Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At 6pm 20200211 : compa

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At 6pm 20200211

to watch b.a.r.t. surveillance video. latifah then became sick in court. both said they saw nia falling, or tripping into the b.a.r.t. train, and realizing she had been stabbed. nia called latifah's name. tashiay says she called her dad, and started yelling at him to come to the station. it was gut wrenching for nia's sisters to relive her last moments. >> she got physically sick on the stand. the other one, i could just see it in her face, like disgust. >> reporter: nia's mother has been in court every day, unlike cowell, who has repeatedly refused to come to his own trial. he has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. >> maybe that's part of his strategy because any sane person would be in court. >> reporter: the prosecution did rest after testimony today, by the two sisters. next up, john cowell himself is set to take the stand tomorrow. and assuming he does do that, the d.a. will be available to cross examine him. >> he wasn't there today, we are expecting him tomorrow. what has been the reason for him not coming? why did he not show up today? >> reporter: the reason, he has chosen not to be there. some cynics are saying is part of a employ. keep in mind, in all the pretrial hearings, he never spoke out. whether this is part of a ruse, or an act remains to be seen. we'll see tomorrow if he says anything substantive on the stand. b.a.r.t. launched their long awaited ambassadors program this afternoon. they are also riding on some of the trains to hopefully give passengers an extra sense of security. >> many b.a.r.t. riders now have some extra company on the platforms, and on the trains. they're called ambassadors. >> the visibility. you know there's someone around to be helpful, and to take care of you, so to speak. they have your back. >> reporter: under this pilot program, ten new unarmed ambassadors break off into two person teams, and patrol to become an extra set of eyes and ears for police, and to provide an extra layer of security for passengers. >> this is our commitment to our ridership that they've been asking for, and we're going to continue to give them. >> reporter: pepper spray, and two way radios, connected to b.a.r.t. police dispatch. they also have to ty. >> i can get on my radio at anytime, if i feel like i was in any harm, i would remove myself from the area and contact police. >> reporter: the ambassadors will be on trains and platforms from 2:00 p.m., until midnight, seven days a week. >> they're going to be out in the san francisco oakland area that we refer to as the core of the system. we will also be pushing them. >> reporter: their job is to tackle quality of life concerns, but not get into confrontations with people. that's for the police. they can also answer questions from passengers. >> they'll also be asking women with children to go up the elevator, or telling folks how to get out of the right exit. >> reporter: the idea for the ambassadors program was born in the wake of the 2018 stabbing death of 18-year-old nia wilson by a knife wielding stranger. the b.a.r.t. police officer's association supports the program, and will oversee it. >> patrolling and deescalating situations where we don't necessarily have to call the police, and just educate, and give people resources that we have. >> reporter: b.a.r.t. says it will be evaluating the ambassadors program in 6 months. all goes well, it could become permanent, and possibly even expanded. in oakland, rob roth, ktvu, fox 2 news. flaring at richmond's chevron refinery led to a small evacuation at the station today. a second flaring about 9:00 sent black smoke into the air that could be seen for miles. the contra costa county health department says it monitored the air, but found no evidence of any health impact. chevron says there were no injuries from the incident. the company said in a statement, flaring is an important part of keeping the refinery running safely. flares are and help keep our equipment and plants operating safely. mohammed nuru was arrested last month. they're accused of attempting to bribe a commissioner for san francisco airport, to secure restaurant space at sfo. in a statement, mayor london breed today said that the department can now move forward in their work to take care of the city. she promised to support the ongoing investigation and says she has recommended reforms to prevent that kind of corruption from happening in the future. now to the latest from new hampshire, ahead of tomorrow's democratic primary. the latest suffolk tracking poll shows vermont senator bernie sanders with nearly a 7 point lead over pete buttigieg, followed by amy klobuchar at more than 13%. joe biden, and elizabeth warren are close behind with nearly 12% each. fox news lauren blanchard joins us now with more on the final push. >> reporter: all of the 2020 hopefuls, including president trump, have been here in new hampshire all day, making their pitches. president trump was here just about 30 minutes ago. vice president biden just a few miles from here, all as they make their final campaign pitches. >> it's going to be a busy day. >> reporter: all eyes are on the granite state for this last full day of campaigning. the ground attack has been nonstop ahead of tuesday's primary. a