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Died during a vehicle attack on the westminster bridge. Those to death someone with 20 other major injuries came after a a man with a knife try to enter the britain parliament. A a car ran over pedestrians and its unclear if the two incidents were committed by the same assailants. Parliament was in session when a middleaged man ran through the group dates, waving a knife. Witnesses later reported hearing three gunshots right outside of the pallet. Palace. Earlier on westminster bridge, a a car mowed down pedestrians. The London Ambulance service said it treated at least 10 people on the bridge at the time, and we now know that number is up to 20 and that is where one woman was killed. Theres a 4 x 4 grail of silver. And the car speeded up, and past me. And i did not Pay Attention afterwards. After a few meters, then i knew something was going on. A continued, but then after the bridge, i dont know what was happening. There were of course lots of people there. Reddish port Officials Say they pulled the woman from the river of life that she suffered severe injuries. There are images of a car crash into the perimeter fence of parliament. Members of parliament were locked in and told to stay away from the windows. President. Donald trump reportedly called the british Prime Minister to offer you a support during the investigation. And and and the assailant has not yet been identified, and european cities were targeted by terrorists. He is also continuing the effort to push the healthcare bill. Joe waldman reports. This bill was about peace of mind. Peace of mind for americans. Former Vice President joe Biden Joining democrats this morning to celebrate the seventh anniversary of president. Obamas Affordable Care act. Even his members of the House Rules Committee were meeting to consider the gop back build to design and replace what was formally known as obama care. This is about what our founders wanted for us. Life, a healthier life. Be neck president. Donald trump back the legislation strongly to rank andfile republicans to fall in line behind the plan. But efforts to strongarm more conservative members have fallen flat. The house bill ends the obama care nightmare, and its healthcare decisions back to the states and back to the american people. Meanwhile, or the third day in a row, judge neil gorsuch is back before senators on the Judiciary Committee for another round of questioning. There are enough republicans to pass neil gorsuch out of committee, but democrats are getting more emboldened. If he fails to get 60 votes based on his long life in the law, it means that politics has replaced qualifications. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell has said that if neil gorsuch checks nomination gets hung up i filibuster, he may seek a change to senate rules involving only a minority vote. The University Says the student is being treated and is recovering and the school is now notifying people that had close contact with a student. They are also looking into places the student may have been a visited. It is spread most commonly by close contact, such as kissing or sharing drinks and utensils. Health officials are advising students to watch out for symptoms and also offering a vaccine at a drop in clinic this week. The board of trustees has voted to raise tuition after a sixyear breeze. That is an additional 278 and it brings the cost of a full year of classes to just under 5500. Cal state Officials Say they need the money to hire more faculty and at more classes because enrollment is growing and the funding is not enough to cover the costs. Happening now, thousands of California Storm victims can get loans to make repairs or replace things that are damaged by powerful storms. The loans are available to people in 25 counties across the state including santa clara county. Thousands of people forced to evacuate when coyote creek flooded are eligible for the loan. Any amount of loan, i want to grab. I dont have Flood Insurance and nobody pays a dime. You dont need to be a a business. And you need to apply and you need to do it within 60 days. If you need help applying for the loan, go to the san jose hall, room 24 which has now been turned into an outreach center. We have more information tran02. Com. The santa clara Water District will host a Community Meeting tonight to discuss upgrades at the anderson to him. That is part of the seismic retrofitting of the dam. The district wants to rebuild the dam but says that would take years and the groundbreaking isnt even scheduled until the year 2021. Water Officials Say they plan to make the concrete spillway higher and increase the size of the outlet pipe. The outlet is not very large so it cant release water very fast. The Public Meeting is scheduled to start at 6 pm at the Morgan Hill Community center, but the Water District isnt the only one keeping taking action. San jose is keeping a a new Flood Warning system and there has been talk of temporary floodwalls along coyote creek. San jose police are asking for your help to find a driver who