an update on the deadly berkeley balcony can apps that killed six students. the new developments that just announce. you said you wanted to feel better about your cereal. general mills big g cereals hear you. that's why we say "yes" to whole grains as our first ingredient. and "no way" to high fructose corn syrup. ♪ in every honey nut "o". every lucky charms spoonful. and every cinnamon toast crunch square. ♪ you can feel good about general mills big g cereals. does your mouthg prescripoften feel dry?s, a dry mouth can cause cavities and bad breath. over 400 medications can cause a dry mouth. that's why there's biotene. biotene can provide soothing dry mouth relief. and it keeps your mouth refreshed too. remember while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. biotene, for people who suffer from dry mouth symptoms. a partial settlement has been reached in cases connected to the balcony collapse in berkeley in 2016. the collapse killed six people and injured seven others. many students from ireland. this is were filed against the companies involved with the design and construction of the balcony. according to attorneys, segue construction and other companies have agreed to pay compensation to the injured and to the families of the deceased students. the amount is confidential. the building manager and the owner did not agree to settle. lawsuits against them continue. their reports the justice department is investigating uber in its use of a software that helped it's cars go unnoticed by regulators. according to reuters, a grand jury in northern california has subpoenaed uber. they admitted to using a feature called, greyball, douce to disguise where it's cars are reportedly to show off regulators who wanted to collect evidence that uber was breaking local taxi laws. last month uber said it would stop using the software. the labor department reported today that hiring bounced back in april and the unemployment rate dipped to a 10 year low of 4.4%. stocks right now are up 24 points on the dow. the nasdaq is up 13. the s&p 500 is up 5. a big-money pyridyl involving a european and bay area company is complete. heineken now owns all of the lagunitas brewing company. the corporation purchased half of the craft brewery in 2015. today hi can announced it acquired the remaining shares. the sale price was not disclosed. the deal for 50% of the company was estimated to be around $500 million. today is cinco de mayo. the holiday means big business in the united states. from beer and tequila to nachos and sombreros. america spend big money during the celebration. corona beer said last year 50% of all beer sold for the week of cinco de mayo was corona. analyst say sales of salsa, tortillas and tortilla chips outsell other party staples like catchup, hamburgers and buns. in recent years the california avocado commission said avocados have gained more popularity. >> 80% of avocados that are consumed are hoss avocados and the house avocado commission says that 105 million pounds of avocado is consumed surrounding cinco de mayo and the festivities. >> weather in southern california where most of it avocados are grown as having an effect on the price. depending on the variety, prices are up as much as 55% this year according to the was department of agriculture. the average price of an avocado is $1.43. there are some festivities this bill over into the weekend. and other events happening all around the bay area.>> rosemary orozco has all the details. >> into the first weekend of may and here's what's happening around the bay area. in san francisco, is the 2017 children's day festival in japantown on saturday at japantown peace plaza. and san francisco botanical garden you will find the 50th annual plant sale. enjoy cinco de mayo in the mission with an all-day family- friendly celebration. that is on saturday along valencia seat third street. in these page on the cinco de mayo and mother's day festivity at the fruitvale village in oakland on saturday. festivities include bands, aztec dancers, food and drinks. head to jack london square for the oakland urban wine festival . 30+ wineries, craft beer, music and food. the livermore wine country downtown street fest is this weekend with wine and beer tasting. in the south bay, the mountain view @ la cart and art festival goes on through sunday along castro street. and the north bay, they may madness rock and roll car show and parade will fill downtown san rafael with the finest cars , classics and utility vehicles. modified and other cool vehicles. the event is on saturday. in sports, the giants are on the road. the 80s and quakes are home. coming up, ransacked classrooms and broken windows. shocking vandalism to share with you in san jose. say about it first a school to close its doors and turn families away. for the first time in 20 years, oakland is getting new fire trucks. we will tell you what makes these trucks different from the ones they are replacing and why they are needed. who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. to our top story. evacuations and shelter in place orders are in place for some areas of benicia. they were issued after flaring and plumes of smoke were released from the valero refinery. the started around 6:45 am when the refinery lost power. pg&e said the outage started when what of its griz was doing work on an electric transmission system. the flaring also resulted in a partial closure of 680 downwind from the refinery. no injuries have been reported. >> the sonoma county sheriff's office set an arrest has been made in a 2004 double homicide that happened on isolated beach in general. 