poll taken just before the primary is showing a very tight race between front runners bernie sanders, and pete buttigieg. >> the moment we live in is one with an extraordinary majority ready to do bolder things than we've ever done, as long as we don't go chasing after the extremes. >> reporter: former vice president, joe biden, once thought to be a leading candidate is fighting a battle to get back to the top. >> donald j. trump is now more of a danger to our country than he's ever been. >> i just know we're doing well, because the people of new hampshire watched that debate. they know i've got the experience, that i've passed over 100 bills, and they also know that i'm someone who wins big in rural, and in suburban areas. >> reporter: new hampshire's secretary of state, saying nearly 300,000 people are expected to turn out to vote in the democratic primary, and each candidate is trying to convince voters, they're the choice who can defeat the president in november. >> you have the option to vote for a campaign, which will not only defeat trump, but which will transform this country. >> reporter: and thousands of people turned out here in manchester to see president trump tonight. they've all kind of been making their way out of the arena. that rally wrapped up just about 30 minutes ago. about three hours before the first new hampshire voters start making their voices known. the first polls open at midnight. the rest of the polls open tomorrow morning. >> we'll be watching what happens. today president trump unveiled a budget plan calling for deep cuts to medicaid and food stamps. the $4.8 trillion proposal would also cut subsidies for low income housing and health insurance. it would also make the 2017 tax cuts permanent, adding $1.5 trillion to the budget. analysts say the has no chance of passing the democratically controlled house. the justice department today announced three lawsuits, including one against california, over what it calls unlawful sanctuary policies. one claims a california law that prohibits the use of private detention facilities is illegal. another suit seeks to block a ban in washington state on deporting undocumented immigrants from seattle's airport. the third targets new jersey, and its rules that prevent information sharing between local law enforcement and immigration officials. coming up on ktvu, fox 2 news at 6:30, hundreds of students at berkeley high walk out of class to protest what they call a rape culture on campus. the message they want administrators to hear. and cleanup crews were hard at work today after powerful winds toppled trees today. the winds are dying down. there's still a wind advisory for part of the bay area. i'll talk about that, and the five-day forecast. you don't normally think homecoming when the miami heat comes to town, but that is the case for the golden state warriors tonight. we'll tell you why, coming up. and a live look at the monday evening commute on the bay area bridge. ktvu, fox 2 news at 6:00 will be right back. i wanted my hepatitis c gone. i put off treating mine. epclusa treats all main types of chronic hep c. whatever your type, epclusa could be your kind of cure. i just found out about mine. i knew for years epclusa has a 98% overall cure rate. i had no symptoms of hepatitis c mine caused liver damage. epclusa is only one pill, once a day, taken with or without food for 12 weeks. before starting epclusa, your doctor will test if you have had hepatitis b, which may flare up, and could cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. tell your doctor if you have had hepatitis b, other liver or... ...kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions... ...and all medicines you take, including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with epclusa may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects include headache and tiredness. ask your doctor today, if epclusa is your kind of cure. an investigation is underway into a deadly house fire in east oakland. the two-alarm fire was reported about 4:15 this morning on malta court. you can see the flames and the smoke there. fire crews say a person entered the home to find one person dead. residents say as many as seven people were staying at the home. only four were inside, though, when the flames broke out. >> i opened the kitchen door, because i heard some crackling, or popping, and the fire was crawling across the ceiling. it was black smoke, just burrowing through the house. and it was in an instant. >> investigators haven't released the cause of the fire, but one reresident said it started when a piece of plastic that was leaning on a heater caught fire. the flames quickly spread as he tried to move the plastic. crews all around the bay area spent today chipping away at the damage and debris from yesterday's powerful wind storm. in livermore, a huge tree smashed right through the roof of an apartment building. kate talked ktvu talked with a man who was asleep inside. >> the next thing i woke up, there was a branch above my head. i could see sky, water, insulation, sheetrock, everything is all around. >> reporter: strong winds had knocked a tree onto the roof, and crashed in, stopping just a few feet from his face. he didn't know what to think. >> honestly, i had no idea, it was just instinct. >> reporter: he immediately called 911. >> initially, we're here because