Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20170425 : comp

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20170425

least nine people were being treated in the immediate aftermath. another person unaccounted for. no word when the freeway might re-open. traffic is backed up for miles in both directions. back here in the bay area a program director with the boys and girls club who was supposed to guide and help young people is now under arrest. >> police arrested twevent 2-year-old ben gorkey at his rono park home yesterday. r ono park investigators confirmed this is a photo of the 22-year-old program director of the boys and girls club of petaluma. their officers were contacted by the department of homeland security who say they tracked gorkey through his internet ip address. investigators say the photos were not pornographic but did include the girl's name, phone number, and home address. >> we arrested mr. gorkey for child endangerment because he not only posted the photo of the victim but also was able to access the boys and girls club server, if you will, remotely and posted personal information regarding the victim. >> the boys and girls club of marin and petaluma released a statement about that arrest. it says in part, quote, boys and girls club of marin and petaluma has fully cooperated with every agency that has sought information about the organization applying the highest level of integrity to all operations especially safety related matters has stood as the number one guiding principle of the boys and girls club. investigators say they are still looking into this case. rono park authorities say at this time it appears gorkey is out on bail awaiting his next court appearance. christien kafton ktvu fox 2 news. san francisco police are investigating a home invasion robbery. happened around 5:45 last night at a home in the 1500 block of eddie street. the victim says two men and a woman forced their way into the home by gun point. one of the suspects then pistol whipped one of the victims. police say they took laptops and cellphones. no arrests have been made. police in court in madera are investigators a robbery. it happened just after 8:00 last night at the village mall. police say there was still a few customers inside but no one was hurt. police say the burglars are in their late teens or early 20s. that same store was burglarized last november when $40,000 worth of merchandise was stolen. and bart police patrol is up. >> it happened at the coliseum station on saturday night and as ktvu's rob malcolm reports the entire ordeal was over in just a matter of seconds. >> the dispatch audio came in at 9:30 saturday night at oakland's coliseum of bart station. >> had maybe 30 kids board my train, beat up someone, rob them, and then run off the train. i have multiple people standing outside of the train now on the strip. >> as many as 40 to 60 juveniles jumped the gates, ran up stairs and began assaulting passengers. >> the moment the doors opened they jumped on board and committed seven robberies. six specifically on the train car itself one on the platform. >> two of the victims were punched in the face and treated by paramedics. >> surveillance footage today and i'm still waiting to find out specifically the car cameras and if they were working. >> today passengers hearing the news were noticeably concerned. >> never known anything to happen like that. no it's a little fear but i'm not going to keep coming. hopefully that won't happen to me. >> right now surveillance video being shared with oakland police, oakland school police, and also the housing authorities. they also believe the juveniles were after cellphones. >> cellphone snatchings is extremely common and has been for years. it is a very easy to not just steal a cellphone but then to redeem it for cash. >> riders now are being asked to be aware and alert. >> and i did confirm with the chief that we had increased presence at oakland even this weekend. >> the strong armed robberies took place in 30 seconds just enough time for the doors to open and close. even with increased police presence at the station the robbery still took place. >> on the same dublin bound night car train we timed the doors open for 26 seconds. enough time for a crime of opportunity. that's one thing they're looking at doing in terms of their security. rating these turn stops making them a little higher and harder to get in. they also said by july 1st deadline they should have cameras installed and working on all trains. u.c. berkley officials are preparing for possible protest if conservative commentator ann coulter speaks a little later this week. back in february there were violent destructive demonstrations when right wing commentator milo yiannopoulos tried to speak on campus. officials had cancelled coulter's speech. but coulter insists she's coming to speak as scheduled on thursday. students we talked with say coulter deserves her chance to speak out. >> because of what happened with milo i feel it would be already dangerous but because of the free speech movement home and atmosphere we like to promote it wouldn't be fair to bar her from coming. >> the more we restrict people from speaking on this campus the more detrimental it will be in the long run to u.c. berkley. >> cal is being sued by republicans who say their rights were violated when the school moved the date of coulter's speech. >> saying she is more committed than ever to speak on campus this thursday. >> i'm still planning on giving my speech. now i don't have to abide. if they don't provide a venue i won't have to abide by those restrictions i can give it a normal time when students are available and i don't know i guess it could be by a megaphone by spral hal. >> well we saw when milo yiannopoulos came to campus. they ended up cancelling his speech because they were concerned about safety. chances are when you come up on thursday it's going to be a circus. your thoughts