plunged a car into a creek. The car had three people inside. The car crashed into a fence at the driver ran from the scene before police got there. Two passengers suffered injuries and were taken to the hospital. Anyone with information, call santa rosa police. A couple of Chain Reactions closed the westbound lanes of interstate 80 and oakland. That happened around 4 30 am given 980 24 interchange. In both cases the victims got out of their vehicles to talk with the other driver and check the damage and both struck by passing vehicles. One driver died at the scene and the other had injuries considered to be serious. We just want to take a moment to remind people that especially in adverse weather and at night, stay in your vehicle if at all possible if you are involved in a collision. Call 911 and if you can make it off of the freeway to talk to the other party, that is your best bet. Chp says all the drivers involved in these tragedies remained at the scene and are cooperating with investigators. It does not appear at this time that drugs or alcohol was involved. Still ahead, a man in lafayette the and kidnapped. The suspect took a gun from the victims home and force them into the victims vehicle, where they drove to the bank. How that victim was able to get some help. And after heavy downpours this morning, the rain is clearing out. But dont get used to those blue skies as we give you a live look at the oakland estuary. Mark morrow will be here to tell you one more rain is expected to return. And north korea is testing another missile. Why experts say that the test may be less about testing the muscles and more about testing the trump administration. Police in redwood city are investigating a case of Domestic Violence at an office park that ended with the death of an armed man. It started around 215 it started around 2 15 pm yesterday afternoon when police got a frantic call from a woman who said her exhusband had a gun and was chasing her. She told police she had a restraining order and she didnt want to talk to him. She says that he then grabbed the gun and started chasing her around the parking lot. The dispatcher even heard a gunshot during the call. An officer arrived and the man pointed a gun at the officers, prompting them to fire. Then he turned the gun around and shot himself. We were just shocked, over there and this other building, when we found out that there was something going on. An autopsy is being done today and authorities responded to two separate government Domestic Violence complaints made by that woman this month. Lafayette Police Received a call before 2 oclock yesterday afternoon from the chase bank located on mount diablo on mount diablo blvd. A a man told tellers that someone entered his home by posing as a construction worker, eat him, stole his shotgun and ordered him to withdraw bank cash from his account. Officers quickly responded to the scene and arrested the officer without incident. Neighbor say they cant believe it happened in their community. Im shocked. We been here 12 years and nothing like that has ever happened. The suspect is identified as 26yearold and well cousteaus from pittsburgh. Hes jailed on charges including kidnapping and robbery. And alameda judge says all the debris from the ghost warehouse fire has to be preferred preserved. Most of it has been sent to an airport hangar or dumped in an open field. The materials, as well as what remains of the warehouse could be necessary evidence of the wrongful death lawsuits that have been filed. Blue skies making their way over much of oakland right now, but its a much different story this morning. We are complicating the commute for the wednesday morning commute. Those clouds are beginning to lift out there but still those dark clouds, relatively clear skies and suddenly we get these a billowing cloud buildups. There are even the chance for some scattered showers paying us a visit. Rain is racing across the bay area, also out toward the sierra as well. They still have a Winter Weather advisory in place until 10 oclock tonight. We will check in with some of the current snow reports, and this morning as of 8 oclock, 7 inches of snowfall and still some snow on the radar right now. As far as the local radar, not a lot of coverage out there. The chance for some scattered showers out there over the sin film mountains and extended toward the valley. We cant go completely dry but definitely some more breaks from the action in the short term. Current numbers out there, and derosa, 550, and a san jose 56 as well. Take a look. These are the two day totals i have compiled for you and then, over 4 inches of rainfall. Over 2 inches and more impressive remark amounts especially this time per year. An inch and a half, redwood city 1. 