Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20160622 : comp

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20160622

into the legislative process pending a proposed change in state law that would make the penalty for sex assault or rape of a crunches person the same as if you committed the crime against an unconscious person. >> let's give the next victim no reason to fear that her attacker will be walking around free after spending less time in jail than a college semester. >> jeff rosen said he put the bill if passed by the legislature will remove the distinction between sexual assault of a conscious victim or an unconscious victim. that was one of the facts in the brock turner case. the swimmer found guilty of sexually assaulting a unconscious woman last year. the judge sentenced turner to six months in jail and probation citing his age, promising college career and love of a record. the backing would lead -- the backing would mean at least three years of prison time. judges would not be allowed to award probation. >> that is prospective for future cases. we are focused on removing this judge because that is the right of the voters. we want to decide if we want to have him continue to serve. >> reporter: she said the group learned a short time ago about the legislative push and right now they are focused on removing the judge who she said put the women at risk while she sits on the bench. the da says hearings on the bill assembly bill 2888 will be held next week. i just to talk to a member of the public defender's office who said he is not in favor of what the da is doing. he does not want to take the discretion of judges away from them. there are people coming out on both sides of the issue. new developments involving the scandal at the oakland police department. when case involves a veteran homicide sgt. accused of giving his girlfriend access to confidential documents. today in attorney went to court but questions about a high profile murder case that sergeant worked on. we have henry lee with us here this afternoon with more. >> reporter: this case involves a shocking killing of a woman who called herself the pet manny. thesergeant accused was the lead investigator. the victims -- the victim, judy sullivan, she had taken some fun video of two men committing a crime in her neighborhood in oakland. she followed them and was shot dead when they saw her. the lead investigator is a homicide sergeant now on leave over allegations that his girlfriend access confidential police files and posted some of the material online after learning he was married. one of the defendants awaiting trial is mario floyd. his attorney said police and the da never told her about the controversy. she said it is too early to say if the allegations against the sergeant will affect the case. >> i don't know because i don't have confirmation. i know that is what everyone wants to know. and i cannot say with any honesty yes or no because i am not getting the information. the secrecy is the problem. >> reporter: oakland police and the da are not commenting. the sgt.'s attorney has told me his client is a gifted investigator who had his friend copy some transcripts. >> in effect to are talking about tossing out that murder case? >> reporter: potentially, but potentially it could affect the entire thing. >> let me ask you about the sgt. and other officers right now who are unpaid leave. when and how will their future be decided? >> reporter: internal affairs the opd quite busy right now. all of these officers who are on leave by extension folks at other agencies and the da's office are on leave are under a gray area until they are cleared or found guilty of these allegations. for now they are on leave. the san francisco police commission is set to vote on a new use of force rule. the new rule focuses on requiring officers to de- escalate situations and make lethal force a last resort. the vote does not address the issue of whether to equipped officers with tasers, that both will come later. two people hurt in a shooting in martinez just as a task force was getting ready to serve a search warrant. this happened last night when the sheriff's office task force was getting ready to raid a home . that is when officers heard a gunshot and found one person with gunshot wounds and another person suffering from stab wounds. those victims were taken to the hospital. the suspect remains at large. investigators did not say why they were getting ready to serve a search warrant. another city has approved the use of cameras in the effort to deter crime. the danville crime council voted to spend $800 to -- $800,000 to install a new camera system. we talk to people who live there to ponder what they think. >> reporter: statistically danville is a pretty safe city. from the people we spoke with they want to keep it that way. close to 90 cameras will be installed on certain the stop lights. the town council agreed to spend more than $839,000 for a camera system. the council approved buying 36 fixed license plate reader cameras, 18 portable cameras, and 18 situational awareness cameras, which are stationary and give a wider angle view. money will come from the towns capital improvement program. despite the cost and some concerns over privacy from the people we spoke with so far they like the idea. >> i don't think it is a difficult problem for this community. financially i think we can't afford the security that it will provide for us. i am really not concerned about the privacy issue because if you have nothing to hide then why would you be afraid of having it? i am very comfortable with it. >> reporter: about 13 locations are considered to have the cameras. other locations being considered include diablo road, san ramon valley boulevard, data from license plate cameras would be archived for a year. footage will become to 180 days and deleted unless there is an investigation. while the end they -- while danville remains a quiet city the city council thought