Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20170227 : comp

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20170227

congratulations. >> reporter: with those words she became oakland's new police chief. the first woman to lead the oakland department. with $270,000 a year she will be the highest-paid chief in the city's history. there is a lot on her plate. the police department has been under oversight since 2003. required to make reforms because of misconduct. more recently they faced scrutiny for a scandal involving 18 sects worker -- speaking to reporters after her swearing in ceremony the new chief talked about changing the culture of the oakland police department.>> on a one an organization down to rule thinking. i want people to transform their thinking about policing. 21st century policing is not what it was when i became an officer 35 years ago. there is an evolution of thought and culture. if you want to change a culture you first must change the thinking. >> reporter: and her swearing in speech she said i know for whom i worked and who i serve. it is the community. i want to thank the police department. i serve you. striking a diplomatic term. they support for patrick as the new chief. she did not give specifics on what she plans to do right away. she said her first 100 days will have a granular and specific action plan. we will have to wait and see what that entails in the days ahead. across the bay mac the public defender and community members are calling on dist. atty. to bring the deadly police shooting of lopez to court. he was killed two years ago. after police say he launched at officers with a knife. two separate autopsy reports show he was shot in the back. today's news conference was held on the front steps of the hall of justice. they are looking for thieves who stole an atm all of the marin bus terminal. police released this surveillance video this morning. at least 2 people drove up to the building in a late model lexus suv. one of them likely a male tied a rope along the standalone atm. the other end was attached to the car. they yanked the machine out through the front door. there is significant damage to the office. as well as the front of the building. the amount of money inside the atm is not known. less water is flowing from the oroville dam spillway. the main spillway specifically. we will bring pictures from above. the department of water resources began reducing the outflow just before 7 am. it will be completely stopped sometime this our. you can see water is still flowing. the outflow will be stopped for a number of days to allow them to clear debris at the bottom of the spillway. a chunk of concrete toward the spillway later this month. they will restore power -- power to a hydroelectric.. it was reduced by 62 feet since reaching capacity at 901 three. hundreds of people frustrated after being cut off from grocery stores gas stations and other businesses because of a mudslide. morgan territory road runs between clayton and livermore. christian captain. reports the county still does not know when it can start repair work. truck >> reporter: you can see the damage left. the road of buckled broken and completely impassable. you can see it is also severed that water main in two. nearby ranches and homes are operating without power. trying to get enough water for their families. neighbors telling us the problem only getting worse. with no signs of stopping anytime soon. >> there was a false fire alarm last night. five of these poor guys have to jog all the way down with all of their gear on to the other fire truck. to find out it is a false alarm. it is good. that is not the way to handle emergency responses.>> reporter: contra costa county says it cannot fix the road because the area is still sliding. drivers told us one of the major concerns is emergency services. if someone needs care that is having to take the long way around adding 20-30 minutes to response times. we talked to a neighbor who says taking the long way around can add time in be scary. >> it took us an hour and 30 minutes to go from one side of the slide to another. to go into town.>> reporter: power was also knocked out in the area. they have managed to reroute the power. coming back you can see how much damage was done. neighbors say this is still sliding just on saturday a good portion of that pavement was still there. you can see how much has eroded and is now gone. at this point no timeline on when all of this will be repaired. they have managed to restore power. they simply cannot get to work until the sliding comes to an end. and to get it better idea on how the ground is moving. the south bay all but three flooded out homes have been cleared for mandatory evacuations. coyote creek in san jose. inspectors went through all the properties in the rock springs and william st., park neighborhoods. state inspectors led residents go back to their mobile home parks around old oakland road. workers are adding up the damage. >> we are continuing with the damage assessment process. we are required to put in our numbers on monday for disaster relief. that starts the process. we have been working fast to get them together. >> more than 1300 units have been yellow tagged. improvements are needed before residents can go back. they can return home to start making repairs. an assistant center remains open between 8 am and 6 pm. for people who need additional help. that's out the vietnamese american community center. an investigation underway to the cause of the early morning apartment fire in hayward. started at the td garden apartments. 7 people had to be rescued from the unit. fortunate -- fortunately nobody was hurt. 31 people had to be evacuated. they were able to get the fire from spreading. other units have water damage. donald trump is preparing for his first speech before a joint session of congress. >> we have the details of the topics he will discuss.