Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At 630pm 20161216 : com

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At 630pm 20161216

coverage. first let's go to mark outside in the elements. >> i'm here in oakland, right now it's a steady downpour, earlier today, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00 there were impressive rainfall rates. we've been worried about flooding. we have video from san francisco going to oakland, this is about 4:00 this afternoon, reports it took 45 minutes to get from san francisco to oakland. you can see the challenges and obstacles. rainfall rates, some spots picking up rainfall in an hour verified between a half inch to three quarters of an inch. a lot of acoupe lating water on the bay area roadways. i'm sure chp has been busy of the a lot of reports of flooding and accidents. we've been tracking the timing for the past few days, the timing remains on track. >> you know it's in the south bay, we can leave mark up, mark and i were looking at the rainfall accumulations in the north bay, mark, you commented there was a spike in totals around 4:00. what was the observation there. >> it's amazing, we're inside working on weather computers, when you look at the numbers jump up and hearing the firsthand accounts it's verifying nicely. the models, it seems like with this system they have picked up nicely with the forecast. >> a lot of flashflood watches went up around that time, they started popping, there was a intense downpour that marin county around 4:15. check out the storm reports. a lot were coming in around 4 :15. something is moving through in the bay area right now, and it's out of the north bay and moving into the south bay, there's your flood warning areas, they will be for the next hour or so, now the north bay clearing out. there's the current radar rain footprint. there's the heavy rain across the san mateo bridge, parts of oakland and fremont. san jose getting moderate to heavy rainfall. one of the more powerful storms we'll see this year in terms of rainfall rates. nearly an inch of rain an hour, there's not enough drainage in any urban center. when i come back we'll take the computer model and push it forward and talk about the cold weather and the lake tahoe area when i come back. irs. the white house and donald trump transition team clashed over claims of lusha -- russia interfering. interfering. . >> in fact the first u.s. claims of russia hack:00 happened a month before the election. katherine has the report. >> the russian government dismissed reports that putin was personally involved. >> you know, i was shocked when i saw the news on the television, i have nothing to add. the stupidity of the attempt is obvious. >> fox news confirmed that cyber militias began hacking in june 2015 and the effort evolved to interfere with the election. the white house spokesman dodged questions if the statement blaming moscow was code for putin. senior most official's in russia would lead me to conclude that based on my percentage reading, not any knowledge that may be classified or otherwise, obvious, they were referring to the most senior in russia. >> the president-elect knew the hacks would help him. >> that's remarkable, i guess he's auditions to be a pundit. >> the cia declined to provide a briefer today after a urgent request. the committee is concerned nunez said that sharing intelligence with congress can manipulate the intelligence for their purpose. >> the cricker of intelligence say they don't know the motive. it was to disrupt the election. coming up a home surveillance video shows the confrontation between a mountain lion and a deer. living the dream and losing it all. how the kindness of others has given one man a second chance. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? 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(my hero zero by lemonheads) zero really can be a hero. get zero down, zero deposit, zero due at signing, and zero first month's payment on select volkswagen models. right now at the volkswagen sign then drive event. i'm a rare sight offer the california coast, killer whales sharing their prey. this may have been more than catching a meal. the pictures were taken by a drone over monterey bay. what the pictures tell us about killer whale behavior. >> killer whale attacks on sharks are so rare to get video is extraordinary. that's what this drone video shows, an adult orca clutches a shark belly up. >> you flip them on their back and they slip into tonic immobile. turning the shark upside down paralyzes it. some animals if attacked, instead of fleeing or fighting they become still. >> it's a defense mechanism that killed the shark. >> when i saw the footage it was like what we witnessed in 97. >> is he eating the shark. >> shlamb was part of a group that witnessed this nine years ago. at the time it was unprecedented. >> perhaps, somehow this behavior has been picked up by killer whales in this hemisphere. new zealand, california coast, how many thousands of miles splat them -- plate them. >> this video is invaluable because it gives us a snapshot into the drama of the ocean we don't normally see. wildlife experts are warning people to be alert after a mountain lion made a rare appearance. a homeowner had a mountain lion just outside his front door. they heard noises and the dog started barking. a mountain lion killed a deer, the cat dragged off the prey. >> we heard a snapping sound. we thought it was a tree. my wife looked through the peep hole and thought she saw a coyote. hillsborough and the surrounding area it is in the habitat for mountain lions. >> the weather is impacting the entire west coast of california. it's raining in santa barbara. we'll diagram this set up. here's point conception, those are the points we use. once you get past point conception, we consider that