it was a needed step because of an increase in property crime. they also say the security system will be installed by the end of the year. brian flores, ktvu. an unusual showdown taking place over gun controls in washington. democrats are holding a sit in on the house for to demand a vote on gun control legislation. they were called to the floor by georgia governor john lewis. many of the representatives have spoken. they are asking to keep the house in the session until next week to debate and vote on gun legislation. >> charleston, orlando, newtown, what is the tipping point? are we blind? can we see? how many more mother's, how many more fathers need to shed tears of grief before we do something? >> rise up at democrats! rise up americans! this cannot stand. we will occupy this floor. we will no longer be denied the right to vote. i yields to our majority. >> paul ryan says representatives are breaking house rules. representative john lewis say democrats have no intention on leaving anytime soon. >> right now we have on the phone with us a east bay congressmen. you are right now on the floor of the house? >> yes, and good afternoon. i am here because people at home and prosecutor to believe enough is enough. the business of congress should include to keep the most dangerous people from having the most dangerous weapons. we don't think we should go home for the break until we do that. the american people support that. it is an electric environment to be led by john lewis who marched with doctor martin luther king during the civil rights movement and brought so many changes to this country. to have him lead this call to action, i think signals enough is enough. >> did you know that congressman john lewis was going to do this today? at what point did you actually find out? >> like so many great movements this one just kind of happened. we have almost the entire delegation here on the floor. they also have turned off the cameras and so i turned on my facebook and have been broadcasting it so the country can see that there are those who are sitting down hoping that the republican colleagues will stand up. >> how long will you stay there? >> we will be here as long as it takes. because enough is enough. >> thank you. a war of words heating up on the campaign trail. donald trump unloading on hillary clinton. it comes one day after she attacked his business record. she called him too dangerous for the economy. joe has more. >> reporter: donald trump returning fire this morning delivering a major economic speech in new york city. it comes a day after his rival, hillary clinton launched attacks against his financial past and proposed economic policies. >> every day we see how reckless and careless trump is. he is proud of it. well, that is his choice. except when he is asking to be our pres. >> reporter: this morning it is trump's turn. he called her out of step with the americans on everything from trade to immigration. >> hillary clinton gave china millions of jobs. effectively let china completely rebuild itself. in return hillary clinton got rich. >> reporter: the speech coming as the nominee faces growing questions about whether his campaign has what it takes to beat clinton. little -- political analyst agreeing trump needed to deliver this morning. >> he does not have any cash on hand and a lot of republicans are starting to wonder, should we don't put donald trump at the convention. >> reporter: meanwhile hillary clinton is traveling to north carolina to give a speech on the economy. still to come, fire crews now beginning to get a handle a handle on a couple of big fires. >> a big concern in los angeles county as residence in santa barbara finally received good news. >> fog is back on the coast today. mark will be here to tell you if it means any relief. a bus driver in jail after police found dozens of teenagers with alcohol and drugs on the bus. be to be to -- two fires are burned up to 5500 acres and art threatening threatening san gabriel wilderness. firefighters were out to make several wild -- to make several water drops. wind has been feeling the fire and forcing hundreds of people to evacuate. >> more than 1500 people ordered evacuated because of the border fire. crews are beginning to get a handle on the fire and it is now 15% contained. it has burned 6500 acres. >> it is really bad. it was coming down the east side ferociously. >> in santa barbara county there is better news on the sherpa fire which is now more than 80% contained. almost everyone evacuated is expected to return home tonight. a new study says it could take four years for the sierra snowpack to return to pre- drought levels. researchers say during past droughts of the state has been able to bounce back in a year but the current drought is so severe the recovery will take a lot longer, even if the next several winters bring above average snowfall. a small plane crash in clearlake oaks after crews responded to a brush fire. one person was transported to the memorial hospital. no word on the identity of the person or what caused the plane to crash. we have had a warm couple of days but a beef -- but a bit of relief on the way. >> today temperatures running cooler than yesterday. in the south bay and san jose still clear skies and it is turning out to be a fairly warm afternoon. the key difference in the satellite, a return to the marine layer and with that a couple of on shore breezes cooling off the coast. even for the inland areas we are thinking lower 90s this afternoon. come closer to half moon bay towards ocean beach and there is some of the overcast especially south of the golden gate bridge. it looks like a summertime weather pattern. 