Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At 630pm 20161025 : com

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At 630pm 20161025

their ballots. >> florida you guys are a checkmate state you're a checkmate state. if hillary wins florida she's going to be president. >>reporter: vp nominee tim kaine capitalizing on his running mate's slight lead in the battleground state of florida. donald trump hoping to close that gap by kicking off a campaign blitz there. holding a number of rallies over the last 24 hours. urging voters to get to the ballot box early. >> leave here and vote or we have wasted a hell of a lot of time energy and in my case a lot of money. >>reporter: hillary clinton's team seemingly encouraged by the polls now looking to help their party take back the senate. the former secretary of state spending time in new hampshire today where a key senate seat is up for grabs. >> she's independents, she knows how to find common ground and how to stayed stand her ground. unlike her opponent she has never been afraid to stand up to donald trump. >>reporter: some pollsters say clinton campaign strategy might be a smart one as republicans hold the senate now but the rift in the gop has left some seats in danger of flipping. >> these close senate races new hampshire and north carolina even in ohio the republicans are actually fairing pretty well. >>reporter: tomorrow clinton and trump will be criss- crossing the sunshine state where over one million people have already mailed in their ballots. in washington lauren blanchard foxnews. staff arrived ate sonoma county school this morning. >> what they have found was donald trump's name all over campus. it happened at cali cal make a language academy in windsor. the principal says the word trump was in about 10 different spots along with the phrase build the wall higher. the school is about 75% latino. the vadalism was painted over before students arrived. police are using surveillance video to try and find those responsible. just in tonight we're getting a report that twitter is planning to lay off as many as 300 workers. sources tell lou berg the san francisco social media company could announce the cuts of 8% of its workforce by thursday. twitter has been trying to find a buyer but a number of prospective bidders have backed off. over the last year twitter has lost 40% of its market value on slow growth. twitter had no comments on the report. today france began clearing out huge refugee camp after violent clashes over the weekend between french reply and the people living in the camp. the thousands of refugees are trying to get to britain, but as foxnews reporter greg pal could it tells us the goal now is to relocate them to other parts of france. >>reporter: migrants waiting in long lines to leave a french camp. thousands forced out of poor conditions at the kay lay location known as the jungle. they are being bused to reception centers around the country where they can apply for asylum. >> it is very hard because we have found some good friends over here and now we may be a part of this. >>reporter: more than 1200 police keeping watch over the evacuation of the unofficial camp. there were some scuffles but it's been a mostly peaceful operation. >> i think most of the people are scared, and they don't know what is going to happen to them. >>reporter: authorities say calais is home to some 6500 migrants trying to reach britain. aid groups put that number at 8300. they fled conflicts in places like afghanistan, sudan and syria. only to be uprooted once again. >> it's a inhumane situation. >>reporter: increasing number of my grants and refugees are trying to reach europe from conflict zones around the world. more than 1 million people fled to the continent in 2015 and it can be a deadly effort. of the more than 300,000 who tried to reach europe by sea this year, more than 3200 are feared drowned. the southern half of the calais camp was dismantled back in march. the rest of it will be demolished once the evacuation is complete. in london greg pal could it foxnews. coming up killed in the line of duty. what we're learning about a crash that claimed the life of an l alameda county sheriff's deputy. >> . insurance under the affordable care act about to get more expensive. 80s pop star remembered. details on the passing of british artist pete burns. my mom marnie and then she died life. of lung cancer. so i have a personal interest in helping prevent smoking. i'm tom steyer, the co-chair of the yes on 56 campaign. every year, nearly 17,000 california kids start smoking. a third of them will die from their addiction. tobacco taxes reduce youth smoking. please. vote yes on prop 56. if we can save even a few lives, it's worth it. . >> for the second time this month the los angeles county sheriff's deputy is mourning the death of a veteran sergeant. his colleague saluteed his casket this afternoon. officials say 47-year-old alfonso lopez died when his patrol car crashed in compton early this morning. he was responding to a pursuit of a stolen car. authorities say lopez may have lost control after suffering some sort of medical emergency. sergeant lopez was a 26 year veteran of the los angeles sheriff's department. a hike 625% for premiums next year. the white house released figures showing the hike in premiums but the white house added federal subsidies are going up that will mean more than 70% of people getting coverage under obamacare will do so for less than $75 a month. consumers will have fewer choices to choose from three major healthcare companies are scaling back their preparation