>> reporter: all eyes will be on president. trump's speech tomorrow night. today his meeting with governors from all over the country. many of whom want to hear specifics about his agenda. >> the budget which is going to be a very big part of tomorrow night's speech is going to be i think a budget of great rationality. >> reporter: speaking before a joint session of congress the current supreme court and his cabinet -- the president is expected to lay out his plans and 2 major categories. public safety and economic opportunity. that includes reforming the tax code for individuals and businesses. as well as overhauling healthcare. this as he also meeting with health insurance ceos this morning. >> obamacare has been a disaster. it is only getting worse.>> reporter: this speech could mark a shift from the executive order phase to a more legislative locus agenda. this as democrats critique the president's speech before it has been delivered. >> they oppose pretty much everything. the party seems to have decided that what is space want to hear is opposition to everything the president does. >> reporter: we can expect the number of congressional members to protest the president by not attending abrading immigrants and refugees as their guests. president. trump's pick for navy secretary withdrew his nomination yesterday. citing concerns about conflict of interest. venture capitalist philip tilden took himself out of the running because he thought he would not be able to secure senate confirmation due to his business interests in china. earlier this month vincent viola decided not to accept the nomination for army secretary due to his financial holdings. politics took center stage at the oscars. a number of people and joked that president. trump including jimmy kimmel.>> i want to say thank you to resident trump. remember last year when it seemed like the oscars were racist? >> the president did not watch the broadcast. he was hosting his own even. a dinner for the nation's governors. people attended an empty chair town hall committee -- and the city of oakland. the center dianne feinstein was not there. it was called the group indivisible. they've been showing up across the country to show opposition to president. trump's policies. some people compared it to the tea party movement which has different goals but both groups use public pressure to demand congress resist the agenda of the president. it is our turn to be loud. >> we are in a special place in the country. i think that we have an opportunity to push ahead and continue to be progress of despite everything happening. >> organizers say they knew senator. feinstein would not be attending the town hall. her office said she was traveling back to washington. people at this empty chair town hall say they will expect there will be many more events like this in the days and weeks to come. and unbelievable mistake at the oscars after the wrong film was announced as the winner for best picture. what officials are saying what happened. and we hear from the bay area's own about how he felt hearing his film moonlight was the actual winner for best picture. a cool but dry start to the day. will check in with our meteorologist. for details on what we can expect for the rest of your work week. suspended nfl linebacker aldon smith and the court appearance. what he said about his past troubles and his message to raider nation. i'm afraid they read the wrong thing. this is not a joke. moonlight has won best picture. moonlight. best picture. people are still talking about last night's blunder at the oscars. the cast and crew of lala land had come up on stage and were giving their speeches when it was realized moonlight was the actual winner of the best picture category. the accounting firm who's been in charge of the oscars ballot county -- counting released a statement. we apologize to moonlight. lala land -- oscar viewers for the error that was made during the award announcement for best picture. the presenters had mistakenly been given the wrong category envelope and when discovered was immediately corrected. we are investigating how this could have happened. we regret it occurred. we appreciate the grace with which the nominees the academy and jimmy kimmel handled the situation. >> actors and directors were still in shock over the mixup. >> of course with an amazing thing to hear lala land -- we would have loved to get this picture. we're so excited for moonlight. it is one of the best films of all times. i was pretty beside myself. i was holding my best actress in a leading role card the entire time. whatever story -- that was cut i had that card. i'm not sure what happened. >> the folks were so gracious. i can't imagine being in their position and having to do that. he spent a lot of time together. i can't imagine being in their position. it is why -- i was speechless because it was so gracious of them to do that. >> when they said moonlight -- you guys have won. it just threw me a bit. because -- it through me more than a bit. i just did not want to go up there and take anything from somebody. it was hard to feel joy in the moment like that. but because somebody else in front of them -- but i feel fortunate for all of us to have walked away with the best picture award. it is pretty remarkable. >> mahershala ali won best supporting actor in moonlight. it ignited a lot of bay area pride since he was born in oakland. some of the other winners of the night included casey affleck won best actor for his role in manchester by the sea. viola davis -- best supporting actress for her work. damien chazelle on the category of best director for lala land. the youngest to ever won that category at 32. jimmy kimmel surprise a group to bring them