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Left Sacramento Executive Airport and headed to halfmoon bay airport. It appears that the pilot missed the runway by several hundred feet. What caused the plane to crash is under investigation. We are told that most of the damage was sustained to the garage of the home and that rest of the home seemed pretty much untouched. For the Family Living inside they werent home and no word on when they planned to be here or if they had come back or if the lights are out at this time. Still working to find out more information from the faa on the couple in that plane at the time. Back to you. Elianna, thank you. Tonight cleanup and concern in santa clara after this massive foam blog spilled out on the street. The white foam is actually Aviation Fire retardant and could potentially be hazardous to your health. It spilled out on martin avenue in santa clara south of San Jose International airport. Ann reuben is there live on the scene. Have they been able to clean it up. Reporter the cleanup crews hard at work over the last hour. There is more trucks coming in. Their hope is to get the foam out of the street before the Rainy Weather moves in later tonight. It was a site to behold. 10 feet of white foam flowing from an airplane hangar and filling a block. It undulated and rolled like tumble weed and whipped up into frothy tornadoes. It looked like the fire alarm and it filled the building up and blew the doors opened and it started flowing. It came from hangar 7 in san jose. A spokesperson called it a malfunction of the Fire Suppression system. The fire flowed up to the door. I i called everybody to check it out. Half a dozen cars were buried and one bike. Someone had to do it. We are on the other side and the officers are there and you should ride through and you dont mind . And we decided to do it. That was before authorities realized that the foam is considered toxic. It is an irritant and carcinogen. The goal is to keep it in the storm drain and not let it migrate out to open waters. The cleanout crews blocked the storm drains and sucked the rest up. Fire officials have never seen anything like this they say. This is uncommon. I teach the foam systems and i have never seen Something Like this go off. Bystanders were awestruck. It is like a chemical christmas. Not an every day thing that you see. A special day. Still no word on what caused the system to malfunction. A spokesperson for a Signature Flight support says that there were fortunately no planes in the hangar at the time. Ann reuben near the airport there tonight. Thank you. And you will find more video of the seen in santa clara. Look for the story near the top of the home page. Our chief meteorologist bill martin joins us. Crews were trying to clean this up ahead of the rain. How big after concern will that be for them . It is significant just because the stuff will run off in the bay. It is you will bring it in to the eco system. We mentioned earlier in the 5 00 broadcast that stuff was diluted. It is definitely a toxic component to that. The foam is disbursed there. Rain will get it out here that will be here on san jose and you will see rain tomorrow night and tomorrow morning probably about four a. M. Here is the system im tracking. It will get wet. The bay area week will be wet. You knew that. We have been talking about it since last weekend. We are getting into it. Here is the model does it and it is there is your midnight shot, right . Look at how wet it is. There is where the heart of the storm rolls in at four or five or 6 00, wet from san jose and santa rosa. It is coming down hard. Thats how the morning goes. After that, there will be some showers on and off. When i come back. I just showed you the morning and showed you the main event but i will show you what is going to happen on saturday afternoon and sunday. We will see you back here. A reminder that you can download the free ktvu app for the very latest on the conditions here in the bay area. We will posting updates on facebook, twitter and instagram. The Trump White House is starting to take shape with the Incoming Administration filling three more key positions. And each of them comes with controversy. Our political reporter ross palumbo is back with us now. If you were wondering how donald trump would govern as president. The choices were about security and all of them are very controversial. The president elect donald trump announcing his choices for a cia director, attorney general and National Security advisor. One already failed because of past charges of racism. Even new yorks naked cowboy was on message at trump tower as the president elect donald trump named kansas congressman mike pompeo to lead the cia and Michael Flynn as National Security advisor and Jeff Sessions for attorney general. It has been exciting experience. The choice of sessions prompted outrage from the democratic party. Acting chair donna brazil writing senator sessions used the power of the court to discriminate against civil rights leaders and using racially charged letters and express support for the [ bleep ] and tried to dismiss it as a joke. Meanwhile South Carolina governor nikki haley is a pick for secretary of state and tomorrow trump will meet with mitt romney seeking the same position. Romney was one of trumps fiercist critics. Senator warren using the romney meaning to take a swipe while pushing for more cabinet contenders. Warren tweeting that governor romney when you are meeting donald trump, maybe you can bring your binders full of women with you. This is a big challenge and unprecedented challenge. New york mayor bill de blasio met with trump and voiced kemps about everything from tax breaks to the rich to fear of deportation talking about security concerns in midtown manhattan. The president elect donald trump spending a lot of time in trump tower. We understand