next year signa aetna and united healthcare. enrollment opens on november 1st for coverage taking effect on scan 1st. san tran list are investigating a bizarre incident at westfield mall involving armed men with creepy clown masks a mall security guard was on a routine patrol sunday afternoon when he came across three men in a stairwell on the market street side of the mall. police say the men had clown masks and one had a gun the men ran away before police arrived. >> two of them had those creepy clown masks hole holding it in their hands another respect brandished the handgun showed it to the security guard and then all three fled on foot outside the emergency exit. >> it's not clear what the men were planning to do. police are hoping mall surveillance footage will provide clues to help track them down. >> fans are mourning the death of a new wave star from the 1980s. >>. >> pete burns was the leader of the british group dead or alive their best known single you spin me round was a top 20 hit in the u.s. in 1984. a remake in 2009 ended up hitting number one. burns manager says the singer died yelled of cardiac arrest. he was only 57 years old. discussing the legalization of pot. >> it will stop incaution ration of many people of color. especially black men. >> up next the meeting today in the east bay ahead a vote that could legalize recreational marijuana. we're tracking the long- range forecast we'll show you the rain that's going to be moving in not just tomorrow and the next day but right into the bay area weekend. bay area weekend. because she doesn't know that it kills 40,000 californians... every year. because she doesn't understand what cancer is. because she can't spell emphysema. because she is a butterfly, who fights fires. because she is my daughter, and the surgeon general says that raising tobacco taxes... is a proven way to make sure she never smokes. that's why i'm voting yes on 56. . a meeting in oakland focused on the business of legal marijuana and getting minorities a bigger piece of the action. public opinion polls show that californians are poised to approve prop 64 next month to legalize marijuana for recreational use. >> tom vacar was at today's meeting where the focus was giving minorities a larger role in the multibillion-dollar industry. >>reporter: yo she's jack london square jazz club the opportunity legal cannabis conference gathered minorities hoping to get into the business of also here potential funner and investors in what will be a booming business if recreational use is authorized. >> a multi billion dollar industry growing at about a 29% compound annual growth rate. >>reporter: mr. dayton says so far cannabis has no multi- national or mega size institutional investors involved because they are weight waiting for federal legalization still a few years off. that makes the potential for small and medium investors enormous especially minorities. >> among my group of investors diversity is a big issue and really wanting to make sure that they are bakebacking diverse teams because diverse teams are the ones that do the best. >>reporter: form ersan fran mayor willie brown says minorities need to stake a claim and they deserve a seat at this table. >> the tech world a there's no reason in the world why the people who formally did it illegal on the streets can't do it foye for a fee legally. >>reporter: even those with previous felonies could get into the the prop 64 passes. >> it will stop the incarceration of many people of color especially black men. >>reporter: sue taylor is the first african-american senior citizen in california to be a warred a permit to open a marijuana dispensary which she'll soon do in berkeley. >> she's a former catholic school principal and senior activist who is now alameda county commissioner on aging. >> most seniors use cannabis for pain and for sleep. i find that the cannabis helps many, many of the patients that i've worked with have been able to eliminate most of those pharmaceutical drugs. >>reporter: it's now really up to california's voters. tom vacar ktvu fox 2 news. >> turning now to our weather and we want to check in with bill martin tracking a couple storms. i'm looking at the live shot at the golden gate bridge already coming down. >> rolled ways wet roadways. that pattern is exactly what you need in october to get the rainy season kicked off. weather system the swirl you saw to the north that sits there continues to rotate weather as we're seeing here into the bay area. right now santa rosa is getting moderate to light showers the yellow represents a heavier shower obviously. you can see where that's happening mostly down by walnut creek in oakland. out towards hayward it's coming across south san francisco. and then over towards san mateo on the east side of half moon day. east side of crystal springs. so it's good. rain is coming down tomorrow morning shouldn't be heavy rain but it should just be wet kind of like this afternoon's commute. far south into san jose. it was spared a lot of the shower activity. tomorrow morning there you are cloud cover this is slowing you temperatures. i wanted the point outlook at the highs those are 70s. yellows also 70s. so 70s on a rainy cloudy day that means you got some pretty warm moist air. that's in fact the case and that is always indication that when the rain does come it's going to come pretty heavy. so, the atmosphere's primed. we're seeing heavy rain out there now. we will see more, the real significant rain as we head into thursday and friday. here's where we are now. most of the rain monday and tuesday more showers