Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20170323 : comp

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20170323

downtown. right now we don't know the identities, ages or gender of the people found but police say they are in the very early stages of this investigation. however, we do know a suspect is in custody in san francisco. we're still waiting to learn exactly where in the city the person was detained and we're working to learn the identity of that suspect. of course we'll continue to follow any latest developments in this story and we'll be speaking with a reporter in sacramento about this story that is coming up in about 10 minutes. a 27-year-old man is in custody following an attempted kidnapping yesterday in the west portal neighborhood of san francisco. >> and ktvu's bob malcolm has been following the story for us all day long. he joins us now with the latest. >> reporter: good afternoon mike, gasia. we could be talking about a much different story this morning but the bottom line is now a twenlt z-- 27-year-old man is under arrest and a 13-year-old girl is safe with her family. >> the surveillance video is chilling . at the top of your screen you can see a black volkswagen passat speeding down forest avenue just moments after a driver attempted to kidnap a girl in a west portal neighborhood. >> the attention of witness who is opened the door and pulled the victim out of the car. all units from tareville station responded to the scene. and they began searching for the vehicle and put out an all broadcast to all officers in san francisco. >> it was 5:00 p.m. wednesday as the young girl walked on forest side avenue. the man stopped his car and tried to pull her inside. if not for neighbors who heard the screams and pulled her to safety police say this could have ended badly. >> we've all been down this road, this path and things ended tragically. so we know how huge it was these heroes came and helped this young lady get away. >> reporter: that neighbor who saved the girl didn't want to go on camera. >> the vehicle's owner lee mason eigl was identified as the suspect involved in the kidnapping. eigl was taken into custody at approximately 1:00 p.m. by the officers. >> reporter: for one neighbor who provided police with critical video, the arrest was welcomed news. >> how satisfied are you that an arrest was made? >> from what my wife tells me they were here in just a few minutes and they tracked down a vehicle just 5, 10 minutes after that. >> reporter: so back here live a happy ending to this story. lee eigl has been committed an assault. we're also told that the special victims unit is also involved in this investigation and it is continuing. we're live from baby station. rob malcolm ktvu fox 2 news. >> good news. rob thank you. now to new information about yesterday's deadly attack. we're now learning one of three people killed in the attack was a man from utah. he was with his wife visiting her parents and celebrating their 25th anniversary. >> the attacker was left shot dead by the officers. now identified as 52-year-old kalid masud. they're not being specific about what his convictions are. >> masu d rented the suv in birmingham. seven people have been arrested there. police are not saying exactly why. we get more from reporter katie logan. >> we shall now observe a minute's silence. >> reporter: the british parliament held a moment of silence as it came back into session the die after a shocking terror attack that left a police officer and at least three others dead including the attacker. prime minister teresa may called on the city to return to normal. she says it's the most effective response. >> it is in these actions millions of acts of normality that we find the best response to terrorism. a response that denies our enemies their victory. >> officials now say they've identified the attacker. he's a british born man who had previously been under investigation by british intelligence but failed to have only peripheral connection. isis has claimed responsibility for the attack. authorities are now looking to improve security. >> obviously the security will now be reviewed. >> members of the public will see additional armed officers, additional unarmed officers the steps been taken by the police and the experts to keep us safe. >> meanwhile life has changed to normal back in london. >> we're outside our window and it was horrible. we were locked down. >> reporter: the investigation is still under way but london police believe the attacker acted alone and no more attacks are being planned. israeli police say they have arrested a 19-year-old man as a primary suspect in threats targeting jewish communities. police say the suspect is jewish and an american israeli duel citizen. the arrest was a result of the israeli police and the fbi. to match the origin of his phone calls. there's no word on if he was involved with any of the threats here in the bay area. earlier this month police arrested a man. >> house of representatives is supposed to be voting on the republican health care bill. but right now they're still not ready. a meeting a couple of hours between conservatives and president trump has put the vote at doubt. it's called to the senate. 