34 and santa rosa over an inch. San jose is nearly 3 4 of an inch. Still a pretty active weather pattern out here in the pacific. The storm series setting up, heading to a break in the short term. We have a chance of showers in the next few hours, but thursday for the most part will be dry. The next storm moves and friday and that will be a a stronger one. Here we go today. He will have more breaks in the clouds with the possibility still of a a scattered shower, then taking this into your thursday, thursday morning starts out dry. Did have a chance of the shower and then taking us into friday. Here we go on this rainfall, it will be really focused in the north bay. It could be stalling out for your friday forecast before it moves across the rainfall. All the way to 3 inches for the north bay coastal hill. Another significant forecast for friday, and i will keep the umbrella on standby by sunday. Temperatures mainly in the 60s for your wednesday afternoon high. As you can see here, a sun and clouds mix. Clouds looking like popcorn over the afternoon hours. Thursday, a a fun and clouds mix. We will increase the clouds on friday and possibly another system as we head into sunday. So the amazing winter heading into spring continues, and it looks like an active weather pattern at least over the next four or five days. Militants push further into western mosul. Federal police are going house to house fighting the narrow allies. That has been injured since the fight, and many will remain trapped without food or other supplies. For the First Time Since president. Trump took office, north korea tested and intermediate range ballistic missile. While it was unsuccessful, it could be a assignment north korea is testing the us administration. Another failed missile test for the First Time Since president. Trump took office. Officials tell foxnews it exploded just five seconds after it left the mobile launchpad. It is a new provocation that could be an early test of the trump administrations hardline on north korea. The obama era policy a strategic patients is over. Are these options on the table, as was discussed during the campaign . Nothing has been taken off of the table. Beijing has been reluctant to help rain in the north following the deployment of an antimissile system in the south which china sees as a threat. It was something that was uncalled for and something of a growing concern for us. The Chinese Government continues to call for a de escalation on both sides as president. Trump weighs his options for retaliation. Do not take any provocative or risky actions, or else those actions may be misjudged. The joint military exercises that the north has described as an act of war. Coming up, the story of one north face father who conducted his own investigation to help his son get back a stolen bike with a a little help from police. And alleges rape of a 14 yearold girl at a high school in maryland has now become part of the debate on immigration immigration. They are being charged with raping the girl in a high school bathroom. And they say she entered the country illegally. Spokesman sean spicer talked about the case yesterday. Illegal immigration and crackdown, and such a big deal is because of tragedies like this. If convicted, the suspect could get life in prison. And should Illegal Immigrants be allowed to enroll in Public Schools. You can find out more by going to our homepage or comment on our facebook page. We started the face book poll, and 66 say no. Quarterback are nick is giving 50,000 to meals on wheels. At a rally on monday, they talked about having trouble signing on with another nfl team. The president s proposed budget could cut funding to housing and urban to programs such as meals on wheels. The quarterback supports seniors. Stocks mixed in afternoon trading, and Tech Companies are on the rise while energy firms are falling but the price of oil. And the sears is taking steps to cut costs by 11 billion. There was substantial doubt about the companys ability to continue with their words. The company sold the craftsman tool brand to black decker and now has announced its closing 150 stores. San francisco supervisors are supporting a plan to improve local income tax. And the state tax code bands local income taxes. Thats in favor of a bill that would allow the removal of that band. Governor. Brown would actually have to sign off on the measure and only then went to measure be put on the ballot. The Sonoma County board of supervisors awarded a 3 million part. It will be at the same location where a 13yearold boy was shot and killed. The team was carrying an airsoft rifle when he was shot seven times by deputy eric gill house. His death was marked by a number of rallies. I head down to cupertino and take a closer look at apple park. The new 175 acre campus will be the future home of generations to come. And this is the modern version of the golden ticket. A special treat for several key Public School students for a chance to see one of the most popular broadway shows right here in the bay area. This is the hottest ticket in town and today high School Students across the bay area are getting a chance to see hamilton the musical. They let us inside the place, imagine that. Hes lucky high School Students from across the bay area, they will take part in a cultural phenomenon. It will get a chance in a couple of hours to watch the most popular musical in america, but this is an