of the tree, when it fell, it had taken out the sprinkler system, which initiated the alarm. >> reporter: the man was asleep in the room. >> he was awoken, and bed shaken. >> reporter: all four units are empty now, and the building is red tagged. complex managers have moved everyone into different apartments until this all gets sorted out. >> we've been chasing wires down all morning, and of course, when we came around the corner, then saw the tree into the building, and i realized we had a lot more going on than initially thought. >> reporter: he says the fire department responded to 80 calls because of the wind. >> i never experienced the wind so bad in my life. it was just scary. i thought things were going to break. >> reporter: a look around the complex shows there are a lot of trees that butt up to porches and patios. burkhart says they are usually looked after. >> i don't think we've had a tree trimming in a while. >> reporter: hunter and his girlfriend made it out with their cat and the clothes on their back. shanea says she didn't believe hunter when he first called and told her. now she's just grateful that hunter and everyone else in that building made it out okay. reporting in livermore,alison rodriguez, ktvu, fox 2 news. i think why folks are saying some of the strongest winds they can remember in a long time, it because it was up in the hills, and down to see level. we had 49 miles per hour in places like hayward. oakland was up in the upper 50s. really breezy. right down to sea level, and up high. these are some of the wind gusts we had. up high, in the north bay you had 87 miles per hour. palo alto, 43. oakland, 62 in the hills. near the reservoir, 74 miles an hour. mount diablo, 75 miles per hour. the winds are still blowing. the wind advisory has been dropped for most of the bay area. up in this area. we do still have winds up in mount diablo, that's current. that's 46 miles an hour. so that's pretty significant. you can see overcall, the winds have died down. so we're getting a bit of a break. we'll get on with business. the business is, high pressure, dry from the sky, and temperatures well above the average. we had low 70s today, and we're going to go back there again tomorrow. when we come back, we'll look at that, we'll look at the five- day forecast, and when we might see some more rain. bill, thank you. in just over an hour, the warriors tip off against the miami heat, and it marks the return of andre iguodala. it also comes as the warriors have flipped nearly half their roster in the last two weeks with trades. joe fonzi is at the chase center tonight. joe. >> reporter: yeah guys, no question about the fact that this has been a rebuilding year for the warriors. but one of the the most recent things they've done is they've acquired the veteran, andre wiggins doing some warm ups. this will be the second time that fans have gotten a chance to look at him tonight. wiggins, originally, a number one overall pick of the minnesota team. and the warriors are hoping that he can fit into a core that will include a healthy klay thompson, and a healthy steph curry next year. but another thing that's a big thing happening tonight. you know, you don't normally think of a miami heat game as a home coming game, but that is what it will be for the warriors tonight. that is because andre iguodala for the warriors really did not want to lose in the last off- season, but had to for salary reasons, is going to be coming here with the miami heat. he made his debut last night with the heat, a game that the heat lost, but it was one of those typical iguodala nights, where he fills up the stat sheet with unselfish things, and the warriors know all about that. it was when iguodala came here six years ago, and helped lead them to the first of three championships. in five years, they saw his value, a guy willing to come off the bench, who had traditionally been a starter, to win the most valuable player award for the championship series in that first championship season in 2015. iguodala met with the media as he came in today. take a look at the graphic behind him. the warriors did kind of a tribute to him. we asked him, if it was time yet to reflect on his five incredible years with the warriors. >> i haven't had a chance to let it be, something that's overwhelming. it's kind of like another game on the schedule. just being so closely removed from it, it's hard to really see the impact you have. but you experience it in public a lot. i joke with my wife, when can we go outside, and just walk down the street, and no one notices us. she says never. i'm trying to get her to understand, we bought a certain type of spirit, a certain type of community around here. that's really special. so just always try to embrace it. try to interact with everybody. >> reporter: when iguodala walked in the room, and saw that picture of him holding up the trophy, you got a big smile on his face, and the long time media relations guy here, kind of made a little nod over to raymond and said thank you. iguodala certainly feels like this is not a homecoming. he spent his time here in the bay area, while he was waiting to see what team he would end up with. now he's with the heat. a team that's number four in the east right now. he should be able to help them in the playoffs. we saw the video board a little while ago, as they were warming it