22 house republicans can vote against the bill before it is still passed. president trump met with members of the house freedom caucus today in an effort to get them to support it. after the meeting caucus members said no deal was reached. >> this is not the bill we wanteded. it's a huge architecture and so now there's just one thing left. if we don't bring the prices down in the near term and get rid of the insurance regulations then president trump is going to suffer the same death spiral that obamacare has brought to the nation right now. >> all house democrats are expected to vote against the bill. senator pamela harris spoke out on the floor of the u.s. senate. >> so i say before we leap ontd this new bill -- only the this new bill, let's all ask some key questions. let's all take a good look at what this plan really would and would not do. first, let's ask, will this bill provide insurance for everybody as president trump promised? well, the answer is no. >> the house vote was expected to happen before 4:00 but some representatives say house speaker paul ryan may delay the vote until tomorrow. and today our question of the day to you is this. what would you ask your congressional representative do in regards to voting on the american health care act? the options vote as it. or vote against it. >> take a peak at our poll results we started on mornings on 2. 59% vote against it. 25 prpt say find some common ground. the fewest group would be vote for it as it is. tomorrow the state department is expected to recommend approval for the pipeline. for the white house to formally approve the project which requires a presidential permit. 60 day deadline to complete the trump review. under secretary for political affairs sean cannon. tillerson is the former ceo of exon mobile. hundreds of families are still unable to return to their homes and they're in need of short term housing. >> to all those who may have an apartment, may have an extra room, may have a spare back unit to make it available. >> today mayor sam ricardo . still 500 families are in need of short term housing. the owner of one mobile home park has agreed to make 20 units available. >> it is an ideal situation where what they're looking for short term. they're there. they're homes. it's an actual spot. most of the appliances are in there. we can do something good. we've gotten a lot of bad press over the mobile home situation. and we thought as a family if we could do that and help some people in need we will do it. >> lee areota hopes to have temporary renters in soon. it is >> right now anderson reservoir is limited to 68% full capacity reducing the pressure on the dam in the case of a strong earthquake. the santa clara valley water district laid out its plan for the retro fit of that dam. the chances would also decrease the flooding. the work was scheduled to start next year. that has now been pushed back to 2020 because of newly discovered earthquake faults and engineering complications. >> you know there's still a lot of snow melt out there and the danger is still out there if the rain comes down again. >> it's better that it's found now. any new findings engineering complications related to them now than when you're in construction. >> people who live below the dam say they're trying to learn lessons from the problem at the oroville dam earl whier this year. they hope the project won't face anymore set backs. now to breaking news where a car has gone off the road. it's about 200 feet over the cliff. lieutenant doug pittman on the phone. we're watching the rescue efforts as they happen live from up above. tell us about the challenges your crews are facing. >> yes, gasia, and mike, thank you. there is just that. there's a large multi-agency operation taking place right now. about 15, 20 minutes ago we had received a report that a vehicle had gone 200, 250 feet down the cliff there. agencies involved included the salsalido sheriff's office. the only information i really have right now beyond that of the accident is that we're being told that there is one gentleman in the vehicle said to be elderly. don't know his exact age. don't know why this occurred. our key focus right now is conducting a safe operation and bringing this man to safety. >> are you hearing from your crews there on the scene whether or not they are communicating with this individual? is he unconscious right now? >> my information is that he is conscious. i'm not too sure if that's taking place verbally or if that's taking place by cellphone. i know we had information about the gentleman which leads me to believe maybe in fact he was able to call himself from a cellphone which of course would be a good sign. but right now our focus is getting to him and safely extracting him from that very precarious situation. >> right, i can imagine. it's a clear day out there. no rain, no fog. any idea what may have caused him to go over the side or no? >> no, it's too early for that. that is something obviously we will figure out in time. but, again, right now our focus is getting him to safety. >> i'm watching the different agencies as you mentioned. it appears they have the gentleman on a stretcher. how often do you guys train together in kind of a multi-agency event? >> actually we train about once a month. so between our local rescue teams and u.s. koupt park police we all have personnel who are specifically trained in technical rescue and it's these agencies coming together with their personnel