38-year-old shaun gallon of forestville was a person of interest early in connection with the deaths of lindsay cutshall and her fianci, jason allen. they were shot at close range well in their sleeping bags camping on the beach. gallon was taken into custody a few weeks ago on charges related to the killing of his brother. authorities say well-being question, he had information on the killings of the campers that no other person could have known. a crime reporter, henry lee, is an forestville talking to people who know gallon. we will have his report coming up on the 4 on 2. we are learning more about the police shooting of a double homicide shooting in. the suspect seeks revenge after breaking up with his girlfriend. he shot and killed her parents wednesday night. they also took their son hostage negotiators talked him into letting the child go. the standoff ended when a police sharpshooter killed the suspect when he pointed his gun at police. investigators say the suspect had a history of mental issues and domestic violence. authorities and not officially released the names of the suspect or the couple that was killed, the sunnyvale- based company, juniper networks released a statement identifying when he the victims as the vice president of engineering saying "we are focused on supporting our employees and their families through this difficult time the company is providing help to assist the authorities and members of our community who have been affected." we're learning about the man shot and killed by police in san francisco during a stabbing incident on wednesday. he was nicholas flusche. his facebook page that he was from texas. police say he stepped an employee at a subway shop while arguing over a sandwich. police rushed to the scene and later shot and killed flusche. the officer who shot him is the same officer who shot and injured shawn moore , a man back in january. body camera video shows moore punching and kicking officers at his home before he was shot. >> to me it's troubling it's the same officer but at the same time i do not know the facts of what happened. >> in the coming days, police will hold a town hall meeting to give more information about the shooting. berkeley police are asking for help to find three men accused of assaults during a demonstration at civic center park police released three photos of the men they are looking for. they want people to come forward with any video or pictures of people who may have committed crimes during the april 15 demonstration between supporters and opponents of donald trump. police arrested 20 people. we have posted the photos of the men at if you recognize them, please call berkeley police. preschooler hopes to reopen by tuesday after vandals ransacked the building causing more than $10,000 in damage. the break-in happened to tomorrow montessori school between late wednesday night and early wednesday morning. they took off with an ipad and some food but left behind a huge mess in every room. azenith smith reports on the anger and sadness felt by the administrators, parents and children. >> reporter: at the tomorrow montessori school in san jose, it was supposed to be a day filled with joy for the school's may the fourth star wars party. instead it's filled with shock and sadness. >> this is devastating. this is beyond anything we've ever, ever dealt with. >> reporter: when the owner arrived, she found this, broken glass everywhere, practically every room ransacked. furniture and equipment destroyed including the office, kitchen and infant room. >> diapers. formula. food. because of all the broken glass all the carpeting will have to be replaced. this is our infant room. >> reporter: heartbreaking for brown to close the school, notifying 115 families. >> these are all working families that rely on me and my staff to make sure they can go to work and that their children have summer place to be. >> reporter: cameras malfunctioned. the only clue, as brown entered the school she heard someone leaving the front door. she said he appeared to be homeless, unsure if he came in afterward's. >> it was either a lot of people doing it at once or one person spending a lot of time and effort and being very deliberate about it. >> reporter: amanda said she's lucky, able to take your of her four-year-old as the school makes repairs. some families are not so lucky. >> the fact that they chose a place where infants up to four- year-olds, that's horrible. you have destroyed their safety net. >> this a girl is helping cleanup. >> how do you feel right now? >> sad. and i saw that the window was cracked. i feel they are being bullies to my school. >> reporter: a hard lesson for children and adults. >> this violence is not okay. we've got to find a way to build our community stronger and better. >> reporter: azenith smith, fox 2 