we talked about that. and here's thursday into friday. this system's got a nice little one two punch got one from the north little more from the south. as we head into thursday and friday. then there's more after this. but whenever you see a system coming in at that angle from the south usually a pretty good indication it's going to be warm right. because where it's coming from. the snow levels will be high. but it's a great indication we're going to get some rain. i take the long-range model lated it out. showers in the morning commute scatter shower around lunch are -p time tomorrow. afternoon it's done. here's tuesday night after your commute. not too bad. then here's wednesday at the end of the day. look at this thing teeed up. moisture plume now it's just i mean primed. here we are thursday now just loading up the atmosphere. then boom there's rain there. that's friday afternoon boom again. here columns saturday afternoon. and there goes sunday afternoon. this model is super low resolution. which means it's broad brushing but that pattern that i just showed you very productive. or can be very productive. models have the intent on making pretty productive. we'll go through already 3 nervous in five days in san francisco coming up on 3 inches in san francisco. almost 4 inches in santa rosa next five days. big rain north. similar to the rainfall distribution of that last significant weather system. flooding, no. trees down maybe because the leaves are still out. this isn't big rain stuff this is going to be consistent persistent rain that hangs with us all week. that break will be tuesday afternoon through wednesday night. then it lights up again thursday. >> once again with all is said and done what are we looking at in terms of rain total this is. >> we could see anywhere from four inches of rain in north bay to 2 to 3 inches of rain in san francisco. which is big. maybe even 3 or 4 inches of rain in oakland. so. >> significant yeah. >> very similar to the last system. hey it keeps raining an raining you look at your rain gauge you do all the time i know. >> every day. >> it's going to be very wet system and it gets going thursday and friday. >> okay bill thank you. >> they may be the most famous pair of shoes in america we're talking about the ruby slippers that were worn by judy garland in the wizards of oz and now they are getting some much needed help. the smithsonian has raised $300,000 to help preserve those slippers. more than 5300 supporters in dozens of countries around the world offered donations after smithsonian launched a kickstarter campaign week. officials say sequin covered shoes have deteriorated from exposure to light and moisture. most of the money raised will go to research. the fundraising success is prompting the museum to ask for money to preserve the costume that the scarecrow wore there that 1939 movie. the warriors about 24 hours away from their must anticipated home opener tomorrow night at oracle arena. also the cubs now four wins away from doing something they haven't done in more than 100 years. mark is up next with all the sports. c'mohappy birthday! i survived a heart attack. i'm doing all i can to keep from having another one. and i'm taking brilinta. for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin. no more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. or dying from one. it worked better than plavix. >>don't stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. >>talk to your doctor about brilinta. i'm doing all i can. that includes brilinta. if you can't afford your medication, astra zeneca may be able to help. . >> mark is here i don't know what to say about the 49ers they could go 1 and 15. >> they have a bye week. >> maybe recoup. >> that's the government the bad news is the bye week has been made a 10 point favorite. >> that's a good one. >> the 49 he was i mean somebody else told me earlier today good news they got a bye week bad news they got to come back with pretty much the same team but that might not necessarily be true. word today is take one of the more prominent 49ers that man there joe sayly a perennial pro bowl player offensive line plan could be on hi way out of town several times are interested in his services including minnesota vikings, new york giants arizona, seattle and even new england. the 49ers reportedly would want a number one pick in exchange for joe staley and here's the big surprise. coach chip kelly says he hasn't heard anything about that and completely denies it. big shocker there. hey tomorrow night man can you imagine cleveland so arena where the cavaliers play is less than a hundred yards away from where the indians play first game. the world series. meanwhile across the way the cavaliers and let brown james will be accepting their rings for that little nba championship we don't want to talk too much about. what a wild night in cleveland. today earlier progressive field it was work out time for the cubs who of course want to make amends for about their last 108 years of history. the starting pitchers were announced today. corey kluber will go with the cleveland indians he is their ace little surprise as joe madden has announced lefty jon lester will open for the cubs even though it is jake arrieta's pitching turn. and here are tomorrow's two starters. >> guys we don't look ahead of anything. we stay where we're at and we'll enjoy this for the next however many days. >> there's two teams left but at the same time you're so wrapped up in the moment of you know trying to prepare and do everything you can to be ready. >> all right meanwhile in chicago