educational outing for the students and a chance for them to further their educational history. From around the bay area, people filed into the amphitheater in San Francisco, and before that, some student performers took to the stage. How can we have that opportunity. A huge applause from the crowd. And to show off their hamilton inspired performances. This is part of an Educational Program launched last year but the creators of the popular Broadway Musical about the life of founding father Alexander Hamilton and the goal here is to inspire students to find their own connection to american history. And everyone is excited to be here, and im excited to see the performances. Its very cool and it is a great experience to see hamilton. This is the first of four all student matinee performances of hamilton, and in the end, more than 8000 local High Schoolers all get to see the performance. That includes google and facebook, and these are some of the fantastic student performers from high schools around the bay area. I want to bring in destiny, you are from the coma conservatory. What are you most looking forward to . I was excited, my teacher came into my classroom and told us that we had gotten the grant is to go to the play and the whole last erupted into screening. It was so amazing, so to be here and be able to participate in the play and all the activities, it was great. Okay, you are with mount eden high school, and hayward. What is the lesson that you think, the educational lesson that you will take away . There are many education lessons. Just listening, you hear the stories told him every different character of our founding fathers, and even people who were considered our founding fathers, like hamiltons wife, they are still there. And there are a bunch of stories, like the actors telling us that if this is what we want, it can be done, its not impossible. And if anyone can do it, you just have to work hard and put your heart into it. Thats inspiring for young performers like yourself. These are some of the student performers who bravely took the stage here a short time ago to perform in front of their colleagues, and their fellow students earlier today. And they did, they got to take part in a q a session with the director and some of the other people involved in the production here. Then 2 oclock this afternoon, thats when the big show will happen and these 2000 local high School Students will be in attendance for a performance of hamilton here in the city. I think tickets for hamilton run in the hundreds if not thousands. All just stay right here. [laughter] what a great program. Thank you so much. One oakland consumer Safety Group Says some popular childrens snacks sold at some of the nations largest retailers may in fact be harmful for children. The center for health found high levels of acrylamide in several brands of Animal Crackers and gingersnaps. The group said the wholegrain disney Animal Crackers have the highest level of the chemical. In the Disney Walgreens Animal Crackers, we found that a child eating just wanted to have boxes of these Animal Crackers would exceed the annual limit under california warning laws. In response, walgreens issued this statement saying the safety of our products is of highest importance to us. We just received this information today and will thoroughly review. We did try but were unsuccessful to reach safeway that carries another cookie that has high levels of acrylamide as well. Two people were captured involved with a robbery of a jewelry store. Then bridge jeweler captured the robber. They asked to see some merchandise and then struggle over it. The two thieves then take off off the front door. If you have information about this case, call san jose police. 10yearold Marcelo Jones of what acre, one of the lucky ones. Last week he left his unlocked bmx trick bike at a bus stop and when he went back, the bus was bike was gone. Then his dad checked craigslist and found the 500 bike listed for half of that amount. Sure enough, there it was. Right on the top front page. Wild man, his bike, just popped right out at me. A marin county deputy stepped in and pretended to be an interested buyer, and 35year old saul marino showed up with the bike, and was cited with possession of stolen property. 100 and calling for a crackdown on speeding drivers using a different kind of enforcement tool. An automated camera would take a photo of the license plate and car anytime a a driver is going more than 10 Miles Per Hour over the posted speed limit. Then it would automatically send a ticket to the registered owner. The Automobile Association of america has questions including the cameras accuracy and where they would be set up. These would be important in areas of actual concern. The past year alone we have seen over 90 individuals who were killed on the streets of San Francisco and san jose. It calls for a fiveyear plan, modeled on similar plans in 140 communities across the country. It has been called by some the spaceship of silicon valley. Apple park is the latest area of jobs and its weeks away from opening its doors to thousands of employees. Apple park has landed, and this video that the Company Provided is showing it off. When hundred 75 acre campus, 2. 