Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At 630pm 20161124 : com

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At 630pm 20161124

officers. union representatives say all lives matter. including the lives of police officers. the shooting death of william sims is being investigated as a hate crime. his body was discovered outside the capri club on november 12. police say the 3 suspects are all described as white men. daniel porter-kelly has been arrested and charged with murder. ray simons and daniel ortega are still at large. police say both are considered armed and dangerous. you are watching fox2 news at 6:30. president-elect donald trump named to women to his administration. >> nikki haley as us ambassador to the united nations and charter school advocate betsy devos to head the department of education. president-elect donald trump is about to name billionaire investor wilbur ross junior. this comes as present obama observed a thanksgiving tradition today one last time. >> reporter: before the 1st family sits down to thanksgiving dinner, resident obama taking care of business. pardoning tot the turkey for the final time in office. sending him off with his pal tater for greener pastures in virginia. >> let's go pardon the turkey. >> trump is spending his holiday at his resort. naming betsy devos as his secretary of education. the pic wanted concern among conservatives because betsy devos previously supported common core the controversial education standard mr. trump was against during the campaign. >> they're going to be disagreements. >> reporter: he also chose nikki haley as is pick for us ambassador to the united nations. while the south carolina governor supported marco rubio and openly criticized mr. trump, his team released this statement saying in part, governor haley has a proven track record of bringing people together regardless of background or party affiliation to move all of these forward. president-elect trump will remain in florida through sunday while mike pence will be in mississippi visiting his son who is a marine. president-elect donald trump addressed the nation via youtube today. he called on people to heal their divisions and move forward as one country. >> it's time to restore the bonds of trust between citizens. in america is unified there is nothing beyond our reach. >> mr. trump did not detail any plans in his holiday address but is praying the country can heal after a divisive election. largest public employee union is announcing a strike december 5. the services employees international union 1000 represent 95,000 state workers. union representatives say the state hasn't budged from its opening offer after 7 months of negotiations. state officials say they are committed to bargaining in good faith. they offered a nearly 12 percent salary increase over 4 years. however the union says annual raises would be offset by proposal for employees to be more for health of its. the state can do better. they have an $11.5 billion surplus. there will be recession proof until 2021. we know they can do better. spot the proposed strike day is the same day the new and reelected lawmakers are set to be sworn in at the capital. december 5. a life-changing procedure at the children's hospital where doctors are getting ready to separate a pair of conjoined twins from sacramento. the surgery will give the girls independence that could jeopardize their health. >> motherhood. >> were going to set you down here. >> it's a rare journey. caring for conjoined twins. ewa and erika break the mold of an average 2-year-old. >> and happy and i love them. >> been sitting for lack of movement. >> what you want? >> and apple. >> vocabulary. >> learning spanish and even sign language. >> turkey. like this. >> they are bursting with curiosity. >> they each have their own personality. >> feeding tubes keep them nourished. saline injections expand the skin. >> purple. >> preparing for separation. >> 30 percent chance they may not survive. 70 percent that they will. >> they share a leg and the pelvis and if used liver. >> stand up. good job. that makes you stronger. >> i know i'm doing the right thing to give them the independence. i wish there was a better percentage. >> she risked her own life to carry them to birth. >> they are beautiful. they are perfect. >> embarking on a timeless bond. >> they will show not only me but other people that disability is in something that will bring you down. >> tickle. >> unconditional. extraordinary children continue to fight against all odds. still to come new details on the shooting death of a police officer in detroit. what we are learning about the officer in the moments before he was killed. tragedy in tennessee. late developments in a deadly school bus crash. details about an arrest after a bomb threat the bay area airport. there was a chaotic scene outside a store in massachusetts. police say woman backing out of her parking spot lost control and plowed into a store clerk who is collecting shopping carts. woman's card also hit other parked cars. no word on why the driver lost control. fortunately the clerk and driver only