103 in las vegas. that weather pattern having a impact as well. currently 78 in livermore. walnut creek in the mid-70s. santa rosa upper 70s. that fog is having a big impact on san francisco. those temperatures only in the mid-50s. the marine layer is not excessively deep but coupled with that breeze that will have an impact on the temperatures for today. not only for today but for tomorrow as well. the high pressure will be the dominant feature over the next few days, at least for today it is backing off a little bit but the headline away from the coastline tomorrow we are cooling things off and tomorrow as well. 60s on the coast. around the bay upper 70s. inland neighborhoods we are thinking some 90s but as i mentioned, tomorrow should be a cool day. we are not talking about extreme heat, just right around 93. santa rosa 88. the coast line spending most of the day in the 50s. gilmore you will be 92. here is a five day forecast as i mentioned we will have a few degrees a shaved off into your thursday forecast. we will warm up just in time for your weekend. saturday will be warm and hot. eventually we could be talking about more triple digits across parts of the bay area. we will not have a significant drop off in temperatures in the future. >> coming up next the skies are getting a little friendlier for drones. what it means for drones deliveries. facebook has signed $50 million worth of deals in celebrities for material to be used on its new facebook live feature. celebrities that also signed contracts are gordon ramsay, kevin hart, they will provide content for facebook to use and live video will be a top priority. let's take a look at the big board. the dow jones down about 35- point right now. the nasdaq is also down slightly. energy companies falling in tandem with the price of oil and tech companies as well. tesla making a bid to buy solar city. if the deal is approved it would combine solar city's expertise in solar panels with the power storage business of tesla. it would make it the only clean energy company for cars and homes. the approval process could be complicated because of the ceo is also the chairman of solar city. nissan recalling infinities , the company says the problem is with the electronic steering. nissan says it can malfunction. the recall covers certain infiniti suv from the 2014 and 2015 model years. the issue could increase the risk of a crash. the faa has unveiled the new rules on the commercial use of small drones. the ruse -- the rules require users to get the certified every two years. the rules take effect in 60 days. the faa's decision comes after years of struggling to fix rules for public safety and take advantage of the benefits of the new technology. >> i was so glad to here -- i was so glad to hear it. it has been a hobby for six years so now to be able to actually start a business and use drones commercially is going to be great. >> the rule still requires operates -- operators to maintain a visual line of sight with the drone. that mean plans to use them in deliveries are still on hold. still to come, alcohol, marijuana, drugs and a bus full of high school teenagers. what led police to the scene of a party bus just before it hit the road. new recommendations on how to crack down on car break-ins in san francisco. (upbeat music) - [voiceover] you are san francisco. we've been with you from the beginning. we've seen each other through good times and bad. sickness and health. we're with you san francisco, and you bring out the best in us. care. zuckerberg san francisco general hospital and trauma center. the driver of a party bus in jail after police discovered he had 33 teenagers on board along with alcohol, marijuana and pills. it was an anonymous tip that led police to the bus. the boy who organized it did it all online and in cash. >> i mean he is a good kid. >> reporter: the talk, these high school juniors front of a boy who rented a party bus and ended up busted. they say he meant no harm. >> people snuck it in their bags. he got in trouble for everyone. >> reporter: they also say customers their age rent and right in private coaches more easily than anyone realizes. >> you feel like you can't get in trouble because you are on a bus. >> reporter: this is where police came and stopped at the bus. minutes before it had been taking on its passengers across the street at the ferry terminal parking lot. someone alerted police to intercepted. >> they could see the bus coming out and the passenger door is open. >> reporter: inside 33 passengers between 15-17 years of age. a search found alcohol, marijuana and prescription pills. >> as soon as i got to the passenger section of the bus they could smell alcohol and marijuana. >> reporter: the bus was to take them on a six hour excursion. they were to return at mid at night. it was all set up by a 16-year old. >> he made all of the arrangements online. they never asked for his identification. they never asked for a credit card. the -- >> reporter: the driver, james green, never got paid. he ended up in jail. the bus was retrieved by its owner from a company called " "fantastic voyage express" we found no website or location for them. but that this bus company they say the bus has been sold a couple of times. teenager say some drivers that do kicked them off when alcohol comes out. >> if the driver makes it clear most people will follow it but there are some who decide to go for it i guess. >> investigators say there is a high rate a high rate of binge drinking and young -- investigators say there is a high rate of binge drinking and drugs in marin county. there is a new measure aimed at helping police focus on neighborhood crimes including robberies, vandalism and car break-ins. >> it will require the ones we hit are mandated, which will be by the middle of next year. that 3% of officers have to be in this neighborhood unit. >> police say right now there is a lieutenant, two sgts. and 15 officers investigating car burglaries. if the new measure passes a hope that number raises. voters will be considering a new plan to deal with the homeless. they will be considering a new initiative allowing city workers to clear out city camps. opponents say it is not a good long-term decision. >> reporter: the supervisor said the city should focus on housing, not