up. they're going to give him a very nice ovation tonight, as the warriors meet the heat, guys. >> joe, thank you. coming up after the break. oakland police show off thousands of dollars worth of stolen power tools, as they try to find the rifle owner, and release new details about the armed suspect, who they say was found with the tools, after ramming his car into several police vehicles. and the latest on the weekend shooting from san francisco's haight-ashbury neighborhood, involving an off duty fbi agent. mike: anyone hear the slogan, 'mike will get it done?' ok, let me tell you what the 'it' is. as mayor, i expanded healthcare coverage. as president, i'll build on obamacare because healthcare is a right. i created nearly 500,000 jobs in new york city. as president, i'll build an economy that delivers good jobs with higher wages. i'll take on the gun lobby and save lives. and i will stop trump's assault on women's reproductive rights. i've got a record of doing things. i've got the resources to take on this fight. as mayor, i held myself accountable for results. as president, i'll offer common sense plans and i will get it done. so let's stay on the offensive, and let's win. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. uh, "fifteen minutes could save you 15%ain? or more on car insurance." i think we're gonna swap over to "over seventy-five years of savings and service." what, we're just gonna swap over? yep. pump the breaks on this, swap it over to that. pump the breaks, and, uh, swap over? that's right. instead of all this that i've already-? yeah. what are we gonna do with these? keep it at your desk, and save it for next time. geico. over 75 years of savings and service. new at 6:00, a california highway patrol officer was charged today with three felony counts of unlawful sex with a minor. brian watkins was arrestedly fremont police last week after an investigation that began last july. police say watkins began having a sexual relationship with the victim when she was 16 years old. watkins is now on administrative leave, while it conducts its own investigation. police in oakland are trying to find the owner of construction tools that were discovered stolen last week, during an arrest. officers say they found the equipment inside a stolen car. police say the investigation began when the suspect identified as johnny trujillo was found unconscious in the driver's seat of a car with a gun at 84th and bancroft. police followed him for about two miles before they were finally able to stop him. >> his car was disabled. wheel fell off, and that basically led to his termination point at73 and san leandro. >> police want to return the stolen items to their owner. they think the tools are worth about $12,000. the fbi and san francisco police are investigating a shooting that happened over the weekend. they found a man suffering from gunshot wounds, and an off duty federal agent who was not hurt. the man who was shot is expected to survive. the fbi confirmed the agent's involvement. officials say they're now reviewing the involvement, to see if any laws were broken. ktvu, fox 2 news at 6:30 is up next, with a student walkout in berkeley. the protests held today as students speak out about how berkeley high has handled investigations of sexual assault. also the remarkable story of a student in the south bay who is thriving with only half a heart. growing up in a family that struggled economically powerfully influenced my values. bernie sanders he's fighting to raise wages. and guarantee health care for all. now, our country is at a turning point. hard working people, betrayed by trump, struggling to survive. in this moment, we need a fighter. bernie sanders. we know he'll fight for us as president because he always has. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. i have moderate to severe pnow, there's skyrizi. ♪ things 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bernie sanders has been traction polls. the prosecution rested its case today in the nia wilson murder trial after emotional testimony from her two sisters. the defendant, john cowell was not in the courtroom at the time. cowell is accused of stabbing nia wilson to death at the mcarthur b.a.r.t. station two years ago. he has pleaded guilty by reason of insanity. a new program started on b.a.r.t. today, to keep people more safe. ten new unarmed ambassadors are patrolling the platforms and the trains. they're an extra set of eyes and ears for police, and an extra layer of security for passengers. the ambassadors will patrol trains seven days a week with extra coverage on saturdays. >> you're watching ktvu, fox 2 news at 6:30. students at berkeley high are speaking out about what they call a dangerous culture of sexual harassment at their school. >> some students walked out of class today to protest the way school administrators are are handling sexual assaullegations >> reporter: unitedded with the color red. hundreds of berkeley high students speak out in a rally against sexual violence. some students say harassment, and sexual assaults are occurring on and off campus, and the administration isn't doing enough to stop it. >> a few girls wrote a list down, saying boys to watch out for. it was meant to be a list that people could add onto. >> reporter: the school district says friday it was served a lawsuit, but won't provide details or