on that. >> i'm not even milo. for pete's sake i'm a 12 times new york times best selling author. i would guess that the administration is well on notice that this can happen and the berkley police are well on notice. so i assume they'll take appropriate action. >> you can see more of frank's one on one interview with ann coulter by going to the ktvu youtube page. right now the santa clara county board of supervisors is issuing an orlando nans. >> any type of government identity industry based on religion or national origin. members are also discussing a proposal to provide more services to help more families to have an emergency plan if a parent is picked up for deportation. >> and mayors across the country are in washington d.c. today to meet with attorney general jeff sessions. some of the mayors are hoping for claert charity. sessions has requested proof of communications with immigrations officials with the california department of corrections and rehabilitation. congress returns to its first full day of work. the threat of a government shut down looms. >> now president trump is extending an olive branch all in hopes of avoiding a budget battle resulting in grid lock. >> there seems to be glimmers of hope when it comes to avoiding a government shut down. president donald trump appears to be softening his stance on the border wall. with only four days left until the government runs out of money there's still some heavy lifting to do. >> if the threat of the wall is removed as i hope is the case, our negotiations can continue and we can hopefully resolve all of the outstanding issues by friday. >> even as the white house was voicing confidence this morning that the government will stay open, president trump tweeted, don't let the fake media tell you that i have changed my position on the wall. it will get built and help stop drugs, human trafficking, etc.. >> building that wall and having it funded remains an important priority to this. but we also know that can happen later this. >> with illegal board hopping having dropped more resources to beef up border security. >> we're negotiating right now. we will get whatever we're able to get into the process right now and if whatever we don't we'll come right back to finish it off. >> against the backdrop of the budget battle playing out in congress today. national days of remembrance. in washington, d.c. allison barber fox news. and meanwhile president trump's daughter ivan ka. the conference focuses on the economic empowerment of women. this is ivanka trump's first trip. she praised her father br being a champion of supportive families. ivanka trump responded that she knows in the personal experience that she knows the potential in women. still ahead this noon an more than nuclear powered public marine now docked in south korea and north korea watching live fire drills on an island not far away. we're going to have the latest on the escalating tensions right after the break. >> and a warm up under way. we'll check in with meteorologist rosemary orozco with the details. >> and flying cars, you bet the local start up now receiving backing from cofounder google. stay right there. we'll be right back. we're following breaking news out of solono county. the solano county coroner's office has been called to the scene. it is still unclear what caused this crash. if we have anymore updates we will be sure to bring them to you. tensions on korean border with north korea launching live fire drills on an island near the south on tuesday. >> this all comes as one of america's nuclear powered submarines docked. >> north koreans marking 85 years since the founding of their army with celebration parades and according to south koreans a fire drill. as tensions continue to build. >> translator: we are maintaining a firm readiness posture in order to respond to any possible action. >> and for the first time the chinese government sends its own invoice to japan part of china's increasing willingness. >> we are encouraged especially after the summit between president trump, president shooe. >> translator: we hope that all parties can work with japan to promote an early resolution of the issue. >> president trump busy taking a hard line on north korea's provocations but his options could be limited as his focus shifts this week to a domestic budget battle. lawmakerings on capitol hill still supporting the president's approach and warning kim jung untime might be running out for a peaceful solution. >> he is not going to let this nut job in north korea to hit america. >> all of the 100 are scaled to. fox 2 news. the family of an american iranian father jailed in iran are calling on president trump to press for their release. an irania court sentenced a man and his father to prison back in october. they're charged with spying and cooperating with the united states. the family says it's becoming more urgent as their 8-year-old father is ill the conditions are dreadful. >> i urge the iranian government to step back before my father or brother or both of them. >> family's lawyer says the senior trump administration said it would be raised z on talks of implementation. back here in the bay area we are marching through the workweek and as we get closer to the weekend it sounds like rosemary we are going to have some warm temperatures. between now and then we're doing a little back and forth. here's a live look across the oakland estuary. san francisco right now a 59 degrees at this noontime. santa rosa 63 and 63 at san jose. temperatures are up for most by a few degrees. concord up by 5 and fairfield is long the bay. mountain view reporting 2 degrees normal. giving you a have you here cloud cover in place. and that chance for scattered showers will remain to the north for today. so we are dry and slightly warmer for your afternoon. the winds quite breezy yesterday. not so bad today. we do have 10 to 15 miles per hour portions over the bay area. napa reporting 10 as well as oakland. here's a look at your future cast model as we get into your tuesday afternoon. not a lot going on just partly cloudy skies and temperatures slightly warm as we get into the evening hours. we'll remain with the partly cloudy skies and afternoon highs for today look like this. 68 degrees expected for novato. 