that enable us to conduct just this type of rescue operation. >> the area where the sky fox is over where this accident occurred, doug, has it be prone to accidents before, this part of marin county? >> thankfully it's remote in between calls for safety. is this unusual? no this happens sadly once a year we have a vehicle go off the road and the cause of why this happened today is something we're going to be looking into. >> i'm looking at the road up above and we're going to focus on the car down the embankment. it looks like the car is pretty banged up here but it does appear the crews are focused on getting one person out. we're going to zoom in tight hoping this man out. this is a two lane road. not a lot of traffic on this road typically at noontime on a thursday. >> not usually. the weekends of course that's a very busy road occupied by a lot of tourists. but again this is the unusual but we're trying and we're prepared for this and it sounds like we've gone to great strides here. >> when you guys first get on scene i know you said you've been in communication with the gentleman. we see some firefighters there. do you know if they were air lifted in? because it appears they were probably maybe 50 yards from the roadway or it looks fairly steep or was that something they just walk or maybe they do both. >> a little bit of both. obviously, the first arriving units on scene the deal is to get down to the patient in this -- goal is to get down to the patient in this case. get him away from the vehicle and safely secured. i know one of the big goals was getting the helicopter down to marin county. that would be the safest ways to access people who are trapped or find themselves down on the cliff side. but again, usually it's those firefighters who arrive on scene first who focus on getting themselves physically down to the scene and providing whatever medical treatment might be required. >> and lieutenant i'm thinking we've unfortunately covered a number of stories here in oakland along skyline boulevard. that fact that it appears this man may have been able to call for help himself. if he hadn't told someone the car is down i don't think i wrote have seen him. >> that's quite possible. i'm not exactly sure of the exact location of where this is located. with that said you're absolutely right. sadly people go off the road for whatever reason and unless someone sees them or it comes to our attention that we need to look for them are they ever found. >> i was just going to say this reminds me of a lot of people i don't know if this gentleman was wearing his seat belt or not. a lot of people joke and say this is why i don't wear my seat belt. would you like to say something about that. >> actually it's been my personal experience that i think that's probably the wrong decision to make. i think the best situation to make is keep yourself belted in your car. you said yourself that the vehicle seems to be exhibiting a lot of signs of damage and so forsdz. but the cars themselves actually inside the compartment where they're designed to carry the people it's designed for the protection of the people. you put yourself in harm's way more by not wearing your seat belt than if you didn't have your seat belt on. >> what do you think they're going to transport the patient? because helicopters can't land at marin general? >> actually they can land under extreme circumstances where a life is the issue they can take him to marin general. but two of the primary trauma areas that we deal with are john deer hospital in walnut creek or even up to memorial hospital up in santa rosa there are primary trauma units. if the gentleman is in such condition that all he needs is treatment and evaluation by a physician and he's able to be transported by ambulance then that will be the option chosen. >> and before we let you go just to pinpoint the location are you talking below the bonita lighthouse. >> absolutely. it would be to the west side. the ocean side of the golden gate bridge. the next beach beyond that to the west is point bonita. that car is loeblgted on the cliff stied -- located on the cliff side between those two bridges northwest side of the golden gate bridge. >> speed limit 45ish. >> yeah, i think up there it's 25 miles per hour. >> kind of nice and slow to make sure you take those curves safely. far too early to speculate what may have caused this gentleman's car to go off the road. we're watching the rescue as it happens. it looks like at least four or five rescue workers down there appear to be loading someone on to the flat board to get limb to safety. >> -- him to safety. >> the basket too. it looks like he's in good hands. >> yeah, that's what is taking place. believe it or not that's a good sign that the firefighters, and medics on scene are comfortable with the fact that they are going to take the time to safely get him back up to the roadway where he can probably be transported by ground to a local hospital. if he was anymore severely injured then time is of the essence and at this point you probably -- the choice would have probably been made to lift him by the helicopter and quickly lift him away. that's a good sign they are doing it in that matter. >> that is a good sign. lieutenant pitman thank you for calling in. we appreciate your time. we're going to let our viewers know that we are streaming