southern california. it's a significant weather event for the state. we've seen extreme rain in the north bay, enough to get flood warnings, now this is flood warning that will be -- let's see what we did. this just came up. i'll back this out. i mentioned when the rain heads into san jose. we'll see flood advisories, as i go here, this area is lit up. flashflood warning into 10:30 tonight. what that's indicating to me is the rainfall rates are similar to the north bay. i won't say significant flooding but got going. if it hadn't stopped raining in the north bay or slowed down it was going. when you pop warnings it happened quick. the rain was starting to die down, the creeks were coming up. california rainfalls is an interesting thing. we can handle water. some of the rates were massive. millipedeis heavy rain. clearly in the santa cruz mountains with the flashflood warning in effected we're talking about heavy rain up there. it will continue for the next hour or so. you can see how hard it raining right now. that's in oakland area. temperature tomorrow will warm up a little bit. the rain is ending. when you get rain like this it's a good thing it's ending. if you had something coming in tomorrow north bay would be in big trouble. here's the five-day forecast, i've been doing this a long time. once an area reaches the carrying capacity, critical mass, like the north bay did today. the rivers start going. you will see the pictures at 10:00. just small creeks, none of the big rivers, but small creeks. >> if we had another day like today. >> or two hours up there. it would be different right now. the raiders are hoping to shut down the chargers sunday in san diego. >> and we're going to hear from phillip rivers in a moment. am i actually pushing these guys who ran out of gas six miles on a lonely highway? or is this a metaphor for how i'm constantly pushing myself to make a tastier sandwich? like my new pepper jack ranch spicy chicken sandwich with spicy pepper jack cheese, spicy ranch, and spicy all-white-meat chicken. but judging from the third-degree sunburn, and the fact that i can't feel my legs, i'd say i'm actually pushing this car. there's gotta be a better way to get new customers. the pepper jack ranch spicy chicken sandwich. taste it before it's gone. yep, i'm lost. . raiders chargers this weekend. we're talking playoffs. >> the raiders win and you're in. i bet they are happy they fly out of here. it won't be typical football weather, in oakland it will be soggy on the field. look at the weather in s an diego, the chargers practice today, beautiful sunshine, this is today's video. you know who else they are ready for. kalil mac, candidate for defensive player of the year. 11 sacks and one pick six. the afc west loaded with pass rushers. philip rivers is aware of mr. number 52. >> he's like most of the pass rushers in our conviction. we have -- division. we have a lot leading the league in sacks. he's a game changing type player. you have to know where he is. he's intercepted screens, he causes fumbles. you have to know where he is. >> the 49ers trying to break that hideous losing streak of 12 straight. they will be inside. weather won't be a factor in atlanta. someone who's not making the trip, down to the atl. tori smith. injured on this play right here in the overtime loss. he was taken off the field and going through concussion protocol this week, from the sounds of it, it was extremely frightening experience for him. >> pretty emotional when you went off the field. >> i have no clue. >> i was crying, about how frustrated i was. i don't remember anything. that's something i'm going to be smart with. i have two kids, you think long- term on things like that. it's not worth rushing back. >> concussions in the nfl, it continues to be a big story. when i say this everything is relative. steph curry is underpaid. $12million a year. that's by nba standards. a star of his magnitude capable of making more. the new collective bargaining agreement, it has a provision that will allow him to triple his salary next year, that's $36 million. it will allow him to sign a five-year deal worth 20$7 million. he will not be vastly underpaid very much longer. the warriors taking on the knicks. green has been playing sensational defense of late. draymond doesn't need to get up against these guys. he's on all the time. >> i think he's motivated every game. no matter who he's playing against. the hype on him, i don't think leaches to it. we know how good they are. we have to be ready. i don't think the hype is the reason he will play well. he can go off the court if you respect hip. >> receive indurance is part of the reason -- kevin is part of the reason for the provisions. life. you never really know what's coming. life just... happens. just when you think you know where it's going, sfx: (ambulance sirens) it takes you someplace else. and that's why covered california is here. to help californians who need health insurance get it. so you'll be ready next time life happens. because it's more than just health care. it's life care. t-minus 60 seconds! oh, it all comes down to this! oh, i've got butterflies. don't get soft on me, hofstadter. i will slap those glasses right off your face. what's going on? hey. we're about to buy tickets for comic-con. oh. t minus 45 seconds! they sell out incredibly fast, but as long as one of us gets in, we can buy passes... good lord, this is not the time for flirting! keep it in your pants! it's a whole lot of weird before coffee. t-minus 30 seconds! oh, i have to go to the bathroom so bad. every year! i told you, wear a diaper! and i told you i get diaper rash! 15 seconds! oh, this is it! this is it! (inhales) (strangled): this is it. wolowitz: five, four, three, two, one. it's live. go! go! go! go! go!

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