world series first one since 1945 they are going have to wait for their home game that's the chicago art institute on top of that famous lion out in front. put up a big chicago cubs hat. >> the city completely in cubs mania state right now. you will see game one of the world series tomorrow right here on ktvu fox 2, cubs and indians the first of what i think may go 6 or 7 games i think it's going to be a great series. meanwhile in our own neck of the woods got a little something going on tomorrow that being the warriors opener long awaited you got to check this out as sister curry practices some of his new shots like that off the head. hopefully we won't see that unveiled tomorrow night. meanwhile the rest of the day spent with attention focused as it has been for months on kevin durant and everything from here on out that he does will be magnified to say the least. here's his response to that. >> i think they just looking for something to grab on to and to make it a story i mean, we understand that and that's one thing i actually didn't understands coming in here that everything is going to be taken and used as a headline. so, it definitely a learning experience for me not used to all this coverage around the team you know everything we do being broadcasted. so that's just a part of the job you know that's why we get paid the way we do. >> talk about steph curry the other superstar on this team. always a sense of humor very gracious evening using last year 's let's say i don't want to call them failures but it didn't work out so well. here's his latest commercial even poking fun at that. >> make it all a memory. there you go. >> that's it for us. the 7 on ktvu plus next. so, howard's really in space, huh? mm-hmm, international space station. 250 miles that way. right now, howard's staring down at our planet like a tiny jewish greek god. zeusowitz. sheldon: i must admit, i can't help but feel a twinge of envy. he can look out the window and see the majesty of the universe unfolding before his eyes. his dim, uncomprehending eyes. it's like a cat in an airport carrying case. you know, it's not exactly glamorous up there. the water that the astronauts drink is made from each other's recycled urine. must be nice. nobody wants anything that comes out of me. (sighs): i wonder what he's doing right this very second. mm, conducting experiments in zero gravity.

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Compton , California , United States , New York , New Hampshire , Alameda County , North Carolina , Dayton , Ohio , Oakland , Afghanistan , Cleveland , Florida , Minnesota , Syria , South San Francisco , Washington , Jack London Square , Seattle , United Kingdom , San Francisco , Berkeley , Arizona , Sudan , Sonoma County , French Camp , Los Angeles County , France , Chicago , Illinois , Greece , America , Greek , Britain , Californians , French , British , American , Jon Lester , Lauren Blanchard Foxnews , Tim Kaine , Jake Arrieta , Joe Staley , Alfonso Lopez , Willie Brown , Brown James , Joe Madden , Los Angeles , Lou Berg , Lauren Blanchard , Tom Steyer , Hillary Clinton , Judy Garland ,

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At 630pm 20161025 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At 630pm 20161025

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their ballots. >> florida you guys are a checkmate state you're a checkmate state. if hillary wins florida she's going to be president. >>reporter: vp nominee tim kaine capitalizing on his running mate's slight lead in the battleground state of florida. donald trump hoping to close that gap by kicking off a campaign blitz there. holding a number of rallies over the last 24 hours. urging voters to get to the ballot box early. >> leave here and vote or we have wasted a hell of a lot of time energy and in my case a lot of money. >>reporter: hillary clinton's team seemingly encouraged by the polls now looking to help their party take back the senate. the former secretary of state spending time in new hampshire today where a key senate seat is up for grabs. >> she's independents, she knows how to find common ground and how to stayed stand her ground. unlike her opponent she has never been afraid to stand up to donald trump. >>reporter: some pollsters say clinton campaign strategy might be a smart one as republicans hold the senate now but the rift in the gop has left some seats in danger of flipping. >> these close senate races new hampshire and north carolina even in ohio the republicans are actually fairing pretty well. >>reporter: tomorrow clinton and trump will be criss- crossing the sunshine state where over one million people have already mailed in their ballots. in washington lauren blanchard foxnews. staff arrived ate sonoma county school this morning. >> what they have found was donald trump's name all over campus. it happened at cali cal make a language academy in windsor. the principal says the word trump was in about 10 different spots along with the phrase build the wall higher. the school is about 75% latino. the vadalism was painted over before students arrived. police are using surveillance video to try and find those responsible. just in tonight we're getting a report that twitter is planning to lay off as many as 300 workers. sources tell lou berg the san francisco social media company could announce the cuts of 8% of its workforce by thursday. twitter has been trying to find a buyer but a number of prospective bidders have backed off. over the last year twitter has lost 40% of its market value on slow growth. twitter had no comments on the