news. and south san francisco, dozens of pans can.overnight hoping to get the children accepted into a highly coveted afterschool program. the popular program as one by the city but space is limited. registration opened at 7 am at orange memorial park. many parents did not get their child enrolled. for example, the father who was first in line who started camping out at 3 am yesterday, could only get his child on a wait list. there are 600 children in the afterschool program with only 40 current vacancies and returning students who used the program last year have priority. a south san francisco police issued hundreds of citations last month as part of a crackdown on distracted driving. the police department partnered with the national highway traffic safety administration and the california office of traffic safety to can you out campaign. the department said more than 220 drivers were ticketed, most for using a cell phone. a new law took effect in january the prohibits motorists from holding a cell phone for any reason. this weekend bart is suspending service between the lake merritt and fruitvale stations for track maintenance. new trains will run. the lake merritt station will be closed. a free bus bridge will be available between the 19th street station and the fruitvale station. the closures will continue during several weekends through early july picture for the first time in 20 years, oakland is getting new fire trucks to help crucified vegetation and grass fires. this dates to the aftermath of the oakland hills firestorm. >> the new trucks are coming just in time for the fire season. >> reporter: stepping into the modern age of fire safety their >> on the -- unlike other departments, we have to be capable to do it all. >> reporter: the city of oakland purchased new fire trucks specifically to battle wildland fires. >> it's been 20 years so we're still using those apparatus. we've kept them up and use them. but now it's time to upgrade so we can handle things. >> reporter: in 1991, the oakland hills fire was the largest wildlife urban interface fire in the bay area's history. killing 25 and destroying thousands of homes. shortly after that, the city purchased this and similar trucks but now the department is trading it and three other trucks for newer, state-of-the- art trucks with more updated bells and whistles. >> we will have a better ride, better radios, better lighting, better ground clearance. a lot of features that make it a more well-rounded apparatus. >> reporter: the old trucks were made to only see -- seat two district the new ones doubles that number but provides added safety. >> we can be more effective and efficient if we get into areas with all our personnel and not just half our personnel. >> should check -- should situations change we would have to squeeze four people into a single cab. now we can put everyone in one apparatus. >> reporter: the trucks will be used for mutual aid fires statewide and when a protest turns destructive and dangerous. within the next couple weeks, the department will put graffiti prove signs like these out on trail access gates. it serves similar to a mile marker. that way for person needs help, they can tell the fire department where they are located. >> is a way for us to get for more information to pinpoint and send the right apparatus and be able to help mitigate the emergency. >> reporter: on top of that, the department is trading in its old-school hand-drawn map system for these new color ones that use gps. the crew can better see were canyons and valleys are when they travel off-road. just in time for fire season which is a few weeks away. commuters who have two years highway 37 could have to pay that rose if you proposals approved. the proposed toll could be as much as five dollars. periodic flooding can make the highway unusable for weeks at a time. the supervisor say that could raise the money needed for a long-term solution. supporters say that state funding could take decades to secure but the toll could complete the work in just eight years. the newspaper said the toka generate up to $12.5 billion over the next 50 years. initiative has been found in sacramento to repeal california's gas tax increase. a republican assemblyman from orange county wants to see a ballot measure in 2018 to overturn the tax. it will take around 350,000 signatures before you will get a chance to vote on the issue. last week governor brown signed a bill to raise the tax by $0.12 a gallon along with an increase in registration fees. drivers can expect to start paying more in november. the golden state warriors head to utah leading the series 2-0. what they say was the key to last night the victory park and iconic sculpture that's been over emeryville's mud flats for decades is in need of repair. we will show you how the city's we're got his hands dirty to preserve a piece of history. wet weather is back in the forecast after all that heat we checked back in with meteorologist rosemary orozco for the changes coming this weekend. "gs 6?h.ñqjni ♪ "turn around... every now and then i get a little bit hungry and there's nothing really good around. turn around... every now and then i get a little bit tired of living off the taste of the air... turn around, barry. i finally found the right snack."