62 for san francisco. low to mid 60s expected. 65 hayward. and the inner east bay you have a mild day coming your way. 70 degrees by the end of the day. here's a look at south bay for you. 67 san jose. 70 degrees for morgan hill and upper 60s expected at the coast of santa cruz. here's a view of your extended forecast. temperatures won't employ changing a whole lot although the clouds will be back and that chance for scattered showers will return. thinking it's going to be a lot like yesterday. we get into thursday we begin to clear out but the winds are expected to return. going to be breezy perhaps even windy for some. rolling through thursday, friday, but notice the temperatures. they're rebounding and they're back into the upper 70s to near 80 degrees by your bay area. weekend looking awfully nice. with all that wind coming our way the pollen count being high it's going to be a tough one for our allergy suchers. >> a lot of sneezing going on. but it looks like we've got a little bit of everything this week. thank you. another tech job making plans to move some of its employees to oakland. oracle has signed a six year lease for some office space downtown. oracle will occupy 16,000 square feet of space on the 17th floor. not to mention some pretty awesome views as well. >> and google's driverless car company is now inviting people to test self-driving cars. the company is accepting applications from people in phoenix arizona who want to test out the cars for free. the company says it has a fleet of about 100 self-driving cars but that number will go up to 600 in the coming months. and from self-driving cars to how about cars that fly. the company released a pro mow video of an up coming personal flying machine called "the flier". the maker says it's easy to learn. it's legal in the u.s. and users don't have to have a pilot's license. the flying car will go on sale by the end of the year. people who join the company's club will receive a $2000 discount from that price. >> i don't know if you can call it a flying car. where are the wheels? >> yeah. a flying craft. >> it doesn't look like a car. maybe like a personal pontoon plane. that's strange. well let's take a check of stocks. the dow doing really well actually. a whopping 258 points right now above that 21,000 mark. nasdaq crossed the 6,000 for some time today. the talk is that by the end of the week the trump administration will have some sort of outline for that tax reform proposal they've been talking about. that having a positive impact on the market today. >> it's been a great week. coming up the california gas tax now expected to be signed into law any day now but after the break the new reports the taksz won't raise enough money to fix all the roads that are in need of repair. we recently had a heart attack. but we are not victims. we are survivors. we are survivors. we are survivors. and now we take brilinta. for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack. we take brilinta with a baby aspirin. no more than one hundred milligrams... it affects how well brilinta works. brilinta helps keep platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. in a clinical study brilinta worked better than plavix®. brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. or dying from one. don't stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor,... ...since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent,... ...heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily,... ...or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers,... ...a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. slow heart rhythm has been reported. tell your doctor about bleeding,... or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. if you recently had a heart attack, ask your doctor about brilinta. my heart is worth brilinta. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca... ...may be able to help. welcome back. california's gas tax bill won't be enough to maintain the state's road. over the next ten years senate bill one nicknameded the road repair bill will raise more than $50 billion to gas taxes and vehicle fees. of the cost of fix and maintain roads long term could cost more like $137 billion. the group says the road repair bill is a good first step but because of increased electric vehicles and increased fuel efficiency the current gas tax is not a god way to raise money to fix roads long term. the group recommends other companies like private tax toll roads and the increasing the tax on the miles people drive. >> you're imposing the section of people for their livelihoods so people have to drive they have to drive. nobody i think drives for the fun of it. >> and for the state's new road repair bill it was passed by the legislature earlier this month. governor brown pushed for this passage. san francisco has reached a major milestone for its tenant protection program. the program provides financing for the acquisition and rehabilitation of privately owned properties all in order to shield existing tenants from eviction. in expanse affordable housing opportunities. >> we actually have to preserve our rent controlled units while we build as much affordable units. one does not work without the other if we're talking about keeping families, keeping teachers, keeping janitors administrative assistance, first responders who are already in the city to keep their families in the city. >> since 2014 the program has purchased properties in the richmond, mission, north beach, bernal heights, debose triangle and valley of san francisco. cities agreed to buy the building at 772 pacific avenue for $5 million. it