suffered minor injuries. authorities arrested a southwest area passenger who allegedly threatened to blow up a plane at the oakland airport. arpan shah is from maryland. the southwest flight was about to take off yesterday when he started saying he was going to blow up the plane. the pilot taxied back to the gate and passengers were let off while it was searched. nothing was found in the plane was on its way to melt -- baltimore 3 hours later. he is expected to face criminal threat charges. the police officer from wayne state university in detroit died after being shot in the head last night. collin rose was responding to 8 reported car break-in. authorities do not believe he was specifically targeted. officer rose worked with the k- 9 unit had been with the department for 5 years. a suspect has been arrested but not charged. police say this is the 1st time one of their officers has been killed in the line of duty. a 6 child has died following this week's deadly school bus crash in chattanooga tennessee. 5 other children remain hospitalized. the national transportation safety board says blood tests show there was no trace of blood or alcohol in the drivers system. johnson he walker -- walker is charged with homicide and was reportedly driving well over the 30 mile speed limit. still to come, adding holiday help but not from a human. >> kids adore this and adults the door this. >> in a moment we will introduce you to the robots patrolling stores and airports. we are tracking the weekend forecast. rain is coming back and snow for the mountains. navigating the holidays can be stressful weather at the mall or airport. >> in silicon valley their robots standing by ready to help. were introduced to piper and pepper. >> reporter: holiday travel has you stressed piper is here to help. >> it's a robot. >> reporter: she along with her robot cohorts have moved into the concourse at san jose international airport. they can take a selfie and send it to you. host dance party, give directions. >> she is pretty. >> >> reporter: the idea is to offer travelers something extra. information with a bit of silicon valley flair. >> kids and adults door this. -- adore this. >> there has been some glitches , the touchscreen and battery life is too short. >> reporter: the overwhelming reaction have been positive. >> i will remember this. i will tell my boyfriend all about it. >> reporter: and from paper we go to pepper. that is the name of the robot greeting shoppers at the westfield valley fair mall. >> completely 2016. >> reporter: there are 2 peppers in san jose and 3 in san francisco. they speak multiple languages, play games and take selfies. >> she can read whether a customer is happy or sad. we want to know if art customer is delighted to interact with her. if they are not will change her to make sure she is something the customer appreciates. >> reporter: she needed a reboot only were there. really it's a pilot project to see if a robot might take the place of a conch year service. >> maybe it wouldn't be as hesitant to ask. >> if the launch is successful pepper could be expanding to other properties throughout the us in the near future. >> does not make you wonder what it's like 50 years from now? >> the more and more you see. whether we will still be doing the weather. let's go to the weather center. but that rain came down hard last night. what's it going to be like in 50 years? i thought 30 years ago we would be in flying cars. instead we have a computer on our phone. i don't have a flying car. >> i was sure i would have a flying car. >> it is amazing. when you are a kid. 61 today. that was the high. that was conquered, antioch in fairfield. most spots were in the upper 70s and low 60s. tomorrow will end up in the upper 50s. let's take a look. nothing is really groundbreaking or earth shattering in terms of airport delays. maybe you're flying out or later tomorrow, that system is not bringing major delays. dallas is doing fine. no delays. seattle will have some delays but that is it. that system starts to move in. no rain tonight or tomorrow. got rain last night. that moved through quickly and deposited half-inch of rain in some places. you see the forecast model for tomorrow and you will see right here that most of the 60s, 59 and 58. the low-end of 60. if at all. a nice day, sunny. valley fog in the morning when you wake up. a chance for some freezing temperatures. dry in the bay area tomorrow. try on friday. and then everything turns around as we head into friday night and saturday. and then sunday as well. a cool productive system that will bring more rain and snow to the mountains. that is friday night into saturday and sunday. how much rain over the next 5 days? not a ton. but in eureka you're coming up on 4 inches. rest of us maybe an inch of rain. san jose maybe an inch. this is all good stuff. there will be snow in the mountains and by the end of the week and they could have another foot and half. forecast highs tomorrow upper 50s low 60s. hope you have a great holiday weekend. drive safely and watch out for the valley fog. here is the thing with a turkey. i was watching him any looks scared. like he is being hunted. that bothers me. wife he waving his arms? don't shoot me. -- why is he waving his arms? >> he could be dancing. >> i have been vegetarian for a long time. i've had turkey since i was 6. >> it's very tasty. 