the number one fear is safety and security. We owe that to the president elect and his family and team. All new yorkers that did not support trump and those fewer that did. Well, seriously now, flynn would not need to be confirmed by the senate but the other two would and even though republicans maintain a slim majority in january it does not mean it is smooth sailing for senator sessions and the Trump Transition Team met with the state and justice departments. Does it look like he is soften his approach or more of an indication he will stick to his hard line that he had in the campaign. An indication that he will maintain the hard line stance. All of these people are conserve tip. Thank you, ross. New yorks attorney general says president elect donald trump has agreed to pay a 25 milliondollar settlement to resolve three lawsuits over Trump University. It had alleged that Trump University failed to deliver the Real Estate Investing education that it promised. The deal would settle two class action lawsuits in california and a civil suit filed by authorities in new york state. An attorney for the plaintiffs praised the deal. Everybody who was enrolled in this school and wants the money back will get over half their money back at a minimum and perhaps up to all of the money back so we are very pleased with the outcome. The deal does not require the president elect though to acknowledge any wrongdoing. It still needs to be approved by the court. Pop artist kanye west stayed true to form stirring uncontroversy in san jose. He deviated from his performance at the sa p center to voice support for president elect donald trump. There is a woman saying i love you. After i just said that there is a thing that i like about trumps campaign. That is not supposed to happen, right . Fans say the wrapper stopped the music more than a dozen times to voice his thoughts about the president ial election. He said if he had voted he would have voted for donald trump and that drew a mixed reaction from the crowd. Coming up, hate crimes on the rise in San Francisco. Coming up at 6 30. City officials promote a hot line to try to keep people safe. And the week end will be wet and umbrellas will be needed. I will let you know the timing of the saturday and sunday showers. A fun event turns in to a problem from ticket buyers, how as bounced check caused a crab festival to be called off. I want my money back. Perhaps this hold you is related to a chase on the bridge. Officials chasing a suspect. It ended there on the bay bridge. Right near the fremont street off ramp on the bridge and as you can see here boy a lot of backup. And this is interstate 880 in oakland. The headlights heading south. Thats the direction. A highly publicized crab festival set for saturday night in the east bay have been canceled. Rob roth found out that some people are calling it a scam including a well known charitable organization. For weeks it was advertised on line and mentioned on ktvu thursday night. In the east bay, the crab festival is happening on saturday. It was supposed to be a crab festival at the lodge for saturday night hosted by the captain crab company. The price was 50 a ticket and up and the festival will not be taking place. I think it is a shame that they are not only ripping off a lot of people but using the good name of the elks to do it. The 600dollar deposit check bounced. One richmond woman asked us to not show her face bought two tickets and out one hundred dollars. I want my money back. She initially tried to buy tickets online and toll to by them in downtown okay lap. An office she found out that rents space by the day. I am going to use my credit cards and they are like we are only taking cash. That should have been the first clue. The address on captain crabs website is in San Francisco. Suite 200 but when we went up there, there was no sign. Suite 200 is a company that rents office space. As of friday afternoon we were told that captain crab had not paid represent or shown up. The website was taken down friday afternoon. It looked professional but there was ever changing dates. The Comment Section was filled with angry posts. The oaks manager that says the woman that brought a check cited as kristen martin. She is professional and nice lady and real excited about the whole thing and fantastic. She talks a good game. The problem comes reports of crab festivals scams from los angeles to houston to philadelphia. The oaks lodge has turned over the information with the contra costa sheriffs department. Rob roth. Fox 2 news. Late this afternoon we received a call back from a person claiming to be the president of captain crab. Thats berea kelly. Denied the organization is running a scam. She claims the lack of payment to the elk lodge was due to a misunderstanding of when the money was due and claims that her company is in the process of refunding the price of the tickets and says she is planning another crab festival in richmond in january. Bart has agreed to pay the family of a bart Police Officer shot to death in a family fire incident 3point 1 million dollars. It will settle the lawsuit brought by tom smith family. He was accidentally shot while serving a search warrant. It will include more training if officers request it and hopes that this will prevent more tragedies. An officer will not be charged in connection with a sex scandal. Facing a charge of searching a criminal database without authorization in connection with the case involving a teenager. The alameda d. A. s office says that certain facts have come to light and they are not able to proceed with the charges. District attorney nancy omaly should not have announced the charges if she could not back them up. The announcement of a prosecution against a Police Officer is hurtful for their reputation and career. Six other current or former officers have been charged in alameda county. The