tents. he said they are unsafe, unhealthy and they will be illegal when shelter is often. >> it is unhealthy. these are incredibly dangerous situations. the amount of violent crime we are hearing stories about is not something that is a city we should be facilitating or encouraging. >> reporter: if past it would offer housing to homeless before any tent cities are cleared. it would allow city workers to clear the encasements after given 24 hours of written notice. he said the tent city simply prolong homelessness but the measure is meeting with three present -- but the measure is meeting with resistance. >> this is why they use the ballot to have people weight in on one particular effort that looks more like criminalizing people who are living in encampments with nowhere else to go. >> reporter: voters will have to say come november. in oakland councilwoman under fire for using her power to interfere with a housing project plan for a lot next to her home. according to a report the councilwoman broke state and city ethics rules by delaying the approval process for a townhouse development. the report does not name her but the chronicle says a source identifies her as lynette gibson. the grand jury also criticized the city council for failing to censure her. police asking for the publics help to help fund a third man involved in a bold a smash and grab robbery that happened a year ago. police say joseph sandoval is the son of one of two suspects in custody. the break in happened last year at the bloomingdale's in stanford. the suspect ran inside and grabbed $130,000 worth of jewelry. police think a fourth suspect, a woman, also participated in the burglary. they are still trying to identify her. several stores and shops near the poles night club begin to reopen more than a week since a deadly shooting. yesterday police removed fences around the area. the street closures have affected 59 businesses. because of that some may be eligible for loans to help get the doors back open. >> all of these businesses were impacted. it is people that need to get paid. as a community we have got to come back. >> the nightclub remains closed and is still under law enforcement control. >> in the meantime new yorkers honored a victim killed in the attack. the yankees led a wreath at home plate for one of the victims who grew up in brooklyn and loved baseball. he was visiting friends in florida when he was gunned down. the mayor attended his funeral yesterday, his family said he had a gentle soul and loved everybody. >> we miss him dearly. but, we are okay. we are holding up. >> loretta lynch flew to orlando where she met with victim's family. she also announced $1 million in emergency funds to help cover the cost of police who responded to the shooting. the investigation is largely complete now. federal prosecutors investigating if a employee with top-secret clearance was planning an attack at the agencies headquarters in washington. investigators say the man entered the building on the morning of june 9 with a loaded gun. an infrared camera, pepper spray and can cops. documents a investigators believe he was conspiring with another to commit violence against officials in the building. north korea making progress in its development of a miscible -- in the development of a missile capable of hitting the u.s. >> reporter: another provocative move north korea. launching two ballistic missiles today, one failed but the other traveled about 245 miles. japan claimed it reached a altitude of 600 miles. >> the regime should realize complete isolation await at the end of reckless provocation. >> it is a clear violation of the united nations resolution. >> reporter: the self-defense forces going on high alert following the launches. the test a concern for the u.s. as well. the state department says the u.s. is committed to defending itself and its allies, south korea and japan. china, a longtime ally says the tests are not an act of defiance against beijing, which is a permanent member a permanent member of the security council. >> the situation remains very complex and severe. we think that the relevant party should avoid doing anything to further worst tensions. >> reporter: they also take -- they also carried out a nuclear test this year. today is the final push for votes in britain as tomorrow voters will decide if the country will remain part of the european union. >> i believe very deeply that we will be stronger, we will be safer, we will be better off inside of europe. >> reporter: david cameron leads the remainder remain side. world leaders, including president obama are urging britain to stay. >> i think we should take the chance now as a country to take back control. >> reporter: the country is deeply divided and as of now the results are considered to be a tossup but since of the murder of a british lawmaker some polls have given a slight lead to the remain vote. still to come, wildlife rescue are seeing an uptick in injured or orphaned egrets. we have had a few hot afternoons, we will check back in with mark to see if there is any relief on the way. sfx: turbines revving up, getting louder and louder you hear that? that's the sound of our summer sale firing up its engines with fares as low as $69 dollars one-way. so get ready to take off... because sale prices as low as these don't happen every day! book your low fare now at low fares. nothing to hide. that's transfarency. sfx: clap, clap, ding the giants collected their highest hit totaled this season, including getting seven runs in the 4th inning. the giants had a season-high 22 kits. -- the giant had a season-high 22 kits. in oakland the oakland-based came from oakland a's came from behind to get the win. sunny great had a solid outing finishing six innings but he took a no decision. today is expected to be a landmark day for las vegas because of the nhl is expected to announce its plans to expand to los angeles making it the first of the four major sports pro leads to have a a team in