8 88 dark meat. spec -- i like the dark meat. >> i like the white meat. >> the warriors a back home from there road trip. >> they are looking for revenge on the lakers. next, sports. over 1,000,000 californians have gotten something that's been out of reach for far too long: health insurance. how? they enrolled through covered california. it's the health insurance marketplace where you'll find a range of plans from leading health insurance companies that offer you the best combination of quality, rates, and benefits. and, through covered california, you may get financial help to pay for coverage. to have health insurance starting january 1st, you need to enroll by december 15th. visit today. we're talking raters and i was reading an article where some people are saying maybe, it be in the running for mvp. >> i can't imagine why he wouldn't be. and thinking jack del rio as coach of the year. i picked him to go 10 and 6 and that is optimistic. >> yesterday? >> the raiders still basking in the glow of the victory on monday night against houston. why not? things went very well. here's the game-winning touchdown. to cooper from derek carr. 2720 but the key comes after that. -- 27-20. key play here, he goes fort with a minute left. take into consideration the raiders have had only 40 years rush prior to that. from there they feel the game going into victory formation because of the efforts of murray. >> jack believed in us that we would get the 1st down. we loved the call and we love lynn. he put the ball in our hands. leaves it up to us. especially when a coach believes in you to get it done. >> i believe in winning so whatever i have to do. sometimes it's blocking and sometimes catching. whatever have to do. >> let's move along and talk about the golden state warriors. sometimes you wonder what will get these guys motivated because they are so good they seem to dispense with the opposition so easily. lakers are coming to down. -- to down. they got whipped by the lakers 117-97 back on november 4 in la. they were sleepwalking through that. and marks the 3rd straight year that the group has been swamped by the lakers who are now under the guidance under lou who has the team turnaround. they are up and coming in the nba. they look like they are ready for the competition tonight. >> a couple weeks ago, you can tell they enjoy playing with each other and that lou has come in and change it a bit. the only team, a young team. they want to go out there and have fun. no expectations. they're starting to build up who they want to be. and their identity for the season. one of the things i enjoy watching. >> they should have plenty of motivation tonight at the oracle against the lakers. highlights tonight at 10 pm. will most had an nba record tonight. the cavaliers kevin scores in the 1st quarter, 34 points. in the 1st quarter alone. 11 of 14 shots. he wound up just 3 shy of the warriors klay thompson's record for 37 which is the most in any quarter. he did that couple of years ago. he cooled off and ended up with only 40 points in a game. the cavs when it 137-125. it's widely considered one of the greatest moments if not the greatest moment in baseball history. as of today we are now without the 2 key components in the shot heard round the world. >> the giants win the pennant. >> ralph franca who give up the home run to bobby thompson has died at the age of 90 in a nursing home in florida. >> the night. -- goodnight. there is a place where magic will fill you with wonder and always leave you wanting even more. because one day just isn't enough. here, there is magic for days. and here's another interesting weather fact. another? great! changes in jet streams can affect the speed at which the earth rotates on its axis, so bad weather can actually make the day longer. well, there must be a hell of a storm somewhere. joke if you must, but you're going to miss these moments. with leonard home in a few days, this was your last time driving me to the grocery store. you know, i will miss this. i'll tell you what, if my apples are mealy, we'll hit the produce section for one last crazy blowout. heck, you can even push the cart. please don't take my looking forward to leonard's return as criticism of the job you've been doing in his absence. i won't. that criticism will come later in your report card. yeah, i didn't stay for the detention, i'm not gonna read the report card.

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Oakland , California , United States , Turkey , Florida , Virginia , Mississippi , San Francisco , Tennessee , South Carolina , Massachusetts , Sacramento , Houston , Texas , Maryland , Dallas , Spain , Baltimore , Californians , America , Spanish , William Sims , Marco Rubio , Derek Carr , Bobby Thompson , Daniel Ortega , Ray Simons , Klay Thompson , Walker , Wilbur Ross , Betsy Devos ,

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