into the theater to be a part of the show. >> i welcome to the dolby theatre -- >> they thought they were going to in exhibit. they walked into the dolby theatre instead. face-to-face with the stars. the guest to sell these and shook hands with hollywood's biggest actors. one newly engaged couple got a once in a -- lifetime experience from giselle washington park >> i now pronounce you husband and wife. kiss the bride. >> chicago bulls tweeted they have them covered if they want a game. gino's is offer them free pizza as well. let's check in with rosemary. we will have a dry week. all smiles about that. we have snow atop mt. diablo. we talked about it over the weekend. the systems rolling through work moisture starved. if we did get a knock at the right time snow levels were down 2500 feet. a dusting of snow in mount diablo. some areas picked up a bit of rain. the system came in late yesterday. and stuck around through the overnight hours. it is moving on. we don't see anything right now. we will remain drive for the most part the most of the day. piedmont picked up more than one third of an inch. animal reporting a quarter inch. walnut creek, berkeley 1 inch. san francisco 22 100th. clayton and alameda 16 100 of an inch. we were not expecting a lot but we did receive some accumulation the past 24 hours. we are trying out and we will remain drive into monday night. we have some dry weather in the forecast for the days ahead. a look at your afternoon and into the evening hours -- during the afternoon drive we have dry weather. partly cloudy skies. higher elevations a possibility of scattered showers. we're looking at sunny conditions and temperatures remaining cool. here we are at this hour 54 in oakland. 52 san francisco. self-pay 53. north bay temperatures in the 50s as well. santa rosa 52. as we get into the second part of the day we're looking at 56 degrees for vallejo. 56 in oakland. 54 in san francisco. these temperatures have not changed a lot. temperatures feeling similar to yesterday and the day before. 57 san jose. 55 santa rosa. we will remain with the school pattern for a few days. things change up as we get into wednesday. low 60s and the forecast for the afternoon. thursday and friday. temperatures begin to warm into the middle and upper 60s. we are looking at that possibility lasting into the first part of your weekend. it will feel like spring. as we get into sunday the models bring the possibility of rain back to the bay area. have a look at that model -- i will bring it to you in the next half hour. just weeks before the nfl reinstates aldon smith the raider linebacker was in a courtroom this morning. he faces charges related to a dui arrest in 2015. he is charged with a hit and run and vandalism after leaving a santa clara club and trashing his vehicle. he has been sidelined due to a suspension tied to violating the substance abuse policy. despite his troubles he says he is confident his problems are in the past. >> i'm happy all of this is behind me and i can move forward and enjoy the rest of my life. >> thank you for your support. raider nation all the way. let's keep this thing on the street and positive. >> today's case was continued until april 24. tennis players in san francisco challenge to the match of a lifetime. the superstar who yelled out -- honey nut cheerios gets their delicious taste from honest ingredients. like real delicious honey and real oats. okay that's still honey. huh, there we go. we're back to honey again. who's directing this? that guy. figures. try new very berry cheerios. the taste of real fruit in every bite. so berry good. we have new information on a self driving car that failed to stop at a red light last year. the problem was with the cars mapping program and not because of human error as they previously claimed. a dash cam caught the incident right there knew the museum. the newspaper says 2 employees an internal documents revealed the cars technology built to spot 6 red lights. leaders with the, are expected to plead guilty today for concealing information about the defects in its airpacks. the company agreed to pay $1 billion in fines. the justice department started investigating after its air back in players were found to degrade over time. sometimes explode sending shrapnel into the car. 16 people have been killed and more than 180 injured linked to the airbag problem. tesla ceo is looking to boost production numbers. according to reports tesla's planned producing have 1 million cars next year. that's six times as many vehicles the factory is currently producing. it depends on the company's mass production of its lower- priced model. warren buffett -- twice as large as previously thought. billionaire investor revealed hathaway holds 133 million shares of apple. that makes it a top 5 shareholder with a stake worth more than $18 billion. the announcement caught many offguard. buffet -- clear of tech company's. we look at apple he sees a company that makes consumer products. apple stock is up slightly as we take a look. the dow jones also up. 22 points. a number of investors looking to president. trump's speech tomorrow night for a detailed of promised tax cuts and infrastructure spending. we will wait and see how the market reacts tomorrow. gnocchi a relaunched a classic. they unveiled a brightly covered -- colored version of the phone from the year 2000. the cost $52. 