currently houses the new asia dim sum restaurant. if it's approved by city supervisors the site could eventually be developed into as many as 60 units of affordable housing but on the purchase is expected sometime next month. >> and a well known bar in the city's mission dprikt has been granted legacy status. that will make it ehlingable for city grants. the bar is expected to move to an early location next year but it will take that legacy status along with it. the building is set to be developed in two condominiums. still ahead a man arrested after trying to kidnap a woman in san francisco. what investigators say some good samaritans after seeing the man trying to put a bag over the woman's head and drag her to the car. >> and a search is under way for three men trying to rob a walnut creek watch store. the trick the robbers used to get close to the store owner. a dramatic attempt at robbery caught on camera. three men disguised caught on surveillance cameras as construction workers. before they could get away the store owner pulled out a gun. >> two men wearing hard hats, dust masks and yellow construction vests walk into the o.c. watch company on thursday. a third man stood outside as a look out. one man handed the store owner asking him to sign off on some electrical work behind the store. take a look at what happens next. >> hey. hey! get out. get out! >> as o'connor looks at the paper work the man suddenly pepper sprays him and a customer. one of the men uses a baseball bat to slam at the display case. of the but that's when o'connor scares the intruders out. >> at that time i made the decision you know within a splilt second that i needed to draw my gun and i did. cooked it that's when the gentleman here turned and looked at me and i'm assuming because he heard it and he fled very quickly. >> walnut creek police say the three men jumped into this newer model dodge challenger parked in a nearby valley. it looks blue here but is actually black. this picture shows them walking toward the store moments before the incident. o'connor is still shocked by the ordeal. no shots were fired but o'connor had to board up his display case. >> everybody's asking me how did you do that? what was your prior training special forces military police. no i just did it. that's just how i rereacted you know the one thing that kept going through my head is don't shoot. >> it's quite common to see people wearing construction or safety vests these days so much so that even the crooks are trying to blend in. a man dressed as a construction worker robbed this mechanics bank around the corner from the watch store. he was later arrested. >> i think's ingenious because we would just look at them as nourm construction people normal people walking through the streets. for them i think it's very smart. for us it's dangerous. >> those three men escaped without any watches and as far as that customer who got pepper sprayed he actually bought a rolex watch he had been looking at. police say the woman was walking home from work when witnesses saw a man put a black back over her head. investigators say a man sitting in his car honked his horn and neighbors ran outside to help the woman. the woman was able to break free and the man ran off but he was arrested the next day after a high speed chase in petaluma. >> great samaritans who came to the aid of the victim. they were able to scare off the individual. >> police say the woman did not know the man. police say they used surveillance video and descriptions from witnesses to track down his car that next day. a san jose man who was shot and injured by police last week after they say he charged at them with a knife. it happened friday afternoon on louis and center roads after witnesses reported seeing a man with a knife stabbing himself and threatening to stab others. police say 28-year-old khan tran ignored the commands to put the knife down and then confronted an officer who then shot him. tran was taken to the hospital on critical condition and was later arrested. flags are hung half staff today in honor of a caltrans employee who was shot on the job yesterday. up in humbolt county. investigators say an employee shot and killed his supervisor then shot himself. authorities believe there was an argument between a member of the caltrans painting crew and a supervisor. investigators say 57-year-old carrie hayes pulled out a gun and killed 61-year-old supervisor anet brooks. in a statement governor brown said the tragic death of this dedicated public serve ant is a shock. ann and i send our deepest sympathies to her family and friends and colleagues during this difficult time. state senator scott weaner of san francisco is proposing a three tiered system for california's sex offender industry. violent sexual predators would stay on the list for the rest of their lives. sexual offenders in the second tier would have to register for 20 years and those with non violent convictions will be able to petition to have their names removed from the online database after 10 years. >> if someone particularlily the low level offenders if they've lived a clean life for 10, 20, even 30 years there's no point in keeping them on the industry. >> when you have a child that's been kidnapped and you are trying to solve that crime quickly you should be able to turn to the sex offender industry to look for suspects. >> under the plan no one would be automatically removed from the list. but if approved it would take effect january 1st. there is a new candidate in the 2018 race. a former sacramento developer and a major donor to the democratic party. she was driven to the decision after donald trump won the presidential election. she says california has an obligation to fight the trump administration on immigration, health care, and edge case. she supports tuition-free college and the affordable care act. there are already two other candidates running now for lieutenant governor. happening today