report. today france began clearing out huge refugee camp after violent clashes over the weekend between french reply and the people living in the camp. the thousands of refugees are trying to get to britain, but as foxnews reporter greg pal could it tells us the goal now is to relocate them to other parts of france. >>reporter: migrants waiting in long lines to leave a french camp. thousands forced out of poor conditions at the kay lay location known as the jungle. they are being bused to reception centers around the country where they can apply for asylum. >> it is very hard because we have found some good friends over here and now we may be a part of this. >>reporter: more than 1200 police keeping watch over the evacuation of the unofficial camp. there were some scuffles but it's been a mostly peaceful operation. >> i think most of the people are scared, and they don't know what is going to happen to them. >>reporter: authorities say calais is home to some 6500 migrants trying to reach britain. aid groups put that number at 8300. they fled conflicts in places like afghanistan, sudan and syria. only to be uprooted once again. >> it's a inhumane situation. >>reporter: increasing number of my grants and refugees are trying to reach europe from conflict zones around the world. more than 1 million people fled to the continent in 2015 and it can be a deadly effort. of the more than 300,000 who tried to reach europe by sea this year, more than 3200 are feared drowned. the southern half of the calais camp was dismantled back in march. the rest of it will be demolished once the evacuation is complete. in london greg pal could it foxnews. coming up killed in the line of duty. what we're learning about a crash that claimed the life of an l alameda county sheriff's deputy. >> . insurance under the affordable care act about to get more expensive. 80s pop star remembered. details on the passing of british artist pete burns. my mom marnie and then she died life. of lung cancer. so i have a personal interest in helping prevent smoking. i'm tom steyer, the co-chair of the yes on 56 campaign. every year, nearly 17,000 california kids start smoking. a third of them will die from their addiction. tobacco taxes reduce youth smoking. please. vote yes on prop 56. if we can save even a few lives, it's worth it. . >> for the second time this month the los angeles county sheriff's deputy is mourning the death of a veteran sergeant. his colleague saluteed his casket this afternoon. officials say 47-year-old alfonso lopez died when his patrol car crashed in compton early this morning. he was responding to a pursuit of a stolen car. authorities say lopez may have lost control after suffering some sort of medical emergency. sergeant lopez was a 26 year veteran of the los angeles sheriff's department. a hike 625% for premiums next year. the white house released figures showing the hike in premiums but the white house added federal subsidies are going up that will mean more than 70% of people getting coverage under obamacare will do so for less than $75 a month. consumers will have fewer choices to choose from three major healthcare companies are scaling back their preparation next year signa aetna and united healthcare. enrollment opens on november 1st for coverage taking effect on scan 1st. san tran list are investigating a bizarre incident at westfield mall involving armed men with creepy clown masks a mall security guard was on a routine patrol sunday afternoon when he came across three men in a stairwell on the market street side of the mall. police say the men had clown masks and one had a gun the men ran away before police arrived. >> two of them had those creepy clown masks hole holding it in their hands another respect brandished the handgun showed it to the security guard and then all three fled on foot outside the emergency exit. >> it's not clear what the men were planning to do. police are hoping mall surveillance footage will provide clues to help track them down. >> fans are mourning the death of a new wave star from the 1980s. >>. >> pete burns was the leader of the british group dead or alive their best known single you spin me round was a top 20 hit in the u.s. in 1984. a remake in 2009 ended up hitting number one. burns manager says the singer died yelled of cardiac arrest. he was only 57 years old. discussing the legalization of pot. >> it will stop incaution ration of many people of color. especially black men. >> up next the meeting today in the east bay ahead a vote that could legalize recreational marijuana. we're tracking the long- range forecast we'll show you the rain that's going to be moving in not just tomorrow and the next day but right into the bay area weekend. bay area weekend. because she doesn't know that it kills 40,000 californians... every year. because she doesn't understand what cancer is. because she can't spell emphysema. because she is a butterfly, who fights fires. because she is my daughter, and the surgeon general says that raising tobacco taxes... is a proven way to make sure she never smokes. that's why i'm voting yes on 56. . a meeting in oakland focused on the business of legal marijuana and getting minorities a bigger piece of the action. public opinion polls show that californians are poised to approve prop 64 next month to legalize marijuana for recreational use. >> tom vacar was at today's meeting where the focus was giving minorities a larger role in the multibillion-dollar industry. >>reporter: yo she's jack london square jazz club the opportunity legal cannabis conference gathered minorities hoping to get into the