this live at where you can continue to watch our pictures coming in live from sky fox. lieutenant, thanks again. and we'll be right back after the break. honey nut cheerios gets their delicious taste from honest ingredients. like real delicious honey and real oats. okay that's still honey. huh, there we go. we're back to honey again. who's directing this? that guy. figures. try new very berry cheerios. the taste of real fruit in every bite. so berry good. live-streat the airport.e sport binge dvr'd shows while painting your toes. on demand laughs during long bubble baths. tv everywhere is awesome. the all-new xfinity stream app. xfinity. the future of awesome. we continue to follow breaking news outlet of sacramento that has ties to the bay area. >> four people found dead and a suspect has been detained here in the bay area. reporter max reznick joining us live. >> reporter: mike, gasia this scene still very active. police say there was a call from a concerned family member from a welfare check. this is the 1100-block of 35 avenue and the family stated to police there was suspicious circumstances at the home. when officers arrived nobody answered the door and that's when police made entry. that's when they found four victims. police say this does not appear to be a random act. officers are canvassing the area right now for more witnesses as homicide and csi continue to look for answers. there are still a lot of unanswered questions out here today. we don't know when these victims were found, how long they may have been dead, the relation to the suspect and they're working to find ou the identity of the suspect. sacramento police tell us they will be out here all night and possibly tomorrow morning. >> it's a heinous crime no matter what is happening. as a reporter are you frequently in this part of sacramento covering this type of crime or is this something new. >> reporter: this is something new and in fact we talked with a resident who's been here since 1982. this would be considered rare. certainly would have to go back and look at the data to confirm that but this is not an area typically where you would see a homicide investigation let alone a quadruple homicide. when we rvdz here just a couple hours ago the police presence was very expansive. we want to take you now to the other breaking news where we've been following in marin county. gasia sky fox giving us these live pictures here. you can see the patient a man in his 70s has now been lifted up from his vehicle. >> that's right. after going down the side of the road we don't know what caused him to go off the road. it may be that the man himself called for help. we are streaming these pictures for you live on let's go ahead and talk about the weather. today was quiet compared to what we're facing again for tomorrow rain-wise, right, steve? >> that's for sure. we have a nice day so far. clouds are increasing. we're still getting mostly sunny skies and we're getting some partly cloudies. we have an impressive front that's out there and for everybody overnight into tomorrow real quick. you can see 1/2" to maybe 3". not as much snow, the wind will be parallel to the mountains and perpendicular as this system dies down to the south. timeline unless you're up north it will be 8:00. for most of us it will be in through overnight into tomorrow morning for the commute. that is 144% of normal. an entire season is 23.65" so we've already blown way past that. the forecast for friday is probably about 1/"of rain. that has only happened 22 times in their 169-year history which goes back to 1849. the last time they had over 30" of rain for the season was 1935. couple systems to talk about here we have a dry day today and it looks like again on sunday into monday. so we're not quite done. some of the projections you guys 2.5" to 3". we have rain on the way for tomorrow. stee, thank you. still -- steve, thank you. still ahead a convicted pedophile. >> it goes back 25 years with crimes against children. all right. back now live to our pictures in marin county on that vehicle that went down april cliff side about 200 feet. it was a man in his 70s that he was alert and communicating with those firefighters and other rescuers there at the scene. this is near the point bonita lighthouse on a road. he was lifting up, gasia, by the chp chopper and it looks like they may be transporting him into an ambulance. >> and this doesn't seem to be the very end of a process playing out here live on television. certainly the man was able to get help in those first minutes. i'm perhaps most interested in the fact that it appears he may have been the one to call rescue workers himself that's according to the lieutenant we spoke with live on the phone. so in the coming minutes i'm sure we'll see the helicopter take off and get the man to even more safety. what appears to be a good looking situation for now in marin county. >> basically, you know, he's a seasoned pedophile. a sex offender who police say was again praying on under aged boys in the north bay is now back behind bars. he was caught eight months just before he was set to complete his parol. >> he was trying to lure young boys and why police are crediting four friends for helping to stop him before anyone was hurt. >> down the street from drake high school a pizza place popular with teenagers and this is where three