contra costa d. A. Have declined to file charges against the officer. San jose police filed charges against a man firing charges against Police Officers. The 20yearold suspect was with a group of men when he opened fire on sunday night. We would have gone to the ends of the earth to find this individual. His actions were deplorable. In the end the police team that made the arrest did not have to travel far. The 20 yearold luiz soriano was captured in bed thursday morning. The admitted gang member was out on parole when he tried to kill two members of the departments Violent Crimes enforcement team. The pair was patrolling the 1800 block in east jose sunday night when officers opened the group of men. As they approached the group scattered and officers say that soriano squared and turned his shoulders and fired two to three round. Didnt have time to return fire it happened quickly and so it was absolutely a close call. An unbelievable close call. We are lucky we did not lose an officer on sunday night. Neither officer hit or hurt and both returned to work the next day. Meanwhile the department mounted a massive manhunt. Officials say that officials from several key units utilized the tools of the trade in the search. This is another example of what lengths we as a Police Department will go to to ensure we have a safe environment. Technology helps us to do our job and nothing replaces the experience of a Police Officer and a detective. And soriano is charged with two counts of attempted murder on a peace officer and violating his parole and will be arraigned next week. Jesse gary ktvu news. Weather coming our way in time for the week which is now and there is the system. A good looking one. Very active pacific so that will continue to keep the storms moving our way and it is getting stormy in the mid section of the country. This system right now dropping showers around far south and seeing light showers on the returns here south of badagga bay. The showers move to santa rosa by midnight. Computer model. Here we are saturday morning. Here we are saturday morning and it is six a. M. The heaviest rain. You can see it. Really it is going to be all about that morning and then it starts to move out. As the system moves out your afternoon will be highlighted by scattered showers so you can get away with stuff. It will be wet ground. A lot of rain coming out. By the afternoon it will be all over the place. Soccer, baseball, football. Whatever you got going on. You want to go for a walk you can do it. Be ready to dodge one of these. There it is saturday afternoon. A few light scattered showers and a win advisory in effect. Winds up to 35 Miles Per Hour along the coast and the Winter Weather advisory in the mountains and game on for rain. The heaviest rain tomorrow morning after lunch into scattered showers and when i come back, detail sunday and beyond. Up in the sierra. Ski season has begun. Two resorts opened today. Mt. Rose and borral. One ski lift is opened in borral. But that could change with snow in the forecast. Heavenly and northstar will open their lifts the day before thanksgiving. Still to come. New details about a shooting and car crash in the east bay that injured an innocent couple. It could happen to anybody. You dont expect to happen to anybody you know. The plea from police as they search for the people responsible. And coming up later in sports. Patriots star quarterback, talking about tom brady coming to town for a game against the 9ers. What he had to say about the homecoming week. Details of an arrest made following a series of home burglaries in the bay area. New at six. Police announced the arrest of 34yearold dominic miles is facing charges of burglary, firearms and drug charges. Investigators have recovered property stolen during the robberies when they executed search warrants in San Francisco and pittsburg. Police in san leandro that live in the broad view neighborhood are asked to check for surveillance cams of a car crash that left an innocent man fighting for his life. Henry lee says police are looking for a second car in that shoot out. This is what is lift of the prius belonging to paul and susan dorian. They left their home when they were hit head on by this altima. The man the nissan had traded gunfire with someone in a black suv. The impact of the crash sent the couples prius airborne and on top of a parked car. Paramedics had to use the jaws of life to rescue the couple. 66 yearold susan dorian is expected to survive and her husbands condition is touch and go. The people that were hit, it is tragic and scary. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family. They are hospitalized for doing absolutely nothing wrong. Innocent victims to a violent attack and thats why it raises the stakes. Couples neighborhood says they hope the two will pull through. It can happen to anybody. You dont expect it to happen to anybody. I just hope that they recover. Properly. You know. The man that was shot the nissan is under arrest for attempted murder and reckless driving and under police guard. His name was not released. Police say they are trying to find that black suv. Whoever was shooting from inside and the exact path of the gun battle. Police say they need the publics help and surveillance video. If you see two speeding cars being a dark gray nissan four door altima being chased by a smaller sports utility vehicle. Please call us. In san leandro. Henry lee, fox 2 news. Still to come here. Hate crimes on the rise in San Francisco. I dont even work a job. But i worry about my sisters that do. Up next. A hot line being promoted as a way to keep people safe. Also ahead. An emotional event to raise awareness of sexual assaults. Marijuana under the christmas tree. How it could lead to a spike in marijuana purchases. Ktvu fox 2 news at 6 30 is next. The top

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