say whether nine anyone involved in the lawsuit is still at school. >> there's obviously not been a felony conviction in this, or any other case. >> reporter: one parent told us, she's no longer comfortable sending her 14-year-old daughter to berkeley high, and is taking action. >> i'm at the point of taking the measures to actually take my child out of the school. >> reporter: other parents say they've received no communication from the school about lawsuits. students are working to change that, and are speaking out, because it's known that inappropriate behavior, and worse is happening. >> it makes me pretty upset, especially because like, i know some of the guys who havedone this sort of thing, and a lot of their friends continue to defend them, which is, it's disgusting. >> reporter: part of the student's actions, giving demands. >> we need training for teachers, and we need a clear process that everyone knows us, and that survivors understand, and can rely on from the administration, on what the administration can do, and what they can do. >> reporter: students say they plan to present it to the school board on february 19th. in berkeley, greg liggens, ktvu, fox 2 news. teachers in san ramon have voted to authorize a strike if they cannot come to an agreement with the district. the san ramon valley education foundation made that announcement today, adding that 98.2% of its members voted in favor of authorizing a strike. teachers say they're fighting to make sure the students have the best support. teachers are working under an expired contract, and are negotiating a three year deal. in the south bay, a teenager is thriving, and achieving things that he never thought were possible. he had three open heart surgeries by the time he was four years old. ktvu's maureen naylor introduces us to the young man who found an outlet that is helping him to grow stronger. >> reporter: like many bay area teenagers, this 16-year-old, who lives in san jose's almoden valley, enjoys music, video games and cheering for the 49ers. what makes him unique is he was born with a rare heart defect. >> i have a really low endurance, that can mean i need more sleep, and i get tired easily. >> reporter: he had surgery when he was just 3 days old at stanford. then again at 6 months old, and finally, when he was 4 years old, and always cautioned to be careful with his body. but at 7 years old, this heart patient got an unexpected source of inspiration from this tv show that would change his life, and help him find something he can do. >> i was actually a very big fan of power rangers. >> reporter: his mother suggested he start martial arts. west coast martial arts in campbell invited him in, after half a dozen other academies rejected him because of his injury. at 11 years old, showhan earned his first black belt. >> what happened was, all this exercise that i did, ended up helping my heart grow stronger. because of that, i have a better like quality of life, and i'm able to do more things without getting tired easily. >> reporter: now the boy who had three open heart surgeries is a teenager with a black belt in tae kwon do. >> i've never seen anyone who has his condition, and to keep coming regardless. it's taught me, and it's taught our entire association. >> reporter: when showhahn started he could only do this for about five minutes. but says now he has the stamina to last 45 minutes, along with some new found confidence. >> there have been times where i'm like i need it, but i can't really change it. the best i can do is make the best out of it. i really can't imagine a live without it. >> reporter: showhahn sees his cardiologist every three months, and his mom makes a point of talking to other patients to give them hope, and share information about her son who had open heart surgery at 3 days, and is now thriving. coming up, we are continuing to follow the very latest on the global coronavirus outbreak, including what the world health organization is saying about cases in people who have not traveled to china. a charming journey into the fascinating sport of foosball. tomorrow, exploring what it takes to be the best player in the world. plus a sweet start to the day. sharing delicious gift ideas for your valentine. >> and wake up for mornings on 2. 4 to 10:00 a.m. the death toll from the coronavirus has now surpassed 1,000. the death toll there to 1,016. there are also nearly 2500 new cases, bringing the total number to nearly 43,000. most of them are in china. now the associated press is reported an evacuee from china has tested positive now for the coronavirus here in california. >> at the same time, the world health organization says they're seeing more cases from people with no history of travel to mainland china. more tonight from fox news jonathan serrie. >> reporter: investigating the coronavirus outbreak, which has now claimed more lives than the sars outbreak of 2002 and2003. >> onward transmission from people with no travel history to china. >> reporter: concern over reports of small clusters of people in europe, becoming infected by a british traveler who caught the virus in singapore. >> this small number of cases could be this part that becomes a bigger file. >> reporter: 99% of cases remain in china, where over the weekend, officials confirmed the first death of a u.s. citizen. here at the epicenter of the outbreak, crews have