boys were befriended by a man who offered them money to help him wash cars. >> and the parol agent confirmed that he does detail vehicles. >> only to a sting did police learn the man is a paroled sex offender considered high risk. >> and his history goes back 27 years with the crimes against children. >> during those first encounters the boy said richard williams bought them food, gave them cash, and told them not to tell their parents but one did. that's when police posed as one of the boys texting williamses. >> which including inappropriate statements. basically he's a seasoned pedophile. >> police didn't know who they were dealing with but recognized grooming. >> like he was a mentor and a teacher and he's there to support them. >> he said he's going to open a business and car wash and clean. >> finally back to the pizza where williams arrived a third time expecting to meet the boys for a movie but he was under surveillance. >> he was here like three or four hours and the police were watching him and after the police came here and then they take a picture of him. >> and then an identity for williams. victimed of luring los gatos boys the same way several years ago and police able to see a long history of child sex crimes immediately alerted williams' parol officer and had him arrested. >> well i've got two kids and i'm concerned and frankly shocked. >> if they didn't tell, here he is in our community. >> the chief praises the voice for overcoming their embarrassment. >> being brave enough to go to their parents and say this is happening. >> and with williams locked up their parents can finally relax. >> and she said it really wasn't until today that the whole thing hit her emotional of what potentially could have happened to her son and his friends. >> ktvu fox 2 news. bart riders are on alert today one day after a 72-year-old woman was attacked and beaten to death on a train. bart officials saw a man reportedly kicked the woman several times until she was unconscious in what police are calling an unprovoked attack. bart riders we spoke with this morning say they're taking precautions. >> i try to stay off my phone as much as possible but sometimes it's hard. >> the woman who was attacked was taken to the hospital treated for non life threatening injuries. more money to supply jail guards with body cameras this morning. the department asked a board of supervisors to release $135,000 in reserve funding. the request was approved just about an hour ago. the plan is to test the cameras for six months to a year before expanding to all 850 deputies. jail operations came under scrutiny two years ago when some deputies were forcing inmates to fight each other. the owner of a san francisco clothing store is charged with violating the law after selling items made from endangered animals. court records show the department of fish and wild life received an anonymous tip about items in her store. under cover wardens found and seizing more than 150 items. hanson thought it was okay to sell vintage furs and other animal products. >> i'm sorry that furs were killed by unlightened people 50, 100 years ago. but maybe something positive can turn out from it and that's what i've done. >> she was obviously intending to sell all the item that is had tags. we want to protect our environment and we want to protect the species and frankly once they're gone they're gone. >> it is legal to own vintage furs but not to offer them up for sale. hanson is set to return to court next month. if convicted she faces up to four and a half years of prison. cost cutting moves this year have backfired. a hiring freeze and discretionary spending are not working. spepding for the month is actually 249% more than the same time last year. administrators now plan to limit purchases from the general fund and could begin looking at cuts to special education, early childhood and nutrition programs. now to the oakland hills where some residents are voicing concerns about a pretty busy road. to discuss a proposed lane changes for joaquin miller road. right now the road has two lanes in each direction. they say it's all in an effort to curve speeding and make it safer for bikers. >> many neighbors say they're skeptical about the city's claim that the new configuration won't impact traffic con jesse in the area. meanwhile tonight the police chief and supervisor plan to meet tonight. at montera middle school. it's all part of an effort to reach out to the community of oakland. she plans to hold more forums to meet people in all parts of oakland. >> the utility meter. the meters can message customers in real time about leaks long before the customer gets an unpleasant surprise on their next bill. >> from there we can develop different conservation programs that will save water for east bay mud and also for the utility company. >> east bay mud expects to install 10 to 20 new smart water readers over the next ten years. minutes ago we've learned that house gop leaders had delayed the vote on the health care bill. a vote had been expected today earlier in the newscast we did tell you about a meeting this morning between conservatives and president trump which had put the vote in doubt. republican leaders remain short of the number of votes they'll need to move the american health care act to the senate. it is now official. there will be no such vote