♪ "each with one hundred fifty calories or less, try our chocolaty brownies, tangy lemon bars, and creamy cheesecakes. fiber one, the warriors head to you tell up in the western conference semifinals over the jazz. >> the worst of delta the early leak and in the first quarter of 33-15. the player say one of the keys to the victory was tough defense. >> defensively we were pretty good. we made some tough was over us. they may terminate 3 but for the most part we did a good job of keeping our man in front and helping each other. we need to be better on the road in utah. >> the warriors have won all six postseason game so far. game 3 is tomorrow night in salt lake city. >> because of his injury, steve kerr could miss the rest of the conference semi finals. according to sources, he is seeing a specialist today in north carolina at duke university medical center. he is receiving treatment aimed at alleviating the symptoms that forced him to take a temporary leave of absence. mike brown will continue as interim head coach as long as the coaches away. the oakland athletics took the final game in the series against the twins. the bats were on display early and often. 14 hits in minnesota. the team returns home to close the tigers tonight. the first pitch at 7:05 pm. the kentucky derby is tomorrow afternoon. the early favorite and this one is, classic empire. the horse getting the most attention in the field today is, patch. he is a long shot with an inspiring story because he only has one i. other horses to watch include mccracken, always dreaming and irish war cry. >> that means mint juleps and big fancy hats, will you be talking about on perilous -- umbrellas in the bay? we have some unsettled weather in the weekend forecast. i think it will remain in higher elevations. outside our doors what we are noticing is a kohler pattern in place. cooler out there. breezy. we started with cloudy skies. those have since cleared out and we will have good weather into the weekend. just not as warm as earlier in the week. santa rosa, 72. 60 in san francisco. 64, oakland. 65, livermore. 66, san jose. here is a look at your 24 hour temperature change. definitely a drop in the numbers. fairfield is down by 11. down by 9 and hayward. sfo kohler and so is the north bay. the cooling began yesterday. we continue into the bay area we can. the onshore breeze is very strong in some areas. nevada reporting gusts of 17. fairfield shows gusts at 30. the onshore breeze continues to blow some of that smoke from the refinery to the east. 36 mile-per-hour gusts at sfo. -- sfo. winds could pick up on saturday. we will have to keep an eye on this. some models want to keep this over the pacific and some bring it down the coast. here is san jose. the onshore breeze is around 8 miles an hour. we have a lot of cloud cover over california, picking up on unsettled weather. you can see the northern edge of california where we have some green. we are in the clear for the most part. partly cloudy skies along the coastline. is we get into the weekend, we will talk about that unsettled weather. this is tomorrow morning. as we get into the afternoon, a few spots of blue popping up over higher elevations. if you are going to the sierra, you have a chance for scattered showers, not only a mix of rain but a mix of rain and snow. here is the forecast for this era. overnight lows dipping to freezing. saturday night into sunday, afternoon highs will be cool. be prepared for scattered showers in the forecast. at home, 69 in nevada. low to mid 60s for the east bay shoreline. 70 degrees in morgan hill. here is the extended forecast. not much change when it comes to temperatures for tomorrow. we will remain breezy and when they. in the back end of the week and, temperatures climb and that will be the beginning of a warming trend. on monday we're back into the upper 70s with a few low 80s for inland cities. san francisco zoo salesforce tower is said to be one of the tallest buildings in the country and will also feature one of the tallest works of art. a local artist unveiled his project to the city planning committee yesterday. he envisions a nine story high electronics sculpture on top of the skyscraper. this will future led lights that wrap around the top of the building and show a moving image recorded by six cameras throughout the city. images could range from people walking down the street to scenic shots of the surf and city. and emeryville, a wood sculpture of the red baron's float above the mud flats since the mid-70s has finally fallen back to earth. >> the artwork may be familiar who anyone who stuck in traffic on 80 before the bay bridge. >> reporter: if you've ever taken frontage road or interstate 80 heading into san francisco, you have probably spotted the dueling planes at the end of the pier. they are mud flat sculptures created by a berkeley artist in 1975. if you took a closer look you would find famous peanuts character, snoopy and the red baron. now, only one is left standing. >> to be shut down the red baron. i don't think anyone is unhappy about that outcome. it turns out the wood gave way, crashing into the bay. the mayor and vice mayor along with