begun spraying disinfectant. coronavirus is front and center on social media. >> people are discussing, when can we see a reducing number of people got infected, our lower death rate. >> reporter: in japan, health officials say most of the 3700 passengers and crew aboard the diamond princess will remain quarantined in their state rooms until february 19. they've already confirmed at least 135 cases. another cruise ship, anthem of the seas was cleared to leave earlier today. three passengers sharing a state room shared symptoms, but turned out to have seasonal flu. a fourth passenger with no symptoms was screened for part we'll talk about that. a record high. a couple record highs today. we'll show you the numbers that came in, and we'll also look at the five day forecast. right now, we go to ktvu's heather holmes in the newsroom with a look at some of the stories we're working on for the 7:00 news. frank, all eyes on new hampshire. tonight at 7:00, we're live at new hampshire, as democratic presidential hopefuls scramble for support ahead of tomorrow's big primary. and brad pitt getting his first oscar for his supporting role in once upon a time in hollywood. tmz's harvey levin has more on pitt's personal, and professional comeback. we'll have those discoeries, and a stories and a lot more at 7:00. >> first, tree limbs blown down during yesterday's wind storm. we'll show you the damage, amend today's cleanup. >> and a live look outside, as we listen to a little earth, wind, and fire. winter storm ciera has left behind flooding in northern england. parts of england got 45 days worth of rain in just 24 hours. at least six people have been killed across europe. 20,000 people in britain alone are without power. the storm disrupted train travel. the hurricane forced winds and heavy rains are now moving east into germany. city crews in san francisco spent another day cleaning up fallen tree branches that snapped off during yesterday's powerful winds. officials say about 45 trees, or limbs came down because of those strong gusts, with trees crashing down onto two cars, and bringing down power lines. crews scrambled to clear tree limbs from one side of the city to the other. >> we triage them. if it was blocking a lane of traffic, those would get the first response. >> conditions have improved today. those winds were so strong yesterday. >> it didn't feel like, at least where i live, the winds. >> they weren't as bad as yesterday. >> yesterday was nutty windy everywhere, up and down high and low. today, there was still some wind, a little bit this morning. what's resulted now is this warm air that we have outside. check out the records from today. two records today. one was tied, but this is a record. sfo with 72 degrees today. 70degrees at the oakland airport. it's unusualliy warm right now. we've got some more to talk about. check out the rest of the highs around the region. these temperatures are stunning. santa rosa at 77. 71 in mountain view. 74 in concord. it's february. this is not the form. we're seeing some really, really warm temperatures today. it's going to continue to warm tomorrow. i don't thinstill going to see low 70s tomorrow. that's pretty impressive. that looks like april to me for the most part in terms of the weather. as you ok out the back here, you can see the high pressure ridge. a big dome, air sinking. air rises. it goes up, and the pressure is less, so it expands and cools. expansion is cooling. when air sinks, it compresses, and heats. compression is heating. that's where those numbers come from. that's where those records come from. that's why it's still pretty warm outside. we've got temperatures outside generally now that at this time of night with the sun down, you expect 50s, and we're in the 60s. 68 in concord. so really, really balmy out there for this time of year, certainly. no fog along the coast. overnight lows tonight are going to look like these. above freezing, should be no frost. more of the same. the problem is, and i say problem. we're not see. right now, we're in a dry pattern. it looks as though it's going to hold right through the weekend, again, so there's no real, usually, this time of year, you'll see three days on, maybe a storm will come, another three days nice, and then another storm. we don't have anything lined up right now, which is a little concerning. there's still time, things could break loose, but in this five-day forecast, which i'm going to show you in a minute after these temperatures, you're going to see the temperatures are generally going to remain on the warm side. it cools down by friday, saturday, and sunday. the real takeaway here is, where is the rain? it certainly is not in this five-day forecast. for the first time ever, a foreign language movie has won the top honors at the academy awards. >> and the oscar goes to -- "parasite." >> the comedy thriller, "parasitpicture, as well as best international feature. alsothe 50-year-old director won for best director and best screenplay. it was up against once upon a time in hollywood, the irishman, and marriage story. the warriors welcome back one of the players from their first championship here. we hear from andre iguodala, who is now playing for the visiting miami heat. mike: anyone hear the slogan, 'mike will get it done?' ok, let me tell you what the 'it' is. as mayor, i expanded healthcare coverage. as president, i'll build on obamacare because healthcare is a right. i created nearly 500,000 jobs in new york city. as president, i'll build an economy that delivers good jobs with higher wages. i'll take on the gun lobby and save lives. and i will stop trump's assault on women's reproductive rights. i've got a record of doing things. i've got the resources to take on this fight. as mayor, i held myself accountable for results. as president, i'll offer common sense plans and i will get it done. so let's stay on the offensive, and let's win. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. mark's here. the warriors are welcoming back a familiar face, andre iguodala back in town. >> it's one of those nights where winning has kind of taken a backseat this year for the warriors. the other night, saturday night, andre, or rather andrew wiggins. tonight, it is one of the most popular, and best leaders the golden state warriors had during the ru consecutive years into the finals. made his debut the other night with the miami heat. doing what he does best all over as far as a team, and a teammate. as he was actually the most valuable player in the nba finals back in 2015, when the warriors won their second franchise nba title. very unselfish player. very popular with his teammates. and incidentally, he can keeping tabs on these guys. >> always keeping tabs on my guys, see how they're doing. checking in with steph, checking in with clay, whenever i could find him, or get in touch with him. and i just talked to draymond about two days ago. i think the coaches staff, and the front office is doing a good job of not panicking. coach steve kerr said it earlier, they're play is not determined by their record. they've played a lot better than their record shows. >> i'm going to flagrant foul hi 2. >> like in the first quarter? >> as soon as i get a chance. it will be worth it. i get to talk about that for the rest of my life to him. >> you know draymond. that is draymond green. everybody just now kind of assumes the warriors are going to be good next year, but it will be just a nice little transition for a few of them to be on that olympic team this summer in tokyo. three golden state warriors are now finalists for the men's olympic team. that of course, will be played in tokyo, japan july 24th. the olympics start finishing on august 9th. the third potential member on the public team, of course is none other than the guy we just heard from, draymond green. they're going to have to whittle that down to 12 before the olympics start. a lot of competition. meantime, speaking of competition, one of the best competitors in nfl history. if you know anything about rive- old quarterback, eight time pro bowl member. phillip rivers, probably coming off maybe his worst season as a pro is done with the chargers. the 16 year charger career over. he's going to enter free agency. not saying he's going to retire. >> raiders perhaps? >> that be would be something, after all the games against the raiders, to hook on with the oakland raiders, we will see about that. las vegas raiders. get used to that, right? in case you missed it over the weekend, there are a few kinds of funny little items to review. cosmo the cougar, the byu mascot. he takes off and dunks. here's another vantage point of it. cosmo the cougar of byu. this might be even worse. this is pj hawk, a professional wrestler. second floor of a mall in new orleans. he is going to jump off and join the party down there. >> how do they do that? >> how many bad things can happen with that thing happening? just one little millimeter to the right or left. pj hawk, in case you missed it. this is a high school kid from boulder, colorado. goes back to his high school and flips over his principal. he's an x-games competitor. they invited him back for a school rally. the principal had the nerve and the confidence to hang in with him at center court there. in case you missed it over the weekend. >> love that. >> good night. (whirring) and now the kung pao chicken. ah, yeah. wow. smooth. and finally, my moo shu pork. (whirring) whoo-hoo! wolowitz: oh, there you have it, gentlemen. our entire dinner unpacked by robot. and it only took 28 minutes. impressive, but we must be cautious. why? today, it's a chinese food retrieval robot. tomorrow, it travels back in time and tries to kill sarah connor. i don't think that's going to happen, sheldon. no one ever does. that's why it happens. (door opening) hey. is the food here? ooh. what's that? that, dear lady, is the wolowitz programmable hand, designed for extravehicular repairs on the international space station. ah, cool. ask me to pass the soy sauce. oh, does that come up much on the space station? mostly with asian and jewish astronauts. all right. pass the soy sauce. coming up. (inhales, clears throat) (rapid typing) so how's work? oh, it's not bad. kind of hungry. yeah, we all are. just wait. you realize, penny, that the technology that went into this arm will one day make unskilled food servers such as yourself obsolete. really? they're going to make a robot that spits on your hamburger? i thought you broke up with her. why is she here? okay, here we go. passing the soy sauce. (whirring) put out your hand. oh! that modest leap forward from the basic technology that gave us country bear jamboree.

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