today. still ahead... doctors writing prescriptions for food. >> we're seeing preliminary outcome in terms of their diabetes control being much better. almost now at a level that's comperable to taking a medication. >> ahead we'll tell you about the food pharmacy where low income clients get accurate yes, also dry out there around the bay but boy is that going to change. and soon. we check back in with meteorologist steve paulson and when the rain is going to return. it's the first of its kind in california. a pharmacy of food right here in the bay area. >> and as claudine wong explains. >> the room is not very big but it is just big enough to help the people who come here make some life-saving changes. >> i'm trying to eat healthier than before because i used to have bad eating habits. >> welcome to the pharmacy at the samaritan house in redwood city. >> the results are bet are than we ever expected and these are in fact hear it how it's the first two pharmacies in the state of california. >> dr. jason wong is the medical director at samaritan house. >> so we are a primary and specialty clinic for patients who are uninsured and low income who live around the redwood area. >> every month 400 adult patients come through these doors. about two dozen physicians and five or six dentists. but doctors had another problem. >> and sometimes it's a decision between well do i buy healthy food or do i pay the rent. >> so in january of 2016 the food pharmacy modeled after one on the east coast opened its doors. doctors started writing prescriptioned for food. food from the second harvest food bank specifically chosen to meet the needs of patients is set up right down the hall from exam room. >> we have canned salmon. canned tuna. more protein items. >> and al exnavarro. >> i'm talking to them about whole grains the importance of choosing the right types of fruits. >> she not only introduces people to things like quinoa. >> so we provide that access. >> if they cook with whatever they have found in here they're usually in good shape. >> yes, and that's the great thing about this. >> jorge louise was diagnosed with diabetes eight years ago. he now makes weekly trips to the pharmacy. he gets three or four days worth of food not just for him but also for his family. >> i'm trying to establish healthy eating habits at home because i have a 6-year-old daughter and she's a high risk of becoming a diabetic. >> they say the food and the help has made them feel better. >> the kind of food you serve here it's really good. . >> it's a change navarro says she's getting used to seeing. >> i see how happy they are and empowered they are to come in here and try out new recipes. >> and the idea is growing with other clinics partnering with samaritan house. the non profit is hoping to raise funding for a clinical study but even without that study dr. wong doesn't hesitate when asked if the program is working. >> actually it's been better than i had anticipated. we're seeing preliminary outcomes in terms of their diabetes control being much better. it's almost at a level that's comparable to taking a medication. >> food is medicine he says. back to our meteorologist steve paulson as we go on this cool spring day. >> that is correct, gasia and mike. we're down to 8 to almost 15 degrees. we have lots of sun and clouds are slowly increasing. we've been talking about this system all week long. and nothing has changed to give us any reason to pause on that. it does look moderate to strong. but it won't be until late tonight. for others it will be late tonight to tomorrow morning. 50s and 60s but we're slow to warm up with those 30s and 40s and they're soft 60s. pretty impressive low forming in the four corners. more on that and you can see the spin in the atmosphere right through and that produced some pretty good rain down in phoenix for spring training. that's it in ukiah. not the 94, 95, our 96s that they had about a week ago and they have a little bit of thunderstorm activity. there was the rain from overnight. that moved off but know the unstable conditions are popping up. it looks like most of it is north and east but still just a huge difference compared to what they had a couple days ago. you can see some of those developing right there on the north coast. mostly sunny for us. partly cloudy to the north. by tomorrow morning this system will move through and i think we're going to get about a half inch to maybe three plus inches of rain. 50s, 60s on your temps. get ready for rain and wind on friday. we'll get a break on saturday. sunday morning looks okay. but sunday night into monday guess what. more rain. >> more rain. they didn't have the mic on. i was going to guess. >> i bet. in the world baseball classic is and they did it with a little help from several members of the san francisco giants. >> rocket into left center that's going to score another pair. . >> fans in l.a. cheering for crawford. brandon crawford lining that two run single in the severth. they would tack on two more runs. crawford had a great evening with his glove as well. that set things up for david robertson to close the door. >> robertson grounded to 3rd base. and the u.s. wins the title. >> great job. it was the first year team u.s. even got to the finals in just the 11th year of the world baseball classic. by the way the u.s. finished with the second. by