8 million two point 8,000,000 ft. 2 ringshaped building, cafis, a visitors center, and even an orchard meadow and pawn. It is an iconic symbol. The cupertino are bertino mayor, we do hold that rate. When we first moved here, it was all orchard. That you got a spaceship looking building. Bob zimmerman has a nice view of apple park from his front lawn. He slipped in the same house since 1959. Purchase price . I think it was 17. The cost 5 billion to build over there. Apple is cupertinos single largest. There is that, definitely. The mayor who hasnt yet word apple park, to find out how much apple actually pays the city and taxes, added he would like apple to step up and contribute more than it comes to educating cupertinos youth. Specifically, helping our children who have special needs, helping our children who come from families that are disadvantaged. I would love to have that connection with apple. Apple declined to allow us access to apple park, but ceo tim cook emphasize this campus is the vision of the late steve jobs, saying the workspaces and parkland are designed to inspire our team, as well as benefit the environment. Weve achieved one of the most Energy Efficient buildings in the world and the campus will run entirely on renewable energy. Apple provides connectivity throughout the world. We are about, i would say at least two thirds of our community are immigrants, and the conductivity that you get across, continents is remarkable. Land once ripe with hundreds of acres of orchard, cherries and upper cut, are now home to apple park. The mayor of cupertino, obviously she wants more for the schools in her city. And what mayor would want that . But apple has done a lot for schools, not just here in california but also across the world. 2530 of apple employees currently go to work not using a car. Sotomayor is concerned about that. You might have people coming and going, and the apple has committed money to caltrans and other agencies there in the valleys. And so the studies, then they will. But overall its impressive. Im thinking of all the dry cleaners and sandwich shops in the area. They looking for a big boost . Not necessarily, the campus is so huge, they want their employees to stay part of it. 70 is landscape. And there are restaurants and so forth there, huge gems. Maybe we will see a huge boost business in cupertino, outside of apple park. But i bet many of those employees stay part stay put. Just ahead of easter, the tomb of jesus has been restored to its former glory. Plus for the first time ever, team usa is going to the world baseball classic finale, all with some help from a few players from your San Francisco giants. The amount of money that the readers will have to pay if the team relocates to las vegas has been revealed, and its less than what other teams have had to pay recently, and according to bleacher report, the nfl will charge the raiders a maximum of 375 million for their relocation fee. Thats about half of what the teams, and the rams and charters. They are expected to vote monday and they need approval from at least 24 owners. For the very first time, team usa will play the finale. Adam jones shot one to third, and that set things up for pitcher luke gregerson. Right here. They are moving on to the finals. They face puerto rico tonight at dodger stadium. After beating the Dallas Mavericks last night, 11287. Down the lane, and he tomahawks it. Another dominant performance from the warriors and it also marks the first time in nba history that the team works 28 road wins. The warriors are off today as well as tomorrow and a host the kings friday night. Cal basketball stara rabbit has decided to forgo his final two years of eligibility of berkeley and enter the nba draft. 14 points per game this season and was in all of the celebration. That was the right time to focus on his pro career and he plans to fulfill a promise to his mother to finish school and get a degree from uc berkeley. Weatherwise today, we had a very heavy rain. We are headed to a little bit of a break, but silly possibility today. Things could change with possibility of a popup showers. Then over the next few days by this time friday, we talk about heavy rain working its way back into the bay area. You can see looking out toward the oakland estuary. Basic cloud buildups and showers on the bay water as well. That has moved out of the bay area, and snow building up and messier as well. In fact, taking a look at some of the snow toward nevada, 12 inches of stuff all over the past 24 hours. As a closer look at the bay area radar, not a a lot of rain but still the possibility of some popup showers, especially in the higher terrain, closer to the santa cruz mountains. Great numbers out there, we are on the cooler side of the weather pattern. So right now we are in the 50s to right around 600. We have some breeze out there and wind is coming in out of the northwest, at least offshore. Right now, concord winds at 15 Miles