22 hours of talk time -- talk time. it has a slower connectivity than today's smartphones. they hope the classic from will entice users who it like a backup phone. a new neighborhood watch program rolling out in one city. how the south san francisco police department hopes residents and their dogs can keep the community safe. long lines at passport centers around the area -- and action taken 10 years ago is adding to the rush for passports. we have been expecting it to happen. is since president. trump will sign a new executive order on immigration on wednesday. it comes after the initial travel ban was blocked by the ninth circuit court. the white house says the president the late the latest order to make sure it could withstand legal challenges. >> as concern increases some passport offices are seeing longer lines. the rush is not all due to regulations from the administration. truck this passport center has been overwhelmed as of late. >> reporter: taken only process 30 applications a day. people have been showing up in the wee hours of the morning hoping to make the cut. this is what things look like this morning inside the lobby of this post office. people lined up hoping to get a new passport or renew their existing passport. a spokesman says they have seen similar crowds lately at many other offices around the area. this rush might be partly in response to president. trump's immigration crackdown. with federal agents aggressively enforcing immigration laws. and the administration pushing for a travel ban of some sort from 7 mostly muslim countries. this morning we saw francisco rodriguez. they were here ready to get their passports of today. before they travel to mexico to visit family. >> more people are waiting like never before. it is incredible. i don't know what happened. i don't know what is going on with this administration. anybody -- everybody is concerns about traveling.>> i wanted to get it done. i got here at 2 am. it took faster to get it done than to wait for it. >> people are getting prepared. they are aware of what the situation as. what could happen. i think people want to be prepared. >> reporter: it is not only immigration fears leading to these long lines. there is an increased demand because many people's passports are expiring. 10 years after the us government began requiring them. for travel to mexico canada and south america. a spokesman told me the postmaster is aware of the long wait times at passport centers. they are looking into ways to help more people. one possibility might be setting up a makeup passport center. in san jose alex savidge. despite concerns about the trump administration's immigration policy state education leaders are asking students to apply for financial aid through the california dream act. the deadline is thursday. the state assembly voted in favor of the resolution last week encouraging students to apply. this year the state has received 40% fewer dream act applications. many undocumented immigrants stopped submitting information to the government out of concern the administration would do that -- used to deport them. members of a little league this morning after the coach was stabbed outside a nightclub. frank navarro was working as a security guard at the nightclub when he was stabbed outside during a confrontation. a man who tried to get in with a fake id was turned away. he came back with a knife and stabbed navarro who was at the door. >> last night his friends and family and members of the east ridge little league held a billet -- a vigil. navarro did not have biological children. the players he coached were like his children. he started coaching at the age of 18. he served as the board president.>> such a good person gone. he is going to be missed by everyone. and all the people he has touched in the community. he was very involved. >> no arrests have been made. a gofundme page has been set up. 28-year-old braun harold has been identified as the man shot to death saturday night. this happen in your the hillcrest avenue offramp. chp officers arrived to find him inside a blue toyota. he was pronounced dead at the scene. they shut down the freeway to investigate. that is really sad in a world where people would think that's something that's okay to do. >> it could be me to as some point.>> the chp is asking anyone with information about the case to call their office. a man's best friend has been recruited to help sniff out suspicious activity. it is all part of a new neighborhood watch program. >> reporter: crime-fighting in south san francisco has gone to the dogs. in a good way. self city police have launched a crime awareness program. people and their dogs serve as watchdogs in their neighborhoods. the idea is simple -- residents on their daily walks know who belongs and who doesn't. >> they are out more than we are. this is for people walking their dogs every day. paying attention to what is going on.>> reporter: the citizen k-9 corps won't be taking a bite out of crime directly. >> we just want them to be good witnesses and get as much information as to what is going on. we don't want them intervening.>> reporter: about 65 s. san francisco residents have undergone training. other dog lovers we spoke to support the program. >> i think it is fantastic. i often walk in the morning and late at night. i'm always on the lookout anyway. knowing there is a program is an excellent idea. >> reporter: a dog might be the first to notice something is wrong. >> they have an additional since we don't have. sometimes when they stop, usually the owner stops. they are curious about what is going on. >> reporter: when it comes to neighborhood safety they hope these extra eyes and ears would do the trick. a bay area planning group is holding a meeting for and about people new to oakland. oakland prosperity for all is going to include a discussion about how technology and people new to the city are changing it. people recently moved into the area will consist -- will explain oakland's best qualities and how to preserve them. the event starts at 6 pm on broadway in oakland. tickets are $10. one on one with warriors head coach steve car. we delve into a number of topics. it just feels like this is a time when we have to be protective of our fellow citizens and our country's ideals. people are speaking up. i'm in a position where i can speak up. >> what she says about the possibility of visiting a trump white house. will check in with details on how mmmmm psst. yoplait custard's back. the family favorite... protein. protein proteiny protein. proteiny protein? protein proteiny protein. at least 14 grams of protein. 