the way this picture on social media. for shall champagne celebration in the locker room. now to high school hoops. union city's james logan mens varsity basketball team made history. there are first state championship game in decades. the players are physically smaller than their opponents but that just means they have to work harder says the coach. >> how the players are different. they bring something different to the table. so putting that all together it makes one great team. >> anything you do in life this transcends from being on the court to life. and you want to make sure that you train your body and yourself and your mind to be able to compete on different levels. >> last time logan high was in the state finals 32 years ago. the colts lost that game in overtime. for the division one tomorrow night and really good luck to all of the high schools playing in the various divisions of the state championships this weekend along with james logan you have st. patricks in vallejo. san francisco's mission high school. representing the city there. hayward's monroe catholic boys and of course the archbishop girls. we'll be right back after the break. game night is our daughter allie's favorite night. and knowing that her favorite general mills big g cereals are gluten-free, like honey nut cheerios, rice chex and lucky charms, she can enjoy it her way. try new very berry cheerios. the taste of real fruit in every bite. so berry good. happening today march madness making its return to the bay area. >> right now college basketball fans from all around the country converging on san jose where the ncaa tournament continues later today. here's more on the impacts for local businesses. >> reporter: should mean business. the ncaa tournament is back in san jose. we're down to the sweet 16 and later on today four of those teams will square off here inside the sap center trying to stay alive in the tournament. the first day of the night will feature west virginia taking on gonzaga. by a match up between xavier and the university of arizona. and the winners from those two games today will square off on saturday in the elite eight with a trip to the final four on the line. and of course tens of thousands college basketball fans have descended on san jose for the weekend and that means tens of millions of dollars pumped into the local economy. this morning we talked with some west virginia fans who are in town for a long weekend. >> we got in last night. hopefully we'll play again on saturday. >> that's always a hope. >> would be nice. i don't know when the last time we made it to the elite eight. it's been awhile. >> and if we lose to want we're going to the wine country. >> so napa valley. >> san jose is welcoming. i've been here in the past for other athletic events and they always welcome with open arms and get good crowds and it's very well done. >> reporter: san jose is one of four cities selected to host games during this year's sweet 16. this is the city's 6th time hosting the ncaa tournament. as far as trying to get inside the sap center to watch some hoops today all of the games are officially sold out that includes the game on saturday but on some of those retail sites like stubhub and gametime there are still tickets available. but they are going to cost you on average running about $200 each. march madness continues in just a few hours here at the sap center. that first game tips off just after 4:30. in san jose alex savidge ktvu fox 2 news. we have continuing coverage on breaking news we brought you out of sacramento and san francisco. >> that's right. we're learning more about the four people found dead in a house in a quiet sacramento suburb. the suspect was taken into custody in san francisco. we're going to get the latest again today on the four on 2. we have more information also online at >> taking a check of stocks minutes before the markets close. you can see the dow jones, sm.p made some gains but we're on tap to. the san francisco police department is honoring a man who saved -- his girlfriend 19-year-old jennifer cervantes all received medals for a ceremony last night. they could see strong tides were pulling a swimmer into the bay. they worked together to find a rope, throw it to him and call 911. tonight in san francisco the highly anticipated run of the musical hamilton officially begins. just yesterday more than 2000 high school students filed into the theater to get a preview. the students spent months learning the history on which the show was based. don't forget there's still a daily lottery for those coveted $10 tickets. go to look under our web link section. hamilton is in town for quite awhile. >> thanks again for watching emphasis. our coverage continues online at with all the stories we've been following on this thursday afternoon. >> thanks for joining us. see you back here for the four on 2. dr. oz: you get a potato. you get a potato! and you get a potato. and you get a potato. nd give you permission to eat potatoes again today. they are nutrient powerhouses 100 calories, perfect potatoes that won't spike your blood sugar. plus. it my fat burner smoothie. dr. oz: why women rave about them. the weight just melts off. dr. oz: coming up next! save lives today. you guys ready to get healthy? [cheers and applause] dr. oz:

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