business of also here potential funner and investors in what will be a booming business if recreational use is authorized. >> a multi billion dollar industry growing at about a 29% compound annual growth rate. >>reporter: mr. dayton says so far cannabis has no multi- national or mega size institutional investors involved because they are weight waiting for federal legalization still a few years off. that makes the potential for small and medium investors enormous especially minorities. >> among my group of investors diversity is a big issue and really wanting to make sure that they are bakebacking diverse teams because diverse teams are the ones that do the best. >>reporter: form ersan fran mayor willie brown says minorities need to stake a claim and they deserve a seat at this table. >> the tech world a there's no reason in the world why the people who formally did it illegal on the streets can't do it foye for a fee legally. >>reporter: even those with previous felonies could get into the the prop 64 passes. >> it will stop the incarceration of many people of color especially black men. >>reporter: sue taylor is the first african-american senior citizen in california to be a warred a permit to open a marijuana dispensary which she'll soon do in berkeley. >> she's a former catholic school principal and senior activist who is now alameda county commissioner on aging. >> most seniors use cannabis for pain and for sleep. i find that the cannabis helps many, many of the patients that i've worked with have been able to eliminate most of those pharmaceutical drugs. >>reporter: it's now really up to california's voters. tom vacar ktvu fox 2 news. >> turning now to our weather and we want to check in with bill martin tracking a couple storms. i'm looking at the live shot at the golden gate bridge already coming down. >> rolled ways wet roadways. that pattern is exactly what you need in october to get the rainy season kicked off. weather system the swirl you saw to the north that sits there continues to rotate weather as we're seeing here into the bay area. right now santa rosa is getting moderate to light showers the yellow represents a heavier shower obviously. you can see where that's happening mostly down by walnut creek in oakland. out towards hayward it's coming across south san francisco. and then over towards san mateo on the east side of half moon day. east side of crystal springs. so it's good. rain is coming down tomorrow morning shouldn't be heavy rain but it should just be wet kind of like this afternoon's commute. far south into san jose. it was spared a lot of the shower activity. tomorrow morning there you are cloud cover this is slowing you temperatures. i wanted the point outlook at the highs those are 70s. yellows also 70s. so 70s on a rainy cloudy day that means you got some pretty warm moist air. that's in fact the case and that is always indication that when the rain does come it's going to come pretty heavy. so, the atmosphere's primed. we're seeing heavy rain out there now. we will see more, the real significant rain as we head into thursday and friday. here's where we are now. most of the rain monday and tuesday more showers we talked about that. and here's thursday into friday. this system's got a nice little one two punch got one from the north little more from the south. as we head into thursday and friday. then there's more after this. but whenever you see a system coming in at that angle from the south usually a pretty good indication it's going to be warm right. because where it's coming from. the snow levels will be high. but it's a great indication we're going to get some rain. i take the long-range model lated it out. showers in the morning commute scatter shower around lunch are -p time tomorrow. afternoon it's done. here's tuesday night after your commute. not too bad. then here's wednesday at the end of the day. look at this thing teeed up. moisture plume now it's just i mean primed. here we are thursday now just loading up the atmosphere. then boom there's rain there. that's friday afternoon boom again. here columns saturday afternoon. and there goes sunday afternoon. this model is super low resolution. which means it's broad brushing but that pattern that i just showed you very productive. or can be very productive. models have the intent on making pretty productive. we'll go through already 3 nervous in five days in san francisco coming up on 3 inches in san francisco. almost 4 inches in santa rosa next five days. big rain north. similar to the rainfall distribution of that last significant weather system. flooding, no. trees down maybe because the leaves are still out. this isn't big rain stuff this is going to be consistent persistent rain that hangs with us all week. that break will be tuesday afternoon through wednesday night. then it lights up again thursday. >> once again with all is said and done what are we looking at in terms of rain total this is. >> we could see anywhere from four inches of rain in north bay to 2 to 3 inches of rain in san francisco. which is big. maybe even 3 or 4 inches of rain in oakland. so. >> significant yeah. >> very similar to the last system. hey it keeps raining an raining you look at your rain gauge you do all the time i know. >> every day. >> it's going to be very wet system and it gets going thursday and friday. >> okay bill thank you. >> they may be the most famous pair of shoes in america we're talking about the ruby slippers that were worn by judy garland in the wizards of oz and now they are getting some much needed help. the smithsonian has raised $300,000 to help