100 calories. new greek 100 protein. from yoplait. right now the giants and open a's are going head to head in arizona. they are hosting in scottsdale. sonny gray on the mound. it is in the top of the second right now. the open a's up. warriors in philadelphia during up to take on the 76ers. kevin durant was back on the court. after missing saturday's playoff victory over the next. they come back home for the the one game and go right back out on the road again. they will go to washington dc to face the wizards tomorrow. the warriors have the best record right now in the nba.>> before the team left oakland we sat down with the head coach to talk about the season so far.>> reporter: i always feel like maybe there is another trick up your sleeve with regards to the office of prowess. do you almost feel like maybe there is another? >> i always feel like we can get better. that never changes. you can always get better. there has never been a team and the history of professional sports that reached a zenith and said we are operating at 100% capacity. we know where we need to get better. we talk about it all the time. >> one of the pleasant surprises on this year's team for me -- get into no magee. to use the home being a big component? >> we have a better comfort level now. he has been here for 5 months. he fit in beautifully. he is a wonderful teammate. very funny. we got lucky. >> reporter: you were in the background when tray mind that his latest technicals. he was ejected from the game. you had a calm look on your face. have you reached a certain level where you are okay with things? >> every game is different. if i need to go and defend him -- if he is an argument i will do that. if he is in his own world -- and take upon himself to get thrown out the game. was almost like he started a break in our early. he had had enough. he is a smart basketball player. he has an edge that makes him who he is. he would not have made the nba without his competitive streak. down the stretch and especially playoff time he has to walk that line. we cannot afford for him to cross that line. we need him to go to the edge. he is important to us. spiritually, emotionally and competitively.>> reporter: i wanted to ask -- is it a personal first in getting tossed from an nba game? is it something you felt was too much of? >> i played on 6 teams as a player -- and general met -- general manager. every one of those teams did not get calls. so think about that for a moment. nobody gets calls.  it is an impossible game to appreciate. there will be night you feel like everything is going against you. and you lose it. that happened to me. >> it was probably do giving my ability to go over the edge. my wife can tell you that.>> reporter: what was her reaction when you came home that night? >> she has a quote that she uses the phrase -- the where the fury of a patient man. and it is true. i'm extremely patient person. if you take me too far i snap. i really do. i lose it. i lost it that night. i was probably due for one of those. i was embarrassed about the language i used. i apologized to the leak -- and to the >>referee:. totally inappropriate. what i said when i left the floor. and i paid for it. i got find. it is a competitive business. sometimes you just snap.>> reporter: did you feel at some point before you reached the apologetic stage -- that felt good? >> it felt good. then i watched the last few minutes in the locker room. it wasn't the worst way to watch the game. i felt like a fan. >> 2 >> reporter:. 11 candid about what is going on in our world today. >> the man who is going to lead you has used races and misogynistic and insulting words. >> plenty of positive feedback especially here in the bay area. plenty of negative feedback from people who don't agree with me which is fine. i feel like the time calls for people to speak up. to me it just feels like this is a time when we have to be protected of our fellow citizens. and our country ideals. people are speaking up. i'm in a position where i can speak up.>> reporter: if theoretically you guys want cold the championship would you go to the white house? >> i don't answer theoretical questions. if we are fortunate enough to be in that position then asked me then. hopefully we have to make that decision.>> there are reports the warriors might be adding veteran guard josi -- of the lakers. he expected to come to terms in the release from the lakers any day now. his talks with the warriors are already happening. the coach would only say they are planning to sign a guard soon. they would not give specifics. >> the women of stanford closed out their season with a won as they headed into the tournament. erica had 16 points. 14 rebounds. her 12 double double of the season. the victory gives stanford the number 2 feet and a first round bye in the tournament. was a wild start to the nascar season. there were several crashes. 