las vegas. las vegas has already hosted some nhl games and the postseason awards show is held there as well. in addition to hockey the city is trying to get the oakland raiders to become its team. >> here we go, this could set the tone. we will have to see. >> u.s. no match for one of the best in the world. argentina won the semi finals in soccer 4-0 -- argentina won the semi finals in soccer 4-0 -- argentina won the semi finals in soccer 4-1. argentina now goes on to face colombia columbia or chile for the title on sunday. the u.s. will play in the consolation game on sunday. maury mcelroy skipping the olympics because of the zika virus. in a statement released he says "i have come to realize my health and my family's held comes before anything else. " he added even though the risk is low it is not a risk he is willing to take. so far he is one of the biggest stars to pull out of the games. in texas microsoft researchers testing a new mosquito trap to help in the fight against the zika virus. researchers want to track the virus by building an algorithm that will help researchers learn to hp recognize the correct mosquito bite. the data can help researchers find the mosquitoes that pose the greatest health risk. let's check in with mark. >> it is cooler today for baseball. if you are not a fan of the heat the fog is coming back. cooler, that is the main headline for today across the entire bay area. up here to the north we have a cold front towards the pacific northwest that will continue to generate cooler marine air. right now that is the overall pattern, fog hugginga good portion of the shoreline. that will keep temperatures in check over the next few days. in the weekend we will gradually warm up those numbers. you can see temperature change over the past 24 hours, san jose is down 5 degrees from yesterday. livermore you are at 78. san francisco of the six. it is definitely cooler near the coast and parts of the bay. we have a good onshore wind out of the southwest that 22 miles per hour. it is cooler today across the entire area. this area of high pressure will gradually rebuild and bring in more heat as we head to the weekend. thankfully we had that breeze keeping the temperatures down. it will be 60s at the coach. around the bay 80s. today and tomorrow the two cooler days of the week. fog near parts of the coast. again, patchy fog for thursday morning and thursday afternoon we are expecting partly to mostly sunny skies. when the high comes in on friday we will warm up those numbers. the weekend will be hot as you work your way it inland. get ready for next week. we are talking about a big warm up out there for next week. tuesday and wednesday warmest locations will be topping 100. san jose 85. half moon bay 61. enjoyed today and tomorrow if you aren't a big fan of the heat because we have hot temperatures coming in. saturday warmest locations will be in the mid-90s. around the bay close to 80. the beaches will be in the 60s. we will have some triple digits next week. a wildlife rescue center see an uptick in injured or orphaned egrets and you may be surprised when they are coming from. but this does not necessarily mean the population is in trouble. >> reporter: at the wildlife center workers tell us they have seen an increase in the number of young egrets, 39 in the last two months, that have fallen out of their nests. >> it is common when they are actually going to be out exploring and searching for their own food. they can become injured in that process. sometimes they are pushed out by other siblings. >> reporter: the birds are coming from mountain view. a large colony of egrets has been nesting here. the company and the city have closed the road to protect the birds during breeding season. some think they look a bit prehistoric. >> they are beautiful birds. if you see them flying it does not look like a normal bird. >> i guess they are our little neighbors. they are a lot of fun. >> reporter: as for why the wildlife center may be seeing more it may be because he colony is driving. >> i think it is because they are becoming more popular in that area. >> reporter: the audubon society ads there seems to be more birds in the colonies likely in part due to efforts to protect them and babies falling out of the nest become a natural part of the cycle of life. the birds can be seen for a few more weeks through the breeding season. dunkin donuts back in the bay area. coming up the grand opening of the brand new store in walnut creek and the huge crowds it attracted. welcome back. hundreds lined up this morning in walnut creek excited for the grand opening of dunkin' donuts. the doors opened up at 5:00 am at the new store in downtown walnut creek. the line stretched around the corner. some people waited for over an hour for that coffee. the owner plans to open 12 more in the county in the near future. he tells us doughnut lovers have an emotional tie to dunkin' donuts. >> a lot of people grew up with dunkin donuts. people make that emotional connection. we had a lady who was literally in tears and so excited that we have opened up. >> the first 100 100 people in line this morning were treated to free donuts. the first people got there at 2:00 a.m. video of a 15 will grow going viral after a prank went completely wrong. -- video of a 15 year old girl went viral after a prank goes wrong. >> she put the head of a costume on to scare her friends but she got stuck. they took her to the fire station where they had to cut it off. thank you for watching. we will see you at 4:00. dr. oz: today, everyone is talking about the paleo diet, but not everyone understands it. we break down the biggest misconceptions about it to see what's right for you. then -- we make classic american dishes. paleo friendly. that actually changes your hormones. plus, does -- make you eat more or less? the surprising answer, coming up ext. we'll save lives today. you guys ready to get healthy? [cheers]

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