public works took it upon themselves to salvage the icon. >> we are trying to liberate the red baron from the sand and muck. >> reporter: and it was no easy feat. the plane's tail was stuck so they tried digging it out and hoisting it up. >> if we lean this way, we could lift it up and carry it out. >> reporter: all without wrecking it. well, it wasn't flawless. but still intact. what's next? finding it a permanent home and keeping the tradition alive. >> the mud flats has been a very long-standing tradition in the community it's evolved over time. they used to be dozens of mud flat sculptures in the city. me it >> reporter: the mayor said with a city full of artist continuing their production, it not be a problem. >> they area sculptors, get down here. we want your creations. >> reporter: emeryville is competing with other cities to have a's designation as an arts community. the state council of arts has named it a semifinalist for the designation and are coming to emeryville in a couple of weeks. they hope to showcase the red baron and its story. in a report says california stroma industry had a record- breaking year. numbers released by the group, visit california, showed tourists spent an estimated $126 billion. that is up about 3% from the previous year. the same report found tourism generated more than $10 billion in tax revenue and supported 1.1 million jobs last year. you can enter for a chance to win two tickets to one of the following shows. as part of a live nation promotion. enter go to our facebook page, click on the contest link and fill out the entry form. >> entries are accepted until 1159 tonight. you must be 18 years old to enter. each price has an approximate retail value of $40 and is provided by live nation. 5 winners will be selected by random drawing on may 8. the show will also be randomly assigned. you can see the official roles at a local actress stars in a trailer with emma watson. we're talking with san jose's mayor about police hiring and road repairs. the co we are following the ongoing situation in benicia where a shelter in place remains in effect for two elementary schools . flaring at the valero refinery. we are learning more about a man police say killed two in a senseless murder 13 years ago. we are live and forestville were shot ellen was just taken into custody for murdering his brother and is being linked to the killings of two young people on the beach and jenna. that's coming up on the 4 at 2. a few minutes away from the closing bell. tesla is up 4%. the dow jones is in the green up nearly 40 points. snapchat has reportedly inked a deal with media giants. the plan is for snapchat to air 2 have been 3 new episodes of original content each deal does each day in the story section. a sequel to the guardians of the galaxy is finally ready to hit the big screen as well as a movie about the real rocky. >> here is more on what's new in theaters. >> so were saving the galaxy again? >> reporter: the guardians of the galaxy return with volume 2. we're getting a signature mix of action and humor as the team launch a new mission to save the day. after finding themselves on a mysterious planet run by peter's dad. >> who the hell are you? >> i'm your dad, peter. >> reporter: chris pat returns as peter. kurt russell plays the father he has never met the rest of the returning crew includes zoe saldana. bradley cooper as the rocket and of course, vin diesel as -- baby groot. starting it's one in theaters this weekend is the indie film, truck, based on the life of boxer chuck weber as. his story, particularly his boxing match with mohammed ali. it said to have been started -- inspired the 1976 best picture from, rocky. naomi watts and elizabeth moss profar -- costar. >> reporter: audiences can check out the billion dollars and counting blockbuster, the fate of the furious which is held onto its number one spot at the box office for a third week in a row. >> remember i told you i had a brother who was the champion of parking? >> reporter: a lot -- a raunchy comedy, how to be a latin lover, was in second place. the surprise box office success story, the limited release action flick, from great india films. plus the tech thriller, the circle starring tom hanks and emma watson. >> the circle has a power to change everything. >> reporter: in new york, ashley dvorkin, fox news. thank you for joining us at noon on ktvu fox 2 news. we are always with you on and on facebook and twitter. a lot of big stories happening today. this is violet. she's been waiting for this moment for awhile. a moment other kids wouldn't think twice about. her first bowl of cheerios. because now that cheerios are gluten free, violet, and many others are enjoying their first bowl today. dr. oz: the ultimate couple's face-off. ready for the competition? >> oh, yeah. definitely. >> dr. oz, lisa oz. the biggest and the greatest health debate of our time. >> kao you go under or over? dr. oz: is it okay to eat food if they touch the floor for less than five seconds? should you wait 30 minutes after you eat before jumping in the pool? >> i told you so. >> coming up next. ♪ r. oz: we'll save lives today. ready to get healthy? [cheering]

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