15 drivers including dale earnhardt junior, danica patrick and jimmy out the running. tony stewart celebrated a first ever victory. that was the last lap. the final moments of the 500. checking whether -- this has been the driest weekend we have had in a long time. the next few days of dry as well. >> we're going to warm it up. a few days out from that warm up. i will show you that in the extended forecast. partly cloudy skies and dry conditions. it is a beautiful day. temperatures a little cool. we're in the 50s. 52 santa rosa. 53 san francisco. low 50s livermore. these temperatures similar to yesterday. some even a tad cooler. we are drying out. picking up just a little bit of moisture over the diablo -- for the south in the south bay area over monterey a better chance. if you go to the hills we have a few scattered showers reported in the sierra as well. no advisories. where we do have a flood warning still in place in spite of the dry weather -- areas right around clear lake at lakeport. the recent rain and the release of the reservoirs have kept this area the levels high. this will go through wednesday. flood stage is 9 feet. still expected to be well above 9 feet on wednesday. we will track that for you. some minor flooding going around the clear lake area. here is a look at the future cast model. the next several days -- you will see nothing but dry weather. as we get into the back end of the weekend things change. thursday and friday -- temperatures will warm bill to upper 60s for the afternoon. friday things change little bit. over northern california the scattered showers remain there. it is not until sunday perhaps into sunday night and monday we see the possibility of rain. i will be the first chance between now and then. let's enjoy the sunshine. 56 degrees right now. 56 in oakland. 56 antioch. you might need a jacket if you're going out. we have sunshine. the win is generally light. in santa cruz 57. we're looking for your afternoon high -- the extended forecast. temperatures jumped a little bit for your tuesday. slightly warmer on wednesday. we get into some good stuff -- thursday and friday middle to upper 60s. middle 60s for saturday. we are expecting increase in cloud cover and a chance for showers on sunday. the golden gate bridge is getting a facelift. they approved money. the problem -- the fall. the north tower issued it from the elements by the -- it is the south tower that takes the full force of the fog. the repair work will start next year. the oakland airport is seeing an increase in travelers. more than 900,000 passengers boarded flights in january. that is up 7% from the same time a year ago. they attributed the bump in numbers to increase flight options, renovations and international routes from norwegian air. two guys in san francisco have quite the story to tell. after their late-night -- tennis match was interrupted by one of the best in the game. you said you wanted to feel better about your cereal. general mills big g cereals hear you. that's why we say "yes" to whole grains as our first ingredient. and "no way" to high fructose corn syrup. ♪ in every honey nut "o". every lucky charms spoonful. and every cinnamon toast crunch square. ♪ you can feel good about general mills big g cereals. the good times rolling again in new orleans. tomorrow is mardi gras. celebrations began over the weekend. the parade with its floats -- took place last night. one of the biggest and running mardi gras traditions. thousands came out for the parade. many of them dressed in costumes. they said they cannot wait for fat tuesday. >> the people have been friendly. i'm waiting for tuesday. >> i love mardi gras. i think it is the best time of the year. the best time for visitors to come and see our city. >> there are 2 more parades tonight in new orleans. tomorrow is fat tuesday. there is a string of 8 parades through the streets of new orleans. >> they are dancing in the streets of zero. carnival celebrations are underway -- brazil. hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets for rio de janeiro's oldest and biggest block party. the crowd danced, listen to music and watched parade float. it will generate an estimated $1 billion in revenue. oakland has a new leader of the police force. and kirkpatrick. we will go into depth and sit down with civil rights attorney and ask him about the challenges faces her as she takes over the embattled police force. today on the 4 on 2. taking a look at the dow jones. not a lot of movement. up slightly 10 points. the nasdaq is up 13 points. when you're playing a friendly game of tennis is not unusual to hear i've. what if one of the best players is the one asking to play. >> having a stroll at night. i'm thinking of asking these guys -- >> that's what happened last night. serena williams was walking through san francisco's park with her fianci. this is a video she posted to her snapchat account. the two men on the court were shocked. she did take a few swings for fun. >> the moral of the story is you never know when i could be coming to a tennis court near you.>> as bad as i am i would not pass up that opportunity. she did not play the full set. she did pose for pictures. i am guessing -- she probably would have won anyway. >> she can play in any shoes. >> i love that she stopped in the park. >> a quick update on the score down in scottsdale. 4-zero in the top of the third. we did mention gray was getting started. he pitched pretty well. 3 hits and 2 runs. it is early. thanks for watching everyone. this is violet. she's been waiting for this moment for awhile. a moment other kids wouldn't think twice about. her first bowl of cheerios. because now that cheerios are gluten free, violet, and many others are enjoying their first bowl today. dr. oz: it's the dr. oz healther home investigation. experts he leading under one roof. re hidden toxins taking a toll on your health? we applied black eye shadow to like it to make it look was mold. we caught con artists redhanded. you don't use bleach to clean mold. somebody who doesn't know what talking about. dr. oz: coming up next. and happy y healthy starts at home. today i'm starting my show right home.n my you're about to see a scam artist take advantage of you, wners just like preying on people who don't know the truth. it's all part of our big one-hour home investigation. we're going room

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