the albany unified school district is holding a meeting to address a series of racist incidents. accused of posting racist messages and photos on social media. some students are also accused of exchanges na zi solutes in the hallways. the incident has sparked protests on that campus. in hayward officials at cal state east bay are continuing their effort to better help college student that is are now struggling with hunger and homelessness. >> as ktvu's amber lee reports there are more options to help with the food pantry and service center. >> it's so much more than just a closet with food. >> cal state east bay opened the whole pantry on campus to provide sustenance for students. >> the name hope really resinates for me because that's kind of what it's given me. >> it started with a little more than a handful of students using it. now six months later the pantry is serving at least 100 students. >> knowing the university cares this much and in hand of that the need has grown. >> louie ramos and other students are able to get access to the pantry. >> there were times where i wouldn't eat for a day or two and i wouldn't even think of it because i was focuses on where i was going to stay. >> he's now sharing an apartment with roommates. ramos is not alone in struggling with homelessness. >> thinking i might want to stick around and get a master. >> we first met brenda brown last fall. >> these are my dresser drawers in these bags. >> the 55 now has a roof over her head. >> it means the world. it -- it lets me know that people do care. >> she is scheduled to graduate in june. she's looking for a career in helping people who are homeless. >> that's kind of like where i feel my heart is leading me just with my own experience and journey. >> in addition to the pantry students are able to access foods were their id cards through what's called the swipe program at the dining hall. they can get hot meals and fresh produce. >> this is exactly what i was searching for. this is the thing that will keep me pushing and keep me here at college and keep me from going home and getting a dead end job just to support a family. >> the university hopes to have a kiosk at the school library with a longer term goal of having a one stop center to help students and address students with housing needs. amber lee ktvu fox 2 news. still ahead, nascar's most popular driver says he is calling it quits. >> and the golden state warriors advance to the next round of players. what steph and kd had to say. >> and rosemary orozco will be back with your forecast. stay right there. preparations are under way for may day protests in the bay area on monday. and san jose several stores on willow street they're already notifying customers they will be closed as part of a nationwide strike. now historically may day is used to honor the contributions of all workers and more recently workers from other countries. there could be some roads shut down because of these demonstrations depending on how large the crowds are but community leaders are hoping drivers will be patient and understanding. >> the one day of inconvenience that people feel they can use that as solidarity for all the inconveniences that thousands and hundreds of thousands of people feel throughout the country every single day. >> this year's three mile march starts and ends near the sap center. event organizers say in 2006 there were 100,000 people who marched in a may day event. they are expecting at least that many this year because of the current political climate especially here in the bay area. and there will also be a may day rally in march in san francisco. announce the details on the steps of city hall yesterday. that event will start at 11:00 a.m. monday followed in march. followers are concerned about president trump's crack down on undocumented immigrants. reporter kay raseety has more. >> as the asparagas is cut washed and packed. bob worth is one of the owners of the company. and a growing number of state regulations have made it difficult for him to stay out of the red. >> how does one stay competitive when you're having to pay four times the amount of your competitor. >> as president donald trump's crack down on undocumented immigrants continues ferguson fears that may take a toll on his company's work force. earlier this year a stockton grandfather was deported to mexico. >> and it only take one and it just might as well shut the whole thing down. >> ferguson says right now they have enough workers to tend their fields and sheds. >> it will take 3 and a half hours. but fergson says as the days get warmer they'll need more people to harvest the asparagas. >> he says he may have to turn to a machine. >> the main solution to all this is mechanical. >> fox news. waiting for sunshine now. >> i am looking forward to it and slightly warmer temperatures although i don't like it too hot but it sounds like we've got a little bit of everything. yes, and that warmer sunnier weather will be on the way as we get towards the back end of the week. between now and then we get between sunshine and clouds giving you a view here at both. we are not looking at any rain for today but we are going to remain with the possibility of unsettled weather in store for wednesday. here's a look at the pollen levels. still remains high for trees and creeping up for grass as well. the wind a little breezy out there. i think as we get into thursday and friday when that ridge of high pressure starts to build in over the bay area. we'll definitely see the winds pick up as well. giving you a view here as well as we are tracking dry conditions and partly cloudy conditions for your afternoon today. the winds have calmed down just not as breezy as yesterday. some folks reporting gusts as fast as 15 miles an hour. and fairfield reporting 9 miles an hour at this time. your future cast will use the next couple of days taking you into your tuesday. take a look at wednesday. wednesday morning we're back with the cloud cover. i think tomorrow's going to fill and look a lot like yesterday with plenty of clouds in place. chance for a few sprinkles here and there and it definitely favors the north bay. the north bay picked up a few 1/100s yesterday. and perhaps again for tomorrow. here's a look at your future cast model now into thursday. this is when we turn the corner on that possibility of rain. we're going to be drying out for the rest of the week but the winds will be with us thursday and friday. the weekend looks like the winds will finally begin to calm down and temperatures will continue to warm up. outside at this hour partly cloudy skies. low 60s in oakland. 