Per Hour, and gusts out towards sfo at 21 Miles Per Hour. The wind will or possibly approach 25 two 30 Miles Per Hour. In the most recent system, you could see snowfall around five you could see snowfall around 5 69 inches. We have a storm series out here in the pacific, at least during the day. And friday through thursday somewhat of a break. And then a stronger storm, we are watching for sunday, and another front could be approaching the bay area. Here is that next guy approaching the cold front. The grange here, could be a quarter inch, but then rainfall could be approaching 3 inches for the coastal hills of the north bay. Winds are around 4 Miles Per Hour and then thursday look what happens. Take this into friday, and heavy rain falls in the northbay. Moderate to heavy rainfall for the north bay area, and friday night and saturday will be dry. Mainly in the 60s with still a chance of showers. Next storm in friday, it looks like another one into sunday and, we could add monday to that. We could be starting the next work week on the wet side with the possibility of scattered showers. Will enjoy the sunshine while we have it out there. Just ahead of easter, we are getting ready to show where jesus has been entombed and resurrected. A special easter treat for the faithful, once upper restoration work on the edit poodle at a fuel is complete. We opened the tomb of christ in order to print tactic from the injection of drought. The actual is located at the church of the holy sepulcher in jerusalem. It dates back to the buildings 12thcentury and stands on fourth century remains. It is the only place where six christian denominations practice at the same site. Workers are cutting a window into the shrine so pilgrims can now see the bare stone of the ancient burial cave. The restoration, it just reinforces how important this is to everyone of every faith. This is the first time the actual has been used in 200 years. They temporarily shutdown the building in 2015 after it was deemed unsafe. And people filled the church for a ceremony marking the end of the 4 million project. The unity, it must be an inspiration to the people of our region. Lots of work is still needed at the holy site, however money is still being raised for consolidating and restoration will not be needed for years to come. The lands are back tonight when foxs hit show empire returns for its season premiere. Honey nut cheerios gets their delicious taste from honest ingredients. Like real delicious honey and real oats. Okay thats still honey. Huh, there we go. Were back to honey again. Whos directing this . That guy. Figures. Try new very berry cheerios. The taste of real fruit in every bite. So berry good. We are following the latest of elements out of london, where an investigation into what is believed to be a a terror attack is underway. Officials are releasing more information about what led to the attacks, killing four people, including the suspects. The dow jones with not a lot of activity, and the nasdaq is up 28 points and the s p 500 is up five points. And all new episode of the hit fox show the empire is on tonight. He caught up with the stars of the show what viewers can expect. The battle of the lions is heating up again, as fox hits show empire is back. They are building it in such an effortless way so you can follow and understand it. I just feel like with my character specifically, she has grown so much. The action and trauma is at an alltime high, especially the fight for control between the character lucius and shine, played by exhibit. You are characters scares the poop out of me. In the second part of season three, we see how shine works hard to destroy lucius, teaming with anyone and everyone to take down the music mogul. We still havent been told why lucius allows them to be around as much, but there is a reason. You will find out more and more about that story as the season progresses. Each year the line family tackles their own demons, as they document the music. That all comes from the creator and executive producer, leading else. I cant get hurt anymore. You have so many shows on fox, we might have to add l for you. Whats going on . Im trying, im just trying to make money. I know that it is going to be in vegas, i think. We are just putting it together. For now, you can follow the line Family Dynasty wednesday night on empire. Again, tonights all new episode of empire starts at nine, followed by the 10 oclock news. Next for watching everyone. Our continuing coverage of the attacks in london goes right now goes right now tran02. Com. And of course, more news coming up for you. , dr. Oz you may have heard about the whole 30. Its delicious. To die for. Dr. Oz whats it really all about . Down and reak it explain what cooking clean means. The whole 30 is a reset for your abits and relationship with food. Misty plus ballerina copeland on breaking racial arriers and building a leaner, stronger more graceful you. Coming up next. Today. Save lives are you guys ready to get healthy . [cheers and applause] dr. Oz it

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