preserve those slippers. more than 5300 supporters in dozens of countries around the world offered donations after smithsonian launched a kickstarter campaign week. officials say sequin covered shoes have deteriorated from exposure to light and moisture. most of the money raised will go to research. the fundraising success is prompting the museum to ask for money to preserve the costume that the scarecrow wore there that 1939 movie. the warriors about 24 hours away from their must anticipated home opener tomorrow night at oracle arena. also the cubs now four wins away from doing something they haven't done in more than 100 years. mark is up next with all the sports. c'mohappy birthday! i survived a heart attack. i'm doing all i can to keep from having another one. and i'm taking brilinta. for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin. no more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. or dying from one. it worked better than plavix. >>don't stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. >>talk to your doctor about brilinta. i'm doing all i can. that includes brilinta. if you can't afford your medication, astra zeneca may be able to help. . >> mark is here i don't know what to say about the 49ers they could go 1 and 15. >> they have a bye week. >> maybe recoup. >> that's the government the bad news is the bye week has been made a 10 point favorite. >> that's a good one. >> the 49 he was i mean somebody else told me earlier today good news they got a bye week bad news they got to come back with pretty much the same team but that might not necessarily be true. word today is take one of the more prominent 49ers that man there joe sayly a perennial pro bowl player offensive line plan could be on hi way out of town several times are interested in his services including minnesota vikings, new york giants arizona, seattle and even new england. the 49ers reportedly would want a number one pick in exchange for joe staley and here's the big surprise. coach chip kelly says he hasn't heard anything about that and completely denies it. big shocker there. hey tomorrow night man can you imagine cleveland so arena where the cavaliers play is less than a hundred yards away from where the indians play first game. the world series. meanwhile across the way the cavaliers and let brown james will be accepting their rings for that little nba championship we don't want to talk too much about. what a wild night in cleveland. today earlier progressive field it was work out time for the cubs who of course want to make amends for about their last 108 years of history. the starting pitchers were announced today. corey kluber will go with the cleveland indians he is their ace little surprise as joe madden has announced lefty jon lester will open for the cubs even though it is jake arrieta's pitching turn. and here are tomorrow's two starters. >> guys we don't look ahead of anything. we stay where we're at and we'll enjoy this for the next however many days. >> there's two teams left but at the same time you're so wrapped up in the moment of you know trying to prepare and do everything you can to be ready. >> all right meanwhile in chicago world series first one since 1945 they are going have to wait for their home game that's the chicago art institute on top of that famous lion out in front. put up a big chicago cubs hat. >> the city completely in cubs mania state right now. you will see game one of the world series tomorrow right here on ktvu fox 2, cubs and indians the first of what i think may go 6 or 7 games i think it's going to be a great series. meanwhile in our own neck of the woods got a little something going on tomorrow that being the warriors opener long awaited you got to check this out as sister curry practices some of his new shots like that off the head. hopefully we won't see that unveiled tomorrow night. meanwhile the rest of the day spent with attention focused as it has been for months on kevin durant and everything from here on out that he does will be magnified to say the least. here's his response to that. >> i think they just looking for something to grab on to and to make it a story i mean, we understand that and that's one thing i actually didn't understands coming in here that everything is going to be taken and used as a headline. so, it definitely a learning experience for me not used to all this coverage around the team you know everything we do being broadcasted. so that's just a part of the job you know that's why we get paid the way we do. >> talk about steph curry the other superstar on this team. always a sense of humor very gracious evening using last year 's let's say i don't want to call them failures but it didn't work out so well. here's his latest commercial even poking fun at that. >> make it all a memory. there you go. >> that's it for us. the 7 on ktvu plus next. so, howard's really in space, huh? mm-hmm, international space station. 250 miles that way. right now, howard's staring down at our planet like a tiny jewish greek god. zeusowitz. sheldon: i must admit, i can't help but feel a twinge of envy. he can look out the window and see the majesty of the universe unfolding before his eyes. his dim, uncomprehending eyes. it's like a cat in an airport carrying case. you know, it's not exactly glamorous up there. the water that the astronauts drink is made from each other's recycled urine. must be nice. nobody wants anything that comes out of me. (sighs): i wonder what he's doing right this very second. mm, conducting experiments in zero gravity.

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