63 in concord. into the south bay 63 san jose. afternoon highs for today upper 60s for the north bay. around the bay we'll go 65 for hay ward. we'll go 62 for san francisco. 70 expected for antioch and brentwood. 67 for south bay. going out to see the giants play it's going to be cool and breezy out there. 58 degrees with that northwesterly breeze to about 20 miles an hour under partly cloudy skies. here's a look at your extended forecast. day by day for you there. temperatures won't change a whole lot as we get into midweek wednesday. more cloud cover. the possibility of a few sprinkles. then we're drying out for the rest of the week. we'll be dealing with a little bit of wind. but then as we get into saturday and sunday a lot of sunshine with temperatures as you guys have been saying nearing 80 degrees. >> perfect weekend for the pool or the beach. >> 80 degrees over the weekend. >> that's outdoor activities planned. dale earnhart jr. is going to retire after his 23rd season. and has been named the sport's most popular driver in each of the last 14 years. now over the past several years earnhart has been plagued by concussions. how about some basketball. the warriors are headed to the seksd round of the nba playoff after sweeping the trail blazers last night. >> a whole lot of that going on. the game was practically over. in fact it was over the with the record 45 points most ever. in one period by warrior team in playoff history. kevin durant ten points in his first game back since missing game two and three with that calf injury. >> just go out there and we got off to a great start. it felt good to be out there with the team. >> done a great job putting ourselves in a great position with the opportunity to move on to the next round and i think the way we showed up in the first quarter said a lot about our mind set and focus. >> i guess so. curry had 37 points before sitting out the entire final quarter. he made seven three pointers in the game. the warriors are now resting up before meeting the winner of the utah jazz and l.a. clippers series. and in baseball the a's are in anaheim gearing up to take on the angels tonight. after beating the dodgers in san francisco. >> this is hit up the middle. orollo's going to bare hand it. >> 21-year-old christian arollo. the dodgers had a chance to tie the game in the 9th inning but busty posey caught justin turner wanderering off 2nd base and picked him off. the series continues tonight with tybrown on the mound tonight facing clayenton kershaw. what the elton john's spokesman is saying about elton john. real good energy. real delicious energy. nature valley granola bars. just good. you don't normally run through a meadow at sunrise. but once you indulge in rich, dark chocolate, lightly salted almonds and slow roasted peanuts... you might surprise yourself. nature valley sweet and salty bars. blissfully good. a potentially deadly infection has forced elton john to cancel his show at caesar's palace in las vegas. after his south american tour he became violently ill. 70-year-old singer spent two nights in intensive care after returning home to england but is expected to make a full recovery. besides cancelling the las vegas concert. well san francisco six environmentalists received this year's prestigious goldman prize. it honors one environmental from each continent. an organic farmer from slovania and a park ranger from africa who put his life on the line. the northwestern winner mark lopez of los angeles fought against a battery recycling plant in east l.a. that was spewing lead dust into the neighborhood. well we are just a couple days away now from a potential show down between protesters, police, and students at u.c. berkley. >> today we asked university officials. ufrtd officials have made it clear they don't want the conservative figure to show up but she told our frank somerville yesterday that her speech will go on. how police and city officials are preparing today that's on the four on two. >> take a look at wall street yesterday. we are out of the gates with another day on tuesday. the dow about to close and it's up 240 plus points with news of tax cuts looming in washington. bottle rock napa valley is known for its music. and some people are just here to show off their cooking skills. domestic diva martha stuart will be there. also in attendance will be the iron chef. the cooking events are known for matching cooks with celebrities and the past the iron chef taught snoop dog how to roll sushi. this year's celebs include joey chess nut and mark ybanez. a wealth of knowledge in the sports world and the bay area in general. >> forget about it. we want to thank you for making ktvu your choice for news. we're always here for you. check this out at >> have ray great day. break through your allergies. try new flonase sensimist instead of allergy pills. it delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances. most allergy pills only block one. new flonase sensimist. dr. oz: next oz... you've got 10 weeks till summer. drop 10 then... children. 15.3, 14, dr. oz: used as sex slaves. >> talking about hundreds of thousands. >> hundreds of thousands. here in america. meet one who survived. >> i'll probably deal with that 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